08-30-17 Comprehensive Plan -Future Land Use Element - Handout2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I A. FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT A-1 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. Future Land Use Element Goals, Objectives, and Policies Future land use, new development and redevelopment within the City of Atlantic Beach shall be in accordance with the following Goals, Objectives, and Policies and as further controlled by the Land Development Regulations, as may be amended to implement the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Comprehensive Plan. Development areas shall be defined by the land use categories described within the Future Land Use Element and as depicted on the Future Land Use Map, included in this Plan amendment as Map A-1 of the Future Land Use Map Series. Pursuant to Chapter 163.3194(1), Florida Statutes, as may be amended, all Development undertaken, and all actions taken in regard to Development, shall be consistent with this Comprehensive Plan. Further, all Land Development Regulations enacted or amended shall be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, and in the event of inconsistency between the requirements of any zoning or Land Development Regulations, the provisions of this Comprehensive Plan shall prevail. Goal A.1 The City shall manage growth and redevelopment in a manner, which results in a pattern of land uses that: 1) encourages, creates and maintains a healthy and aesthetically pleasing built environment, 2) avoids blighting influences, 3) preserves and enhances coastal, environmental, natural, historic and cultural resources, 4) maintains the City's distinct residential community character, 5) provides for reasonable public safety and security from hazardous conditions associated with coastal locations, 6) that provides public services and facilities in a timely and cost effective manner, and 7) that encourages energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources. Objective A.1.1 Environmental Resources Land development activities and project review procedures shall include requirements intended to protect natural environmental features and improve the physical characteristics of the City so as to ensure the conservation and protection of Environmentally Sensitive Areas, as defined by Policy D.3.2.6 of the Coastal Conservation Element and any other natural resources including wetlands, wildlife habitats, estuarine systems, and surface and groundwater resources. Policy A.1.1.1 Land development within the City shall be permitted only where such development is compatible with environmental limitations of the site and A-2 2010 FAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN only when submitted plans demonstrate appropriate recognition of topography, soil conditions, flooding conditions, trees, vegetation and other Environmentally Sensitive Areas, including wetlands and coastal resources, and habitat protection of rare, endangered or threatened species and areas of unique natural beauty. Policy A.1.1.2 The City shall maintain an inventory of lands, which possess significant environmental features, habitats, and areas of unique interest or beauty. The potential for development proposals to adversely impact such areas shall be considered prior to the issuance of development permits. Policy A.1.1.3 The City shall protect potable water well fields and surface waters from the adverse impacts of development and shall prohibit the establishment of incompatible land uses adjacent to potable water wells. Such incompatible land uses shall include all Industrial and manufacturing uses, but shall also include uses, which have the potential to contaminate surface water or groundwater resources. Objective A.1.2 Wetlands, Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Estuarine Environments The City shall protect, conserve and enhance the natural functions of existing wetlands, marsh and estuarine systems, and other Environmentally Sensitive Areas in order to maintain the quality and function of natural systems and wildlife habitats. Note: The terms "wetlands" or interchangeably "natural wetlands" as used within this Plan shall mean those wetland areas which have been created through natural means or through restoration or wetland creation projects of government agencies having authority over these resources, and shall not be construed to include stormwater ponds, or other manmade drainage facilities, which may be designated as jurisdictional for the purpose of stormwater management, but which are not natural Wetlands. Policy A.1.2.1 The City shall protect natural wetlands and other Environmentally Sensitive Areas, as may be identified by Map A-2 and Map A4 of the Future Land Use Map Series or as may be identified by other accepted environmental survey methodologies, and their functions from the adverse impacts of development by maintaining the following required upland buffers between wetlands and adjacent development as set forth herein and as also implemented through the Land Development Regulations. a) After the effective date of this plan amendment, a minimum natural vegetative upland buffer of fifty (50) feet shall be required and maintained between developed areas and the Intracoastal Waterway A-3 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ICW) regardless of any other regulatory agency requirement of a lesser distance. This requirement shall also apply to the portions of tributaries, streams, or other water bodies connected to the Intracoastal Waterway. Such portions of the ICW and these tributaries, streams, or other water bodies subject to this buffer requirement shall be established by the presence of a Mean High Water Line of the adjacent tributary, stream or other water body as established in accordance with Chapter 177.26, Florida Statutes, and such Mean High Water Line shall be depicted on all Site Plans, proposed development plans, and other documents submitted for review and permitting. The fifty (50) foot upland buffer shall be measured from the St. Johns River Water Management District or