Amended Item 1C- 6-14-17 Draft Minutes of CC & BNRPACMINUTES OF JOINT WORKSHOP OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AND BEAUTIFICATION NATURAL RESOURCE PRESERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON JUNE 14,2017 · COMMISSION PRESENT: Mayor Mitchell E. Reeves Mayor Pro Tern John Stinson Commissioner Mitch Harding Commissioner Blythe Waters Commissioner Jimmy Hill BEAUTIFICATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE PRESERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRESENT: Bruce Andrews Timothy Anderson (Left meeting at 7:33p.m.) Dawn Scott Charles "Chip" Drysdale Sarah Andrews Dark Don Ford (Left meeting at 8:28 at p.m.) Linda Lanier Judith Leroux John November (Anived at 6:11 p.m.) STAFF: Brenna Durden, City Attorney Kevin Hogencamp, Interim City Manager Derek Reeves, City Planner Joanie Bowman, Recording Secretary Call to order. Mayor Reeves called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. in the Commission Chamber. Mayor Reeves thanked everyone for their attendance, explained the procedure for the joint workshop and asked everyone to state their name and title. 1. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Mayor Reeves welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. Mayor Reeves opened the Comiesy of the Floor to Visitors. Susanne Barker, 1938 Beachside Ct., Complimented and thanked all of the committee members of the Beautification and Natural Resource Preservation Advisory Committee for all their hard work. She expressed this committee will help enforce what the City of Atlantic Beach already has as it relates to the codes and the protection of the environment. No one else spoke from the audience. Mayor Reeves turned the meeting over to Interim City Manager Kevin Hogencamp. Amended Agenda Item 1C July 24, 2017 Minutes of the Joint Workshop on June 14, 2017 2. Committee reports Interim City Manager Hogencamp congratulated the City Commission on the appointees to the Committee and summarized the formation and history of the Beautification and Natural Resource Preservation Advisory Committee. Mr. Hogencamp explained the two ordinances proposed; one creating an Environmental Stewardship Committee and the second one creating a Tree Subcommittee and then turned the meeting over to the Chair of the Committee, Judith Leroux. Chair Judith Leroux spoke about the document as being a true democratic effort and agreed with the sentiments of Mr. Hogencamp, the Commission did really well in their selection of wonderful people. Chair Leroux read the list of committee member names and thanked all of the members for their impmiant input and love for the City of Atlantic Beach. She also thanked City staff as well as the citizens who contributed to this effort. She explained that the new name of the committee would be The Environmental Stewardship Committee. Chair Judith Leroux explained that the document accurately represents the desires and concerns of the citizens of Atlantic Beach. She spoke briefly about the process of the committee's charge and membership qualifications and explained that it was created in consultation with City Attorney Durden. In summary, she stated that this could potentially be an important mm of our government and an important support and research resource for the Commission and citizens. 3. Joint discussion (Facilitated by Mitchell Reeves, Mayor) Members John November and Don Ford stated that all members were in support of the contents of both ordinances. Mayor Reeves and the group spoke at length about the committee and subcommittee membership numbers. There was a consensus that eleven members would be appropriate for this committee. The group discussed the scope of work that the committee and subcommittees would be charged with and how they would be set up and organized as well as incorporating an educational component. Commissioner Stinson inquired as to whether the two ordinances would be presented to the Commission on the June 26th Commission meeting. City Attorney Durden explained that the language in the two ordinances need to be cleaned up before they are presented, as there is some clarification needed and gave examples. She stated that she would need to work with Interim City Manager Kevin Hogencamp, City Planner Derek Reeves, and either Committee Member John November or Chair Judith Leroux to fine tune the ordinances and could possibly have it ready for the July 1oth City Commission meeting. Commissioner Harding spoke about budgetary concerns and inquired whether there would be language pe1iaining to budgetary consideration within the ordinances. Interim City Manager Hogencamp addressed the budget concems and stated the budget they are proposing will have a marketing and communications line item as well as staffing the meetings with a recording secretary. 2 Amended Agenda Item 1C July 24, 2017 Minutes of the Joint Workshop on June 14, 2017 The group spoke at length regarding the importance of the tree subcommittee ordinance and the tree subcommittee's purpose to review tree pe1mits and serve in an advisory capacity. There was further discussion regarding property rights, community rights, permits, fines, fees, education and of possibly combining the two ordinances. The group was in agreement that these proposed ordinances be presented to the Commission for a vote as soon as possible. Mayor Reeves stated that the City Attorney would revise the ordinances with the language that needed to be addressed and share it with the Commission and the Committee together. City Attorney Durden stated she needed the input ii'om the group as a whole and requested the Committee suggest who they want her to work with to revise the language in the documents and if they are going to conduct it in a group setting, it would require a public meeting and minutes would have to be taken. Chair Judith Leroux suggested a group effmi would be most effective in evaluating the language in both ordinances. City Attorney Durden stated her role is not to determine the policies, that is whatever the Committee and the Commission chose, but that her role was the implementation of the ordinances and clarity of the language. Commissioner Stinson and the group commended the Committee for all the hard work, commitment and dedication that was put forth for this very important cause and thanked them for their effmi. City Attorney Durden suggested, because of the time constraints, they meet Friday afternoon in the Chamber and that in order to properly notice the meeting, would not close this meeting, but would continue the meeting until Friday at a specific time. She stated they would examine both documents at that meeting and she could produce a redline version to staff by Monday. Mayor Reeves personally thanked all the Committee Members for their vision and tenacity for taking this project and making it their own. He expressed his overwhelming gratitude for the great job they did and thanked them for making this an easy endeavor for everyone involved. Adjournment Mayor Reeves ended the meeting at 8:50p.m. and declared the meeting would continue on Friday, June 16, 2017 at 2:00p.m. in the City Commission Chamber. ATTEST Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk 3 Mitchell E. Reeves Mayor Amended Agenda Item 1C July 24, 2017