CE 1079 ATLANTIC 2009 f 4 FM COMPLAINT n: COMPLAINT DATE• O TIME: COMPLAINTANT: First Last ADDRESS: State Street City - PHONE NUMBER Zip COMPLAINT TYPE: La LOCATION: I// A•�`�hTIc. IUC} Atlantic Beach, EI. 32233 Street _ City State Zip TELEPHONE #: __ PROPERTY OWNER COMPLIANCE: bV/O� DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10 - fi PRIORITY CODE: TA10;^N qBY_'' INVESTIGATION DATE: INVESTIGATOR: DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10, - 6 ACTION TARN: 1-fr ma I d COMPLIANCE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RE #• s If W. S .>B COMPLAINT #: yJ( -BF COMPLAINT DATE: ,:5=, k2 Ta9E: COMPLA6I*TANT: Last First ADDRESS: Stxeet city State9tate_ PHONE NUPIBBR Zip ^^ COMPLAINT TYPE: E 3 cII E �3�da'ffY� d�U;P S{r P✓1'C�OS4re . LOCATION: 'I�'IY AT/dI�'fl Atlantic Beach EL 32233 ' Street City , Stat. Zip TELEPEONE #• _�_ PROPERTY OWNER COMPLIANCE: DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10 - 6 PRIORITY CODE TAA&�NCy HY• ' INVESTIGATION DATE: S V / / J_ TnCE, INVESTIGATOR: DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10. - 6 ACTION TAICEN: L+r mated COMPLIANCE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RE #' Property Appraiser-Property Details Page 1 of 2 HARBOUR PLACE PROFESSIONAL PARR COMPANY Primly Site Address Ot icIA Record g�ok/Paoe Tile al 13133 PRd69lONAL D0.51111E 100 10A ATIAffRC BLVD 10030-1986 9430 ]AOC90lM11E,R 33]29- seems,Beaty R 31233 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD PgUety,Dean Value Summary,- RE�22916-0000 _ 1008 Certlaed .109 01n Tax Distract USD3 -- - value Ma etlll Income localPruperty Use 1692 SHOP Cm WE Bi_ - iblin9 Value $0 00 �.m #Of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 $0.00 M-M-29E — - Iarad Value(Market) $319,fiW.00 $319,600.00 legal Desc. a DE CAtIRO Y FERRER GRANT On.Value(A9nE.) $000 MEN) Liadadvelon 00000 SECTION LAND ]no Usarket)Val $755,400.00 $255,400.00 Me sale of this prWereY mayesalt'n NEW property roes.For more oformt gp[o Save Our AsseseE sValue(A10) $255,400.00 $255,400.00 l antl our Prepare,Ta E4Propertyr.Property values,examptioM and ptn fematon IkhH as salamander $0.m See below 9n Progress are mye W change.These numbers are pan a the 1009 vohkinotion antl vnll net - becepaluntilOctoberLearntoga the Property ANrp_aker's Office values uoaeM, _ Tm01YVakr $1SS,400.00 See hal. Tastabie Values and Exemptions-In Progress V there are an Exemptions applicable m a awing auUIDft,the Taxable Value is the same as the Asametl Value listed above in me,Value Summary hoz County/Munumpal Taxable Value SIRWMD/END Moble Value School Taxable Value No applicable exemptions No appda0le Exemptions No applicable Exemptions Solna History I Saw Dana SaM yr Deal - Type.Cods- Quawnad/urgrulined VaoaY/�rigrYv!_d 10D34L�0 611/2001 $565,00SW WD-Warranty Ueed Qualified Improved B�3tNIB 9/11/1992 $400,000.00 115-Mdcelland. Qualified 1mDroved X11 1/12/1989 $100,000.m V/D-WamantY Detl Unk. Vacant 2/1/1W $90.00 -. VID-Warranty Deed union. �. lrcpmr d 0364&11}} 1/9/1924 $100.00 QC Quit End. unknovm ImProved OXABIV 1/9/1924 ',$100.00 - 145-Misrellenens. Unknoan Impromll Extra Featwes lM PMane Cade _. _ Peiun DmalPllo^ - ._- _.. Bldg. len YAla T8, U.od I PVX1 �Pwng ASpbalt t 0 0 18,900.00 $9,314.00 Land d Legal IN COM uae llyvlpllP Zorr Pl Front _ lantl uldb trtl valr Un LepY.DaaRIplbP_ Snd 1000 mlM9tO41 —ACG�- 0.00 am lbmmm 90.IM8.00 $319,6m.00 1 2 B FERPER DE CASIAO Y GPPNF 3 Pr RECD 0/R 100.30-19Bfi Buildings Bidding 1 -� Building 1 ME Adder in ant COtle Debi) 1029 ATlMRIC BLVD Exterior Wall 12 V C.B.Stuao Abanrk Beach R 32233 - poofing Structure 10 IO Steel F.W. ardMkrg TYM lm2_SHOO,CTR NWD Roofing Cover 4 4ouilt Up or T&G T�T��r y�adN 1990 - —� Interim Wall 5 5Drynall IBI ' TTT 1 1916191 u1 u � a[Fbpdng 5 SAsptric m1'.1 -luuuu 11_ V�1 .6f}m Ary "Meatetl llry -' Heating Fuel 4 4flettnc ..