329 AHERN ST - CIVAL DRAWINGS FOR PROPOSED 12 TOWN HOMES ca cc LM 4) W 4D E CD cc 20 0 < w Z Nl� ki�i 1� N 5 ........... .......... rV, TT 4 Kx ............ .......................... /CNN �1- 4 ............. . ............- RLU DT ............ LO . ......... ............ Adapt .................... DEVELOPER: LLC AHERN TH PROJECTS, ATTN 830-13 Al A N C) ............ 1i ue�ii�tl M A r%/A -L-. C-4 N PONTE VED BEACH, FL 32082 CY) �1 R 77 U) C> N (904)------ E o q CY) CY) ENGINEER: a Cc g L- 0 Z 5 PROSSER, INC. 0 00 '016 L: VICINITY MAP %e U- 2 u a) MR. J. BRADFORD DAVIS, PE E NTS 13901 SUTTON PARK DRIVE SOUTH, SUITE 200 > 0 Z 0 0 X JACKSONVILLE, FL 32224-0229 w r= w je M 'a Prepared for: Cn 0 0 U- r PHONE: (904) 739-3655 0 GATE PETROLEUM U- CD FAX: (904) 730-3413 E 0 Prepared By: 0 NO. DATE REVISION LO 1 5/3/2017 Ist SUBMITTAL LO Communi y- anagement-Energy-Relafionsh,ps 1390, Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 N Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 Z6 57 0 Office 904.739.3655 Fax 904.730.,U13 DRAWING INDEX www.prosserinc.com SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE w > F orida Certificate of Authorization Prosser No. 116073.01 COVER SHEET 0 SURVEY C-) Number: 00004050 PRELIMINARY PLAT C1.0 GENERAL NOTES cri ENGIU D: 01 C2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS- DEMOLITION PLAN N§11 (.0 6*8 *see, C3.0 SITE LAYOUT so, C4.0 GRADING &DRAINAGE PLAN C5.0 UTILITY PLAN Z Name: J. BRADFOF S, P.E. LV 62576 w C6.1 GRADING &DRAINAGE DETAILS cf. N0.62 0 -Z w - C6.2 GRADING &DRAINAGE DETAILS C7.0 EROSION &SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES &DETAILS 0 TE OF C8.0 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN STA STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN - Sionature.- OR C9.0 C-) CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATION Z M-1 MITIGATION PLAN w LP-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN AND DETAILS LP-2 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED: MAY, 2017 C) co AHERN TOWN HOMES ATLANTIC BEACH 542 EAST COAST DR RE# 169742 0000 32 AHERN STREET RE# 169737 0000 337 AH E RN STREET RE# 169737 0010 .Alap Showing a Topographic Survey LOTS 21 4v 61, 8t 10 AND 12, BLOCK 2, PLAT NO. 1 SUBDIVISION "A" ATLANTIC BEACH, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 69 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA. FOR: AHERN TH PROJECT, LLC FIRST STRE:E:T "W GENERAL NOTES 1. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTHERLY R/W LINE OF AHERN STREET AS N08@14'24*E PER STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, FLORIDA EAST ZONE, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1990 NGS ADJUSTMENT. 7 2. INTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS NOT LOCATED EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 9 3. THIS SURVEY ONLY SHOWS IMPROVEMENTS/STRUCTURES SITUATED ABOVE GROUND. BELOW GROUND IMPROVEMENTS/STRUCTURES, IF ANY, ARE NOT SHOWN OR LOCATED. 4. THIS DRAWING MAY HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED FROM THE ORIGINAL. PLAT N UTILIZE THE GRAPHIC SCALE AS SHOWN. S; �J B D I V1 S 1 0 5. CROSS REFERENCE: SURVEY BY BOATWRIGHT, FILE NO. 2015-1363. TL AN TI C E A C H 6. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON LIE WITHIN ZONE ill (UNSHADED, AREAS P DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN) AS m 10.61 BLOCK 2 6' WBIF PLANTm -GA 0.71 4 10. SHOWN ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 0409H, COMMUNITY NO. 120075 P . B . 5 , P 0 69 '), - I ........ ...... 10.6 DATED JUNE 3, 2013. HOWEVER, THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS ARE . . . . . . -TER MC E .. . . . . .11 PLAN 10.65 SUBJECT TO CHANGE. yj 300' 6' WBF 10.8 10.4 10.29 10.4 7. THIS SURVEY WAS MADE WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT. 299-Tr (A) 9.4 10.4 6' WBF N"Jill 6' TALL 8. THIS MAP DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. IT IS A 6' WBF .6 .1 2.5' TALL CONC WALL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. ETAL CONC 6' WBF i��j t483-2115WE 10.34 t 0.41 +10.50 9. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL 6' WBF 10.6 -6 ,V CLF 4' CLF &8 150! CPT 0 DATUM 1988 (NAVD '88) AND ARE REFERENCED TO A NATIONAL GEODETIC /0 0, SURVEY 4 INCH BRASS DISK, STAMPED -V 324 1970". HAVING AN +9.6 9.3 ELEVATION=10.27 (NAVD '88)-LOCATED ON THE ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER 6' PLASTIC FENCE + OF A CURB INLET ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD, 104+ .1 APPROXIAMTELY 53 FEET EAST OF THE CENTERLINE OF PENMAN ROAD-SEE jo.35 50! > FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CAICE DATABASE NO. 7210006. 6' PLASTIC FENCE 0.-2 9. 10.2 0- (A 10. r,-5' DIAMETER METAL LID + in 10. CONVERSION FACTOR IS -1.10' TO GO FROM NATIONAL GEODE11C VERTICAL (D-., IFOR LIFT STATION -4 0.6' CONC 860 PVC DATUM 1929 TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1988. CURB 1 9. 0 ROCK 12' SQUARE METAL 11. +26.8 DENOTES SPOT ELEVATION ON GROUND. CB FOR LIFT STATION 8 0 CB-9.70 9 ao -9.691 1 10* PVC GOES INTO U STATI 9.8 > 12. +26.97 DENOTES SPOT ELEVATION ON ASPH, CONC, ETC. N INV-6.25 UNABLE TO OBTAIN I T + S INV-6.28 rE5 S INV-7.12 7- 9- ar PVC EAR 2 �0 LEGEND P CONC 8,16 4 T. +10.37 R/W = RIGHT OF WAY I + 10. 10.34 CM = CONCRETE MONUMENT 9 2 0 6 O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 0.V7 �O> to P.B. = PLATBOOK A "A b3 00 CONC = CONCRETE 10 WBF = WOOD BOARD FENCE IP = IRON PIPE 4b. FND = FOUND 40 12 00 rn !P-'P. CB = CATCH BASIN CINL = CURB INLET 10. + 10.4 EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT MH = MANHOLE INV = INVERT FL = FLOW LINE CLF = CHAIN UNK FENCE OHU = OVERHEAD UTILITY 10.1 P = PLAT _& A = ACTUAL CINL P TOP-10.21 10.4 10.19 A/C = CONCRETE PAD NTH AIR CONDITIONING UNITS FL-9.76 PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE EP=9.98 R& = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 9. INV-8.08 10. DIR = FOR DIRECTION ONLY 10.5 - NL 8.9 10.21 0.1 10.17 = SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 9. TOP 9.26 81 10.03 - rQ.-) = POWER POLE 9. 2 1P9 an = WATER METER 10.56 S IN;!.r7g--- OVER POLE 2993'r 9 .88 = CABLE TELEVISION BOX 0 '9.50 (N) W INV-7.86 CONC DRIVE 10.57 10.6 60 1 (S) W INV-7.12 11111111 Jill 11 = WATER VALVE COVER 91. a_Rn = FIRE HYDRANT +10.26 VAULT OWER POLE =. ....... 10.1 10.12 = ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR LIFT STATION EF�- �5 CONC CURB ss 10. MH-10.12 = SANITARY SEWER VALVE COVER 9.3 9. 011-3 9.37 2! .................................... + W INV-5.55 0 = 3m METAL POST 0 t CONC DRIVE, or PVC ss SW INV-5.55 9.50 . . . . . .. 1 9.88 9.88 9.30 1:9 ss------SS' 9.77 CINL (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) 10.6 ).45 0 .89 9.59 4? PVC ss-11,111,111,111___------ TOP=10.56 0 = SET NAIL & DISK "PRM LB 3731" 9.55 C W CONC-9.30 CB=9.94 El = SET 4"X4" CONCRETE MONUMENT "PRM LB 3731" WLY R LINE .43 - J.jL7 ss INV-7.83 (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) -no" OF 9. STRE:E:T 465.9;to)aMpli LOG 0, "D 6mC V-32 SS MH BENCHMM& APPf BEND IN PIPE-U"bERGROL1 -jj TOP. & �VC RIM-9.33 AHERN -REF-T (P) BOX CLIT NE CORNER OF CINL BRICK PAVERS Sa3'21'50 DEGREE Jim-OR .70 ys ss-----4%.01 W INV-5.17 4,WTA S1 ELEVATION-10.58 90 F1- 07 9.18 �--120 RCP S INVJ�=5.55 ATLj ss------ E INV-5.10 (40' 1W) MH RIM 10.26 SS---Xe27__ INV-5.76 SS--49-3-6-SS 13 BENCHMAR Ce MH --------Ss BOX CUT ON BACK TOP 8.86 RIM 9.52 ss------ss F WALK INV-6.62 ELEV=9.61 (NA2'88) d Aqlro ft' D T.QN IN GRAPHIC SCALE 13 20 0 10 20 40 so REMSION WE DRMTM WORK ORDER NO. REASON FOR REMSION I INS MAP OR SURVEY MEETS THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND L0 ILA - CONSUMER SERVICES, IN CHAPTER 5J-17. FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE C14 CODE, PURSUANT 70 SECTION 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES, UNLESS IN FEET 07HMVASE SHOW AND STATED HEREON. 1 inch 20 ft. THIS DRAWING. SKEYCH, PLAT OR MAP IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A 0 0 FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER (CHAPTER 5J-17. R.ORIDA 6 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE). Cla THIS MAP OR SURVEY IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ENTITIES !T&Associates z NAMED HEREON. THE CER70CAMON SHOW HEREON DOES NOT PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS&AlIAPPERS Ld D(TEND TO ANY UNNAMED PARTY. LB NO. 3731 MH-10.65 3830 CROWN POINT ROAD INVJ JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32257 (904) 260-2703 WWW.CLARYASSOC.COM JOB No. 2017-179 DRAFTING: EJC PARTY CHIEF: MICKLER F.B. DIGITAL CAD FILE: 2017-179 TOPO.DWG CHECKED BY: DATE: 4-6-17 GREGORY B. CLARY, P.S.M. CERT. NO. 3377 FILE No.SA-3253 PLAT BOOK PAGE 6- A Replat of Lots 2, 4, 9 8, 10 and 12, Block 2, Plat No. 1 Subdivision "A" SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS SEE SHEET 1 FOR GENERAL NOTES Atlantic Beach, as Recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 69 of the Current Public Records of THERE ARE 12 LOTS ON THIS PLAT , the City of Jacksonville, City of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida. 3rd nd ST 0- S,C)N I st ST C 3 rn E3L-0 pG. 6 9 WE p .E3. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. STURDIVANT ST ERN Sr 299.7-79 . .. ..........58.5 ....... 7 ........ .. .. ... . .. ................. .. .. .. ....... .. . .. .. .. ..... 4h- ... . ............ .... . . .. . .. 9 58.5 ... ...... .... .... ..... .% C:'. . ..... ......... . ... .. .. .............. .. . . . . ......... . ATLANTIC BLVD N ....... ... . ........ .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .......... ... . .. . .... 100 jj.jos: . . .* ..... ....... .. . .. .. ..... . ... . ... .. 'r . .. ... . . 36 .. .......... JEA- DRAIN . ... .... . ........ CES &. ... . ... (A "E ... ... . ..... ot4 ST ................% V2 '50 ED .. .................... ... -E. .... ...... .. .... ... .. . .... . . ... ....... 0 JEA.... .... 5 .. .. ...... .......... .. ...... .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..... ... .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .... .. ....... . ........ .. *-:.; -*.'.'- I - -. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 154 Ln . .. .. .. ................ . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ......... 09y10, . . .. . f3f ....... ... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . VICINITY MAP . ..... ....... . ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. '176 OD Vm ... .... I* . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ....... ... .. .. .. ... .. ..: �.. ... N .... ... . . ... . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .................. ... 5 (NOTTO SCALE) .. .. .. .. . ox C; . .. .. .. . ... .... .. .... .. .. V-14.30 ... . ..... . .. .. ...... ....... ..... ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. . ... ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . .... .. L4B*.'. MANGE ST . ..... & D''RAINAU LJOB . .. .... .. .. . (A 0 E Ll 09 . .. .. .... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 7.. Ll I%J .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. ...... . . . . . . . . . .. . V -.'L178 r ..... .. -L20 C� . . . . . . .. ....... V. ASEMEN:�.. . r .. . ... Im, ... . ........ ... 5.2 L54 ...... ... . . . . .. .. .... L 10 .......... ... .. ...... .. .. CD .L92 . .. .. . CD -4 ... .. ... . L2- - . .. .... . (A -4 LI 39k 3,200 S.F. . ..... .. L4 ...... ..... 6 OD I- ....... L6 Ui r 5 r L I. .. .. . 52 w -_j m 3;0 . ........ 3,200 S.F. 0 rn > CL . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. ...... OD .. .. . . .. '. C., ... r .. .. .. .. . L201 71;- 1 6 Ln Lj14 C� .. ..... I SA VI CY).... -- .. . LO CA \AV.V. UP% V. .. .... �2 3-21 WE 5 .55' 3,602 S.F. 0 .. ... .. w 10 .... A... ... 01 .. .......0 ..: -- I... . -1h. 10 --- - . - ... . . . ...'i 7.5' JEA-E' 9.25' \1 L6'. -- '.:,. \\ w 7 r .. .. ... 10.77' ..... . .. . . .. .... PE 58. vw3 299.771 L3 L .... .. . .F .... . .. -2150 2 r . .. .. .. N83 4 OD ... ... 35.75 .. . ... L64 .. .. ..... 3,306 S.F 0 0 .0. 0 . . . ... . . . . . .. .. . . .. . Lp (A PP-to 3,217 S.F. . . .. .. .. .. . CA . .. ....... LL-2 co S830 50*W CA. cP L86 of A 0 6' co CD. 0 �30 V.V. m TO ... . CD 500E 65.9 ...... r L172 L N83* . . .. .... . ... r-D,E; LLi 161\p . . . . ..... . . 40' R . .. . ........ 0 `fL I:Zi ��70 'm 'y STREET, 8)(A 3,217 S.F. 4' Ln ...... .. . . L '21950 PE 60-470 r., r 0, N y2j'50 E 64.76 . .. . . .. ... ... (FORMER DETAIL 'A' ::.Ln T, N 3021 K 1 0 U.. ... .. LAI 83*21 L .. .. .. r- \ . 0 1Z.1.1.1 1 5 cc) 0 .. . . .. . .. . NOT TO SCALE OD . 01 3,208 S.F. 0 will 4.7 4 r- . .. . ... . . . �PCA - .. . '5o"E 64.7 LO . .. ... C)D Crj N1 %. .. .. .. .. - -- -- i %-1 2 0 �21 . ... .. .. . 2 r- L84 A. : :.,., CP ... . . . .. LI t5 (A CL .. ...... 0 r- 3,201 S.F. 0 ...... .. .... .. . 95 0 ... . LEGEND 0). . . .. . 0 *.. .. *C) .11NN 83 21 r ... ... . \A -V E 64-70! ... .. ...... ... 12 1 4 .... .. .. .. 3,200 S.F. r-I A V. Ln Z I'' (A -4 IN ... .. ..... CY) C;, .. .. . . N83 L V.V. .. .... 00 r ....... 7-p.. 3,201 S.F. R\W = RIGHT-OF-WAY > I *I .-.-.-.-...I.. .. .. . . .. 2 :51- V. L164 .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. ... T1 O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK LB, 0 r E. 'E 65-00' . .. .... . Ll 6 . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ...... P.B. PLAT BOOK N83'21'50 L120 .... 66 �j 65 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . L52... L121 .. . .... . . .V.V.VI Ln V. 3,199 S.F. Li 27 L1 24 L210 ..4 P G.(S) = PAGE(S) Li 2 S. F. = LOT AREA IN SQUARE FEET ... ... .. .. .. .. Lbi ' i '*.*. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ........ a P;; ...... ... .... . .... .. �I_122 '.L 42... .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . -.&I Cp. .. . .. .. . b5. C.M. CONCRETE MONUMENT (A 3 L32 N .. . . ... LBO (f�L- 03- -L264 AL �171 99 UL 82v: ... ... .. .. .. . .. . .. .... )r,. J26 0 L76 09.. .. .. .. .. .. . JEA-E. = JEA EASEMENT L79 L74 23 OD .. ..... . 5' 5* -E.E. = JEA EQUIPMENT EASEMENT 3,214 S.F. bx-��_- . ... .. .. ........ I- '" 'S 1 0 JEA 0 J\ .. .. .. .. . ... .. . . .. .. ..... . . 51 ... (A L78 .. ..L102*.. .. ..... . .. . .... ICA V.... 6 D ' L200- L17 . . . ... 357 . ... Jt�'� - ... .... A .... ACCESS & DRAINAGE EASEMENT 9 .0 (A A.&D.E. 23 0 ro�- i ... "Ll.'. 00. L36 L34 . .. .. El SET 4nx 4" PERMANENT REFERENCE -4 p -E... - 13-02� ...rn: rr-'. U N 2178535.014 CwA . ..... .. .. .. .. .. 0 _S 0 ......... , . -;Z 3rL -h '.'.'.L58 .. .. . .5' JEA MONUMENT STAMPED "P.R.M. LB 3731" L38 A.&D.E- '.':*'*%"%­ . .. .. . 299.77 4- ...... ... .. .. .. .. . .. . E 530884.688 .. . .. . . . ... ... .. ... . ...... .. .. r ...0 9 tj U! CD (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) 9 ...... . ...... . . .... .. .. ..... .... .. ... . .... .. . Kch r--. -- ---- - �p Q 5' . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. '-j0.7 ... . . . . ... .. .. .. . ... . . ....... ........... . . . .. ' ''*::::::r- -%L15'-*-'.'- . .. . .... .. . .. .. con E. .. . .. . . . . . . ....1 11 9 .. . . .. . A 80 ..... ... 3575'. .. .. )W.cw Ir (p .... .. .. .. .. . ........ . . ...... .. r . . .. ...... N 2178500.372 ..... .. .. 2U.489..... DETAIL DENOTES UTILITY SEE E*.,.*.,.. EASEMENT JEA E 530586.925 -A-6 .*.*.. .. . .. ..... ......I ... .... . . . . 35.75 ..... 50"W .1 3.5ro# .... . S83 STI? . . . . . . . .. ... ... . A 40' 1A . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . (FORMERLY ATLAN DENOTES ACCESS & LINE DRAINAGE EASEMENT N'LY .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING LINE LENGTH BEARING LINE LENGTH BEARING LINE LENGTH BEARING LINE LENGTH BEARING LINE LENGTH BEARING LINE LENGTH BEARING LINE LENGTH BEARING Ll 35,65' N06*38'101w L27 6.�_5' S83-21'50-W L53 9,17' N06*38'10'W LBO 0.67' N83*21'50 L107 30.65' S06*38'10'E L134 35.101 N83#211501E L161 4,17' S06*38'10'E L188 15.22' N83*21'50'E GRAPHIC SCALE L2 19,89' N83*21'50'E L28 17.88' S06*38'10'E L54 14.45' N83*21'50'E L81 25.95' S06*38'10'E L108 9.89' S83*21'501w L135 3.96' N06*38'101w L162 9.45' S83#21'501w L189 10.77' N83*21'50'E 0 10 20 L3 3.96' S06*38'10'E L291 6.25' N83*21'50'E L55 3.50' S06#38'10'E L82, 5.59' N83*21'50'E L109 3,96' N06"38'10'W L136 19.891 N83*21'50'E L163 3.50' N06*38'10'W L190 15.00' N06*38'10'W L4 27,64' N83*21'50'E L30 8.00, S06*38'10'E L56 7.63' N83*21'50'E L83 8100, S06*38'10'E L110 21.28' S83*21'50'W L137 35,65' S06*38'10'E L164 17,63' S83*21'50'W L191 15,00' N06#38'10'W L5 13.50' S06*38'10'E L31" 5.59' S83*21'50'W L57 3.50' N06"38'10'W L84 6.25' S83"21'50'W Lill 18,50' N06*38'10"W L138 25.88' S06*38'10'E L165 3.50' S06*38'10'E L192 15.00' S06*38'10'E (IN FEET) L6 6.25' N83*21'50'E L32 19,00, S06*38'10'E L58 13.68' N83*21'50'E L85 17.88' S06#38'10'E L112 6.25' S83*21'50'W L139 20.28' S06*38'10'E L166 8,01' S83*21'50'W L193 15,00' S06"38'10'E 1" 20' L7 13,18' S06*38'10'E L32A 0.67' S83*21'50'W L59 29.45' S06*38'10'E L86 6.25' N83*21'50'E L1131 8.18' N06*38'10'W L140 3.91' N83*21'50'E L167 10.45' N06#38'10'W L194, 20.48' N83*21'50'E LB 25.88' S06*38'10'E L33 10.45' S06*38'10'E L60 5.59' N83*21'50'E L87 35.65' S06*38'10'E L114 6.25' N83*21'50"E L141 29.17' S06*38'10'E L168 0.67' S83*21'50'W L195 5,69' N83*21'50'E ow 15.001 S06*38'10'E L8A 5,00' S06*38'10'E L34 8.01, S83#21'501w L61 5.00' S06#38"10'E L88 23.58' S83-21'50"W L115 17.88' N06*38'10'w L142 14,45' S83*21'50 L169 19.00' N06*38'101w L196 L9 5.59' S83*21'50'W L35 3.50' N064'38'10'W L62, 25.88' S06*38'10'E L891 3.96' N06038'10,w L116 6.25' S83*21'50'W L143 3.50' N06*38'10'W L170 5,59' S83*21'50'W L197 15.00' S06*38'10'E L10 24.45' S06*38'10'E L36 17.63' S83*21'50'W L63 8.18, S06*38'10'E L90 34.97' S83*211501W L117. 8,00' N06*38'10'W L144 7,63' S83*21'50'W L171 8.00' N06*38'10'W L1981 15,001 N06*38'10&w L11 13.68' S83*21'50'W L37 3.50' S06*38'10'E L64 6.25' S83*21'501w L91 13.50' N06*38'10'W L118 5.59' N83*21'50'E L145 3.50' S06*38'10'E L172 6.25' N83*21'50'E L199 5.69' N83*21'50'E L12 3.50' N06*38'10'W L38 9.45' S83*21'50'W L65 18.50' S06*38'10'E L92 6.25' S83*21'501w L119 25.95, N06*38'10'W L1461 13.68' S83*21'501w L173 17.88' N06#38'101w L200 17.69' N83"21'50'E L13 7.63' S83*21'50'W L39 4,17' N06*38'10'W L66 21.28' S83*21'50'W L93, 13.18' N06*38'10'W L120 0.67' N83*21'50'E L147 24.45' N06*38'10'W L174 6.25' S83*21'50'W L201 6.36' N83*21'50'E L14 3.50' S06*38'10'E L40 3,91' N83*21'50'E L67 3.96' S06*38'10'E L94 25.88' N06*38'10'W L121 3.50' N06#38'10'W L148 5.59' S83*21'50'W L175 11.10, N83*21'50'E L202 18.08, N83*21'50'E L15 14.45' S83*21'50'W L41 25.28' N06*38'10'W L68 9.89' S83'21'R0'W L95 5.00' N06*38'10'W L122 8.01' N83"21'50'E L149 5.00' N06#38'101w L176 15.45' N83*21'50'E L203 10,77' N83*21150'E L16 29.17' N06*38'10'W L42 25.88' N06*38'10'W L69. 30.65' N06*38"10'W L96 5.59' N83*21**50'E L123 3,50' S06*38'10'E L150 25.88' N06*38'10'W L177 9,25' N83*21'50'E L204 9.25' N83*21'50'E L17 3.91' N83*21'50'E L43 13.18, S06*38'10'E L70 25.88' N06-381101w L97 24.45' N06*38'10'W L124. 17,63' N83"21'50'E L151 8.18' N06*38'10'W L178 13.69' N83*21'50'E L205 5,97' N83*21'50'E L18 20.28' N06*38'10#W L44 6.25' S83"21'50'W L71 25.28' N06*381101w L98 13.68' N83*21'50'E L125 3.50' N06*38'10'W L152 6.25' N83*21'50'E L179 15,00' S06#38'10'E L206 3.6914 N83*21'50'E L19 25.88' N06*38'10'W L45 13.50, S06*38'10'E L72 3.92' S83#21'50'W L99 3.50' S06*38'10'E L126 9.45' N83*21'50'E L153 18.50' N06*38'101w L180 15,00' N06*38'10'W L207 11,97' N83*21'50'E L20 30.65' N06038'10'W L46 42.43' S83"21'50&w L73, 4,17' N06#38'101w L100. 7.63' N83*21'50'E L127 4,17' S06*38'10'E L154 21.28' N83*21'50'E L181 15.00' N06*38'10'W L208 8,12' N83*21'50'E L21 9.89' N83*21'50'E L47 3.96' S06*38'10'E L74 9.45, N83*21'50'E L101 3.50' N06*38'10'W L128 3.91' S83*21'50'W L155 3.96' N06*38'10'W L182 13.09' N83*21'50'E L209 3.58' N83021'50'vE 25.28' S06*38'10'E L156 9,89' N83#21'50'E L183 13.02' N83*21'50'E L210 I Cla 1111 1, L22 3.96' S06*38'10'E L48 23.47' S83"21150'W L75 3,50' S06"38'10'E L102 14.45' N83*21'50'E L129 13.02 N83*21'50'E 16dIs Dcla-1 L23 21.28' N83*21'50'E L49 30,65' N06*38'10'W L76 17.63' N83#21'50'E L103 9.17, S06"38'10'E L130 25,88, S06*38'10'E L157, 30,65' S06*38'10'E L184. 15,00' N06*38'10'W L211 10.28' N83*21'50'E PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS MAPPERS L24 18.50' S06*38'10'E L50 25.88' N06*38'101w L77 3.50' N06#38,101W L104 3.91' S83*21'50'w L131 13,18' N06*38'10'W L158 25.88' S06*38'10'E L185 15.00' N064'38'10'W L21P 10,81, N83*21'50'E LB NO. 3731 L25 6.25' N83*21'50'E L51 20,28' N06*381101w L78 810111 N83'21'5O'E L105 20,28' S06*38'10'E L132 6,25' N133'21'50A'E L159 25,213' S06"38'10'E L1116 15,01' S06"311'10'E 3830 CROWN POINT ROAD I JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32257 u-r t1OEj 3.92' S83#21'501w 3.50' S06#38'1 n'E L106 25.881, S06`30'jn,-- 8118, S06*3B] L52 L1331 13.50' N06'3(3'10'W L160 3.91 N83"21'50'E L187 15.00' S06*38'10'E (904) 260-2703 WWW.CLARYASSOC.COM 4 3 0 A 1E 11 ]p I R. T W Is o%T 11 1\4 E S 60.47 E . . .. .. .. .. . 23' C) .. .. .... 5*1 -TCw0D0:.- - r _j ... ...... . ...ca" C ' PROSSER Community-Management-Energy-Relations ips 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 Office 904.739.3655 Fax 904.730.3413 GENERAL NOTES: WATER NOTES(CONTD): SANITARY SEWER NOTES: www.prosserinc.com 1. Topographic boundary survey,including property lines,legal description,existing utilities,site topography with 18. Contractor to coordinate all work with other utility installati)ns not covered in these plans(Electric,Telephone,Gas,Cable, 19. The contractor shall coordinate all water main flushing with COAB Utility 1- The contractor shall obtain all permits required to complete the construction. Florida Certificate of Authorization spot elevations,outstanding physical features and existing structure locations was provided by CLARY& etc.)and allow for their operations and construction to be )erformed. Department.Flushing and disinfection procedures shall comply with AWWA C-651 for 2. Contractor shall coordinate the construction of sewer facilities with all other construction. Number: 00004050 ASSOCIATES;DATED 2017-04-06. 19. Cutand fill slopes shall notexceed 4HAV unless otherwise noted. main disinfection. 3. Contractor shall furnish shop drawings to the Engineer for approval before ordering materials and beginning 2. Prosser,Inc.,Planners and Engineers and its associates will not be held responsible for the accuracy of survey 20. Contractor shall repair or replace in-kind any damage that occurs as result of his work. 20. Upon completion of water main flushing,bacteriological samples shall be taken. construction. or for design errors or omissions resulting from survey inaccuracies. 21. All soils test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. Samples shall be taken for 2 consecutive days. 4. All gravity sewer construction shall conform to the latest COAB standards and specifications. 22. For all trench excavations which exceed five feet(utilitiesand storm),the following shall be adhered to: 21. Sample points for bacteriological sampling shall be located as follows: 3. All phases of site work for this project shall meet or exceed the City of Atlantic Beach site work specifications. a. Contractor shall follow OSHA Standard 29 CFR,sectio 1 1926.650 subpart P,which is now a part of Laws of Florida 1. Every 1000 feet and/or every dead end on a water main. 5. The existing utility facilities and locations shown on the drawings are taken from readily available information. The Chapter 90-96. 