Item 1B- Draft Minutes Ethics Training 2-8-17March 8, 2017 ETHICS TRAINING Page2 covered and offered a booklet to everyone. She advised that, if there is ever a question regarding ethics, they are urged to either call her or call the Commission on Ethics directly. II. Ethics Training Video The attendees watched a training video called "FLC Continuing Education in Ethics Video Course" which was provided online by the Florida League of Cities. The following topics were covered: A. Ethics Laws -Chapter 112, Fla. Stat. -Gifts, Misuse of Public Position; Doing Business with One's Own Agency; Voting Conflicts; Financial Disclosure. During the Ethics Laws segment of the video, a break was taken from 4:50p.m. to 5:00p.m. After the Ethics Laws segment was completed, a second break was taken from 5:50p.m. to 6:00p.m. B. Sunshine Law -Chapter 286, Fla. Stat. -Open Meetings; Notice; Location and Access; Minutes; Exemptions; Public Participation; Legislative vs. Quasi-Judicial. C. Public Records Law -Chapter 119, Fla. Stat. -The Who, What, Where, When and How of Public Records Laws. Mr. Hogencamp asked the audience if there were any comments or questions, but there were none. City Attorney Durden thanked everyone for attending and reiterated how to obtain answers from either her or the Commission on Ethics. III. Adjournment and reminder about sign-in sheets The meeting adjourned at 7:25p.m. ATTEST: Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Mitchell E. Reeves Mayor/Presiding Officer Agenda Item 1B March 27, 2017