Exh 5BAGENDA ITEM #5B JANUARY 24, 2005 MIlVUTES Board Member Review Committee Meeting ' January 13, 2005 CITX HALL, COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 800 SElvIINOLE ROAD The meeting was called to order at 3:30 pm. Those members in attendance were Commissioner Sylvia N. Simmons, City Manager Jim Hanson, City Clerk Donna L. Bussey, Chief Building Official Don Ford (Board Liaison), and Tree Conservation Board Chair Maureen Shaughnessy. "The purpose of the meeting was to interview applicants to fill the vacancy on th,e Tree Conservation Board. The following applicants were interviewed: Stephanie Catania, Ed Raube and Jamie Fletcher. Mr. Hanson introduced the committee members to each candidate and Mr. Ford explained the responsibilities of Tree Conservation Board members. The interviews were conducted.. Eaoh candidate explained their interest in serving on the board and their experience and involvement in the community. At the completion of the interviews ,the committee discussed each applicant. . ., , ' Although the committee found all of the applicants to be suitable, it was the consensus of the committee to recommend appointing Jamie Fletcher for the current vacancy. Mr. Fletcher impressed the committee with his willingness to listen, his previous involvement with the Teen ' Council and First Night events, his professional experience with facilitating meetings, and his . , enthusiasm for volunteering. Mr. Fletcher has been a resident for fifteen years. ' ' Mr. Ford advised the committee that a second vacancy was anticipated in six weeks. It was decided that the committee should make a recommendation for that vacancy as well.. It was the consensus of the committee to recommend Stephanie Catania for the anticipated vacancy. " . Mrs, Catania's qualities included completing a course in Master Gazdening and volunteering for various boards, committees and community programs. She indicated she had been a resident of Atlantic Beach for eleven years and is impressed by the beauty and spirit of the city. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm. ~]'l/Y~~L Donna L. Bussey City Clerk