1175 Atlantic Blvd - Permanent CO Farmhouse�t �Jr r r ' CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY U .:�,,� V PERMANENT Issue Date: 12/30/2016 RE Number: 170709-0000 Address: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD Zoning: COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG) Owner: ROBBINS NEST FARM LLC Contractor CISSEL & COMPANY Application Number: 15-CNEW-2810 Description of Work: FARMHOUSE Construction Type: VB Occupancy Type: B/S-2 Approved: Building Official VOID UNLESS SIGNED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WORKSHEET Date Requested: n�" Contractor Name: AAtl l��c_ UX ''� ��U�l� Permit #: is-Q_N)A)-aD Property Address: � � -�5 ,A `Uti L Rud Legal Description: Improvements to the above-described property have been completed in accordance with the terms of the permit and are certified to be ready for occupancy as: mgle-Family Residence Commercial Other: Lowest Floor Elevation: Required As Built FFE The following must be completed before issuing Certificate of Occupancy' Department Date Notified Date Approved Approved By Fire Dept. ialkaltb 1s 16 i14 v� Public Works ja, l a S Public Utilities I K Building z. ( .yam o f Zoning I Z Za l Tree Mitigation Satisfied Backfiow , IBJ Mx C Final Survey with FFE All Re -Inspect Fees Paid Termite Treatment Yes No Yes No Yes No Updated 9/15/16 Q6 ATTACH PAYMENT HERE corparaeorr r. M4''n xo.d w6 ..'sprk,a, n We. Inc. ma sua.sxaa I�,eslnkeaornn.ran [ccs a rrxw.nkedocnrr.rvn� Water Management Agreement Major Application This Agreement, made this MAS /7yvit day of /I!>✓anb•/ 20A is between The Lake Doctors, Inc., a Florida Corporation, hereinafter called "THE/LAKE DOCTORS" atm NAME �� Tir. 34,Lh �rpdr/ �J r✓/S BILLING ADDRESS /o /S LEl n & B&d 7 ff3 CITY A&iji -3-1 STATE /CL ZIP __1 i2 PHONE (?a% 392 —06� EMAIL ADDRESS 5458rr %AX%i A .O/�i IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR INV EMAILED, CHEC ERE: Hereinaftercalled"CUSTOMER" REQUESTED START DATE: 495aA PURCHASE ORDER a: The parties hereto agree to follows: A. THE LAKE DOCTORS agrees to manage certain lakes and/or waterways for a period of ONE TIME APPLICATION from the date of execution of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement in the following location(s): One (1) pond associated with Firstsfar Development, Inc. -Robbins Nest Farms, Atlantic Beach, FL Includes a major application for control of filamentous algae, torpedograss, and alligatcrweed. Follow-up inspection and treatment, if required, will be provided approximately 15.30 days later. Acceptable level of control shall this 90%. Aquatic weeds can re -grow after treatment; no length of control is guaranteed. S. CUSTOMER agrees to pay THE LAKE DOCTORS, its agents or assigns, the following sum for specified aquatic management services: 1. Major application for filamentous algae, torpedograss, & alligatorwead $ 300IDD 2. Written Service Report $ INCLUDED Total of Services Accepted $ 300.00 $300.00 of the above sum -total shall be due and payable upon execution of this Agreement, plus any taxes, including sales use taxes, fees or charges that are imposed by any governmental body relating to the service provided under this Agreement. C. THE LAKE DOCTORS uses products which, in its sole discretion, will provide effective and safe results. D. THE LAKE DOCTORS agrees to commence treatment within fifteen (15) business days, weather permitting, from the date of receipt of this executed Agreement plus initial deposit and/or required government permits. E. The offer contained herein is withdrawn and this Agreement shall have no further force and effect unless executed and returned by CUSTOMER to THE LAKE DOCTORS on or before December 16, 2016. F. The terms and conditions appealing on the reverse side form an integral pad of this Agreement, and CUSTOMER hereby acknowledges that he has read and is familiar with the contents thereof. Agreement must be returned in its entirety to be considered valid. THE LAKE DOCTORS, INC. CUSTOMER lva� Signed, ! /_ Dated // /% 1 Mark Seymour, Sales Manager Name v OFFICE/CUST4 MERCOPY 03/2016 0 THE LAKE DOCTORS, INC. cnrpo. onkel ]Sa34bie enaa x14 W6ter SPrFy, It ]3)06 Inca A00L6F535] I..Iali,m- wawom xa • wxw.lakedxbn.can Water Management Agreement f6 .1, MAS This Agreement, made this 17 day of Ngft)e w b I% 20f, f�is beMreen The Lake Delors, Inc., a Flonda Corporation, hereinafter called "THE LAKE DOCTORS' and BILLING ADDRESS JON /7`11 /L /moi i3P� CRY i`i*77/6 _&-&ii STATE ri ZIP 32234 PHONi IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR IN DICE MAILEU, UNI "i..