07-11-17 CARAC Meeting Minutes vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Called Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 11, 2017 @ 6:30 pm Adele Grage Theater Present: Grant Healy, Marina Kaplan, Beverly Norman, Dawn Pope, Pam White, Jay Wilson -late, Faye Wood, Timmy Johnson (Liason) Absent: Della Giovanni (Recording Secretary) 1. Call to order -Chair, Grant Healy called the meeting to order - 6:30 p.m. 2. Recognition of Visitors a. There were no visitors to be recognized Grant reminded the Committee the purpose of the Special Called Meeting - to discuss a new procedure for contributions granted to organizations, as proposed by inttrim City Manager, Kevin Hogencamp in March. a. Timmy Johnson reviewed the forms that were sent to the Committee from Kevin and confirmed which form they decided to work off for revision based on Committee's response. 1. Met with Marina Kaplan to combine the new application and procedures with a timeline. The Committee was thankful to Marina for her input and time she took to work on this. b. Grant requested a motion to adopt the application form/process as presented c. Dawn motioned to adopt the application form, Beverly seconded the motion ] . Discussion: Pam White stated confusion on who can apply, only 50l c3/tax exempt? She felt it was not stated clearly. d. Pam motioned to look at proposed procedures jointly as one package with guidelines, application form and timeline. Marina seconded the motion. 1. Discussion: Pam addressed that the outline of procedures only discusses 501c3 organizations, no exceptions listed or options for exceptions. She questioned the outlined criteria, suggested it be more specific. (was referring to the wrong package) 2. Grant referred to page 3 that explained outlines of qualifying criteria, referring to revised packet by Marina. 3. Marina agreed that after organizations, summary of page 3 should be included on page 1 which will include school districts/organizations. 4.Timmy explained that all schools are non-profit - add schools/districts providing funding for After School programs for funding available. S.Grant advised the Committee that until now, there hasn't been a strict guideline on who has been getting funding. 6. Jay questioned the maximum amount of $ l Ok; Grant referred to page 1 in response. 7. Timmy reviewed why $ l Ok became maximum amount. 8. Pam suggested $5k maximum amount with no minimum 9. Marina suggested to say range of $500-$] Ok; do not say "no minimum." 10. Jay asked if the annual amount will change, perhaps use a percentage each year. Dawn indicated that a percentage causes more room for error. 11. Marina clarified for the 2017-18 fiscal year only, not annual. 12. Beverly mentioned that most requested have been lower than $5k 13. Timmy explained that if applicants request higher than $5k and qualification says $5k, applicant did not review the criteria and will be thrown out. He reviewed amounts given out last year. 14. Marina suggested wording to $100-5k for range, made note that no one is going to request less than $100, favored by Committee. 15. Grant asked Committee what they thought of the timeline; reviewed dates/showed concern of how long Interim City Manager will take to review considering timeframe taken to give procedures. He mentioned that if the ICM moves it back to weeks, everything on the timeline moves back two weeks. 4. Events - Timmy a. Suggested the Recreation Department take on responsibility of existing events and coordinate them; reach out to the Committee for assistance as needed and for volunteering. Members will volunteer and host the events. I. New Events, such as Bocce Tournament and Jazz Festival, the Committee organize with assistance from the Recreation Department. Member(s) take lead on organizing with guidance from City Staff. 2. Grant said that new events need attention from the Committee. b. Committee agreed that this is their perspective on Event Planning. c. Marina requested that directives given out to Committee when needed. d. Dawn said she likes that the Committee can now focus on planning events and not having organizations ask for funding throughout the year. Jazz Festival - Pam shared with the Committee involvement of putting together vs. having professional organizers a. Grant suggested she get with Della for guidance 6. Next Meeting -July 2S, 2017 @ 6 p.m. in Theater a. Discuss remaining funds in budget ass, Marina motioned for adjournment, Dawn seconded the motion to ; unanimously adjourned at 7:10 p.m.