1733 Atlantic Beach Dr new home docs CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING NEW MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXr DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 16-SFR-476 Job Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Description: NEW HOME/ DRIVEWAY Estimated Value: $450,000.00 Issue Date: 3/16/2016 Expiration Date: 9/12/2016 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1733 ATLANTIC BEACH DR RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: RIVERSIDE HOMES OF N FL Address: 414 OLD HARD RD STE 502 MATTHEW ROBERTS Phone: PERMIT INFORMATIOM FEES: ENG REV RESIDENTIAL BLD $100 QO PLAN CHECK FEES $765.00 UTfL REV RESIDENTIAL BLDG $50.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEE $1,530.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE $22.95 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE $22.95 SEWER SDC-SYSTEM DEV CHG $4,050.00 M4 1 6-M�Wr&AMECFWCE$Wq.0%L CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA IENG"CONEFISM CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD X, ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 WATER CROSS CONNECTION $50.00 WATER SDC-SYSTEM DEV CHG $1,140.00 Total Payments: $8,100.90 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. C OF ATLANTIC BEACH 5 C01ZSTRUCTION PERMIT WITHIN CITY RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASEMENTS 800 Seminole Road 904-247-5800 #7, Atlantic Bea&,Florida 32233-�5 Fax 9B4-247-5845 PLEASE SUBMIT(3)COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS WITH APPLICATION. Date ojll5j �t-p ERMT* JobAddress' F�, ED BY TIE CITY Permitee: Qvpxzi JQ— �AlQrc� OC— N. VL-�N(02-- Telephonl Permittee Address: 1,),)-7LP -'b-N Requesting Permission to Construct: Location: (Reference to Cross-Street) 1. Applicant declares that prior to filing this application he has ascertained the local of all existing utilities, both Banal and underground and the accurate locations am shown on the sketches. A Letter of Notification was mailed to the following Utilities/Municipalities: Jacksonville Electric Authority Yes No ( ) Date: Bell South Telephone Company Yes No ( ) Date: Ferrell Gas Yes No Date: Comcast Yes No Date: 2. Whenever necessary for the Construction, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe and efficient operation, afteration or relocation of all,or any portion of said street or easement as determined by the Director of Public Works, any or all of said poles, wires, pipes, Cables or other facilities and appurtenances authorized hereunder, shall be immediately removed from said street or easement or reset or relocated hereon as required by the Director of Public Works, and at the expense of the Permittee unless reimbursement is authorized. 3. All work shall meet City of Atlantic Beach A Florida DV;,rMcf Transportation Standards and be performed under the superKqr� I (Contractors Project Superintendent)located at_ 4.a—kihm A Telephorl 4. All materials and equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Works or his designee. 5. All city property shall be restored to its original condition as far as pradcal, in keeping with city specifications and the manner satisfactory to the city. 6. A sketch of plans covering details of this installation, as well as, a copy of a recent survey shall be made a part of this permit. Calculations showing any increase in impervious area on owner's lot or in the citv Right of Way are to be included with this application. 7, This permittee shall commence actual construction in good faith with 3D days. If the beginning date is more than 60 days from date of permit approval, then permittee must ral the permit with the Director of Public Works to make sum no changes have occurred in the area that would affect the permitted Construction. 8. It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the City's right, title and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the holder, and the Holder will, at all times, assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from and against any and all loss, damage, and cost of expenses arising in any manner of the exercise or attempted exercises by the holder of the aforesaid rights and privileges. 9. The Director of P ic Works shall be notified twenty-four (24) hours prior to starting work and again immediately u Pletio OWNER Signect Data:ca Before in day—of in the County of Duval. State Of Fl.nd.,he.personally appeared �r Notary Public at Large,State of Florida,County of Duval. I ,=LINDSEY M.BISHOP .......... My commission expires: lly Kn Nobly public-Stile at hiuka me Produc kfambfication: C,Mm,skm,FF 946204 Ex"'. 2,21 c an" 40 :0 Comm Eopt ;Jan 19,20 my C R.O.W. Permit Attachment of for R.O.W. Permit#—issued 200 Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Owner's Name: Property Address: Subdivision: Lot#/Block#: R.E.#: REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT THIS REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, issued on this _ day of 200, by Atlantic Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as"CITY"and River-si&—, �WCPIQ3 of Atlantic Beach, Florida,hereinafter referred to as"USER". WITNESSETH: That the CITY does hereby grant the USER permission on a revocable basis as described herein the right to enter upon the property of the City of Atlantic Beach for the purpose as described in the City of Atlantic Beach Right-of-Way/Emement permit numbers noted above(copies attached). This work is generally described as: NR—U) C-CN-5irLkQ;VIC" — ,SF1Z Any facility marmained, re airSd,,,,eree4,. installed in the exercise of the privilege granted uiv, , Y, remains subject t or rernova on 7r%qy3 ) da a notice by CITY to the USER, said notice to USER shall be ivedl%�, r receipt requested, Rowing address: 21 L=Lf-o �6� 8(N W") 0, Jack6cmi 11 of said notice of cancellation haAe United States mail shall constitute the notice of The depositin.41 cancellation and tHe 'ideri is upon USER to keep the CITY informed of USER's proper address. The USER shall promptly make my and all necessary repairs to my facility erected or maintained in the exercise of the privilege herein granted and shall at all times maintain said facility in good and safe condition. In the event it is necessary for the CITY or the City's approved representative or other franchised utility to enter upon the above-described property of the CITY, the USER shall replace at the USER's sole expense, any and all material necessarily displaced during the action of maintaining, repairing, operating, replacing,or adding to of the utilities and facilities of the CITY or franchise utility provider. The facilities allowed by the permit shall meet the current requirements of the City Code, Building Codes,Land Development Code, and all other land use and code requirements of the CITY,including City Code Section 19-7 (h) which states "Driveways that cross sidewalks: City sidewalks my not be replaced with other materials, but must be replaced with smooth concrete left natural in color so that it matches the existing and adjoining sidewalks." Page I of 2 �c # 2015282763, M BIK 17396 Piscle 1406, Nmentser pages; 2, Psecorded 12/14/2015 at 08:07 M, Rcmr�i- E'u...11 MEM CIR(7UIT COURT DW� COMW RzC0MWG $18.50 OFFICE COF P,sponaJi by add racens w: Bmrt R.N.M.,Esire Nualsou&Flown,P.A. 16 10192 San J.Met. Jankaonville,FL 32257 per /P,/ S F N.M.15-0514 Permit Need. TaxFolioNsorhan Slow f. Florida JOB COPY County of. Unrest NOTICE OF COAV4ENCEMENT THIS PLAN MUST BE The undersigned hereby gim notice their imconswent will be made W cards real Property, -04408 SITE FOR Chapter 713,Florida Statefts(owised 10­1-96�the following information is provided in this qosim ofCommenowns, 1. Dessmilmosso0overtr lLat 30,Atlantic Beach Country Club Unit Two,wess, tEA, .9.0 INSPECTION flornatfas recorded in Phat Book 67,Pages 132 throug 13MMePlimmerecoras -fD%1-lCmmt,,Fhohl. Street address: 1733 Atlantic Beemb Driw,,Atlantic Beach FL 32233 2. Go—'Usemildam-flualcownearts; �...bromicat fsi.gl.&.it,dwelling 3. ourner Information, a. N.and Address: fUsesidc,How.mfNmth Florida,hae. 12276 San Jose Bkml�mdj,Suite 120 Junkenovills,Florid.322D b. Interest in propertr. FwSimpl.e c. N notes and address of fee simple fitle holder(ifosther that oowr): 4. Connector ]Zhsceside Heman.1Nonds Florida,Inc, 12276 San low Bookend,Suite 120 Itakamells,Florida 32223 It. Commucton's Phama.marcher 90�503-7055 F.annumbe, 5. Surety: ..Norm and oldrese: It.Phone .bar: c.Amount ofbord: 6. a. 1,ender. Fidelity Bank 7097 Haymeatelows Read E.,Sam,200 J.lmcmvill,Fl.skla32256 b. ILeadnesphounceshm: qW_q,,loW 7. Pa..wifid.the Stclu f Florida designated by Center nFo.who.comes dus-documents ne,be scredi as provided by Eicolion 713.13(l)(a)(7).,Florida Stevens, b. Phone be. fdwiwwd .: 8. In addition to himself,Owner designates,Tworry Simmons ofFidelity Bank 7907 Baymeadows Road,E. Suite 200,Jacksm,,ille,Florida 32256,to re�aive a copy of the Lieser's Notice as piovided in Section 713.13(lXb),Florida Stamen. b. Ph�=m�Of�nmeaUtYdmipatedby0�. 904-996-ION 9. different date is upwified: OR M 17396 P�Z 1407 JOB COPY THIS PLAN MUST BE I R ON JOB SITE FOR EACH=INSPECTION WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE By THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART 1,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR UqpRovFMENTS To YOUR PROPERTY.A B NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE EFORF THE FIRST INSPECITON.IF YOU INMD TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. m E M's N7ORTH RIDA,INC. W� VI.P�d� POST A COPY OF R,;MRUED NOTICE AT joB S,,,, 2015 byCM"h.B.Wd,th�Vi. P-�i�t-f RN�id-�.�f M�Flmd�M,�h�j�P-�lly k..'� 'S MYC..mi.E.pi.. z oz M :5 0 COL cun) lu it OW M JA ASA. FORM R405-2014 JOB COPY 4*@ FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIE %ff*L§%fM@VLW G CONSTRUCTION yi Fagoltirr Florida Department of Business and rofenssiodUggillre-Pid"n ial Performance Method F6006 0 _ Pmjed Name: RIVER-Amastasia I EAC ��VMQW.c Street 1733Atianfic Bea= Lo"'Z> h City,State,Zip: Atlantic Beadr,FL Permit Number owner Budnick Residem. Jurisdirfion: 261100 Design Location: FL,Jacksowille 1, New construction or existing N"(From Plans) 9. Wall Tyipeni sqft.) Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a F me-Wood Dderior R=19.0 2N2.50W b Frrapraa-Wmd�Adjacxant R=13.0 270.00 W 3. Number of unds,if multiple family 1 c.NVA R- IP 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 d.NIA R= 10.Ceiling Types (2313.0 scift) Insulation Are. 5. Is this a worst case? No a Roof Decl,(Unvented) R=22.0 2313.00 IV2 6. Conditioned floor area alba�grade(ft2) 2313 b.NIA Ro ft- Conditioned!floor area below grade(W) 0 c.NIA R= rI 11.Ducts R IF 7. Windows(,155.5 sqF) Description Area a.Sup:Affic,Ret:Attic,AH:Affic 6 462.6 a. U-Factor, Dibl.U=035 455.50 V SHGC: SHGC=0.22 b. U-Facmv: WA fV 12.Coding systems kBtuthr Efficiency SHGC: a.Central Unit 36.0 SEER:14.W c. U-Factor NIA SHGC: 13.Heading systems kBWffir Efficiency d. U-Fackir, NIA ft- a.Electric Heat Pump X0 HSPFB.20 SHGC Area Weighted!Average overhang Depth: 7.M ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0220 14.Hot water systems a.Natural Gas Tarkless Cap:1 gallons 8. Floor Types (2313.0 qftt) Insulation Area EF:0.820 a.Sialb-OinGrade Edge Insulation R=0.0 2313.00 fV In. Conservation features b.NVA R= ri None c.NIA R= V 15.Credits Patel Glass/FloorArea: 0.197 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 60.18 Total Baseline Loads: 60.95 PASS I thereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and *I IJE SrAp, this Iculation bin compliaTwith te Florida Energy specifications covered by thi 0 9,41 ca I i 'a Code. I flysignedbyDaugla,R. calculation indicates connioli.fics S j as S�Iigk,l with the Floncla Energy Code.. PREPARED DN:cn=Dougla,R.stlklda�' Before construction is completed 1C �.00` this building will be inspected for 0 DATE: tickle compliance with Section 553.908 I thereby cartily that this building, as designed, is in cornpliance Florida Statutes. with the Florida Energy Code. lows OWNERIAGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: Jok DATE: DATE: Compliance requires certification by the air handier unit manufacturer that the air handier enclosure qualifies as certified fsctory�ealecl in accordance with R403.2.2.1. Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance Win R402.4.1.1 and an envelope leakage test report in accordance wfth R402.4.1.2. W17/2016 1:03 PM EoergyGaugeB USA-RaRe�014 Section R406.4,1 Compliant Sofwlire Page I of 5 FORM R405-2014 PROJECT Title: RIVER-Ahastasta Custom Bedrooms: 3 Address Type: StraetAddress Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 2313 Lot# 30 Cmmer Buidnick Residence Total Stores: I BlockJSubDivision: Atlantic Bch CC #of Units: 1 Worst Case: No Plafflo& Builder Name: Riwnslde Homes Rotate Angle: 0 Street 1733 Atianfic Beach Dri Pang Office: City of Mango Beach Cross Ventilation County: Durwl Jurisdiction: 261100 Mole House Fan: City,Sale,Zip: Atlantic Beach, Family Type: Single-family Fl- N�Exisflng: Him(From Plans) Comment: CLIMATE ECC Design Temp Int Design Tamp Healing Design DailyTeITIP v Design Location TINY Sits Zone 97.5% Z5% Wmar Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL,Jacluionnille FIL JACKSONVILLE—INT 2 32 93 70 75 1281 49 Medium BLOCKS Number Name Area Volumes Bloctcl 2313 23130 SPACES Number Nam Area Volume, fUtchen Occupants Bedrodams linfil ID Finished cooled Heated I Main 2313 23130 Yes 4 3 1 Yes Yes Yes FLOORS V Floor Type Spam Perimeter R-Value Area Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slal�Gn.Graca,Edge Insulatio Main 2W.3 ft 0 2313fV 0.2 0.8 0 ROOF Roof Gable Roof Solar SA Edditt Emffi Deck Pitch V Type Materials Me Area Color Absor. Tested Tested linsul. (deg) 1 Hip Composition shingles 2587 IF 0 1112 Light 0.45 No 0.9 No 22 26.6 ATTIC v # Type Ventilation Vent Ratio(I in) Area RBS IRCC 1 Full allic Um,ented 0 2313 112 IN N CEILING V a Ceiling Type See. R Value Aree Framing Frao Truss Type I Under Affic,(Ln�entedh Main 0 2313 IF 0.11 Mad V17/2018 1 03 PM EmMyGaugeO USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Softare Page 2 of 6 FORM R405-2014 WALLS V. Adjacent Spam Cast WdM, Height Sheathing Framing Solar Beim F ul,"Type Ah.- r,.d.. I N-�E Extencir Frame-Wood Main 19 18 10 180.0 If 0.23 0.ii1S 0 -2 E=>S Exterior Frame,-Wood Main 19 15 3 10 152.5 ft2 0.23 0.45 0 3 N=>E Fioteftr Frame-Wood Main 19 4 9 10 47.5 IV 0.23 0.45 0 -4 NE=�SE Extenor Frame-Wood Main 19 4 9 10 47.5 IV 0.23 0.45 0 -5 E=>S E,derior Frame-Wood Main 19 4 9 10 47.5 fr 0.23 0.45 0 -6 N=>E Extenor Frame-Wood Main 19 18 9 10 187.5 ft- 0.23 0.45 0 -7 E=>S Exterior Frame-Wood Main 19 33 10 330�O 1112 0.23 0.� 0 -8 SE=>SW Esterior Frame-Wood Main 19 3 6 10 35.0 ft2 On 0.45 0 9 S=-W Edebor Frame-Wood Main 19 6 6 10 65.0 ft2 O.M 0.45 0 10 SW=-N Ddnor Frame-Wood Main 19 3 a 10 35.0 1`12 0.23 DA6 0 11 S=>W Extedor Frame-Wood Main 19 5 6 10 55.0 W 0.23 0.45 0 12 SE=>SW EAenor Frame-Wood Main 19 3 6 10 35.0 ft' 0.23 0.45 0 13 S=>W Exterlor From-Wood Main 19 2 3 10 22.5 ft- 0.23 0.� 0 14 �=>S Ededor From-Wood Main 19 12 9 10 127.5 IF 0.23 0.45 0 15 S=>W Garage From-Wood Main 13 27 10 270.0 it' 0.23 0.01 0 16 �->N Exterior Frame-Wood! Main 19 12 9 10 127.5112 0.23 0.45 0 17 S=�W Doleirio, Frame-Wood Mom 19 1 10 10.0 fr 0.23 13.� 0 18 W=-,N Ddno, Frame-Wood Main 19 58 9 10 587.5 Ir 0.23 0.45 0 DOORS V # Omit DoorType Spam Stowns U-V.I. Width Height Area Ft In Ft In I S=>w Insulated Main None .46 3 8 24 ft2 2 �-�w Insulated Main None .46 3 8 24 1112 WINDOWS Orientation shmn is Me entered orientation(=>)changed to As Built rothuxul 90 decl wall Overhang v if OrM ID Frame, Pames NFRC U-Fadr SHGC Area Depth Separation Ind Shade Screening 1 lhl=�E 1 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes 0.w O.0 49.5 ft- I It 8 in I R 0 in Drapeol,linds None 2 N=>E 3 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes o.w O.M 19.3 ft2 5 ft 4 in 1 It 0 in Drapesil,finds None 3 NE=>SE 4 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes O.M am 19.3 Ir 9 It 8 in 1 ft 0 in Drapesiblinds None 4 E=>S 5 Vinyl L�E Double Yes 0.35 0.22 19.3 W 20 It 4 in 1 It 0 in Drapesiblinds None 5 N=>E 6 Vinyl Low-E Double Yes 0.35 0.22 128.0 ft2 13 It 4 in I ft 0 in Drapasliblinds None 6 E=>S 7 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes 0.w 13�� 33.0 ft- 1 fit 8 in I It 0 in Drapestblinds None 7 SE=,SW 8 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes o.w 0.22 13.8 Ir 3 It 10 in 1 Ift 0 in Drapesiblinds None 8 S->W 9 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes 0.w O.M 27.5 Ir 8 It 8 in 1 R 0 in Drapes/blinds None 9 Sy�->NW10 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes am 0.22 13.8 IV 13 ft 8 In 1 It 0 in Drapes/blinds None 10 S->W 11 Mnyl I-m-E Double Yes O.Zv$ 0.� 16.0 Ir 11 It 2 In 1 ft0in Draipeaulblinds Noss 11 SE=>SW12 Vinyl L�E Double Yes 0.35 0.22 13.8 IF 13 It 8 in I It 0 in Draipesiblinds None 12 E=>S 14 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes O.W 0.22 8.0 Ir I It 8 in 1 It 0 in DrapesItilinds None 13 W-N 16 Vinyl Lins-E Double Yes 0�w 0.22 33.0 T I It 8 in 1 it 0 In Drapestblinds None 14 W=->N 18 Vinyl I-m-E Double Yes 0.w 0.22 16.0 IV I ft 6 In I ft0in DraIpealblinds None 15 W=->N 18 Vinyl Lov,-E Double Yes 0.35 0.22 33.0 P12 1 ft 8 in I It 0 in DraIpesliblinds None 211712016 1:03 Fly EneMyGaugeO USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Comphanit Softare Page 3 of 5 FORM R405-2014 WINDOWS Orientation shoam is the a wall O�erhamg v * 0" ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor SHGC Area Depth Separabon Int Shade Screening 16 W-,N 18 Vinyl L.E Double Yes 0.36 0.22 12.5W than Ift0in Drapeablinals None GARAGE V Floor Area Calling;Area Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg.Mil Height Exposed!Wall Insulation 1 558.9w W 384 ft' 72.8 It loft 1 INFILTRATION # Saoipe Method SLA CFM 50 El-A Eql-A ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse ProlposaIACH(50) .01)0318 1927.5 105,82 1% .2� 5 HEATING SYSTEM V # System Type Sub" Effluency Capacity B1.rk D=s I Electric Heat Pump Now HSPF:8.2 36 kBUhr i systil COOLING SYSTEM V # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Air Him SHR Block um I Central Unit split SEER 14 W kBWfhr 1080 chm 0.75 1 sys#1 HOT WATER SYSTEM V # System Type SubType Location EF Cap Use Seltpnt Conse�afirn I NWunal Gas Tankless E,der. 0.82 1 gal 60 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM V FSEC Collector Storage Cent # Company Name System Model 0 CollectorModel# Area Volume FEF None None ft2 DUCTS supply-- —Retten— Aft, CFM 25 CFM25 RVAC# v # Location R.Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handier TOT OUT ON RU Heat Coal — 1 Atha 6 462.6 ft Affic 115.65 Default Leakage Attic (Defaulo pefauft) V1712016 1:03 PM EnergyGaugeO USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 FORM R405-2014 TEMPERATURES Progragrable Thermostat Y Ceiling Fans Cc ling Jan Feb Mar Apr I IMa, Sep Oct Nos, Doc ad a ay Sep Oct Nov Deor ng M S l ning Jan Feb Join ri Jul ri Aug n ep Oct car Doc He Jan Feb M Vr M on ug Vag may n jon Jul Aug Thermostat Schedule: HER52"Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 cooling(M) AM 78 7' 78 78 78 78 78 7' 80 80 870 8708 PM 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 8 Cooling(VIEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 PM 78 78 78 78 78 76 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heading(WID) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 613 68 68 PM 68 68 68 6B 68 68 68 68 68 68 w 66 Heading(VVEH) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 6, 68 6, 68 661 66 2/17a016 1:03 PM EnergyGauge&USA-Flagesi Section R405.4.1 Compliant Soffivare Page 5 of 5 FORM R405-2014 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 99 The lower the EnergyPerformance Index,the mom efficient the home. 1733 Atlantic Beach Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL, I. New construx,tion or misting �(From Plans) 9. Wall Types Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a Franne-MIA,Exterior R=19.0 2092.50ft2 b.Franne-Wood.Adjacent R=13.0 270.00 W 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c.NIA R= ff! 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 d.WA R- fti 5. 1.this. ,at casel No 10.Calling Types Insulation Aree a Roof�(Ummmed) R=22.0 2313.W 11' & Condfitoned floor area Ift2) 2313 b.N/A R= W 7. WndoW- Description Area c.NIA R= ft2 a. U-Fador: DWI,U=0.36 4 11 Ducts R W SHGC SHGC=0.22 55.50 W a.Sup:Affic Ret:Attic,AH:Affic 6 462.6 b. U-Faclor. WA fV SHGC: 12.Cooling systems kBtuMr Efficiency c. U-Factor NVA fI2 a.Central Unit 36.0 SEER 14.00 SHGC- d. U-Fador. NIA 13.Heating systems klituffir Efficiency SHGC: a.Electric Heat Pump 36.0 HSPF B.20 Area Weiginted!Awrage Cnmrhang Depth: 7.773 ft. Area Weighted!Average SHGC: 0.220 8. Floor Types Insulation Area 14.Hot arater systems Cap:1 gallons; a.Slalb-On,Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 2313.00 ft2 a.Natural Gas EF:0,82 b.IWA R= f? lo. Conservation features c.NVA R- fP None 15.cmdfle pawl I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building E ST4 Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed(or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EIPL Display Card will be Completed based on installed C Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: mis pilr-WI %t&Lk) W. Cily1FLZip c- we *Note This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70,your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage(EEM)incentives if you obtain a Florida EnergyGauge Rating. Contact the EnergyGauge Hotline at(321) 638-1492 or sea the EnergyGauge web site at energygauge.com for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Flonda Building Commission's support staff. **Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. WM016 1 03 PIA EnergyGaugeZ,USA-FIaRes2014 -Section R405A.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of I FORM R405-2014 Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations Residential Whole Building Performance and Prescriptive Methods ADDRESS: 17M Atlantic Beach D wie Permit Number: Atlantic Beach,FL, I MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS See individual code sections for full details. * 401.3 Enargy performance Level(EPL)display card(Mandatory). The building official shal require that an energy performance eval(EPL) display coup be completed and comified!by the builder to be accurate and correct before final approval of the building for occupancy.Florida law [Section 563.9086,Florida Statues]requires the EPL display card to be induced as an addendum to each sales contract for both Frantic!and mmipmaiDid residential buildings.The EPL display card contains information indicating the energy performance larval and efficiencies of components installed in a dwelling unit.The building officral shall verify that the EPL display card completed and signed by the builder accurately reflects the plans and specifications submitted to demonstrate compliance for the building.A copy of the EPL display card can be found in Alopendfix C. * 1102.4AIrleallurgefillandistory). The building thermal envelope shall be constructed to limit at leakage in accomancewith the requirements of Sections R402.1 through R402.4.4. 0 Fli Building thermal envelope. The building thermal emolope shall comply with Sections R402.4.1.1 and RQ2.4.1.2.The sealing methods between dissimilar materials shall allow for diff inertial expansion and contraction. 11, Installation. The components of the building thermal envelope as listed in Table R402.4.1.1 shall toe instated in accordance with the manufacharer's instructions and the coterie listed in Table 402.4.1.1,as applicable to the method of construction. Where required by the code official,an approved third patty shall inspect all components and veri ly compliance. 