= Hereinafter called'CUSTOMER REQUESTED START DATE: /21/1/4 PURCHASE ORDER #1 The parties hereto agree to toll A. THE LAKE DOCTORS agre as to manage Certain lakes and/or waterways for a period of twelve (12) mon he ham the dale of execution of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement in the followin locatlon(s): One (1) pond associated wi in Firststar Development, Inc. -Robbins Nest Fauns, Atlantic Beach, Florid I. Includes a minimum of twit a (12) inspections and treatments, as necessary, for control and prevention c noxious aquatic weeds and algae. B. CUSTOMER agrees to p y THE LAKE DOCTORS, its agents or assigns, the following sum to specified aquatic management services: 1. Underwater and Floating Vegetation Control Program $ 85.00 mo ml 2. Shoreline Grass an Bmsh Control Program $ INCLUDE 3. Free Callback Servi e $ INCLUDE 6. Monthly Written Set vice Reports $ INCLUDE 5. Additional Tmatmer ts, if required $ INCLUDE 6. Stocking of Triploid Brins Carp, permit 8 barriers, as necessary $ INCLUDE Total of Services A epted $ 85.00 mo ithly $85.00 of the above sum -trams! sh II be due and payable upon execution of this Agreement, the balance hall be payable in advance in monthly installments of .00, including any additional costs such as sales taxes, permitting fees, in nitoring, reporting, water testing and related costs man lated by any governmental or regulatory body related to service under this At reement. C. THE LAKE DOCTORS uses products which, in its sole discretion, will provide effective and safe results. D. THE LAKE DOCTORS agre as to commence treatment within fifteen (15) business days, weather permi ting, from the date of receipt of this executed A reement plus initial deposit and/or required government Perron$. E. The offer contained herein is withdrawn and this Agreement shall have no further force and effect ur less executed and returned by CUSTOMER to THE LAKE DOCTORS on or before December 16, 2016. F. The terms and conditions a Epeng on the reverse side form an integral pan of this Agreement, and STOMER hereby acknowletlges that ha has ad and is familiar with the contents thereof. Agreement must be returned n its entirety to be considered valid. THE LAKE DOCTORS. INC. CUSTOMER Signed - ._. -_ I V Signed 032016 1 1 0 THE LAKE DpCTORS, INC. Mackey, Grace From: Padgett, Hardy <HPadgett@coj.net> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 201611:13 AM To: Mackey, Grace; Gindlesperger,Toni; Johnson, Charles; Groff, James; Escanio, Rey; Spicer, William Cc: Arlington, Daniel; Johnston, Jennifer,'steve@firststardev.com' Subject: RE: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD Categories: CO Per Inspector Tommy Spicer, The Fire Safety Inspection and hood suppression system has been completed. The Certificate of Occupancy may be provided, assuming all other inspections have been completed. Thank you very much Hardy Padgett CFPE Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department Fire Prevention Division Office of Plan Review 214 N. Hogan Street Room 281 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 904-255-8562 Office 904255-8559 Fax HPadeett0coi.net From: Mackey, Grace [mailto:gmackey@coab.us] Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 1:31 PM To: Gindlesperger,Toni; Johnson, Charles; Padgett, Hardy; Groff, James; Escanio, Rey, Spicer, William Cc: Arlington, Daniel; Johnston, Jennifer Subject: RE: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD Good Afternoon, Did they pass their Final Hood Inspection at 1175 Atlantic Blvd. and/or do we have your approval for a Certificate of Occupancy at this address? Grace Mackey Administrative Assistant Building and Planning Depts. City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 From: Gindlesperger,Toni Sent: Friday, November 04, 20164:02 PM To: CHARLES JOHNSON - FIRE (JOHNSONC@COJ.NET) <JOHNSONC@COJ.NET>; Hardy Padgett - FIRE (HPadgett@coj.net) <HPadgett@coj.net>, Groff, lames <JGmff@coj.net>; Escanio, Rey <REscanio@coj.net>; William Spicer -FIRE (SpicerW@coj.net) <SpicerW@coj.net> Cc: Arlington, Daniel <darlington@coab.us>; Mackey, Grace <gmackey@coab.us>; Johnston, Jennifer <Eohnston@coab.us> Subject: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD We have had a request for a Certification of Occupancy for Urban Farms. Please do all final inspections for the building, mechanical suppression, and or fire. If you have any questions please contact Steve Cissel at 759-4312. Thank you, Toni Gindlesperger Building Permit Technician City of Atlantic Beach 904.247-5800 ext 5818 toin0coab.us Gindlesperger,Toni From: Reeves, Derek Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 3:46 PM To: Gindlesperger,Toni Cc: Mackey, Grace; Johnston, Jennifer Subject: RE: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD Zoning approves Derek W. Reeves Planner City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl. 32233 (904)247-5841 dreeves(&ooab.us From: Gindlesperger,Toni Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 5:10 PM To: Williams, Scott <swilliams@coab.us>, Moore, Kayle <kmoore@coab.us>; Clemons, Malcolm <mclemons@coab.us>; Walker, Chris <cwalker@coab.us>; Reeves, Derek <dreeves@coab.us>; Jones, Mike <mjones@coab.us>; Arlington, Daniel <darlington@coab.us>; Pfohl, Jim <jpfohl@coab.us>; Brown, Emanuel <ebrown@coab.us>; Showman, Lisa <Ishowman@coab.us> Cc: Mackey, Grace <gmackey@coab.us>; Johnston, Jennifer <jjohnston@coab.us> Subject: 1175 ATLANTIC BLVD URBAN FARMS—STEVE CISSEL 759-4312 HAS REQUESTED A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Toni Gindlesperger Building Permit Technician City of Atlantic Beach 904-247-5800 ext 5818 tain0coab.us . /§ §} a$[a 2 ■,;,_<, ,. ()(i\ -mm / OD ! E�| 00 / }({\� JBR: §0, !» !i DR of {vrp <{k!{ / (k (� ) ¢moo { 02 k § 03 _ . 2. \� \ \} - \A {ƒ re) \ �- \0 �\ ƒFr \ \ /- k &K _ / 7$ 7 )( i ! }o }` i3 ( k \ Mackey, Grace From: Reeves, Derek Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 2:11 PM To: SR Cissel; Van Liere, Nelson; Mackey, Grace Cc: traceywestbrook@comcast.net Westbrook; Williams, Scott Susan King; Arlington, Daniel Subject: RE: 1175 Atlantic Blvd Fence Categories: Co Steve, This is exactly the point. The easement is on a property not owned by you or your clients where you built a fence (without a permit). This has everything to do with the new business. The revocable encroachment would cover the new fence that did not exist (in recent history) prior to your construction of this new fence. It is not only reasonable to ask the applicant who constructed the fence to supply the requested documents, but it is required to receive approval for a permit that has not been issued yet. If anyone has questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks, Derek W. Reeves Planner City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904)247-5841 dreeves0coab.us From: SR Cissel [mailto:steve@8rststardev.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 20161:14 PM To: Reeves, Derek <dreeves@coab.us>; Van Liere, Nelson <nvanliere@coab.us>; Mackey, Grace <gmackey@coab.us> Cc: traceywestbrook@comcast.net Westbrook <traceywestbrook@comcast.net>; Williams, Scott <swilliams@coab.us>; Susan King <susan@jaxbeam.org> Subject: Re: 1175 Atlantic Blvd Fence TO ALL, This easement is provided by American Legion and not Atlantic Beach Urban Farm If the City of Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach are the beneficiary of the easement for their utilities, there is more than likely an Easement Agreement recorded on file. This recorded document would have included a "Revocable Encroachment" I suggest you pursue the background of the easement as the City of Atlantic Beach and not burden the new business for something that does not pertain to hem. The new business was only attempting to make an improvement to the area and to replace what was previously in place. The fence was part of the approved general construction plans that the Owners are requesting that the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. This TCO is expiring on December 22, we have requested it to be converted to a Permanent Certificate of Occupancy as soon as possible. We would appreciate the Permanent Certificate of Occupancy be issued today and not be withheld pending the resolution of your request. I have additionally supplied my updated contractor license renewal information. Steve Cissel CGC 0101763 Cissel & Company General Contractors 904-7594312 steve(�),firststardev.com