BMRC Minutes 10-17-16 v MINUTES Board Member Review Committee Meeting October 17,2016 6:30 p.m. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 6:26 p.m. by Commissioner John Stinson. In attendance were Commissioner John Stinson (Chairman), Members Jennifer Lada, Mike Paschall, and Solomon Brotman, Code Enforcement Board Vice Chair Louis Keith and City Clerk Donna Bartle. 1. Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting of April 28, 2016. Motion: Approve minutes of the Board Member Review Committee meeting of April 28,2016. Moved by Paschall, seconded by Brotman. Motion carried unanimously Chairman Stinson explained that Mr. Paschall will be interviewing and if appointed to the Code Enforcement Board, he would need to resign from the Board Member Review Committee. Mr. Paschall agreed explaining he had intended to do that. 2. Interview the new candidates: Ellen Glasser and Mike Paschall for consideration as a new regular member or alternate member of the Code Enforcement Board. Since Mr. Paschall was being considered for the Code Enforcement Board, he left the room during Ms. Glass' interview. The Committee interviewed each candidate listed above separately. An overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Code Enforcement Board including the role of the alternate member was explained to each of the applicants. Each candidate explained their personal accomplishments, experience, goals and interests in the community. The Committee offered the opportunity to ask questions and the Committee responded to those questions. 3. Discuss and make recommendation regarding Louis Keith and Richard Lombardi, whose terms expired on 9/30/2016 and are interested in reappointment to terms ending 9/30/19. The Committee discussed the voting process and decided that since Mr. Keith's term on the Code Enforcement Board has already expired, he should not be considered a voting member of the Board Member Review Committee. They also agreed that Mr. Paschall should refrain from voting. The Committee discussed Mr. Keith and Mr. Lombardi's service and attendance. Mr. Paschall and Mr. Keith left the room before the following recommendations were made and did not vote on the recommendations. The Committee made the following recommendations: Motion: Recommend reappointing Louis Keith and Richard Lombardi to the Code Enforcement Board for an additional term beginning immediately and ending September 30,2019. Moved by Brotman, seconded by Lada Motion carried unanimously 4. Discuss the new candidates above and make recommendations on filling the remaining vacancies. The Committee discussed the new candidates and made the following recommendations: Motion: Recommend appointing Ellen Glasser to the Code Enforcement Board as a regular member for a term beginning immediately and ending September 30,2019. Moved by Lada, seconded by Brotman Motion carried unanimously Motion: Recommend appointing Mike Paschall to the Code Enforcement Board as an alternate member for a term beginning immediately and ending September 30,2019. Moved by Lada, seconded by Brotman Motion carried unanimously Mr. Keith and Mr. Paschall joined the meeting after the votes were taken and Chairman Stinson updated them on the recommendations made. 4. Other Business. Chairman Stinson gave an update on his plans to hold a meeting with the Chairs of each Board. Mr. Brotman suggested that the Committee use their electronic devices to access their packet and eliminate the printed agenda packets. The Committee agreed to rely on electronic packets. Adjournment There being no other business,the meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m. 1'14` v� John M. Stinson Chairman Minutes of the Board Member Review Committee Meeting on October 17, 2016 Page 2 of 2