04-25-17 CARAC Meeting Agenda CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Adele Grage Cultural Center 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to order – Chair 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from March 28, 2017 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Ongoing Business a. Committee Contributions b. Jazz Festival Proposal c. Songwriters & Acoustic d. Bocce Ball – Jay e. Arts in the Park – Pam 5. New Business a. Budget 1. Turkey Trot 2. Giving Closet 3. Neptune Beach Elementary 6. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting – scheduled for May 23 b. Agenda items for next meeting 7. Adjournment Upcoming Events Paddle Tour – May 7, 11 a.m. – Dutton Island Songwriters Concert – May 7, 6-8 p.m. – AGCC Wild Wonders – May 13, 11 a.m. – Dutton Island Artist Reception for AITP winners – May 18, 5-8 pm - AGCC Dancin’ in the Streets – May 20 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. – Town Center Acoustic Night – May 28, 6 -8 p.m. – Bull Park – Mother Truckin’ Pizza Truck Memorial Day – City Offices Closed May 29 Mid-Week Market - Wednesdays, 3-6 p.m. – Bull Park Senior Aerobics – Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m. – Baker Center Qigong, Yoga, Meditation – Wednesdays 9:30 a.m., 6 p.m., 7:30 p.m. - AGCC Zumba – Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. – Jordan Center Atlantic Beach Market – Fridays, 3-6 p.m. – 1996 Mayport Road Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Budget Worksheet 2017-2018 Program/Event/Agency Budget 2015-16 Budget 2016-17 Proposed Budget 2017-18 Acoustic Night & Songwriters Concert $5,800 $5,800 Arts in the Park $6,500 $6,500 Artisan Faire $800 $800 Bocce Tournament $800 $800 Atlantic Beach Programs $15,500 $15,500 Mayport Middle School $13,000 $13,000 Beaches Resource Center $2,000 $2,000 Dial-a-Ride $1,500 $1,500 FACE Program $2,400 Beaches Fine Art Series $3,000 $3,000 Discretionary $8,000 $5,600 Advertising & Mailings $1,800 $1,800 TOTAL $58,700 $58,700 The purpose of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee is to propose, plan, promote, and review artistic, recreational, and cultural programs, exhibits, and projects for the citizens of Atlantic Beach. The committee members are appointed by the City of Atlantic Beach Commission. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Adele Grage Theater Present: Grant Healy, Marina Kaplan, Nick Malie, Beverly Norton, Dawn Pope, Jay Wilson, Faye Wood, Timmy Johnson (City Liaison), Della Giovanni (Recording Secretary) Absent: Pam White 8. Call to order – Chair, Grant Healy called the meeting to order – 6:00 pm 9. Minutes from February 21, 2017 approved as written (Beverly Norton added to present). 10. Recognition of Visitors: Paula O’Gannon, Chris Jorgensen – addressed scheduling of committees overlapping, Judith LaRue, Kevin Hogencamp (Interim City Manager), Samuel Allen (Jazz Alliance) 11. Ongoing Business: a. Songwriters & Acoustic Night – Grant attended Acoustic Night, reported a very good turnout for opening night, suggest the committee continues to support the program. Della reported per Mike Shackelford, it is the largest opening of Acoustic Night ever. b. Beverly reported she attended Songwriters showed concern for signage of location of event suggest more signage with arrows, had positive comments about the show. 12. Grant moved Agenda Item 5b - Committee Contributions Kevin Hogencamp, ICM i. Kevin introduced himself as of January 10, Interim City Manager, gave status on search for City Manager deadline of July 2017; assisting with search process 1. Has attended events and committee meetings to analyze opportunities for organizations 2. Concerned with awarding process of contributions and the follow up procedure on monies that are donated from the committee 3. Would like to see a more defined process that is publicized i.e.: criteria, guidelines, non-profit; Municipalities, etc. a. Asked committee to come up with criteria, rules/system b. Suggested suspending awarding contributions until a process is more defined and in place for consistency 4. Asked Committee to have things in mind to present for April meeting, if not he will come up with a proposal 5. Determine Discretionary funding vs. Line Item funding 6. Analyzing each Committee; working with Commissioner Stinson regarding Recreation, who has a better definition with members; City Commission is evaluating Boards 7. Will stay in touch regarding policy changes via emails 8. Will review Charter with Commission to evaluate for revision 9. Gave email address: khogencamp@coab.us 10. Reminded Committee of Sunshine Law regarding discussing with each other 11. Changes needed for accountability 12. Reviewed Avon Park’s criteria as an example ii. Grant agreed the process needs to be changed 1. Concerned with Line Items being a mixture of awarding Grants vs. for Recreation 2. Committee represents recreation and events but have to use monies towards city funds led by city leaders, who send organizations to the Committee 3. Need to determine if the committee is going to be a Grant contribution committee or a Recreation/Events committee 4. Categories need defined 5. Requested Commission to define the Charter for the Committee regarding funding Draft 6. Idea: review applications, vote, call in applicants for review/interview process, money sorted differently and follow up with programs receiving funding. 