September 2009.pdfs e p t e m b e r , 2 0 0 9 V o l . 5 N o . 9 C i t y o f A t l A N t i C b e A C h N e w s l e t t e r september 2009 Sept 7 Labor Day Holiday – City offiCeS CLoSeD Sept 8 Code enforcement Board / 7 pm Sept 9 *tree Conservation Board / 7 pm Sept 14 City Commission Meeting / 6 pm Sept 15 Community Development Board / 6 pm / Location tBD Sept 22 *Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee / 7 pm Sept 28 City Commission Meeting / 6 pm oCtober 2009 oct 12 City Commission Meeting / 6 pm oct 14 *tree Conservation Board / 7 pm oct 20 Community Development Board / 6 pm oct 26 City Commission Meeting / 6 pm oct 27 *Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee / 7 pm City offiCiAls John Meserve, Mayor Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Mike Borno, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Hanson, City Manager Paul Parsons, Commissioner Alan Jensen, City Attorney John fletcher, Commissioner Donna Bartle, City Clerk www.coab.us • (904) 247-5800 Meetings are held in the Commission Chambers unless otherwise indicated. * These events will be held at Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd. september 2009 Sept 12 tunes ‘n’ talent/ Jordan Park / 6 - 8 pm Sept 13 Songwriters Concert / Adele Grage / 6 - 8 pm Sept 17 North Beaches Art Walk / town Center / 5 pm Sept 26 twilight Movie in the Park / RAtAtoUiLLe 298 Aquatic Drive Sept 26 fall festival / Donner Park Sept 27 Acoustic Nights / Bull Park / 6 - 8 pm oCtober 2009 oct 4 Songwriters Concert / Adele Grage / 6 - 8 pm oct 10 Campout under the Stars / Russell Park oct 15 North Beaches Art Walk / town Center / 5 pm oct 25 Acoustic Nights / Bull Park / 6 - 8 pm (Last one of the season) Presents… After the Murders by richard wolf / mystery – Drama Adele Grage theatre / october 23 - 25, 30 -31 World premiere by fernandina Beach playwright. Acquitted of the ax murders of her father and stepmother in 1893, Lizzie Borden lived another 34 years and stayed right in fall River, Massachusetts. Many of the events in her life during those subsequent years were both bizarre and fascinating as this compelling play reveals. Showtimes: thursday, friday & Saturday 8 pm / Sunday 2 pm Admission: Adults – $15 / Senior, Student, Military – $12 Volunteers Needed the City of Atlantic Beach would like to hear from citizens interested in serving on a citizen board or committee. the City has a Code enforcement Board, Community Development Board, Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee, two Pension Boards, one for police employees and the other for general employees, Board Member Review Committee and tree Conservation Board. for information about the responsibilities of these boards and committees or to obtain an application form, please contact the City Clerk, at 247-5809 or visit our web site at www.coab.us. City eLeCtioNS Primary election – october 6, 2009 General election (if run-off required) – November 3, 2009 As the Commission has grappled with the 2010 budget over the last two months, i would offer some thoughts. for the first time in many years Atlantic Beach is faced with significant declining revenues, while also facing the pressures of maintaining essential services and meeting the demands of mandates levied on us by higher authority. on the positive side, we have maintained and improved infrastructure over the last 10 – 12 years so there are not multiple significant projects that “have” to get done over the next year or two. our major issue facing us right now is meeting new clean water requirements by 2013 which will require significant expenses and major upgrades to our wastewater treatment plants. the bottom line is maintaining essential services, freezing wages, elimination of programs that are not part of core city services and a budget that maintains our ad velorum tax revenue at 2009 levels. —Mayor Meserve An Easy Way to Save Money on Your Water Bill here’s a money and water-saving tip from irrigationtutorials.com: if you irrigate with automatic sprinklers, program your irrigation timer so that it waters in 2 – 3 short cycles rather than a single long period of time. Allow the water to soak into the ground between the cycles. for example, if you normally water for 15 minutes, try this; water for 4 minutes, wait 30 minutes or more for it to soak in, then water another 4 minutes, then wait again, then water another 4 minutes. Now you have watered a total of 12 minutes rather than 15. even with the reduced total watering time, chances are you will see a significant improvement in how good your lawn looks. the reason cycling works so well is that almost all brands and types of sprinklers apply water much faster than it can actually soak into the ground. So after about 5 minutes of running, most of the water begins to build up on top of the soil and then it just runs off into the gutter or to a low spot in the yard. Cycling the irrigation gives the water time to soak into the ground and reduces water run-off, it also will help reduce the wet spots in the lawn where lawn diseases get started. remember – irrigation rules are in effect. water only on your assigned two days per week, before 