06-27-17 CARAC Meeting Agenda                                                                                                                                                                                     CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 27, 2017 Adele Grage Cultural Center 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to order – Chair 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 31, 2017 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Ongoing Business a. Committee Contributions b. Jazz Festival Proposals Update c. Bocce Ball – Jay d. Budget Proposal for 2017‐18 5. New Business 6. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting – scheduled for July 25 b. Agenda items for next meeting 7. Adjournment Upcoming Events Wild Wonders – June 24, 11 a.m. – Dutton Island Songwriters Concert – July 9, 6‐8 p.m. – AGCC Acoustic Night – June 25, 6‐8 p.m. ‐AGCC Artist Reception for Milt Shirley – June 15, 5‐8 pm ‐AGCC Mid‐Week Market ‐Wednesdays, 3‐6 p.m. – Bull Park Senior Aerobics – Wednesdays, 10‐11 a.m. – Baker Center Qigong, Yoga, Meditation – Wednesdays 9:30 am, 6 pm, 7:30 pm ‐AGCC Zumba – Wednesdays, 6:30‐7:30 p.m. – Jordan Center Meditation – Thursdays 8:30 am – Adele Grage Atlantic Beach Market – Fridays, 3‐6 p.m. – 1996 Mayport Road CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Called Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 31, 2017 @ 3:00 pm Adele Grage Theater Present: Grant Healy, Marina Kaplan, Dawn Pope, Pam White, Jay Wilson, Faye Wood, Timmy Johnson (Liason), Della Giovanni (Recording Secretary) Absent: Beverly Norman 1. Call to order – Chair, Grant Healy called the meeting to order – 3:03 pm 2. Minutes from April 25, 2017 approved as written Jay motioned to accept the minutes, Marina seconded the motion, all in favor. 3. Grant advised the Committee that there needs to be a commitment from the members for each event that they sponsor‐he suggests the Committee’s presence at all times. He asked them to be prepared at the next meeting to make a commitment to cover an event. If a member is unable to attend their committed event, he advised that the member should bring it up at the meeting prior so a substitute can be arranged. 4. Recognition of Visitors a. There were no visitors to be recognized 5. Ongoing Business: a. COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS - Grant 1. Reminded that budget commitment has already been approved by the Committee to support: Neptune Elementary Musik Program, Turkey Trot and Giving Closet – amounts remain to be determined. 2. Update on procedure with Kevin Hogencamp and how to approve contributions in the future; Timmy Johnson gave Kevin the recommendations that were discussed by the Committee in March with a suggested application for businesses to apply. Kevin is in the process of reviewing prior to presenting to the Committee for approval. a. TJ – Compared other cities of our size in research for guidance of a successful program. He suggested a Special Called Meeting be scheduled to discuss and determine the contribution process and criteria to move forward. 1. He stated a concern that organizations of the past have not been notified that new procedures are in progress. 2. An email will be sent to the Committee to review prior to the meeting (Pam advised that she will not have access to emails June 6-18). 3. Need to have numbers to be ready to go to the public; need more specific amounts for Jazz budget. 3. Grant - Asked that the Committee has two weeks to review before a Special Called meeting is scheduled to allow ample time to preview. 4. Grant explained that money is available to put towards events, any left over after funding events should go into the “Discretionary” budget. a. He questioned “contributions” vs. “discretionary”. He said that he does not want “discretionary renamed to contributions since other events need to be funded and how it effects a new event if created. 1. Pam asked if they have to do contributions; Grant explained that the Commission assigned the Committee years ago to contribute programs that have become ongoing 2. TJ asked the Committee what they wanted the budget to say – there was silence. i. Faye asked Grant for clarification of his perception ii. Grant explained that if the Committee wants to create a new event, they are limited to funding if they do not have a discretionary line item in the budget to cover the cost. iii. TJ clarified that contributions are set aside for the Committee’s funds available to the public. Once the amount is decided, it becomes public knowledge for organizations to request those funds. 5. TJ advised that the 2017-18 budget has already been submitted to the City Manager; the Committee responded that they did not recall final approval on the budget. TJ agreed to re- send the budget to the committee; he reviewed what was submitted and approved in the minutes by the Committee. 6. Grant commented that he did not want the funding amount to be publicized; a. TJ explained that the amount has to be publicized – public records 7. Faye summarized for clarification that the approved budget does not allow a new event until the following year’s budget and the Jazz Festival would come out of the discretionary amount. a. TJ agreed and explained once that amount is decided, then it becomes a line item, the discretionary/contribution line item amount decreases, then if the Committee comes up with a new event, they can go to the Commission for additional funds for the new event if needed, so not to take away from the public funding of contributions. 1.Suggested for the Committee to decide how much the Committee wants to spend towards the Jazz event. 