11402.4.11.21hearting. The building oroweling unit shall be tested and veri as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 5 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 1 shall 2,and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through S.Testing shall be conducted with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w.g.(50 Paxi Where required by the code official,leading shall be conducted by an approved third party.A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provdi to the code official.Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. During testing: 1.Exterior windows and doom,fireplace and stove doom shall be closed,but not sealed,beyond the intended weatherstripping or other infiltration control measures; 2.Dampent Including exhaust,intake,makeup air, backdraft and flue dampers shall be Closed,but not sealed beyond intended infiltration Control measure.; 3.Interior doom,if installed at the time of the test,shall be open; 4.Etfinfor doom to,continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery ventilators shall be Closed and sealed; 5.Heating and cooling systems,it installed at the time of me test,shall firs turned off;and 6.Supply and return registers,if installed at the Ime of the test,shall be fully open. • R402.4.2 Fireplaoses. New wood-burning fireplaces shall have tight-finfing flue dampers and outdoor combustion alt. • Fli Fenestration air leakage.Windows,skylights and sliding glass doom shall have an air infiltration rate of no move than 0.3 chin par square foot(1.5 luiliffini and swinging doom no more than 0.5 cfm per square foot(2.6 Usi Men tested according to NFRC 400 or AAIAA/WDMA/CSA 101YI.S.2/A"D by an accredited,independent laboratory and listed and labeled by Me manufiactum� Exce,pillon: Sifte-builtwivicers,skylights and doors. • lifilo2AAReannesed lighting. Recessed luminaires installed in the building thermal envelope shall be sealed to limit air leakage between conditioned and unconditioned spaces.All recessed!luminaires shall be IC-rated!and labeled as harying an air leakage rate not mom than 2.0 cfinn(0.9"Us)when tested in accordance with ASTM E 2K at a 1.57 par(75 Pal pressure differential,All recessed! luminaires shall ton,sealed with a gasket or caulk between the housing and the interior wall at coding covering. • Ri Thermostat provision(Mandatory). At least one thermostat shall W provided far each separate heating and cooling system. • RM3.1.3 Heat pump supplementarry heat(Mandatory). Heat pump having supplementary afectric,resartance heat shall have controls that,except during defrost,prevent supplemental heat operator when the heat pump compressor can meet the heating load. • R,103.2.2 Sealing(Mandisfini ducts,air handlem,and filter boxes and building cavities that form the pri mary air containment passageways for air distribution systems shall be considered di and plenum chambers,shall be constructed and sealed in accordance with Section C403.2.7.2 of me Commercial Provision.of this code and shall be shown to meet duct tightness orbits by post-construction or roughmm testing below. owl tightness shall the vented by testing to Section 803 of the RESNET Stancluds by either an energy rotor certified in accordance with Section 553.99,Florda Statutes,or as authorized by Florida Statutes,to N"substantially leak free'by either of the following: 1. Post-construction test:Total leakage shall W less than or equal to 4 cfm(113 Umin)per 1 N square feat(9.29 m2)of conditioned floor area when tested at a pressure differential of 0.1 Inches w.g.(25 Pal across the entins system,Including the manufacturers air handier enclosure.All register boots shall so Umad or otherwise Sealed cluning the test. 2. Rough-in test:Total leakage shall be less than or equal to 4 cf.(113 Urnim per 100 square feet(9.29 m2)of conditioned floor area when tested at a pressure diff enimbal of 0.1 Inches..g.(25Pa)across the system,including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure.All registers shall he taped!or whername sealed during the test.If the alt handler Is not installed at the time of the test,total leakage shall be less than or equal to 3 cim S5 Umn)per 100 square feet(9.29 m2)of conditioned floor area. Exceptions: 1. The total leakage test is not required for ducts and air handlers located entirely within the Wilding amelope. 2. Duct testing is not mandatory for buildings Complying by Section Ri of this code. 2117=16 1 03 PM EnergyGauge*USA-Flanei -SeGi 9405.4.1 Count Page 1 of 3 FORM R405-2014 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) 0 R403.22.1 Sealed air handier. Air handlers shall have a manufacturer's designation for an air leakage of no more than 2 percent of the design air flow rate when tested in accordance with ASHHAE 193. 0 R403.2.3 Building Cavities(Mandatory). Building framing cavities shall not the used as duets or plenums. 0 R403.3 Mechanical system piping insulation(Morrachitory). Mechanical system piping capable of carrying fluids above 105T(41 or below 55�H3�0)shall be insulated to a minimum of R-3., 0 R03.3.1 Protection of piping Insulation. Piping insulation exposed to mother shall be protected from damage,including that caused by sunlight,moisture,equipment maintenance,and wind,and shall provide shielding from solar radiation that can muse degradabon of the material.Adhesive tape shall not ber permitted. 0 11403.4.1 Circulating hot water systems(Mandatory). Circulating hot water systems shall be provided with an automatic or readily accessible manual switch that can turn off the hot-water circulating pump when the system is not in use. 0 1�1.3 Heat traps(Mandatory). Storage water heaters not equipped with integral heat traps and having vertical pipe risers shall have heat trap installed on both the inlets and outlets.External heat traps shall consist of either a commercially available heat trap or a downward and upward bond of at joint 3 1h inches(89 orl in the hot water distribution line and cold water line located as close as peasible to the storage tank. 0 13403.4.4 Water heater efficiencies(Mandatory). Water heater efficiencies 0 11403.4.4.1 Storage water heater temperature controls R403. Airtioneatic controls. Service water heating systems shall be equipped Win automatic temperature controls capable of adjustment from the lowest to the highest acceptable temperature outings for the intended use.The minimum temperature setting range shall be from 1 OOT to 140�(38-0 to 6M). pull Shut down. A separate switch or a clearly marked circuit breaker shall be provided to permit the power supplied to electric service systems to be turned off.A separate valve shall be provided to permit Me energy supplied to the main bumi of combustion tribes of service water heating systems to be turned off. 111401 Water heating equipmard. Water heating equipment installed In residential units shall meet the minimum efficiencies of Table C404.2 in Chapter 4 of the Florida Building Code,Energy Conservation,Commercial Previsions,for the type of equipment installed. Equipment used to provide heating functions as part of a combination system shall satisfy all stated reclurentents for the appropriate sister heating category. Solar water heaters shall mot the criteria Section R40i 11401 Solar viner heating systems. Solar systems for domestic hot water production are rated!by the annual solar energy factor of the system.The solar energy factor of a system shall be determined from the FlDrida Solar Energy Center Directory of Cerfified Solar Systems,Solar collectors shall N tested in actibordance with ISO Standard 9N6,Test Methods for Solar Collectors, and SHCG Standard TM-1,Solar Domestic Hot Water System and Component Test PMtOCDI,Collection in installed solar water heating systems should meet the following criteria: 1. Be installed Win atilt single between 10 dagran and 40 degrees of the horizontal and 2. Be installed atan d.moul.nwil degrees oferne south. ROM Mechanical ventilation(Mandatory). The building shall be provided with ventilation that meelas the requirements of the Florida Building Code,Residential or Florida Building Code,Mechanical,as applicable,or Win other approved means of ventilation. Outdoor air intakes and mfliffausto shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the verifflabon system is not operating. 0 RQ3.5.1 Whole,house mechanical ventilation system Ion eff Imi Mechanical ventilation system fans shall meet the off caby requirements of Table R403.5.1. Exception;Where mechanical ventilation fans are integral to tested and listed HVAC equipment,they shall be powered by an electronically commucated motor. 0 RM3.5.2 Ventilordon air. Residential buildings designed to the operated at a positive indoor pressure or for mechanical ventilation shall meet the following criteria: 1. The design air change per hour minimums for residential buildings in ASHRAE S2,Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, shall be the maximmurn miss allowed for residential applications. 2. No ventilation or ain�ondifionrxl system make air shall be prowded to conditioned space from attics,crawdspaces,attached closed garages or outdoor spaces adjacent to swimming pools or spas. 3. If ventilation or Is drawn from enclosed spacei then the walls of the spai foom which air is draven shall be insulated to a minimum of R-1 1 and the ceiling shall W insulated to a minimum or R-1 9,space permitting,or R-1 0.1horwim. Ri Hearing and cooling eatuipirriont(Mandatory). The following sections are mandatory fat cooling and heating equipment. 0 R4103.6.1 Equipment sizing. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual S band on the equipment loads calculated in accordance with ACCA Manual J or other approved hading and cooling calculation oreffecologies, based on bulking loads to,the direacti.nall orientation of the building.The manufacturer and model number of Me outdoor and indoor units(if split system)shall the submiff W along with the sensitho and total cooling capacifies at the design conditions deactiload in Section R302.1.This code does not allow designer safety factors,previsions for future expansion or other factors which affect equipment sizing.System sizing calculations shall not include loads created by local intermittent mechanical verifflaton such as standard kitchen and bathroom exhaust systems. R403.6.1.1 Coding equipment capacity. Cooling only equipment shaff be selected so that its total capacity is not Ins than the calculated total load,but not more than 1.15 times greater than the tictal load calculated according to the procedure selected in Section 403.6,or the closest available size provided by the manufacturer's product lines.The corresponding latent capacity of the equipment shall not be Ins than the calculated latent load. V1 M01 6 1 03 PM EnergyGaugelf USA-Flalios2014 -Section Rl Coon Page 2 of 3 I FORM R405-2014 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) • R403.6.1.1 Cooling equipment capacity.(cmiritinued) The published value for AHRI total capacity Is a nominal,raffing-terst value and shall not be used for equipment sizing.Manufacture a expanded performance data shall be used to select cooling-only equipment.This selection shall be used to select coohni equipment.This selecton shall be bassid!on the outdoor clesign dry bulb temperature for the load calculation(or entering"ter temperature for water-sounce equipment),the blower ofm provided by the expanded performance data, the design value for entering wet bulb temperature and the design value for entering dry bulb temperature. Design values for entering wet bulb and dry bulb temperature shall be for the indoor dry bulb and relative humidity used for the load calculation and shall as adjusted for return side gains if the return duct(s)is installed in an uncondiffioned space. Exceptions: 1. Attached single-and multi-family residential equipment sizing may be selected so that Its cooling capacity is less than the calculated total sansible load but not less than W percent of that load, 2. When signed and sealed by a Flonda-registared enginess,in attached single,and multi-fannily units,the capacity of equipment may be sized in accordance with good design prai • R403.6.1.2 Heating equipment capacity 11, Heat pumps. Heat pumps sizing shall be based on the adding requirements as calculated according to Seffion R403.6.1.1 and the heat pump total cooling capacity shall not N mom than 1.15 times greater than the design cooling load. R03.&I.2.2 Electric resistance furnaces. Electric resistance furnaces shall be tamed within 4 kW of the design requirements,calculated according to the procedure selected in Section R403.6.1. 111,103.61 Fossil fuel heating equipment. The capacity of fossil fuel heating equipment with natural draft atmospheric Wmem shall not be less than the design load calculated in accordance with Section R403.6.1. • 11,103.6,13 Extra capacity required fair special occasions. Residences requiring excess,cooling or heffing equipment capai on an intermittent basis,such as anticipated addhonal loads caused by major entertainment wants,shall have equipment sil or controlled to prevent continuous space cooling or heating within that space by one or mom of the following options: 1. A separate cooling or heating system is utilized to provide cooling or hinsfirp to me major entertainment areas 2. A variable capacity system sized for ommum performance during base load perods is utilized. 0 R403.7 Systems serving multiple dwelling units(Mandatory). Systems serving multiple dwelling units shall comply with Sections C403 and C404 of the Commercial Provisions in lieu of Section R403. • F140311 Show melt system controls(Mandatory). Show and ce�rrrmftmg systems,supplied through energy novice to the buikling,shall include automatic contrals capable of shutting off the system when the pavement temperature is above 55�,and no preciptation is failing and an automatic or manual control that will allow shutoff when the outdoor temperature is some 40". • Ill Swimming pools,Inground spas and portable spas(Mandatory). The energy requirements for residential pools and inground spas shall be as specified in Sections R403.9.1 through 11�3.9.3 and in accordance with ANSVAPSP-1 S.The energy requirements for portable spas shall e in accordance with ANSI/APSP-14. 0 R403.9.11 Pool and spa heaters. All pool heaters shall be equipped with a readily accessible on-off switch that is mounted outside the heater to allow shutting off the heater without adjusting the thermostat saffing. Fulfil this and oll-fireal pool and spa heaters. All gas-and oi pool and simae heaters shall have a minimum thermal eff iciency of 82"room for heaters manufactured an or after April 16,ZD13 when tested in accordance with ANSI Z 21.56. Pool heaters fired by natural gas or LP gas shall not have cordinuously burning pilot light. R403.9.1.2 hear pump pool heaters. Heat pump pool heaters shall have a minimum GOP at 4.0 when tested in accordance with AHRI 1160,Table 2,Standard Rating Conditions-Low Air Temperature.A test report train an independent laboratory is required to verify procedure compliance.Geothermal swimming pool heat pump are not required to meet this standard. 0 11403.9.2 Time switches. Time switches or other corral method that can automatically turn off and on heaters and pumps according to a praised schreakile shall be installed on all heaters and pumps.Heaters,pumps and moldre that have built in Where shall be deemed in compliance with this equipment. Exceptions: 1. Where public health standards require 24-houf pump operations. 2. Where pumps are required to operate solar-and wasta-heat-recovary Pool heating systems. 3. Where pumps are powened exclusively from on-site renewable generation. 0 RIPHY3.9.3lCovers. Heated swimming pools and ingmund permanently installed spas shall be equipped with a vapor-retardant cover on or at the water surface or a liquid cover or other means proven to reduce heat loss. Exception; Outdoor pools coming over 70 percent of the energy for heating from tille-recovered energy,such as a heat pump or solar energy source computed over an operating season. a 11111404.1 Lighting equipment(Mandatiory). A minimum of 75 percent of me lamps In permanently installed lighting fixtures shall be high�fficacy lamps or a minimum of 75 percent of permanently installed lighting maures shall contain only high efficacy lamps. Exception: Low-voltage lighting shall not be required to utilize high-efficacy lamps. 0 R404.1.1 Lighting equipment(Mandatory). Fuel gas lighting systems shall not have continuously burning pilot lights 0 �.2 Performance ONLY. All ducts not offirely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated!to a minimum of R�. o 111,1105.2.1 Performance ONLY. Ceilings shall have minimum insulation of R-19.Where single assemby of the exposed deck and beam"or concrete drink more do not have suffiCent space,R-1 0 is allowed. 2/17/20161:03 PIM Energy3augelis USA-FlaRes21 -Section Ri Com Page 3 of 3 FORM R405-2014 TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: RIVER-Anastasia Custom BulderName Rivernedefromes Street 1733 Audi Beach Drive Permit0fice: City ofAllanticEssich City,State Dip: Atlantic Beach,Fl-, Pernot Number Owner Budnick Residencis Jurisdiction 261100 Design Loci FL,Jacksonville COMPONENT CRITERIA CHECK Air barrier and thermal barrier A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Exterior theme[envelope contains a continuous barner. Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. Air-permeable insulation shall not be used as a sealing material. Ceilinglattic The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with the insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. Access openings,drop down stains or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Comers and headers shall be insulated and the junction of the foundation Walls and sill plate shall be sealed. The junction of the top plate and the top or exterior walls shall be sealed. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Knee walls shall be sealed. Windows, skylights and doom The space between window/door jambs and framing and skylights and framing shall be sealed. V Rim diets Rim joists am insulated and include an air barrier. Floom (including above-garage Insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent contact with underside and cantilewined floors) of sulpfloor decking. The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of insulation. Crawl space walls V*em provided in lieu of floor insulation, insulation shall be permanently attached to the crai walls. Exposed earth in unveented crawl spaces shall be covered with a Claw I vapor retarder with owriapping joints taped. Shafts, penetrations Duct shafts, utility penetrations,and flue shaft openings to exterior or unconditioned spew shall be sealed. Narrow cavities Batts in narrow,cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spews. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spaces Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope shall be air tight IC rated, and sealed to the drywall. V Plumbing and wiring Balt insulation shall be out neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls, or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available vl� space shall extend behind piping and wiring. Shower/tub on exteriorwall Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be insulated and the air barrier installed separating them from the showers and tubs. Electrical box on The air banner shall be installed behind electrical or communication boxes or air sealed boxes shall be installed. V HVAC register boots register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be 1 =to the sub-floor or drywall. Fireplace An air barrier shall be installed on fireplace,walls. Fireplaces shall have I gaskeled doom V/ �171101 6 1 N1 PM EnargyGaugeO USA-FlaRes2014 Section R,ir)5.4.1 Compliant Software Page I of 1 Manual S Compliance Report Job: RIVER-Anastasis Custom Dat.: OV17116 Entire House By: DRS A/C Masters HVAC, Inc. 445 Tmsca Rood.EWfte 0204,J.k.�,FL=58 Phon.:�M-8095 Fox�722 N44 Project Information For: Riverside Homes Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB, 93.0'F Sensible gain: 25192 Btuh Entering coil DB: 79.8*F Outdoor design WB 77.0*F Latent gain: 7537 Btuh Entening coil WB: 65.8*F Indoor design DB: 75.0'F Total gain: 32729 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimatedairnow: 1100 afm Manufacturer's Performance Data atActual Design Conditions Equipmenttype: SplitASHP Manufacturer: Carrier Model: CH14NBO360000A+FB4CNP036L Actual airflow: 1100 Ginn Sensible capacity: 22820 Btuh 91%of load Latent Capacity: 7320 Btuh 97%of load Total capacity: 30140 Btuh 92% of load SHR: 76% Heating Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design OB: 32.0'F Heat loss: 40156 Stun Entering coil DB: 64,0*F Indoor design DB 70.0'F Manufacturees Perfomnance,Data atActual Design Conditions Equipmentlype: SpIRASHP Manufacturer: Carrier Model CH14NBO360000A,FB4CNP036L Actual airflow: 1100 dim Output Capacity: 33000 Stub 82% of load Capacity balance: 37 *F Supplemental heat required: 7156 Btuh Economic balance-99 *F Backup equipment type: Elec strip Manufacturer: Model Actual airflow: 1100 cfm Output capacity: 12.5 IkW 106%of load Temp. rise: 51 *F The above equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. 2016-F�17 12 54:41 + wrightsoft* C.ftPUWW"Wi9hhW115oMRSU1U56 Pop I IC&G�R�,Ode Homes�T�NTIC BEACH CCVBCC30-E.� Gaic-W8 FWt U�fwft: W Project Summary Joh: RIVER-Arrastasta Custom Date: 02/17116 Entire House DRS A/C Masters HVAC, Inc. 445 Tresca Read,Suite K04 Jackscumflue FL 322M Phone SO4 722 S�5 Fai 90�722 8u44 Project Information For. Riverside Homes Notes: Lot 30,Atlantic Beach Country Club Budnick Residence Design Information Weather: Jacksonville, Int'l Airport, FL, US Winter Design Conditions SummerDesign Conditions Outside db 32 *F Outside d1b 93 *F Inside db 70 `F Inside db 75 *F Design TO 38 `F Design TD 18 'F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 50 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 26814 Btuh Structure 13431 Btuh Ducts 7709 Btuh Ducts 9092 Btuh Central vent(135 cfrn) 5634 Btuh Central vent(135 cfm) 2669 Btuh Humidification 0 Stun Blower 0 Stun Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 40156 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Ratelswing multiplier 1.00 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 25192 Stun Method Detailed Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Shielding 3 (partial) Stories I Structure 600 Btuh Ducts 2354 Btuh Fleatin Coolin Central vent(135 cm) 4583 Btuh Area (ft. 23 1 1 2311 Equipment latent load 7537 Btuh �flti) 23130 23130 Air chan es/hour 0 0 Equiptrient total load 32729 Btuh Equiv.W(cfm) 0 0 Req otal capacity at 0.74 SHR 2.8 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Carrier Make Carrier Trade 14 SEER PURON HP Trade 14 SEER PURON HP Model CH14NBO360000A Cord CH14NBO360000A AHRI ref 8068612 coil FB4CNP036L AHRI ref 8068612 Efficiency 8.2 HSPF Efficiency 11.7 EER, 14 SEER Heating input Sensible Cooling 24420 Btuh Heating output 33800 Btuh @ 47*F Latent cooling 8580 Stun Temperature rise 28 `F Total Cooling 33000 Bluth Actual air flow 1100 elm Actual air flow 1100 Cfm Air flow factor 0.032 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.049 CWBtuh Static pressure 0 in H20 Static pressure 0 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.77 Calculations approved by ACCA to met all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. VArilgillrblai Commet livulifter h,Veightsed 15.0M RWIMM 201 12 st 41 P...I G�R�ideH=es�T�TICB�CHCC�C�E,mp Calc-WS FrentDoeirfai W Right-JO Worksheet Job: RIVER-Alastasle Custom Date: OV17116 Entire House By: DRS A/C Masten; HVAC, Inc. 904�71?