2. Point of tie-in to existing water system. actual locations of the utility facilities may vary somewhat from the locations shown and there may be utility facilities AHERN 4. The contractor shall be held solely responsible for and shall take all precautions necessary to avoid property b. The Contractor shall provide written assurance of coml:liance with this law. 3. Water main stubs more than 40 feet in length. existing that are not shown or indicated on the drawings. The contractor shall contact all agencies with utility damage to adjacent properties during the construction phases of this project. c. A separate price item shall be included in their base bic identifying the cost of compliance 22. Fire hydrants shall meet COAB standards. facilities in the vicinity of the work and shall locate all underground facilities before beginning work. The contractor TOWN HOMES d. A trench safety system shall be designed by the Contrz ctor. 23. New or relocated,underground water mains included in this project shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of shall protect all utility facilities and repair any damages resulting from their work in conformance with the contract 5. Warranty/Disclaimer:The designs represented in these plans are in accordance with established practices of at least three feet between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed vacuum-type documents and specifications and relocate if required at no cost to the owner. civil engineering for the design functions. Neither the Engineer nor its personnel can or do warrant these 23, All areas shown to be filled shall be cleared and grubbed ir accordance with City Standards and shall be filled with clean sanitary sewer,storm sewer,stormwater force main,or pipeline conveying reclaimed water regulated under Part III ATLANTIC BEACH designs or plans as constructed except in the specific cases where the Engineer inspects and controls the structural fill compacted and tested in accordance with the )eotechnical report. of Chapter 62-610,F.A.C.;a horizontal distance of at least six feet between the outside of the water main and the 6. The contractor shall stake the sanitary sewer system and the storm sewer system and shall notify the Engineer of any physical construction on a contemporary basis at the site. outside of any existing or proposed gravity-type sanitary sewer(or a horizontal distance of at least three feet conflicts prior to installation of any pipe. 24. All debris resulting from all activities shall be disposed of olf-site by the Contractor. between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed gravity-type sanitary sewer if the 7. Manholes shall be in conformance with COAB Standards. bottom of the water main will be laid at least six inches above the top of the sewer);a horizontal distance of at least 6. For boundary,roadway and building geometry information see engineering site plan.It shall 25. All existing trees to remain shall be protected and preserved. six feet between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed pressure-type sanitary 8. Type B bedding shall be used for this project unless indicated otherwise on the drawings. be the Contractor's responsibility to verify that the building dimensions shown on the sewer, wastewater force main,or pipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 9. Backfilling shall be made with clean backfill which shall be thoroughly compacted in 6"lifts. Compaction shall be a engineering plan agrees with the dimensions shown on the architectural plan. If any 26. The Contractor shall coordinate connection of proposed pil ling with all existing piping. 62-610,F.A.C.; and a horizontal distance of at least ten feet between the outside of the water main and all parts of dimensions do not agree,the architect,engineer and owner shall be notified and the any existing or proposed"on-site sewage treatment and disposal system." [FAC 62-555.314(l);exceptions minimum of 95%max density at+/-2%of the modified proctor optimum moisture content. dimensions adjusted prior to commencing with construction. 27. All drainage structures shall be constructed to conform to C ity requirements and shall be constructed to conform to curbing allowed under FAC 62-555.314(5)] 7. The contractor shall notify all utility companies prior to construction for verification and location of all utilities. and low points as shown on plans. 10. Unsuitable materials under sewer pipe shall be removed to a depth of 18"below the bottom of pipe and replaced with 28. Contractor shall ensure that all new and existing drainage structures,pipes,etc.are clean and functioning properly at time of selected backfill properly compacted in 6"lifts. The material shall exhibit moisture contents within+/-2 percent of the 8. Contractor shall furnish shop drawings to Engineer indicating materials and manner of installation for all acceptance. modified proctor optimum moisture content(ASTM D1557)during the compaction operations. Compaction shall components of the project prior to purchase of materials and construction. continue until densities of at least 95 percent of the modified proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D1 557)have been 29. Burning of trees,brush and other material shall not be permitted on property. 24- New or relocated,underground water mains that are included in this project and that will cross any existing or achieved. 9. These engineering drawings may not show all of the City of Atlantic Beach standard details required to proposed gravity-or vacuum-type sanitary sewer or storm sewer shall be laid so the outside of the water main is complete construction of this project. It shall be the contractors responsibility that the construction,outside City 30. All inverts in drainage structures to be precast or brick with layer of mortar between each layer of brick,or reddi-mix concrete at least six inches above the other pipeline or at least 12 inches below the other pipeline;and new or relocated, of Atlantic Beach right of way be in accordance with all current City of Atlantic Beach Standard Details and with#57 stone. underground water mains that are included in this project and that will cross any existing or proposed 11. All sewer construction shall be accomplished by an underground utility contractor licensed under Chapter 489 F.S. Specifications. 31. The Contractor shall restore all culverts,headwalls and stom drain inlets removed or disturbed by the construction pressure-type sanitary sewer,wastewater or stormwater force main,or pipeline conveying reclaimed water shall 10. The contractor shall furnish certified"as-builts",see As-Built Requirements on this sheet. operation. The cost of these items shall be included in the price bid for furnishing and installing any new item causing such be laid so the outside of the water main is at least 12 inches above or below the other pipeline. [FAC 12. All pipe lengths are horizontal distances and are approximate. damage. 62-555.314(2);exceptions allowed under FAC 62-555.314(5)] 13. All sanitary sewer laterals shall terminate approximately 5 feet outside the building at a minimum depth of 3'below 11. Contractor shall verify and protect all existing trees and natural vegetation that are to remain undisturbed. The 32. Should the surface or subsurface conditions differ from wha-t is shown on these plans,the contractor shall grade unless otherwise noted.The end of these service lines shall be tightly plugged or capped and marked until such areas indicated for construction shall be cleared and grubbed to remove all roots and miscellaneous vegetation immediately contact the engineer. time as connection is made inside the building. except specific trees that shall be protected from damage during construction with the use of tree barriers. 33. Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe(CPP),shall be per AASHTC M252 or 294 with smooth inner lining Type S with bell and 25. At the utility crossings described in Part II.C.l.w,above,one full length of water pipe shall be centered above or spigot,silt-tight,rubber-gasketed joints. below the other pipelines so the water main joints will be as far as possible from the other pipeline or the pipes 14. The Contractor shall perform a television inspection of the sewer system. Two full reports,including video tape,shall 12. All work shall be performed in a safe manner. All safety rules and guidelines of OSHA shall be followed. The 34. Inlet grate sizes shown on plans. All concrete boxes and yard drain structures shall be sized by contractor. will be arranged so that all water main joints are at least three feet from all joints in vacuum-type sanitary indicate conditions of the pipe,location,type of pipe,diameter,location of services,type of joint,distance between Contractor shall be solely responsible for any injuries of his employees,and any damage to private property or sewers,storm sewers,stormwater force mains,or pipelines conveying reclaimed water regulated under Part III manholes and any irregularities in the pipeline. The television inspection shall include a deflection test with a 5% persons during the course of this project. All costs associated with complying with OSHA regulations and the of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C.,and at least six feet from all joints in gravity-or pressure-type sanitary sewers, mandrel. The sewer lines shall be lamped as part of the final inspection. Florida Trench Safety Act shall be included in the Contractors bid. wastewater force mains,or pipelines conveying reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. [FAC 62-555.314(2); exceptions allowed under FAC 62-555.314(5)] 15. The Contractor shall coordinate the location,size and invert elevations of sanitary sewer services with the approved 13. All improvements shown shall be warranted by the Contractor to the Owner for a period of one year from date plumbing plans for the building. of acceptance by the Owner. If the work is in the City Right-Of-Way or easement,the Contractor's one year 16. Contractor shall provide to the Engineer,a schedule of invert elevations of all sanitary manholes prior to the placement warranty shall extend to the City of Atlantic Beach. 26. When a water main crosses a storm drainage line,a minimum of 18"vertical separation of the limerock base course. This schedule shall be provided by the registered land surveyor submitting the"as-built' 14. The Contractor shall contract with an independent testing laboratory to perform materials testing and soil WATER NOTES: shall be required. drawings for this project. testing in accordance with the City requirement and the recommendations outlined in the geotechnical report. I. The contractor shall obtain all permits required to complete the construction. 27. All water and sewer construction shall be accomplished by an underground utility contractor licensed under 17. All sewer mains shall be PVC(ASTM-3034)SDR-35 for depths to 12 feet,SDR-26 for depths 12 feet or deeper, This shall include density testing in all pavement areas and in the utility trenches located in pavement areas, the provisions of Chapter 489 Florida Statutes. or in easements unless otherwise noted. concrete testing and all other materials testing. 2. Contractor shall coordinate the construction of water faciliti as with all other construction. 28. All water mains shall terminate approximately 5 feet outside the building unless otherwise noted.The 18. Gravity sanitary sewer shall be low pressure air tested for leakage. Maximum allowable leakage rate is 50 gpd per end of these service lines shall be tightly plugged or capped and marked until such time as connection inch of diameter per mile. ASTM C-828-86 or C-924. 15. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and insurance required for the project. 3. Contractor shall furnish shop drawings to the engineer for,pproval prior to beginning construction and purchasing is made inside the building. 19. All gravity sewers installed under this project shall be tested for leakage by the contractor to demonstrate that: materials. 1)the leakage exfiltration or infiltration does not exceed 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per day 16. The Contractor shall provide no less than 6 inch clearance between all utilities other than water mains,which 29. The contractor shall make application to utility company for the project water meter and shall pay for all for any section of the system;2)Exfiltration or infiltration tests shall be performed with a minimum positive shall be to City Health Department permit conditions. 4. All workmanship and materials shall conform to latest COAB Standards and Specifications and meter fees. head of 2 feet;and 3)Air test,as a minimum,conform to the test procedure described in ASTM C-828 for clay 17. These plans do not stand by themselves. Bid documents,COAB water and sewer standards details& applicable AWWA Standards. 30. The contractor shall be responsible to provide mitigating construction measures pipe,ASTM F-1417 for plastic pipe,and for other materials appropriate test procedure described in ASTM materials,City of Atlantic Beach standard specifications&details and any other standards,listed or referenced, in all cases where a minimum of 18 inches of vertical clearance between C-828 for clay pipe,ASTM F-1417 for plastic pipe,and for other materials appropriate text procedures are are included in the project documents. water and sewer(including storm)lines is not possible. used per RSWF 33.93 33.94 and 33.95. 5. The existing utility facilities and locations shown on the dral ings are taken from readily available information.The actual 18. The contractor shall notify the City of Atlantic Beach @ 247-5814 a minimum of 24 hours prior to starting locations of the utility facilities may vary somewhat from the locations shown and there may be utility facilities existing that 31. The contractor shall be responsible for providing water for construction use during entire construction. are not shown or indicated on the drawings. The contracto,shall contact all agencies with utility facilities in the vicinity of course of project if necessary. the work and shall locate all underground facilities before b.%ginning work. The contractor shall protect all utility facilities 19. All work in the right-of-way requires Maintenance of Traffic(MOT)per FDOT index 613. Contractor shall not and repair any damages resulting from their work.in confo mance with the contract documents and specifications and 32. Pressure pipe and fittings requiring restraint shall be braced with restrained joints work in the ROW from 7:00arn to 9:00am and from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Work in the ROW shall only occur relocate if required at no cost to the owner. per COAB Standards. during daylight hours. GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES: 6. Water lines shall have a minimum of 36"cover from finished grade. Maximum cover 33. If dewatering capacity requires a consumptive use permit it shall be the Contractors shall be 60". responsibility to obtain the permit through the St.Johns River Water Management 1. Contractor shall verify existing elevations at connection points prior to construction and notify Engineer of any District. AS-BUILT REQUIREMENTS discrepancies. 7. Water lines are designed to finished grade and shall be protected until finish work is 34. If solvent contamination is found in the pipe trench,work shall be stopped and the Contractor shall provide complete as-built information to the Engineer in accordance with the following 2. See geotechnical report for site preparation requirements.- dated complete. proper authorities notified. With approval of the permitting agency,ductile iron requirements: pipe,fittings,and solvent resistant gasket material such as fluorocarbon shall be 1 As-built drawings shall be prepared in AutoCAD format by a registered land surveyor.One set of signed and DATE : MAY,2017 3. The contractor shall coordinate the grading and drainage construction with all other construction. 8. All water mains 3"and larger shall be AWWA C900,DR25 PVC. Water mains 2"and used in the contaminated area. The ductile iron pipe shall extend at least 100 feet sealed prints and a set of computer disks containing project AutoCAD files and PDF's of the prints shall be smaller shall be polyethylene pipe with couplings may be u ed and with NSF-PW approval. beyond any solvent noted. Any contaminated soil that is excavated shall be placed submitted to the Engineer for review and approval.Additional signed and sealed prints shall be provided to the PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 4. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer and the city,if required,on all materials,for review on an impermeable mat and covered with a waterproof covering. The proper Engineer as requested. and approval,prior to purchase or fabrication of any utility pipe or structure. 9. Restrained joints are required where water mains are terminated and at all bends,in authorities shall be notified and the contaminated soil held for proper disposal. DESIGNED BY : JBID accordance with COAB standard details and specifications. 2. As-built drawings shall be in accordance with all authorities having jurisdiction. 35. All backflow preventers shall be in accordance with COAB cross connection program. Contractor shall coordinate as-built submittals and approvals with jurisdictional DRAWN BY: QPT 5. All construction and materials shall conform with all City of Atlantic Beach standards. Backflow preventers must be tested after installation by a certified tester and annually agencies unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 10. All gate valves 2"and larger shall be non-rising stem type�nd shall be suitable for thereafter. COAB contact:Malcolm Clemons @ 247-5834. Backfiow preventers on fire lines or 6. The contractor shall stake the storm sewer system and the sanitary sewer system and shall notify the 200 psi non-shock working pressure. Gate valves shall be mechanical joint,iron body, backfiow preventers on fire lines or combinations fire/potable mains shall have freeze 3. Provide building locations,finish floor elevations,pavement grades and all SCALE : SEE PLAN Engineer of any conflicts prior to installation of any pipe. resilient seat,2"square operating nut,Mueller or equal.Va ve boxes with screw extensions protection. underground facilities. 7- The existing utility facilities and locations shown on the drawings are taken from readily available information. shall be provided for each buried gate valve.Boxes shall tX I of cast iron construction, The actual locations of the utility facilities may vary somewhat from the locations shown and there may be 3/8"minimum wall thickness and shall be non4acky tar en,mel coated. The word 4. Provide perimeter dimensions at top of bank and at bottom of pond. No. Date Revision utility facilities existing that are not shown or indicated on the drawings. The contractor shall contact all "watee'shall be cast in cover. All gate valves installed shal open by turning to the left(counterclockwise)when viewed from the 5. Provide elevations at top of bank and bottom of pond. 1 5/3/2017 1st SUBMITTAL agencies with utility facilities in the vicinity of the work and shall locate all underground facilities before stem. beginning work. The contractor shall protect all utility facilities and repair any damages resulting from their 6. Provide special detail drawings where installations were not as shown on contract drawings due to C work in conformance with the contract documents and specifications and relocate if required at no cost to the 12. Class B,Type I bedding shall be used for this project unlew indicated otherwise on the 0 field conditions or where required for clarity. W owner. drawings or directed by the engineer. CL FDOT GENERAL NOTES 7. Provide location,elevation and description of benchmark(s). E 13. Unsuitable materials under water pipe shall be removed anc replaced with selected 0 a. All work performed within the Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT)Right-of-Way(ROW)shall 8. All underground utilities shall be installed prior to preparation of subgrade for pavement. backfill properly compacted. The material shall exhibit moisture contents within 8. Locate and provide elevations of all structures. Location of all structures shall be from two(2) 2 percent of the modified proctor optimum moisture cont hnt(ASTM DI 557)during conform to the most current edition of the following publications: directions and include north ingleasting coordinates at center of structure. i Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction(English). 0 9. Pavement subgrade shall have all unsuitable material removed to a depth of 3.0 feet below subgrade and 2.5 the compaction operations. Compaction shall continue until densities of at least ii FDOT Standards Index(English) 0 feet beyond back of curb. Backfill with suitable material per the geotechnical report. 95 percent of the modified proctor maximum dry density(ASTM D 1557) have been 2 achieved. iii FDOT Plans Prep Manual 9. Locate all pipes and provide size,elevation,invert elevations,length and type. < iv FDOT Flexible Pavement Design Manual for New Construction and Pavement Rehabilitation. to b. Should a conflict arise between the details shown in the plans and the FDOT Standards the Engineer/ 10. Provide dimensions and elevations of the pond outfall structure(s). 77 10. Any unsuitable material encountered shall be removed from the site. The contractor shall be responsible for 14. Backfilling shall be made with clean backfill which shall be thoroughly compacted in Permittee shall immediately confer with the Department's Engineer in order to resolve the discrepancy. the removal of all unsuitable material and replacement with structural fill. Excess suitable fill material 6"lifts.Compaction shall be a minimum of 95%of max.density at+/-2.0%of the 11. Water as-builts shall indicate the location of bacteriological sample points. shall be moved to Owner specified location. See geotechnical report. modified proctor In no case will anything less that the Departments minimum standard be allowed. c. All traffic striping and markings are to be lead-free,non-solvent based thermoplastic. 12. The as-builts shall include a detail of every crossing of the new water main with 15. Where water mains are laid under ditches,culverts,pipelines,or obstructions without fittings,the maximum d. Removal of existing striping shall be accomplished using the"hydro-blast"method.If this process gravity sewers,force mains and storm pipes clearly shown&indicating the vertical clearances at each The contractor shall be responsible for all subgrade,limerock and asphalt testing as required by the project deflection of any joint shall not exceed 50%of the maximum recommended by the pipe manufacturer. damages/scars pavement,then the pavement shall be milled and resurfaced per FDOT Standards. C) specifications. crossing.Details shall be furnished for parallel runs where the horizontal separation is less than 10 feet. e. Existing paved phoulder shall be removed full depth prior to widening of the roadway. 12. One row of sod shall be installed along all edges of pavement.All disturbed areas shall 16. No connection to existing potable water system will be allow ad until all proposed water f. AlI curb and gutter and sidewalk will be removed and replaced joint to joint. 13. The centering of uncut lengths of pipe at points of crossing shall be documented C) receive sod.**See landscape plans for other requirements. lines have been flushed,pressure tested,disinfected,and cl Bared for service by the g. Temporary stabilize sidewalk at end of work day reopen.Permanent repair within 7 days.Sidewalk on the as-builts and all mitigating construction measures clearly depicted in cases 11-: Florida Department of Environmental Protection. replacement from Joint to Joint. 