09-05-17 CARAC Agenda Packet } iltoezr .x CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Adele Grage Cultural Center 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to order- Chair 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from July 25, 2017 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Ongoing Business a. Pickleball Suggestion b. Committee Contributions c. Jazz Festival Proposals Update d. Artisans' Faire 5. New Business a. Contract for Theater Use b. Meeting Time Change c. Upcoming Events 6. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting- scheduled for September 26 b. Agenda items for next meeting 7. Adjournment Upcoming Events Songwriters Concert-September 10, 6-8 p.m.-AGCC Acoustic Night-August 27, 6-8 p.m. -AGCC Artist Reception for James Brady-August 17, 5-8 pm -AGCC Mid-Week Market -Wednesdays, 3-6 p.m. - Bull Park Senior Aerobics-Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m.- Baker Center Qigong, Yoga, Meditation -Wednesdays 9:30 am, 6 pm, 7:30 pm -AGCC Zumba-Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. -Jordan Center 4 Meditation -Thursdays 8:30 am -Adele Grage CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH e:' ‘ sJ CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes Tuesday,July 25, 2017 @ 6:00 pm Adele Grage Theater Present: Grant Healy,Marina Kaplan,Beverly Norman,Dawn Pope,Pam White,Jay Wilson-6:55 pm arrival, Timmy Johnson (Liason),Della Giovanni(Recording Secretary) Absent: None 8. Call to order—Chair,Grant Healy called the meeting to order—6:05 pm 9. Minutes from June 27,2017—Pam asked to discuss last portion of minutes regarding artists from Arts in the Park. Grant explained it needs to be on the Agenda if it will need to go to a vote. Timmy Johnson explained if for discussion,can be discussed at the end of the meeting. Beverly motioned to accept the June 27 minutes,Dawn seconded the motion. Also Special Called Meeting minutes from July 11,2017 were approved as written.motioned by Dawn,seconded by Beverly; all in favor for both minutes. 10. Recognition of Visitors—none present 11. Ongoing Business: Grant Healy moved agenda item 4B up for discussion a. COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS -Grant 1. Reviewed process of procedures for Contributions/timeline;Kevin Hogencamp has given approval to go ahead as written. b. BUDGET PROPOSAL—Grant 1. Presentation to Commission went well c. JAZZ FESTIVAL-Pam White 1.Timmy Johnson sent out samples of musicians to Committee, Pam asked input from them: a. Suggest Chris Thomas Band as headliner b. Contacting distributors to sell beer/wine;great concern of controlling beverage intakes;turning over to Recreation Department since there seems to be more legal issues than what is allowed to work with c. Researching stage options I. Timmy explained that the City has access to a stage through Jacksonville with lighting at no cost II. Mike Shackelford available to assist with professional sound system d. Beaches Fine Arts Concert is September 22,our event needs to be September 15' otherwise it will compete with other events,including WEB.com/end of September e. Checked with football schedules, September 15 does not seem to conflict with any major games f. Food Trucks-Della advised unable to book more than a couple of months ahead g. Thoughts of artists at the Jazz Festival: consensus was to stick to music the first year d. BOCCE BALL—Jay Wilson 1. Nothing to report a. Timmy recommended following changes: have registration cutoff date,have all items/prizes gathered and put together by a specified date e. TURKEY TROT—Timmy 1. Asking for volunteers,get the word out,volunteers needed M-TH of the event a. Dawn volunteered to get Fletcher High Students b. Grant and Beverly agreed to assist during the week not on Thursday 6. New Business a. PICKLE BALL—Timmy 1.Committee approved Pickle Ball to be put at Donner Park,court is complete 2. A resident is asking that the City tear down the Racquetball Court and build a Pickle Ball Court at Russell Park; Kevin Hogencamp is requesting input from the Committee. a. Responses: Dawn mentioned that it is a fad that is temporary;Jay preferred to have Soccer vs. Pickle Ball(attracts seniors-already a league in Neptune Beach, questioned if AB needs to also provide) b. Timmy explained there are 4 courts at Donner Park now; a request from Kevin Hogencamp to get public input on topic c. Dawn questioned how often the courts are used d. Grant assigned Committee to randomly go by Donner Park to see the courts and how often they see being used;also recommended they do the same for the Racquetball Courts and report at next meeting. The Committee was in agreement that they did not see this topic to be a priority. Cameras on tennis courts might show usage of racquetball courts 7. Special Request-ABAA a. Timmy brought to the Committee a request from the ABAA for special allocation to the Commission to help support 12U division to go to Championship/World Series they won the right to attend b. Advised that the Committee has no funds but can make recommendation for City to fund c. Pam mentioned that she did not want the funding to go towards travel expenses d. Grant pointed out that having the team move on,brings attention to our City and publicity; he asked for a motion to recommend funding from special allocation fund;Jay motioned for same amount as last year,$1000; Beverly seconded the motion. Discussion: Pam wants the Committee to be able to allocate how the funds are spent;Timmy suggested requesting receipts for proof e. Grant made a motion for stipulation for$1000 to spend on uniforms,Jay seconded;all in favor 8. Artisans'Faire-Non agenda discussion a. Pam requested to discuss Artisans'Faire;asked for clarification on invites to the event b. Della explained process,which is same as last year-submitted names from Committee Members,gallery exhibitors,festival/show artists,AITP designees,etc. c. Beverly agreed that under extenuating circumstances,artists committed to an event who were unable to attend should be considered for invite as a courtesy and to keep good faith in the community,gives good word of mouth to the community d. Grant suggested not offering an invite when approaching artists but to introduce as a Committee Member and familiarize artists about our programs but not invite in case they do not fit into the venue or may not get invited e. Timmy explained that submitted names or circumstances are not automatic invites 9. Upcoming Events-Grant a. Pam will be running next meeting b. Change in recruiting process for members regarding interviewing and selections c. No new members will be selected for a while until recruitment process is completed d. Some committee terms are longer than this committee's 10. Next Meeting-August 22,2017 @ 6:00 pm in Theater a. Contribution Presentation to Commission b. Changing CARAC meeting time to 6:30 pm c. Event follow up:Jazz Festival&Artisans'Faire d. Review Pickle Ball Results 11. Adjournment-with no further business,Jay motioned for adjournment,Pam seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:20 p.m. ### Grant Healy,Chairperson