-RQQS FaxOGCM� 1 Room nons, Entire House Whole 11.�. 2 Exposed mil 236.3 ft 236.3 ft 3 Room height ID'D ft 10.0 ft h..U..l 4 Room dimensons 2313.0 x 1.0 fi, 5 Room area 2313.0 W 2313.0 W TY C.natru"dw 0, HTNI Ares (" Load Area nin Load number (Btuh�q (Btuh/M or oerimeter (R) (Enter) or perimeter (it) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gro.. WPIS Heat Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Cool 6 T� 13 211-0aa 0 068 n 2.58 1A6 415 218 563 310 41S 218 563 319 A�.v 0.350 n 13.30 8.96 197 0 2620 1765 197 D 262D 1765 %t_u12E�. ,", no 2a 146 49 29 75 42 48 29 75 42 3A-2o� 0.350 no 13.30 9.56 19 0 253 182 19 0 253 182 11 %t� I 2E-0. 0.068 a 1.36 1.46 65B 598 813 874 658 598 813 $74 3A�ov 0,350 a 7.00 9.38 so 49 420 563 60 24 420 663 12E�ae 0.085 2.58 1.46 70 42 109 61 70 42 toe 61 3A-2ov 0,360 13.30 2,44 28 47 372 68 28 24 372 68 121E-0. 0.068 2.58 1.48 153 85 220 124 153 85 220 124 3AQov 0.350 a 13.30 0.96 44 so 585 42 44 44 585 42 Ti:t iliD 0.600 . 22.BO 18.38 24 24 547 441 24 24 647 441 12E-0. 0,068 2.58 1.46 35 21 54 31 35 21 54 31 3A-20V 0.350 13.30 2.44 14 24 186 34 14 12 185 34 12E4. 0.068 2.58 1.46 715 620 1602 906 115 820 1602 206 3A-2ov 0.350 13.30 9,3B 95 77 1284 891 95 39 1264 Bel 12". 0.091 3.46 1.43 270 246 851 351 270 246 851 351 1 DO 0.390 14.82 11,93 24 24 355 286 24 24 356 286 p IOX19-19ad 0.049 1.07 0.79 29 29 31 23 29 29 31 23 C 1 BX31)-Oad 0.408 1.60 1.12 2313 2313 3699 2580 2313 2313 3B99 25aO F 22A4ph 1.358 n 51.50 0.00 2313 238 12194 0 2313 236 12194 0 6 AED...n 1056 1056 Emarlope lassfgain 28814 1DO41 26814 10641 12 a) Maranon 0 0 0 0 b) Roomventilabon 0 0 0 0 13 internal lm,r� Octuparts @ 230 3 690 3 890 Applionoesmther 2100 2100 Subtotal Ofines 6 W 13) 26814 13431 26814 13431 Lee. bad 0 0 0 Lerafterunfier 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 B4, S stood 245814 13431 2717%.41 1.34 1 Kd bods 1 29%1 68%1 1 1 Total mom bad 346221 225231 1 1 �41 n Air requirad(cord 1100 1100 1221 22B2��j Calculations aDDroved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -Fj*--lghlbwoll� C.f�S.Ild�WWdghtsdtl5.0.22RWI32M 2016�61,17 12 54 41 Att.G�R�mideH=es�T�NTICB�CHCCWCC�.W Cal-NUS FmntDu,rfs,&eW Page I Building Analysis Job: RAVER-Arembsia Custom Date: 02117116 Entire House By: ORB A/C Masters HVAC, Inc. W Trelera Road,Sufte 112N,JeckewAe.Fl-K2W P�re,�M-K95 Fro,�M� Project Information For: Riverside Homes Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Jacksonville, Int'l Airport, FL, US Indoor temperature ('F) 70 75 Elevation: 30 It Design TO (*F) 38 18 Latitude: 31*N Relative humidity 1% 30 so Outdoor: Heating Coctling Moisture difference �grfllb) 11.5 50.0 Dry bulb ('F) 32 93 Infiltration: Daily range �'F) - 18 (M Method Detailed - 77 Shielding 3 (partial) Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Stories Component Btuh/ft- Btuh %of load Walls 2.3 4318 10.8 Glazing 12.5 5700 14.2 Doors 18.8 903 2.2 Ceilings 1.6 3699 9.2 Floors 5.3 12194 30.4 Infiltration 0 0 0 Ducts 7709 19.2 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 5634 14.0 Adjustments 0 I Tot., 1 1 401561 1010.01 Component BtuhfW Btuh % of load Walls 1.4 2733 10.8 Glazing 10.1 4602 18.3 Doors 15.1 727 2.9 Ceilings 1.1 2580 10.2 Floors 0 0 0 Infiltration 0 0 0 Ducts 9092 36.1 Ventilation 2669 10.6 Internal gains 2790 11.1 Blower 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 261921 100.0 Latent Cooling Load 7537 Btuh Overall U-value= 0.225 Btuh/ft--*F Data entries checked. '&+ wrIghts471l Cordell Builder erWnsiftrift 115AU RSUlK56 2016-Feti-1712:51Q Pill I G.ai�ude HomesWIANTIC WEidCH CC�BCC3C,E.Wp call-WS Frand Beer ft— W V(D M 1 Ella r� I I R Dar K—D IN 1 7L-�-T7- ICC EVALUATION 4�-_S SERVICE Most Widely Accepted and Trusted [CC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3375 Reissued August 2014 This report is subject to renewal August 2016. wnfinfir.1cc,es.org 1 (800)423-6587 1 (562)69"543 A Subsidiary of the Interriational Code Counct"' DIVISION:07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE pcf. The insulation's liquid components am supplied in PROTECTION nominally 55-gallon drums, labeled as 'A' component or Section:07 21 00—Thermal Insulation "B" component. The insulation components haw a shelf life of six months when stored in unopened containers at REPORT HOLDER: temperatures between 70'1'(21*C)and 90*F(32*C). SESFOAM IT! 0 --1 3.2 Surface-burning Characteristics: 4008 LOUIETTA ROAD #538 > Z Ciew At a maximum thickness of 4 inches (102 mm) and a SPRING,TE)(AS 7738i4406 0 0 nominal density of 0.5 pcf, the insulation has a flanne, (713)239-0262 C_ spread index of 25 or less and a smoke-developed index of wriwilansfoam.com 0 450 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. EVALUATION SUBJECT: Thicknesses; of up to 111/2 inches (292 mm) for wall z 0 cavities and calling cavities are recognized based on room U) comer fire testing in accordance with NFPA 286, when BE$FOAM 0.5 lb SPRAY:SPRA 1, LL% the insulation is covered with a minimum '/2-inch-thick POLYURETHANE FOAM PLA T 09 0 (12.7 mm) gypsum board installed in accordance with the 0 M (n applicable code. 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE —4 ain eaq 3.3 Thermal Resistance(R-values): Compliance with the following ..05: 0 The insulation has thermal resistance(Xvialues)at a mean 0 2012 and 2009 International B Co temperature of 75*F(24*C)as shown in Table 1. 111 2012 and 2009 International 3.4 Air Permeability: * 2012 and 2009 Intematiorial Energy Covservertion The insulation, at a minimum thickness of 3 inches Code(IECC) (76 mm), is considered air-impermeable in accordance * Other Codes(see Section 8.0) with IRC Section R202, based on testing in acx;ordance, with ASTM E283. Properties evaluated: 4.0 INSTALLATION • Surface-burning characteristics 4.1 General: • Physical properties SES Foam 0.5 lb spray insulation must be installed in 11 Thermal resistance(R-values) accordance with the manufacturers published installation 0 Attic and crawl space installation instructions and this report. A copy of the manufacturers 11 Air permeability published installation instructions must be available at all times on the jobsite during installation. 2.0 USES 4.2 Application: SES Foam 0.5 lb spray polyurethane foam plastic The insulation is spray-applied at the jobsite using a insulation is used as a nonstructural thermal insulating volunni positive displacement pump as identified in the material in buildings of Type V-B (IBC)constmction, and in SES Foam 0.5 lb spray application manual.The insulation dwellings built under the IRC. The insulation is for use in components must be stored at temperatures between wall cavifies and floor/celifing assemblies, and in antics and 70'F (21'C) and 90'F (32'C) for several days before crawl spaces when installed as described in Section 4.4. application. The insulation must not be used in areas Under the IRC, the insulation may be used as air- that he" maximum in-service temperatures greater than impermeable insulation when installed as described in 180'F (82*C). The insulation must not be used in Section 3 4, electrical oullet or junction boxes or in contact with water 3.0 DESCRIPTION (e.g., min, condensation, ce, snow) or soil. The substrate 3.1 General: must be fee of moisture,frost or ce,loose scales, rust,oil, grease or other surface contaminants. The insulation can SES Foam 0.5 lb spray foam insulation is a two- be installed in one paw to the maximurn thickness. The component,open call,one-to-one-by-volume spray-applied spray-applied foam insulation must be protected from polyurethigne foam system with a nominal density of 0.5 weather during and after installation. 1CC-ESEml—t..Reerftam iee 0 he e—emedcu Mmsenbagaeeheues be�,d recomenenefia—f—is—There byfiCh7E-h&xvn Se—,,�.are......h,4- E ­ehar�r�thh,Merl.o,"boanyp�cs cew,eey eW�n. gb=_ CoWghtC2014 Page 1&3 ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 3 4.3 Thermal Barrier: 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE S�S Foam 0.5 ith spray insulation must be separated from The SES Foam 0.5 lb spray polyurethane foam plastic the interior of the building by an approved thermal bamer insulation described in this report complies with, or is a of %-inch-thick (12.7 mm) gypsum wallboard or an suitable alternative to what is specified in, those codes equivalent 15-minute themnal barrier complying with, and listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following installed in accordance with, IBC Section 2603.4 or IRC conditions* Section R316.4, as applicable. Within an attic or crawl 5.1 The insulation must be installed in accordance with space,installation must be in accordance with Section 4.4. the manufacturers published installation instructions, 4.4 Attics and Crawl Spaces: this evaluation report and the applicable code. If them am any conflicts between the manufacturers 4.4.1 Application with a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: published installation instructions and this report, this When SES Foam 0.5 Ith spray is installed within attics and report governs. crawl spaces, where entry is made only for service of 5.2 The insulation must be separated from the interior of the utilities, an ignition harder must be installed in accordance building by an approved 15-minute thermal barrier,as with IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 or IRC Section R316.5.3 or described in Section 4.3. Installation in an aftic or R316.5.4, as applicable. The ignition barrier must be crawl space must be as described in Section 4.4. consistent with the requirements for the type of construction required by the applicable code, and must be 5.3 The insulation must not exceed the thicknesses noted installed in a manner so that the foam plastic insulation is in Sections 3.2 and 4.4. not exposed. SES Foam 0.5 lb spray insulation at a SA The insulation must be protected from exposure,to the minimum thickness of 3 inches(76 mm)may be installed in weather during and after application. unvented attics in accordance with 2012 IRC Section R806.5(2009 IRC Section R81)6.4),as applicable. 5.5 The insulation must be applied by contractors certified 4.4.2 Application without a Prescriptive Ignition by SES Foam. Barrier: Where the spray-applinki insulation is installed in 5.6 Use of the insulation in areas where the probability of accordance with this section (Section 4.4.2) or Section teri infestation is 'very heavy' must be in 4.4.3,the following conditions apply: accordance win 2012 IBC Section 2603.9 (2009 IBC Section 2603S)or IRC Section R318.4,as applicable� a) Entry to the aftic or crawl space is to service utilities, 5.7 Jobsite certification and labeling of the insulation must and no storage is pern-ifted. comply with IRC Sections N1101.4 and N1101.4.1 b) Them are no interconnected attic or crawl space and IECC Sections R303.1.1 and 303.1.1.1, as areas. applicable. c) Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other 5.8 SES Foam 0.5 lb spray polyurethans, foam plastic parts of the building. insulation is produced in St. Louis, lifissoun, under a d) Attic ventilation is provided when required by IBC quality control program with inspections by]CC-ES. Section 1203.2 or IRC Section R806, except when 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED air-impermeable insulation is pennulted in unvented 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance atfics in accordance with 2012 IRC Section R805.5 or Critana for Spray-applied Foam Plastic Insulation 2009 IRC Section R806.4. Under-floor (crawl spaoe) AC377), dated June 2012, including reports of tests ventilation is provided when required by IBC Section in accordance with Appendix X of AC377. 1203.3 or IRC Section R408.1,as applicable. 6.2 Report of room comer fire testing in accordance with a) Combustion air is provided in accordance with NFPA 286. Intemallonal Machancal Codes Section 701. 6.3 Report of air permeance, testing in accordance wth In attics, the insulation may be spray-applied to the ASTM E283. underside of noof sheathing or roof haters, and/or vertical 7.0 IDENTIFICATION surfaces, and in crawl spaces the insulation may be spray- Components of the SES Foam 0.5 In spray polyurethane applied to the underside of floors andlor vertical surfaces foam plastic insulation are dentified with the as described in this section. The thickness of the foam plastic applied to the underside of the top of the space manufacturers name (SES Foam) and address; the date must not exceed 12 inches(305 mm).The thickness of the of manufacture or the lot number; the product trade name foam plastic applied to vertical surfaces must not exceed (SES Foam 0.5 lb); the mixing instructions;the density;the 111/2 inches (292 mm), The foam plastic mary be installed flame-spread and smoke-developed indices; and the withourt a covering or coating. The insulation may be evaluation report number(ESR-3375). installed in unvented atUcs in accordance with 2012 IRC 8.0 OTHER CODES Section R806.5 (2009 IRC Section R806.4). The ignition In addition to the codes referenced in Section 1.0, the hamer in accordance with IBC Section 2603 4.1.6 or IRC products in the report wom evaluated for compliance with Section R316.5.3 may be omitted. the requirements of the following codes: 4.4.3 Use on Attic Floom: SES Foam 0.5 lb spray 0 2006 international Building Codes(2006 IBC) insulation may be installed exposed at a maxi mum thickness of 111/2 inches (292 mm) between joists in attic 0 2006 International Residential Codes(2006 IBC) floors. The ignition barrier in accordance with IBC Section 0 2006 and 2003 international Energy Conservation 2603.4.1.6 or IRC Section R316.5.3 may be omitted. The Codes(2DD3 IECC) insulation must be separated from the interior of the building by an approved thermal harder. ESR-3375 I Most Widely Accepted and Twsted Page 3 of 3 The products comply with the above-mentioned codes as provided in accordance with Sections 701 and 703 of described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of this report, with the 2006 IECC. revisions as noted below 0 Protection against Termites: Sea Section 5.6, except • Application with a Prescriptive Thermal Barrier: Sea use of the insulation in areas where the probability of Section 4.3, except the approved thermal barrier must termite infestation if'very heavy'must be in accordance be installed in accordance with Section R314.4 of the with Section R320.5 of the 2006 IRC. 2006 IRC. 8 Jobsite CertMcation and Labeling: See Section 5.7, • Application with a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: See except jobsits certification and labeling must Comply Section 4.4.1, except an ignition barrier must be with Sections 102.1.1 and, as applicable, of installed in accordance with Section R314.5.3 or the 20136 IECC. R314.5.4 of the 2006 IRC. • Application without a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: See Section 4 4.2, except that combustion air is TABLE I—THERMAI.RESISTANCE(R-VALUES") THICKNESS,(inches) R-VALUE rF.ft'.hfflt.) 1 4.0 2 7.6 3 11 3.5 13 4 15 5 19 6 22 7 26 8 SO 9 33 10 37 11 41 12 44 Fie 81:1 inch 25.4 m,I-F-fe-hStu 0.176 1 1OK-miNV. 'R-values are calculated based on tested K values M 1-and 3.5-inch thiclinesses. 2R-value,ii greater than 10 am munced!to me nearest Mole nurntier. F 1CC EVALUATION -74L, Ak:�? SERVICE Most Widety Acccpted and Trustrd [CC-ES VAR Environmental Report VAR-1030* Reissued July 2013 This report is subject to renewal September 1, 2015. vnvw.icc-es.orq1ep 1 800-423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the Interriational Code Councile DIVISION:07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE high-pressure, plural component SPF application PROTECTION equipment The bio-based content is as set forth in Table 1 Section:07 21 00—Thermal Insulation of this report. REPORT HOLDER: 4.0 CONDITIONS 4.1 CodeCompliance: SESFOAM See ICC-ES report ESR-3375 for compliance of the SES 4008 LOUETTA ROAD,#538 Foam 0.5 Ilb Foam S Polyurethame Foam Plastic Insulation SPRING,TEXAS 77388-4405 with code requirements. (713)239-0252 www.sesfoam.com 4.2 Green Codes, Standards and Rating Systems Eligibility: EVALUATION SUBJECT: The information presented in Tables 2 through 5 of this report provides a matrix of areas of evaluation and SES FOAM 0.5 lb SPRAY POLYURETHANE FOAM corresponding limitations and/or additional project-specific PLASTIC INSULATION requirements, and offers benefits to individuals who am 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE assessing eligibility for compliance. The final interpretation of the specific requirements of the Compliance with the following environmental criteria: code rests with the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ICC-ES Environmental Criteria for Determnation of Compliance for items noted as 'Verified Attribute' is Bio-based Material Content(EC102),dated March 1 2012. subject to any conditions noted in the tables Decisions on Compliance eligibility with the applicable sections of compliance for those items noted as"Eligible for Points" in the following codes and standards: Tables 2 through 5 rests with the user of this report, and those items am subject to the condifions noted.The user is 0 2012 Intemational Green Construction Codo� (IgCC) advised of the project-specific provisions that may be (see Table 2 for details) contingent upon meeting specific conditions, and the 0 ASHRAE Standard 189.1 - 2W9 (see Table 3 for verification of those conditions is outside the scope of this details) report. E National Green Building Standard (ICC 700-2008) (see Due to the variability of costs and volume, the bio-based Table 4 for details) content percentage listed in this report is based upon weight(mass). The use of cost or volume as the method E ANSI/GBI 01-2010, Green Building Assessment for calculation is outside the scope of this report. Protocol for Commercial Buildings (see Table 5 for details) 5.0 BASIS OF EVALUATION 2.0 USES The information in this report, including the 'Verified Attributes," is based upon submission of documentation SES Foam 0.5 lb Foam S Polyunethane Foam Plastic demonstrating compliance wth the requirements set forth Insulation is used as nonstructural thermal insulating in ICC-ES EC102. (Evaluation applies to IgCC Section material in wall cavities, floor/ceiling assemblies, or m 505.2.4, item 3; ASHRAE 189.1 Section ICC 700 attics and crawl spaces. See ]CC-ES report ESR-3375 for Section 606.1;ANSIIGBI-01 Section mom information on uses and applications. 6.0 IDENTIFICATION 3.0 DESCRIPTION Containers of SES Foam 0.5 lb Foam S Polyurethare SES Foam 0.5 lb spray-applied polyurethane foam plastic Foam Plastic Insulation am identified by a label bearing the insulation is a two-component, open-cell, water-blown, SES Foam name and address, product name, spray-applied polyurethane foam (SPF) with a nominal manufacturing date, manufacturing location and the VAR density of 0.5 b/ft'. The foam is sprayed in place using Environmental Report number(VAR-1030). *Comacted May M14 -Y"k, Th--�by1CC Co,,rght 0 2014 P'.102 VAR-1030 I Most WidelyAccepted and Tmsted Page 2 of 2 TABLE 1-810�13ASED MATERIAL CONTENT SUMMARY PRODUCT NAME 1 %MEANBIO-BASEDCONTENT I MEMOD OF DETERMINATION IF SES—1..0.1 lb Spray Polywrialrame Foam Plastic Insulation 17%(-/-3%)' ASTIA D6866 Note 'Based on precistion and bias cited in ASTM D6866. TABLES 2 THROUGH 5 able I S= 05!Is Finding N Section Intend I PPmn Conditions Of Use To Quality For Points TABLE 2—SUMMARY OF AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WTH THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL GREEN CONSTRUCUON CODE BiO-bared!materials shall lus those materials that comply With one or mom of the folli content N/A 3.Tine nequirearmires of USDA 7CFR Pan 2902. Note USDA 7 CFR Pan 2902§2907,17 sets a minimum bro-based coment of 7%(10% +/-3%).SES Foam 0.5 to Spray exceeds this minimum. TABLE�UMMARY OF AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WIM ME 2009 ASHRAE STAN DAM 189.1 A minimum of 5%of building materials used,based on cost,shall be hiobased products. Blobased!products shall comply min the minimum bioloased contents of the USDA's Designation of Bioloased Items for Federal Procummi V CFR Pan 2902],contain the 'USDA Cei Blobased Producr label,or be composed of solid mod,engineered Blobased products NIA Wood,bai mol,cotton,cork,agricultural fibers,or other blobased!materials mh at least 50%blobased content. Note USDA 7 CFR Pan 2902§2907.17 sets a minimum bio-basix!winters of7%(10% -/-3%).SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray exceeds this minimum. TABLE 4—SUMMARY or AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WITH ME 2008 NATIONAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARD(ICC 700) The followng biobased Products am used (h)producer vifilb the minimum blobased contents of the USDA 7 CFR Pad 2W2 3 (i)other bioloarsed materials Wth a minimum of 50 percent biobased content(by might 111 T1,1i products am. or volume) Note USOA 7 CFR Perri§2907.17 sets a minimum bio-tiated content oi(10% +/ 3%),SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray exceeds this minimum. TABLE S—SUMMWRY OF AREA OF ELIGIBILITY WITH TH E ANSVGBI-01(2010)STANDARD Blo-basted products accounted for 1%or mom of the materials used in fine building. Percentage=100 x A,B,virrem A-Total cost or might of toic-lbased products B=Total cost or might of all building products Materadsco,itent- 1 Assemblies 7max Coart or might must be used consistendy For USDA-designated products,products meeting or reneachng USDA's ho-based content,crane or qualifying as USDA"BloPreferred"mm used. Note USDA 7 CFR Pad 2902§291 sets a minimum blo-based content of 7%(10% +1-3%).SES Foam 0.5 Is Spray eoubseels this minimum. Yarded aftriburte T ICC EVALUATION -741:� Ak:�? SERVICE Most Widely Accepted and Trusted IMES Evaluation Report ESR-3375 Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STARc"Supplement Reissued August 2074 This report is subject to rene wa/August 2016. veww.ice-es.org 1 (800)423-6587 1 (562)699-0543 A Subsidialy of the internallonal Code Council' DIVISION:07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section:07 2100---Theme[Insulation REPORT HOLDER: SESFOAM 4008 LOUETTA ROAD,9538 SPRING,TEXAS 773884405 (713)239-0262 www.sesfoam.corn EVALUATION SUBJECT: SES FOAM 0.5 lb SPRAY:SPRAY-APPLIED POLYURETHANE FOAM PLASTIC INSULATION 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Conformance to the following: Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR* Program—Definitions and Testing Requirements for Residential Insulation, Version 1.0 Properties evaluated: • Thermal resistance • Surface-buming characteristics 2.0 PURPOSE OF THIS SUPPLEMENT This supplement is issued be certify that the insulation products described in Sections 2.0 through 9.0 of the master report ESR-3375 have been reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR' Program, as set forth in the document Defintions and Testing Requirements lur Residential Insulation, Version ra The insulation product covered by this supplement is defined as'Spray or Pour Foam Insulation." The requirements for testing laboratory qualification and product sampling, as well as the specific material and test standards and editions used in this evaluation, are as set forth in the applicable documentation noted in Section 6.0 of the master evaluation repon. 3.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions are from Definitions and Testing Requirements for Residential Insulation, VasAon ra and are applicable to the subject of this report. 