0 h. All disturbed area within the FDOT ROW will be restored to original or better condition by grading and where a minimum of 18"of vertical clearance between the water and sewer THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR 13. Stormwater Collection System design is based on the 5-year return frequency storm(Rational Method). 17. Contractor shall notify utility company a minimum of two days prior to connection of water mains to existing lines. sodding the area disturbed(Bermuda in rural,Centipede in Utility Strips.) (including storm)lines is not possible. All new work must be inspected by the engineer.No tests shall be scheduled for weekends. Any change from the i. Burning of material and/or debris is prohibited within FDOT ROW. CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED 01 technical requirements must be reviewed and approved by the engineer and owner. j. All lanes must be opened for traffic during an evacuation notice of hurricane or other catastrophic event ABOVE < 14. All RCP pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM C-76 and shall be Class III,Wall B. and shall remain open for the duration of the evacuation or event. 18. Hydrostatic and leakage testing of the water mains installed shall be performed in 15. All labeled pipe lengths are approximate and measured to the center of structure or mitered end section. 48 HOM bff ORE YOU DG SHEET TITLE Actual lengths may vary and no added compensation will be made for variations accordance with AWWA standard specifications.A representative of the utility company Ca or the engineer must be present during the tests.Pressure tests shall be conducted at CAIJ. SUNSHINE U) 150 psi for 2 hours for water mains and 200 psi for 2 hours ft r fire mains.Pressure 111 16. The contractor shall provide a qualified soils laboratory representative on site during excavating to determine F_ test after limerock is installed. 0 the suitability of the existing sub-grade and existing on-site material prior to beginning any filling operation. 1-800-432-4770 Z V_ -MY 77ELAWNaOVA _.00l 17. Contractor shall take all available precautions to control dust. Contractor shall control dust by sprinkling,or by other methods as directed by Engineer at no additional cost to the owner. GENERAL NOTES (0 If- Z W cr_ rir_ TI 40 < Pkol Z! jSNSk Z < C1 .0 S AT E OF (0 co 0 N A%. S H E E T a. NOTES: 8. REMOVE ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT, PLANT MATERIAL AND CURB AS 50 0 25 50 SHOWN. LEGEND 1 IT IS THE INTENT OF THIS PLAN TO HAVE A COMPLETELY 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS CLEARED AND CLEAN SITE. EVERYTHING ABOVE GROUND SHALL BE OF GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ALL EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES. PROSSER FIRST REMOVED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CLEARING. 10. SEE SHEET C8.0&9.0 FOR SEQUENCING OF EROSION CONTROL AND monommonow somw None I RIGHT-OF-WAY Community-Management-Energy-Relations ips 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE DETAILS. PROPERTY LINE BOTH ON AND OFF THE PROPERTY. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE AT LEAST ONE PERSON ONSITE AT SILT FENCE[LIMITS 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 SW*Z,50*W 3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL TREES TO BE PROTECTED WITH ALL TIMES DURING WORK ACTIVITIES CERTIFIED THROUGH THE SF IF LANDSCAPE PLAN PRIOR TO COMMENCING DEMOLITION. FLORIDA STORMWATER, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 4. CONTRACTOR TO NOTE THAT EXISTING UTILITIES MAY BE PRESENT INSPECTOR TRAINING PROGRAM. EXISTING Office 904.739.3655 IN AREA OF WORK THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON PLAN. ALL UTILITIES 12. LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES THAT ENCOUNTER WORK CONTOUR SHALL BE PROTECTED UNLESS THEY ARE CALLED OUT FOR INTERRUPTIONS OF 14 DAYS OR MORE SHALL STABILIZE ALL Fax 904.730.3413 DEMOLITION. DISTURBED AREAS. EXISTING 5. ALL ELECTRICAL, FIRE HYDRANTS, TELEPHONE, STORM PIPE, 13. A DISTRICT CONSUMPTIVE USE PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED TO SPOT ELEVATION www.prosserinc.com GRAVITY SEWER, FORCEMAIN AND WATER LINES TO REMAIN UNLESS AUTHORIZE DEWATERING CONSTRUCTIONS., CONTACT CAROLINE Florida Certificate of Authorization SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED FOR DEMOLITION ON THIS SHEET OR SILVERS AT 448-7903 TO REQUEST A CONSUMPTIVE USE PERMIT OFCURB/ IT OTHER SHEETS IN THE PLAN SET. DETERMINATION FROM SJRWMD PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. Number: 00004050 X CONCRETE 6. ALL UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE RELOCATIONS 14. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS, CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST x, SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH UTILITY COMPANIES. GROUNDWATER AND COORDINATE WITH KIM PEARCE 904.256.1686 DEMOLITION 7. ALL DEMOLITION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL SHALL BE OF FDEP TO DETERMINE IF A DEWATERING PERMIT IS REQUIRED ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL ACCORDING TO RULE 62-621.300. INLET PROTECTION CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. ALL DEMOLITION MATERIALS SHALL 15. ADDITIONAL PERMITS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE DEMOLITION OF AHERN BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR, UNLESS VERTICAL ELEMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH TREE BARRICADE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED OTHERWISE AND DISPOSED OFFSITE. COAB BUILDING DEPARTMENT. TOWN HOMES ATLANTIC BEACH M MIMI 8. I MET&I rPLANTm J /-GA71E 4' CLF SHED 300' (P) W LXVW R�VE .7 BRICK PLANIER - -------- 10 4' CtF, %w N83*21'50"E NF 299.77' (A) .4 � -1 - a 1 11 i 1�1111 Mel L 1 =1 P= lf04� WAIJ 0.4 PLAM L 10.4 L--i P�) =10. 104 1 'f SILT FENCE LIMITS 0.6 CONC:1 -L4 3 DIAME7ER WTAL UDIW- OF CONSTRUCTION CURB Ones, IFOR LjFT SrT�4TION P.vc 0"i 13. 10-34 Ce 10.6 0.41 +10.50 CSNO9.70 A71CW TREE 13�kRRICADE (TYP.) FM LIFT ST 9.&D 2" SQUARE MET& N INV-6 25 9-80 9.091 lob tUA -4-28 pvc S INi I "ZL21 INTO S INV-7.12 UN U 4,�STAIION 0 It Z OBTAIN 4 UT I O."r 8" pvC Dili OD UNNI OD 10.2 0 + > * OMC 10.09 0.07 9 < 0 9.8 < 0 &B + ;U > + 0 bD 0 INNONN- rn (n U) Lt) 9 0\ 10.4+ rT, < co > (n 0 SILT FENCE LIMITS -0 rn 10. T OF CONSTRUCTION 9.1+ 10-34 +10-37 Z L) Ce) /70 LA 0 w 10.5 b 10.4 DATE : MAY,2017 + EXISTING POWEI:f POLES EXISTING CURB&GUTTER 0 PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 AND SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVEP RD > < 10.5 S TO BE RELOCATRED 10.1 %-oo DESIGNED BY : -JBD 8.9 + + i L Ole CINL DRAWN BY : QPT + TOP-10-21 FLewq.76 10-49 SCALE : SEE PLAN T -3W-(P5' EPM9.98 10.19 YAM Pour CONC vmw.""' INVN.8.08 LT + 9 27.� POLE 299.77' (A) "10.2A4 10.6 9.8a .2 S 3-21'52-W........ Z-- No. Date Revision S83WIS" .88 N If 466.93' N1Y RIW UNE 9--ft 9.8 9.59 9.50 10-21 APPROMATE LOCA'nON OF 9. 10-17 1 5/3/2017 1 st SUBMITTAL 90 DEGREE BEND IN PIPE-UNDERGROUND- e7wiet 00i CONC 'LK� F a a Ai AQ n oz 70 CONC CURB 9-12 -2* CCURB M J-08 w r Iff I; T(;Z.170 PVC 0 ILawo. U) - CONCNO9.30 PVC 153 10.1 a Ir CI SS SS SS SS SS SS SS E SS SS SS SS SS ss- ss-- ss- ss- V48 10. 10.12 +10-26 '9-27 -9.18 .01 , 10 0 36 CINL i6fift- �-N-12*R TOP-9-26 F11#48*9.33 w T FL-ma.81 * NV-&17 CINL SW wV. Ep"9-04 S INV.&ft 0 BOX CUT I'WW TOP-10.56 )NQRArIL, , is S INV66 79 E fiqV.&lo 3ACK OF wALK N w CB-9.94 ELEV--9-61 (NAVD la8) Ce INV607 86 INVm7.8,3 TOPaa&86 W INV-7.12 INVN&6.62 BOX CUT CN "CORNOR OF CINL O'EvATION-10-5a AHERN STREET (FORMERL LANTA STREET) 40' P BLIC ROW C� THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR �?m CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED ABOVE EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN LOW RUNOFF VELOCITIES AND w SHEET TITLE RUNOFF SHALL BE DETAINED ON THE SITE. 1. EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES SHALL BE 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS Z t5 INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINAL GRADE HAS BEEN OBTAINED. X MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT A THOROUGH MAINTENANCE EXISTING w 2. THE ESCAPE OF SEDIMENT FROM THE SITE SHALL BE PREVENTED AND COMPLIANCE PROGRAM. BY THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE AT LEASE ONE PERSON ONSITE AT MEASURES AND PRACTICES PRIOR TO, OR CONCURRENT WITH LAND ALL TIMES DURING WORK ACTIVITIES CERTIFIED THROUGH THE CONDITIONS Q DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. FLORIDA STORMWATER, EROSION, AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 3. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. INSPECTOR TRAINING PROGRAM. DEMOLITION PLAN NOTE: Z IF FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR 11. FULL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND w EFFECTIVE EROSION CONTROL, ADDITIONAL EROSION AND APPROVED PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY EARTH DISTURBING w CONTRACTOR SHALL SEQL ENCE ONSITE AND Of D SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO ACTIVITIES. CONTACT PUBLIC WORKS (247-5834) FOR EROSION AND 0 OFFSITE WORK SUCH THAI IT DOES NOT CONTROL OR THREAT OF THE SEDIMENT SOURCE BY THE SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTION PRIOR TO START OF 6 CONTRACTOR AS NEEDED. CONSTRUCTION. .... DISRUPT EXISTING PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. FOR03�' M 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE THE EXTENT OF THE AREA 12. ALL SEDIMENT/SILT TO REMAIN ONSITE DURING CONSTRUCTION so *logo*, Z '14 EXPOSED AT ONE TIME AND THE DURATION OF EXPOSURE. USING BMP. §% 0 it ON7 $ w 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY EFFECTIVE EROSION CONTROL t7rf C2.0 MEASURES TO PREVENT OFF SITE DAMAGE. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY PERIMETER CONTROL PRACTICES TO PROTECT THE DISTURBED AREA FROM OFF SITE RUNOFF AND TO STATE OF PREVENT SEDIMENTATION DAMAGE TO AREAS BELOW THE "a D P8 RD�Aftl SO DEVELOPMENT SITE. 0* 00*0 S H E E T a A I ! ; I � I - - -__ �� in . . . 20 0 10 20 NOTES: : I � 1. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING ELEVATIONS AT ALL LEGEND 0 TIE-INS AND COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. RIGHT-OF-WAY/ Community-Management-Energy-Relationships . . IIIIIIIIIII01110 IIIIIII 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FIRST STREET . 2. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PER PROPERTY LINE I . 7w1w 1 GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS AND BACKFILL WITH SUITABLE � SF I SILT FENCE/ LIMITS 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 - S8312105010w A __ MATERIAL, INCLUDING BUILDING FOOTPRINTS. OF CONSTRUCTION Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 ,Mk - V ". � , ., w . - . -�_ I-. _� , . .,­,,. ' ' I "' � i% .-�% . - " . � , , ,_ ,,-,-.- ., --, .4,:;"�-�,, _:, _:� I I . , ,.4:.S ", 3. ALL DISTURBED SOIL IN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AREA SHALL -�:,_,._-.- , " � � " CONCRETE Office 904.739.3655 -4.!, 1�1 41�,,. I., X. ,,-,, .; , .. A. , I. .., , : 1.14.114­�t`,-�,1: .�,-#,";-,.;. - ION. -,�" : BE SEEDED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO PREVENT EROS �, " .' ' t, : . . Fax 904.730.3413 .. .�,�"... . . 1.1-I-�I.,I 1.� ,�, ,�,:1, � .­­­ I-- I., �.:I­ ol:,_ � ­_. . , �, ''�­_­ ,,,I . ­­ 11: �­ ��­��­­:.. �__%,­­ �' ..,., :,���'"'I'�'I.I�:..:�,.''.., 4. ALL SPOT ELEVATION ARE CENTERLINE OR FACE OF CURB ­_:111,�_ .:..I'-, ''. - .. 11%__.. -,, I��I ......I ­._,�­,I.I ,:�... �'. I , TURF BLOCK www.prosserinc.com .�I...1.1.1���_ �., I.- f I-:1-1,1.­­ .I 11 ­­:.­..­ ....,. . . ­­­., �',.: . . ':..q. .:..;:� _�_:� . 1.0 %. I UNLESS OTH ERWI SE NOTED. ... �9 0 j :�: �"., ,, , ��.:����, , 1, ��:j�4�!,.i M�q . - 6 . 6.r 6 6 6r,,r,r.9 r.9 6 6 r'j'��:,�.",%r r�'. j..j 6.� Florida Certificate of Authorization 1'r..r�:j�.%6.',:�­.2.�� :�',�,',,.::,,._,,::rq.:..,r:r� j 9 6.,. r 19 9j. .f��6. '%�%.,r r 6.. j . �:�:.:,.:,. r ' ,j �,r,%'r: 5. ELEVATI ONS OR CONTOU RS ARE BASED ON NAVD 88 PER 9.:J�l�r,.r���.;��:�r':����:'-,,r_,:��,�"��' r. I :. .'..'.1, 1:-.1.9 ­ PAVERS Number: 00004050 q q .:,j . ,*'I*9,r I: �' r.I��j� �r.'e:.4 : ;r:�%9. j I I:,6:9 1:r: :'.,,r . ..I �.: �r ,4,rr:: .�:':,;' r',.r .6j .9. .r 1 6 . r d 6:'j �r TOPO AND AS-BUILT SURVEY BY DRMP. j 6 4:�r6���6 9 j:j.9 6 1 .I..r.r.. .9 r. 6.1 r J:,�r........j,6 9., 'r ,.. -- -- 6 --- �� 6� ...,.J.­;J,...r � ''.I:.:j.�1�r 1�I I z;,,Z:j j9��q,,,6 .1.;: V 9 �;j, 16,�_���;q � �; I r,* .r��r r,� j q:1,6 J r.I. ,6%;r.:, ��� �.. 6,r, '�'���,�q,�j r ' ':I...9.j j.,,.j 6��,6,j.-�'�';'., , .. ,��:9 r r ,, ,,�� ..;�,., , .'.�:,% ��:_.:�'9,�,,',,,,� I I I I 1 j9 9 r 6 j�, 5:�;�% ,9 6 1,�I� ...:, ,r I.9 r.rr-.,j 6'' �.j��� 1 6 j��e:,, j..9 1,6,9,j� �5-�`, 6. ALL SIDEWALK SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED 2%CROSS AND 5% 9..r,r. .. 6.. ASPHALT �:­�:r, r ", 6:, � .,99�,.� , �1'6.6_ � :� r... " , �I.r."..j�, r�il.,,­���%%�j�, - , . , � ..r �6,9.6,�r9.:,��� ,,_.. ,?,,� I... , � . . I r I�r j I, ;..j..j..9...j9,.�6 9 j. . � ��,�r e:�;'.11 j,, '��e, :r.".g..'.:, . j -r .� :% :� I"� LONGITUDINALLY. IF CONTRACTOR CAN NOT ACHIEVE THIS, 4��; : 19: : 'rj��,, -,j�� �:� ­- r - 16 r q THEY SHALL CONTACT ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. __ ���- - __ - - RIVERROCK - . ­ -_ AHERN 7. ANY CONSTRUCTION IN CITY ROW WILL REQUIRE A ROW WARNING r PERMIT.THE CONTRACTO.R IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING I TOWN HOMES j 255-8366 DAILY FROM 7:30 AM TO 8:30 AM,WHEN WORKING IN @ ATLANTIC BEACH j I I THE CITY ROW. . � 8. RCP MAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITH ADS HP OR APPROVED EQUAL. j . 9. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE STORM PIPE W/SCREEN WALL ; FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALL. 9 i I I M �1­ I I r - -1 TOTAL AREA=0.90 Ac 0 cn.* � r SWALE DATA CX t . 0 - . TOB= 9.55 (0.06 Ac) a C11. 8. EXISTING CONDITIONS 9 BOT= 7.40(0.06 Ac) jo-BULK HEADED PERVIOUS AREA=0.68 Ac ULK HEADED 25yr 24hr ELEV. 9.29(3.62 CFS) DRY POND(BY OTHERS) IMPERVIOUS AREA=0.21 Ac DRY PON (BY OTHERS) MEAN ANNUAL ELEV. 8.47 (0.71 CFS) TOP=9.55 6 TOP=9.55 1 BOT= 7.40 POST DEVELOPMENT BOT= 7.40 1 PERVIOUS AREA= 0.32 Ac j NOTCH IN WALL--N 27 LF 27 LF- ±10.44 SEMI PERVIOUS= 0.14 Ac(PAVERS)+ 0.19 Ac(CONC.) = 0.33 Ac So 12'PVC @ 0.26% 12' PVC @ 0.26% 6* MEG IMPERVIOUS AREA=0.25 Ac METAL I TM I ,/-GATE - *.1 - _.- ." 6TRANSITION I % IMPERVIOUS = (0.33 Ac+ 0.25 Ac)/0.90 Ac=64% � 4s CLF 23 LF SHM all WBF 9.93 001, (P) 61F OF r__- -­­� � \jp. Z I I � � -_ 12-PVC @ 0.49% # 7 ,4 --- - - _­­­­ �� f,,---------T----------r- BRICK 10A� ,_& CONTRACTOR TO MATdH . 6 ' "E - _j- - - ------- __ - ---- AANM� - ____--_.- - EXIST. ASPHALT ELEV. .1 -6-. 1, N83*, 1, � - - ===�­­­ --I-- * ML;-.m- =w - - - - . - - __�§ - -- -- I �-%g . - -...�....... - 4ARIO-= in - __ - r EUVIIIIIIIIIII I - U.'F---. - I AND INSTALL MIAMI 6 - "Mr.w f".0, A.- ) 3* 'r - �6- ;; IM29 ---- 01 'I as la4+ - Be (=.7-1 \ __\ j- -9.-9 21-1.4 .ia 27 LF KAM M(X_,,/- A I" � __1- ,*w-j _ __ - - L 11 1 157 j -j . 6 9-6 . r 9 j.. . 9 r 6 j.1 9,I..,r 9 .j 6.1 6 1 S I LT F E NC E/LI M ITS _ 0. j. IZ9 . . -'N'c w I%F.__ 6.- .w- I **� ..� . 1.1-T.- -jr, 4 ' Ak 12' PVC @ 0.42% _­ j - :r.�19 . 19, 'i, 6 6 -,,,,�,OF CONSTRUCTION Im . -.w -%r �,'�.�: .'.:�:,��­ r. r j r I 1 �.6 9..,� r-'. 9.: j:�:,:r.:6 .:��r":'�r',+.�.r j f/ / '�r.:: �.r '. I:, I - 5# � �,6 r 6,.,,� I I ..r�:6; I I 1 j6. :r.:r,9.�rr.�'I.' , 9 61. :3bjej . DIAM tWAALE � ' r;�'k,r D 5.9, ,Wr­ 110�� III .: j.6.,r:r 9� r ; 1 2 LF UD/W' (ST4 j. ,.I il:;j.�r :,�:,,,-..�� ':r��1.6.L , 6�:;j I ,j.9 .I j r. ; 6 .:�� 1 9. I � I. .� r I � � j r.+I .. . I I .I .� I� i'.. I�r' �r � .9 e .r I : r 1...9 �­'�6_4 0. =M_SNS_ j �tl-71P-091 It co 10.65 - PVC @ 0 5 4 0/0 . I � 1 9 ,.� :, J.9,_, ,r:;��:� j 4 - I/ 7N .rr. j�6 1 0 � j��'I ;�[��"'j�W �:r: ��,��I 9�r � I I r :r 9 - i . � '.'1-' _4 ��"r.�'�,;:,I .44 41 L . �I�,d,r'9.. 6 Ij..'9. .I �.- ..9. .r:]j: . I j.; .6. -­., ., ' j :j I I. .r.r 9 9 j j 6 .6 9 9 ...6. . 9 j..j I j�:� TOP OF .6 .6 :� r"rjj�. I - I I.,,%' I I 1.1%. ",6:::r. 6� + - - - .jj 9 �%j j 6 j '' .j..I 9j 9...I j 6.. . j �,r.9 . ,� ., 1.� 6 �,JX,� .r �:.�- , .,r..j9.�., .,.r:9 r - - - -- - ,.r, .":9,�%6 j. I I ft r .9 1. + r 9.. I ...:,,,9.,.: I I,6. �9,r 9 "�J�!"'.r .r' ,.,,� .:I I+�:,11..6 r:..� ' j .. 9 , el:,� r 9 . . A:-*� .--...6�,e,�r\ r� �":��:,�]:;,,+,,r�9%�, , 99,j 1� - r r 6 6 r 1�..j.r.,-,� 6 r ;'1 ''I 9 WALL=9.55 1 01 - -(,I if! , III . 0 P LJFT . R / / __ ____ � 9 � I A .��9 r F�i: 0.41 ': 7,, r7�, :.,:j� ,r,,� ��',;,r 6r .rr��6�:j j +i b�"t j + I .. .�j 6.6�r ;��,� r :.:�,,',.*�.1.���:�6'�" : ..,,, � %. r.6 r r.9 6. j 6.j.. .:,r;. I;r.r J.p�.I 9 7 I J I r:r 9 9 �6'r ,'j%j r.... ,.6 _�q ',:r , , . , ; 6��j 6� r,6� � 'A r r r 61 9 . 9 :9,r � . �.7 �,6, .,6,:-,,j �6 1 ,r.j .. , ,,,r , & ., ,.,:r�j:rr.:r.. r. j 6 6 J 9 �r 19 \�� 9 r I j.1.� - CS-0j;.'70 ,; I .6. .j ,,"J r. 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I I ,I , * I, .,.� , � A 11w,�, .,-,��,,: . �. - , 4.� -:�..-x , , ,A M.,, . APPROAMATE LOCAMON Of - , , ,A . 14*-.4,I ", - ,A, I -I q� .,,,'�.,a&� : , , --__ _w. T1 19. _.., . 5W �' �,� , , I � -� .� I., I . ,, , _r _� - ,. ,. �. -- . "s':,., � - � ��' __ �. J, , __ 1111*'.1.....I'l.. r_ 90 DEQ%X BEW IN PIK-UNDOWROU CONC . - &f. . �2v..*�'.,_1111P;10 PH - - -I . --- -r-oll- �­­-........ A I - - STORM MANHOLE- , _j - - .I -9-�� -- - .�.... - CI,&in jA-.- . .� - w I r_ -9:.,& ----- � r _�%-T CONC JRB . I _J��� � -jj ­_. � - �� ±9.90- 7.05 151, PVC % -A- %n A E r 'I" '11.20 'N , 8-.90 _ ±9 7 'W * fff n CONTROLSTRUCTURE 9.80 1 � CL Eff 13 * V'. -, / I _ _tV.o N!±9.46\_9.7 ;* A1% MEG ST-2 7.05 151, PVC 70 1 & .0 P9.30 M�4vc TC 19 0. 12"WEIR @ ELEV. 8.10 0 FL#wi;,0'7 -1 11 = wi MEG TC � SS. _SS_ ;S SS SS +la/,- 9 I'_ RW-w,9.52 SS ss- SS r� C1 _SS SS SS SS If 4a 10'w C 0-ss SS SS 1L27 9.18 . CINL UN ±9.15 1 ST-3 TYPE"C" INLET 0.08 Ac 9.40 7.47 1 01, PVC 0 .36 7OPwq�" 1bufto.33 0 1-o-1 r- w5-17 9.\-CONTRACTOR TO MATCl;kL ss I C, Rm&M w*V MEG _ 7� 2 \.",BOX CU 231 -) 8'Vft9.04 S WV.&58 VALLEY GUTTER - EXIST. ASPHALT ELEVT�-10-m 00. ST-4 STUB 7.40 1 01, PVC I < [� ---e�--- INV.-s-70 E INV-&In I co ALK 15- PVC @ 1.14% " HVV*7 a6 AND INSTALL MIAMI C(YFWa3 'ATZAT BENCH T ON BACK OF W CS .1.9 . I I CB�"`9.94 " V N:2178496.44 ELEV-w-9.61 (NAVI) -88) TOPwaeg (if W#4V-7.12 N \014,cl ST-5 YARD DRAIN 0.02 Ac 9.52 7.70 1 01, PVC � E: 530 1 "ftik,32 BOX Cu r j 6 at OF CWL Nlt-\, 11PVC T- CORE EXIST. STRUCTUR : a 10.58 7.61 10 1�_ ST-6 YARD DRAIN 0.02 Ac 9.50 T_ C) @ ELEV. 6.7c% r 7.61 1 01, PVC I Q 0\ I . 0 qt I (FORMERL LANTA STREET) ST-7 YARD DRAIN 0.02 Ac 9.50 7.51 1 01, PVC � 7.51 121, PVC Q 40' P BLIC ROW I BENCHMARK 8A N: 2178500.94 ST-8 STUB 7.40 121, PVC THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR CM t; , E: 530879.17 11PVC CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED � ST-9 TYPE"C" INLET 0.21 Ac 9.50 7.5612 ABOVE Uj . 0 ..a i < 7.47 121, PVC I Z ?X r w STA 0 36"STORM SEWER 9.81 7.47 121, PVC SHEET TITLE 9 � 7.47 121, PVC a . � ca 0 0 STA 1 STUB 7.40 121, PVC Z , 25 j ; ST-12 STUB 7.40 121, PVC . 1:1 A 9 0 GFNI-%DING & UNWIQ65 0 INV66.52 %_ STA 3 YARD DRAIN 0.02 Ac 10.24 7.80 1 01, PVC 1:3 A Q Vi I Drxt-%INAGE PLAN r*- 7*71 1 01, PVC C) ST-14 YARD DRAIN 0.02 Ac 10.24 co . 7.71 1 0" PVC V_ T_ . F:: Z 7 61 1 01, PVC w ST-15 YARD DRAIN 0.02 Ac 10.24 ' w 7.61 12" PVC --- w � I D ,jv- '.14F -10 '..."..� 0 ST-16 STUB 7.50 121, PVC , .�)f OKI) 6 0 .601166440,44, t - - a . Nse *to S 11 6 STA 7 TYPE"C" INLET 0.0 9 6 Ac 10.41 7.60 1 01, PVC "It;:4 =7 % S .�, Z 11PVC 3 : MW ", Z 1. W_ 74810 = * I Z�j-F1 : * = ' !� C4.0 � w STA 8 TYPE"C" INLET 0.05 Ac 10.41 7'.48 12" PVC = a * : Z 1 * : a Z Z I I S ". 0 Z � < I a 4k7 Z �S I. STATE OF . - Ir- *# F.:- 0 . STA 9 1 STUB I - 7.40 121, PVC S"01% 0 � 6 . 40., . r- It a ionose 0 . " "'I S co . %� nA . . , ILI As - � T_ -..- - . .­.- T_ '111howililill-_.IVOW .�- W I � I -r = I T- T_ &_ I j I � "119 . '* . PROSSER ; -1 I , I ..;-" , � 9 � � %, � . � : . . r. I i _S) ).71 C]FS) N\ * MF _N � 0 -1 Y � 0.4 1 1 . E -^ 1_� � �J - � I, - . I . . I 0 20 0 10 20 NOTES: � I IN 1 1. ALL EXISTING WATER AND SEWER MAINS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED. LEGEND . I NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO . CONSTRUCTION. i � � RIGHT-OF-WAY/ Community-Management-Energy-Relations ips . . PROPERTY LINE . - A& 2. ALL NEW WATER AND SEWER TAPS TO BE PERFORMED BY UTILITY SILT FENCE/LIMITS 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 CONTRACTOR OR LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER AND MUST BE - OF CONSTRUCTION Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 SCHEDULED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE THROUGH COAB INSPECTOR. . - _�­�'­%f"' ' "" .W..I - ' " �. _ 41 �'- .' �. .. ' .� . 'V'_._i -' ", ' ,_ ...: , 3. ALL POTABLE WATER PIPE 3" IN DIAMETER OR LESS SHALL BE i---.:­­-'!*':'­;�"" .. "t'-"".'-- CONCRETE Office 904.739.3655 . .4, P'. ...'_5' ""A . "�i.;'!.^:,� . -Z': , ' i. N.S.F.P.W. RATED. ,,--�.' � 1: .. ­.'�k';: Fax 904.730.3413 . 11" .. ' , � '' ­�.''�..­'� :_:�_:­� .." ' 11 .1 . ::��:'��,�i,­�. ­":'­_;' . .% I - � :.­ .4,1 1. _.'----._i_!.:' �­�'.. �.��-'.%�11 -1 I I� _.'� _1 .. . ­ ,:., " ,. ,'�''..I—­­ . .. .1- I :� , _ I I�., ­1. ­%�1.'.­,'_. :'_ �, ""_.'­��i: I.. -1.�% ­�� ", ''. ,,i.�.I.. :�::�� 4. CONNECTION LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR TO -.11 I..�.''­I.''I- - . I " '�.11 TURF BLOCK www.prosserinc.com ­ ,_­ % 11 ".1 v 11 1. � " �­­.­ � , ., _ , .....­�..i.'':�:_':_" ­ ,. . �. .111 . 1- ­%,i"." - VERIFY CONNECTION LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO - _­ j0_j . 1. - I 1. I%.. . _1" , ­'.­% ­ ­­% _ . 1 �:.�i.,.%%, , 1.� � . 11 � .� C_'_"�:'._�� :'. Florida Certificate of Authorization , � I I I CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER IF LOCATIONS DIFFER FROM ,,.: . ' � . ; .'.�i,I I I �. %' ':.: _: 1. ­ I _'��.�'��.�..%.� . p.' ­ � . ��%��!��':�.�':��­�'� ,.,�:. . I PLANS. %" I �"" � "o�%"'�',� '%:'­_: -I PAVERS � 1. � : % .'' " 111 . �,f%,:��',,��,�''.",.,%�.%r.�.:�,,�%''...��:1. ,�:�:1 - � I, _ ­ I I , .1.. ­I..,b I,��. ". :� .: :%::>, . 1. � "-11 I I . .,,� ­­��,- I.� ,", -I - ..1; :i­ I ��i:�:"e.%� ,'�`l , �'�.1,��I �'�ii, ,,:, e---" -�� "I ,� ., ':'I i,.,"���1 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH LATEST -1 � I � ��:;:%'�":'�i': !I I.. ­;­ il ,::: , 4% 1.1., "..".'* �_,­�'�'.�.�""".'i ." 11 W��:�� �.� ':� A ASPHAL . .".�.��",%� - T .,,.I .I"..i�� '� ' I.,F 1�:1 , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, STANDARDS ND APPROVED MATERIALS. "I�. Y., .I 1. I - � :111 .1 1,� :. ,�'.�, .: �"��'1_121 � '�: , �­ -, 1: :, � 4�:�;A ..... " " . ......... "e -, -.1 :­ V1. a%­'zA 6. SEE LANSCAPE PLANS FOR IRRIGATION. p--V'r____-w00__ RIVERROCK r....gw .t�v' p .. mg., %e.-*.*-0.--*..,.�.11...e.I I 0.-O........I .. =10-OwNWINME AHERN 7. SEE ARCHITECTURAL/MEP PLANS CONTINUATION OF UTILITIES I - -- - WARNING . WITHIN BUILDING. = M TOWN HOMES . I -40 -1 I - - @ ATLANTIC BEACH . � __ �� . I I I I I I I 10' ELEC. EA EMENT Y4" HOSE BIB 54"x43' t!NS!. PA)) __�' I (SEE MEP PLAN) , 54"x43"TRANS. 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EASEMENT ASSEM LY; 7 METERS *AyV-3.17 1 IN'"A.1, ." = 'ATZ*vp SANITARY S wV-s om -SANITARY SANITARY &LL';;",:, �_ (REFE 0 JEA E#IV.j:' C CONNECT TO COAB 10 CONNECT TO COAB 0 . (EXIST. SAN. SERVICE PLATE -1 FOR DETAILS 4� ,, I 0 ) &SPECS.) a (EXIST. SAN. SERVICE) I 1�1 2 1 1 1 < ct 1-GANG WATER METER , N \_1-4"x8"TAPPING a ASSEMBLY; 7 METERS %p I LO I � SLEEVE &VALVE AHERN STREET APPROXIMATE LOCATION (REFER TO JEA 6 � OF EXIST. 8"WATER MAIN PLATE W-1 FOR DETAILS T_ 1-4"GATE VALVE MH I r- (FORMERL LANTA STREET) &SPECS.) MUM I 0 28 V_ e CD I 1-4"x8"TAPPING INV..S.