Florida Department of Environmental Protection Wetland jurisdictional line. Determinations of vested rights which may supersede the requirement for this 50 -foot buffer shall be made on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Land Development Regulations and applicable Florida law. b) In the case of other natural wetland areas, which may not be directly connected to Intracoastal related streams or waterways as described above, but are part of the coastal marsh and estuarine system, a natural vegetative upland buffer of twenty-five (25) feet shall be required and maintained between development and adjacent wetlands. Where required, such buffer shall be measured from the jurisdictional wetland line as established by the appropriate regulatory agency. c) With the exception of facilities to provide public access for the recreational use of Intracoastal related natural resources, any buffers as may be required by preceding paragraphs (a) or (b) shall be maintained in a natural state with the exception of the clearing of Understory Vegetation as defined by Chapter 23 of the City's Municipal Code of Ordinances, and any such clearing shall be approved by the City and if required, the appropriate State or Federal agency prior to any form of clearing, alteration or disturbance of a required buffer. d) Where remaining natural wetlands have been damaged or degraded over time through previous development, storm events, improper drainage runoff or other adverse activities, but where wetland vegetation and habitat still are predominant in quantity on a proposed development site, all plans submitted for review or permitting shall demonstrate a plan for mitigation, restoration, enhancement or recovery of jurisdictional wetlands. It is the express intent of the City that no net loss of jurisdictional wetlands occur through any A-4 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 Objective A.1.3 Maintaining Residential Character The City shall encourage future development and redevelopment, which 1) retains the exceptionally high quality of life and the predominantly residential character of the City of Atlantic Beach, 2) provides for the preservation and protection of the dense tree canopy, and 3) which provides for varied and diverse recreational opportunities, including the preservation, acquisition and development of public access to the beach, Intracoastal Waterway and other water -related resources, and A-5 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN development action within the City. Any impacted wetlands on a development site shall be replaced elsewhere on the same site or elsewhere within the City of Atlantic Beach. The City shall incorporate appropriation provisions within the Land Development Regulations to further implement this policy. Policy A.1.2.2 The City shall protect wetlands and estuarine environments from the adverse impacts of development and shall prohibit the establishment of incompatible land uses adjacent to wetlands. Such incompatible land uses shall include all Industrial uses, but shall also include uses, which have the potential to disturb, contaminate or degrade wetland functions or natural systems associated with wetlands and estuaries. Policy A.1.2.3 The City shall require that, as a condition of development approval, new construction projects provide effective stormwater management, which avoids the contamination of Environmentally Sensitive Areas, wetlands, marsh and estuarine environments in accordance with applicable water quality standards of the St. Johns River Water Management District, the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit and Stormwater Management Plan and the Land Development Regulations, as may be amended. PolicyA.1.2.4 The City shall not issue development permits that would significantly alter wetland communities and functions. Policy A.1.2.5 New development shall be subject to the stormwater regulations as set forth within the Land Development Regulations, and post development conditions shall not discharge any increased level of stormwater run-off into the City's stormwater system. Policy A.1.2.6 The City shall enforce all applicable wetland regulations, including those as set forth within the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of this Plan, and shall continue to develop and implement comprehensive strategies to provide for the effective protection of wetlands, marsh and estuarine systems, and other Environmentally Sensitive Areas within and adjacent to the City. Objective A.1.3 Maintaining Residential Character The City shall encourage future development and redevelopment, which 1) retains the exceptionally high quality of life and the predominantly residential character of the City of Atlantic Beach, 2) provides for the preservation and protection of the dense tree canopy, and 3) which provides for varied and diverse recreational opportunities, including the preservation, acquisition and development of public access to the beach, Intracoastal Waterway and other water -related resources, and A-5 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN which provides for and maintains energy efficient land use patterns. Policy A.1.3.1 Additional commercial or industrial development shall be permitted only on those lands that are zoned to permit such development as of the adoption date of this Plan amendment, or following adoption of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). In considering any such application for a FLUM amendment, the City shall find that each of the following conditions are demonstrated by the applicant seeking said amendment. a) There are adequate public facilities available to serve the proposed development. b)The proposed commercial or industrial development shall not have adverse impacts to surrounding neighborhoods, other properties, the natural environment, the aesthetic qualities of the City and shall not impair or degrade scenic natural views. c) There is a demonstrated deficiency of commercial or industrial lands within the City to serve the needs of residents of the City for such uses. PolicyA.1.3.2 