3.1 General Definitions: Insulation: Any material mainly used to slow down heat How. It may be mineral or organic, fibrous, cellular, or reflective (aluminum foll). It may be in rigid,semi-rigid,flexible, or loose-fill lower. 3.2 Insulation Product Definitions: Spray or Pour Foam Insulation;A thermal insulating material that is sprayed or poured(as a gel or foamy liquid)into place, and expands or sets into a cellular foam and cures at the point of Installation through a chemical reaction. Foamed materials include,but are not limited to polyurethane,polyisocyanurate,phenolic,and cementitious insulation. 3.3 Insulation Performance Definitions: R-value:The inverse of the time rate of heat flow through a body from one of its bounding surfaces to the other surface for a unit temperature difference between the two surfaces, under steady state conditions, per unit area. For the purposes of the Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR*program,Imperial units will only be accepted[(h.ft'.'F)/Btul. Eli= Copydgint 0 2014 P'.106 ESR-3376 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 6 Smoke-Development Index:The characteristic of a material to emit smoke when exposed to flame or fire compared to red oak and inorganic cement Flame-Spread Index: The characteristic of a material to resist the spreading of flannes when exposed to flame or fire compared to red oak and inorganic cement. 3.4 Thermal Resistance: The insulation has the thermal resistance R-values as noted in Table 1 of ESR-3375,based upon testing. 3.6 Installation: 3.6.1 General: The installation of the insulation must be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Sections 4.0 and 5.0(as applicable)of i The insulation is manufactured on-site by spray polyurethane foam applicators meeting the qualification requirements of SES Foam. The following information on personal protective equipment and ventilation requirements is reprinted from the SES Foam published installation instructions 'F. SAFETY 3. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT(Pi a. Skin Wear gloves, coveralls, apron and boots as necessary to prevent contact of liquid components or partially-wrad SPF with skin.When handling liquid components,gloves should be made of nitinle, neoprene, butyl or PVC. b. Eyes: Protect eyes while handling liquid components or spraying with safety goggles or safety goggles and a face shield. During spray application,eye protection may be provided by a full-face or hood respirator c. Respiration: Fins engaged in the application of SES Foam systems must have a written respiratory protection program for employees engaged in handling or applying SES Foam materials. Depending on the situation, respiratory protection may include dust masks, air-puirifying respirators (APR), powered air-purifying respirators i or supplied- air respirators i 4. VENTILATION Provide ventilation and other engineering controls to exhaust vapors from work areas and to protect building occupants and other trades.' 3.5.2 Occupancy Time after Installation: The ne-entry or re-owulpancy time shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions,which state the follming: 'E. RE-ENTRY SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray reacts and cures within seconds of application. Re-entry times will vary depending on factors including ventilation. Tyi ventilation is continued for 24 hours follming the conclusion of spray application and re-entry may occur at that fime.' 3.6.3 Figures:The figures shown represent general installations of the insulation in the following applications:above-grade wall, below-grade wall,vented and unvented crawl space, unvented cathedral ceiling, and vented and unvented aftic. These figures am for illustration purposes and am not to be construed or used as construction documents. This supplement expires concurrently w1h the master report,reissued August 2014. ESR-3375 I Most Widely Axopted and Tmsted Page 3 of 6 0 000C 0 0 0 0 0000 00 -0000000, Interim PaMbon 0 00 0 000, 0 0 ""*�ln�w Finisht,,J Su�ace 0000 '00000. (112-trinh Sheotnck) SES F�0.5 Ib Spmy ExWw Sheathkv SESFOAMO.5LBSPRAY ABOVE GWEVI�MUIAMN SES 05 1 —TO-11w- ESR-3375 Most McfelyAccepted and Twsted Page 4 of 6 Mawnry Blmk. (Typ:M .1)_ (Typical) w. ...... n r he u am (112�nch Shestrock) 2"x 4"Studs SES Foam IDS lb Spray BELOW Q�EWX-LINSUIATION SES 1�2 SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY (InsulationorInteriorSidleafWall) 1 1 071812 Baffle to promidle air space beween nermal insulation and roof Sanma� (w muired by local code) SES Foam 0.5 11,Spray Vented Sofrd here attic entry is fu the SESF..0.51b pray seMoe of utilities only,ff�enmal and igniton banner on the atildc aid.of the pray item mf. may be ornithal. ET07 2 SES�3 �181 SESFOAMO.5LBSP ESR-3375 I Most Widely Aincepted and Tmsted Page 5 of 6 ES Fosm 0.5 to Spray I Header 0: Still Joist Floor Cross Section Thermal Banner* E,terior Gins a (as required by local code) 6'Min Footer---, labor Banner *Where crawlspam entry is for me service of utilities only,thermal and Igniton banner on me crawls"oe side of the spray foam surface may be onnified. SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY CRAWL-SPACE'�!N­FED SES 071812 Header— O.O.N. sill— Joist Bamer� (as required by E or 1.1 de) SES Fcann a.5 to Spray -T Footer-_. 9'Min appr B mer 'Where or"Ispaos an"Is for the a.,!.of utilities only,tilermal am Ignitor,bamer on the aawlspoop side of the spray fmm surfacs, may be ornifled SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY ClIAWILSPAM INW112147ED SES 0�5 071012 ESR-3376 I Most Widely Accepted and Tmsfed Page 6 of 6 Wa M.M.mides,ambed mehd�tisostesinsprayfonsyn u,'neyeawnte,firn.corcun.fion, SEES F.0.5 Is Sonny Road Sheadining Truss Top Ccad 1 7 ggg.-MO, Ttuami Bbi (as nuptial by losoal oulds) �a:L.1 building,dock,may niquirre tibid use a a yapornetuardi nooddings.... Wirs,f Ttiarmad a.m. ,vra,da:.nt,idfirft as installed by local building code, .rme of.1i only,thems., and ii banner an is,aft ..of th.fpi,y foam si may W Gmffidd SES FOAM 0.5 LB SPRAY UWlWgE3A�lCf INSi RO(gF DECK SES05-6 071812 0 0 0 0 SES Foun,0 5 lb Si 0 0 0 0 Roof Shoulthing to spayofied thicknots. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'flnewmal Same,as Rafter 0 0 squired!by dode 0 0 floss:TIne loaxid building coce may ral One installation of a vaW bamer in cold dirrans sys. SES FOAM 0.5 L13 SPRAY jCA�EDlRyM-CElLlNG SES O�7 071912 International Fireproof Technology, Inc. FEW To Protect- 17528 Von Karman Ave.Imine,CA 92614 949-975-8589 DC 315 applied over Spray Polyurathane Foa i (SPF), I.1COqMV.vseh a full.1.test on a manufacturers foarn it is an Alternative Barrier System in "SeCtmin 2:JOB s&Fdm Ilmst fica. r;there are no exceptions In the IBC Codel Special Approval" as a thermal barrier. To be proved S pLAV,,=STP= ince Requirements for SPF: as an Alternative Barrier System, DC 315 is an TIM Code (IBC) mandates that SPF be separated a nrasmilash.rae� SPF add tested to the ntor a of an ding by a 15 minute thermal barrier,or other am- NFPA 286, UL 1715, UL 1040, or FM 4890 for Ju"t J 0 8�=rlMul passed certified NFPA 286 and 1.1.1715 test of 15 minutes by an accredited fire testing far,It . =.Ed, closed cell spray applied urethane foams that Products that pass an ignition barrier tested u&ACH IMP= ftified testing facilities. All test performed 377 Appendix X are dart appropriate alternative thermal barriers -11. mis Fam trip of 2006 IBC Sedion 803.2.1 111 20D9 IBC and cannot be sued. Depending on your particular application, Section 803.1.2,and Section 2603.9;2012 IBC Section 803.1.2 and Section either ignition or thermal barriers are required by the International 2603.10 under "Special Approvals for Thermal Barriers over Foam Building Code (IBCi. Plastics". DC315 Is WHI marked and certified via P party inspealon for quality assurance and consistency. Finish Alternative,15 poin Thermal Barrier Assemblies(e.g.Exposed SPF or SPF with a Thermal Barrier Protective,Covering) Color ney The assembly must remain in place for 15 minutes during specified large- V.O.C. L code fire tests,such as N FM 286,U L 1715,U L 1040,or FM 4890. Alternative Ignition Barrier Assemblies DC 315 meets the requirements SofidsB,V.1unne for ignition barner per AC 377,Appendix X SpecificGmvftv /-0.05 Application Equipment Dorman.. F&50%R.H.—To touch 1—2 boom, to DC 315 can be applied by brush,roller or arless sprayer. at if required 2 to 4 hours For maximum yield and coverage spray application is recommended. Flash Point a Sprayers; Reducing or Cleaning Avatar Purrow. (Greco)ultionvent 695 or equivalent PSI: 30DD Shelf Life I year from date of manufacture In unopened -ontainers and stored at 10-Cto 27-C(SCIT to GPM: too 3137) Tip: 517-521 or equivalent. 5 Gal.Container Weight 58 Its. Filter: 30 mesh,removal of filter is recommend from gun and machine "at to G 7g/ 7% 1.30 7T eco on Hose: 3/8"diameter airless spray line for the first 100'from pump Advantages of Using DC315 SPF and Iii 3jwhip saaaaaaas • DC 315 is the only P party inspected fire protective coating for SPF Pump: (Greco)Tei Mark 5 or equivalent • Marked and Usted by Warnock Heresy Intertek W/N 20947 PSI: 3300 • Single coat coverage reducing labor and material c.,ti equaling GPM: 1.35 higher profits TIP, 517-523 or equivalent. • Industry leading spread rate Filter: 30 mesh,removal of fi Itior is recommend from gun and • Passed CAL 1350-safe for use In schools and high occupancy buildings machine • Passed drict EPA—V.O.C.and AQMD air emission requirements ffor Hose: 3/8"dia meter airless spray line for the first 100'from Porn P all 50 states) saaaaaaa ard Wx Twhip • Approved for Incidental Food Contact Complies with NSF/ANS1-51 Pump: (Graco)G MAX 7900 or equivalent requirements of USDA • Easily a pplied with a sprayer,roller,or brush With no complicated PSI: 33W mixing GPM: 2.2 • 1 year shelf life Tip� 517�529 or equivalent. • Fast and easy clean�up,with no Waste and fast turnamund time Filter; 30 mesh,removal of filter is recommend from gun and • Compatible with any paintable constuddion material machine • Meets Life Safety Code 101 Hose: 3/8'diameter airless spray line for the firsi from • Meets LEE[Ys Point requirements pump and is'x 3'whip • Nofcarmaldehycle Pump: (Goiso)GH 833 or equivalent DC 315 is the most tested and approved product in the world for use as PSI: 'tOOD an,"Alberni Thermal Barrier Coating Sysitem"war Spray GPM: 4.0 Polyurethare Foam(SPF). T.P: 517-529 or equivalent Filter: 30 mesh, removal of filter Is recommend from gun and Visit us at our website vinvow.painotsuprotioCcorn to obtain a current matrix machine of all the mannufachurer's foams DC 315 has been tested and approved as — Thermal or Ignition barriers in compliance with current IBC codes. Hose: 3/r diameter airless spray line for the first 100i from pump and W x Ywhip Prior to Applying DC 315 to Ensure Proper Adhesion:Surfaces must General Safety,Toxicity,Health Data be clean,dry and free of all foreign matter.Adhesion of a mating to SPF Material Safety Data Sheets are available on this coating material. Any requires the foam surface to have a slight profile or texture similar to an individual who may come in comact With these products should read and orange peel. Smooth or glossy foam surfaces must be flash coated with a understand the M.S.D.S. In case of emergency contact CHEMTFEC light 3-4 mils Wet Film Thickness(WIFT)of DC 315 and allowed to dry EM ERGENCY N UM BER at 800424-9300. before applying the full application. Flash coating is a quick burst of a primer or DC 315,via airless sprayer over an area reedi ng treatment, We WARNING:Do not allow product to freeze.Store above 10`C(5111 at all also recommend flash coating around all pipes and air duds. times. Product Application WARNING: Avoid eye contact with the liquid or spray mist. Applicators In order to validate warranty and confirm the installation complies with should wear protective clothes,gloves and use protective cmam on face, IFTI's best practices, installer must obtain all current Installation hands and other"posed areas. documents and complethe a daily work record for each and every job and EYE PROTECTION: for each sequential day a project Is underway.Daily work reccurds must be sent to IFT within 10 days of project completion. Installation Safety glasses,goggles,or a face shield are recommended. documents include Application Guide,Ventilation Guide and Daily Work SKIN PROTECTION: Report. These documents can be downloaded at Chemical resistant gloves are recommended, cover as much of the winw.pairmtoprotect.m.or by calling IFT at 949.975.8588 exposed skin area as possible with appropriate clothing. Material Preparation RESPIRATORY PROTIECrION is MANDATORY! DC315 must be thoroughly mixed prior to application.Failure to do so will Respiratory protedive equipment,impervious foot wear and protective compromise the materials performance and may create issues with clothing are required at all times during spray application. equipment used for the application of the product. Mechanical shirring with a high speed drill and a paddle appropriate for the container size is INGESTION:Do net take internally. recommended. Material should be stirred from the bottom up making sure the bottom and sides are scraped with a paint stick during the mixing Consider the application and environmental mincentrations in deciding if process to ensure all materials are completely mixed mor to the additional protective measures are necessary. application. Material should be mixed to a creamy consistency with no lumps, Thinning is not usually needed, but if the material has been Limited Warranty exposed to prolonged periods of high temperatures during stomp, This product will perform as tested if applied and maintained according to eviporation of the water based material may have taken place.Typically our directions, instructions and techniques. If this product is found to be the liquid level should be about 3 inches from the top of the 5 gallon pail. defedive upon inspection by Its representative, the seller will, at its If the level of material is lower,water may be added during the mixing to option,either furnish an equivalent amount of new product or refund the address this issue. purchase prim to the original purchaser of this product.Seller will not be liable for am representations made by any retail seller or applicator of the Temperature and Humidity Product. THIS WARRANTY EXCLUDES(1) LABOR OR COST OF LABOR FOR Ensure temperature and humidity are within specified limits for THE APPLICATION OR REMOVAL OF THIS PRODUCT OR ANY OTHER application. Failure to monitor and compensate for increased humidity PRODUCT,THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY SUBSTRATE TO WHICH may lead to blistering and/or delammation and will void warranty.Obtain THE PRODUCr IS APPLIED OR THE APPUCATION OF REPLACEMENT a ventilation guide prior to commencing installation. Ideal conclitions am PRODUCr, (2) ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. OTHER 16-C-32-C(62-Fto 91 and a maximum of 65%Relative Humidity. LIMITATIONS APPLY.For the complete terms of the limited warranty,go to wvvyi.palmooprotectomm Some states/provinces do not allow the Ventilation exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the When spraying in enclosed spaces,regardless of size,adequate ventilation above limitations may not apply to you.To make a warranty claim,write is required to remove excess moisture from the application area.The use to Technical Sei International Fireproof Technology, Inc., 17528 Von of fans may be required in Some cases to ensure a minimum of 0.3 air Kaman Avenue, Irvire, CA 92614 or email Customer Service at changes per hour Prim to starting a job please be sure to clownhound a MpiPpaintoproted.conn complete current ventilation guide 9 www.paintruprotect.com Rei 11/16/2014 12:43 PM Current application documents must be on the job site at all times product is being applied.This includes application guide,ventilation guide and daily work report.Documents can be downloaded at http://�.PainnoproteC.com or call IFTI at 949.975.8588 JOB COPY SITE PLAN THIS PLAN MUST Bt LOT 30 AS SHOWN ON PLPbWOB SITE FOR ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY C AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 67, PAGES 132-137 OF THE CURRENT P 'A A, A, RE % X, GRAPHIC SCALE q le "M EYRE' , t�15.17' Rk. A DMOM PROPO� WNCRM A, A, 7.63' DENOMS MM 15,17' 7.63' DDRIOM ffl��D D�OM WNICAL TN� DMO�S M�RE *" TRU As A, 1.11.j�S�CDAGE _fR `15VW-�hZd A/C PADS HAR& A Y �IRW ARRINT-20 FEET FFMEM FAANE CA WARARRE W MARC OF RRMEW W AAR 1. REAREEM W,WAR, AREA ,�=Tnmz R. .,.A. RM -MR WAREMMEE A-R WR A- I-MA �2---1-17 'AREL MAMMEM- EATAR,-A 1..11 THE "'"'A""A"'W(W WE REM A RE A,AIR ARR ARE-—-1 WE IT-. -A- -.lAAEA.WEE..-ARE RAW---RP MAE 1-OF W A - - AA EIME WE"—W-,EcRR-- —EARD MFRMAlnERE MEAMARS AHMAIE ME-TE WE-.1--1 'MA-WA, -AA-1 E,--1-RE—W- A �'AAR— AREOM ARE RASER RM IAMI- I-1-- -1 OR MEWREA.MER A-MER1...WAR WERE MR,RAMER- RE A-- AREA"",—=1Z.-m-I-- 1 11-AMR, I=pT=MR MR r=. — MA�.AR =.E.-R—RE. t MWEAREM, M -1 ,W WAMMWm R, .,A A.PLAM M.WM.-.--- AREAA I-RE EANWA.. WR���-FE[REFEMA S%All� ME _AREA MR, ARM AM, A A ..--... UNE TABLE MA ERMAE-----AM-- ME !-- I— ."�RE I WE -D IME ARE FAR —A,—--AM, WE--AMR, ARM—-- I E,,, =��..AEARWW-RE-ARAW-MET-Rf�— -.A . WMAAAERE.5-1 AIA A.M. M-- A ---REMALL WE IR 1.�W WE ARMIRA I RMI .--TAREM. A RMEAREAMI-.- ---M-1 - 'ERARR E.A WAR ETER ARKER,AAIME�EK) WE ASIA- A R- ME AMAT IMMATER r AARY FROM My ARE)WETV U.E ARD CAM 10T All A EAMEREAT RM I.-— MR:IUVERSIDE HOMES M� MEWERSIDE HOMES BARTP-AM TRAM SURVEYMG, INC. P� D�P� C�T� L501 CO� 1= W15. n� 9 106 �mm OF A�G�noN m to I M�GW ED 2D15 N07ATON xNN .11, A,.1.AM- MR. A......E, ERR .1..1MANXIT-A. Tl.�REI-MR`- R,W�RAA..d.—ol. . A.ATER,�.REA,E,R, T'llp`Ml�'MER,11 El't fl-,�A ....",.1....R- IMEAL MAE, h-.A,1.Mh—I �PEAA�RR,1,A. AR,El.d 1,11.I.E.RAW RE".. M.1�-1...� RE,REM E"—�...AR, RE 9, ll�IA..Z NIAM-1�A Wl .11..11.FREER. EA-d-- AA-1.1'..RAEt IEAM�11-��IEM P6/A RE.AAR�I El�A— Ad.l.tRM.M,—IMAMAAW AWmh ..,.1p..,A ERA lb—t,RE RARE'Rh WA NL TMR 1—y 11 p1l"Ad I'd-trfi�TMr RE,'AREAll"AMM,MT J.. -REM, t.J-1-WAR-1-AR, ARM ,RMAE,WE WA 11!111 111"d 111..1 R MM—I :�:R".. -E—AM RAYM�D PML W�MLAND, P,S.., RAM,p ST,RM ��DA U�M NUMBM �64� WERE SITE PLAN LOT 30 AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 67. PAGES 132-137 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY. FIA A, ON. 7.53' 0 GRAPHIC SCALE IW EM A w FEET - SO 1 WOO DMOM3 PROPOSED CONCREITE 7.53' `Ml A 5.17' DENOIFES �01`OSED PAYERS 7.63' A. DENO`FES KWOSED VOOOD A DENOTES CHEMICAL MI-EIT DENOTES MIURE 4' MEE V M. -P—LB A/C PADS HAW A S SIDIE/REAR SMACK Ol WENT FROM.OF SAWAS TO OAX Of WMAI OF.1 AND NAMA SW MWON W,NASA 0,—1 OF MEAN SP WMMW NALE '.5., A TW NAMES MEMA MONSOON EO MWON NUSIS VAM AS SEPIETEN AN WE FLOW FWASA EAFT MAP A, R FSEEMA ME I .—AN.-1 WENT—WON I SP WEN WA—A.�.ONA,FEE, W TO— SLAAFM ..S,—WE WANS THEM NA,A——SAMENAME-- —..—AW. A.AAA 11 MANSEELF,AND—A,--I- A EME ENNI—-E NAWMANNE, D.1,:All A AWASO.-PE'AAAW-TEMISTANNOSPEAST-IMP, =t TX,=lWl FOAND TONS OF WATES A M)MWASMANNEA WASSI FEW TIME WOMN ANNE TP ANOT OF TA WE—1 NENTA.,--1"=All MENFEN WAXNEATTA—I WASP MAP I—IN ANTSMAII ANN A SAW I FAA MAT'A I AT` TO E A= ON MANNAL .—A 1—ASTATTON AS EXIANONG INTO WE OFIENS.UMETS WEST SESSAN AASSEE— A NOT ASTOMNS .—El—AT-1 TO.—A.—TO NES.lASM,A.—AME I.— SO.WAEA— � IN NOT ANN TIES-MO.. Il — .ALAN,1.11 ANN —AS DESSAMS,.1.NW,A ONEWEESSEN M TWES,—1 AN ON FWASSON OT ENFATUANNANSAA 12 TAO S,ALAN"I AN,ITSTAN,IN--.—AM,—A.—AWALL,— MET OF WASTAES NE ASENNAll—TWES OF.1—W.TL PEASSAME EM—AWPI ANN ANNINSION ON OWEI El—AND My UAMLEF RNALISM TAWASSAM 11 MW WE A—TE AT AT WASTANOTEA 1 1 IF—A=I- A�WEANNAES—ANO FATANEWS—MEWASEL.1 1.1 1 S�. SON I WE IET ANNE I .110A AS AREMOSE WE WE SWAT UNNE TABLE 01 AWLEAN.AN,INEA'ATAI OF IF WE AS TATAKENEW WEPSAI ANS WMASAINSTEAS TO FEW ANAMEST AMESNOWE 11 ALE 1-11 Ml ANE—11 WE WAI— I SEA OFTEE. �L PANTA ANNA TO TEE FEAl TOP ANATEANT—THAT NOT AFFECT MP NOT 7 ­`A'9��EWEON ANE AAAFFED.INS—.EM SAM. A'AW SN M, 1.—. AlONAT SPENFES I AN.AAE IT AS SE RETED A.1.-- TOM Fw,) =E-MET-1——­Z=— A----...-�—� AM ,_S AW A SNANAWANF,TANES A, A—PAN ME WE.SE TME TANNINESSEA W—ANN WE—ANNAN STALL ALSO——.ASEPA PLEASE N',PAT WASTES(ISFEW"I'S ATLAS,EET)ANNAT NOT M APAWME WERM ME MWESPAPT 1. A,EAIII WE..N.S A-'FEAT ANI TANNEWA IN'.1 IFF NOT A AW TO OWANA.P— PWAJ%KD MR:RIVERSIDE HOMES MRIVERSIDE HOMES n____ D, BARTRAM TRAM SURVEYING, INC. w:.=SX, LAND �QRS FLAAMERS - LAND D�PM3MT CONSMTANTS I TG=CO OMM EMN 0 Z=30. I 08FAX J�l zft-z� 2ft-me w CZR7MCkn OF A�OMUMON US IS I COPMGHT � 2015 L N. �INAAI IWM,.SOME, x O/A) y hl�ly IF, ,.'A 1 -7,T— A.T.. WFl EWI.1 AWI.Nt , W/... 'I NI CREATE. A'FAA IN- A, 01 I.E...-I th.l.l.thl IldIW,gIAJ 1.1 1— MME.4 TO,INNS,N'A"Ad—y I'd,I OF, I, SAAAE�ZIA�=pll �IPIAll"PASIANEENA�dlI't.t. S,— NO P...EN, , I. OF A- NId y th, MI POWSOMATI SAT-A.,.1........EIA,- .1 -Ell ON-11 111; II—E,OF AN-111.027,"1'. BlIE-S FIT,OIpltl,.9lAArW-W,AAI AhOr FWME WANNO WWWAAFA..WAA A.W TAFSE_E'I WONI N,.ItAIA hI INS Ip—11 th,IOEIAI A,AF-Al, NA ./W WAI...A,y A p,S,NW,, —W,N FAA th. FAA o A MM SPEED MORK COMPLETED MAP(MMONNULY BANCO Th. �illt IIII A th ..E INP Ad IMOIt OF A RANIMOND PAUL SLENERLAND. P.&M. \AAAAll All wo ;�i�O�OM%Ntj�MBM � 6477 SITE PLAN LOT 30 AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 87, PAGES 132-137 OF THE CURRENT PUBUC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY. FLA ED,IRA S, 7.63' lk. ROD AD GRAPHIC SCALE 16 1, ADS A& A. HE 17' AS DENOITES PROMISED CONCREITE A., 7.63' DENOOTES ffl� 15.17' �`%_ 7�53' OENOI MCNE'OSED WEED Di OHBIO�L MiAElE Ap DENO`OM MWRE e MEE ASH Hi 1.DEFRIA,AM SAFRO.ME DEMAREAS,HE HAD,AT ASTAR A/C PADS HAW A 3- SDE/i SEIBAO� OR NAR—I_M,_REASON S____,A_,ARASi EADERE, ED M_ ASSAI I I AFFORS,OF INFLOSSO —I—IT— _.1AM SEHAN.­ A A—AR A.F- FERMAL 1. 11 It THE-IF SHODAN HERE.LRE FIRES'—DEARE I AS—CA.1­HAREADHEE RATE SRI A, A TO I g,%ld DOFF—ARIMIT FAR77.MANAL NUMSESER OFOHN.Di DADE 3.OR3.ME I DORES SHOTAN A'—AD SHEREED Off 0'ME IF.A IFIFLID HARS AFS ARE HAS REMER SE OALI 11 1 1 R A. —Al.AER SM..—A FRE'A R.AFAH ARE—F.11 FOR SETED DI HE ARE ME OFFER OR St R A.— TDRES..HDAE AFER SHMAREASSI RE.S.—A-MRS SAFE—1 AFLI III ISS, I I FRAFFARDS I ASTARE M ME CARSHERTHITEDS MARD At ARAAA.M. AREARFRAFF SH , HASSEED,OFF AT—11 ASERSE DRANDEARRY& OF,NO A I—H—EE—I.E.ARES—1 AS DIED FAI SHON, A AS AREADERREAR,ISHI ROAD OR ,—A.DO RNESEDA.—MR.HFAR—ATTERI HER I III DOESPE Of A FEE SAFFER A FAA I ANDA I AFFM­SAI.1 FATMA.—ED—HEATO TO IS HAD SHMESS FASTAFT IS "0 p"FROSSAI& A'AN,Fit 1. S ADO I AS,_M-Fy A I Au_ MEMA Ml 1IF-1 ITHROAD Tl AD AINFED AT A ADAR Of H­DFF OR A AFTERES,HARES FR-AS DEREFORTS.1.ME.­FIESTRISION SURIET AID'HAEFF RHAREF'ORDERTFAMER Do,A, ADS— I=".1-1 IF HE R,AS S.1 ED—A 111—.1. 111 DAMSTERNED .R. A AS .-1 RED—1 MANDS THEREASE `D.SO,I " DF.AFFIF_ A HAREAREI I at=SHT FRAS ME OF A�SHEREFFERAD 17 IS HOT A SEARECAD ST ITED,ZDANA, 1. IS—F_RHARD AI SHERIED TO M-I DREASE ANY ASTAIDES DRESEASSAFTALLA ANOTHE ANSI F_AAA_OR HE'll DEAL 11.AS My FIDERAL.III REDOORAL OR—IDEFFED. FORSHARES HE I 'EM ARD.1-1 FROOLIESO AMR-.HE'THI .H_OF RFF DDERTHEAREFFER011" SHARROF I 'A AAAEA�AREARAFFESS D-AID NATEANDES ARE REFROAL VEM EAT RAFDAEA MRS AFT,—I AREARM I A, A'.IS I—AT ME—1 USE TABLE S.­MI IF AIR AR DRISTED HAREOR AIDE REAREASIOULAR TO ME M-ITHEARTE' F.M.SAM ARE—TO ,—"I . DRE — tO tHHE I FERE—1.1'-A Ai SAO—1 THES 1.1 1 A=4i IF A—OR ME—­­ Ol—StOARD FOR LRDI SON, SHE M ARD AT SHEMS.ANDS——1. 