�; Q 4 BLIC ROW V SLEEVE &VALVE I Z6 0 T I 0 0 1-4" GATE VALVE . THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR Ui 0 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED 0 1 0) _& ABOVE ___ � ig. - - ;� . w - 11� SHEET TITLE . 0- N � _j . p D L T_ MHftjaj5'j I o #4Vft&.V � 0i L 1- 0 UTILITY PLAN co V_ %_ r- Z I I w w w L D 9 .000-0"�=0ft-*%.. a V - - �� a 0 so 01 O&" 1'j -, < *0 0*0 00 W, Ay * EN "--izl:11--'. 9 0 d' $�" % X t 0 . Z Z ft, kp w .1. lba 4'. I t " w I 4 ( . -_ X Z : = - Z : : = : a * < = * a -ON 11 : f T_ S 01 a = C5.0 o . OF .a Qr Z C6 S, '.0 % S . fl- 1, * 00 .1 0 .s.. -P, -6 p jvv�.- 0 %040 - V_ V_ . .� I I - (0 N . NAL It" DAT ft.. T_ -1-111iffinfill 1% t": a. I I � I --7 L I I - _N : I �n ' ":'�' -- ��__- %iid!!%iii - ,?A - PROSSER � , �'y � ;� ; L - I ., L . � 1� 1 �1 11.4 L. � I - ­ . ..' I - N_ T-.- i \\ 7(yl"Sml 3 1 E I TL- -_..' ,-, . -- - 7 _'. 11 PU7 ,", r'i r n 14!_� � 11 ,L, T I _111A V= I', ' -1 IF I� I L Z9,4 1 �I I I L . L L I � - � Community-Management-Energy-Relations ips NISHED GRADE 60 5' TRANSITION 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 JOINT SEALER* r I � I Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 60 A CURB Office 904.739.3655 Fax 904.730.3413 NOTE: low GUTMR BEDDING EXCAVATION SHALL ACCOMODATE PAVEMENT BELL SUCH THAT FULL LENGTH OF PIPE A < 4 120 PLM www.prosserinc.com GRASS IS SUPPORTED. WIDTH Florida Certificate of Authorization VARIE CAREFULLY APPLY JOINT SEALER 60 DAYS L_ J_ TOP OF CURB 5' TRANSrrION Number: 00004050 COMPACTED CAREFULLY AFTER ASPHALT HAS BEEN PLACED 4%, 4�MIN. 0 Bc+18"MAX. BACKFILL Bc+1 8"MAX. COMPACTED Z BACKFILL 6;112:1 MA) 0 Bc+12"MIN. Bc+12"MIN. CONIC. CURB TYPE "D" HEADER CURB -7- SLOPE 0 TOP Of PAVEMENT� SHEETING Bc SHEETING BC JOINT SEALER OR Gunn PROFILE 0 1 __j '�S' 2 AHERN CY -70 R3-5L R3-5R 2%MAMX _ _50 CURB TRANSITION. TOWN HOMES bLIJFt 91 1 R-115N.; I* @ ATLANTIC BEACH 1/20 24 1 41 1/4 Bc In R 4"MIN. Case X 110 T 2. 120 ffl! _T 7.r 0.5 1/2-R /2-R- ID C NOT ETECTABLE WARNING n"77comPACTED GRANULAR Bc SHAPED BOTTOM 6 3/r 7" 7 5/8' 1 r 1" Crown Cold Mix SURFACE PER CH.11 FLORIDA MATERIAL SUITABLE D BUILDING CODE(TRUNCATED UNDISTURBED SOIL I I I I I - - - - - - DOMES-SEE DETAIL) le le I <Z1 (MIN.3(r DEPTH IN DIRECTION HALF SECTION HALF SECTION HALF SECTION HALF SECTION I I nD (ZI 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 OF TRAVEL-FULL WIDTH) SHEETED TRENCH UNSHEETED TRENCH SHEETED TRENCH UNSHEETED TRENCH FDOT DROP CURB CITY STANDARD MEDIAN CURB Limerock Base "ZI 0 0 0 (SEE FDOT INDEX 300) (LOW SIDE) (HIGH SIDE) I<Z1 "ZI 0 0 0 0 0 0 "o '0' NOTES: %% 12" V MINIMUM 12 TYPE 11 TYPE 1 1.FOR CURB AND CURB&GUTTER PROVIDE 0.125"CONTRACTION JOINTS EVERY 10'(MAX.). CONTRACTION JOINTS ADJACENT TO CONCRETE PAVING SHALL MATCH I- R5-1 RI-1 6" Limerock Min. 98% Comp. AASHTO T-180 THE PAVEMENT CONTRACTION JOINTS,NOT EXCEEDING 1Z. 0.376'EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE LOCATED A MAXIMUM OF EVERY 30 FEET AND AT THE P.T.AND P.C. CROSSWALK COMPACTED,GRANULAR BEDDING SHAPED BOTTOM WfrAMPED BACKFILL OF ALL CURVES 2.CONCRETE FOR CURBS A��D CURB&GUTTER SHALL USA=E A MIN.3,000 PSI WITH SYTNETIC FIBERS PROVIDING A RESIDUAL FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF 152 PSI C L A S S "B" WHEN TESTED USING STM C' STRUX 90/40 APPLIED AT A RATE OF 4.5 LB/CYD OR APPROVED EQUIVELENT. MAI�01 8-97,SUCH AS 3.GUTTER SLOPE SHALL CH ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE. Temporary Type I Repair HANDICAP RAMP DETAIL. IN R.O.W41 BEDDING DETAIL, CURB & GUTTER DETAIL. PROPOSED SIGNAGE 1" Crown old Mix SIDEWALK r THICKENED EDGE 6 of 0 0 0 A AGAINST ASPHALT 1.5"ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TYPE SP-9.5 3"ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TYPE SP-12.5 Limerock Base 0 0 0 SEE DETAIL 0 0 4,000 PSI FIBER REINFORCED (2 LIFTS OF 0.75") CONCRETE (SEE SHEET C4.1 .---ABtJTT AX.SWPH C C4 FOR JOINT SPACING). CONCRETE Ix W 0 (L A - 98% Comp. AASHTO T-180 Z 0 TACTILE WARNING SURFACE PER CH.I I 4 -A &D (0 FLORIDA BLDG.CODE(TYP.) RAMP CURB (EXPOSED AGGREGATE-RIVER ROCK MIX) (FULL WIDTH AND DEPTH OF RAMP) ... .... .. ...... emporary ype epair RAMP CURB ... .... . L 0 Ditch Width(W) +4' Min. ON 6"COMPACTED CRUSHtRETE OR UMEROCK 8"COMPACTED CRUSHCOETE OR Lim EROCK 1 0 BASE MIN LBR 100, 100%MAX. DENSITY, BASE MIN LBR 100, 100%MAX. DENSITY, Surface Replacement AASHTO T-180 AASHTO T-180 Consistent W/Exist. Smooth Saw Cut LBR 100, 1 OOX 1/8 To 1/4 e CRUSHED CONCRETEff MIN If 1 OOX 6 MAX DENSITY PER AASHM T-180 12"CONSTRUCTED SUB-BASE 12"CONSTRUCTED SUB-BASE 1 1/4 Min. MIN. LBR 40, MAX. PLASTIC MIN. LBR 40, MAX. PLASTIC Surface STANDARD OR MEDIAN 12" STABAUZED SUBGRADE MIN LEIR 40, MAX PLAS71C INDEX 6, INDEX OF 6, COMPACTED TO INDEX OF 6, COMPACTED TO <zi T 0 0 0 0- /-CUT&REMOVE EXISTING CURB COMPACTED TO A DENSITY OF AT LEAST 10OX MAX DENSITY PER 98%MAX. DENSITY-AASHTO T-180. 98%MAX. DENSITY-AASHTO T-1 80. Limerock Base <�, &GUTTER TO CONSTRUCT TRANSITION CURB&GUTTER AASHTO T-180 F- T Limerock Replacement Base 1.5 HANDICAP RAMP DETAIL LBR 75, 100% Max. Density CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION- ONSITE/ CITY ROW ASPHALT PAVEMENT FDOT ROW ASPHALT PAVEMENT AASHTO T-180 Ditch ON SITE Compacted Backfill 98% 6"PERVIOUS CONCRETE Max. Density AASHTO T-180 4�'WIDE PAINTED WHITE 1.5"NO.8 AGGREGATE(WASHED) ft M LINE OR CURBING 12 i 12" Min. 0 0 Varies DATE : MAY,2017 Permanent Repair PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 DESIGNED BY : JBD Note: In Some Cases Portland Cement Concrete May Be Considered 91 Or Required By City Engineer For Surface Replacement. DRAWN BY : QPT TYP. a: 61" 1 - ___ I SCALE : SEE PLAN - BID 10" GRADED CRUSHED AGGREGATE STANDARD PAVING REPAIR DETAIL SLOT OPENINGS SHALL PERVIOUS BASE COURSE (WASHED) No. Date Revision NOT BE IN WALLS BRICK 1 5/3/2017 'Ist SUBMITTAL 2'#x2"X1/2" WITH GRATE SEAT NON WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ON BOTTOM AN 4'-l" 31-111 4 U_j U SIDES OF BASE COURSE 0 6" STABILIZED SUBGRADE (95% MODIFIED 0 f CL PROCTOR MAX DENSITY, MINIMUM LBR 40) E COVER 2- #8 0 6" O.C. 4"WIDE PAINTED WHITE LINE 0 NOTE: CONC.DESIGN DETECTABLE WARNING STRENGTH NOTE:ALL GENERAL TRAFFIC STRIPING SHALL BE 4" 6"WHITE PAINTED LINE SURFACE IN 4000 P.S.I. WIDE PAINTED LINES USING VIIII TRAFFIC DIAGONALS @ 60- ACCORDANCE WITH A.D.A. 0 < < MARKING PAINT 611 0 0 PERVIOUS CONCRETE SECTION EQUALLY SPACED (SEE FLORIDA BLDG. Ld Ld 6' - low 5 60 CODE,CH. 11) < so Ul) co EYE BOLTS V) In S TIVIOUNTING HEIGHT (SEE PLATE 6" - 2'-11" 1 TYPICAL PARKING SPACE LAYOUT HC SIGN NO.FTP 26 D-210) 2 1/4'' 3 1/2" cn u o uj LL- 12:1 MAX. 12:1 MAX. I I son 3 1/2" 21/4" 1 1 1 1 a §6 ALL EXPOSED CORNERS V_ HC SIGN NO. FTP26 T_ T_ Ir-I V­ AND EDGES TO BE I I 2" 1 1 1 TYPICAL AT 7) -3 MAX.2%CROSS SLOPE T CHAMFERED 3/4" FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE ALL ACCESSIBLE 0 0 OF SIDEWALK TO MATCH TOP VWIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO MATCH TOP PARKING SPACES `7 PLAN 0 0 0 0 0 OF SIDEWAL PARIKUNG BY 1811 CID 10- 1 1 K DISABLED - - PERMIT THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR 2"X2"I ANGLE IRON GRATE LO to r_1 00 0) 0 4111:04 M F Z le ONLY CM PRECASTIN ACCORDANCE THIS SIGN TYPICAL AT WHEELSTOP WHERE SEAT(SEE PLATE D-209) CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED WITH LATEST EDITIONS ALL VAN ACCESSIBLE SHOWN ON PLAN C6 OF ASTM C 478 PARKING SPACES LUE PAINTED LINES ABOVE 2'f X 611 CCESSIBLE MANHOLE COVER AND FRAOE #4 @ 12"O.C.B.W. NOTES: PENALTY SIGN WITH PER CITY OF JAX. STD. WORDING AS REQ'D SHEET TITLE If X 911 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3,000 PSI,MAX SLUMP 5" 2 Ca 611 601 GROUT- BY STATE OR LOCAL LA WHITE HANDICAP 1. CONTROL JOINTS TO BE AT SPACING EQUAL TO WIDTH OF SIDEWALK. to SYMBOL Uj VARIES 2 x 2"STEEL TUBE . A I-- MAX.DEPTH 15' . . . ---41 3. SIDEWALK WIDTH TO BE WHERE ADJACENT TO PARKINGIROADWAY. WMELDED TOP CAP 0 GROUT,OR"RAM-NEW' Z 29-810 BRICK 61 ANCHORED 24" IN �0 JOINTS WHEN REQUIRED C-4 .44 Ir- M SOLID CONCRETE 0 311 WHITE GRADING & C16 1;6.". MAX 2%CROSS SLOPE "RAMNEK" OR 211 CLEAR GROUT, "0" RING JOINTS DRAINAGE DETAILS PIPE MUST WHERE REQ'D. 4 4 611 TOP OF "I�11 BLUE Z NOT BE IN CONCRETE W f PAVEMENT GROUND/PAVING -I-I #4 @ 12"O.C.B.W. CONST. JOINT V) E Q_ W 121-010 Uj SURFACE 4 1� D of 811 COMPACTED 14.* 0 PIPE MUST NOT BE IN < CONSTRUCTION JOINT > LIMEROCK BASE 1q 6 2"' CLEAR UF NOTE: /FT. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3000 PSI 6"WHITE PAINTED LINE EN PIPES SHALL BE FLUSH MAX.SLUMP 5" CN WHEN ADJACENT TO HANDICAP RAMPS,SPACES AND SIGNAGE t Z WITH INSIDE WALL SHALL MEET AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD X ED MIN. 41 PIPES SHALL BE FLUSH 3 5ft STANDARD SPACE Al 17.1 AND ALL APPLICABLE CITY AND BEARING CAP 0� ISUBG DE U SZ6 801 WITH INSIDE WALL. STATE REQUIREMENTS. NOTE:WHERE SIDEWALK ABUTS BUILDING 2000 P.S.F. 1`7 If C6. 1 Q #4 @ 6"O.C.B.W. 111,4 wz i; SEPARATE WITH A 1/2"PREMOLDED L 1'-6 STATE OF cli MINIMUM BEARING CAPACITY 2000 PSF MASTIC STRIP CONTINUOUS CID V_ STORM SEWER TYPE J-1 co NO. ONAL S H E E T STORM SEWER TYPE 'C' INLET SIDEWALK SECTION SIGN NO. FTP 26 HANDICAP PARKING AND STRIPING DA THROUGH J-1 -F MANHOLE 1/2- PROSSER j. <Y-4 .5 X -X 1 157 1 e/� LM V_ Ul) PROSSER APPROX. 240 LBS, 04 Community-Management-Energy-Relationships 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 LEnERS Office 904.739.3655 �_MUUUUUUUUUU i I N 7 HIS M 01 F 3174rTMMAML L TOP OF COVEIL Fax 904.730.3413 eIN e"*A elN e-IN elIN e1*1 rl*A el"N eIN e"11 eIN eIN f CSI IT C4 uUmn I'm www.prosserinc.com a GRATE DETAIL FOR HWH (%NATARY V.., I k FLUSH WITH TOP OF Florida Certificate of Authorization r'.. ... com Number: 00004050 V_ a a 5::0 C4 TYP E- C INLET CAST FRAK AND LEn IN M & UUW� jUUL U UL CONK U.& FOUNDRY �elw_ It-us Uj 655 44 OR APPROM 5/8w 1 7/80.0__ 0 EQUAL 2 1/8 07/80 35 7/8 2 7/8".O_ -0 2- r, E#M PLAN AHERN M wi I I I I LIL I ii-I LL-L I J_Lj I I U 1/8" x 1* x 1" awwa..._L_L__ BEARING PAD TOWN HOMES 1 1/2* 7/8" 1 ATLANTIC BEACH 35 1/8* 0 SIDE VIEW FINVE AND COM SHALL K MACHNED OR GROUND AT ALL BEARM ELEVATION Su N SO AS 70 SEAT FWKY AND PREVOU TOB EL.8.00 ROCKM 25 YR/24 HR STORM EL.6.87 PLAN 5 YR/24 HR STORM EL.6.77 T7 MEAN ANNUAL WATER EL.6.62 /-RETAINING WALL P00 W. OR= IN ,K7 NORMAL WATER EL.4.20 (BY OTHERS) UNP*= AMOS L 3 3 WATER SERVICE MARKER r REQUIRED FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AREAS 2 2 (SEE NOTE#4) POND BOTTOM WKUT EL.-1.8 SET AT FINAL GRADE (NOTE#7) S-4 1 X_ q q CO-POLYMER METER BOX C14 SECTION &COVER WITH TOUCH 60 READ (NOTE#1) 10, NOT 70 SCALE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER DETAIL METER COUPLING (NOTE#4) 1211 N.TS. CURB STOP- (MAX) POND SECTION LOCATE WIRE PIG - COAB SANITARY MANHOLE COVER. TAIL END (1211 LOWG)\ N X �x NOTE: Z 1. USE MODIFIED TYPEE'OUTLET CORPORATION STOP REQUIRED ON FOR CONTROL STRUCTURE. ALL SERVICES REGARDLESS OF SIZE. 2. PIPE MUST NOT BE IN (CONNECTED DIRECTLY INTO SADDLE) METER CONSTRUCTION JOINT (NOTE#4) 3. CONC.DESIGN STRENGTH RCP 2.77"ORIFICE DRILLED -4< 4,000 P.S.I. CONNECTION TO CUSTOMER'S CONCRETE PAD---. IN CENTER 3"PVC_\ WATER MAIN AND BACKFLOW LLJ THREADED CAP SET CURB STOP AS PREVENTER(IF APPLICABLE) CLOSE TO WALL-1"AS 2 RCP DOUBLE STRAP SADDLE SET METER ON UNDISTURBED 00 POSSIBLE (2 MAX) C14 CONCRETE PAD (SEE NOTE#2) SCH. 40 PVC WATER OR COMPACTED SOIL X_ w SERVICE LINE 00 0 (1 OOLF MAX., NOTE#3) 1/4"ALUMINUM OIL N SKIMMER WITH 1/2" NOTE: ACCEPTABLE RANGE FOR N GALVANIZED ANCHOR < TAPS 00-450 WATER METER BOX COVER MUST BOLTS.18"O.C. 1. USE MODIFIED TYPE'E'OUTLET FOR BE TOUCH READ LID. CONTROLSTRUCTURE. JL 1 2. PIPE MUST NOT BE IN CONSTRUCTION JOINT < L DISTRIBUTION MAIN 3. CONC.DESIGN STRENGTH 4,000 P.S.I. 1/4"ALUMINUM OIL DATE : MAY,2017 SKIMMER WITH 1/2" GALVANIZED ANCHOR PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 BOLTS. 18"O.C. NOTES: I. SEE PLATE W-1 FOR METER LOCATION REQUIREMENTS. DESIGNED BY : JBD + DRAWN BY : DPT PLAN 2. SINGLE BAND SADDLES MAYBE UTILIZED ON NEW 1"WATER SERVICES WHICH ARE INSTALLED ON A DRY 10"SIZE OR SMALLER 1/4"ALUMINUM OIL WATER MAIN (NEW WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION). FOR WET TAPS OR WATER MAINS 12"SIZE AND LARGER,A DOUBLE BAND SCALE : SEE PLAN SKIMMER WITH 1/2" PLAN SADDLE IS REQUIRED. BRASS SADDLES MAY BE UTILIZED ON NEW 1 INCH AND SMALLER WATER SERVICES WHICH ARE INSTALLED GALVANIZED ANCHOR TOB EL.8.00 ON A DRY 10 INCH OR SMALLER PVC WATER MAIN. No. Date Revision BOLTS. 18"O.C. 1/4"ALUMINUM OIL SKIMMER WITH 1/2" 3. NO OPEN CUT UNDER ROADWAY PAVING ALLOWED UNLESS THE ROADWAY IS BEING RECONSTRUCTED OR IF DIRECTED 1 5/3/2017 1 st SUBMITTAL GALVANIZED ANCHOR TOB EL.8.00 OTHERWISE BY J.E.A. CONSTRUCT POLY LINE WITH 24"(MIN.)COVER UNDER ROADWAYS.THE POLY WATER SERVICE LINE SHALL MODIFIED TYPE"E"STRUCTURE BOLTS. 18"O.C. BE SAME SIZE AS THE METER(1"MINIMUM)AND BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE MAIN AND NOT EXCEED 10OLF UNLESS OIL SKIMMER/GRATE EL.6.87 TYPE"E"GRATE MODIFIED TYPE"E"STRUCTURE APPROVED OTHERWISE BY COAB PUBLIC WORKS. 0 CL 4. INSTALL PVC PLUG IN ALL CURB STOPS IF WATER SERVICE IS"NOT IN USE"(I.E.: IF NO METER IS INSTALLED).WATER SERVICES E (BY OTHERS) SERVING VACANT LOTS(SERVICE NOT IN USE), SHALL INCLUDE A"W"CUT INTO THE CURB(CLOSEST TO THE METER BOX),AND co 25 YR/24 HR /-8"RETAINING WALL TYPE"E"GRATE 0 OIL SKIMMER/GRATE EL.6.87\ PAINTED BLUE(PAINTED PURPLE FOR RECLAIMED WATER). IN ADDITION, FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AREAS WHERE THE WATER 25 YR/24 HR RETAINING WALL SERVICE IS"NOT IN USE",A LANDSCAPE TIMBER OR 3x3 MIN. P.T. POST(TOP PAINTED BLUE OR PURPLE FOR RECLAIMED WATER). 0 (BY OTHERS) THE REMOVAL OR TRANSFER OF A WATER SERVICE SHALL INCLUDE BRASS METER COUPLINGS(HEX ON BARREL TYPE). 28"WEIR EL.6.45 ro 5. NO 2"AND SMALLER WATER SERVICE TAPS PERMITTED ON WATER MAINS WHICH ARE 20"AND LARGER SIZE. TRASH co BARS 28"WEIR EL.6.45 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE METER OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES IF 6"O.C. _ITN",,��TRASH 4t DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. BARS NORMAL WATER EL.4.20 6"O.C. V_ 7. METER BOX AND TOP SHALL BE CLEAR OF ALL DEBRIS TO ALLOW FULL ACCESS TO BOX(i.e. NO DIRT,TRASH OR OTHER DEBRIS C) PLACED ON TOP OF BOX). Q I BOTTOM SKIMMER EL.3.2 NORMAL WATER EL.4.20 C*4 8. LOCATE WIRING REQUIRED ON ALL SERVICES 10' OR GREATER IN LENGTH. SEE PLATE W-44. THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR (6 CONCRETE PAD B0170M SKIMMER EL.3.2 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED 12" RCP ABOVE "'N TO OUTFALL CONCRETE PAD 2.77"ORIFICE WATER SERVICE DETAIL- 2" AND SMALLER 0 15" RCP TO OUTFALL METER SHEET TITLE PLATE W-2 INV.EL.4.05 Ca co 4 INV.EL.4.03 0 J SUMP EL. (FILLED W/ Z 4Z . 146 GRADING & V_ CONCRETE FROM INV. RCP o TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE) AV 4 4Z SUMP EL. (FILLED W/ cli 4AI__ DRAINAGE DETAILS CONCRETE FROM INV. RCP #4 @ 12"O.C. B.W. TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE) MINIMUM BEARING 3S CAPACITY 2000 PSF #4 @ 12"O.C.B.W. _j off"', a Vj ORD D ;7 see #4 @ 6"O.C.B.W. MINIMUM BEAR17NG :)S CAPACITY 2000 PSF a SECTION Rw a 6 r 0 #4 @ 6"O.C.B.W. MODIFIED TYPE "E" CONTROL STRUCTURE SECTION Z NOT TO SCALE % C6.2 < MODIFIED TYPE T" CONTROL STRUCTURE. # "0 ...01 FL OP-61*** NOT TO SCAU e'"'aseel"' IS,P.E. No.f"Vff S H E E T V_ DATE: (0 OUTFALL STRUCTURE 2 OUTFALL STRUCTURE 1 a. I PROSSER Community-Management-Energy-Relations ips 48" MIN. METAL FENCE POSTS DRIVEN NOTES: INTO GROUND A MIN. OF 21-011 1. EXCAVATE THE TRENCH 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 WOVEN WIRE FENCE 0. 2. PLACE AND STAKE STRAW BALES Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 (MIN. 14 GAUGE; 611 MAX. O.C. FILTER CLOTH ( MIRAFI, POLYFILTER 3. WEDGE LOOSE STRAW BETWEEN BALES STAKED AND ENTRENCHED MESH SPACING) (MAX.) X OR APPROVED EQUAL) 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL. SYNTHETIC BALE Office 904.739.3655 GRAVEL(12"MIN. DEPTH) COMPACTED SOIL TO Ace Fax 904.730.3413 C_j PREVENT PIPING ;r-� 4Z� 00 RUNOFF WATER www.prosserinc.com FILTERCLOTH TRENCH _J C-1 18" MIN Mob w/SEDIMENTS - SEDIMENT LADEN BINDING WIRE OR TWINE Florida Certificate of Authorization LU N I BACKFILL TRENCH WITH RUNOFF SEDIMENT Number: 00004050 FILTERED RUNOFF EARTH AFTER PLACING FL GONS7-F? FILTER CLOTH -1,xel UC7.10N AREA -Off IN VA M_ M rd M U 0 U T CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS : 6" MINIMUM AHERN 1. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS BY USE OF WIRE TIES WIRE MESH TOWN HOMES 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTEN SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE BY USE OF WIRE TIES FILTERED WATER SPACED EVERY 24"x 24". CROSS-SECTION OF A PROPERLY INSTALLED STRAW BALE 2"-3"STONE ATLANTIC BEACH 3. SILT FENCES TO BE INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT A (-A CONTROL PLAN PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION TO CONTROL SEDIMENT. SPECIFIC APPLICATION: B MATCH WIDTH OF 4. SILT FENCES TO BE MAINTAINED AND CLEANED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN IN FUNCTIONAL THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE HEAVY CONCENTRATED FLOWS PROPOSED ENTRANCE DRIVE CONDITION. ARE EXPECTED, BUT NOT WHERE PONDING AROUND STRUCTURE MIGHT CAUSE EXCESSIVE 5. SILT FENCES TO BE REMOVED AND THE AREA TO BE RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL CONDITION INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURED ARE UNPROTECTED AREAS. POINTS'A'SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINTB' WHEN PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES ARE EFFECTIVE. PROPER PLACEMENT OF STRAW BALE BARRIER IN DRAINAGE WAY FILTER FENCE GRAVEL & WIRE MESH OROP INLET SEDIMENT FILTER STRAW BALE BARRIER CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES DROP INLET w/GRATE 1. The Contractor is responsible for removing silt from site if not reusable on-site and 21. The structure shall be inspected after each rain and repairs made as needed. assuring plan alignment and grade in all ditches and swales at completion of construction. 22. Sediment shall be removed and the trap restored to its original dimensions when the DROP INLET w/GRATE sediment has accumulated to 1/2 the design depth of the trap. Removed sediment 2. The site Contractor is responsible for removing the temporary erosion and sediment shall be deposited in a suitable area and in such a manner that it will not erode. .................. control devices after completion of construction and only when areas have been IN 11 11111 Ill A 14' 111KIN 0 stabilized. 23. The Contractor is responsible for following the best erosion and sediment control practices as outlined in the plans, specifications and St. Johns River Water 3. Additional Protection - On-site protection must be provided that will not permit silt to Management District Permit. leave the project confines due to unforeseen conditions or accidents. 24. For additional information on sediment and erosion control refer to "The Florida 4. Contractor shall ensure that all drainage structures, pipes, etc., are cleaned out and Development Manual - A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management' from the working properly at time of acceptance. State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (FDER), Chapter 6. C', 1 0 5. Wire mesh shall be laid over the drop inlet so that the wire extends a minimum of 1 25. Erosion and sediment control barriers shall be placed adjacent to a I wet an areas ................................................................ 11111 1 foot beyond each side of the inlet structure. Hardware cloth or comparable wire where there is potential for downstream water quality degradation. See detail sheet 14111111,1111" 1 iTIVA111111,111 mesh with 1/2- inch openings shall be used. If more than one strip of mesh is for typical construction. STAKES FILTERED WATER YNTHETIC BALES STAKED necessary, the strips shall be overlapped. 26. All disturbed areas shall be grassed, fertilized, mulched and maintained until a BURLAP FABRIC I w/2 STAKES PER BALE 6. FDOT No. 1 coarse aggregate shall be placed over the wire mesh as indicated on permanent vegetative cover is established. ...... detail. The depth of stone shall be at least 12 inches over the entire inlet opening. ... The stone shall extend beyond the inlet opening at least 18 inches on all sides. 27. Sod shall be placed in areas which may require immediate erosion protection to COMPACTED SOIL STAKED SYNTHETIC BALE RUNOFF WATER ... ensure water quality stan a s and ma ntaine TO PREVENT PIPING-\ w/SEDIMENTS RUNOFF WATER FILTERED WATER 7. If the stone filter becomes clogged with sediment so that it no longer adequately WSEDIMENTS performs its function, the stones must be pulled away from the inlet, cleaned and 28. Any discharge from dewatering activity shall be filtered and conveyed to the outfall replaced. in a manner which prevents erosion and transportation of suspended solids to the VA VA receiving outfall. rA/ -bound or string-tied with the bindings oriented around the 8. Bales shall be either wire MAW sides rather than over and under the bales. 29. Dewatering pumps shall not exceed the capacity of that which requires a L consumptive use permit from the St. Johns River Water Management District. BURIED BURLAP FABRIC ......... DROP INLET 9. Bales shall be placed lengthwise in single row surrounding the inlet, with the ends of ..... Ir WGRATE adjacent bales pressed together. 30. All disturbed areas to be stabilized through compaction, silt screens, hay bales and grassing. All fill slopes 4H:1 V or steeper to receive staked solid sod. DATE : MAY,2017 10. The filter barrier shall be entrenched and backfilled. A trench shall be excavated PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 around the inlet and width of a bale to a minimum depth of a 4 inches. After the 31. All dewatering, erosion, and sediment control to remain in place after completion of SPECIFIC APPLICATION: SPECIFIC APPLICATION: bales are staked, the excavated soil shall be backfilled and compacted against the construction and be removed only when areas have been stabilized. DESIGNED BY : JBD THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS kPPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY filter barrier. 32. This plan indicates the minimum erosion and sediment control measures required DRAWN BY : DPT FLAT AREA (SLOPES NO GREATER THAN 5%) WHERE SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT FLAT AREA (SLOPES NO GREATER THAN 5%) WHERE SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT 11. Each bale shall be securely anchored and held in place by at least two stakes or for this project. The Contractor is responsible for meeting all applicable rules, EXCEEDING 0.5 CFS) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING EXCEEDING 0.5 CFS) ARE TYPICAL. THE- METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING rebars driven through the bale. regulations and water quality guidelines and may need to install additional controls. SCALE : SEE PLAN CONCENTRATED FLOWS SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS IN STR I EET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. 12. Loose straw should be wedged be.tween bales to prevent water from entering 33. All excavations and earthwork shall be done in a manner to minimize water turbidity No. Date Revision BURLAP DROP INLET SEDIMENT FILTER SYNTHETIC BALE DROP INLET SEDIMENT FILTER between bales. and pollution. Discharge shall be controlled and rerouted through hay filters, siltation 1 5/3/2017 IstSUBMITTAL diapers and sumps. The Contractor shall be responsible for the prevention, 13. Close attention shall be paid to the repair of damaged bales, end runs and correction, control and abatement of erosion and water pollution in accordance with C undercutting beneath bales. Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. 0 0* E 111410 14. Necessary repairs to barriers or replacement of bales shall be accomplished 34. The Contractor is responsible for the removal of any sediment that leaves the site 0 promptly. and changes any downstream conditions by raising channel bottoms and/or 0 clogging outfall culverts. 15. Sediment deposits should be removed after each rainfall. They must be removed JL when the level of deposition reaches approximately one-half the height of the 35. The Contractor shall pay for any water quality control violations from any agency 3L A' 11/4 1,/ barrier. that results in fines being assessed to the owner because of the Contractor's failure C) .1 to eliminate turbid runoff from leaving the site and raising background levels. LO JL 16. Any sediment deposits remaining in place after the straw bale barrier is no longer Otk JL JL required shall be dressed to conform to the existing grade, prepared and seeded. 36. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, including any JL JAL L 0 0 applicable NPDES permits. 17. Silt fences, straw bale barriers and filter barriers shall be inspected immediately _=Z_ after each rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfall. Any required repairs SEDIMENT LADEN shall be made immediately. THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR RUNOFF AS rFOUR 1 F070T WIDE STRIPS OF SOD CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED -ow DEPTH BELOW TOP OF ON EACH SIDE OF THE DROP INLET 18. Should the fabric on a silt fence or filter barrier decompose or become ineffective ABOVE REQUIRED INLET: MIN 1'-MAX2L- prior to the end of the expected usable life and the barrier still be necessary, the RUNOF F WATER fabric shall be replaced promptly. FILTERED WATER SHEET TITLE WSEDIMENTS 19. Any sediment deposits remaining in place after the silt fence or filter barrier is not 4 Ca longer required shall be dressed to conform with the existing grade, prepared and C0 MAX. SLOPE 3:1 seeded. W STORM WATER WITH LARGER EROSION & LARGER PARTICLES Z PARTICLES REMOVED 20. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued to Florida a National SETTLE OUT .. SEDIMENT CONTROL WEEP HOLES FOR DEWATERING ......C. Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for certain Stromwater discharges. This NPDES program requires that if the magitude of -covered by the general permit are above certain thresholds, construction sctivities NOTES & DETAILS DRAIN INLET then a Storm Water Pollution Prevention PLan (SWPPP) is required. Also involved Z are certain certification, notification, inspection and record keeping in accordance W with the EPA Publication EPA 832-r-92-005 dated Sept., 1992 &titled "Storm Water D SPECIFIC APPLICATION: Management for Construction Activities-Developing Pollution Prevention Plans & SPECIFIC APPLICATION: THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABEL ONLY AT THE TIME OF PERMANENT Best Management Practices. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine if this THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE HEAVY FLOWS ARE EXPECTED AND SEEDING, TO PROTECT THE INLET FROM SEDIMENT AND MULCH MATERIALS UNTIL PERMANENT project requires an NPDES application and notification and, if necessary, prepare, D < WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPABILITY AND EASE OF MAINTENANCE ARE DESIRABLE. VEGETATION HAS BECOME ESTABLISHED, submit and maintain the required documentation in compliance with the EPA *#oo 9 0 Z guidelines and criteria. W C7.0 EXCAVATED DROP INLET SEDIMENT TRAP SOD DROP 114LET SEDIMENT FILTER < 1 -3 C C-i J,4jhA-MAD S H E E T (0 ON i I I URIt- 0- PROSSER TM Community-Management-Energy-Relationships 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 Office 904.739.3655 S T 0 R M W A T E R P 0 L L U T 1 0 N P R E V E N T 1 0 N N 0 T E S Fax 904.730.3413 www.prosserinc.com Florida Certificate of Authorization CITY'S REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS Number: 00004050 SITE DESCRIPTION GENERAL 9. TEMPORARY SEE[ ING AND MULCHING:SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6:1 THAT FALL OTHER CONTROLS SPILL CONTROL PRACTICES NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES WITHIN THE CAT EGORY ESTABLISHED IN PARAGRAPH 8 ABOVE SHALL IN ADDITION TO THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT IT IS EXPECTED THAT THE FOLLOWING NON-STORM WATER PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT A MINIMUM IMPLEMENT THE CONTRACTOR'S ADDITIONALLY RECEIVE MULCHING OF APPROXIMATELY 2 INCHES LOOSE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES DISCUSSED IN THE PREVIOUS SECTIONS OF THIS PLAN, THE DISCHARGES WILL OCCUR FROM THE SITE DURING THE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED BELOW AND THOSE MEASURES SHOWN ON THE MEASURE OF MUI CH MATERIAL CUT INTO THE SOIL OF THE SEEDED AREA FOLLOWING PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED FOR SPILL PREVENTION AND EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN. IN ADDITION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADEQUATE TO PR VENT MOVEMENT OF SEED AND MULCH. WASTE MATERIALS CLEANUP: CONSTRUCTION PERIOD: UNDERTAKE ADDITIONAL MEASURES REQUIRED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL WASTE MATERIALS EXCEPT LAND CLEARING DEBRIS SHALL BE COLLECTED AHERN APPLICABLE PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. 10. TEMPORARY GRASSING: THE SEEDED OR SEEDED AND MULCHED AREA(S) AND STORED IN A SECURELY LIDDED METAL DUMPSTER. THE DUMPSTER WILL MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDED METHODS FOR SPILL CLEANUP WILL BE 0 WATER FROM WATER LINE FLUSHING DEPENDING ON THE NATURE OF MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE ROLLE[ AND WATERED OR HYDROMULCHED OR OTHER SUITABLE MEET ALL LOCAL AND STATE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS. THE CLEARLY POSTED ON SITE AND SITE PERSONNEL WILL BE MADE AWARE OF THE TOWN HOMES OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: THE CONTRACTOR MAY BE REQUIRED TO ADD FLOCCULANTS TO THE RETENTION METHODS IF REWIRED TO ASSURE OPTIMUM GROWING CONDITIONS FOR DUMPSTER WILL BE EMPTIED AS NEEDED AND THE TRASH WILL BE HAULED TO A PROCEDURES AND THE LOCATION OF THE INFORMATION AND CLEANUP SUPPLIES. SYSTEM PRIOR TO PLACING THE SYSTEM INTO OPERATION. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GOOD GRASS COVER. TEMPORARY GRASSING STATE APPROVED LANDFILL. ALL PERSONNEL WILL BE INSTRUCTED REGARDING 0 PAVEMENT WASH WATERS (WHERE NO SPILLS OR LEAKS SHALL BE THE SAME MIX &AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR PERMANENT GRASSING THE CORRECT PROCEDURE FOR WASTE DISPOSAL. NOTICES STATING THESE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR SPILL CLEANUP WILL BE KEPT IN OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAVE OCCURRED). ATLANTIC BEACH IN THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. PRACTICES WILL BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE BY THE CONSTRUCTION THE MATERIAL STORAGE AREA ONSITE. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS WILL SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES: SUPERINTENDENT, THE INDIVIDUAL WHO MANAGES THE DAY-TO-DAY SITE INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO BROOMS, DUST PANS, MOPS, RAGS, GLOVES, 11. TEMPORARY RE( RASSING : IF, AFTER 14 DAYS FROM SEEDING, THE OPERATIONS,WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THESE PROCEDURES ARE GOGGLES, LIQUID ABSORBENT (i.e. KITTY LITTER OR EQUAL), SAND, SAWDUST, 0 UNCONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER (FROM DEWATERING DESCRIPTION: THE ORDER OF ACTIVITIES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: TEMPORARY GRASSED AREAS HAVE NOT ATTAINED A MINIMUM OF 75 FOLLOWED. AND PLASTIC AND METAL TRASH CONTAINERS SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS PURPOSE. EXCAVATION). 1. INSTALL STABILIZED 9. INSTALL UTILITIES,STORM SEWER, PERCENT GOOD GRASS COVER, THE AREA WILL BE REWORKED AND HAZARDOUS WASTE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. CURBS&GUTTER. ADDITIONAL SEE 3 APPLIED SUFFICIENT TO ESTABLISH THE DESIRED ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIALS WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN THE MANNER ALL SPILLS WILL BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AF7ER DISCOVERY. ALL NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES WILL BE DIRECTED TO SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WILL INCLUDE: 2. INSTALL SILT FENCES AND HAY 10. APPLY BASE TO PROJECT VEGETATIVE COVER. SPECIFIED BY LOCAL OR STATE REGULATION OR BY THE MANUFACTURER. SITE THE SPILL AREA WILL BE KEPT WELL VENTILATED AND PERSONNEL WILL WEAR THE SEDIMENT BASIN PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. CLEARING AND GRUBBING;EARTHWORK,PAVEMENT AND GRADING;STORM BALES AS REQUIRED. 11. COMPLETE GRADING AND INSTALL SEWER,UTILITIES,AND PREPARATION FOR FINAL PLANTING AND SEEDING. 3. CLEAR AND GRUB FOR DIVERSION PERMANENT SEEDING/SOD AND 12. MAINTENANCE: ALL FEATURES OF THE PROJECT DESIGNED AND PERSONNEL WILL BE INSTRUCTED IN THESE PRACTICES AND THE SITE APPROPRIATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TO PREVENT INJURY FROM CONTACT WITH SWALES/DIKES AND SEDIMENT PLANTING CONSTRUCTED TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT SHALL BE MAINTAINED SUPERINTENDENT, THE INDIVIDUAL WHO MANAGES DAY-TO-DAY SITE A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE. BASIN. 12. COMPLETE FINAL PAVING DURING THE LIFE OF THE CONSTRUCTION SO AS TO FUNCTION AS THEY OPERATIONS,WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THESE PRACTICES ARE 4. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENTATION 13. REMOVE ACCUMULATED WERE ORIGINALL"DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED. FOLLOWED. SPILL OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL WILL BE REPORTED TO THE BASIN. SEDIMENT FROM BASINS APPROPRIATE STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY, REGARDLESS OF THE RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS: 5. CONTINUE CLEARING AND 14. WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION 13. PERMANENT EROS)ION CONTROL:THE EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES OF THE SANITARY WASTE SIZE OF THE SPILL. 1. PRE-CONSTRUCTION: GRUBBING. ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE PROJECT SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE THE IMPACT ON THE OFFSITE ALL SANITARY WASTE WILL BE COLLECTED FROM THE PORTABLE UNITS AS 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION: 6. STOCK PILE TOP SOIL IF SITE IS STABILIZED,REMOVE ANY FACILITIES. NEEDED TO PREVENT POSSIBLE SPILLAGE. THE WASTE WILL BE COLLECTED AND THE SPILL PREVENTION PLAN WILL BE ADJUSTED TO INCLUDE MEASURES TO 3. POST-CONSTRUCTION: REQUIRED. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DEPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL WASTE DISPOSAL PREVENT THIS TYPE OF SPILL FROM REOCCURRING AND HOW TO CLEAN UP THE 7. PERFORM PRELIMINARY GRADING SWALES/DIKES AND RESEED/SOD 14. PERMANENT SEEDING: ALL AREAS WHICH HAVE BEEN DISTURBED BY REGULATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS. SPILL IF THERE IS ANOTHER ONE.A DESCRIPTION OF THE SPILL,WHAT CAUSED IT, SOILS: ON SITE AS REQUIRED. AS REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION WILL, AS A MINIMUM, BE SEEDED. THE SEEDING MIX MUST AND THE CLEANUP MEASURES WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED. SEE SOIL BORING REPORT FOR SOILS DATA 8. STABILIZE DENUDED AREAS AND PROVIDE BOTH LDNG-TERM VEGETATION AND RAPID GROWTH SEASONAL OFFSITE VEHICLE TRACKING STOCKPILES AS SOON AS VEGETATION. SLC PES STEEPER THAN 4:1 SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WILL BE PROVIDED TO HELP REDUCE THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY-TO-DAY SITE PRACTICABLE. OR SODDED. VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS. THE PAVED STREET ADJACENT TO THE SITE OPERATIONS, WILL BE THE SPILL PREVENTION AND CLEANUP COORDINATOR. SITE MAPS: ENTRANCE WILL BE SWEPT DAILY TO REMOVE ANY EXCESS MUD, DIRT OR ROCK HE/SHE WILL DESIGNATE AT LEAST ONE OTHER SITE PERSONNEL WHO WILL • SEE ATTACHED GRADING PLAN FOR PRE&POST DEVELOPMENT GRADES, STRUCTURAL PRACTIC�ES: TRACKED FROM THE SITE. DUMP TRUCKS HAULING MATERIAL FROM THE RECEIVE SPILL PREVENTION AND CLEANUP TRAINING. THESE INDIVIDUALS WILL AREAS OF SOILS,DISTURBANCE,LOCATION OF SURFACE WATERS, TIMING OF CONTROLS/MEASURES CONSTRUCTION SITE WILL BE COVERED WITH A TARPAULIN. EACH BECOME RESPONSIBLE FOR A PARTICULAR PHASE OF PREVENTION AND WETLANDS,PROTECTED AREAS,MAJOR STRUCTURAL AND NONSTRUCTURAL 1. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE: TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKES MAY BE USED CLEANUP. THE NAMES OF RESPONSIBLE SPILL PERSONNEL WILL BE POSTED IN CONTROLS AND STORM WATER DISCHARGE POINTS. AS INDICATED IN THE SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES, THE SILT FENCES AND TO DIVERT RUNC ff THROUGH A SEDIMENT-TRAPPING FACILITY. AND IT THE MATERIAL STORAGE AREA AND IF APPLICABLE, IN THE OFFICE TRAILER • SEE ATTACHED EROSION&TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN FOR LOCATION OF HAY BALES,STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND SEDIMENT BASIN WILL BE SHALL BE CONSTF UCTED IN ACCORDANCE TO D-914. INVENTORY FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ONSITE. TEMPORARY STABILIZATION PRACTICES,AND TURBIDITY BARRIERS CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO CLEARING OR GRADING OF ANY OTHER PORTIONS OF THE MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES LISTED BELOW ARE EXPECTED TO BE PRESENT • SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR REQUIRMENTS;FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT THE SITE. STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON AS PRACTICAL 2. TEMPORARY SEDI AENT TRAP:A SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL BE INSTALLED IN AN ONSITE DURING CONSTRUCTION: STABILIZATION. IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY DRAINAGEWAY A- A STORM DRAIN INLET OR AT OTHER POINTS OF MAI NTENANCE/I NSPECTION PROCEDURES OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. ONCE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY CEASES DISCHARGE FRON A DISTURBED AREA. THE FOLLOWING SEDIMENT TRAPS CONCRETE FERTILIZERS WOOD PERMANENTLY IN AN AREA, THAT AREA WILL BE STABILIZED PERMANENTLY IN MAY BE CONSTRU;;; TED EITHER INDEPENDANTLY OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH A EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTION AND ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS. AFTER THE ENTIRE SITE IS STABILIZED, THE TEMPORARY DIVE SION DIKE: ASPHALT PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS MASONRY BLOCKS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES SITE AREA: ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SEDIMENT TRAPS AND 2.1. BLOCK&GRAI EL SEDIMENT FILTER-THIS PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE 1. TOTAL AREA OF SITE: THE EARTH DIKE/SWALES WILL BE REGRADED/REMOVED AND STABILIZED IN WHERE HEAV r FLOWS AND/OR WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPACITY IS TAR CLEANING SOLVENTS ROOFING MATERIALS THE FOLLOWING ARE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 2. TOTAL AREA TO BE DISTURBED: ACCORDANCE WITH THE EROSION&TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN. NECESSARYI PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING AROUND THE STRUCTURE.REFER TO D-902 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A CURB INLET PRACTICES THAT WILL BE USED TO MAINTAIN EROSION AND CONTROLS SEDIMENT FILTER,AND D-904 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DROP INLET DETERGENTS PAINTS METAL STUDS SEDIMENT CONTROLS. I NAME OF RECEIVING WATERS: SEDIMENT FILTER. DURBIN CREEK IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO IMPLEMENT THE EROSION AND 2.2. GRAVEL SEDIIIIENT TRAP-THIS PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE SPILL PREVENTION NO MORE THAN 10 ACRES OF THE SITE WILL BE DENUDED TURBIDITY CONTROLS AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROL HEAVY CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE EXPECTED,BUT NOT WHERE AT ONE TIME WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PLAN. IT IS ALSO THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THESE PONDING ARC UND THE STRUCTURE MIGHT CAUSE EXCESSIVE MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES CONTROLS CONTROLS ARE PROPERLY INSTALLED , MAINTAINED AND FUNCTIONING INCONVENIEN'�E OR DAMAGE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES& ENGINEER. PROPERLY TO PREVENT TURBID OR POLLUTED WATER FROM LEAVING THE UNPROTECTE AREAS.REFER TO D-903 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CURB THE FOLLOWING ARE THE MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES THAT WILL BE THIS PLAN UTILIZES BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TO CONTROL EROSION AND PROJECT SITE. THE CONTRACTOR WILL ADJUST THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY INLET&DROP SEDIMENT TRAP. USED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF SPILLS OR OTHER ACCIDENTAL EXPOSURE OF ALL CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSPECTED BY THE TURBIDITY CAUSED BY STORM WATER RUN OFF. AN EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLS SHOWN ON THE EROSON AND TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN AND ADD 2.3. DROP INLET S DIMENT TRAP-THIS PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE MATERIALS AND SUBSTANCES TO STORM WATER RUNOFF. SUPERINTENDENT, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED TO INSTRUCT THE CONTRACTOR ON PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL MEASURES,AS REQUIRED,TO,ENSURE THE SITE MEETS ALL THE INLET DR kINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA(S<5%)AND WHERE SHEET THESE CONTROLS. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL AND FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. OR OVERLAN )FLOWS(Q<0.5 CFS)ARE TYPICAL.THIS METHOD SHALL GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: DAY TO DAY SITE OPERATION OR SOMEONE APPOINTED CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF MAINTAIN THE CONTROLS PER PLAN AS WELL AS ENSURING THE PLAN IS THE FOLLOWING BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE NOT APPLY To INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS SUCH AS IN BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROVIDING THE PROPER PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL, STATE AND CONTRACTOR AS REQUIRED BY THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN AND STREET OR H GHWAY MEDIANS.REFER TO D-905 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOLLOWING GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED ONSITE FOLLOWING ANY STORM EVENT OF 0.25 INCHES OR THE GENERAL NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION LOCAL LAWS. REFER TO "CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY" FOR A VERBAL AS REQUIRED TO MEET THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY REQUIREMENTS IMPOSED HAY BALE&F,kBRIC SEDIMENT FILTER. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. GREATER. SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT THAT AUTHORIZES THE STORM DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTROLS THAT MAY BE IMPLEMENTED. ON THE PROJECT SITE BY THE REGULATORY AGENCIES. 3. OUTLET PROTECTION: APPLICABLE TO THE OUTLETS OF ALL PIPES AND AN EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO STORE ONLY ENOUGH PRODUCT REQUIRED TO WATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY STORM WATER MANAGEMENT: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS PAVED CHANNEL SECTIONS WHERE THE FLOW COULD CAUSE EROSION & DO THE JOB. ALL TURBIDITY CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE MAINTAINED FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IDENTIFIED AS PART OF THIS STABILIZATION PRACTICES: SEDIMENT PROBLEM TO THE RECEIVING WATER BODY. SILT FENCES & HAY IN GOOD WORKING ORDER; IF A REPAIR IS NECESSARY, IT CERTIFICATION. STORM WATER DRAINAGE WILL BE PROVIDED BY(DESRIPTION:) BALES ARE TO BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY DOWNSTREAM OF THE e ALL MATERIALS STORED ONSITE WILL BE STORED IN A NEAT, ORDERLY DISCHARING STRL CTURE AS SHOWN ON THE OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL. MANNER IN THEIR APPROPRIATE CONTAINERS AND, IF POSSIBLE, UNDER A WILL BE INITIATED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF REPORT. CURB&GUTTER AND INLETS FOR THE PROJECT. 1. HAY BALE BARRIER: HAY BALE BARRIERS CAN BE USED BELOW DISTURBED ROOF OR OTHER ENCLOSURE. AREAS SUBJECT TO SHEET AND RILL EROSION WITH THE FOLLOWING 4. SEDIMENT BASW WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE COMMON DRAINAGE BUILT UP SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM SILT FENCE AREAS WHICH ARE NOT TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON,BUT WILL BE REGRADED SHALL LIMITATIONS: LOCATIONS THAT ERVE AN AREA WITH 10 OR MORE DISTURBED ACRES AT e PRODUCTS WILL BE KEPT IN THEIR ORIGINAL CONTAINERS WITH THE BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER GRADING IS COMPLETE, WHEN A. WHERE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE BEHIND THE BARRIER IS 33 PERCENT. ONE TIME, THE PF OPOSED STORM WATER PONDS (OR TEMPORARY PONDS) ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER'S LABEL. WHEN IT HAS REACHED ONE-THIRD THE HEIGHT OF THE DATE : MAY,2017 CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, A TOTAL OF ACRES WILL HAVE BEEN B. IN MINOR SWALES OR DITCH LINES WHERE THE MAXIMUM WILL BE CONSTRI CTED FOR USE AS SEDIMENT BASINS. THESE SEDIMENT FENCE.SILT .FENCE WILL BE INSPECTED FOR DEPTH OF REGRADED, ACRES LEFT UNDISTURBED. THE SITE DISCHARGES TO A WET CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS NO GREATER THAN 2 ACRES. BASINS MUST PR(v1IDE A MINIMUM OF 3,600 CUBIC FEET OF STORAGE PER SUBSTANCES WILL NOT BE MIXED WITH ONE ANOTHER UNLESS SEDIMENT, TEARS, TO SEE IF THE FABRIC IS SECURELY 0 PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 DETENTION SYSTEM.WHERE PRACTICAL,TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS WILL BE C. WHERE EFFECTIVENESS IS REQUIRED FOR LESS THAN 3 MONTHS. w w USED TO INTERCEPT SEDIMENT BEFORE ENTERING THE PERMANENT DETENTION D. EVERY EFFORT SHOULD BE MADE TO LIMIT THE USE OF STRAW BALE ACRE DRAINED U�TIL FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE. RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. ATTACHED TO THE FENCE POSTS, AND TO SEE THAT THE _j U) 0 0 0 0 DESIGNED BY : JBD BASIN. THE WET DETENTION SYSTEM IS DESIGNED WITH A DAY MINIMUM BARRIERS CONSTRUCTED IN LIVE STREAMS OR IN SWALES WHERE FENCE POSTS ARE FIRMLY IN THE GROUND. RESIDENCE VOLUME. THIS IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF A WASHOUT. IF NECESSARY, MEASURES THE 3,600 CUBIC F ET OF STORAGE AREA PER ACRE DRAINED DOES NOT 0 WHENEVER POSSIBLE, ALL OF A PRODUCT WILL BE USED UP BEFORE Z Z APPLY TO FLOWS ROM OFFSITE AREAS AND FLOWS FROM ONSITE AREAS DISPOSING OF THE CONTAINER. 