CE 1250 EAST COAST 2009 SENDER: COMPLETE 3.Alan complete A Sgnaure f8'Ageal [Yhp e itesaM Addressee Rstricted Delivery is desimd. C.0 eat er ryr name ad addreaa on thereversePrIewe can return the card to you. S.Rwt,,ed a/fhis card to the back of the mailpleoe,efronlHapaoe permna. D.la delivaYd�01B ❑No d�,E lour✓ ' ya'� 713 ❑Raaa�ZZ3 3 ed Mall ❑C.O.D. z—M ,msssoam,sw r� PS Fc COMPLAINT #: Do 1 r�COMPLAINT DATE: / l� ��I TIME: OD• �� COMPLAINTANT' Last First ADDRESS: Street City State PHONE NUMBER COMPLAINT TYPE: LOCATION: !Z /` G4f7 ��f f Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Street - City State Zip TELEPHONE #: PROPERTY OWNER;- COMPLIANCE: DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10 - 6 PRIORITY CODE: GTAIMN BY: x SiIErI�/* INVESTIGATION DATE: [�/ Z/ /� TIME: q g, &V INVESTIGATOR: w. .f�F/y"Er DEPT./DIVISIONS: 10, - 6 - ACTION TARNr !/l�YEv COMPLIANCE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RE # oSB0 �D�52I 1 �rctCBFPO lam,805 S�tc��ab.aa s; db 25 2009 Ar.Sheldon BrY! ati0n 1250 East Coast FL 32233 Removal TA16P> Atlantic Beach,FL 23,17 Tree subject.City Code:Chapter 23,See Dear Bryan, ou as the owner of the following Property in he City of Atlantic Duval County tax records identify You Beach: Re: 1250 East Coast Dra Unit 1 N 75ftlot 24 Blit 1 A/K/A:23-4 16-2S-29E.26 Selva Miu'tn RE# 171909-0000 a &' The purpose of this correspondence is to serve as an Official NotlfiCatlOn Of VIOIat1011, It has bCCIIrI' brought to the attention of the Code Enforcement Office that a tree was removed dUflll`gL the construction Of your home that was not included in the Tree Removal Permit. Thjg Wag broUgjlt to the CltYlg atlCUliOn by the Landscape Architect,Mr.Kelly Elmore at the time of the tr ' 4� would be property mitigated,to date it has not. $�emOVat Wt4 the✓�g lan he Code s Trheoe C toeithera P sit"t Officer oi0foe City of Atlantic Be U Ce that it this no the Ci removed. servation Board tomake aM ty�ree Mitiggt. granhn8yoU 3 Ffn�losed for yob. $emettGs for and 0 g days g_ 8rica N.taiMed letter - ami 01C SatisfgctouMO. . "404,,'Um ' ItrtA n j M