1.EORRMI—ITOH A W�SSH 'r3AS RENES!DD ME li AND TRMFFO3F CROAH NAIL THERSE R A RAFFEUR 2% ALL I T A— Otil I—'TOO OF REFFOR FARD FRA,— —RE SO Ii I F,ME NA_AD M, THE ARRESSAI—I I'THEARRE.DI —1 F=,AW FOR:RIVERSIDE HOMES M:RIVERSIDE HOMES BARTRAM TRAIL SURVL'YING. INC. Hi.50� — ROAD OF 84-.22AD GRMR CORE limmi NO =iii �Qm OF AUTHOFE�ATOON W #6 1 iiD iDiiii co�Gm FS 2015 NOTATION "IR. HE. HEI Ei.1 ON."ORSONSERS,Mp­ "i I I OF M__ R.ANDIMS.A.MAIDIFF, A.D. Ai x AD , A— f Fit,AFH MI...th. ld OF,Fii 'i 7:7 " d Fi, DDIR ISEDEA14IO SRI SAN, OF MAn EFFERIng Mlkl 11 F-HO.F.,III SMORMI 13113 Fri NFORDO DIFIRS,D,Flt lhlAl DAN—Eli ED IIIAHRAI III w EAREHAd I - .1 IFORDERES A'DA-0i F-MRS,Hi ii RA,E,: FARRI I,RHAMIR 472.11.TONER I LIT,HEI ,Mi­­OF IFIRS, E.-III E..A.SAO ASAMORAFF.SHERFAI A_ F-Dn­...AMEM My M.,IS FDA FAMADE Or AFFORS, UZI FAA NA Thl.A- I PlApArEd Old 111DEREAd i MI IFFIFEAR"I AD I AI I A SOLID li CESSUFAI I FIRSI SIGNED ;�:OF I',,.A OR M,All,TnHA A.1 IFFERE.1 A-OR D..........T—FA,T­­An. N/A tD.N.T.FORD.'i At H T.F.D.I., NAHi PAUL O.NHERLAND. P.S.M. Ol'FILDERIOok LJOENISE Ali L.3 64n R- I Riverside Homes Site Information JOB COPY Atlantic Beach Country Club 30 Duval THIS PLAN MUST BE Structural Englineder of Record Derek B.Murray ON JOB SITE FOR PE No.71457 4745 Sutton Park Court,Suite 402 EACH INSPECTION rAP E X Jacksonville,Fl-32224 WIND LOADING (Cd=1.6) ROOF LOADING (Cd=1.25) Mil TCLL 20 psf 130 MPH(3 second gust)\ASCE 7-10 TCDL 07 Psf Enclosed Structure(0.18) BCLL 00 Psf+NCLL 10 psf Exposure C BCDL 05 Psf Occupancy Category 11 Res) FBC2014 ResidentiaVTPI-2007 Design Program: FW VIEW vl.00.00 This Package inicudes 63 trusts designs with individual date of design NO JOB ID TRS ID DATE NO JOB ID TRS ID DATE NO JOB ID TRS ID DATE 1 627N (IE01 TITFO-1-6 T1— 627N T14 F/ii/20d.6 61 627M V15 2/11/MG 2 627M WE-02 -2/-11—/2016 3-2---627N T15 2/li/2016 62 627M V16 2/11/M16 --- — 2/-11—/2016 T3 -627M T16 2/11/2016 63 627M V17 2/1V2016 3 62M ME03 4 627M 01 /il/2016 �---627N T17 2/11/2016 5 627M 2-/-11/2016 T5 -627M T18 2/lUM16 6 627M HJQ-3 -Z/-11/2016 36— 627M Ti9 2/11/2016 7 627M Jol 2/11/2016 37 627W T20 2/11/2016 a 627M J02 2/11/2016 3B 62780 T21 2/11/2015 9 62780 J03 2/iiy`20ill 39 62780 T22 2/li/Mi6 10 62780 J04 2/1i/201q 40 62780 1 T23 2/ii/Xi6l it 62780 J05 2/il/20i6 41 62780 T24 2/ii/2(d.6 12 62780 J06 2W/ii/20i6 2 62780 T25 2/iiMiII 13 627M J07 -Z/li/2016 T3—-62784) T26 2/il/2016 14 627M Jos 2/11/2016 44 62780 T26D 2,11/20iS 15 627M -70-9 -T/-11/2016 T5---627M T27 2/11,`2016 16 627M PBOI 2/li/2016 46 627W T28 2/11IM16 17 62780 PB02 2/11/2016 47 627M Vol 2/11/20iG 2/11/2016 is 62780 1 /110016 48 627N V02 19 627M T02 2/11/2016 49 627M V03 2jli/20i6 20 62780 T03 2/11/2016 50 1 627M VO4 2/ii/Mi6i 21 62780 T04 211IM161 51 627M V05 2/li/Mili 22 6-2�80 T05 2/11/2016 52 U780 V06 2/li/2D16 23 62780 T06 2/14/2016 53 62780 V07 2/11/20iG 24 62780 T07 2/11/2016 54 62M V08 2/11/2016 25 62780 T08 2/11/2016 55 627N V09 2/11/2DI6 26 62780 T09 2/11/2016 56 62780 VIO 2/11/2016 7 78 i TO -Mnl-�2/� 62780 V12 2/11/2016 TIO 2/1112U6 57 62780 VIA 2/11/2016 12 F2 T E-2—- 7W-2016 62780 V13 2/11/2016 129 1 62780 2�7/TW2016 I 2/11/2016 60 62780 5/-11—/2016 [30 1 62780 T13 V14 71457 Apex Technology :Luz Apex Terhorconlyrs a fichoolus rame owned by Jux AecTerhineod,Inc.,a Froydr,Corthoperion. Monsparrignouldrandedlylo.7547 Space Proon case.State 402posenceirld,FL 32224(90418215200 P, The dayal On Me Pride,Sheet Indicates acceptance of progessional engineering roponsexhicy scidiffor the Truse Design Drai listed a and aftarchad.The sunandfirty and use of each draming for any shapprair building IS the respareadIV Of the Building Designer.,per AAS 2W2 Section 2 0 anoth ni Sea affixed Ad One$bass I beryor sentry,mat don Series as an pubb sheet In only forly 61315-23.00212)and 11% 31.0M of the booda Tend a Roussayinal Engineers "41"Iff 16 j:j Job 0 SUIR, � j BEAF?ING INFORRIATION WOODTRUSS ow SPM DESCRIPTION BR2# R�ON UPLI" 1 17-11-00 GE01 GABL 6.00/12 Pitch I -My 1 1262.13 471.00 2 1246.17 471.00 1 2311TO GEN GABL 6.00112 Pitch 1-My 1 1595.79 633.00 2 1576.43 633.00 1 M'05`00 GEM GASL 0.00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 321.22 0.00 2 321.22 0.01) 4 06'05"1 HJ01 MONO 4.24112 Pitch I-Ply 1 2713.14 59.W 2 353.37 79.00 1 06'11"05 HJ02 MONO 0.00/12 Pitch I-My 1 177.51 273.00 2 253.33 140.00 1 OTW"02 HJM HIP JACK 0.00112 Mt� I-Ply 1 188.67 0.00 2 16.63 0.00 3 31.63 0.00 8 01,001,00 J01 JACK 6.00112 Pitch I-My 1 3183 0.00 2 1 5�00 0.00 3 27.83 0.00 8 03100"00 J02 JACK 6.00112 Pit& I-Ply, 1 98.48 D.00 2 46.00 U0 3 83.48 0.00 is 04'08'00 J03 MONO O�00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 153.19 0.00 2 153.19 0.00 2 01,00`00 J114 JACK 0.00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 157.51 0.00 2 �.96 0.00 3 �6.88 0.00 2 0TOW00 J05 JACK 6,00112 Pit� 1-My 1 133.79 0.00 2 28.63 0.00 3 55.63 0.00 4 05'OVOO J06 MONO 6.00/12 Pitch I�Ply 1 188,45 0.00 2 141.70 0.00 10 05'00"00 J07 JACK 3.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 IM.97 0.00 2 60.37 0.00 3 108.89 0.00 1 05,100`00 Joe JACK 3.00/12 Pitch I-My 1 IS,t.97 0.01) 2 60.37 0.00 3 108.89 0.00 2 051100100 J09 JACK 3.00112 Pitch I-My 1 144.68 0.00 2 280.70 0.00 3 41.05 0.00 4 98.36 0.00 2 07400-08 P1301 SPEC 6.00112 Pirh� I-Ply 1 20.35 0.00 2 426.97 0.00 3 13.72 0.00 1 07'W"08 P1302 SPEC 6.00112 Pitch I-My 1 15.80 0.00 2 396.65 0.00 3 14.09 0.00 5 IT11-00 T01 SPEC 6.00/12 Pitch I-My 1 601.76 0.00 2 601.76 0.00 1 "'107-01) T02 SPEC 0.00/12 Pikh I-Ply 1 67631 D.w 2 1765.96 D.00 3 08.74 D.00 Page 1 of 3 Job I 6V80 BEARING INFORMATION Ow $PAN DESCRIPTION -7BR;; REACTION UPLIFT 1 "'07-00 T03 COWIN 0.00/12 Pitch I-Ply 1 716.27 0.00 2 1797.58 0.00 3 553.13 0.00 I "'OrDD T04 COMN D.00/12 Pitchi I-Ply 1 716.33 0.00 2 1863.67 0.00 3 510.26 0.00 1 "'07'00 T05 COMN 0.00112 Pitch I -Ply 1 707.D1 0.00 2 1869.50 0.00 3 516.94 0.00 1 "'07'00 T06 COMN 6.00V12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 1483AO 246.01) 2 1468.14 W0.0,11, 1 44-07-00 T07 COMN 6.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 1482.31 257.00 2 1467.70 361.00 1 "'07'00 T08 COMN 0.0QV12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 1463.N 252.00 2 1463.W 252.00 1 44-07-00 T09 SPEC 0.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 1463.50 250.00 2 1463.50 250.00 1 44'07"00 T10 SPEC 6.00012 Pitch 1-Ply 1 141KI�ffl 240.00 2 1463.150 240.00 1 44'07"00 T11 SPEC 0.00112 Pitch I-Ply 1 1463.60 0.00 2 1463.50 0.00 I "'07"OD T12 SPEC 0.011112 Pftdh I-Ply 1 1463.50 0.00 2 1463.50 0.00 I "'Gi T13 SPEC D.00/12 Pitch I-Ply 1 146350 0.00 2 1463�50 0.00 1 "Gi T14 SPEC 0.00112 Pitch I-Ply 1 1463.50 0.00 2 1463.50 0.00 1 "'07-00 T15 SPEC U0112 Pitch 1 -Ply 1 1463.50 0.00 2 1463.50 0.0g 3 44'07'M T16 SPEC 0.00112 Pit& I-Ply 1 1629.00 D.00 2 1638.01 0.00 1 44'07'00 T17 SPEC 6.00112 Pit& 1-Ply 1 1463.50 0.00 2 1463.50 0.00 1 44'07'00 T18 SPEC 6.OW12 Pftcb 1-Ply 1 1459.91 0.00 2 1462.61 0.00 1 44-07-00 T19 SPEC 0.00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 1463.50 0.040 2 1463.50 am 1 44'07'00 T20 SPEC 0.00112 Prt� 1-Ply 1 1463.50 0.00 2 1463.50 0.00 1 44'07'00 T21 SPEC 0.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 775.30 am 2 1507.41 0.00 3 317.73 am 4 411.70 0.01) 1 44-07-00 T22 SPEC 0.0W12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 857.03 0.00 2 1602.24 0.00 3 796.15 0.00 1 44'07'00 T23 SPEC 13.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 60130 177.00 2 2969.38 1003.00 3 1488.10 667.00 3 22-WOO T24 SPEC 6.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 816.48 0.00 2 732.13 0�00 Page 2 of 3 Job#62780 BEARING INFORMATION QW SPAIN DESCRIPTION Bi REAC`PION UPLI" 2 23'11"00 T25 SPEC 6.00/12Pitch 1-Ply 1 807.86 1 2 807.83 0.00 a 23-11-00 T26 SPEC 6.011112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 916." 0.00 2 916.05 (Loo 1 2311TO T260 SPEC i Pitch I-Ply 1 2895.61 0.00 2 28WW 0.00 2 09'05TO T27 COMN 10 00/12 Pitch 1 -Ply 1 W4.17 0.00 2 W4.94 0.00 2 05'00'00 T28 MONO 6,00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 741.95 210.00 2 612.79 162.00 1 3,110-02 V01 VAL 0.00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 2200.95 DOD 1 28'W"07 V02 VAL 7.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 188170 000 1 25'01-04 V03 VAL 7.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 165471 000 1 21-08-M VD4 VAL 7.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 1427.72 0.00 1 18-03-00 V05 VAL 7.00/12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 1200.72 0.00 I 14-OV14 V06 VAL 7.00/12 Pitch I-Ply 1 973,72 0.00 1 11-wil V07 VAL 7.00/12 Pitch I-Ply 1 746.73 0.00 I 07'11T9 V08 VAL 7.00112 1 1-Ply 1 51973 000 1 04-M-07 V09 VAL 7.00112 Pitch 1 -Ply 1 29273 000 1 09,11,111 Vito VAL T00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 652.80 0.00 I 13'N"13 V11 VAL T00112 Pitch 1 -Ply 1 879.80 0.00 1 16-10"00 V12 VAL 7.00112 1 1-Ply 1 1106.79 0.00 1 20'03"02 V13 VAL 7.OW12 Peol, 1 -Ply 1 1333,79 0.00 I 2TN"N V14 VAL 7.00112 Pitch 1-Ply 1 INO.79 am I 2T01"06 V15 VAL 7.00112 Pitch 1 -Ply 1 1781 0.01) 1 301 V16 VAL i Pitch 1-Ply 1 2014.77 0.00 1 33'1 I"l 1 W7 VAL O.DW12 Pitch 1-Ply 1 2179.93 &00 Total of Trusses 128 Maximun Height 11'l Page 3 of 3 omm m m ;o p 0 Z �u mo IT ;)a z 6) m 0 X — 0 c 0 X M 0 M 0 M m Z! M Z 9 c z — 0 — 0 0 m . < O � O 0 m 0 m 0 X 0 , C) > % MM > m > Z HH 0 m M w A 2XO 0 0 MXC o >0< �-w O -Z PM , , M , 00 0 m 0 , .9 0 mo � w c 00 T M ;u T m — 0 w X K z C ;u T 00 0 , ffi o G) m M > 0 w < 0 ou m m m M. 0 Z � m m m M a D m T G) OX > X 10 � m c m 55 z om io 'm 0 0 w ;o C) ;a w m 7: IP c > m . m m > ;d z K 0 W > M m — M 0 z > PM o OG) mm > m m � 0 ' a W m 00 cl 0 - 0 m — , M m m Z m � m ;a T m � 0 m m ;0 — M ;o 0 mo ED mm o 0 E: — T 0 — G) C M M 0 < Z > C z 0 z . — Oo z 5G, wx ow ;u Cm z mo 0 � 0 Z om m , �u < z Z > 0 0 m w mo m > 0 0 z 0 0 z =! 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(h 9 -q Z -i Z m M 0 zm 0 Cl) x a) z X M (n M x m m r) cn M 0 0 (D m G) r: G) r; MA M > C, > 03 00 m m 0 0 m m ;0 w 0 G) 0 m m M > o m W W w z a 0 U) � Z 02zmm zo mo > Z -4 0 Z 0 — mo z ;u > > x -0 c co 03 w m m C, m ow 0 m m 0 > m -4 ;o x o z m c c m m > o z U) 0 U) — * m w 0) 1 -< 0 cwz > o m m M 07 M w m a) z , , > 0 -D 0 _ O Q 0 V5 , C, M , m C9 m * C) m am Mm M 00 z Z z Z K � o wm > � m Z > o 5 > z M , o m z -i m > > m L. co ' m --i Z --i Z m 0 M 0 z z x m x m > 0 (n 0 U) > 0 o m 0 m G) --j G) -1 m Z > > 0 0 m m 0 > m m m m w m G) HIP GIRDER REFER TO PLACEMENT PLAN FOR NO OF PLIES JACK ACK < JACK m J J C ACKJ > > x X 7 1 I :t L am X� ;mQ cRn (on 2 T 1:21 U— O :� �m � K 0 0 0 O '�: ;a X C, m ;o 7, ;R ;o w 0 00 -1 0 0 ,� � Zoox COO m o X 0 ;o — 0 (i 0 � ;o 0 9 m 0 (i Z (n w z z 0 z -4 z mwmzo > mZO m 0 O � Xmm ;o a M M o m z :j z ZOO > OL 0 m ?: z > M 7 Z * c (D -4 ;u @ 2 0 K C@ 2-2@ 1 G) m � M -� � > -4 0 0 --1 00 OFO O ;o 0 -0 m (n m m M Z rAl 9. o ;o Q. m �! Z C, .9 0 > cmO G) X 0 0 � 55 ;0 1 � 01 I wm , c z 0 > 0 Q 0 < m 0 m M -0 v w Ix I F M� U780 pil I BEGS 1818l he CKY: mom DRVV got DV11/16 I A assider,C.. I T1 1v9 12 Bxx4X4 7 set (DSR) A U -V 11`6 02X4( Q ri T.9 JIM "din Childers his, Wind Criteria Be.C�(Pi PSF) Defill Cribled. A Maximum Reactunis pbs),WsxPLF TCLL 20.00 Wind Star ASCE 7.10 Pqb NA (S MA CAT NA PIP Deflection in lon Uds, Lot R /U low lRh /RL 1W_ TCDL 7.0D Spand: IN still FIND, (ta:NA VEFT(LL) 0.007 D 999 240 C. , 116 125 1- 17 /956 BCLL On Entichume Ought Lu NA Car NA VERT(Tl 0.017 D ND IN WridnexchushispasenchniAl BCDL 5.0D RaikCadn", 11 Show Duml Nj� IIORZ(LL):-0N3 D A Min Brig Wish feed,= - Dere W 32.00 EXP c -- - HORl We D extend A Fcxxp-Milan. NCBCM 10.00 Mean Herght:22D2 ft cod,f Mist crifteria Caux,Factor lb Suffit 2 00 TCC1-42 W Stan Coni FBC N14 RED M.TCCSL 0.314 Maximum Top Chose Forces Per Ply(Dal 1-had!Durames,1.25 BCM 3 0 pit TPI Sid, M07 Mal Dl Curves Ters,Comp. Churds Tem. Conro, Spasang,24.0 MWIFRS Prourand Dist W 10 h Re,Factions,Unal Yes MaxW.bCS1:0.02 A-B ir -90 B-C il -9) C&C Did a 3.00 ft FTIPT 30(OY10(0) Wg Specited 2anneer. GC,0A 8 Plans Typil Maximum But Cheap Forces,Par Ply(lbs) Ward Dump. 1.60 WAXIE VIEW VW 15,02,00C.1217,15 Choice "NeComp. Chums Tem, Comp. Lumber A-D im -116 D-C 132 -116 Value Set 13B(Effeci UliN13) Too cland 2,t4 SP#3 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply phs) But chord!at SP NO Wake Tbnb,�mp Wi 2x4 SP#3 Liabler value aft'138'uses mougn wilues B-D 207 -304 2p,pbwxg1ln012013byALSC Plabar,Noreas Rates sized!for a minimum of 4.00 an in lipi Pummas In leu or strubtional painels or ngid carling use Purfins to liberally bei thards as frobbas Clsond Spearing(un ob) Slaugh End(ft) TC 24 031 IN BC 75 �046 7,51 Apply urins to any trusts above or below Inert 9 24'OC unless shown oftnessine above Wind Verb Issue based on MWFRS with well C&C member dess, Addressed Nnithe See OWG VAL160101014 for wers,rebels The overall neught 0 this make exd,d,ng overhang is 246 NOTES: 1 The maxim is son uniting alone for installation Adationet immucturns;abbern,ar,mr,this truss training.intends BCSI 1 03, should be used in oonjunction with the archnestong Mans dising johnalleficart 2,Axis Tislumill a,a fibliessis name shereol by Jax Aex,Tarlinols,lob r Floods Combustion. Flondel Engineer Business No 7U7 4745 Sutton Park Court,Suite 402,Jw�slle.FL 32224-904 821 5200 APEX M.h.W G Koolownis Jeffirs,P Arms.. Dealt B Murray RE No 60839 PE No 58544 PE No 71457 0780 go SEQN.181821TVIVAL IC., Austria.Custom 'p.. I io"... Ovillis T4-15 7'_4'15 1144"15 154 i74_ S 4 3!4�1 Cm4M 1 2 t 7 �71 se D MSks '421,I(Dan, A 0 19`3`5 4 4' 74 T-4�15 1 T4'l 5 14.7154 �dN Cftft fader wind c�da S"M C�(ftle ar Par) Delhi Crhada A�MOM libmandions lift).w',MF TCLL 2000 AbodSol ASCE7-10 P,Nt, U lebir CAT:NA PFICalknothom in RaUdell J0 � R 1U /Fire IRh IRL 1W TCDL I'M Speed 130mph Pf.NA Cer NA VERTN-L): 0.002 F BOB 240 E' 0 118 IM 1- 15 JTTr BCL1 0,00 Erkxckure�Closed Lu:Nyi� Cs:Pik VERT(TL): 0,005 F 999 180 Wind makedoind tormand!on MWVRS BCDL STOO Rin"Cater,or, 11 Sunni Chamber:NA HORZ(11) D 001 F - - A Ann 8,Widdi R,= - Der LIF 32-00 EXP C HORZ(T-i-0.002 F Sending A Form,=565ps, NCBCLL:10.00 Mean Height,21,62 It Cody I mi.Climb. Creep Factcwr�1.5 Suffirt 2TOD TCDIL 4.2 Pat Bldg Cocke FOC 2014 RES Mai o3SO Maximum Top Chem Fonothe Per Ply deal I.SxODurmsom T25 BC% 3 a wif TPI Sam 40 Mal 0.152 Chords TrinmComp, Chords Tens. Cow. Strong:24.0 MWIRS Parmiled Can W2 to in Rep Firestone Used Yes MISS Web CSI:0�067 A-B 53 -40 C-D SO -w C&C Did. 3,00 it FTIRT:30(OYIG(0) Mfg Spregand cause, B-C 98 -62 D-E 94 -87 CC,D.la Plane Typeds): Wind Dmajor,16D WAtIE VIEW Ver.15.02,00CA217,15 Markhrinum ButChichal Fidelity Par Ply(11m) Lumbse nmes lem.�MP, Cheirds Tens Comp. ValueSm:13B(Effyxfi.61Ml3) A-H M -35 G-F 62 _Q Too Stand N4 SP A3 H-G Q -Q F-E 55 -42 Set cuum 2x4 SP#3 Welrr2x4SP#3 Maximum Web Foress Per Ply Ifirs) Wored,valm and-13W uses ftmgn Yalues event TermComp, Water Tom. Comp, an,rosed 113012al3try ALSC B-H M -M F-D Phating Name C�G 32 -194 Plownsairedfor.unnumbrof4.001im/land number in lieu or im,etums winals or rigid oinking use pairs to lateraly emoo croms;as regains. Chord Sm—mg(mo,) Stark(lb Einkfu TC 24 -0'31 14,22 BC 75 -046 1435 spirit,purfirs W my chords aborm,or lealm fiflus at 24-OC unless simen examined yound, Wind Wind loans unsed!on MWFRS MIT reardiumnal CdC member design additional Name San DWG VAL160101014 for Salay ders. The owmil height of this buse extending Women,IS I � NOTES: I This ofirsam,is notsualfifichuntalonefor maliallishou Adddonalpnstrudions�mpn�ngthiStru�d�ing,i�udeBCS11-03, Shedd tor used in ronjunction amin Ins,an"itedural Plane dumm,installation 2 Aiello,TochiSrom,is a ficiffimus name sammol by Jar A,xxx Tenturdogry Inc.Forest Corpongton Florida Engineer Business No 7547 4745 Simon Park Count Suite 402,Jacturoxylle FL 32224-904 821 52M APEX Kernel G Kedicheaki Jeffin,P A.. Derm,B Murray RE No 60839 PEN. 58544 RE No 71457 U780 PI,1 SEON:181al I VAL Ancestruse Cartel Cle, D", Z wi INS OWIJJI. IT F Dea. 7 E A 'il L 4� 4� ir� 1�� IFITI 1-cal Cifterk,Own WIN Cremate Sincre(hritterianibitil DeNCIR Cifland. TOLL: 20 0 Wall A�ET­10 Pg,NA M M �T:W PleDefladmail RoUdell LAII _NR 11) /Rve iRh IRL JW_ T�: IN 'psal 130 mph P1.MA C.,NA VERT11-11.1 0 002 L SON 251t G- 66 118 /A /- 18 121 �l ON Emotional Unaked! Lic NA Csi NA VERl 0.003 L SN �255 WmalressacturesixteadmiNIVIRS KDIL� 5N RiskCareill Severe Duration:NA HORZ(1_Lk-DOW C A Win 8,Wift R,= - Me Ld 32.00 EDOP:C HORZ(TL):-O.OM C Bearing A Fcourp I Week. all 10.00 Mumn 1-teight:20.62 ft Cad.I fiffin.Caftearke Cres,Fal IS Sal 2,00 TCDL:U pid EM,�bds: FK 2014 RES Mal 0,U4 Mardneure Top Chord Forces Par Pit,like) Lead Durediden 1.25 3CDl_3.0 par TPISUI 2007 Mbor�C$11 O.w Chounis Tem.CMP. Clabod. Ters. CN, Special 24.0 MFRS Pill ON:W W h Fall Facters Laked Yes Mae Web CSI:0 124 A-13 SO -IOT D.E 1% -75 UCD,i FTIRT�30(Oyla(G) Mfg Specifired Camber, B-C n .73 E-F 73 _73 GCO:0.18 Plans TpkA) C-0 1% -75 F.G w -IV Vince Dandii I DO WAVE Vll 15.02.00l Lumber Merrill Sat Chord percent Par Ply(l ValueSet 13BEffectiveS1112013) Chance Tands.Comp. Cisounds Tans. Conn. TNchmd2x4SP#D A-L im _75 J-1 112 -83 Bot chord 2x4 SP Act L-K M -SO 1-H 09 .00 Webs 2x4 SP N K-J 112 -83 H-G im Lumber value set'139 uposidesucinvalues 'proved 113012D13 1,ALSC Maximum Web peaces Per Ply(11prel Webs TereComil Wake Trans.Coal Plarting Ncl Plates sireal for a minimum of 4 GO act,erpska, 8 L IM -10 I-E 215 _260 C-K 215 -M H.F I% _1M Pull D-J 0 -in In lieu 0 structural panels or all calling use makes m laderally ounce chords as follocans, Chard Spacco,i(mora Stal Endi TC 24 031 21,07 BC 75 -DO 2122 Apo,Dishims as ar,charter above or pencia fillece re 24'OC unless shcan othervanse athave mm Wind losses based an MVVFRS wch additional C&C nuarlsercerm Addifficanal Nei See DWG VAl for valle,chands, The overall hill or line trunce esdurdin,overhaul 6-4-6 NOTES: 1 This drawar is unt sufficaml alone for installation Additional instructions pecars,ximping the a.d..n,.,ndad.BCSI 1-03, should be used in compunction with the architectural plans during installation 2 A �VisafidAmsn�emn�byJ�A�T�hndeRinc RkarridaCorbounicur FlorciaEctimser 7547 4745 Simon Park Com.Sale 402,Jacloicanualle FL 32224-ON 821 52W APEX Mudked!G Koulovarki Jeffney P A... Muck B Mul PE NO W839 RE. 585" PE N,71457 U780 WZ 1".fiffifirs �SEQN:18178 1 T6 I VAL Areasomme Custrind FROM DRW, V02 owl,116 12 lq� IT E.p as, 1.0 E al 12 new trout &4 an's 47, 4T xi le ji iF Loading Criteria fist Wind Orionis Shamir IN PfmP F) DGfVCSJ Critters A Maximum Passed...(Ill mr,--pLF TCLL 2000 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 P M Ct NA, CAT%A Pid Defiraction in laid United We We R 1U 1� /Rh IRIL /W TCDL 700 Samuel: 1 So maid 49.MA, C. M VERi (Ifil L 999 338 , 66 119 127 1- 13 1312 BCfdL: i Endidems:Oral W NA, C. M VERT(rLy l L 9" SIS wind reactions tommul on MINFIRS BCOL: i RwkCrWoxY 11 Sary,Duration:Ne, HORZI-Q: l L - A Min B WkJdRx,:: - Des,W: 32.041 EXP C — ORZTI-y all L Brand,A=�5(1 NCBCl-J,100D Mean Hall 19A2 ft �lmisccftda Creep Factor 1.5 Sidfift� 2�00 TCDL 4 2 W Bldg Code FSC 2014 RES Mrs,TC CSI: 0.692 Maximum Top Crowd Ni Par Ply(the) Wail Damon 1,25 BCDL:3.0 ad Tel Bid N07 M.BCCSI 0,395 Cluxurds TandsCred, Chadd, Telex Camp. Sprel 2,1,0- MFRS Need Ded:hur?to In Re,F.Load Year Why Wish CSI:0,400 A-B M -137 D-E in 0 Inc DA a 3,00 it 111301 l Mfg Sidercifieral Cumber B-C TM �31) E-F in -119 Gi 0.18 Plem,Typed: C-D in 0 F-G 205 -lv Wind Duration IN WAiyrE FEi I!5020l Lumber Maximum BuitChord Fordars Per Ply Bar) Value Sm,135(E�i.Sri Castle TerseComp. Chouls Trade. Comp. ToindlyandissISPAKI A-L 171 -15) J-1 178 -155 Butchand2wISP113 L-K In -15al 1-H in -19 Welas 2A SP 0 K-J in -156 H-G 171 -150 Lumber saus Min'138-uses design waluess approved!1/=2013 by ALSC Mathround Web Forces Rehr PWIm) Plarfid,Name Welas TerreCournp Weldis Tans. Could Rates arded far a ormandurn of 4 N q in/Ol B-L 226 -M I-E fill -W C-K did -W H-F M _Z500 parlim D-J 0 -32D In lieu of structural Panels or ind calling use prime to lateral,funds,chands as idlows Chad Spadinghn ce) Starth, iddifift, TC 24 -206 26 19 8C 75 -2,20 26,33 Apply pudins W any chords examine or beflow,fillers at 2,V OC unless shown otherwise above Wind Wind load eased an fil with andiffiromal C&C member d:ogn. Additional Notes See DING V�160101014 fair wifflay details The oydrall theight 0 this trusts excluding overidding is l NOTES; 1 This drimeng is net ii,mid-t share for installation Acrictordin indrundichume reconsidering this trues drearying,andurs,BCS1 1 03 should tod,moul in conjisdidur win the arefiftedual lans during maddlesion 2 Aidex Triennial is a fiebtrour more oydred by do,Amid,Technology Inc Florida Command, Florida Ed,imer Business No 7517-4745 Sudan Pai Court,Suite 402,Jarsymmild,FL 3n24-904,1121.5200 APEX Mici G Karmysisly JeffirryPAnnewern Cerel,B Murray RE No.60839 RE No,585. PE No 71467 1 SEON 18177 1 T51 I VAl. Conrad, "y I FROM DRW sued:11,lb- .---.— I I will Is IMP �11� P-M! 42A "T is' 2 "Mi I.M M el 1. is " 1 15 lip sl-W.— I� 154' 1 3 15' oppose N P1_10 .P 12 7 F17 do a F F vot! 'a. do 12 E u 1. D sci Ai as On An A bas ItN�� x- - -- - - - "As 3 1 1�ll `A3 15� f__I 1,4.", P217 14' 14' X Q 1 1� "1 ' 14- 2.1 "m*, 4 1,4e ir " as am modualitrando (I ),w--KF Igaeffe,Criteria upon Wind Create �.C�WIN.�InMn Coo Clitionme Assured 0 as W) TCLL 2000 Wul AnE7-10 Pi GINA CATIM PP Defiestor in ImU� _rI 1-ac R /U liese rich /RL 1W TCDL: 70D $Fired: 130 supla Fir,No, Car INA VERl 0,013 AD 999 39 AR13 120 125 1- 17 141B BCU 300 Erdoosurm Closed LuNA CodNA VERIT11.): 0.027 AD Me 39! Wind morecificards Mi on MWFRS Bi 5.00 Faidcam's, 11 Same Duragion,NA HOi INS A AR Mon Big Vol Fred= - Does W: 32,00 EXP:C HORl 0.008 P Brourrid,AR is a rigid merge, NC�� 10.00 Mean Hoo 181 ft cw.imw.cftd. Creep From:1.5 Edge 210D TCM:42pd Bldg Case FBC2014 RES Madi Ol abandoned Top Chem Former Per Ply(libus) Lead Comdex:1,25 BCDL 3.0 palf 11cl Sid: M07 MxgBCCSI 0166 Chords Tgo.Comp Choose Term Camp Sposping:24o MWIRS Pargial Esto 0 to W Re,Faiders Usual Yes Mossinti 0.110 A-B let -100 L-M See -18 C&C Dig a 3 48 It ii 30pnoo)(0) Mfg Siegel Coming: U.0 136 -1% M-N -6 Gi Plains Typal C-D IN -158 N-0 =1 -3 Wind Digation 160 WAVE VIEW Ver,15.02.W.1217 15 D-E �29 -im O-P 7r -15 Lumber Adifieflowal Notes E-F 19 . 10 P-0 im -29 Value Sel 138(Effiestria,WlQD13) Sher MISS A140MENCI 01014&GBLLUIN1014 he i FIT -9 Q-R w 39 G-H US -75 R-S 7F 50 Top shared!Zed SP#3 gratte added bracurs,reactargerents H-1 IN -Is S-T So 62 Bot shoul 2,4 SP#3 Som DWG VAILl Sol D1014 for rages details 1-i let 54 T-U 22 n Webs 2x4 SP 43 The mendel height of this trounds abodurfin,overmad,is J-K in Q U_V Be _102 Lunfloser salue,red-13W uses design saides, 9-0-13 K-L 2% 30 V-W IV _1,12 approused 1MM013 by ALSC Brad, Manganese Shat Chord Formal Par Ply fibild (a)Continuous loossurral regroband annually sqNsed on Cloards TerideCturn, Gooddr, Tem. Card, mortal A-AD IN -GO AG-AF 16F, -119 Ai 179 -10 AF-AE IN -lie Plosing Notes AP-AQ let -10 AE-AD IN .118 All Nares,am 2X4 except as nated A040,1 IN -10 AD-AC IN -117 Pleas shoold for a aurrinduard of 4 DO and.m.1prose AN-AM IN -IM AC-AB IM -117 A� �ffi A�AA �63 .��S Purflide ALAK 61 Al 61 - 5 In lieu of strussural pounds or dud adding use purge AK-AJ 162 -119 Z_Y IN -114 to languidly made chands as ballideve �Al to -119 Y_X 1% -113 Cidord Scm,,i Stal Emil Al-All to -119 X_W 153 -11D TC 24 072 33 81) AH.AG IN .119 BC 75 058 33 95 Aply Purfins to ar,didesom ations,or board,fillers, at 24'OC unless shumn corrosion,alsons, Norseman Web lonscords Per PWItions) Wage TrourneCced, Welthis Tens. Good, Wind C-AD 120 -10 AE-0 M -74 Wind loods baced on MWFRS Mm successor C&C F-AN M -N AC-0 N -74 memper deres, G AM M 75 AB,R 62 _66 I-AK 69 -7,1 Y-U 50 - L AH 71 -89 Maximum Gable Forces Per Pty(that Gables Tens Cousin Grables, Tens Card, NOTES: 1 T�d�ngmnW�deMWonef�installaon Additional instrudion��pnpngthistru�d�iM,iwu�BCSI 1-03 should the used in conjunction over me architectural plans crude marginal FlandriEn,ards, Business No 7547-4745 Sudden Pred,Card,Sure 4.2,Jeoldrondoill,FIL 32224-9"821,5200 APEX loffichboad G Kordeddis JeffiravyPA-exon Game R Murder PE No 60839 PE No Ni PE No 71457 62780 Ply 1 SEQN:131 75 T66"A' Anastasia Custom Chy� 1 vi I WI:53.2 me 68-7 k 12 1�.Cl 3 I_ _7 N 4F Cm4X4 12 IMA Dhwa 4IVADBR) E A R, H IeUK4 G 1IM4 F I12X4 IYrI3 k 4' 4' N F �27 1TO-7 123!4'!13 �om Carol man Whad Cftda Same Criteria Phalf In pan �Cftda A Maximum Famodays;hool be-,PLF TCLL: 2D.CD WindStal ASCE7-10 Pg,NA Ct NA CAT NA PPImfirctionin cUdx, Lee R IU Ift /Rh IRL /W TCDL 700 Speed:130 mph K.NA Ce,NAt VERT(LL): ONI C M 2" E' IS /17 126 /- 17 IIN Bea: D 00 E.dosum Closed! L.