0 F_ I— DRAWN BY : QPT FORTH BY THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR THIS TYPE SHALL BE TAKEN TO PROPERLY ANCHOR BALES TO INSURE AGAINST 00 0 Z Z Z Z THAT ARE EITHER JNDISTURBED OR HAVE UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION THE SEDIMENT BASINS WILL BE INSPECTED FOR THE _j 0 0 0 0 F OF DEVELOPMENT AT THE TIME OF PERMITTING. WASHOUT. WHERE SUCH FLO IVS ARE DIVERTED AROUND BOTH THE DISTURBED AREA 0 MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER USE AND DISPOSAL (00 C.) 0 L) 0 REFER TO CITY STANDARD DETAIL D-913 FOR CONSTRUCTING THE HAY BALE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT, AND BUILT UP SEDIMENT WILL BE W LL 6 Cb 6 6 SCALE : SEE PLAN AND THE SEDIMEh T BASIN.ANY TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS WILL BE FOLLOWED. It D D BARRIER. ALSO REFER TO D-901, D-911 AND D-12 FOR PROPER LOCATION, REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES 10 PERCENT OF THE DESIGN Z co CO U) (0 MATERIAL&USAGE. CONSTRUCTED Mt IST BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE Uj WITH THE SPECIFK ATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL FILL.ALL SEDIMENT THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT WILL INSPECT DAILY TO ENSURE MATERIALS CAPACITY OR AT THE END OF THE JOB, WHICHEVER No. Date Revision 2. FILTER FABRIC BARRIER: FILTER FABRIC BARRIERS CAN BE USED BELOW COLLECTED IN PEI ZMANENT OR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS MUST BE ONSITE RECEIVE PROPER USE AND DISPOSAL. COMES FIRST. 1 5/3/2017 1 st SUBMITTAL DISTURBED AREAS SUBJECT TO SHEET AND RILL EROSION WITH THE REMOVED UPON F NAL STABILIZATION. HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS: U_ FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS: THESE PRACTICES ARE USED TO REDUCE THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH DIVERSION DIKES/SWALES WILL BE INSPECTED AND ANY 0 A. WHERE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE BEHIND THE BARRIER IS 33 PERCENT. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. BREACHES PROMPTLY REPAIRED. U) U) B. IN MINOR SWALES OR DITCH LINES WHERE THE MAXIMUM CD M 0 TIMING OF CONTROLS/MEASURES W CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS NO GREATER THAN 2 ACRES. 0 PRODUCTS WILL BE KEPT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERS UNLESS THEY ARE NOT U) E REFER TO"CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY"FOR THE TIMING OF RESEALABLE. TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND PLANTING a _j 0 REFER TO CITY STANDARD DETAIL D-910 FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF THE a _j CONTROL/MEASURES. 0 ORIGINAL LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA WILL BE RETAINED; THEY WILL BE INSPECTED FOR BARE SPOTS, WASHOUTS, AND < FILTER FABRIC BARRIER. C CONTAIN IMPORTANT PRODUCT INFORMATION. HEALTHY GROWTH. 00 0 IF SURPLUS PRODUCT MUST BE DISPOSED OF, MANUFACTURER'S OR LOCAL Z Z 3. BRUSH BARRIER WITH FILTER FABRIC: BRUSH BARRIER MAY BE USED BELOW AND STATE RECOMMENDED METHODS FOR PROPER DISPOSAL WILL BE A MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT WILL BE MADE < < DISTURBED AREAS SUBJECT TO SHEET AND RILL EROSION WHERE ENOUGH w < CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH RESIDUE MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE ON SITE. FOLLOWED. AFTER EACH INSPECTION. A COPY OF THE REPORT FORM M co < 0 FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS PRODUCT SPECIFIC PRACTICES: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE INSPECTOR IS ATTACHED. Z C6 4. LEVEL SPREADER:A LEVEL SPREADER MAY BE USED WHERE SEDIMENT-FREE LO THE FOLLOWING PRODUCT SPECIFIC PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED ONSITE: THE REPORTS WILL BE KEPT ON SITE DURING U) F_ IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL LAWS RELATED TO STORM STORM RUNOFF IS INTERCEPTED AND DIVERTED AWAY FROM THE GRADED W Z WATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLS,THE FOLLOWING AREAS ONTO UNDISTURBED STABILIZED AREAS.THIS PRACTICE APPLIES ONLY CONSTRUCTION AND AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST TO THE w PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 0 PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. IN THOSE SITUATIONS WHERE THE SPREADER CAN BE CONSTRUCTED ON OWNER, ENGINEER OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL Z- 0 C) UNDISTURBED SOIL AND THE AREA BELOW THE LEVEL LIP IS STABILIZED.THE ALL ONSITE VEHICLES WILL BE MONITORED FOR LEAKS AND RECEIVE U) Q REGULAR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TO REDUCE THE CHANCE OF AGENCY APPROVING SEDIMENT AND EROSION PLANS, OR D.E.R.DREDGE/FILL PERMIT# TBD WATER SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO RECONCENTRATE AFTER RELEASE. LEAKAGE. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WILL BE STORED IN TIGHTLY SEALED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLANS. THE REPORTS C.O.E.DREDGE/FILL PERMIT# TBD LEVEL SPREADER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE TO CITY CONTAINERS WHICH ARE CLEARLY LABELED. ANY ASPHALT SUBSTANCES S.J.R.W.M.D.M.S.S.W.PERMIT# TBD STANDARD DETAIL D-914. USED ONSITE WILL BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S SHALL BE MADE AND RETAINED AS PART OF THE STORM 06 WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR AT LEAST THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR 5. STOCKPILING MATERIAL: NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN RECOMMENDATIONS. THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE THAT THE SITE IS FINALLY CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT RUNOFF DIRECTLY OFF THE PROJECT SITE FERTILIZERS STABILIZED AND THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION IS ABOVE INTO ANY ADJACENT WATER BODY OR STORM WATER COLLECTION FACILITY. cri FERTILIZERS USED WILL BE APPLIED ONLY IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNTS w POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER.ONCE APPLIED, FERTILIZER WILL SUBMITTED THE REPORTS SHALL IDENTIFY ANY INCIDENTS 6. EXPOSED AREA LIMITATION: THE SURFACE AREA OF OPEN, RAW ERODIBLE BE WORKED INTO THE SOIL TO LIMIT EXPOSURE TO STORM WATER. OF NON-COMPLIANCE. F<- I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL SOIL EXPOSED BY CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS OR EXCAVATION I-_ SHEET TITLE STORAGE WILL BE IN A COVERED AREA. THE CONTENTS OF ANY < ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN AND FILLING OPERATIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 10 ACRES. THIS REQUIREMENT PARTIALLY USED BAGS OF FERTILIZER WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO A THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT WILL SELECT UP TO THREE Z ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED MAY BE WAIVED FOR LARGE PROJECT'S WITH AN EROSION CONTROL PLAN SEALABLE PLASTIC BIN TO AVOID SPILLS. (9 PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHERED AND EVALUATED THE INFORMATION WHICH DEMONSTRATES THAT OPENING OF ADDITIONAL AREAS WILL NOT INDIVIDUALS WHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR w F- SUBMITTED. BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT OFF-SITE DEPOSIT OF SEDIMENTS. PAINTS INSPECTIONS, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACTIVITIES, STORMWATER 0 THE SYSTEM,OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE Z INFORMATION, THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS, TO THE BEST OF My 7. INLET PROTECTION: INLETS AND CATCH BASINS WHICH DISCHARGE DIRECTLY ALL CONTAINERS WILL BE TIGHTLY SEALED AND STORED WHEN NOT AND FILLING OUT THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE V11 REQUIRED FOR USE. EXCESS PAINT WILL NOT BE DISCHARGED TO THE REPORT. Q KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE,ACCURATE, AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT OFF-SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT-LADEN STORM RUNOFF POLLUTION STORM SEWER SYSTEM BUT WILL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT MAY ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS OR STATE AND LOCAL A C� INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT TO THE INLET. PERSONNEL SELECTED FOR INSPECTION AND (0 REGULATIONS. T_ VIOLATIONS. PREVENTION PLAN V_ 8. TEMPORARY SEEDING:AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES WILL RECEIVE TRAINING r- CONCRETE TRUCKS FROM THE SITE. SUPERINTENDENT. THEY WILL BE Z THAT ARE NOT ANTICIPATED TO BE RE-EXCAVATED OR DRESSED AND SIGNED: RECEIVE FINAL GRASSING TREATMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED CONCRETE TRUCKS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WASH OUT OR DISCHARGE TRAINED IN ALL THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SURPLUS CONCRETE OR DRUM WASH WATER ON THE SITE. WITH A QUICK GROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL PROVIDE AN EARLY PRACTICES NECESSARY FOR KEEPING THE EROSION AND COUNTY ENGINEER COVER DURING THE SEASON IN WHICH IT IS PLANTED AND WILL NOT LATER SEDIMENT CONTROLS USED ONSITE IN GOOD WORKING AV 1--,V, COMPETE WITH THE PERMANENT GRASSING. ORDER. EN DATED: < Z N N ?-A C8.0 -P, -#0 A%, 'ORD�PAVIS,P.E. CC) q A"%I N S H E ET DA I t: CL PROSSER Im Community-Management-Energy-Relations ips 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 Office 904.739.3655 Fax 904.730.3413 www.prosserinc.com Florida Certificate of Authorization Lu Lu Number: 00004050 0 w C". M _j Z 0 (D 020 UCJ) 2-5 0 FL W > 0 5- Uj U_ Z LU X 0 LU C) 0 w U) I.- Z W 0 of < w �- > 10 w 3� w 0 Z AHERN 3: U_ > M :) _j 0 0 co (0 w 0 0 co W W W w _j 0 < TOWN HOMES 0 Z w w 0 ZM _j 0 0 Z ATLANTIC BEACH < LL Z LL :5 3! w LU 0 w 0 0 (0 t! M � w (D a. LL LL -� _j w — Z Z C13 Z F_ w FM 0 0 Z 5) 0 Z F 0 In �)_ 4� 0 CK Z Z 0 It- 0 CO U) 0 C) 0 Q. CO 1.- 0 w co Z Z W _j m Uj w w _j W LIJ w co LL _j > of W 0 < > w < Z 0 LL w w w w W _j 0 F_ w 0 w () < D (L Z CL Z Z 0 IT U_ Z < 0 C/) Cl) LL Z < 0 Z 0 L<L LL. F- 0 0 Z 0 (n 0 0 0 w 04 w qql F_ W w W U) Z _j w F_ Z w F_ Z 0 Z 0 < U) (9 D Z CD 6i Z U) M < _j < < p _j < _j < Z F- w w 0 < w Z 02 > 0_ 0 0 F_ CR� _j - 13- c w > M Z W W Z Ix Z Z Uj >- 0 Cf) Uj < CL W < Z 0 < F_ Z F_ Z C/) ICE < F- M Z W F- 0 < < 0 (D w Z Z 0 3! 0 F- W F- W < F_ < F0 > F_ w 3: W F- L) 0 < Z Z Z W w w w C/) 0 u) w w 0 0 0 CL LL < Fn _j w 0 a. CL w w I p < F- U) 0 M 0 ) 0 F- CQ w b Li- Z u) Z Lj_ w < LL C/) Z X Z 9 :5 -j F_ 0 < F- Z lo I U) p: F- W w 0 w 0 Uj (0 CC W (.) w F- 0 D w D M < < M 0 Z j T w a 0 0 w < -J 0 W F- _j w w w w 0 0 > I < w 2 w 2 M W W w w w -1 0 w 0 W _j < LL W U) 0 _j 0 w 0 Z LL Z LL U_ 6i Z Z I.- U_ w F- < w w 0 U_ 0 < () U_ < w 0 U) U) 0 < Z w F- Z w Z w 12. w CL w F- a. 0 LLJ w w (D 0 > I-- w 0 F- w Z U) < L�j Z Z Z 0 0 Lii Z M F- Z ca 0 < < Z F- (j) 0 < 2 < 0 CD < 0 w C9 < p >- U) 0 a. z -,J w w w ED LLJ > W W w M 3: O� F- Q. F- >- w LU M Z I-- Lu 0 Lj = C-_ _j C0 w b 0- M _j � C/) 5 -J o :r Cy 0 L) F- a. w < 0 Z F_ F- = 0 < U) F- P: D < 2 Uj 0 Z F_ F- Z C*__ FL 0 C/) Z 0 — w 0 0 < (D P I.- P (D 0 F- U_ < Z W Cl) < F- M of w 2 W w d (Dw D w D M F- DATE : MAY,2017 0 Z > F- 0 < U) �- 0 LL W U) W F- >_ -j X 0 w 02 :D U) M PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 Z () < W 0 (L w Z �- Zu 0 w Uj 0 a. I-- w 0 w :r Z Z U) DESIGNED BY : JBD U_ p U) w < 0 2 ::j: w M III U) W 0 N 3: 252 0 1.- �- W W DRAWN BY : QPT Z 0 Z < Z in (6 1 Z _j 0 w w 6i 0 >- W 0 CD M Lij U_ w w () (1) D w I w 0 Z w Z < SCALE : SEE PLAN Z F<- 0 Z 0 0 w Z (.) — a 0 w C0 LL :5 LL LL 0 < Lp W w I w w LU 0 3: W w 0 w M w U) W M p: C) 6i _j (L LL U_ = 0 C'0 < L6 0 No. Date Revision LL '4- 0 _j I-_ X Z C'4 :>: 0 C1_- Z F- < < Z LL L_ 0 Z Q LLJ W 0 w W Z LL 0 0 w 0 !Z U: N -J C-- F- 2 LU W O_ 1 5/3/2017 1st SUBMITTAL 0 Z w 0 Z 0 f-) LU Z LL —1 0 Uj 6i Z 0 = n > > M 0 :r 0 t! Z 0 Z (D -- 0 F- 0 Z F- WOOO F- 13- (0 _j �. Z 13L LU Z 04 Z C0 w U) ww Z — �e Z F- < LU U) Z w w w F- M Lu > W 9 a. Z w 1-- () Uj < 0 > Cr. U) F0 > < -jj U) Z :r CC (A F<- w w < Lu 0 M Z F- F_ a w w CO F- M < LU Z E W L) Z Z U_ W Lu 00 U) = w 0 Z Z w LU F- F- qT 13L Z < 0 F- Lu qT Z < Z Z L.L Z < U) Lf) F- X () U_ Z < 0 > 0 Uj 0 0 Z >- Z LU Z 0 0 Z 0 Z =) 0 F- 0 0 w < D Z Z < w 0 IX I M o I.- LU F- LL 0 0 U_ M w Z L) Z 2 0 0 W C/) Z 0 < F_ < F- F- < c4r) _j < w Z LLJ Z < F- (L < W F- (L w Cf) T7 F_ 0 M Lu 0 Z U) 02 Z < (L 2 Z 0 0 LID a LLJ W _j Do Z > > Z Fn < 00 LU Z w UJ < M _j Lu w < W W < F- w < U) IM w w Z 0 _j F- U_ Uj Z C) F- U) < Z LL N < C/) Q w < a 00 0 F- < w 0 LLJ F- W LL w M F- F_ U) 0 Lu Cj) U) 2 L) _j Z 0 w 20 CL w < M C) w 0- 9 Z = W w w (D F- i-- w co THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR C/) �_ 0 a. 0 X W U) 0 w 0 (L 2 C/) F- C/) 0 0 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED F- U) 0 < Z Uj I C/) Z 0 0 C/) Z U_ U_ ABOVE _j Z LU < U_ w Zo M 0 Z I-_ w w < U_ D Z D M 2 Z D M SHEET TITLE 0 < U_ w 0 F- w 0 CY 2 Uj w w w w a 0- w w D 0 Z Cl) W 0 STORMWATER < cr_ Z I—, w 2 ca a C0 < 0 Z Z w w U5 LU 13� < w C0 (j) 5 Z — 0 0 0 U) < 0 000 0 0 w 0 �— p U_ U_ M Z U_ < X Z U_ POLLUTION p < w 0 < IX X < IX 0 0 LLJ Z w w Z Z X Z a- F- F- Uj Q 0 w w U) F- w w 0 0 co 0. CO _j F_ w ww w PREVENTION PLAN -11) w w U) LL1 CL 00 Z M (1) M 0 w Z M cri 0 CL (L Z a 0 I,,- U) (1) 0 < 0 < 0 Q Z Z < I&_ ---- I I —CONTRACTORS co co M Z CERTIFICATION 4 0 a am amp a. g 47- a i \GENs < 14 o 5 Z V w s w 2 3: S C9.0 < S E OF % A OR Is- 0 R AD Ob P �1,�*E. (0 No!,, rF761' S H E E T DAT M V_ I . . - ____ 11.1-1.......-__.._..__--_.__.1........��..-,.--"-,-.-..--�..-�."----.-.-....--.....,..,..-,�I.............__­­..................._._._­_­_­.......�................�................................................�...�....­­............-........................­­......................�.....­­­......................................�--_-_-­-­------------_---_-_-_...1.-_1_.__---------1-1-1-.1......_­_­.............__­­....11-................�........._­___._,._,...................................--1-1.................1_._-.1_--_.__.._....-............�.....�..........�.............. I -.....I.-I......I...1.1-11-1.1-11.....11....I....�...-.......�....................�.........�.....�............�.............�....__,­...........�..............-.1-......I...... : ; ; : ; ! GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES: ; � ! ; __ ! i � : . i i irm ! � : I PLANT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS FOR GRADE#1 OR BETTER AS GIVEN IN i ; : : : ; 5 LAYERS BURLAP TRUNK THE LATEST"GRADES AND STANDARDS FOR NURSERY PLANTS,PARTS I AND 11,"FLORIDA 6. TREES SHALL NOT BE PLANTED CLOSER THEN 5'FROM THE CENTERLINE OF UNDERGROUND ! WRAPPING ; � DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES OR TO THE STANDARDS AS GIVEN IN UTILITIES. ; ; ; : � : FRONDS TO REMAIN TIED THE LATEST"AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK,"AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS ; 2 X 4 X 12 INCH BATTENS, : : 2-STEEL BANDS : : : Community-Management-Energy-Relationships AS NOTED BELOW INSTITUTE. 7. ALL INVASIVE EXOTIC SPECIES MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AREA. ; INSTALL BATTENS TO KEEP : i : STEEL BANDS OFF TRUNK i ; i . 2.PINE BARK OR PINE STRAW MULCH SHALL BE PROVIDED A MINIMUM OF TWO(2)TO THREE(3) 8. ALL PLANTINGS MUST BE FREE OF INSECTS,PESTS,DISEASE,WEEDS,ETC. : ADD 2 X 4 X 6 INCH . ; : REMOVE BOOTS FROM TRUNK AS : ! SUPPORTSTO INCHES IN DEPTH AROUND ALL NEWLY PLANTED LANDSCAPING. i 20 0 10 20 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 : : INDICATED. BURN MARKS OR : : s SECURE BRACE IN 9. GALLON SIZES FOR PLANT MATERIAL ARE STATED AS THE MINIMUM. IF DIMENSIONS ARE NOT ; � TRUNK DEFECTS NOT ACCEPTABLE : : Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 : .A MULCH RING FOR ALL NEWLY PLANTED TREES SHALL BE PROVIDED AT LEAST FIVE(5)FEET IN AVAILABLE WITHIN THE SPECIFIED CONTAINER IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ; PLACE : 40 - : ; : DIAMETER AND NOT CLOSER THAN SIX(6)INCHES FOR THE TREE TRUNK. PROVIDE THE DIMENSIONED PLANT MATERIAL IN ANOTHER SIZE POT. ; : DO NOT DRIVE NAILS INTO I i : SUPPORT BRACING TRUNK ! Office 904.739.3655 : i 4 IRRIGATION WILL BE PROVIDED WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 10. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES AS SHOWN ON LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET LP-1. : SEE DETAIL INSET RIGHT . 0 EQUALLY SPACED - ; .. : ; Fax 904.730.3413 : BRACES i ; ; i 5 SHRUB LINES ARE TO BE PLANTED AT THE REQUIRED MINIMUM HEIGHT,NOT BY CONTAINER 1 1.LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH LAND : 2 X 4 PINE BRACE-3 MINIMUM .� : : ,, I � : ; SIZE. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. ! . -_ 4 EQUALLY SPACED AROUND ; I j : www.prosserinc.com TRUNK a �e � : : Z : : 8 D � : - - Florida Certificate of Authorization MULCH INSET A @ �: � BATTEN DETAIL - INSET A ��.­­, � 3"LAYER OUTSIDE OF ROOTBALL Z 3: W � A� ,1� I.-11.11 Number: 00004050 D � I— � --- 1"MAX. LAYER OVER ROOTBALL M j 0 _j 0 ,,� �, I..I �.� 6' PRIVACY 4 `_,_�:, ^ I , Z EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN TJEA NO OBSTRUCTION ZONE ,Q� 3' JEA NO OBSTRUCTION ZONE �,- 6 INCH HT.TEMPORARY 61's � W LU FENCE I �_ U_ 9: W MULCH AR� 11 W 0 0 2 X 4 X 12 INCH WOOD EARTH SAUCER P?? , U. W W EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN aL a. f77777N MULCH BED W W co ANCHOR NAILED TO BRACE, fi� ICET . /�� I I I WOOD BRACE INSTALL 12 INCHES BELOW NO& FINISH GRADE., :�... - *-`�** 1'.��'. -1., .. .... T � - COMPOST MIX __ ......._. - I i" \_ GRADE MINIMUM. INSTALL \RY - ___ \�!y AHERN : : . t\ Z/ --- Z ...... 11..`.-i:..`. � C." ------2 ,---, ,� I*- 1 3"LAYER SPREAD BEFORE -:;::!I �-.'�:, - . I OUTSIDE PLANTING HOLE IN I-- IN, - I'\ ,,j /' N\\� N iN ,'/.1 ; �,� -1 I _2X4X121NCH \ UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE. / \ i\ ,_� ��'. __�, -, /I .- __ / (\ :F� _.,.,�� : 1 . 11.1. - -- � I ru - - ,' �\1&� . , �� i. - "Am.- - _/ ----&-, ,A ....�_ I .......Neft , . .<. ;.­� . . \ ! i I I 411 . 0 _-,_jL._-, EXCAVATING PLANTING " I ' 'M t,:�-,% .J., .... � :.... - - -4 TOWN HOMES .1... . - A. - � - I , �.� . , .�Ixt.t - --- - ; . . 77\7 ; , , 111� !1� �� \\- 1 '711, r JWI�) - - \ lm�x� .. : : WOOD ANCHOR i : ; � -7 , : : � . HOLE. : t i�.... - , � �:�=- L\\\\ - . - "\77\"(,`�, ! : a ; - - : : : j I : : -"a \ . ,\1 11,i�.-\ ",,� "."I�, � � .r�'7'1 I i !jigl N SEE INSET B - V ".1. \. -i � I � . I :_ "� -_ I - ��". `11 ,11 , _1i i ; : I _r ; ! : if I � / � - �, . , ,.,\.,,,--,.�,.�.'-'7,� \_ � -i I: ix . p, N­��".,-7. -\.\- .,.,1 -.1 .... C= ­..­ � �.,�'. v 4 "� - ... ATLANTIC BEACH :­­ T-1 '� " .. , . '' � � I — I I­ \ -\,V- - ",'-,. -'-�'N. '' �`� - ­­ __ -- '11 , :1 : � ! , : ­ ,: I I . -i.z 1, '. I". , @ EMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP � " \ V I �D I ,��­ I 1< : - I : ­�­. ­ .I I I I , ,,�� J. .:.............:.. ........ : 1­%�­­ I ��,,�`, , .. .;I* - -- d I D; :1 : 1 BACKFILL 2X H- I..............I I ........ T \ UTILIZE SOIL REMOVED FROM ! ; : - . I :­.�­:1. .. . - ,�.e ; : : ; ­ I .11 . - � ,Y I 11 * � . . : : i , e ; I I .: - I -, ­­ . .. .. - . .11 . . I 1. -.. -I..-.. .-� 1_� ..... AND WIRE. REMOVE : ! ; �j-,, I Swale ! - I I - .1 . I . . , ! .- -1.I , : : : ­ ,. I ; - , 1p : . Or ;;; .� . �.. _ _� �I �. . - __1 I �_.:.. .. .. I . i ,�, . . � 1. 1. . .:�: : I I : : i : I : .I-, - . . � . ,. I I . . . . I�111.1 , I . .: : ., . - � ..- : / - - I . 11 EXCAVATION,INTERMIXED : ! . ; - L - - _.�� .11 , _j ���' I -1 , ­ ; : : �­_ �.______ - - , .::: . 3. ,. -, . SYNTHETIC MATERIALS AND : I-1-.4 ., . . _:%.:�:�..:,�'.� Swale : I ­ _ : _._: ; : . 1 : 111 . ':I : I . I 1, I ­ '"' :!...�-�'.., , , :, :% � .. ­ . .. � I WITH COMPOST SOIL MIX 3X-LIMITS OF MULCH -1 .­ 12.....­;_­. '. �I :4� .11, '_:, - � � I \ , ,.1.�.­..� ­ ... . . . OTHER MATERIALS THAT ____ .,: , !�,],:.. I . .�.�::.::�, 1�:�.:: ... / :...I...I� I..: . . I..I I \ ; - � . - . . I I . - - -� I.,1.- I,- :.�: - m I- - - - - - __.... ..1. � ,:f - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LAYER _�_(WHEN NOT IN PLANTING BED) -1 4 + + .1. I...........................�_,� !.__..._ - - - -- __�, - - - -- -- 'I. 11.11 .. . - __ 1 . WILL NOT DECOMPOSE. - -.1.1: .�..:,�i,,�: f_!i����i:­I-1:­� �.� �\ / -7�-, F:�;:� i � . I �"­­%�% :. -I., . . . ... � � _. ­­ � I..Fl.� ,�_ I 1�,:,I�,,'­ .- .1. 1. I I.. - -I 1 I.,"".1. ....�. i - :.I I I i 1. :1 . �1. .1._., . 1: I I I.- I I . . 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I . .I I �% - PALM FRONDS SHALL BE TIED UP UNTIL AFTER PLANTING.TIES SHALL BE REMOVED AS FOLLOWS:WASHINGTON PALM&QUEEN P A.,L�:!+:i­ .1� ,�­ ­.­., .­I 1 . ­'. � .�.,, , ...,:- ..+:. .. . . 1.,.1. .1,�:;Z:.,I . ­.1. ,�­ I r :�e�:��, il � .) . � . 11. 1 I �M-I . ..C, > " 111 I '.�_7%, .. I ­ . ..% ., �. ,. ,, ..I ­ � . . 1. I . :� .­� ; I �I I I 1, . - .1 .. .. - I ,,, :,� I.., . . .�� . I - . � ., ": , ..�I I.. . 1. --- - ".. I � I - I� .1 . � 1 : , . , - �� . � - F ­: I - � .1 . I- . . -.1 ,�p ,: I I � .. � .� IMMEDIATELY; SABAL PALMS WHICH ARE NOT'HURRICANE CUT SHALL REMAIN TIED FOR 3-MONTHS. REMOVE ALL DEAD AND BROKEN FRONDS, .1 i � 1-1.- .11 1. ­.. k".:..: . ­ .: . -11 1.1. -".. I 1. .% .1 -,. ; 1, ...,''. + I , , , : 1.11 �p I I .­ - ,� I '' _,: .. I - � - , ­:� :,�; ,:�51. 1� i) � - � I .:1.1,1 �. . I . 1 . . 1. - I . I �� � I 11 I-- . �. I .1 I s 1 I I I I � - . 1 1 : I , : - , ,: � 40 �. .��: 0� : �T I . - I - I DO NOT REMOVE GREEN FRONDS. NEVER CUT BUD. ��:�:�:,: 1:� I ,.o''., .11 ­ � :. � �� . I I . I I ... . � .. .1 .1,- I I � .1.11, ­�,, I ­- I � . I I 1.I- - . - � -I� .. � !:����;���::�,.::.-1'. � I - 1%1�"., ... I .1 I .�11 ,�. , z.� .: �: ­- I I . � 3: L � - .­­ �.1. .-,,��. , , 1. . % I :., , �, .1 , . I - �. 11 . , , 1, I ���­�,�'�.� :, ­­I .. .1. N I I 1, . . . I 1.�. . ­­ o ,o . ­� - � I I I i I I I � . . , &"_ t . :_:., I . I � ��,­ . .1 . - . : 1-1 I . : I , I. . ,,,, ­- /7777\ 1:1. . I . I 4A, . I , _:1. .. ­­­ .. �. "..1. m�:� %- : I I ­­,.­­%­_­ , ��ss I � z -. I I �1.11 I I �,� .. W ': :7�: + , I V .. I� I—— 4 .%; - ..... -.. , ; : � . I: ,p � .11 ­:" � d �: ­- , , �. I 1. I I i I . 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I < ,1, '.. .I,, , �: :��!� : I : % ��, .% , ------­­....- � - '*i_ '' �; : 1: .. � :,: .':��� I - . :. � -ii;�,: , �; : : � 11 . . � . : . :� 1� 1,d ., , I., I-. �11 i p:. . . . -1, I p : I 1- .. ..,1 1:�.::_::i I:I_:: ------- -__ L 1,;,;,_+_'_,--.1 �, :.� :.:- . I . V '' , ­"; �� ­.- I ��­­­ ---- 1: :-p .. _1- --,-- �........- �I �i I ..: - � ­­ . ._��.:�I If,.."l,- I I � .. . I.I..I -n .1; .. , a \ ..� . . - ,� .I .: .... �� ,.�.: � . -�� 1.�� Ir2dr-N ,�I ­�� .� �:'�� , - " � . 1, � , I�::Ake __71 ......i-- . I I - - : '... 1: I I 111.1.11, I . . . ::: , : . � ...:::: - 1. ,� . I ,­ ,.... .....1 . 11 ,�X 1',.:.:�.. . �, I I I � - , ,:�: � , . ­ . , . , . .:­_% - , . , !, ­:.:+ ,%:.�.� . � . "��_ �,�'I., ,��'.�.�7,,:��.,%". I .� I % .. � : 11� . .1. C � I I 1, . , :,:;.::_:: . . � " , :. + . el �; I I .: I I ­:% - :.1:1 1:11. . J_%,., �::­ � ­�� f Ut.j . � . I � , 0, I. , . , . I � � ;_. -I ,;�, � , , �I I , -7 1 e 1. & - � I .1 I , "I I % :� � � � 17- - 1: : , . . . . 