7. Suggest all budget funds be line items 8. Committee in support of idea of revising provisions 9. When organizations are sent to Committee from City Leaders, Committee feels the funding is out of the their hands i.e. Bocce Ball– new event, should be putting energy into event, not funding of organizations 10. April meeting to further discuss budget with new defined process 11. Suggest completing 2016-17 budget as is; start 2017-18 with defined rules iii. Input from Committee: 1. Marina – suggested an objective criteria of scoring; only those that meet criteria should come to the Committee 2. Grant – not allow every month presentations, takes away from meeting time; suggested having a submission time frame – possible 3 months before budget: a. Submissions collected for 3 months in Recreation Dept. (Jan.-Mar.) b. Reviewed by Committee for scoring – April meeting c. Committee request information from top 5 (suggested) organizations(May) d. Committee vote on organizations to be rewarded (May to meet budget) 3. Faye – wants to help organizations – Feels there is a process in place regarding evaluating applicants would like to see a criteria followed a. Determine Grants vs. Recreation; this is a Recreation/Event Committee not a Grant/Contributing Committee b. Suggest completing this year’s cycle/budget since it will look different next year and keep upcoming budget same since we have not collected applications to be reviewed for this cycle. c. Suggest a more general fund to pull funds from and not line item d. Meetings should be more focused on recreational activities e. Questioned if all Committees were having to change processes i. Advised by KH this Committee is the only one that handles funding 4. Dawn – Would like parameters defined, example: Mayor sends organizations such as Farmer’s Market to Committee for funding; when the organization doesn’t get what they want they get upset at the Committee, feels organizations are misled of the funding available from the Committee. a. Requested exact amount for actual spending from budget b. What happens to remaining budget? e.) Nick – Need to complete what is currently in 2016-17 budget, can’t change existing contribution promises f.) TJ – remaining funds most likely going to Arts in the Park, which will go over budget; current applicants submit information to director how funds are spent- Committee will decide what organizations get selected 13. Guest Speakers/Proposals 1. Samuel Allen, Jazz Alliance a. Proposed annual or semi-annual Jazz Festival in Atlantic Beach b. Control size with localized artists by publicity c. Begin with Women in Jazz d. Provide and organize artists with a set budget; quality event with food vendors e. Knows vendors personally; easier to schedule 2. Grant reviewed with Committee to consider as a line item like Arts in the Park; funding the event as done with Songwriters/Acoustic a. Likes annual idea b. Will need to get sponsorship to help with funding c. Request a defined proposal for budgeting for next meeting d. Nick questioned budget cost and experience in organizing e. Jay asked project beginning cost f. Samuel Allen – possible $2700 for artists plus promotion, rentals, etc. g. Suggest Committee come up with sponsorship/promotional ideas Draft 14. Ongoing Business 1. Well Being Wednesday – Timmy Johnson a. Sherry Nicholson declined giving free Tai Chi classes b. Beach Fit exercise instructor, John Boyd has approached Recreation Dept. to give free calisthenics, free weight and weight management classes if approved by Committee during Mid-Week Market/Well-Being Wednesday i. Dawn motioned to moved forward with Beach Fit exercise for Well-Being Wednesday; Nick seconded the motion. 2. Bocce Ball – Jay Wilson a. Proposed May 20th date – same date as Dancin’ in the Streets; Committee agreed not a good idea to have on same day for attendance purposes – Jay to review Tide Chart for another date b. Jax Surf & Paddle - assist with Sign-Ups at AITP by handing out information/flyers c. Faye suggested having in one of the parks in order to avoid tide issues; TJ suggested Russell Park d. Della reported banner has been ordered e. Grant suggested some kind of incentive to get people to sign up early f. TJ reminded the Committee that amount has been decided at last meeting 3. Arts in the Park-Recreation Staff a. Postcards distributed b. Della reported that additional costs to cover programs for kids for AITP will come from Committee’s budget per last year’s decision to add events for kids this year. c. Posters reported at: i. Nick – Publix & Ace; Beverly – Book Mark, Beach Diner (AB & PV), Ellen’s Kitchen, Fancy Nails, Fleet Landing; Jay-Gallery 725; Dawn – Salty Paws, Hamilton & Co; Faye – DaVinci Pizza, Hair Dresser; Grant - ABCC d. Volunteers i. T.Johnson asked Committee to assist with labels on postcards by Friday by coming into Recreation office ii. T. Johnson indicated judges will go around; winners announced @ 1 pm – suggested Committee members present for announcement iii. Committee Sign - In completed 15. Visitors a. Chris Jorgensen thanked Committee for budget, thinks it is a mistake for the Committee to give funds to other cities for their events when events locally have been denied b. Paula O’Gannon supports the decision for funding to go to Neptune Beach Senior Center since AB does not have one; would like to see more discretionary funds go to recreation such as a Croquet event; has applied to be on committee. 16. New Business – Timmy Johnson a. Agenda packet now online – City Website b. Ethics Training – Marina attended (4 hr. training class) – available online; TJ to send Committee the link to view c. April 6 – meeting with Commissioner Stinson regarding Committee organization Draft 17. Next Meeting-April 25, 2017 @ 6 pm 18. Adjournment – with no further business, Nick motioned for adjournment, Dawn seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:40 p.m. ### _____________________________________________________ Grant Healy, Chairperson Draft