-NA C. NA VERT(TI-t: 0.001 C 999 IN Wind hadecoory lossual on MWIFRS Beet. 5,00 'Ish,Category:11 SindmDucition NA HORZ(ILL):�N1 B - A Win Big Walth Beat= - Dias Ld 3ZOD UP:C HORZ(T.)�ATM B Bmaning A F,mr,=565,1 NCBCLL 10,00 Mrsen I-ki,int:21,82 ft Cook I also CrItuala Creep Factor IS Soll 2.00 TCDL:4.2 end Bldg Code:FBC M14 RES MaxTCCSI: 0.311 Maximum Top Cloorol Foreem Par Ply Iftal 1-fax!Ducamon:1,25 BCDL:3.1)W TPI SW 207 MahBCCSI: 0.146 Chum. Ta.a,C.p, Choice Ten..Cimp. Spacing:24.D MFRS Poodle!Car IV21oh Re,Factich,Used Yin Mad,Web CSIL post A-S 33 -0 C-D N -at CAC Chat a 100ft FTIRP�W(DVIO(D) Mfg Specified Carrier. B-C 99 -at D-E 79 -81 Sethi 0.18 Rate Timms): WiWDu� IN WAVE VIEWVsr:15.02.00C.1217 15 Meet...Bot Clused Resume Pay Ply Bull Lumber Cifords TandsComm Chomis Ten Com, ValuesSer,1313(Effydme,511�013) A-H Q -N G-F 47 -31 Top cland as SP" H-G 47 -31 F-E 49 -M But chroad as SP N Wetx2x4SP#* Maximum Web Forces Por Ply(Ilem Lux"Imar'due set'l 3W uses design Witers We. Ton.C., Weas T., Cartel. .P,.d 113=013 by A-SC B-H 20 -M F-D 2019 -M Platin,Nothe C-G 31 -175 Plates szeal for a minimum of 4.00 M indpince, pool. In lieu 0 amcoural prima of ngid reffing use pudins to laterally once chords as folload, CIxxd Specumin m,) Steruft) Field) TC 24 D 31 Be 75 0 12M to 2.94 Apply Where re any cl,ords imaire or arms,fillare at 24�OC unless shown othersiss,imme, wind Wind Inside luesed an MWFRS yel addifieful C&C remother merge Additional home Sao DWG VAL160101014 fmr�fle,astals, The oysum height of this I..exclud.,madma'.. �11-7, NOTES' 1 This drawn,a net suffiniess dons for somilamen Additional instimcions accomparyinif thetrimmormarg, wiale BCSI 1-03 should be used in commetion with the architectural plane during mouldrion 2 A,,exTxchncIo,,is afidows name onmed byJaxAMx Tehnolo,y Inc FlondaComormon FlandriEngirear Bu.,�..N..7�7-4745S.P.�C.�H.S.d�.02.J-k-.��ll..FL32224-9U821,52N APEX Michael G Kodoeslu Jeffirs,P Arneson Oemk B Murray PE No 6039 PEW 5N,Ix PE No 71457 62780 P —1,11.113115�11AI And saCustionni FROM V13"m Is. 02,11116 k 124 IN, C'uss MIMS D Orlm A 4- 4 .1, AOTI Leading CrII al Wind CrItuda S.C�ft.Minnn C;� 51�C�, Alluddragam Reactors(lbs),isr'sPLY TOLL 2(1,00 NndW: ASCE7-10 Fg,M a,M ,T:NA PpOldhaskes in oc Ifickill Lea R 11.1 fRat 1Rh IRL 1W TOOL 7W Speed! 130 mph Pt.NAr Car NA VIERT(I-Q� 0,02 F M 2sB E' 66 126 126 1- 18 1243 BC�, 0.01) Esteem. Clasid Lur NA Cin NA, VERT(TQ: 0.04a F 999 239 wind rametions turand M MWFRS BCDL: 5,00 Risk Category 11 S.Dayalion:NA HCRZ(ILL):&M H - A Min Brg Wifth put= - Ces Ld 3200 UP c HORZCTIL�:0.018 H Bearing A Fc,up,=565,al NCBCLL 1000 Milan HeI 2082 It cocia/Mis,crifterks Creep Faden.1.5 Saffs 2 Old TCCL:4.2 Pat Bldg Code FBCN14 RES Max TO CSI: 0.737 Minimum Top Chad Forelas Pw Ply(Iba) Land Danger:125 BCDL:3d pef TPI Sk! 2007 M.BCCSI 0,389 Churce Tone.Comp Cheraft Tdrdd�Cora, Spatting,24 0 MWIFFS Parallel Cust:0 0 W? Four Fanko�Used:year Wax Web CSI,0.197 A-B � -123 C-D 204 0 C&CIDiala 30011, FT1PT:3Q(0YIO(0) MI'SperaffialConstper B-C 204 0 D-E M -123 GCp 0 18 Plase Typoi Wral Durnal 1.60 WAVE VIEW Van I5d2.0DC 1217,15 Ifissimunt Bot Chound Fac.Par Ply gloy) Lumber Claude TersZonst, Chroadis Temr�Comp, Vp�,,Siil 1313(effirsafinsisdInD13) A-H IM -13S G-F IN -1413 Top rthad 2x4 SP#3 H-G 10 -143 F-E 162 -136 Bo,&ad 2x4 SP#3 Webs 2x4 SP#3 M.1...W.1,F..Par Ply JIMI Lumber value ret'13F u.deal,ad. Webs TerisComp, Webs Tdi Cand, apicssal 113012013 by ALSO B-H M -W F-D Platin,Notes; C-G M -319 Pleas soned!for a minimum 0 4.00 a,in'Pi. Part.. In lieu of stramused Panels or ngid asking use puffins to laterally assee efords as kileas Chad Sparangtin oe) Startift, End(f) TO 24 _O 31 19.65 SO 75 -046 1980 Apply ashim to any chorift aboser or liales Blank at 2V OC milk.shanim offiessed pounds Wind Wall loods Irsduall on MWIFFS wth sessions'CkC mornmerassigh Additional Nothas See DAG VAL10101014 for dis,details The tr�arpl herlut admit mas doduchn, &11-7, IKYTIES: 1 This drissautiI is not suffided some for Irradiation Addlibrol instruchord,scarnintarimpri,this truss drearing, incluess BCSI 1-03, should be stall in conjuretion wirn the part during installaskon 2 A,pax Terelymeaub,is a fiddlers name earder ir,Jax A,by,TartandoW Ine,Flaidas Consortium Flonda Engineer Bassists,No 7647-4745 Summ Park Com,Suite 402,.1sk,knommile FL 32224-904.8215200 tA P VEX Wel,aal G Kesdaval Jeffiray P Amaral Ddrdk B Murray PE No.60839 PE No 68644 PE No 71457 62780 SEON 181711TWIVAL An"Marso Cusm. FROAA: DRIN V15 Vill 20A the � 1 02,11116 F4 1 L .a. I a.- E your is osis FIM A "'ard", 4" air a" lij 4" T" L"ill Create xv, Wind Clients Same,Ciflabla hill in papir Defti Crifted. Resix,tiord;1111m),or'=PLF TCLL 2000 Wm,Std: ASCE7-10 A,NA Ct NA CAT NA PI'Defficamito ocUded LhI Loc R fU Ift IRI, IRL IAI TCDL 700 Stical 1 SO orph Fif NA Ce NA VERT(ii 001811 9911 321 , , 125 127 1- IS 1325 SCLL 0 DO E.. Closed! U NA CaNA VERTJQ: 0.038 H 9N 321 Wund..An.1.1 on 111`11 BCDL 5 SO Plates Catago",11 Says,Damon:it HORZ(L_�.�D.007 H A Min BM Width Root= - Dem Ld 32,00 EXP C — HORl H Bearring A Firpe,=565psi NCBCLL 10,00 Mean 14haght 19 82 ft Couthe I Win,Crifterfis Creep Fail 1.6 Smith: 2,00 TCDL 4 2 pref Bull FOC2014 RES Mal O.SIS M�mum Top Chand postal Par Ply Ill L,bW1 Burnham 125 Bi 3.0 all TPI Bid W07 Miss K CSI 0.317 Choose Tersaiesel Chande Tam Cmi Sail 24.0- Myl Pal Dil 0 to W2 Rep Factors Umd:Yeas Miss Web CSI:0 312 A-B I% _IA D-E w -6 C&C Dist ac 3SO ft pi 30(ol W,speadied!Clandeal B-C 138 -M E-F III _44 Gear 0�18 Phl TIPal C-0 IQ -6 F-G 155 _124 Wind Duniffixon 1.60 WAVE VIEINVer,15.02,000,121715 Lumber Mind...BotChandRomenesPrintill Vau.Sed:13BdEffecmas6/I/20I3) Clihoos Tery,Comp. Choods Tens Come Top chord 2x4 SP#3 A-L IQ _131) J-1 157 -IV Bot chord 2x4 SP#3 L-K 154 _134 I-H 154 134 Wrem 2x4 SP 0 K-J IV -13F H-G I" _130 Lumber val....'13B'mans d-,m tons, apWmad 113W2013 by At.SC assembler Web Runces,Per Ply hi Plarfing Norturs, Weas TereaComp. Water Tem. Comp Plates sizeal for a minimum ot AM ars, ftercis B-L 213 -Z71 I-E IN .238 C-K 199 -= H-F 713 -V1 Purfins D-J 0 _V7 In lieu of muchumil mines or ngid oblung use,puffins to sherally bace,chum as entries Cinord! Swinghn co, Sound) Endi TC 24 -031 M.51 Be 75 -0.46 Saw Apply purins to any courts anumue,or busumer share at 24'Be uriess atromn ...Qxr. Wind Wind loods bramed on MWFRS arm ouldermal C&C harder,thersign Achaffirdonal Notes Sed,DAIG VAL160101014 lior yeflay dembil. The crearall hall 0 this trues excluding martiong is 7-11-7, NOTES I This closer,is nat suffial alone for installation Addrional hatruclicaus accory,somm,this tmQ dresim,include BCSI 1-D3 should be used in correlation with the architectures Paris drum,hattNuation 2 Apex Tracturchot;y is a fictiffirous name oremed!by Jax,Apex Tichrudogy Inc.Fail Corporation Form Engineer Business No 7547-4745 Sutton Park Court,Suite 402.Jacksonnifflud,FL 3=24-904$215200 APEX MxdmI G Kodmaski Jeffir,P Amason Deask B Murray RE No,60839 PE No 58W PE No 71457 62780 8 111 lAl MIN: Amsbasis Custon FROM $EON 1816 OVIII16 V17 PWe 2 d 2 a AV Im -in N w I AU S W AlkO w 75 *AT M M A�Q 71 75 *AS 71 M AF.R 47 W FAR , _w W w 6) H AP , W A�U 71 M I AO 71 W A�V " m KAM 7' -75 M-W 59 m L AL 0 -Bit Z-X Im -in NOTES; 1,This dmisray s no idlichers Wore for oilalloon AMAma�inslmdi�s�mpnpngthpstmssdr�ng.P�u��Sil-03, shoUd his ussid in conjunclon with tine c"itectural sins dunn,insholation. 2,A,ses Teonolo,,is a ficm—u;non,mnsil hy Jax A,mis Tecodogy Inc Flonda Coponition, Flonda Eni,nscr Boiness No 7S47-4745 Sisho Pail,Count Sude 402,Jaclason0fle FL 32224-9M,821.520 APEX G Kod;P%nilu JeffieyInAmason Disms B Munsy PE No'60839 PEN. SB�o PE No 71457 michiss 62780 Fill 1 SEQN 151891THIMONO Dpagr �a�macu=m (My:2 mom T28 W91,32,211s, OX11116 i 12 5 Coe, ,.a ..A T I 1U U Kid,, F n diarbe a Sri"Cr�Ofts,in pan o�m CphAdx, "dented I g C�"on "m AM x TCILL Woo Wind Rd: ASC27-10 Pgr NA Q:NA �T:NA PPIDiefted.in I.1-hosell L/I I-ox, R /U Ift /Rh IFUL 1W TCDL 70D Speand 130 real of NA C.:NA, VERTOLI-):-0.005 F ON W E 742 1209 1- 1- 1- 13.5 BCI-I-, ON Endual Clusesel Lic NA Ce:NA VGRT(Tl.) -0.016 F 478 IN 0 613 1162 , /- j- 1, BCDL SN Rask(3als,es,11 Some,Duration:W HKXiZ(l-DN3 A - Wind prouchanor bassed!on NNIFIRS Cas Ld 32N UP C H0RZ(TI-f-(1.ON A E MinfIrgWilithfirs, 1.5 NCEI ION Mininflifillit,15.00ft �111bacciftharda Creep Footol 1 S D MinB,WmhR,- - Spain 2N TOOL 4 2 f Bldg Code:FBC 2014 RES M�TCOSI: 0,257 Beiring E Fcdero=ffilms, I-sudlCursdom 1,0 Bl 3 0 poll TPI Slid: M7 M.wCSl 0.525 SIppecul 24 0 MFRS Papal DM:0 to IV2 Rep Factions Used! Yes Miss Web CSI:Ol Madmium Top Cluand propose Par Pig,(Its) C&C DO A 3.00 ft 17IRT:30(OY1O(0) Mfg Speciresed i;aarnbax. Clyarm, TeratIontp. Cloords Tom.Come. GCO:OA 3 Plains TI A-B 22 AM B�C 39 -9 WridDeargairl.60 WAVE VIEW Ver 15.02.=.1217.15 Lumber Hangers I Inters Maximum Box Chord Forced,Par Ply(ligil VAus Sat 138(Effuldfind,6142013) Rharpormonmadmid mother coppeconin...lowspeal on Clsords TensCopprip, Cleards; Tem. �,P. Top chord 2x4 OF N marourfecturer tested cainesdes and caliculabons, F-E Ill -29 E-D me -35 Bon chord 2,6 SP Or �dffieppns may eurat thert require different Wel,a 2x4 SP NO WI 2x6 SP#2 than indicated Refera,manufachumer Lumber value M'lW users design valums publimalm for additional information, Maximum Web Forges,Per PI,(N) appurvent 1/3012013 by ALSC Owns,at Ixemon-4 9 up,pithaftflossing Webb TNA.C.mp Webb me.,Comp, sup,port conditions A-F 0 -108 B-D 33 -111 S,e.Ad Load, Bumns,D (A9-.1O12)HTUr!6 E-B 85 -94 D-C w -10 Support,Member(1)W SP 02 —(Lunrdyar Dul.25/pass DufFa,,-1.26) (20)0 148'xr nails into supporting T�Fdpnn Walter OODW 56pKm SOO ..bar BC-Found sell ON to 5 pit ad 5 N (11)0.Mal 5 nals I.supported Bl 321 In�w I-cand at D.56 drommor. 8l 364 In�I-osed st 2,56.4,55 Plisfin,Notes Addfflonal Nobel The ovarail height of this truse exicuffing overhang is Prefix suzarl for a minimum of AN Ali in lFisou, �8-8 Pumps In lieu of structural parefir or fast calling use pumme to labially maso,chords as folloss Court Spacrughmor) Stionfl, Empt) me 24 000 Soo BC 60 000 5 On Apply Funds to any chords above or begoar them .2W'OC unless,sheyer,offleposse above Wind Wind moss and reactions speed on MWFRS. Right end vertical not expospid!to vind pressum Left cantilever is surproadl to whod NOTES: 1,This clearing is not suduchent Alone for indowilmon, Andifirmi propositions sacommmitypog firs,truss opposing,include BCSI 1.03 should Ina used in coniumonon with the ao,hilectural plans danno, natudalion, 2,AWxTmhndM isa fichissus nanneopioned!by JaxApax Technology Inc nondaGorappasion FlommE unmer Business No 7547-4745 Sumon Pro,Could Suite 402.Japsommuld FL 32Z24 904 821 52M mil APEX Wholuxual G hucadoesk, Jeffre,P Arneson Deralk B Murray PE No 60839 PE No glass PE No 71457 EON SIN C.a. WIT Is seachasho "'no'com. Is as as art� sy", ssw�� Leading targets not Mind Channel Sri=Criands(P,pt in pan MMSC� Allhader-mlibeefficanni TCLL 20,00 Wind Sfidj� ASCE 7-10 Pg:M Ct Nk CAT:W w Dinflucino in lecUdiall Le Loo R lu /Re, /Rh IRL IW TCDL 700 Extent:130 Wh RM Ce:NA VERT(U), O.On D M 2V j M 12M9 /�961- 120 15.5 OCILL: Onto Enclosure Chastal Lu Re CrNVi VERT(TI-): 0.02 D M M F $IN QZ39 1284061- 1. 15.5 BCDL: 5�00, Russ Category 11 Swer Duration:fifi!� HORZ(LL): 0.091 C Mind reackme moved!on NWFRI Cas Lot MiN EXP C HORZ(TQ 0.07 C J Min Efir,Width Red= 3 4 NCBCU- 10M Mean HeIght 15,67 it �imwcc� Creep Factur,15 F Min Big though Red= 3.4 Soffit 2.00 TCI�4.2 Pat Bldg Code FBC 2014 RES MsoTCCS1: O.W6 Bearings J&F Foomp=5MP.j Lowl Duration:1.25 Bcm�So our TPI Sol M07 M.BCCS1: 0.959 0.672 Maximum Top Chord Forcing Par Ply(lbratt Slowing:24.0 MWFRS Parallel Do 0 to W Fuels Factors thand:Yea Max Web CSIL Choice TermComp, Clard. Two,Ciarl C&C ORM a:3.00 ft "�:30(OYIO(0) We S,xisafted Carmove GCpis US page Typehm: A-B 3Z73-�l C-D M17 -W Wnd Dustrusin 1,60 WAVE VnExi 150200C.1217.15 B-C 2819.3499 D-E � -4;206 Lumber Leading Val 13EI(Effectim(AM13) Trusts mandess a mandrourn ho-orml ined of Maximum But Chord Forwax Per Ply(Ibs) Top chord!2x4 SP 92 mang#1 292.62 or)along top chow."in come Chords TeraCcinp. Chords Tem.Comp. Bm choul be SP#2 direction.to supports where Indicated Diaphragm and J-1 poor -901 H-G MI -2045 Want 2.SP MA1,M 2x6 SP#2: connections am to be designed by Engineer of Record I-H 2178-� G-F 917 -910 Dreg Load :F.(#) (Pt MW Shim End WO as SP 02 Cate 1:8 6999 29262 TC 0,00 2392 -t,mIwrvauxwt-I3B�uswdwn,1tmIuem 69" 292 65 BIC 0,00 23B2 Maximum Web Forwas Pear Ply(lbs) tip,trosed 113OV201 3 by ALSC Caw 2 6999 2%2j62 TC 0,00 23.92 Werm TureConas Wine Tens Cori 6999 292,65 SO D.00 2392 Brucling Case 3 6999 292S2 TC D.00 23N A-J =-Mi H-D 483 -50Q (a)Continuous Istural mustaind Nually waited on "99 29265 BC 0,04 2392 A-1 31xrr-� D-G ai -941 menniceir Case 4r 6999 292.62 TC Onto 23,92 I-S M -W G-E WHO -2970 more n2.65 BIC 0�04) M92 B-H diot -5(fi? E-F -Ml Pandin, Addifinnal Notes C-11 w5 -W PlatessoxedforarannimunicA4.00sho.m. wa Nepal heractnords)0-223"MI Parent RN,xw up,ft connection See Minimum Reartilkiner In lieu of struclund Intends ix right calfing use witfirs The aseral height of this truss excluding onarrimem,is W Intensity thers,chords as fbildrear 9-11-7 Choul Spwngfin oc) Berlin) Eni TC 24 0 00 23.92 BC 46 000 2392 ARM purints,W any chows alsons or winea fillers .2W CC unless slicam otimansived Whose Wind Wim loans based on MWFRS afth worm.GiLC member design NOTES: I This draming is not suffifidert ofire for inatiolation Mddio�inMmdions�m�nyingMistm�dr�ng.ind.�BCS1103 should be used in extinction with the ancindectusel plans during Installation. 2 A,pexTedfunfintry is afictitscis marammeol W JuxA,pusTexthinclogy Inc,Florida Compensation FlonmEnt,wer BurainamosNo,7547 47wSuftnPar,COUr1 SUft402,Jaason�lle,FL3U24-�82i52CO APEX Michosel G Kradoxedo Jeffre,P Amason Carek B Murray PE No 60839 RE No 541544 PE No 71457 82760 EQN.I"""S" Duration pg�&141,4 I a OVIII16 Pt"'wesswen. werever. a was % —in M6 Lending Criteria her, vill'"Icifted. Sindar Crumble(palif in Pliq [)afiJCSl Criflumba, I Maximum practical(fing TC11 N,00 WindiSad ASCE7­10 Pg:NA Cl,Nlik CAT M PIP Derhandion,it PoUad, Loc R III raw, /Rh /RL /W TCDL 7.0a) Speed IM hiph py,ras CaL bt VERT(LL)b 0.021 H 999 257 1 Slid /225 /398 1- J253 I&S KILL OOD Enclosure:Closed Lu W Ca:NA VERT(TL) 0.0,43 H 999 257 G 808 1226 1398 1- /- 15.5 KDL 5,00 Rierc Caue,oq:11 Smer Duration W HICIRZ(U), 0.013 G - Wind resedons harmand on MWFRS Due Ld S2,00 EXP c HORI 0.027 G I MinBMWidiffiRess, IS NCBCLLL 10.dd Messin Heist 15,67 It Cards I Mass Climate Cras,Faido,,15 G Min Big Width Raw= IS safift 2,00 TCM 42prif Bldg Cods FBC2014 RES Max TC CSI 0180 Bearings I&G Fc,surp=555ps. LomdDumxai 1.25 Bcu�3 0 rdf TPI$is 20D7 Madi OLOW $p.,:24.a MWFRS Parallel Did:0 Is,W2 Rep Feature UW1 Yes Mae Wish CN:OMO Maximum Top Chicand Forces Ply PlIp(lars) C&C Dist a 3 GO IT FTIRT:30)(0)"1)(0) Mfg Specifficel Candamr. Chance Teraw.Cong. Chess. Tims.Comp. GCOb 0,18 Plate Type(s): A-S 54 -IN C-D 313 .71N Wind Duration 1.0 WAVE V1EWVw:15.02.00C.12il'.15 B-C 313 -131 D-E SO -19 Lumber Value Set:13B(Effenerse SNM013) Maximum Sed Chmc1 Forces Per Ply g1m) Top hord 2P4 SP#2 Chords TormCorn, Clumb, Term C'P' Got Word 2P4 SP#2 J-1 16 -21 H-G W -247 Webs 2,vt SP 0301.W9 2x6 SP#2 1-H 644 -20 G-F is _Z! Lundber value eart�138'uses,aseugn values approved 113=01 3 by ALSIC Maximum Web Forium Par Ply(11m) Bracing Wares TermCouni Webs Ten.Comp. (a)Ctminuous laderal restraint equally stated!on A-J 0 -185 H-D 265 -M member A-1 IN 0 D-G 432 _901 1-8 N? -901 G-E lisp 0 plantin,Webs 8-H 256 -�l E-F 0 .185 Plates sized for a nanimum of 4 00 an,in sainarce C-H 31? _95 assets In lieu of struchums,parms or ngsid citing,use quilans, to ladmally brute Pharos as milhowas Croup! Spaxing(anisru Shart(ft) End(ft) TC 24 0.00 2392 BID 75 0,00 2392 Apply purins to any din,mas alsome P,Name fillers M 24'OC unleas shown offineriviss,above Wind Ward lossis based on MWFRS with adefifimed C&C manderams,n Left end right cantilevers are expeared!to wind Addifional Notes The averall hargid 0 this mares excluding overiver,is 9-11-7, NOTES: I This dimarm,is W buffirompt alone for nothallaskin Addiflumal insionsebrions abPonsparrying this bruwx croming.andunds,BCSI 1 03, should be used in oonjundion with the arearmume plams during installation 2,A,new TePhydo,y is a fiddious name ownes!by Jors Asor TePlanclog,ir In,Florida Corpousban FlobdaEn,nem, Budines.No 7547-4745 Susan Park Coud.Sure 402.Janikeonvills,FL 32224-904 821 52M APEX Mirbast G Kozorwrou Jeffiner,P Arnewn Dumb B Murray c hi'llaill, , PEW 611839 PE No OSIP4 PE No 71457 627W SEQN 18195 1 T41 I SPEC CmNm D-it".1 FROM: DRW I oi k 1,9 8�1 1 1776 Elo k P" 1�0 4 a '1 011 of 12 T Al C E Okla G Zia in IWV u(91 1 8 R SaL 17F, N K 2l'W4 2l'r12 10 5 5� "N" j4 lon is 1 4 Loack,Cft,la mi WON Others NmW cr�(PaR In"ll D"I'lli C He A Maximum RWxdcWN(l TCLL 20.00 Wral ASCE7-10 P I I R. /Rh I RL 1W Will UNA, CAT:NV PPOdfiacoonxi I.Uself! U10 I,N R fU — TCDL 7.03 Spenal ISO.0 NA C. NA VERTOLLI 0,07 N MIS 2N V Wt 1176 1- 1- /5.5 ltcl� 000 Eadcal Clostal Lur NA Cal NA VEIi 01 N NO 2% 0 2969 11003 1- 1- 15.5 SCOL No Rawk Cuoul 11 S.Member:NA H011 0.017 K L 14M 1667 1- 1- 1. 13.5 DeSLd 32.W EXP C HOl 0,033 K Wind musefirses bodues on MFRS NCBCLL 10(so Mwn I-Nigift 15 00 it CWo/MWCrftria Complilactor 1.5 V KISOMWicithRel IS " 2N TCDL 4 2 Of W9 Cics: FBC 2014 RES ful 0.736 0 MInBrgW,&hRN= 31 Loodl Du� 1.25 BCU:3 0 Pat TPI So:2007 M.SCCSI 09% L MinBrgW,&hRN= IS Spadl 24,0 MOAFFE Parellef DO:0 W W2 Rep Factom Usen:Yes M.wells CSI:0 No Eminna,V,Q.&L Fixes,i:SNPW C&C DO 6:4.46 it ii NOM11 NO) W,S��Caurw, Gi 0.18 PINSTxii MaximiNa Top Chord Forricam Par Ply ON) Wall Du�:1.60 WAVE 7�IEWVW—1502WC,21715 Clsonces Tens Comp. Chance Tens COW, Lumber Puall. A-S 1Z -63 F-G 2" _w ValueNd IN(Effectimid/lIcH113) a. fonctaal Panels w figid and,use pumars B-C 114 -442 G-H 812 -23N Topchcal�Slli annallybraAachImsicifollissial C-D 147 -606 H-1 WIS _2090 BctchcSd2xGSPA2B12x4SP#2 Chond Sparag(moi South) Eal O-E 513 -2)G, I-i a _M Welx2x4SPX3 Wl.WIDMSPn: TC 24 ON 44S8 E-F I= _453 LuMNrva1ueNt1N'uwSdesgn�IaN BC IS 0.00 4458 APOYAWinstolaryclaimmaticAmortudayrfillem Maximum Bat Cloped!Forces Per Ply(to$) appronved 113=013 by ALSC 9 24'OC unlaotmosan offilarsom mame, Cited. TWmCxw Classes Tens, Camp. Bal Additional Wt. W-V try _Q O-P Qs -M (a)Coaxial ateml andmind Nuall,simeed!on Ths cammill hal a MIS tal em�udhm,,overmang is V_U QS -115 P-0 =1 -Wt member Sts-11 U-T IDS -ISO 0-M =1 -Wt S,WWJ Leads T-S = _Q5 N-M 11% _w S-R 233 -414 M-L IN _w —N-undear D.,FaI Plate Dielisci R-0 4M-1248 L-K 47 -16 TC-From IS pit W O.Wto 56 ad A 5,03 TC-Fresh NOW 5,03 to 56 of ant 1703 TC-Fresh MIS. ITO W 56 of W VaS Maximum Web Forcum Par Ply(Hil TC-Piano MOM 27.55 to 56 pit At 39,65 Wetis Tens Comp WON Tens, Com, TC-From 5601 39.5510 56 pit 9 44,N A-W 6 -17 1 w -24N SC-From lOpffat 11,00to IOPIM 1400 B�From 10 pit at 140l IOP#O 25.58 A-V 91 -IN F-P 1154 _w SC-From 10 pit 0 28 58 to IOpddd ".58 V-8 197 -W P-G six _ON4 BC- 14211bConc.LoNISS23.0,3552.37,52 B_U 24r -19 G-N NO _1z GG- 6131bConc.LdO25.Sx35I5 U-C 1M -219 N-H IN _134 BC- 395 to Com LOW at 39,57 C-T IQ -237 H-M Nis -`49 PlAi,Net. T-D IN -MI M-1 11705 -662 O-R -686 I-L 617 IM All IWO..1.4X5.., a haded R-E 104 -411 j-K 30 -16 Platualazed far.examax.of 4 W W, rJ,xWW E Q 3% -N2 Wind Wind leads and mucions based On MWFi Left and right camilearions am expearead to vand NOTES 1 This call ism sufficient awe for assuWaShon Add�ionatinstrudions�mpan�ngthistrund�ng,�ndu&BCStl-03 WoUd be used in craquaction xam the arclidectuad plans Junag maustation 2 Apax Technology is a real name oxame!by Jax Athol Tactarl Inc,Flonpla Compmetim, Flonda Engineer Ale BaWass No 7547-4745 Sultan Park CiAm,Sum 402,Jeasomai le.FL 32224-904,821,52oo APEX Michael G K. Jeffire,P Arameart r dai Conackamumay 03311111 PE W 60339 PE No Sal FE No 71457 EON Asbestos,CuQom R T21 P:",".B Shon 8 a 151611 I'S I SPEC i 021111/16 rl i %15 42r1rix VN IFFITO NIT-2 2W410 ..........Al 12 is .&A ex as In :-" "�:5 b W'6-*h— as R IM C M L K J — i Sure !11"13 W17 V17 Lp I g-goo IOn.14 W17 �14 Loading Criteria(pan Mad Criftend. Shn—C,theft(FigNisprept Dx%FCSI Crusts TCLL 2000 Wrid Star ASCE 7-10 PgI CtW GAT�W PIP C)aIlveficri in ImUM tA# I-ce R /U Ift /Rh /RL IVV TCIDIL 7.00 Sperel 130 mph K.W C. Not VERT111): 0.041 P Barry 314 R 775 �235 �393 �133 �75E Kl� 0�00 Enclosure Clushel W:IJA Can that VERT(TL): 0.065 P M9 3U N 1507 458 nor - .8 S On Risk�Wor,,11 S.Duration:1,1A H0Ri 0.014 8 S 318 1139 1145 1- 1- 17.8 D.Lot 32-00 EXP C HORZ(TL):0,020 B K 412 176 1245 1. 1- 13.5 NCBCLL 1ON Mermliaght:15.0oft Code I MW Cimsole Creep Facter.15 Wind reactionis haded on MFRS Sent: 2,00 TCOL 492 no Bldg�s FBI 2014 RES WI O�Sxg R M,nB,Wi*hR,= 1.5 I-narl Duration 125 BCDL 3.0 Ond TIN Bar 2007 MrxKCS1 0�557 N MinBMWMhRQ= 1.8 Sparding:24,0 MONFRS Pandial Did:0 to III Res Fachons Usest Yes Maxwe'I Ong S MaBMWAlmlers, 1.5 C&C Ust in 4.46 It FTART:30(Oy1O(0) Mfg Spechimil Cammer. (10,18 Plate Tp.(.): BdaI R,N,S,&K Food,=585toW9 Wind D.��1�60 WAVE.HS VIEW Ver.15902001 Maximum Tord Chord Forces Per,Ply(Inal Lumber Cinemas TerACorrip. Chords Times. �., Vitunitist: A-13 712-1111 E-F ZOO -30 Top chose 2x4 SP NO T2 2x4 SP W30 B-C M-11W F-G in -206 Per chool as SP#2 B2 2e;SP M-M C-D BID .70 G-H 134 -126 Welm&4 SP NO Wl.W16 M So 12: D-E Sit;! -M H-1 in -151 'Proseel 1,3=013 by A-SC Maximum Bert Chond Forthes;Par Ply(Its) Plating Notes Chose. TQAC.mp. Came. Trans. �p. AlIxessomerM4excepla.mmed R-Q ln -149 N-M 374 -W Places Qedl fer a orromium 0 4 DO u,in./soce. O-P M -390 M-L M -191 P-0 641 -206 L-K vo -id" pielma O-N 374 -357 K-J Sir -59 In lieu a structural promes or ran ceifing use punfirs to offionally preace crords as rogues Maximum Web Forces Per Ply jilles) Chum S,pQnI Shamir) End(ft) Wants Terse.Comp. Waxes Tany.Comp. TC 24 0 On 4458 BC 75 .On Ad 5a A-R BOB -751 E-N My -II AMY purms ta any clends aters,or 101 More A-Q W -W E-M 342 AM in 2e OC unless simen otheyeas abuse B-0 369 -29 M-F 2r17 -W Mind Q-C 2&1 -= F-L im -116 C-P 192 LN L-G 301 -�7 Wmdl loods heard on MWFRS xnh additional UC 1 261 1 G-K IQ -27, marintordes, D-0 and 699 K-H -15, Right camideser is exproned to Arend O-E that -57 1-1 0 -160 Additional Peter The oriessall login d this mas excusing onsmang is 6-0-11. NCrTES: 1 Tithe ifthern,is Am andl alone for Installation AMibonNinemaimsa=mmnyi�INstmssd�p�,iwweBCSII-03 should ths used in conjunction eft the anchrool plans during astailamon. 