CE 329 Ahern Street 2010 fa ?Ty [ia,
Compliance Investigation Form
Investigation# 4S 7/O Date of Request: - f(() Time of Request:
Name of Person Making Request: • ���
Address: Phone#
Investigation Type:
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Location (Address) of Violation: 3a9 h�'`�
Phone Number: Property Owner/Manager: ��}o er-E H H. Seim its
Request Taken by: Investigator: -60)c (157 3
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Action Taken: &Fr m a lec1, sp y//o
Compliance: 6/3//0
Legal Description: o2/-c2S -- 2 9F RE#: /6 9 7'o- 0000
F:\Code Eaforcenment\Cempiiance Investigation Form.doc Oct 9 2009
I. •
?S y gLj:.f-1 Code Enforcement Department
800 Seminole Road
\=� ' `SSS Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233
J FAX(904)247-5805
May 21,2010
Robert H. Schmitt
P.O.Box 4573
Jacksonville,FL 32201
RE: Notice of Violation of International Property Maintenance Code,Chapter 3,Section 302.8—Motor Vehicles
at property known as: 329 Ahern Street,Atlantic Beach,21-2S-29E Atlantic Beach,RE# 169740-0000
Dear Mr.Schmitt;
Please be advised,Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found the property at the above referenced address to be in
violation of Chapter 3,Section 302.8—Motor Vehicles per International Property Maintenance Code which states
"Except as provided for in other regulations,no inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle shall be parked,kept or stored
on any premises,and no vehicle shall at any time be in a state of major disassembly,disrepair,or in the process of being
stripped or dismantled."
This letter requests the noted violation be corrected by repairing the flat tires on the inoperable vehicle or removing it
from the property within ten days from receipt of this letter. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the
violation is not corrected by the time specified in this notice this case may be presented to the Atlantic Beach Code
Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the board meeting.The Code Enforcement Board
may impose fines up to$250 a day for each day the violation is not corrected.
A re-inspection will be done on/or after June 3,2010. To avoid having this Code Enforcement case set for hearing,
all listed violation(s)on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code
Enforcement.Upon completing the corrective action(s)required,it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code
Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance.
It is our goal to enforce the codes and ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and protect the health,safety and
welfare of the City,and accordingly,your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.Please contact Atlantic
Beach Code Enforcement at 904-247-5826 if you have any questions or need additional information.
Eddie Lopez,Code Enforcement Officer
XC: File
No Case:45710