The City shall continue to rigorously enforce its tree protection, landscaping and buffering regulations, as well as the City's "Adopt -a - Tree° and right-of-way tree planting program. Policy A.1.3.3 The City shall continue to manage, preserve and construct facilities that provide diverse opportunities to all residents for both passive and active recreation, including parks, nature preserves, trails and bikeways, skateboard parks and ball fields, dune crossovers, waterway accesses and associated amenities. Policy A.1.3.4 The City shall not permit, either through public or private action, public access ways to the beach, the Intracoastal Waterway, or other waterways, which are open to the public as of the date of adoption of this Plan amendment, to be closed, vacated or restricted from public use in any manner. Policy A.1.3.5 The City shall continue to expand opportunities and facilities for public access to the beach, the Intracoastal Waterway, and associated creeks and marshes for passive and natural resource based recreation activities, such as hiking and biking, canoeing and kayaking, birding, fishing and other similar activities that have limited impact on these resources. A-6 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Objective A.1.4 Old Atlantic Beach Sites, structures, and neighborhoods, which have been identified as having historic, architectural, archaeological, civic or cultural importance, shall be protected from damage or destruction, and the preservation of such valuable resources shall be encouraged by the City. PolicyA.1.4.1 Sites and structures within the City, which are determined to have historic or archeological significance, and which are found to be worthy of preservation in accordance with standards established by the Florida Division of Historical Resources, shall be protected to the extent possible. Policy A.1.4.2 The City shall encourage the preservation of significant historic and archaeological sites through public information programs, incentives and recognition of the preservation efforts of individuals and organizations. Policy A.1.4.3 The City shall maintain within its Land Development Regulations provisions intended to retain the unique community identity, the architectural character, and the residential scale of that area of the City known as Old Atlantic Beach. Objective A.1.5 Sound Development Patterns The City shall maintain development patterns, which 1) prevent blighting influences and eliminate non -conforming uses; 2) foster diverse and stable neighborhoods; 3) protect coastal and environmental resources; 4) provide proper locations for public facilities and utilities and energy-efficient land use patterns, and 5) which encourage healthy and aesthetically pleasing living conditions. Policy A.1.5.1 The City shall review all applications for development permits to determine compliance with the Land Development Regulations, particularly with regard to provision of open space, required parking, on- site traffic flow, appropriate signage, impervious surface area limits, landscaping and tree protection so as to avoid traffic congestion, hazardous public safety conditions and inefficient land use, which may also result in harmful environmental or aesthetic effects. Policy A.1.5.2 The City shall consider, in conjunction with the issuance of all development permits within its boundaries, the impacts of development upon adjacent jurisdictions, regional service entities, regional planning policies, and hurricane evacuation plans. Further, the City shall cooperate with such entities to ensure equitable, timely, and coordinated urban development activities. A-7 2010 FAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy A.1.5.3 The City shall not permit expansion or replacement of land uses in a manner that is inconsistent with this Comprehensive Plan, as amended. PolicyA.1.5.4 The City shall continue to enforce provisions for landscaping and other buffering methods as set forth within the Land Development Regulations, in order to prevent and minimize incompatible land use relationships, excessive noise transmission, and to provide screening of unattractive views and to enhance the aesthetic qualities of streets, neighborhoods, and public areas of the City. Policy A.1.5.5 Flexible regulatory methods shall be utilized to provide incentives for achieving environmental enhancement, economical land development and energy efficient patterns of land use that provide for an appropriate mix of uses within the City. PolicyA.1.5.6 Commercial and light industrial development shall be located and designed so as to minimize adverse effects on residential areas, traffic facilities and the aesthetic character of the City. Policy A.1.5.7 Public facilities and utilities shall be located and designed to provide the most cost effective service and to minimize public inconvenience Policy A.1.5.8 The City shall permit residential development only in compliance with the residential density limitations as set forth within the Land Development Regulations, and as designated on the Future Land Use Map in accordance with the following table. Table A-1 Residential Land Use Classification and Permitted Density Residential Land Use Classification Maximum Density Permitted per Acre Residential — Low Density RL Up to six 6 Dwellinp Units Residential — Medium Density RM Seven 7 to fourteen 14 Dwelling Units Residential — High Dens' RH Fifteen 15 to twenty 20 Dwelling Units Policy A.1.5.9 The City shall permit non-residential development only in compliance with the following non-residential intensity standards for commercial and industrial land use classifications as designated on the Future Land Use Map and in accordance with the following table. A-8 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Table A-2 Non -Residential Intensity Standards Classification Floor Area Ratio" Impervious Surface Area Limit Commercial 50-.70 Floor Area Ratio 70% maximum Central Business District 50 -.70 Floor Area Ratio 70% maximum Industrial 25 - .70 Floor Area Ratio 70% maximum Public and Semi -Public 50 -.70 Floor Area Ratio 70% maximum