2 Apes Technology is a tentless name eximmer by Jus Aisix Technology In,Florwa Flunda Engineer Business No 7547-4745 Sudan Park Court Suite 402,Jacinsonsille FL 32224-904 821 SM APEX Michass?G Kindowski PA.. in Nnek B Murray PE No 60839 M5. PE r4o.71457 Carbon TO I SPEC DFW T"i Mill's lKs 7 saidep am 112)(41 bull N &27 a I SOI 2018 "675 T4'1 LardINCHIMI"onal Wind Cirlearls, sn"crftda(ft,mio PSF) �mcdwd. A�mum�onsift) TCLL 2000 Wind Sol ASCEMO Pg:NA Ch NA, (OkT NA PP Defiessfieso In Und L's I.NR lU IFNI /Rh IRL fW TCDI. TOO Staxed: 130.ph PINK CeNA uAERT(LQ: 0,185 E NO 536 P 1464 1452 17M 1- 1197 155 KILL 0,00 Enaccusund Cleared! Lur NA Cs,INK %rERT(r1.): SOBS E 9199 535 j 14M )452 17M /- 1- 155 BCO!, ,00 Risk Coleman, 11 Same Dessim M HORZ(LL): 0,078 J - - ViAndessaider.Wisdom MFRS 0.L'F—3zw Elop:C HK)RZCTQ:0.162 J P WnB,WdMhRe,= 1.7 NCBCLL MOD Mean Held:15.00 ft CWDIM�cC�k �p Fxcstcrr�1.5 J Min Big Width Real= 11 Saffftr 200 TCCC:41 Od Bldg 4�uidk,FBC M14 RES MI 0,818 Earnings P&J Fe,per,=Nepal, I.MidDaralkar 1,25 BCDL:3,0 W TPI SW: 2007 Maii 0,972 Simadin,24.0- MFRS Preandial Did W as h Rep Factors Usesed:Yers MkmWmpCSI O.NO Maximum TOP Chem Fort Far Ply JIM) nCDiMa 446ft START 3O(OYNO(D) Wit Summit!Carmser. Crops. Tarbi C� Tion, Comp. GCoi 0.18 PhapTypeasi A-B 79 -110 E-F 1016 1 Wool Duman 1,60 1 WAVE VIEW Van 15 02,01 B-C M-=I F-G 964 -2375 Lumber C-D 966-2CYPS G-H INS -2262 Value Set 13BEffectiveWhOO13) D-E 1016-2054 H-1 79 -110 T.pi,hael Bm chrol&4 SP#2 SO 2S4 SP M-30 Maximurn Bot Cheard Formus Per Ply Jibs) Webs 2x4 SP NO Chords Tens.CoW, Chords Tem Qua, P-0 ING -� M-L ln7 -M appecausill3MO131sylid-SC D-N 1971 -735 L-X hot -M7 Brocing N-M im -622 K-j iffir? _766 (a)Continuous fixerad summer equally sixecal on Maximum Web Fames Per Ply JIM) mandear Webs Tem Con, Webs Tem. Comp Plarting Nitrate A-P 109 -136 M-F 495 -10 Planar sand fc�a nammurn 0 4,00 sm.plinced P-B NO-2235 F-L 318 -0 9-0 In -� L-G ISO -280 Future O-C IN -9 G-K In -10 In lieu 0 structural Fares or ngid caling use poins C-N IN -M K-H In n W landically Oreace,chords as folmers, N-0 318 -91 H-J ROD -= Grand Speragoin ma) Begin) Fruit) D-M 495 -10 I-J IN -136 TC 24 ON 44M E-M M -4n 93 ON 44,58 AWly puffirs to my chords mareve or mass Rare at 2W OC unless exam othereame above Wind Wind leads based an MWFRS afth additional C&C exambardsiOn Adiffiftional Name The overall man of this bear excluding overhang is 8-4-11 NOITS: 1 This druselfin,as ned suffould Mom for installaram Additional ansimactions somem,panyin,ills truse draving,includes BCSI 1-0, should be used in conjunction vath the architecUumal plan.don,ext.flose.n. 2,Apas TralbrachorI,is a demeans name ouseard by Jax Airier Technology f,Florida Cooperman Flonditifinginexer Business No 7547-4745 Sutton Park Court,Suite 402,Jacksonville.FL 32224-ON 821 52M APEX Michael G Knorimaki Jeffirs,P A.. (),mak 8 Mumar PE No,60839 PE Na 58W PE Ne.71457 6MO Rry.L111313 6 IN �SEQN:18157 1 TO I SPEC cum= g FROM: DRIN, owl Ilia fl 141*112 1!7_ 1 6" i :3054 As TF W_ FT__ I— - 1 R — le (oll ym 6271115 IN Vlp as 11 As Cr I F71 &G t 6 am 01 B .4� III W17 as I as sm" As L K R Q 1 k TV 25-14 W Leasing Crituria(PA WWd Dispute Sri.Camara dri In Pi Di Cftda A Maximum ft�ms(IN) TCLL 20,00 Will ASI " No U NA CAT NA PPOO�min IwUwd LAN Wo R IIJ Ift /RhIRL 1W TCDL 7.00 SM�: 130 mph IN NA Ce:NA VERT(I_Q� SAN 0 999 535 R WIN 14M 1711 1- 1262 /5.5 BC11 ow Embeilime Closed! W:look Cli NA VERI b315 0 999 5W K 11 1458 1741 1- 1- 15.5 BCDL: 5w Risk Com" 11 Same D��:NA, H0i O.W6 K - III become thessid on MFRS Care Led 32,00 EXP C — 110i DAN K R MmB,WdNRei 1.7 NCBCLL 10,00 Mass r1aght:fli It Coule I mwc Crifterrike Cheap Facial 1S K Min BM Wrohn Res, 17 Suffit 2 M TCDL 4 2 pay MgCksw FBCM14RGS MwTCCSI DAN B.6,.R&K Fropers 565;pd. Lead Du� 125 BCCH_:3.0 par TPF SW 2007 M.BC CSJr DON Spacing:24.0 MFRS Paralliel Dig:W2 to h Rep Factors thardl Yea MaxWel 0476 MaginganTopChmillhommixislei CACCIati �IFT�30ol Mfg Speogrand awass, C�s TergCond, Chords Tem. COW, 10 18 PladeTyeirs) A-B 115 .210 F-G ON _1785 Wind DuMm:10 WAVE VIEW Val 15,02 OOC.1217,15 18-C 01 -Z260 G-H m _�l Lunither C-0 DIG_2[71 H-1 961 _� D-E 7`90 1-1 115 -210 ValueSel 13B(Effwmrx&IslbG13) E-F :�w TOO chord!Zia SP#2 Bot chord 2,4 SP#2 B2 W So all Maximum Bot Chord Forms,Per Ply(i grook 2kk SP#3 Wit,W17 2A6 SP K Churnes TmmCmdp Claude Tube Con, L"Armiralmerver'1313'uneseessigrivalues ,proved 113MO13 by ALSG R-Q 1= -756 N-M 1790 -614 G-P 1972 -703 111 1M -703 Bral P-0 790 _614 L-K 1M -754 (a)Continuous ameral damping usually spaculd on O-N 1541) .471 chumber Pipping Nobas Maximum Web Forchas Par Ply(lbs) WI Total Wilms Tem.Con, At make,am 5X5 exxxxt as noted Plates sized for a arrimund of 4 DO so in probe A-R 1�_-190 N-F 446 -IN R-B an 2C"t N-G M AN parlim, 8.0 161 _23 G-14 M _94 In lieu of structural pwds or i miling use purinks Q_C �45 -10 M-H 156 M to laterally brace comes as Wilms. C-P 56 M H-L US -10 Chord Smsell Sol Eal P-D M -% L-I 161 -24 TC 24 ON 44 58 D-0 M I-K ST3 _VU PC 93 coo 44DS E-0 471 -192 J-K Im -IN Apply pi to any chords News or below Wilms E-N Z14 -M at 2sr OC snakes grown OhaW�mkinks Wind WIN leads based on MWIRS virm arldbonal CAC member shmems Adelftemnal Notes The overall height of ask trust,ensuderg overhang is 10-8-11 NCTII 1 This drawaW is not sufficient done for inedinflation, Audiences instructions accompanying mrs truss drawn, thel SCSI 1-03. should be used in con,onclon with the anchuncturni plans during uslahmen 2 =schnsoll is a fictopous name owned by law Abu Technology Inc, Florida Cerebral Flocka Engineer se No 7547-4745 SON Park Cos.Emery 402.Jacksonville.FIL=24-904 821 52M 1A P VEX Michri G ischolownsis Jeffiray P Amason Derek 8 Murray RE Nal RE No SIOA4 RE No 71457 6VBD SOON �axk I 1 1 OW11116 38il W5`4 4 '5 ly�la 12 Ow G C shem, am (a 8 __WI 1� mla� M4� L K MQN &2� T 4 LWdi"Crearia W Iffindich'i SmayinCirdenter(iftlixii D&INCS!Cftds Aided...Manstion.(Ii TICILL 20.01) Whi ASCE7-10 Pit:his Ch hLA CAT:W PP Depend.I. I.I.Alef! M Loc R IIJ Ift lRh /RL 1W TCDL 7.410 Samuel In exim PhKIA Ck:I,JA VERi 0,165 0 "a 535 0 14" 1172 1710 1- /288 /5.5 i ON Enclournme:Cloasal LuchIA Cs:.NA VERT(TLY 0 NN D "it SM K 14M 1172 1710 1- 1- 15E RCDL: S 00 Risk Cmemm,11 S.M�..:M HORZ(LL): 0.075 A Wind assections learand on MWFRS Dom Ld 32.1y) UP C HOi 0.147 K Q MeBigWinefthlibi 1.7 KBC1.1- low Migami-ingthiLI652ft Codellabaccribeft Cheap Faclkdr,�1.5 K Mh­BmWo1hRg,- 1.7 Saint 200 TCDL 4 2 Pat BidgConsh FBCM14 RES MaxTCCSI: 0619 Beefings Q&K lic,nes,=565,di Lied!Duradon 1.25 �Dl_:3.0 ad TPI Rd: 2OU Mai 0.8% Simi 24,C)- MWFRS Parelial Due their Rep Facters Used:Yeas Miss Web CSI OSDT Maximum Top Chard Feel Par Ply(Ins) C&C Dig a 4 46 It 17MT:3D(OYIO(0) Mfg Recall Centel Create TandeComp. Chends Ten.tarry, Gi 0,18 Pines Typids, A-0 112 -213 F-G RES .171,13 Whild D.madicanc 160 WAVE VIM Vg�15,02,00C.1217.15 B-C OR-= G-H 931 -M74 Lumber C-D IMS-2075 H-1 m _22513 VdaxSeC13B(Eff,cmVsS?lS!C1R 1 1053-2112 I-J 113 -208 Top choral al SP Q E-F 817-14112 BalchardWSPIc! B22x4SPM­W Webs 2x4 SP I Will,WIS 2xS SP#2 Maximum Bot Cland Forces Per Ply(11m) Lumber Years and-139'uses cled,aaluese Clands TransZonts Chosen Tens Comp. approm,111M,2013ti Q_P 1884 -747 N-M lWc? _w Sal P-0 1W -677 M-L INS -67 0-14 14,13 -3% L-K INS -74 (a)Conlarroure lankinal restrand muddy Indeed on merali Maximum Web address Par Ply(1�) Ing,Notes Webs Tens,Comp Webs Ten, Comp, All parres are 5XS except as noted A-0 In -IN N-F -M Parker gred for a minannumn of 4 In st,arfasece Q_B MIS-21M N-G 313 -M4 B-P ISr -27 G-M 251 -in Purlins P-C 121 -18 M-H 1" -M In Idea of structures Parage or and asking use purink C-0 M WE H-L 10 -14 to sammility losing chroon an Nil. 0-0 W L-I 1% _w Charal Scracei mi Stri Ensto O-E M -M I-K ON -21M TC 24 a In 44 AS 9-N M -215 J-K in -IN BC 120 Sw "58 Apply pushark an my chords gasser or belov,fillears is 2W OC artless shman othemse,Arms, Wind Wind areas based a MWFRS.1h agi C&C mermerdearga Additional Notes Tian magall harghn of this lang,secauda,chasher,is 117-11 MOWS 1 The,drami is ran sufficient alone for annotation Adiddimag instrabons,accompanying thes truss drearesering.include KSI 1-0. should be used in conjunction with the anctintrodural plans during northern, 2. Is a fictitious name ciancol by Jax Amix Te,huni Inc, Flondar Co,immort Florida Entareser SSNO 7547 4745SudkmPmkC,i Samigi? APEX Michael G Kozicaski Jet,P Ans. Deark 8 Murray PL X 6N39 PE No,58544 PEW 71457 w8s) Ply I —FSEON 1.153 1 T25 I SPEC shortage Curalsom cry I FROM DRAV: T13 War:292 61 1 ON11116 1 45 1; 1 1,2 1 1 1 1 �gll I 6q, it, Wi 7" Err I IN as 7 12 n as Is C G Me M4 1112M se asalan sa�ft W15 P 0 K i i r. F2_78 + 5-1 97 Login,Cmdarks(W WinclCriberba Signs,Cremate(N.Pbe PSF) DeVICS!Creep. 'M�mumR.wMm(ifti TCLI, 20.00 Windift ASCE7-10 P,NA a NA CAT:his on Deflection in I.Users Lie' LacR IIJ 'Re . Rh IRL 1W TCDL 700 Spoke, IN rNh PINA Com �RTLL): 0 IS4 E pre" 5M P 14" 1172 17101- 12" /5.5 KILL am Endostuss:Closed LuNa, CaNA ERT(TL): 0.2102 E Me SM j 14M 1 1M 1710 1. 1- /5.5 BCDL 5.00 Risk Cadespir, 11 SheyetwDuradleri NA HORZ(1-4 0,075 J Ared to.Imparel an MWFRS Dool-di 32M EKP C HORZ(TLk 0,148 J P Min Br,Arefth Res,= 17 NCBCI-L 10110 Mean I-eight:1514 It CocasiliffiseCirthadr, Creep Factor 1.5 J Win B,Width R,= 1.7 Sciffift: 2,0D TCDL:4.2 por legal Cods: RIBC M14 RES MrwTCCS1 0.665 Eaem,pP&JFc,g,,=N5,,g. 1-mad!Dinner 1,25 SCDL,10 palf TPI Std:2007 Miss K CS1 0.789 Sigarge,24 0 MWIFIRS Parallel Card:h be 2h Rate Feature Upi Yes Miss Web CSI 0471 Mxim�Top Chosed Phiessa,Par PIe(Ilbs) C&C Dig a:4,46 ft F`PRT:30pO))l0b) We Sperfland Cranden,. Cibords Ters.Comp. Carbide Tons,Comp. GCg:GA8 Rare Types): A-B 1M -ZS E-F M -164 WhadDuraborb 1060 WAVE VIEVNIVer,15,02,I)OC.1217,15 B-C M-= F-G Sea -M Lumber C-D 9%-M G-H an -= VaIbbSktIi3B(Effsrd,W61IM13) D-E W-1674 H-1 in -M Top chord N4 SP V T2.T4 2*4 SP M-So: Bel chord 2x4 SP#2 Mt 2k4 SP W30 Manganese"Chord Iscreas Par Ply(to&) Webs 2x4 SP#3 WI W15 as SP Q� Come T...C..p. Chord. I.,. Comp. LH.RZ 4 ._P'We,1 S MIPT -S, .IS' Mae.CE, .'a. Miss Web C., .411 yed S Cbbbdpam� "Eiry ,5.,pdC 1:2211TVIF Lumber value so-139-uses dreaugh values P-0 1868 -748 M-L 1621 -50 ,ppm,,ed 113012013 by ALM O-N M -738 L-K -740 N-M 1MI -!iM K-J INS -747 (a)Commoners larems moment�ugy sibaced an Wximum Web Forecent Per Ply jibs) member Webs Ters.Come Webs Tabs. Come. Retired Nobel A-P IM -Mr M-F 317 -129 Rates sized for a minsintrum d4bl)suite rpiece P-B I&I-21M F-L US -149 B-0 Purfing 0 -C 24 -7 G-K 124 -V In lieu a structural panels or Mid abling use,purkne C-N M4 -40) K-H 175 -V to laterally more,cherds as Johnnie; N-D We -149 H-J Sea -2103 Clueed Spernhin mr) Starts) Encht) D-M 317 -129 I-J 1" -M TC 24 0.00 4458 E-M n -IN BC IN am 44.58 ApoyNdinstoanyc�rdsa��orbd�fil�m al 24'OC unless shcaut otherhyrop atione, wind Wind mards based on MWFIRS even additional C&C nomber sami'm Additional likethes The ceerall theight of mis truss exeluding overhang is 10-1-0 NOTES: 1.This drasming is ber sufficient plorefor Installation, Addtonainstwdiws�mp"ngthistrussd�i�g,,ndu�KS11-03. should M used in renjumormaim the architectures plans durn,marmalleficen 2.ApenTenclumant,isafictilimaingre,conced W Jer Ateark Tecurebb,Inc FlondaCesporgion, FlandaEMuseery Business No 7U7-4745 Soon Park Court Suite 402,Jacurearrele,FIL 3n24-A,,S21.5200 APEX Micharial G Ko,craski Jeffire,P Am. Derek B Murmy RE No.60839 RE No,Ne54ut RE No 71457 627M My:I EC Current ...: , I FROM: DRVI Wgt:257A be 5EGN 18150 1 T43 I 8P 02MV16 saggit Tz E as 12 MU4 B Ilm .1 (an mixual, saw —�w W1,4d 0 glass N M K j 'plant 1 �71FI 6,81 k tnr 11147 "ding Cifflanda(W Wind Critical. SM.C�(Foresi oSI) DWYCSI Ormand. Mmd...R�..(U) TCLL: N IN WndSM ASCE7-10 Pg:NA Ct NA GAT N,i PP in loo Udeff Los I-ocR 111 Iley lRh IRL IW TCOL TW Speed: IN Wh K NA, Co NA VERRILL) 0,185 L ing" 05 0 14M IM / BCIDL� 5�00 Risk,Capsser,11 Ma` �Iyg ;N5 WILL G�w Endpapers:Ocited L,NA Cs:Nx, VERTULY 0.362 L 999 536 1 14" 1227 1419,11 Spain Duration:NA �(Ll-): D.051,I - - Wind pasessions W�on MWFRS Des Ld 32,00 Exp c — HORZ(TI-);0,1161 0 Min 81 Want Ran- 11 �1301.1. 10,00 Wass,Height 1501 c�,m�c� Cases Frogns,.15 1 Min B,Width Ran= 1,7 Selfit 2.00 TCD-:4 2 psf Stand Onde: FBC M14 RES MaxTCCSI U.Sw Beepin,as 0 Is I Penn,=565pe. Load Du�:1,25 BCDL 3 1 prif TPI Sol 20D7 Man BIC CSI 0 U7 Spirmingt 24o MFRS Parallel D&In to 2h Re,Facters,Used,Yon lifirraWal 0,709 Maximum Top Chishat frourcem Per Ply JIM) C&CDJma 4,46ft FTIRT�30(owlo(o) Mfg Spreaffied Cement, Chand. TomoCcurnp, Chance Term Comp. WIN:D.18 Plate Typins): A-13 Sol -2130 E-F m -4811D Wind Damages:1,60 WAVE VIM Vxx,�I&Q2,00C.1217,15 13-C 1114-2235 F-G 1114 -2tK15 1-mrster C-0 Pol-IM G-H %1 -:2330 Value SM.13B(Effecifins,BMZ2013) D-E ISO-2181 Top almod 2M SP C T2 gad,SP M-31k, Bet Mutant 2x4 SP 02:112 gas SP W30 Maximum Beat Chord F...Per Pli,JIM) Webs 2ol SP 0 Vil,W14 an SP Q Chords Tem.Comp. Cause Torm. Comp, Lumber ishis Min'139-uses design values O-N 278 -Z4 L-K 21" -7136 appreand!1/3W2013 by ALSC N-M 1841 -662 K-J Mail -M Brand., M-L 21M -R6 J-1 174 -113 (a)Commucars beauty mystrand ex,silly paced on themlear Maximum Web fromorm Per Ply(ithil Webs TeMComp Webs Trans. Con,ii Planing Nowass A-0 M-14V L-E 00 -IN PIMes&z�fwamiNMUM04M�in.1p� A-N logo -70 E-K 23, -484 B-N M -M K-F 468 -144 Purlins N-C = �77 F-J = -197 In lieu of mix,thims Phimple or night ending use Want, C-M 4M " J-G 21st -W5 to limensfy loans,thords as micens M-0 M -4is; i-H JIM -M Chem Spassingum-) Stmoin Ehd(ft) O-L M -IN H-1 SiS 14V TC 24 0,D) 44,58 RIC 12D 0,00 44 58 Atoply purians to any theme Mathis or below filters at 24-M unless doess,othersars,M. Wind Wind mands larreado an MWFRS arm scattered C&C nomatiordesign. Additional Noths The mythall height of flas thass excluding chastaing a 7 90 NOTES: 1 This drarawas"is net sufficent alone for installation seasonal instructions acournpariting this pass draphing, induces KSI I-D3, should toemaremconjurefirsivifth thearchatensural plans during nomination 2 Ainer ToexaclM is a firaffinum name named sy Jax Alex Texturally me Florida Corporation, Floods Engineer a Busin�No,7�7-4745SWMPa�COUd.&de4O2,Jwk�w F1.32224-9048215200 APEX Mx,mm G Koalthamin James P Amman Derel,9 Murray PE No 60839 PEW 511544 PE W.71457 6278D Pi,1 NON I Ill I T481 SPEC as CU90M Qiy: I FROM yeak, L2..�� I - Ol 17 '74 N712 W1.16 4'1 42 U) %SdS _r4 1w IS at 47! + s' Oftyr PSF) D;fXSI C�ft A am Rise fill L;;dM9 C-ft W Chiral cam. N TCLL: Nigh Wind End, AECE 7-10 Pill NA Ct:NA CAT W FrIoDessibefflooke ketAxed i, 1-he R JU 'Rhir, rRh IRIL /W TCDL: 7.010 Speed 13D mph Pf.Me, C. NA VERl 0,252 IS M NS P 14" 1249 /660 1- 1115 /515 BC11 SOD Encieuxual Closed Lu:NA Sol VERT(TL). SABA E NS 535 j 14U INS )ND I- 1- 16.5 KDL 5.00 Risk Category 11 Sri.Seoul NA MRZ(LL): (INS J Wind examines thessed!on MWFRS Call 3200 EXP:C HOl 0.147 J IS MineTiAnifthRoul 1.5 NCBCU 10.00 Mean Hought 15 00 R Codes I mwc C� Creep Fector:1.5 J the 81 Width Rest- 15 Saffift, 2 Oil TCDL 4 2 psi Bldg Code:FBC N14 RES Maki 1171 Berearring.IS is J Ficher,=ONION. Load Du�..1.25 BCCL.:SO pf TPISW NO7 Mail 0.95, Specing 24,0' MWFRS Parallel Ded:h to 2h R"Factors Useed Y.S M=W*bCSI 0.460 M�mum Top Chi Force,Per Plif(lifirs) CAaCOI.x 446ft "fiRT:3D(0klO(0) Mfifiq Senegal Camber. Chands Tanal Chords Teril Card, GC,OT8 Forms Tyi Wind Daniel TOO, WAVE A-8 ISO -193 E-F 1443 -=I VIEWV..15.02.001 B-C IOU-M F-G INS -MI Lumber C-D INS-2751 G-H 1014 -21% Value Set,138 Effiel ll O-E 1441-301 H-1 IN -IN TOP chrom 20 SP M-31 SO chom 2:,4 SP M-31 ftxiM=But Chem Forden,Per Pis,IIWI Webs2x4SP*3 W1,11VIISMSPefil, Chinese TrameCom, Chem$ Ten,Comp. Leammer taxes SO 1313-ases cousign values P-0 IM -790 M-L Nis -1152 ap,mixed 113012013 by&SC O-N lights -70 L-K im .716 Bracing N-M Nis-1152 K-J 1053 -790 (a)Continuous Imeme reardial equally specand!on member Maximum Web Frardefis Par Stir(fird, Wall TOUCOUP. Weess Tens Con, Plate,N.. A-P in -lW At SIT -in Fludasnedler..1runmend4wacialpece. P-13 SO-2CS F-L = B-0 59 -55 L-G 1033 -43 C-0 �16 -Z G-K its -:25 In lieu of mumume pards or rgid coling use purdires C-N IOGG in K-H IN -55 to loserally hicarea chords as folloan; N-D 333 M H-J 943 -21M Closed Steel or) Stal pull D-M bill -136 1-1 in -im TC 24 000 44M E-M 213 -374 BC In 000 44.58 Apply puffifirs,W any chances aboax or hadde fillers at 2x'OC unless same emanates aboute Wind Wind loads housed an SIWIFRS San Md�al CAC member theme. Additional Name The mentrall"ght of this mas excitalm,.,exbring is 5-5.0, NOTES 1,This dr��isn��ft�aa�tO,I�lSli.n 'MitanNinstmdl�s�m�n�ngthi�t�dr�i�,i�"eBCS11-03, Should las used in conjunction even the architecture plane during luestallation, 2.Ail Technicians is a ficifflous name mensed by Jol Ame,Techado,Inc,Florida Cameraman, Floarea Engineer Sexual No 7547-4745 Suden Park Coul Surki 402 jacksonvelle FIL 32224-ON 821 52W Michael IS Kariceseake APEX JeffmyPAnUxl Deark B Murray PE No 60639 PE No.585" PE No 71457 62780 Ply I I T21 I COMN 7W; jus a Cumosion W, 1 .7 �Wgp:VIAIM OXJII16 P 1 1274 1 '4 is "a iii Sli t 12 F7 7 12 D E _SM! I T 0 id, sisas as as as se will b 0da, I a 0 N L 4g 61-1 7� try LxMdlW Crisis mat al Claude Snow(brilsaindixglinp6g) D�M Critialle Alitaxlemparalbandedcareptual TELL "�w Wlmdtbd� AWE7-10 Pg.Oki Ct:NA, CAT NA PFCallegichin Led R /U /Rus, Itim IRL /W TOOL, 7 00 Speed 130 mph KNIA Ca.NLA VERT(LQ: 0.371 F 999 535 0 14U /258 1971 11M 15.5 BCU D aD Enclossive Eased W:Not C.:NA VERT(TL): 0,735 F ni, M j 14M 1351 1956 1- 15.5 BCDL: 5os, Risk Caused,It S.Items. NA HoFi ON C Wind reachons buses,on MFRS D.U 32,00, EXP C H0RZrgL,(1.293 C 0 Min 0,Mouth R,= 15 NCBCU 1000 MMnHmgM MOOR Canda I Name Cothers Crimp Factor 1.5 J Min 8,Width Red,= 15 San 2,00 TEM:42 pf BIN Cods: FOC 2014 RES Mabi D.390 Bearings 0&J Farm,=561 Load0unifflon 125 SEEL 3 0 art TPI Stal:2DD7 Miss K Est 0,988 Smears,24A MFRS Parallel Dist In to 2h Im,lesionsUbseal Yes Maxinhei 0.9,11 Maximum Top Cluddrol Forces Par Ply JIM) CAC Dan,4,46 It Ii HODY1 DO) Mfg Specified Camber Clocards TernsComp Cound, Term cad, GCpc OAS Plaw T,sudd: A�B 96 -W E-F ins _4041 Wind Duration 160 WAVE VIEW Ver.15.02.001 B-C saw-zx% F-G ins -�i Lienter LNdI.g -C-D M-2023 G-H 1545 .3511 Vandetbas 13BEftegArd,61112013) Truss managers a maximum happened lead of D-E IW-3463 H-1 lose _23W Top cand as SIs�I T4,TS 2xB Six#2 2900#( 4130 pill slong top boom,firdin shut Sol broad 204 SP M-31 oloaction,ta.uptexpalrembinsficessal Diaphragmatic! Maximum Bat Chase Paribas Per Ply JIM) Weby 20 SP#i W16 2,6 SP NO connections am to be designed by Engineer of Recent Chords TeduComp. C� Tem. Comp. Di Load. Forced) OPILF) star Stan End Lumbersaluessel usesdendnaidual Came 1 1056 41.38 TC 12.60 3-1. 1100 1671 M-L 3S!KI _iQl apposeddliNWO131pi 1843 41,38 TC 0,00 44.58 P-0 3,U111-1M5 L-K 2DU2 _83) Enables Cang, 2: 200 4UN BE 0.00 6.67 O-N M-16 3 K-J Tul -95 1055 4U8 TC 12 60 U17 N-M 390- 613 (a)Commusburs, amose maybe ex,mil,opereal on 1343 41.38 TC a.W ".58 member 'NO 434.98 W DOO 667 Case 3 1056 4138 TC 12,60 38 17 Maximum Wal,Fordo.Per Ply glai Pladfin,Name 1813 4138 TC ON "is War, TermCcon, Wake Tons Como All plasses am M4 except as rocided. 2900 434AS BE Sam 68,6177 Cards 4 1066 41,38 TC 12,60 3 A-Q im -in E-M 455 -413 Plikes exact for a minimum of 4 00 is,intonexce 1IN3 41.38 TC O.OD as'53 Q-B 904-2117 F-M 174 30 2900 43498 BE 0,00 6,67 B-P 216 -338 111 (V7 -M Purfirds C-P Mail -981 G-L 3V -739 In lieu of structure!Forms or ngid caling ussix puriffirs P-D Im_2651 L-H 1673 _656 to allegedly bace,chords exhaust, D-0 Miss -IV H-K 150 _193 Cited Speraniumact, Slamft) Endmi O�E 30H -70 K-I IgOO _TG TC 24 ON 0.58 E-N M 0 1-1 654 _1435 Be 70 ON "58 Apply puffins,to any choose stands or below filled, W 24-M may,smaxand amended abi Mind Wind leads lodand a,MWFRS all andi C&C memloor daci Adifitional Notbas The anderall hours of this unuss,excluding oxerhad,is 7-5-7 MOMS: 1.This coming is net sudifficand Mane for recession Additional Instructions accouglearying this truss drassing,undushe BCSI 1-03r should the used in conjunction win the embuteadded plans during magelation. 2,AlsonTachroxi isa fidlicus name moment yJa,A,,exTechni Inc.FlondaCapi FlommEr,exer Business No 7547-4745 Sudan Park Court,Suite 402 tabmarodgir FL 32224-that 821 52M APEX liffichissill G Kinionsink, Jose,P Andson Cemk B Murray PE No.60839 PE Ne 581 PE No 71457 62780 PI,I I SEM illvisTmmomri AmanderaCustoor Chy: I Ffi CRW T05 art Ng 2 led I DV11116 am Me Cams' ,a 12 m= ; nD.�, 'E H sea 7(m. 5)(:� as R egg", T glow Jesse more n 1.7 Or N U T s R all. 11eP12 1713 !t7MT1j 6�1 1 F1 3 4 Loading Cidnearta gran Wind Crittol So. n1i, 101,1111:44(hifiti Allardentereftescificons(lies) TCLL 20.00 Was$to AWE7-10 PgNA UNA, CATNA PP Definition in INUM � Lac R IIJ Ift /RhIRL /W- TCDL 7�00 Speard 130 ph Pf,NA Cat NA VERT(I-Q: 0.114 D 9" 310 U 707 /W 13M 1- 1185 )5,5 BCILL ON Easseem, Clossal Lu:NA Cs,�Nus WRT(TQ� 0252 D 999 310 a 1869 /d, 1765 1- 1- 15.5 Bi I,DO Risk Category:11 Saing Duration:M MIRZ(Ut:0,039 C - - Is 517 1110 1212 1- 1- 135 Dea Ld MOO EXP C MRZ(n) OdH C their MFRS N(;BCU 10,00 Mean Height 15 OD ft �lM�.cm� Come Factor 1.5 U Win 8,Width Red- 1,5 Sofft, 2,00 TCIX�4 2 Met BMCodw FBCN14RES hlau,TC�l 0,824 0 lifir-BigWinhRed- I-anxi Deatt 1.� BCDL:3 0 pf TPI that N07 AAMGCCSJ O�Ng III MinB,WdthRa,- Spacing:24.0- MFRS Family]Ded:h to 2h Rep Factors Used:Yes Jews Web CSt OJOG Besurings U,0.&M lic,par, fil �C Dist a Cmil FTRT:30(Oy1O(0) W,Spreffied�ndflbaar. Illandamen Top Chound Family Par Ply(li GC,c 0.18 Pays Tpai ymadDurstion IN al le 1,,,i Claude Tem,C.P. Conde Time COW 1-under Additional Nothas A-13 379 -977 F-G im -M C well-�216 G-H 1� -SM Value Set:13B(E�i�(i Tire owaill Insidgla 0 this thave ishchusual owerhong is BC-D M- 601 H-1 V4 -'s89 TOP chord as SP#215 2rut SP M-30: 7-&7 D-E 463-1112 I-J 2N -564 Bot chowd 2x4 SP M-31 82 Zat SP M-30 E F 100 -238 J-K 14 -10 B32x4SP#2 Wmb2x4SPAQ, WI,W172xfiSP#2 Lu bar wales sed-13W uses design walues Waldman Boat Chord!Founces Par Ply 11") ra Croaks Tens Cornp. Clhmdy� Tens. Com, apionmed lf3b/2013 by ALSC U-T 194 -187 P-0 413 -457 Brecing T-S %4 V 0-14 4n -1A (a)Conamicaus Immy rastraint mardly specand ar S-R 388 74 N-M 41 -25 awi R-0 638-4246 M-L 11 -12 Q-p 453 Plarting Notes All Flows am 05 awasint as noted Plans,sized!for a minimum of 4�00 u,in 1pece, Wake Tens Con, Wass Tem. Cow. Purlins A-U M -3`07 F 0 569 -1170 In lieu swisornW ceding use purans A-T M -V4 0-H M -1!20 to hateral",brace chords as Mims: T 8 423 -W H-0 309 -25 Cinool SIdearighhoo) Srmdft) Eardi T-C W -370 0-1 181 4C3 TC 24 ON 4458 C-S 11M -512 I-N 110 -N BC 75 000 4458 D-S 65t-IM N-J 459 -107 AWly purinsto my creardsmawrioradowfillars S-E M -371 J-1.1 = -494 al 24'OC unless shown otheranor aboas E-R W -764 K-L 12 -14 Wind R-F 1651 -719 Wind load based on IgWFRS with auntronal C&C memleard:sIN Right cannewer is ea,mad townd Ini I Thi.d�,...�..�a.ef�pmiallMon AMitionWinstmdims�m"nyingihistm�dr�ng,i�u�KS11-03, should as used in cor,orchon with the architectural Mans duna,Installation, 2 Aisew Technology is a fictitious name owned by Jax Aims TecrinciloW Inc.Florida Cc,Nrafio, Fianna Engineer Busineer;No 7547 4745 Sushour Park Court Ruder 402.Jacksomile,FIL 3M24-904.821.5200 APEX mak Jeffiray P Ammon Derek B Murray RE NT'.`M=� RE No 585cl RE No 71457 62780 1 Am sea Custom 011, 1 FROM DRW, Wi SEKIN I8143/T421COMN T03's P`r I oi 2 1 Or 11_1S �111 4 s'. irs, 17 2 c 1. 7 12 is itering T lassas) U T R P N les". OZ 14713 411�p Cl,� 11 irit 'o _4 .11 open Wind Crifteda spow,Ciftsubt ops,m wilit Didlics Cri A MaWmum Ressandons,111m) TCM: 20oO Afini ASCE7-10 P,NA Cl,No CAT INA PPIEstifireartgaid in IWUM I,oc R IIJ I Rw /Rh I RL JW_ TCC)L 700 Sianal IM mph K.NA Ce NA VERT(LL): 0,119 D Me 301 U 716 )187 1331 1� 1185 I&S BCLL 00 Eadmum Closed Lp NA Cs NA NrERTCFQ� pV5 0 999 301 0 17M 1557 1724 /- 1- 17.8 BCOL: 5,00 Rulk Canall 11 Snow Duration NA HOi 0,042 C - - N 553 114D 1213 1- 1- 13.5 Di 3200 MP C HOi 0.08 C W,Odm��eW�.nMWFRS NCBCLL 10.00 M.Hei 15,00 It code I Iffins,created. Creep Fecal 1.5 U MinSMAdidthRei 1.5 Sci 2,00 TCM,4.2 pid Bldg COce FBC2014 RES Man,TIC CM 0"1 Q lithaftihitfililibei 21 I-NdMattion 1.25 BCDL:3.0 ad TIPI SW 2007 M.BCCSI 0.953 N fifinBMWifthlier,= 1.5 Spi 24.0- �FRS Pearafflel Died �tplb RV Factors Used:Yes Mm Wish M 0,740 Berabi U.Q.