Untitled (24) a illiam M Baldwin, P.E. , P.A Consulting Engineer CEDARS EXECUTIVE CENTER -SUITE 230-8 TELEPHONE 904/386-3206 2639 NORTH MONROE STREET HOME 904/366-3106 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32303 October 26, LO TO: England-Thins a Miller, Inc. ATTT: Mr. Doug Miller 4800 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, Florida 32207 RE: Atlantic Village Shopping Center We are enclosing revised headwall drawings per your letter of October 17, 1984. If you have any questions, please give us a call . Sincerely, 9?--A413675 WILLIAM M. BALDWIN, P. F. WMB/bb Encl . cc: Mr. A. William Moss, City Manager, 716 Ocean Blvd. , P. 0. Box 25, Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Mr, W. H. Dyer, Jr. , W. H. Dyer Com. Inc. , 1252 Blountstowr, Hwy. , Tallahas$ee, Fl 32304 rgENED OCT 29 1984 City of Atlantic Beach, Florida