10 am or after 4 pm. homes with oDD addresses – wednesday and saturday homes with eVeN addresses – thursday and sunday Non-residential – tuesday and friday for more information on how to conserve water go to www.floridaswater.com. 16th Annual fun Day and Campout Under the Stars the City of Atlantic Beach family fun Day and Campout under the Stars returns to Jack Russell Park on Saturday, october 10th, noon to 10 pm. this year’s featured events include perennial favorites as well as new fun for all ages – Prince Pele Polynesian Dancers, bounce house, rock climbing wall, Wild Wonders animals, Mad Science, Working Warriors and Jugglin’ Jeff. the day concludes with a bonfire and movie at dusk. this event is one of the City of Atlantic Beach’s most popular events. All afternoon and evening events are free and open to the public. Bring your blankets, chairs, picnic baskets, bug spray and spend the day! Campers can reserve a 12 x 12 campsite for a $10 fee with fire ring and wood. A free breakfast is served in the morning for our overnight campers. Jack Russell Park is located on Plaza Street, north of Seminole Road. Campers can register at the Recreation office, 716 ocean Blvd. Call 247-5828 for more information or visit www. coab.us/events for a schedule of events. Sanitation Tip: yard waste: the City’s franchise sanitation hauler, Advanced Disposal, collects up to five cubic yards (Cy) of green waste per week per household. this includes tree and bush limbs, palm fronds and containerized leaves, grass clippings or other small debris. (See www.coab.us for additional information on yard waste and other sanitation tips). if a resident has more than five Cy at one time, they have the option of waiting while Advanced Disposal picks up five Cy each week until completion or arranging a special pickup of all debris at one time. if a special pickup is desired, either call Advanced Disposal directly at 731-3440 or call Public Works at 247-5834. An Advanced Disposal Supervisor will respond within 24 hours (weekends excluded) and provide a written estimate of the cost for the special pickup. the resident must agree to the charge in writing before the pickup will be scheduled. Special pickups are billed directly to the resident by Advanced Disposal at a rate of $20 per Cy after the first five Cy. Residents should never pay an Advanced Disposal employee directly for any services related to sanitation. Nor should any Advanced Disposal employee ever request payment for trash pickup of any kind. palm tree trimming: Many residents have hired contractors who are unlicensed and unqualified to trim their palm trees. one result has been a drastic over trimming which may compromise the palm’s health. if you trim your palms to prepare for sever weather, you should know that experts at University of florida’s institute of food and Agricultural Sciences (ifAS) say that sabal palms are one of the most survivable trees (along with live oaks) available. if you are trimming for esthetic reasons, they recommend not trimming above horizontal (9:00 to 3:00). often tree “pruners” take off an excessive number of green fronds. these are the leaves that produce food for the palm. if you limit the amount of food, you limit the growth of the palm. in certain species of palms naturally yellowing fronds are a source of plant nutrients and their removal will hinder growth unless supplemental fertilizer is added. florida Seatbelt Law Becomes Reality on June 30, 2009, the Dori Slosberg and Katie Marchetti Safety Belt Law went into effect in the State of florida. this law is named in memory of two florida teens who were killed in separate traffic accidents as a result of not wearing their seatbelts. Hence, Atlantic Beach motorists will want to be aware of the new florida seatbelt law and how it will affect them. florida joined 28 other states with the passage of the new primary seat belt law that allows law enforcement officers to pull over and ticket motorists for simply not wearing their seatbelts. When the driver or any passengers in the vehicle are not wearing their seatbelts, a florida law enforcement officer will have a legal right to pull over the car and ticket those not wearing their seatbelts. the current fine for a seatbelt violation is $99 and the fine for a child restraint violation is $148. it is important for drivers and their passengers to be aware of these changes to the State’s seatbelt laws and drivers should ensure that they and their passengers are buckled up before hitting the roadways. Highest Wind Resistance Dicots Carya floridana, fL scrub hickory Cornus florida, dogwood Ilex cassine, dahoon holly Ilex glabra, inkberry Ilex opaca, American holly Ilex vomitoria, yaupon holly Lagerstroemia indica, crape myrtle Magnolia grandiflora, southern magnolia Quercus geinata, sand live oak Quercus laevis, turkey oak Quercus myrtifolia, myrtle oak Quercus virginiana, live oak Podocarpus spp., podocarpus Vaccinium arboreum, sparkleberry Conifers Taxodium distichum, baldcypress Taxodium ascendens, pondcypress palms Butia capitata, pindo or jelly Phoenix canariensis, Canary island date Phoenix ductylifera, date Sabal palmetto, cabbage, sabal