8. Grant wants to put the available funds towards the Committee’s events not granting of monies since that is not what the Committee’s focus is on. 9. TJ numbers have be finalized at the June meeting. Contributions/discretionary are the same thing, no matter the name-$42,800. 10. Faye asked for clarification of contributing funds to existing programs and wondered if contributions have not been satisfied. a. Jay clarified they have, however the Committee would like to take it in a new direction by deciding how much goes to discretionary vs. amount for contributions. b. Grant shared concern of existing Atlantic Beach programs and how they will be funded. He verified that they too will have to come to the Committee for funding as everyone else. He wants to put the Jazz Festival as a line item then the remaining balance would go into contributions/discretionary. 1. He mentioned that if Kevin does not present something to the Committee, they will go with what TJ presented for them to review and tweak it as needed. He reminded the Committee that it is their decision of the procedure and criteria, no matter what is presented to them. c. Dawn wanted clarification of who is going to filter the people who have been receiving funding automatically and will be upset when they find out the procedure is being done differently. d.Both Jay and Grant said it will be for the Committee to be prepared to address it, they should be notified in advance. 11. Grant wants everyone on the Committee at the Special Called Meeting when the criteria is presented. b. JAZZ FESTIVAL PROPOSALS -Pam 1. Invited three companies to give proposals with criteria for a September 22 or September 29, 2018 event date: Jazz Alliance $15,400, Sight & Sound $23k and Mike Shackelford has not submitted a proposal yet; she suggested to keep it simple in the beginning. She discussed options of keeping cost down, types of entertainers, starting budget, etc. 1. Jay asked that Jazz proposals be sent to the Committee for review prior to the next meeting for discussion; wanted clarification on the funds raised from sponsorship going towards the cost of the event. 2. Faye cannot make June meeting, but agrees with Jay that they should not be asked to make a decision without being able to look at the proposals. c. BOCCE BALL - Jay 1. Informed Committee that final preparations with Jax Surf & Paddle are complete 2. Della reported more than 40 people will be registered 3. Grant reported that 40 shirts have been ordered; Jay said that everyone will get a shirt (even if we have to order more and give after the event) and everyone gets a goodie bag at check-in 4. Check-in is 30 minutes before game time – 8:30 a.m. 1. Jay verified 30 minute games with 15 minute breaks with double elimination brackets 5. Grant suggested that Jay gather players at 8:50 a.m. to go over basics of game & indicate that it is the first year and ask patience as we grow with the event. 6. TJ suggested emailing rules to players in advance – Della to do 7. Food Truck – suggested to have on beach instead of Beach Ave. since parking is limited, suggested Robeks, hotdog vendor/cart, etc. 10. Lanes need to be numbered 11. Grant requested referee information and Committee attendance – Della verified Jay will be the Beach Marshal and attending event would be: Dawn, Jay, Faye, Grant as a participant. 12. Faye will check with Dunkin Donuts for coffee/donuts donation 13. Event taking place rain or shine; members be there 8 a.m. to set up. 14. Will discuss allocation of Bocce Ball funds at June 27th meeting a. Grant - 40 t-shirts donated, any additional t-shirts will need to be paid for b. Jay - Coffee if not donated c. Della – signs and banner, engraved pencil holders 15. Jay called upon Tiffany with Jax Surf and Paddle regarding status of meeting a. Tiffany bringing bull horn to end each game after 30 minutes – Jay suggested using a whistle to end the games b. Bocce sets – Jax Surf & Paddle will bring 4, Jay will bring 2, Tiffany said players will bring own sets, Grant verified to bring a set if they have them c. Goodie bags will be filled with lip balm, surf stickers, bag clip, drink cup d. Reviewed prizes all of equal value: Atlantic Beach Skateboard – donated free, 2 pairs of Dragon Sunglasses, handy man utility tool, surfboard rack, paddle board bag, engraved pencil holders e. Kid Zone for kids will be set up with lessons 17. Della asked for assistance from the Committee to stuff the goodie bags Dawn volunteered with kids 6. Upcoming Events – Grant a. Reviewed Wild Wonders, Songwriters Concert, Featured Artist Reception, Yoga, Meditation, Zumba – members get the word out for attendance 7. Next Meeting‐June 27, 2017 @ 6 pm in Theater a. Contribution process (perhaps at Special Called Meeting) b. Allocation of monies for jazz festival and contributions 8. Adjournment – with no further business, Jay motioned for adjournment, Marina seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 4:17 p.m. ### _____________________________________________________ Grant Healy, Chairperson                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Budget Worksheet 2017‐2018 Program/Event/Agency Budget 2015‐16 Budget 2016‐17 Proposed Budget 2017‐18 Acoustic Night & Songwriters Concert $5,800 $5,800 Arts in the Park $6,500 $6,500 Artisan Faire $800 $800 Bocce Tournament $800 $800 Atlantic Beach Programs $15,500 $15,500 Mayport Middle School $13,000 $13,000 Beaches Resource Center $2,000 $2,000 Dial‐a‐Ride $1,500 $1,500 FACE Program $2,400 Beaches Fine Art Series $3,000 $3,000 Discretionary $8,000 $5,600 Advertising & Mailings $1,800 $1,800 TOTAL $58,700 $58,700 The purpose of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee is to propose, plan, promote, and review artistic, recreational, and cultural programs, exhibits, and projects for the citizens of Atlantic Beach. The committee members are appointed by the City of Atlantic Beach Commission.