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I : ; : - I : ' ; ; _7SEE PLAN 1 NATIVE I MIN. 16' CT, SLICK TRUNK I : 0 PLANT TOP OF ROOT BALL 2"ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. : spi 16 SABAL PALMETTO I CABBAGE PALMETTO : I ! : : --- a � ! ; - BOTTOM OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE SEATED DIRECTLY ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE. i 0 : : 0 : - : CL ; : : .SHRUBS QTY BOTANICAL NAME : COMMON NAME SPACING ORIGIN - STAKE ABOVE FIRST STRONG BRANCHES AND AS NECESSARY FOR FIRM SUPPORT. . I E : : : 0 : : It O.C. 11 = 1 CFR 17 CORDYLINE FRUTICOSA'BLACK MAGIC' TI PLANT'BLACK MAGIC' NON-NATIVE 3 GAL., 24"HT.,18" SPD., SUN GROWN : 36 �_ ! : ! . : C I : VOB 156 VIBURNUM OBOVATUM 'MRS. SCHILLERS DELIGHT' 'MRS. SCHILLERS DELIGHT' VIBURNUM 24"O.C. 4 : 0 . : NATIVE 16"- 18" HT.X 16"SPR., 3 GAL., , FULL IN POT : . ; i - a i : __�­SANDANKWA VIBURNUM 36"O.C. I NON-NATIVE : VSU M SUSPENSUM : 167 1 VIBURNU 2 : ; �� 11 8"-24"HT.X 18"SPR., 3 GAL., : . : a. TREE PLANTING - SINGLE TRUNK : : ; � (D G (D 0 0 i : : ' ; : COMMON NAME SPACING ORIGIN IREMARKS 4 N.T.S. : 6 : SHRUB AREAS QTY : M : : (D 0 - - : : - : - : ! ____[_1W-_18"HT.X 16"SPR., 3 GAL. 64 . : MCA 245 _FMUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS PINK MUHLY 36"O.C. NATIVE T_ : : : I- ; : V_ 0 0 0 I : 0 : i I : : C : GROUND COVERS QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SPACING ORIGIN Iq PLANT SPACING AS i ; : IV PER PLAN : I : In : � : : V-" : MULCH 292 SF MINI PINE BARK NUGGETS MINI PINE BARK 12"O.C. THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR V_ TRIANGULAR SPACING i 3"DEPTH IN ALL PLANTING BEDS i : ; I : CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED 1i N.T.S. i RRD 53 ROSA X'RED DRIFT' DRIFT ROSE 24"O.C. NON-NATIVE 14% 16"HT.X 16"SPR.1 3 GAL. FULL i RED _j 3"OF SPECIFIED : I : &--I : : - Z ABOVE i � MULCH, KEEP MIN.3" : SOD 292 SF STENOTAPHRUM SECUN DATUM'FLO RATUM' FLORATAM ST.AUGUSTINE SOD NON-NATIVE 2"-3"THICK SOLID, FRESHLY CUT,WEED FREE : "D AWAY FROM TRUNK J.SPACE O.C. 1, : ; : : I I : : --- 11=11=1111 ! TJA 298 UM JASMINOIDES'CONFEDERATE' CONFEDERATE JASMINE Uj PER SPEC. I : 181,O.C. NON-NATIVE 1 GAL., 24" HEIGHT, FULL, 5 RUNNERS MIN. ; i a. I ; . I I i : SHEET TITLE i ,a : : : 6 PREPARE BED AS ,�>, : __ - - -- ; ;� i� i PLANT SPACING AS PER PLAN- -- ; I ! aC0 PER WRITTEN * - - - �� ?I'��K= ­­.............................................­__.___­.­­_.___.__­­....._....------------­---­----------_.-.............�.......................-.....�..............1--.1..............-.........�....�..........................�....�....................­­....�---------­_­.............�......-.............�...................­_­...................�........................-.............I-------I-.......�.........I...I......................-.....�...........­_­­.........-1....-......1--.-.........�..........-..........�.........................................................................­­­...___--.1.1--............­­­­.....-...........I...�.........�...I..........�..............I...........................-.11.1...I--................ ."".1: ,-, .,. ., , ." . _ I .- .. 1, Ili 'e. - "''..� ...; . I . , . _rl'..., I , , - Z SPECIFICATION 1.1. .- ,.:�. .,1''. .11., I . . . q -;'-- ..1.,:-..::,._I I 1�,". 3"OF SPECIFIED MULCH r __ ...11 .-1 : �. .I - . __�­.­ . ... ., , ' ' I , �, . .�d ... ... � . , . : ; , I ., ': -11 11� . I ';':,: ' ` " ..., KEEP 2"FROM BASE � -- ____ . �,,<, -�I� .., .. . I __ I .A ,'.i,:.'-.-,�,.:, ..: '.. L_ ---- . , .. . I - - : T_ 6"MIN.SPECIFIED i"."-: I I . . 171 . , ., � -. . .,I . '" ... I :: .1 .. . : I ":I .- " I , ..: -_� ­­­­ - I I .1 I " Ill' : , ,� .� . .. ': . : 0 . . , " , ..A' � I.' . . ., .1:, .1 : , . ,_ .­ , ,.. .. .. . '. ,.:. : . I ­ . I . . 4 ... * , . , ., . " . . , : PLANTING MIX ALL � a .1. .: �:.­., I I pr . . . - ...I� : -...­­.......-...1-1.......�............­­.....-.1-1.....­­­............-............�...-........................................-...-.1-1.11-.1.....1.1-1.......",....-........___........�................................�...�..............­_­.....­_______....................­­.......�...­­­....­­.............­....­ Cei . .� . . . � I .. , � IRRIGATION NOTES: ; ........................�.........................�.........-......I--............._­.............................................................................................................�............. - I 1�1 . . "I . . .. 1_� - PREPARE BED AS PER , � 1.�. I . . ., . ­ : . LANDSCAPE PLAN I I .. i r- AROUND.WATER& I 1= - ..... - , - . , - : : ­I :�­ . , : : .. % I , " ; : 4 1 : .� . " -, " 1) IRRIGATION IS PROHIBITED BETWEEN 10 A.M.AND 4 P.M. : ! i . : ! 0 ; , . I ! . .1� . . WRITTEN SPECIFICATION ., ... '. . .� .., i 8)THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD TAKE CARE TO REROUTE PIPING AS NECESSARY TO AVOID PLANT OR TREE ROOTS. i co .. .. . q 26 -0 I I I . � --- .. '� ­', . 1 I I : V_ TAMP TO REMOVE AIR --L.- .........� . . I I 1=1 I 1-1-1-1.1 - .. �1-­­­_-, . , 1, I " I " : i : . � -.:.. '. . .. . 1. ,_:_L_:,._.. .. . '. : � V_ I - . . 'r ... .. .. : ... - - - ; ! AND DETAILS . . . .. .6 . I - ----F'l : : POCKETS _! - . . . . TI;771 i i=1 I 1=1 I I_� 7FI 1=1 I I I : . : b I ; , 2) DURING DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME(SECOND SUNDAY IN MARCH UNTIL THE FIRST SUNDAY IN NOVEMBER) IRRIGATION IS LIMITED 9)ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL BE SITE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT WATER OVERTHROW ONTO BUILDING SURFACES, ROADWAYS,AND : : : - : � : i I : ; - : =1 i Mi I 1=1 I 1��l I lEd I M I F:!1 I !, ! 9 =1 I I I . : : . � fz""l [ :_t t 1-1 I i_� I i_f I 1-: t : - i ; . -, : . UNDISTURBED :: . � I 1 11H7 UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE TO NO MORE THAN TWO DAYS PER WEEK ON SCHEDULED DAYS. : WALKWAYS. W . : 11-11 : ; : ; _. : : : ! : SUBGRADE I I-- I ; . I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 1 1 : : X , 1__111 : 1 . : : I _: I r : f, : i ! : ! 1----IT I I . : : - - - - -1 - : : X I . --I ; r_",;_1 1 1-1 I 1-1 I 1-1 I 1-i I 1*;_�l I 1.1 ! : - : : ; : : -Ill- . 3) DURING EASTERN STANDARD TIME(FIRST SUNDAY IN NOVEMBER UNTIL THE SECOND SUNDAY IN MARCH) IRRIGATION IS 10)ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 18"FROM ANY BUILDING. ; =) I I --' i : 1 0 ; : ; : : ; LIMITED TO NO MORE THAN ONE DAY PER WEEK ON SCHEDULED DAYS. NONRESIDENTIAL IRRIGATION IS ALLOWED ON TUESDAY. r : : ; : : 6 2X BALL DIA. ; ; __ -__ ; : : : : I : : -_ a I I : 1 1)SHRUB BODY SPRINKLERS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR HI-POPS AGAINST BUILDING(S)AT OWNERS DISCRETION. CONTRACTOR : .1 q, : : i : i ! ; ! : 4) IRRIGATION USING A MICRO-SPRAY, MICRO-JET, DRIP OR BUBBLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS ALLOWED ANYTIME. : SHALL VERIFY WITH OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE ALL CONTROLLER PROGRAMMING, INCLUDING MONTHLY ADJUSTMENTS, PRIOR i ; 6 NOTES: : : D .� : : : : ; Z : TO FINAL INSPECTION. : ...... ; : ; : ... .... : .....'........ ; : - : IV 4i .. ; : : X NOTES: - GROUND COVER PLANTS ARE TO BE SPACED AS INDICATED ON PLANTING PLAN. 5) IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND SHALL CLARIFY ANY DISCREPANCIES ON : : . , W : : . ". : : : : THE PLAN PRIOR TO BIDDING. : : . . 1. = - PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT BALL IS FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE. f : * . : : I 150 *. : i < - 3"MIN. SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX UNDER AND AROUND-WATER AND TAMP TO AIR POCKETS. i : : V_ : :C7 : ! _ : *._, : : 8: : : 0 : ; LP-1 : : : Col. . . 6)ALL PIPE AND WIRE UNDER PAVING SHALL BE PLACED IN SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. SLEEVES FOR THE FULL PAVEMENT COVERAGE : : Vi ; : : : *1 TE : : : : ! * ; ; * ; : . .* � r- LENGTH AND SHALL BE AT LEAST 24"BELOW GRADE SLEEVE LOCATIONS FOR GRAPHIC CLARITY. COMBINE SLEEVES WHEREVER : : . 0 SHRUB PLANTING : : ** .. OF .. r : (0 ; .. : : : A- POSSIBLE. ! I ; . '�, : S T_ N.T.S. GROUNDCOVER PLANTING ; : * : ! __ : : : : : ; FL. : 0 i : : i : i DATE: : : - � Ir- N.T.S. 7)MAINLINES SHALL BE BURIED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM COVER OF 18",WHILE ALL LATERAL LINES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 12". : I T_ . ! : I ; : V I 11: � : : : ; ; I : : a. . L i : ! ___ �---..---------- I : . I L----,.-..�--.,----------�---------,�-�..�-�-------__.___,...,.___._,___........................ __.......�........�.........�.............�............___......�....................___..______.........�....,-.,-,.------.--,.-.,--------�-------------,.,.----�.---------------,...-,.,.-..----..-.--.,------------,.---------..---..-------,�--------"----,�,.�.------,.-,.--�,----,.------ : ---------; - __ - - ____1111IIIIIIIIIIIIII i PROSSER 1!!!����� 'i 4 ZT- ;.-._�it_ I r-W � I I � I TM PROSSER Community-Management-Energy-Relationships LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 PART1- GENERAL 1.7 MAINTENANCE 2.3 COMPOST MIX C. Seed: Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 A. Plant Materials: Maintain until final acceptance )y pruning, cultivating, watering, weeding, A. Compost Mix: Manufactured mix that is weed and disease free, pasteurized composed of 1. Seed: All seed shall be furnished from an established seed dealer or certified seed grower; Office 904.739.3655 1.1 GENERAL NOTES fertilizing, restoring planting saucers, tightening and re:)airing stakes and supports, resetting plants a. 34%Aged Pine Bark shall meet the requirements of the Florida Department of Agriculture regulations; and shall Fax 904.730.3413 A. Contractor shall comply with applicable laws, ordinances and codes; obtain required permits, to proper grades, vertical position, as required to establish healthy, viable plantings. Spray b. 33% Finished Organic Compost be labeled in accordance therewith. Seed shall be free of noxious weeds. inspections; pay required fees. insecticides to keep plants free of insects and disease. C. 33%Composted Cow Manure www.prosserinc.com B. Prior to preparing and submitting cost proposal, Bidder shall visit and inspect the project site B. Protect plant materials from damage due to lanc scape operations, operations by other 2. Seed Planting: At a minimum the contractor shall test the soil to verify conditions are to become familiar with existing conditions. contractors and others. Maintain protection during ins-allation and final acceptance. Treat, repair, B. Compost mix shall be sent to an approved agronomic soil-testing laboratory to provide the acceptable for turf growth. Florida Certificate of Authorization C. This contract includes providing and installing plant and landscape materials as described and replace damaged plantings at no additional cost to the Owner. requirements noted Part 1-General. Number: 00004050 within the contract documents. C. Maintenance of sod areas: The Contractor shal, maintain until final acceptance by protecting 2.1. Submit agronomic soil tests for existing soil. Tests shall be performed by an approved D. Contractor shall perform fine grading to establish finish grades in landscape areas. Fine sod areas against traffic or other use by warning signs and barricades, as approved by the D. Seed: agronomic soils testing laboratory and shall include a fertility test with the pH factor and the grading shall include only minor grading to correct random or infrequent grade irregularities to 1"or Landscape Architect-Owners Representative. Damagad sod shall be repaired by re-grading, then 1. Seed: All seed shall be furnished from a certified seed dealer or certified seed grower; meet the percentage of organic matter and a suitability analysis. The suitability analysis will include less. re-sod. Contractor shall mow, water and otherwise maintain sod areas in a satisfactory condition requirements of the Florida Department of Agriculture regulations; be labeled in accordance percolation tests and evaluation of soil composition to determine the soil's suitability to E. Grading-Berming labeled on the project plans shall be the responsibility of the landscape until final acceptance of the work. therewith. Seed shall be free of noxious weeds. sustain healthy turf. Submit written recommendations for soil suitability and all necessary contractor to construct. Landscape contractor shall provide fill and grading for these areas and 1. Maintain sod areas until final acceptance by watering, weeding, mowing, applications of soil amendments, fertilizer and chemical conditioner application rates for soil preparation, AHERN coordinate fill requirements with general contractor prior to bidding. herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, fertilization and re-seeding until a full, uniform stand of grass E. Sprigging: Sprigs shall be certified to genetic purity, free of pests and disease, delivered in a and a post maintenance fertilization program. Submit recommendations to bring the soil to a F. Bidder-Contractor shall verify all plant quantities shown on plans. Notify Landscape free of weeds, undesirable grass species, disease, and insects is achieved and accepted by the timely fashion and consist of stems, leaves and stolons. The sprigs shall come from a certified pH rating between 5.5 to 6.5 and to supply necessary nutrients to satisfactory level for TOWN HOMES Architect-Owners Representative of discrepancies. Landscape Architect-Owner's Representative. supplier, approved by the Owner's Representative. After being harvested, the sprigs shall be planting and sustaining vigorous turf growth. Submit a copy of soil tests with suitability G. Plant size noted in plant schedule shall be the minimum acceptable size. Container gallon a. Repair, re-work, and re-sod all areas t at have washed out, eroded, or are not a delivered to the planting site within 24 hours. The stock shall contain no weeds, soil, or other debris analysis and recommendations to Owners Representative prior to any planting. ATLANTIC BEACH size are minimum. Contractor shall provide the plant material in container size needed to meet plant healthy stand of grass. and shall not be dried out at the time of planting. 2.2 At a minimum apply 100 lbs/acre of scarified, chemically treated Bahia Seed. Apply by size specified. b. Mow sod areas when top growth react es a height where no more than a third of the Sprigs shall be harvested to facilitate separation and distribution. Sprigs shall average four to six hand, cyclone seeder, drill or hydro-seeding. The final result shall place the seeds%"-Y2" leaf blade will be removed at any single mowing. Repeat mowing to maintain specified height per inches in length and carry at least four nodes. Sprigs shall be planted within twenty-four hours after below the soil. 1.2 DEFINITIONS recommendations of local agricultural extension agency. removal from the certified supplier. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to protect the stolons, 2.3. At a minimum apply an additional 30 lbs/acre of quick growing rye grass over the entire A. Finish Grade: Top of surface soil and top of planting bed after plant installation. keeping them moist and out of the sunlight before and during the planting operation. area. B. Topsoil: Native or imported surface soil modified with soil amendments per recommendations 1.8 REPLACEMENTS AND CONDITIONS 2.4. Contractor is responsible for utilizing the best application method to prevent erosion of soil from commercial soil-testing laboratory. A. Promptly remove and replace plant materials that are dead, unhealthy condition, fallen below during seed growth. C. Compost Mix: Homogeneously blended organic material, see Part 2- Products. acceptable quality. Prior to the end of the warranty period, a final warranty inspection of the work PART3 - EXECUTION 2.5. At a minimum apply mulch (straw, hay, wood, etc.)at a rate of 2.5 tons per acre during D. Subgrade: Soil below fin.ish grade and soil below finish grade remaining after completing may be made by the Landscape Arch itect-Owner's Representative. The Contractor shall remove seeding. excavation. and replace plant materials and sod areas found to not be in compliance with contract requirements. 3.1 PLANTING 2.6. At a minimum apply fertilizer during seeding at a rate of 250lbs/acre using a 12-6-8 E. Final Acceptance: Shall mean that point in time when requirements of contract documents Replacement plant material size and species shall beas noted in the project plans. A new warranty 1. Prior to installing plant materials, Contractor shall perform drainage test excavations one fertilizer or other ratio recommending by the soil testing. An additive of 4% magnesium is are completed, including punch-list items, to the satisfaction of the Landscape Arch itect-Owner's period shall commence on each plant replaced during the warranty period, contractor shall maintain per acre of site planting areas or submit plan of locations for Landscape Architect approval, a also required and should be verified with soil testing. Representative. Contractor will be notified in writing of final acceptance by Landscape plant warranty log. minimum of 250 ft on center throughout the planting and sod areas. Test excavations shall be a 2.7. Contractor is responsible for dust control and measure should be taken to minimize Architect-Owners Representative. minimum of 12"dia. and 12"deeper than the largest proposed plant rootball. Test excavations shall movement of dust in addition to seeding and mulching. F. Warranty Period: Shall begin after notification of final acceptance, continuing for the duration 1.9 FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE be filled with water to finish grade, then monitored to verify excavations have completely drained 3. Watering: At a minimum apply 3/4"to 1"of water each week to the newly seeded areas to of the specified period. A. Final Inspection: Upon completion of landscape installation, the Contractor shall notify the within a 3 hour period. Landscape Contractor shall notify the Landscape Arch itect-Owner's G. Final Warranty Inspection; Shall occur near the end of the warranty period. Landscape Architect-Owner's Representative in writing 10 days prior to requested inspection date. help germination until the grass is fully established. The contractor is responsible to monitor H. Contract Documents: Project plan set, technical specifications and documentation issued Landscape Architect-Owners Representative will make an inspection to determine compliance with Representative of any excavations which fail this test, prior to proceeding with plant installations. rainfall quantities and supplement with watering as necessary. The contractor shall record all during project bidding, award and installation. contract documents. When inspected landscape work does not comply with contract documents, Corrective actions may be required, such as but not limited to over-excavation to break sub-surface watering information and furnish to the Owner's Representative when requested. the Contractor shall remove and replace rejected work and continue maintenance. Contractor shall soil conditions which shall be the Contractor's responsibility and may be considered additional work. 3.1. During the maintenance period the contractor shall supplement the rain water amount with 1.3 SUBMITTALS provide 48 hour notice to Landscape Architect-Owners Representative requesting re-inspection. Contractor shall seek and obtain approval from Owners Representative prior to proceeding. hand watering as necessary to maintain an average of%"of water weekly. At any time the B. Product Data: Each type of product utilized Plant Materials: 2. Unsuitable Soil Conditions: Absolutely no plastic or clayey soil is to be used in landscape ownerls representative may require an immediate watering of areas they find suffering from C. Samples: Pine Bark a. Replace plant materials not in healthy condition, fails below quality requirements areas. If such a condition is found, the area is to be back-filled with material of suitable sandy a lack of water. The contractor will have 2 days to water these areas. D. Product certificates, confirmation letter that the Contractor has procured all plant materials and B. Lawns: gradation which is porous and percolates well with reasonable compaction. If any planting or sod products to complete the project plans. a. At the time of final warranty inspection, sod areas shall be healthy, well-rooted even area has a plastic or clayey soil condition which prevents proper drainage, then a system of 4. Maintenance: At a minimum the contractor shall be responsible for mowing the new E. Planting Schedule: Indicating anticipated installation dates. colored, lawn is established, weed free without open joints and bare areas. underdraining, turf drain or other means of releasing underground standing water must be established Bahia grass at four(4)different times throughout the 12 month warranty period. F. Maintenance Instructions: Provide prior to final acceptance. incorporated under the direction of the Landscape Arch itect-Owners representative. The timing of mowing shall be coordinated and approved by the owner's representative. G. Agronomic Soil Tests for Topsoil and Compost Mix: Soil testing and recommendations shall 3. Upon completion of landscape installation the finish grade of planting beds and lawn areas 4.1. At a minimum the contractor shall implement a fertilization program that will adequately be performed by a commercial soil-testing laboratory. Areas to be installed with plants and lawn PART 2 - PRODUCTS shall be minimum 6 inches below adjacent structures and slope away from existing structures per assist the continued health of the turfgrass. This should include a spring, summer, and fall areas shall be tested. Tests shall include a fertility test, pH factor, percentage of organic matter and the Florida Building Code. Verify compliance with Florida Building Code with General Contractor fertilization treatment unless proper soil sample analysis is supplied to the owner's a suitability analysis. The suitability analysis shall include percolation tests and evaluation of soil prior to beginning work. Parking lot islands shall slope at 3%from center of island to curb. Finish representative that warrants no treatment required. The owner's representative shall make composition to determine the soil's suitability to sustain the project's plant materials and to bring the 2.1 PLANTS grade shall be below sidewalks, curbs and walking surfaces to allow for mulch thickness and sod. the final decision. soil to a pH rating between 5.5 to 6.5. Submit copy to Landscape Arch itect-Owners Representative A. Tree and Shrub Material: Provide nursery-growr tree and shrub materials complying with 4. Upon completion of landscape installation, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape 4.2. At the request of the owners representative, at any given time, any area of the project that of soil tests, written recommendations for soil suitability, soil amendments, fertilizer, chemical plant quality requirements, Part 1-General. Provide well-shaped, fully branched, healthy, vigorous Arch itect-Owner's Representative in writing 10 days prior to requested inspection date. Landscape has not properly been covered by turfgrass, that is undernourished, underwatered, eroded, conditioner application rates for soil preparation, and a maintenance fertilization program. plants free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun scald, injuries, Architect-Owner's Representative will make an inspection to determine compliance with Contract or in any other way not acceptable to the owner's representative, the contractor will have H. Manufacturers Data: Include physical characteristics, application, installation instructions and abrasions, and disfigurement. Documents. seven (7)days to fully correct the problem at the contractors expense. recommendations to be utilized. B. Ground Cover: Provide ground cover species indicated, established and well rooted in pots 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for stability and plumb conditions of all plant materials, a. Fertilizer or similar containers, and complying with plant quality raquirements, Part 1-General. be legally liable for damage caused by instability of plant materials. Proper staking and guying is the D. Fertilization, Pre-Emergent and Mulching: b. Each soil amendment to be used C. Annuals: Provide healthy, disease-free plants ol species and variety shown or approved, Contractors responsibility. Contractor shall under their own discretion provide additional staking and 1. Prior to mulching, apply fertilizer specified in Part 2-Products to tree, palm, shrub, c. Herbicide complying with plant quality requirements, Part 1-Gene 1. Provide plants acclimated to the guying above and beyond the requirements of the project plans at no additional expense to the groundcover and sod areas at the rate of 1.5 pounds of actual fertilizer per 100 square feet. d. Super absorbent, if to be utilized conditions they are to be installed on the project and ar a in bud with few, if any blooms. Owner. Fertilizer application shall be witnessed by Landscape Arch itect-Owner's Representative. e. Pre-emergent herbicide D. Perennials: Provide healthy plants from a comm-arcial nursery, of species and variety shown r A. Plant Material Installation and Planting Bed Preparation: f. Materials identified in contract documents or approved, complying with plant quality requirements, Part 1-General. 