1649 Atlantic Beach Dr water svc damage bill & pics Ank CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 12M Saalpiga Lane Au mic Bach,FL 32233-0318 7 TELEPHONE:(900247-5834 PAX:(9M)247-5M43 www.c mb.us July 21, 2015 Melissa Lieberman Toll Brothers,Inc. 160 Cape May Avenue Ponte Vedm,FL 32081 email: mlieberman(aitollbrothersinc com RE: Damage to Water Service at 1649 Atlantic Beach Dr. Dear Ms. Liebeman: Below is a breakdown of charges incurred by the City for repair of the water service damage on July 10, 2015 caused by Republic Services delivering a roll off container at 1649 Atlantic Beach Dr. Labor Utility Collection/Distribution Operator(EB) 1 hour= $ 23.33 Utility Collection/Distribution Operator(RB) I hour= $ 18.63 Utility Collection/Distribution Operator(TC) I hour= $ 22.64 Fami en 3 City tracks for 1 hour @$20.00 per hour= $ 60.00 1 City pump for 1 hour @$20.00 per hour= $ 20.00 Su u ies 20' of 1"SCH40 PVC Pipe& I"90 Degree Elbow= 12.51 TOTAL $157.11 Photographs are attached for your reference. Please expedite payment to the City of Atlantic Beach in the amount of$157.11. Payment must be received prim to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued for this address. If you have any questions please contact us at 904-247-5834. Sincerely Dougla .Layton,P.E. Public Works Director copy: Debbie Sileo,Deputy Finance Director Jennifer Walker,Building Dept. Chris Walker,Conveyance Division Director .0 a ca. n n CP s a en c vs `D N d A r E ,v �tiaa�3gfu"-AL�AI`kn9N[ e f, r N Y v i 1 s R/hr.jy, h4 + ti �`9CCrs "�gypy� iYly.. /} 3 ; t a 16 Olt b loo i7