&N Fici=pi C&C Unit a 4.46 ft Mi 301 Met Spedfied Condsi Maximum Top Chicand Forces Per Ply(Ift) GCpi:0.18 Plath,Tmhp: Anned D� i.aa WA%rE irs,1,pi ,,1,1, Clumet Ted,Card, Cippards Ten, Camp. IDLerdses, Additional Nobas A-B M_-984 G-H Big -474 B-C 571 _�M H-1 M -474 Vausi 13BEffinsfive6l C-D M 7(V I 1 312 -963 Top chosol but SP M T6�SP Mi 7-5-7 D-IS 551 -1,M J-K 0 _58 Bad shod�4 SP M-31 82 as SP M-30 5-F 163 -W K-L 0 -0 B3 2x4 SP#2 F-G im _M Wami W19WSP#2 Lurniser value ast'13F uses design wiltuare MandinterallatChnindiscromPerlei 'proved MM013 by ALEC Clsords T.Conrp Charge Tam Con, arguing U-T 1ES _186 O-P M _1559 (a)Confinuous ludgeral malrount soundly pased On T-S SRI _iM P-0 966 _301' member S-R 1464 -500 O-N M _106 R-O 317 -M N-M 41 0 Plifing Name All Anters am Us musept as name Need...Web Forces Per Pit,(Ii Pines sized for a primmum of 4,01)sa,tn1prece, WON TansComp. Webs Tom. Cram, Pointers A U 296 -718 0-0 425 Post In lieu of assucturnal parmis or third!cesifir,use pumns A-T M -M G-P liiiM M to laterely parce Ounce as fiallows T-B 423 W H-P 164 295 Chord Basel oc) Baptist Em1pith T-C 961 364 P-1 M -810 TC 24 0.00 4468 C-S lZI, 5;25 1-0 118 -174 BC 70 000 "58 S-D M _601 0-1 874 -211 Apply purias to any chords,above or behow filled, S-E 1M -338 J-N M -M at 24'00 unless shown communist above. E-R &M_1241 N-K US _55 Wind R-F NO_-V34 L-M 0 -IN F-0 868 1954 Wndkoadl basesdonliNVIFIRSwithaskiduamIC&C member la's Riot Ourglever is exposed!bovand NOTES; 1 TNsdmM�is�suffic�ent�onetainslallm*n Adddionalinstwdtws�mpnyingth�t�dr��g.i��BCS11-03. should!be used!in craquiumon with the ancludestural burns clanng installation 2 Amex Techno1c,y is a fichunme name Owned by Jarc Asia,Technology Ins. Rome Corroartion Florida Engineer Burandes W 7547 4745 Suffor Park Comir Sude 402 Jactmonalle,FL 32224 904 821 SM APEX "" I I hall Jeffirey P Arm. Cases B Murmy PE Now dogi PE No SOW PE No 71467 62750 M,I AnastashiCustoun CRY: 5 FROM Tol Wda 1"', SEQN:18142 1 T14 I SPEC 7w; OV11116 C"a's ,a In 12 6 r;1 dm%dddS)B D.WaRS) m lburl� as Eli;11 Leading Crude upid, Wind Credits Some,Creeds(Psm ki Ran Ds1VCS1 Criteria AMadnumRdxMmxl TCLL 2000 WndStd: ASCE7-10 P,NA, Ct NA CAT:NA PP Denson in cUdk, _,, Lec R IIJ /Ra lRh IRL IW TCDL 700 S'ad 1 SO onph Ptm Ce Nfi, VERT(LLF 0.021 G 999 240 H 602 1165 12T7 1- 1171' /5.5 BCLL ON Evidential Closell Lu NA Car NA, %rEJRTCrL)� 0.043 G 09 214 F 602 1165 /2n I- /- 15.5 BCDL: 5,00 Risk Category:11 SioneDusidamin NA, HORZ(LLk O.Orl I F - - Wind lumand on MFRS Me Ld- 32-0 UP C HORZ(TLF 0.022 F H MidBr,WsfthRbq= IS NCBCAU:10,00 Mean Hkxm 15 00 at Code I Mftc Camara Club,Factio,IS F MinBu,WhdmRm,, 1.5 Solid 2.00 TCM:42 ped Bldg Code FBCM14 RES IyxxTCCSt Sake 8exanngs I&F Fcamr,=5650� 1-oac!Coleman 1.25 BCM:SO W TPISNI X07 M.SIC CSI: SRI Spaum, 24 0- MFRS Parallel Did 0 to h2 Res Facker,Used! Yes, Miss Web CSI:D.25D Maximum To,Chem Filarde,Page Ply(111m) C&C Dist a:3dDD ft FTRT�30(OVIO(0) Mfg Speddhand Co�r Chinese Ta..C.mp. Caddy Time Cmyp� GCO�0,18 Plars,Tyrad.)l A-B IQ -155 C-D = -= Wind Condflon 1,60 WAVE VIM V.1S02.00l B-C 3M -M D-E IQ -1% Ltunter, ExatChoudForcesPin Ply(Iba) Value Be:13B(EffmAink WIQ013) Maximum Crom. TernsCorrip. Chi,rds I... Cornp. Toschodg2o4SP#2 Buchm2oSPAU H-G M 311 G-F Six, -312 Wrtm2r4$P43:WTW72xGSP#2 Lumissor value sat'13&'uses resign usides Maximum Web Forced,Per PWIW) approunal 1130,1013 W ALSC Wees TensZomp, Webb Tan. C.n seeing Nexam A H ISF -166 G-D M -2Q H-B W -681) D-F = -fix B-G � -24 F-E 197 -156 Pool. C-G 399 -2KXF In lieu of nrucuum muels or nglal ceding usk pudins to Ideally brace chords as kflc,W Chord Speddidin old Smarght) Buggy) TC 24 _0 94 1697 BC 120 -094 1697 Apxy pursue he my chords above or mons fifflers W 2e OC unless exam otineresse store. Wind WIN leads based an MWFRS noth ankliksomal C&C durnmer ders, Adififloold Notes The oummul mind 0 thus truse excluding menhang is 7&T NOTES: 1 This dooding is ded suffirient alone for Installed— AMMonNinstmdiom�mpnyi�thsim�dr�ng.induftBCS11-03 should he used in coniumdon�h Um architectural Mans durn,susbalation 2 Aex,Technology is a fictiftious name earybod by Jax fi,berr TechindoW Inc Florida Corporation. Florida Engines, Business No 7547-4745 Burton Park Could.State 402.Jackboundle,FL 32224-90M 821520 APEX Michael G Kenneling Jeffire,P Andissan Nulls 8 Mumsy PE No.60839 PE No Sagas PE No 71457 61 N 18152 1 T12 SPEC Anomalies Custom FROM Paid, i.1. We 8 'TJ 12 COAX4 6 T to A E 77:7 101 �.j 's sad i�—"Ni Loading C�ia Van Wind Critandir Snovir Crit(POR in NIFT DNJWCSR Cifteria A Maximum liblumbi 111.),Or TCU 20.01) Arni ASCE7-10 Par NA Ct NA CAT,NA Pip Collector,in eUds,, � Loc R fU Ift 1Rh IRIL 1W TCDI� TOO Speed: 130 oph Ph NA C.NA, VERi 0.001 F NO 240 A 4 123 120 1. 141 17.3 BCLL 0.00 Endespirs, O� LuNA CeNA VERi 0.002 F 999 180 an 82 )27 133 f- 1,12.8 BCDL: ,Oo Ri&C� 11 Singer Duration:NA HOi 0.000 F - - E 4 )5 12 ?- 173 Der U 32�00 UP C HORZ(n) OODI F Wnd�.W�.�~RS NCBCIX:10.00 Mean Height:2157 1 Code I Miss C�k Creep Farder,IE A MirrBMWicithiml 1.5 Surst 2.00 TCDL 4 2 par Mg Code.FBC W14 RIES Mri 0,117 B Min am Valli Ran= - I-cat!Durestarn 1�25 BCDL.:3.0 par TPI Sed W07 Max BCCSI. 0082 E MinlilmWidthim,= 1.5 Spoin,24,0 MMRS Parallel Drat:W 10 h Rep Faccess Useed:Yin .VVepCSW OM14 Berwarl A,8,&E am a AgIal pulace C&C Dild a 3,00 ft ii 3D(OYIO(0) We spedw Canglear, Gi OTI 8 Plane Typists): Maximum Turn Chem Forces Per Ply(lial Wool Duration:1.60 WAVE TIM Von 15.02.00C.1217.15 Clord. Torms.C.., Chands; To.. COW. L..W A-8 51 -46 C-D as -64 Vidul 138(Effedini B-C M -641 D-E 19 -6 T,chxmd2x4SPfi3 Bet drod 2x4 SP 0 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply stse Wi 2x4 SP NK5 Choods TermComp. Chords Tens. Con, Lum��lue�'l3Wu�deNgnvWues B-F al -5 F-D 31 -5 'proxed IMM013byALW Plating Nestle Maximum Web Forces Per Pi All Planes am�Nkl)except as noted Welas Tensi Plates saved for a minimum of 4 DO so,inJpare C-F Q -M Poland In lieu Of structure!panels or rigid caffing use name To larearally boost dreures as foureart Chord S,pacoggince) Sti Endut) TC 24 0,33 68D BC 59 1,9 6.03 Aply urinstoanychoraftabormortursomfilare at 24'OC unless shorm comemore dome, Whirld WiM loans mared on MWFRS win additional C&C member design Additional Notes The enerall height 0 this muse,excluding enerhang is 1-96 NOTES: I This dromin,is Am extricated alone for installation, Additional instructions reconnoitering,ther firmas therang,include SCSI 1-03. should be used in compeenon offln the anchrectural Plans derm,installation, 2 A,nex Technology is afingurour name cameol by Jax A,go,Techni Inc FlornmCorsocal FlorroaErnexcer Business W 75,17 4745 Siden Park Court SmIc 402.Jaccomi FL 3M4-904 821 52W APEX Mici G Kod�e Jeffier P Amason Carter B MLrm, PE No 60839 PE No 58544 PE No 71457 62780 Ply:1 ON 18M MI IACK �MIN mwa..C.M. Oink, I FROM JOB Wgt 1.211be 1 Ill 3 12 C EE3X4B --5X5(El w 1011"2 D 6" 5- 5. Loading Croula heso Wind Creature mmsic�d. Allabliturn Expenditures,(lbs) TCa N�D] WndStd ASC57-10 ftNA UNA CAT:NA PP Distinction in Ip,U,,, Loc R IIJ JRx, IRMIRL /W_ TCDL: 70D Speed In ph Pf,NA Cin NA VERT(LL):NA A 185 146 183 1- 130 13.5 BCLL DO Endoestint Closed! L,NA, Cc NA VERT(TLI:NA D 60 /- 122 1- lin BCDL: 5�0(i Risk Catnap,11 S.Onandamn NA 110�(LLJ: D.014 8 C 109 147 133 /- fIS Des Ld—32—M UP C HORZ(T-) 0.0Q7 8 Wind reactions Ishoul on MWFRS NOBCa,10 N Milken HaVIA:15.00 ft �im%.C� Ciess,Factor IS A Min Be,Went Re,= IS Suffit Z00 TCDL:4.2 W Bldg Cod, FBC014 RES MUTCCSI: 0 163 D Min End Wifth Re,- - I-oxal Durmon 1.25 BCDL 3 D Pat TPI Bid 20V Mae K CSI .243 C Min Br,Width Rise- - Spadr,,24 0 MFRS Parent Unit:h In 2h Rep Factors I-Istic! You M.WebCSI 32.2 Belong A Fper,=SIEPW, C&C Dim a 3do ft "AT:30(OY10(0) liff,Scanned Camber, Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ites) GC,:0,18 Plane Type(s) Wond D.,laml IAD WAVE Ciroods Tery.Comp, Chonds Tem. �mp. Ew V,15 02.00C.1217.115 Lumber A-B W -73t B-C 29 -38 Vxm.Sm:13B(Effyoh.Gfl,20l3) Top chism!N4 SP N3 Maximum B.Chord!F....Pat Ply(Iled) Bol chord 2x4 SP N3 Clhords TenAComp, LtSfider2x4SP#3 BLOCKI-EWTH= 1.774' A-D 2 -2 Lumener odue sm'138-users desSn values ap,mi 113on2a13 by ALW Piatir,NW. Phase sozed!for a norenturn of 4 00 inJpece, Pudints In lmu uf structual Panels or nad behind use numns to atenall,Imack chords as Idlowe Chord Spacurninoc, Stanift) Endyft) TC 24 0,01) 6.00 BC 60 o.0D End at 2C OC unless shomn carenne,dome Wind Wind!loords based an MWFRS son Additional�C mandbardesign Lot e..st to.,no Additional Notme The�rall hught 0 this trusts toduding momang is 1.11-0 NOTES' 1�This consul, sxm suffiaend alone for Installation, Additional nur,dions accomptanyinglinstruses remains.include BCSI 1�, should!be used!in conjunction with the architecture!plans during installason, 2 Apex Tecledo,,is a fictitious name mmml by Jax Apax Teshtmo,y Inc Florida Corporation Florim,Engineer Business No 7547-4745 Summ Park Court Sure,4D2 Jacksomille.FL=4-904.821.5200 APEX Mons"G Ko,.sW Junior P Annuitant reek B Murray PE No 60839 PE No N5*1 PE No 71457 U780 p SEON 181 SIT I T22 I MONO AmaiduarnalCustorb FROM: DRIN JOB I (KI1 1116 12 ..a C!"a T W., -it L i "D 11?2 1, daI M.1 Criteria Sm.(all(N.st In PSF) INIMS!C�ft A Marshimunt Ressalions III TCU 20.00 WrI ASCE7-10 lo,M Of NA CAT NA pro Dekhdfioh I, N Uceff LAN do, R 11.1 IF,a Ift In `W_ TCDL 7.00 Star IN mph INNA Clum VEFT(LLr 0.015 A 4% 240 E 133 18 TIN 1- 187 /3,5 BCLL 000 Encei Clesexi Lu:NA cew VEW(TL): 0.021 A SN last D 142 IV IN I- 1- 11.5 BCDL 6,00 RiA Cartshborsir 11 Shoat Dureffisol MA HORZ(LLIA.042 C Wad reactions lassadian MINIFFIS D.Ld 32.00 EI(P C HO�TL)�­D'059 C E Min BM Wall Ree,= 1.5 NCOCLL 10.00 Mean Height:15OD ft Code I Mae Crilaria Cheap Factor.1.5 D Min 8,Whifto RN= - Shfift 2,00 TCOL 42W SWg Code FBC 2014 RGS Mal 0.481 Bectring E FWarre=%5pd. Lead Duration 1,25 BCDL SO ad TPISAI M07 M.KCSI: 0,3132 Sibrachn,24.0- hipsyli Parallel Det Otohr Red FactraIr Used YN Marl'i 0.170 Mard...TO,Chisel F....Par Pl,11N) C&C Died.30D If "Al 30(aylO(D) Mfg Speciffisal carrintal ClIcaft Ters.Comp. Choods Tems. Comp. Gcpi:0,18 IshadeTypebs): A-8 Q -IV B-C 42 -85 Wall Durriffion 1.60 WAVE VIEyyVer­l5OZ=.12I7.I5 Lumber fil...Ead Chard F...Par PI,lips) VrIuI,Set 138 Effirdt.AIT2013) Claims T.mAC.m,u Clichas Ten..C.,. Top dhoral a4 So 93 F-E 113 -M E-D 8 -17 End drioul Zia So#3 Webe 2s4 SP 0 W1 W SP 92 Midland.Web F..Per ply,III Lumber value yet'138-uses design value$ West TersZom, Water Tens Camp. approved 1/3W2013 by AILSC A-F Q -14) D-C ISO �111 playing Notes B-E 266 ZNI Plains aided!for a minimum OF 4 IN,in rpleadi piarlims In kru of shruxtural panels or night cssfiW uses purdirs to laterally lased,chends ads follons; Chem Speadmighbod) Starts) Erid(h) TC 24 ON &DO SIC 60 000 5.00 AWlypudinsWanychoMsO��WmfillM at 2C OC anness shicam themes dramse, Iffind Wine!leads ased an MyyFRS anth additional C&C member design. Right end verfiI net ex,eband to wind pressure Left dablilever is expunded to sand Addftl N. The mraudi freight 0 this truss uaduchung ovinerha�is �SS NOTES: 1,The drearm,is bar suffiddent WI for instaflaterm Additional Instructions recom,anyin,the must dranining wilde BCSI 1-03. should be used in dour,andmin varb the ardialectuna plans diang insiallistrI 2 A,pax Technology is a fichitionis name droned by J,er Apas Todernot lne.Formal Corporation Floods Ergairear a Budoess No 7547-4745 Staboun park Court,Suite 402.Jacedsomw e.FL.32224-904 821 52M APEX Mumenu IS Kjordonandki Jeffrey P Arneson Derek 8 Murray PE No,60839 PE No 58544 IFE No.71457 eveo Ply:I seDN la,MITIIIACK AntakessaCushorn Oty: Wgl:27.7 be =11/16 7"12 4"4 T12 12 6 F�;;- 1112X4B c 1 V62 1,2 4 2X4 0 +0- �__ --I AD T FHB 2--8 VVZ- X F5D 12X4 1112X4 E 6'. "12 7"12 Loading Cliturl.(W Wind C�ft Sri"Or"(FOR in PSF) Olrft`�Sl Cillbrift A Maximum Reactions jUds) TCLL 20.00 Wind Std: A�E 7-10 Fix NA U M �T:NA PP�-M A,Ud, zx, R IU /Rin, IRIN IRL IW TCDL 7DC) Simeed l3CnAph P,NA C NA VERTIU): 0,002 A M NO E 158 IN /119 1- 117 13.5 BC11 ow Endepure Ommal L. NA C::NA �TCT_y 0.003 A "a TOO D -65 155 /10 1- 1- /1S BCDL: ,DO Risk Caused,11 Sal Murder:NA HORZ(LLy-0.005 C C .37 14,5 17 1. 1- /1.5 Oxi 32.00 EAR C HORZITIL)-0,007 c Wind reactions baked!on MFRS NCBCLL 10.00 Mean height,15 00 ft code I Mine tamed. Cheap Fadzi 15 E Min B,Width R,- 1.5 SPAIN 2 GO TCDL 4.2 At Bdg�e: FBC2014 RES MAzTC(GSI: oM5 D MkuBrgWidmRAq- - Load Duraim, 1,25 8CDL So If TPI IN 2007 Miss ED CSIL 0.05 C Min SO Width R,= - Saxony 24.0 MWFRS Parallel Do:0 to W Res Fackars U� Yes MazWcbCSIL.th: listening E Pcize,=565pal C&C DO a 3�00ft FT/RT:30(GY10(0) IN,Spauffied Calutper. Maximum Top Chad!FonAx Per Ply(11A) GCO:0,18 Pima TYPNS) Wind Duration:1.61) WAVE V�— Carms Teeks Comp, Choice Tem. Coup EW Ver 15 10 MC 1217 15 A-B 15 -M B-C 3 -44 VA.$eh 13B(Effindirs,WIJN13) In all of Ankshuxual Panels or rigid mling use purfins Maximum But Choul Forms Par Ply Ift) Top chord N4 SP#3 W laterally bruca doods as Raiders But choul N4 SP#3 Chund Sd.g(in ) Startfift, Enfift) Choice TmA.Com, ClOrds Tons Cramp. Webs M$P V M 20 SP#1 TC 24 000 00 F-E 41 -6 E-D 0 0 BC 12 add 00 Lunitzervalike M'131�upis certain values Amily purims,to any ch.maillose.Ar lookma fill-re ap,.d 113NN13 to,ALSC At 24�OC unless shown offierems abouse Maximum Web Forces Par Ply(Me) Webs Ten,Comp Webs Tens, Camp. Bming Additional Notes A-F 11 -11 B-E 5 _82 Fratenraftexisheathin,loonefamolthisfushe The inemall height 0 this truss excluding wealuer,is Plan,Name Planes sized for a mrsourin ca 4,00 sq,nJpxkA Wind Wind loade bround!on MWIFRS win addinkinal �C number musign Leftcantakeermaxpoaddhowind NOTES: I This drovaing is not suffickhre sure for inalifilaton, Adddonalimtrudiws�mmnongMistmssd�ing.i���Sil-03, sihould he usam in mr,aston wrth the arannectual pland dkn,,.nMa�e.n. 2 =djuxAn,y is a firdbous name,denied by Jar A,pax Technozoy lo, Florida Coroomaxon Florida Engineer as No 7547-4745 Sinton Park Count Suite 402,Jasswinville,FL 32224-9IMS21 6200 APEX lyncheard G Karmazin Jeffrey P Arneson Derel,B Mumay PE No 60539 PE No 58544 PE No,71457 62780 my,I SEQN.181M I T18 I ACK A�.��Cos. w 8 mom ORWI 42 Wql 02`11116 12 B 6 6 12'6'2 L-;-- t-11 1112X4 at Co T 00 IQ 1112X4 C 3; 1.OkJIK C�bef) Wind Croldn's Snaft C�(Pippin PSF) Dail Cftda 'Ifil...R�(Ral TC11 no Wait A�E7-10 'gl 0:NA, �T�Ns PP�an in aUds, � Loo R I U lRbas Ilth IRL 1W TCOL 7,04) Spe. 130 man Kok Cam VERITILL): 0."A 999 240 D 0 ;40 ;62 - - BCU Lu NA Ce:NA VERT(TQ: 0.000 A 999 ISO 1 5.5 0 N "cessual a. C "5 ,5 SCOL S a Rod"C."or, it S.Dualicen HUI, HORZ(LLt-O.000 A - B 83 10 138 1- 152 11.5 Ded U 32.00 UP,C HORZ(TIL)A.000 A Wind accord Ofted on MFRS KBCI� 1000 Man-INl 15,00 ff I mi.CHINA. Creep Fidel IS D MinS,W.dthR,= 15 Bast 2.040 TCM 42pelf Bldg�w FSCn14 RES MaTCCst Ono C MirS,W,dlhRml - Load Daniel 1.25 BCM�30pdf TPIDd W07 M.BCCSI 3.139 B MinB,W,dihR,= - Spectral 24.0- NWFRS Parallel DO:0 to W Res Factors Useed:Yes M.Wee�l 0 014 Beedin,0 Fc"=565'e' C&C Did a 3,00 ft FTfiT1`:3D(Oyl Ol Mfg Specified Cander, Maximum Top Chad Forces Per PWIlai GCO:OA 8 Phil Type* Wind Deadest 1.60 Wl EWVs,15.02ODC121715 Chmods Taas.C.mp. Lead, A-B M -37 Vidan Be:13D(Effechaft 61112013) Topanoratitiespin NftImum Sun Chat Forces Per Ply(Ilpi Bot al,ord�SP#3 Ciroods TiandComp Webs 2xB SP#2 D-C 0 0 Lormals,value ON'13W uses dent valued up;Fnarmal I13(m?Ol 3 by ALSC filludinsund Was Fc..Pear Ph,JIM) plan,Haft Wers Tans.Conap. Plates sized for a minimum of 4 00 sa,in Jftm A-0 112 -113, Puslins In du of snl parafte or hold colim,use nine to arterefly mard,cammis as k1lonses Chord! S;Facragnal Stood) Enal TC 24 000 300 HC w 0 do 30D Apoy pumme to al aname,alionis or balm filless 0 24 OC unieft all othenaft abroad Wind Wind loods baced on MFRS with additional�C number cleadign Additional Notes Th...ral hc,rt 0 this tra.ascludmil.�arltan,.. 2-8-8 NOTES 1 Threatener,ism suffraerm anoneformatialussion Additional instructors National this truss draines,Include BCSI 1-03 should be used in maturation with one architectural plans during installation. I A,atoTachnicknowid afictitiours;narrearamembyJanAtediTachnology Inc FicandaCcriporshon FlandusEngurear BuindsoNo 7547 4745 Sufficri Fork Court Suite 402,Jiftionals.FL 3M24-904 821,5200 APEX Michal G Knoll Jet,P Arrameari Dl Hurt, PE No 60839 PEW 535" PE No 71457 60`80 88IT41HIP- Anestres.Cos. (phty: :,Q: M3 Wgt:14,7 Has 168 12 c T 91a 4A T VjqHS�1'6� j U U 4,0,"2 11-.15 i:i,:M� I li�bkdiag CHROW sid, Wind c�m Sksckvi�rbbwktdiamir� �Si crilarka a M"...ROOd.n.(Ibs) TCU, 2D.DD Wild Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:ris, Cl M �T NA PPI)aGelownin ftuded I-Iii � R /U Item IRhIRL IW TCDL: 700 Spared: 130 ph ftels, C. m VERT(Uk 0.007 A 9a) 20 E 189 162 IIU 1- 124 ITS XLL 0.00 Endidern,Closed L.:1,14 C.NA )IERT(rLk 0.015 A 999 181) D 6 113 Ill I- 1- 115 KU sm Risk Catese,:It S.Names.:1,10k HORZ(LL):-0.0i B - C N /24 15 1- 1- 11.5 Dark Ld 32,00 EXP:c HOR4111.)-0 012 C Whe I.I.babsed!on MWFIRS NCKLL 10.0b) M.bH*M l5d0ft Card.I Mike Creole Creep Father.1.5 E Min BM Want RO,- IS Earn, 2�03 TCIX�4,2 W lllcg�e FBC2Q14RES Maii (1078 0 M,nB,WdhR"- Loadl Duarmon 1,25 UCIX:3,0 ped TPI Std:2DD7 Mw,KCS1 3.062 C MiniftifthiftiblanI Sixes,,24 0- MWFRS Paidial Drat 0 to 1,12 Phis,Factors Used Yes, Max Web CSI:0 0S2 Easing 9 FPer,=%Spsi, C&C Did a 3 00 It FTIRI':3D(OYIO(0) Mig Sheathed cantater,' M�.u.To,Chiral Fb..Par Ply(Hat GC,0 18 PlaseType(s)� Chords Tem,Cmp. Chords Tard, Comp. Lucile, 1 WindiDurabon.1.60 WAVE Im VW ISN'00:1217,15 A-B 17 -0 B-C 7 -4 Value SO 1313(Effatesedi Maximm Bot Chord Forters Per Ply(Ibs) To,b chord�4 SP 02 Clai Tens Gbosip Choose Tens Connie Bot�ord�4 SP#2 Wars 2A SP 1*2,W2 Zvi SP#3, F-E So -2 E-D 0 0 Lumther value sept 13W took deagn values approved 113012013 by&SC Madented Web Pa..Per Ply lift) Shading Wants, TinesCorrip� Wake Tens. C." Fasten rated shanstrungloonefrobuffthisfiame A-F 0 -15 B-E 214 -133 Plotting hicabork Plates sort for a marriantan 4 4 00 in,inInumns. Punin. In lieu 0 structural Panels or ngid adding use urins, to hateraily thres oh,brok as fiblibses Chord Spacingsino.) Slarkin Eni TC 24 0 00 301 Bc w .00 3,Dl 4*pudinslawy�oWsa�wbdmfillem at 2r OC unless shysin,blames aboys, Wind Wind loadle based!an MWIFIRS with additional C&C harmiker dregir, Left caustlevre,is ex,Pored to sund Additional Nots. Us oyarrall height of this burs esduding oyerhaing is 1 1�9� NOTES: 1.�isd�nisnm�oenialweforinsWim�n AMitionWinmmdlms�m�nyingINst�dr�ng.,nduftOCSI"3, should be usbal in conjunction with the andhousural pans during installation 2.AZx TZnblo,,is a ficatiour ram wined by Jax Aon,Tmhrurki Im,Ronda Cor,oration, Florida Enq,near In No 7547 4745 Sutton Park Court,Suite 402.JOksonville,FIL 32224-9W 821.5200 APEX Mut,aal G Kolowski Mr,P Anury- �boak 8 Murray RE No.6003. RE No 585,14 RE No�71457 627BO P SEQN,1818611 T44 I MONK) Call Ament a.Cusidern I sphs. HJDI ip.2lieha .,/in 12 4.24 1112X4A T 191"2 111;X4 c 2X4 1112MB 4 24 615"11 i-cading Cousin,(so wind Clients Sman chnnow(past In PSFT cierucia Cifterhas A Mind...leselikents(lbal TCLl 2000 WindSild: ASCE7-10 Pill NA CT NA, CAT NA PP Deflonse 11 IMU� 1-hO ec R lU Ift 'Rh IRL 1W TCDL: 7.00 Speed ISO mph R.NA Call NA VERT(LQ: O.Ml B saing 20 D 270 159 1- 1- 1- 17�0 GC11 0.00 Enclosure:Closed! Lu NA Cs:NA NERT(71-): 0.002 B NS IN C 353 179 1� I- I- fin Bill 5,00 Fill Catecary:It Sanew Duration NA HOR2�11):0.053 B Who behand an MWl Dits Ld-32-00 UP C HORl 0 101 8 0 MinBritAlifthishes, 1.5 NCBl 10.00 M.Hand:15 OD It Code I Mine Cider. Creep Facto-1S C Min Big When Firm z - Sell 2.00 TCM:4.2 par BdC.. FBC2014 RES Mail 05M Basiond,D Fe,ser,-565ps. Lood Deal 1.25 BCDL 3,OPM TPISW 2007 M.KCSL D.458 S,dr,:24V �RSP�09 OWN2 Rep Fal Useral Yin Manswel 03111 Mademan Top Chad!Forces Par Ph,(Ilys) C&C Dist a:3.00 ft FTIRT,30(DYIO(D) MISS Speeded Camper, Clsoolis TionsComp GC,,:0.18 Plain TTel A-B a -104 Wind Mission:TOO WAVE VIEW Ver,�15,02 NO.1217.15 Lumber -01-m- Ifisidereen East Chad Reasons Per Ply 111tal Value Sol 133(Snead.Ol 3) Wind lesson aid reanothers anded!on hall Cards Tom Comp. Top eford 2M SP Al Rspht and yal ashishound to small pool D-C V -7 Bolshord�,ISPAQ Weare an SP IS�W2 a4 SP 43: Maximum Web Foral Per Ply jibs) L'ifter your,not'1313'uses dal salues Ways Tam.�Camp, Web$ Tens Come approssad 113=01 3 by All A-D M -210 B-C 101 250 Special Leach, —(Lurater,D.I.Fee=1 25 1 Plain Cuffisc,l 25) TC-From Vpffas DOW 27 pit an 429 TC-From 55pffat an U, 55 pit as 6.47 BC-Fro. 5 pff at 0001. 5 pit W 4,29 BC-From 1011fal 4291. 10 pit A 647 TC- 56HbCo,..LaSdaI 1.46 TC- 1671[,Corc�Loai 4,29 BC- 30 Ph Core Losedi an 146 BC 90 It,Cons,Lead at 4 29 Plaffire,Soon Playsis ased for a minimum 0 4 DO parent in lieu of arocanal Panels or rights!miss,use ournis to lateral,home shod.an Real Chad Special act Everett End(S) TC 24 000 647 BC 78 000 647 Apply puffins to any ettord,above or sams,filiers W 24-OG unless shavin otherwise abuse Additional Nothes, The overall height 0 this truss adualing assistant;is 3-5.15 NOTES: 1 Thadransfirilsorwayscientinareformall Additional instructions seenry,parping this trues Seem,return,ESCSI 1-03 should an used in con,ureson ash the arsenal plans during installation 2 A�xT�ndooisafiddmsna���byJMA�xT�hndoWin�.F��CowrMan Flonclaisirgaser Butal 7547-4745Soft,,rPmkCoum.SUda4O2 ArluseenislieFL32224-9048215200 APEX M,..l G Kadol Jeffirayl'Anneem, Cerek 8 Murray PE No 60839 PE No 585" PE No 71457 62780 Pir 1 SEQN:18191 Ml GsiBL Misilbi Ciniloin Ow I MM DRW: GE02 W9L 252.0 IN Psi I ovillie Gables TemCmp. Caleas Teres �mp. 8-AG 12 -8 AO-X in _SD �AD N _51 JAP im _51' E-Al W M6 AO-W 2 -5 �AC M -95 KAR 7 -6 F-AB 40 213 V-L 4% -211 AK-G 7 -5 U-AS 29 �IS MAL 2 -7 AT-M 90 -in AM-H 131 -0 TAU 43 _52 Z-�N IN -60 AV-P 12 -7 NOTES I Ths dnesen,is not III alone for Installation Additional instn�nrs sonson,barying tins tnies Juning.incubi,BCS4 1-03, shodd be useJ in conjunction with tine an�fteotxbl plans dunng Instillation, 2 AI,exTec,linclo,yisafictitious nae,eisenes bybxAnex Taclinolo,,y Inc,FlondaCorixesbon Flondalingemess Btiviness No 7547-4745 Ststorn Paik�ud,�Ite 402,Jacilsomile,FIL=24-9W,821 52M APEX miclise'G lisolossla Jeffierr P Annison Deek B Murmy PE No.60839 PEW 58W PE No.71�457 62780 EON at Annapolis.Cos. 'ark SPON ."N GEDI pristar I OVIVIS X-AC Im 33 AI-K Is -51 G-AD W Al 119 -38 W-AE �82 -13 AK-L 5, -106 H-AF 135 -51 AL-P 35 -9 NOTES: I This drivion,is not suffid at ache for installation Aciddrocial radnahions accompanying this thoss,chinning,include BCSI 1 03 sthould to ,a ciarl won this archutectural plans during installshan 2 A,,ex Tachron"M safichropounnorreo,nniscl cy Jactf,exTrach"has,Inc.Mondar Corporation FloodirrEwicar, Business W 7547-4745 Schorr Park Court Sots 4G2 Jacksonville IFIL 32Z24 90N 821 5200 APEX Michowal G Kozon'sal Tell P Arnmorm, Derek B Mans, PE No 60839 PE M 585. PE No 71457 < 00 > > W � M � < � � wm X > M � -, m �- MM GI I 0 V , > m > 0 Z , " m 0 0 — Mw � z m 6) w X . C > XK wo , zom Oc > m az � , 0 > 00 , GIM ox x wo 0 0 > - a: 0 > , MM . 2 m m 0 X C> 0, o Z, mc T M l2m Mwo MOO x 0 M 0 0 z z G) Cf) mm m 0 00 0 co C) M M > M > m - 0 m 00 OMZ < a M , m m z a > xmm m m > � mw w 0 z M > x 4p - W , w os > m K MM m N m C _ o -0 m c K 3 :� c slo M 0 mmx 9> m m m co co < 2, > Wo 0 > z :1 --1 — Z � � -q - C) ;u C) � 0 03 P? z 6 000 r 00 2 K :E z -n o > 02 > OMM -1 m z -z G) 0 zw � M 0 M Z D i; m , * �-, o :E :E 0 0 m M > m -4 G) Z 0 qKm � =i < m M , M cc) 0 M , Z— x C M > > z M � mm > . - 0 x Z X > -� o cn -i 0 * = P , � � > �z z - 0 0 G) , z w Z >— > , o m z z Fz C) cl w 3 * C� F > M (n Imm) 2 P > 0 Z 0 , C) , Z :E 90 > U; W 0 > -< -n 0 Z K I z 0 0 :1 0 r- > m ' mm r > m o C lo K * , wo > omm 0 0 Z M 1 0 z zw � m -0 0 m 9 ,M :E :�: 0 0 > 0 55 � > m m z M , M m p �<D > :1 z Z- M, -40 m r- > M 2: X r- (D > . 0 > w m 0 0 m 10 > 00 C: o cn M Cl) > m ou 0 C) M -40 0 -n m > M 0 w < C, 0 M > 0 z M < Ko . r- m Mm x 00 z m G) 20 MK � < 0 0 0 0 0 0 m J omzo 00 mo � > z 0 z 0 ol M * I � 4 .0 , 00 ;o m > 0 c 71 w i� m Ix (n > >= M� 0 ;o ca F m z -q > mv � > F m 0 cn m cn Q z M > co � o m 8A, m z > x 0 a 0 W —/ M/ 82 0 50 z 2. c m c x I > 0 r F i x z; OT 0 Aa, f 0 mu 0 M � W — m M > X z z m m 0 z M I 0.- .0 0 K 0 0 0 z 0 0 0" * �O z Om z T-iz ��x�c 9 0 z c_2 x N .p 0� zw w ML-* Z� z 0 OOK- 2 Oz MO =zi 0 cc '0'0 -0 m z c-M, M�m M. 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