1. Topsoil shall be modified according to recommendations from agronomic soil-testing E. Mulching and Pre-Emergent Herbicide: 1. Written plant guarantee E. Sod: Sod shall be species and locations in the project plans. Sod shall be freshly cut in pads laboratory, prior to installation of plants. 1. Apply pre-emergent herbicide to tree, palm, shrub, and groundcover areas according to J. Prior to purchase and delivery of plants, Contractor shall provide the Landscape (or rolls with prior approval). Sod shall be derived from an area having a soil type similar to the soil 2. Spead on top of topsoil a 3 inch layer of compost mix prior to planting. Mix shall be manufacture's recommendations. Pre-emergent application shall be witnessed by Landscape Architect-Owner's Representative with photos of proposed plant materials and coordinate nursery on which it is to be laid. Sod shall be healthy, free of w leds and insects including ground pearls and incorporated in planting holes during installation. Architect-Owner's Representative. visit. spittle bugs, in naturally green condition, and shall have an abundance of roots contained within a 3. Do not spread compost mix if topsoil is frozen, muddy, or excessively wet. 2. Mulch surfaces of tree, palm, shrub and groundcover areas. Apply 3 inch depth of settled mat of topsoil derived in the harvesting process from the area where grown. Brown, dry, irregularly 4. Planting Pits and Trenches: Excavate circular planting pits with sides sloped inward. Trim mulch, level with adjacent finish grades, sidewalks, curbs and sod. Mulch over root ball of plants 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE smooth, and/or un-fresh sod will be rejected. base leaving center area raised slightly to support root ball and assist in drainage. Do not further shall be 1 inch maximum. DATE : MAY,2017 A. Landscape Contractor Qualifications: The Landscape Contractor(Contractor) shall have 2.2 PLANTING MATERIALS disturb base. Scarify sides of plant pit smeared or smoothed during excavation. F. Plant Protection: PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 previous experience installing projects of equal or greater size to the project plans. The Contractor A. Topsoil: pH range of 5.5 to 6.5, a minimum of 6 rcent organic material content; free of 5. Topmost Root: Topmost root-root flare shall be visible prior to planting- Find the topmost 1. Protect plants from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors shall have a full-time supervisor with a minimum of 5 years of experience that is on-site during root and remove excess soil to expose topmost root-root flare. DESIGNED BY : SB installation process. stones 1 inch or larger in any dimension and extraneot s materials harmful to plant growth. 6. Root Defects: Inspect root ball for root defects, cut roots at the point where they begin to and trades, and others. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods, as B. Soil Analysis: Contractor shall provide soil analysis of the existing surface soil and compost 1. Topoil Source: Amend existing surface soils a-,cording to recommendations from soil tests kink or circle. Root ball shall comply with Florida Grades&Standards. approved by Landscape Architect-Owner's Representative. Treat, repair, or replace damaged plant DRAWN BY : BHK mix. Agronomic soil testing shall be performed by a commercial soil-testing laboratory. analyzed by commercial soil testing laboratory, see Pa t-1 General. 7. Remove rocks, sticks or other deleterious material greater than 1 inch in any 1 direction materials. C. Provide quality, size, genus, species, and variety of plants indicated, complying with"Florida B. Soil Amendments: Following are soil amendmens that may be utilized to modify existing prior to backfill process. SCALE : SEE PLAN Number 1"or better classification in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants," latest edition, surface soil according to recommendations from agronomic soil testing analysis. 8. Set tree, palm and shrubs plumb and in center of tree planting pit or trench with top of root G. Clean Up: published by Florida Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry, Gainesville, Florida. To a. Lime: Natural dolomitic limestone containing not ess than 85 percent of total carbonates with ball 2 inches above finish grade. 1. Remove surplus soil and waste material, including excess subsoil, unsuitable soil, trash, No. Date Revision evaluate plants not specifically listed in the"Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants,"use the a minimum of 30 percent magnesium carbonates, ground so that not less than 90 percent and debris, and legally dispose off Owner's property. appropriate matrix type. passes a 1 0-mesh sieve and not less than 50 percent passes a 1 00-mesh sieve. ball or plant.a. Container Grown: Carefully remove root ball from container without damaging root 1 1 5/3/2017 1st SUBMITTAL D. Pre-installation Conference: Prior to beginning plant installations, conduct conference at b. Aluminum Sulfate: Commercial grade. b. Ball and Burlaped Root ball: Do not use plant materials if root ball is cracked or H. Sprigging: project site. c. Peat Humus: Finely divided peat, completely decomposed and free of fibers to eliminate it's broken before or during planting operation. Do not lift plants by the trunk. Remove rope, synthetic 1. The Contractor shall carefully coordinate the sprigging operation being careful not to sprig E. Substitutions: biological identity. Provide in granular form, free of hard lumps and with pH range suitable for burlap, plastic and materials that will not decompose. Remove top 1/3 of wire basket. an area too large or move so swiftly that a reasonable watering operation could not follow. 1. If a plant material or product is not available, the Contractor shall submit to the Landscape intended use or Florida Muck with a texture and pH range suited for the intended use. Florida Carelessness on the part of the Contractor, as mentioned above, shall result in the Contractor being 0 c. Backfill planting excavation incorporating compost mix. Work soil around roots 0 Architect-Owner's Representative for approval, proof of non-availability with a recommendation for Muck shall be delivered in a non-muddy state, reasonably free of clay, roots and litter and liable for the cost of additional sprigs and the replanting of same. CL other extraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth. Florida Muck shall be subject to eliminate voids and air pockets. When planting pit is approximately one-half backfilled, water 2. A successful planting shall be defined as the insertion of 12 live sprigs per square foot. E an equivalent material. When authorized, adjustment of contract amount may be made. No 0 thoroughly before placing remainder of backfill. substitutions will otherwise be allowed. approval by the Owner. 3. An automatic planting machine shall be used, the machine shall insert live sprigs at 1-1/2 d. Repeat watering until no more water is absorbed. After planting, remove excess soil F. Inspection: Landscape Arch itect-Owner's Representative may inspect plants at nursery and d. Bonemeal: Commercial, raw, finely ground; 4 percent nitrogen and 20 percent phosphoric to 2 inch centers and roll the surface smooth on one pass. A minimum rate for sports field shall be 0 acid. and rake plant beds to a smooth even surface conforming to required finish grades. 400 bushels per acre and sprigs shall be"cut in" mechanically. project site prior to planting, for compliance with plans. The Landscape Architect-Owner's e. Superphosphate: Soluble mixture of treated minerals; 20 percent available phosphoric acid. e. Upon completion of plant installations, fertilize according to specifications. 4. After planting, sprigs must be watered to avoid drying out. Watering must be maintained Representative may inspect plants at any time for size and condition of balls, root systems, insects, f. Sand: Clean, washed builder's sand, free of toxic materials, free of salt, weeds, sticks and f. Tree pits in non-irrigated areas shall be installed with super absorbent, according to until the sprigs tack down, about 14 days, then reduced to kept the sprigs well irrigated until injuries, latent defects, and reject plant materials at any time during progress of work. Contractor other debris. Sand shall conform to ASTM C3 for five aggregates. manufacturer's recommendations. complete coverage is obtained. Insects such as army worms are the biggest insect threat and can Lb shall remove rejected plants from project site. The Landscape Arch itect-Owners Representative's M g. Perlite: Conforming to National Bureau of Standa s PS 23. 9. Water thoroughly after planting, taking care not to cover plant crowns with wet soil. completely destroy a stand of immature sprigs overnight, it is the Contractors responsibility to preliminary inspection is not to be construed as acceptance until such time as a written final 10. Protect plants from hot sun and wind; remove protection if plants show evidence of acceptance inspection is received. h. Vermiculite: Horticultural grade, free of toxic substances. monitor and treat all infestations as may be required. i. Sawdust: Rotted sawdust, free of chips, stones, sticks, soil, or toxic substances and with 7.5 recovery from transplanting shock. 5. The sprigs must be properly fertilized until completely grown in (about 12 weeks in C> 11. Finish Grading: Level planting area to a smooth, uniform surface with loose, uniformly Q 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING pounds of nitrogen uniformly mixed into each cut ic yard of sawdust. optimum season -do not attempt to sprig past August 1). Apply 1 lb of nitrogen/1,000 square feet IV fine texture. Roll and rake, remove ridges, and fill depressions to meet finish grades. LO A. Prior to materials being shipped from supplier, Landscape Architect-Owner's Representative j. Manure: Well rotted, unleached stable or cattle rr anure containing not more than 25 percent per week, applied in 2, 1/2 lb applications for 12 weeks. The nitrogen source shall be 75%water THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR r-" 12. Upon completion of plant installations, fertilize according to specifications. C4 may inspect materials on-site or through the submission of photographs. Refer to the plant by volume of straw, sawdust, or other bedding mi iterials and containing no chemicals or soluble and 25%water insoluble. Test soil and apply lime as needed to meet, then apply a CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED d. J 13. Tree and Shrub Pruning: Prune, trees and shrubs according to International Society of ABOVE schedule within the project plan set for specific plants requiring on-site tagging-inspection. ingredients harmful to plants. Arboriculture standards. Contractor shall prune trees and shrubs to comply with Florida Grades and pre-plant"complete"fertilizer, 10-10-10 at least 21b/M which needs to be lightly incorporated into the B. Do not prune trees and shrubs before delivery. Protect bark, branches, and root systems k. Mulch: Organic mulch shall be uniform in size, shape, texture and free from deleterious Standards. Prune plants to retain natural character. soil prior to sprigging. from sun scald, drying, sweating, whipping, and other handling and tying damage. Do not bend or materials and suitable for top dressing of trees, shrubs, or plants and consisting of one of the 6. Contractor shall be responsible for the planting and grow-in of all sprigged areas. The Ui SHEET TITLE CL bind-tie trees or shrubs in such a manner as to destroy their natural shape. Provide protective following: grow-in responsibilities shall include all mowing, fertilization monitoring, watering and any additional < B. Sod: 0 covering of plants during delivery. Do not drop plant materials. 1. Medium-sized (Mini-sized) pine bark chips, clean, bright and free from weeds, moss, sticks activities required to produce a weed-free dense turf. The grow-in and maintenance period shall be 0 1. Topsoil shall be modified according to recommendations from agronomic soil-testing a C. Deliver plants after preparations for planting have been completed and install immediately. If and other debris. laboratory, prior to installation of sod, see Part 1-General. considered complete when a healthy, well-rooted, even-colored, viable lawn has been established, Z planting is delayed more than six hours after delivery, set plants trees in shade, protect from 2. Areas indicated as"pine straw mulch"shall include mulch that is clean, bright and free free of weeds, surface irregularities and no bare areas greater than 2-1/2 square inch/1 0 square :5 weather and mechanical damage, and keep roots moist. from weeds, moss, sticks and other debris. 2. Remove rocks, sticks or other deleterious material greater than 1 inch in any 1 direction feet, with no bare area greater than 1 sq in each. Contractor shall notify the Landscape V_ Q prior to sod installation. Architect-Owner's Representative in writing requesting an inspection with 48 hours notice to LANDSCAPE (6 1.6 WARRANTY 1. Fertilizer: 3. Finish grade to receive sod shall be uniformly graded and irrigated prior to sod installation. determine final acceptance of all the sprigged areas. co 1. Fertilizer: Pelletized fertilizerwith nitrogen, phDsphorous and potassium in 100 percent Sod shall be laid end-to-end and side-to-side to form a uniform layer of un-broken, un-gapped turf. SPECIFICATIONS V_ A. Warranty: Contractor shall warrant plants for the warranty period indicated against defects V1_ including death and unsatisfactory growth. Contractor will not be responsible for defects resulting slow release form, with the following composition: All uneven edges shall be squarely trimmed to allow close and firm fitting of each piece. All gaps or I= spaces shall be filled to a smooth level with topsoil as specified herein. Edges shall be"heeled-in" Z from lack of adequate maintenance, abuse by Owner, winds of tropical storm speed per a. Composition: 8 percent nitrogen, 2 percent phosphorous, 12 percent potassium +4 W X Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale or higher winds, or acts of God. percent magnesium and all micro-nutrients and finished smoothly without uneven exposure. Place sod with staggered joints closely butted, Cr tamped or rolled to an even surface to the required finished grade. Avoid continuous seam along D 1. Warranty Period for Plant Materials: 1 year from date of final acceptance 2. Warranty Period for Sod: 6 months from date of final acceptance line of water flow in swales. Place sod in rows at right angles to slope. Peg sod on slopes greater than 3:1. < 4. Upon completion of sod installation, sod areas shall be watered to provide a healthy ID S 04. 9 .0 Z growing condition. Watering shall be monitored and adjusted by the Contractor to prevent over or under watering. Z LP-2 0 F co D T S H E E T V_ a. I CITY ATLANTIC'* BEACH (SEC.23-32 TM 1.0 Protective barriers and si,Inage required. Protective barriers and signage shall be installed FIGURE 1. TREE PROTECTION ZONE SIGNAGE around every tree or grour of trees to be preserved prior to commencement of construction, LEGEND PROSSER in compliance with the guidelines in the Tree Protection Guide for Builders and Developers, Community-Management-Energy-Relationships TREE PRESERVATION NOTES published by the Florida D.vision of Forestry and/or any other reasonable requirements TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) GRAPHIC SYMBOLS deemed appropriate by the.,administrator to implement this part. No grade change, storage of materials, vehicles or equipment is permitted within this 20 0 10 20 13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 1). ALL PRESERVED TREES AND PRESERVED UNDERSTORY VEGETATION SHALL BE PROTECTED WITHIN A CONTINUOUS (1) Temporary protective barriers shall be placed at least six(6)feet from the base of any TPZ. This tree protection barrier must not be removed without the written EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0229 TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE AT THE EDGE OF THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE tree,and shall encompass at least fifty(50)percent of the area under the dripline of any authorization of the City of Atlantic Beach. For information, call (904)247-5800. UNDERSTORY VEGETATION UNDER PRESERVED TREES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL WEEDS, DEAD LIMBS, tree or trees to be preserved or retained for mitigation credit, unless otherwise approved FALLEN BRANCHES AND TRASH IN PRESERVED AREAS. PROTECTED PRESERVED TREES SHALL BE TRIMMED PER ANSI by the administrator. ---- Office 904.739.3655 (D)Adjacent properties.The property owner(s)or their agent(s)shall ensure protective EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN Fax 904.730.3413 STANDARDS. (2) Temporary protecti te barriers shall be at least three(3)feet high,and shall consist of barricading of all trees located on adjacent properties,that have root or branch systems that either a wood fence with ty fo-by-four posts placed a maximum of eight(8)feet apart with encroach upon the subject property, and that may potentially be impacted by development 2). THE CONTRACTOR PERFORMING THE SITE CLEARING SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FINES LEVIED AND/OR a two-by-four minimum top rail,or a mesh fence,or other similar barrier which will limit activities. www.prosserinc.com MITIGATION REQUIRED BY ST. JOHNS COUNTY FOR TREES DESIGNATED FOR PRESERVATION BY THIS PLAN WHICH ARE access to the protected area, unless otherwise approved by the administrator. (Ord. No.95-10-10 1,§2(Exh.A),2-22-10) Florida Certificate of Authorization PURPOSELY OR OTHERWISE DESTROYED DURING THE SITE CLEARING ACTIVITIES. (3) Waterproof, rigid sii In(s)shall be affixed to each individual barricade, such that there is Number: 00004050 3). NO CLEARING OPERATIONS SHALL COMMENCE PRIOR TO A SITE VISIT BY CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OFFICIALS TO one(1)sign every fifteen(' 5)feet along the length of the barricade. The signs shall EXAMINE THE TREE BARRICADES AROUND PRESERVED TREES AND UNDERSTORY VEGETATION. contain the following words, and will be made available by the city at the time of permit issuance: 4). THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED IF ANY QUESTIONS ARISE CONCERNING THE REMOVAL OF ANY TREES. AHERN ......... ------ ------------- --------- L Q& W1 - - MEOW TOWN HOMES <� -.ryj) Js IW' 111111111 r#877-T'7ALAM -WLAO 16WPINE, I 10) 1,M i" (#11)20 1101' 12-PALM I NIEL I 16"PALM ATLANTIC BEACH --116'LAUREL OAK (16),47VELIVE OAK 1C --I (#9) 16"PALM (#10).30"LIVE OAK V) '31 8'0.C. MAX IZN�0.C. 50%OF DRIPLINE :r LL_ 77 (n T_ 1 111111 H-ff ... .. _T1 EX.GRADE 0 U_ 0 V) 2'X4'RAIL TREE REMOVAL PERMIT #1 6-DRTV-217 W c) 2X4'POSTS < M ORANGE COPOLYMER BARRIER (#12) P U_ F4 FENCE FASTENED TO POSTS&RAIL V) C0 NOTES: 1)THIS BARRICADE SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONAL TREES TO BE REMOVED ACTIVITIES. W 2)THE PROTECTED TREES TO BE SAVED SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A PROTECTED TREE < BARRICADE FENCE THAT INCLUDES 50%OF DRIP LINE. ADDITIONAL TREES TO BE REMOVED 3)WHERE EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN ARE BEHIND SILT FENCE,TREE PROTECTION W BARRICADE NOT REQUIRED. LIVE OAK TO REMAIN- 4)CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WORK,STORE MATERIALS,OR DISTURB AREA BEHIND SILT (#22)12 (PREVIOUSLY INCLUDED FENCE&TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE. (121) 12" IN THE ORIGINAL fww PS TREE REMOVAL PERMIT) (118)15-PAL 1 LL PALM W (#2J)50"Ll VEOAK lije7)9'PALM 1 9"PALM ADDITIONAL TREES TO BE REMOVED C �A UMV W an W" Wf2-PALM(#19) (#16)27- LIVE OAK-I --_7W ........................................ e%r .......... Q E ................. PILL__-- ........... TREE MITIGATION NOTES & DETAILS POINT AT WHICH ROOTS ARE PRUNED PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AHERN STREET DATE MAY,2017 EXISTING TREE (FORMERLY ATLANTA STREET) PROJECT NO. : 116073.01 EXISTING GRADE 40' PUBLIC ROW DESIGNED BY : SB DRAWN BY : BHK CALCULATION AND SUMMARY CALE : SEE PLAN No. Date Revision MITIGATION TABLE TREE REMOVAL PERMIT#16-DRTV-217 MITIGATION ASSESSMENT RATIO: SEC.23-33) 1 5/3/2017 1st SUBMITTAL TREE# TR E SPECIES INCHES TO REMAIN INCHES TO BE REMOVE LEGACY LEGACY(OAK) CLASSIFICATION PROPERTY PROTECTED HERITAGE 1 LAUF EL OAK 16 REMOVED (NON-OAK) 2V' OR GREATER OAKS PALMS OTHERS TOTAL PRIVATE PARCELS 1 preserved: 1:1 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION 2 PALN 12 PROTECTED TREES REMOVED 25 112 14 230 77 458 2 removed 0 FOR PAVEMENT BASE AND I 0 11 PALM 16 MITIGATION NEEDED 12.5 1 56.0 7.0 1 115.0 38.5 229.0 CL SUB-BASE MATERIAL E 17 PALM 14 0 18 PINE 16 0 19 LIVE :)AK 18 24 LAUF EL OAK 12 PROPOSED TREES TO BE PLANTED SEE LANDSCAPE a. NOTE ON DISTURBANCE OF TREE ROOT ZONE MITIGATION SUMMARY: REMOVED LO 23 PA LN 11 13 PLAN FOR SPECIFICATIONS 22 PALN 1 16 LEGACY LEGACY(OAK) TREE TYPE QUANTITY IF AND WHEN TRENCHING DOES OCCUR WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF THE TREE THESE STEPS INCHES 64 %_ NEED TO BE TAKEN: 21 LIVE DAK 30 REMOVED (NON-OAK) 20" OR GREATER OAKS PALMS OTHERS TOTAL LT4-CRAPE MYRTLE (4") 11 44 25 PALM 20 C> I PROTECTED TREES REMOVED 0 0 0 105 12 117 QV4- LIVE OAK(4 4 16 T Q' 1). USE AN IRRIGATION OR ROOT-PRUNING TRENCHER TO CUT THE ROOTS AND 31 PALM 20 MITIGATION NEEDED 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.5 6.0 58.5 SP1 -SABAL PALM (1291) 16 19i THIS DRAWING NOT RELEASED FOR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW UP WITH A HANDSAW TO CLEANLY CUT ANY ROOT OVER 1 IN 32 PALM 7 CONSTRUCTION UNLESS SO NOTED DIAMETER. 33 PALM 9 TOTALS - 31. 252 ABOVE 2). NO ROOTS GREATER THAN 2" IN DIAMETER WILL BE CUT. 34 PALM 9 35 LIVE )AK 27 SHEET TITLE 0 3). KEEP ALL MACHINERY OUTSIDE OF 50% OF THE DRIPLINE ZONE TO MINIMIZE 36 IPALN 1 9 MITIGATION SUMMARY: PRESERVED AND PLANTED COMPACTION. 37 PALN 1 15 0 LEGACY LEGACY(OAK) 4). SOIL USED TO FILL IN THE TRENCH SHOULD BE LIGHTLY COMPACTED TO ALLOW FOR AIR 50 PALM 12 PRESERVED AND PLANTED (NON-OAK) 2011 OR GREATER OAKS PALMS OTHERS TOTAL 2 TO REACH THE ROOT ZONE. 51 TREE 12 MITIGATION CALCULATIONS CREDIT FOR TREES PRESERVED 0 107 46 91 16 260 cei 58 PALM 12 t- CREDIT FOR TREES PLANTED 0 0 32 168 44 MITIGATION PLAN o 5). A 24" DEEP ROOT BARRIER NEEDS TO BE INSTALLED FOR ANY EXISTING TREE IN CLOSE 244 1 co MINIMUM TREE REQUIREMENTS PROXIMITY TO A CURB. 59 PALN 12 MITIGATION CREDIT 0 107 78 259 60 504 61 LIVE OAK 50 TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 229.011 Z W 0: 260 117 REMOVED PROTECTED TREES 58.511 D _T_ TOTAL TOTAL REQUIRED PLANTING 287.5 N TREES PRESERVED 260.011 Z ip LJ40W 11 PROPOSED TREES PLANTED 252.0 < S M-1 OF 7 cei TOTAL TREE CREDIT 504.0 .......**' ID'I"- CID SH V_ REQUIRED TREE INCHES TO PAY INTO FL.REG.N 8 V_ DATE:- S H E E T CID FUND @$123/INCH 0'. ($0.00)