Minutes- July 27, 2016 o. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH s CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE 7.370 Meeting Minutes Tuesday,July 27, 2016 Adele Grage Cultural Center Present: Grant Healy,Julia Hite, Nick Malie, Beverly Norman, Dawn Pope, Pamela White,Jay Wilson, Timmy Johnson (City liaison), Della Giovanni(Secretary) Absent: Faye Wood 1. Call to order—Chair,Grant Healy called the meeting to order— 6:01 pm 2. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from June 28,2016.Nick motioned; Pam seconded the motion;all committee members in favor. 3. New Members Dawn Pope and Beverly Norman welcomed by Chair Grant Healy and thanked them for volunteering. a. Grant addressed importance of quorum and attending meetings regularly to conduct business successfully. 4. Visitors recognized at the meeting: Chris Jorgensen-AB resident,Judith LaRue-AB resident. a. Grant addressed visitors must be recognized by the chair in order to speak during the meeting 1. Chris Jorgenson*constructive criticism/concerns regarding activities and events for children and teens; *program suggestions *committee response to residents suggestions * request visitors' input after each agenda item 5. Guests a. Travis Stratmann—ABAA 1. 12 &under age group earned their way to the Cal Ripkin World Series for the first time ever—top 8 teams in the country will compete a. $3000 cost for each player 2. Large expense to get team to play in series—Maryland for 11 days a. Gofundme.com account created for donations-link on website Cal Ripken organization pays for travel expenses (air transportation), Under Armor funds gear and uniforms each player responsible for hotel, food etc. b. Have raised$12,000,need total of$30,000 c. Request committee donate towards expenses b. Anna Raynor-The Giving Closet in Jacksonville 1.Program started with a problem in schools with overflow of items in Lost&Found 2. Volunteers took clothes to cleaners and organized instead of allowing things being thrown away or taken to Goodwill 3. 2,000 documented students without homes—collect/deliver lost&found items, launder and donate back to students in need as recommended by teachers 4. Warehouse has been donated for 2,000 pounds of clothing collected among schools, putting together"Kare Kits",provide educational services to tutor kids with education to avoid high cost of tutoring for low income children who are unable to afford professional tutoring(non-profit tutoring) 5. Based on financial need,mentoring program&parent workshops 6. Office donated in zip code 32216,partnering with schools,counselors,forms will go home first week of school,no recurring funding,Budget—CFO is CPA,all volunteers running program 7. Requesting$1000 contribution from committee c. Chris Lester—Well Being Wednesday 1. As volunteer facilitator attended meeting to give follow up to committee on approved event,which was proposed for Wednesday afternoon programs of fitness &well being 2. Started program in July with Tai Chi &Yoga,next classes August 10th&September 14th.Same classes will be offered for August&September—professional instructors are currently getting paid by the city 3. Feel that using volunteers to instruct is not sustainable,participants want Well Being Wednesday every week instead of once a month 4. Requesting from committee to consider paying professional instructors$30 per class/per instructor($60/week for 52 weeks) a. Will report number of attendees i. Committee decide number of classes&budget for approved event ii. Contact information: Chris Lester 303-8658 or clester904Pgmail.com b. Free to public by paying instructors instead of charging the participants and will promote with media/social media c. Will further discuss at August meeting • Grant advised committee they are unable to vote on next year's funding until budget approval • $2,000 left in current funding • Motions and suggestions for the 2 current requests o Julia motioned to divide the funds 50/50; Nick seconded o Dawn suggestion—ABAA get higher since they need immediately and Closet project is long term o Jay—keep funds in Atlantic Beach programs o Grant requested vote for 50/50—4 in favor passed ABAA$1000&Giving Closet$1000 6. Ongoing Business 1. Artisans'Faire—Pam White a. Suggested list given to Recreation Department for invitations b. Event is December 1 by invitation only c. Committee budgeted;had 16 artists last year with entertainment d. Approaching new artists to keep it fresh—local&Jacksonville e. Nick suggested Marsha Hatcher be invited f. Parking concerns for artists—suggest they park at condos on Ocean Blvd.after setting up g. Sign-up sheet circulated for committee to volunteer 2. Sculpture Walk—Julia Hite a. Presented ideas based on program in New Hampshire as a model b. 3 year development c. Juried art on city property d. Guided tour or walking tour through parks e. Change sculptures every couple of years f. Julia asked by Grant if willing to take project and organize a committee with volunteers,artists and business leaders g. Concerns of insurance coverage for sculptures h. To be on agenda in August as follow up 3. Songwriters&Acoustic Nights a. No report given—no committee member attended b. Someone from committee should commit to attending committee sponsored events c. Beverly volunteered to attend and report for Songwriters&Acoustic 4. Committee Input-Timmy Johnson a. Bi-Monthly meetings-last month consensus was monthly meetings b. City Ordinances—User Fees for city buildings i. Make proposal to discuss lease vs rent ii. Discuss changes—committee to review&send TJ recommendations 5. Open to Floor Responses—Chris Jorgenson: encourage residents to attend meetings; residents make a difference—was able to get parks to remain open longer 7. Next Agenda 1.Elect or re-elect chairman of committee 2.Bocce Ball 3.Process of getting proposals and funding approved 8. Adjournment—with no further business,Nick motioned for adjournment Julia seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Grant Healy,Chairperson