•1111` 16 105W 105m Heabug Type 4 4 Forced-luded area 0 0 Ar Comfi oning 3 3 Central area 0 0 Ceilnq Wall Finish 0 0 None area 0 0 Gwnm Hg&AC 1 1 Ittg&P/C Pkg area D 0 Gomm Forme 3 3C-Marea 0 0 _. de area 0 0 taxl `OdeStaes 1.000 area 0 0 Bedraums 1.000 1056 0 IIAl 18.00011616 lois Rooms/Units 9.000 - Avg Rory Heght 10.000 Least Notice of Proposed Property Taxes(Truth in Millage Notice) Taxing District Assessed Value Add I Exemptions Tavbls,Valall, Lima: Roatl-IMdt Gen govt U5D2,2A,2S3,4 5255,418.00 $0.00 $255,4m00 $3,925b9 $3,923.18 $4,110.89 htLp://apps.coj.net/pao_MpertySearchBasic/Detml.aspx?RE=1774160000 5/5/2009 . Property Appraiser-Property Details Page 2 of 2 PUWk S hpola:BY stare taw $955,4 M $0.00 $nS/M 0 1$3,688.04 $3,861.0 $3,557.33 9y1 IBoar0 $955,400.00 $0.00 $955,SOOAO $2,059.83 $1,849.9] $1,986.85 R Inland Navi9aton DIA _ $955,400.00 $0.00 _ — 955,400.00 $26.0a $26.06 $26.82 aOaMk ech $755,400.00 §0.00 _ $755,90.0 §2,265.93 $2,365.69 §2,365.69 Water Mgmt Dlst.SIRWMD $955,40.00 $0.00 $955,400.00 $314.30 $314.10 $339.10 Gene21 Gov VohN $955,40.00 $0.0 1$0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 U oan Se'.DIst3 $955,400.00 $0.00 $0.0 §0.00 $0.00 $0.0 soiool BoanJ Voted $955,40.0 $0.00 00.00 $114.14 00.00 $0.00 . 1pW6 f12,39311 $19,3no.51 $12,386.8 i ]mtt- _ ll-- Valor - T=Ytlr IaR Y4ar fJ55,90.0 $955,900.00 00.0 $755,90AD Nrrlt roar $955,40.0 §955,900.00 00.00 If95s,400.W Property Record Card(PRC) Tee Property Mpmiser office pro Vi aveRaWe hes cal remN rar0s(PRC).The PropertY appy MK gfae no on uses PRCs;therefore,tllere will he no PR6 avallade hon 206 hawaM. You mu4 setur I,ow es Page Set Up for prinbn W Undarape W 000h tom®nds. 2445 I M za6z I m00 1599 p 14401 1999 119%1 1945 More Irdormadw Pggi 1 Tax Ref9b 1 Slsmu I me U �_o0ymivm ps http://apps.coj.net/pao_propertySearch/]3asic/Detail.wPx?RE=1774160000 5/52009 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5455 TELEPHONE:(904)247-5800 FAX:(904)247-5805 ° SUNCOM: 852-5800 t www.coab.us rs�or` May 6,2009 Harbour Place Professional Park Company 13133 Professional Drive Suite 100 3acksonville,FL 32225 Subject:Code Violations Dear Sirs, Tax records identify you as the owner of the following property in Atlantic Beach: AKA: 1079 Atlantic Blvd Legal Desc: 38-2S-29B B DE CASTRO Y FEARER GRANT PT RECD O/R 10030-1986 REN 177416-0000 Consider this a Courtesy Notice of Violation. While conducting a routine Code Enforcement patrol on May 1,2009,the City's Code Enforcement Officer identffied the aforementioned property to be in violation of the following City Code: Chapter 12,See 12-1(b)(2)—Rubbish Chapter 16,See 16-3(d)—Garbage and Trash Containers As Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Atlantic Beach,I am granting you 10 days from receipt of this notification to bring your property into compliance by removing all the trash and rubbish located behind the building. You are also being granted 30 days to remove the graffiti on the back of building and 45 days to either repair or replace the dilapidated dumpster enclosure on the property. Furthermore you are reminded of your responsibilities as a property owner,and that violations of City Code can result in fines of up to$500.00 per day,per violation from the Code Enforcement Board. Should you have myquestionsor concerns involving this matter,you can contact me at(904)247-5855. AL ER J. SFIE � Code Enforcement Officer C: Assistant City Manager