The Floor Area Ratio is determined by dividing the gross floor area of a building by the size of the property upon which the building Will be constructed. Policy A.1.5.10 The approximately 28 acres of property located within the City of Atlantic Beach known as the Selva Marina Country Club site, and more particularly described within File No. CPA -2007-01 and Ordinance No. 31-07-05 is assigned a Residential, Low Density (RL) Future Land Use Map Designation. The residential development density of this property shall not exceed 128 Dwelling Units. Proposed changes to increase the allowed development density of this property shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, regarding large-scale amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Objective A.1.6 Preservation of Older Neighborhoods The City shall preserve the sound structural condition and the diverse character of the built environment of the City and shall encourage development programs and activities that are directed at infill development as well as the conservation, redevelopment and re -use of existing structures and the preservation of and re- investment in older neighborhoods. Policy A.1.6.1 The City shall continue to implement code enforcement procedures in order to prevent physical deterioration and blight throughout the City. PolicyA.1.6.2 The City shall encourage and assist in the revitalization of older neighborhoods that provide housing for very low, low and moderate - income residents, particularly neighborhoods containing sound, but aging housing stock, where adequate public services and facilities re existing. Policy A.1.6.3 The City shall discourage redevelopment practices that displace very low, low and moderate -income residents. A-9 2010 FAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Objective A.1.7 Coordination with Other Agencies and Adjacent Cities The City shall coordinate its planning and development activities with the resource management plans of the St. Johns River Water Management District, the Department of Environmental Protection, the City of Jacksonville and the City of Neptune Beach, as well as with other private entities and public agencies, as may be appropriate. PolicyA.1.7.1 The City shall develop and adopt regulations and policies, which are consistent with resource management plans of other government agencies and any special districts within which the City is located. Policy A.1.7.2 The City shall not issue local development permits prior to the issuance of any other required permit from County, State or Federal agencies having jurisdiction and permitting authority over the proposed development. Issuance of a required permit from County, State or Federal agencies shall not be a presumption of any entitlement to a local Development Permit. Objective A.1.8 Post -Disaster Redevelopment The City shall encourage innovative land development approaches and concepts in the event of post -disaster redevelopment, which will have the effect of reducing dependence upon automobile travel, conserving valuable natural resources and Environmentally Sensitive Areas, and preventing property damage as well as threats to human safety and security. PolicyA.1.8.1 Opportunities for encouraging the use of innovative land development practices shall be provided within the Land Development Regulations, Policy A.1.8.2 The City shall continue to be a participating agency in the Duval County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) and shall continue to implement the goals and objectives of the LMS. Policy A.1.8.3 The City shall identify the Coastal High Hazard Area as the area below the Category 1 storm surge line as established by the Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricane (SLOSH) computerized storm surge model as mapped in the Storm Tide Atlas prepared by the Northeast Florida Regional Council as part of the latest Regional Hurricane Evacuation Study pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Policy A.1.8.4 Within residential development areas, that are within the Coastal High Hazard Area, as depicted by the Coastal High Hazard Area map, adopted as Map A-3 of the Future Land Use Map Series and made part A-10 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN of this Plan amendment, the City shall not approve Plan or Map amendments that increase residential densities. Policy A.1.8.5 The City shall not approve changes to Zoning District classifications or amendments to the Future Land Use Map that would have the effect of increasing populations with special hurricane evacuation needs, as described within Chapter 252.355, Florida Statutes. Objective A.1.9 Public Services and Facilities The City shall coordinate future land development and redevelopment with the availability of public services and facilities so as to avoid deficient levels of service as established within this amended Plan. Policy A.1.9.1 Development permits issued by the City shall be conditioned upon the availability of facilities and services necessary to serve the proposed development, and facilities and services shall be authorized at same time said development is approved. Facilities and services shall meet the established levels of service as adopted in this amended Comprehensive Plan and shall be available concurrent with the impacts of development, or an alternative means of meeting concurrency requirements shall be provided in accordance with standards set forth within Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. Policy A.1.9.2 The City shall amend its Land Development Regulations as appropriate to effectively implement the land use classifications as adopted on the Future Land Use Map and as required to meet the Objectives and Policies set forth within this amended Plan. Objective A.1.10 Surrounding Land Uses The City shall continue to maintain a development character, which is compact in form, orderly in its land use pattern, and diversified in its makeup so as to ensure employment opportunities, affordable housing, a pleasant living environment, and cost-effective and energy efficient public services. Policy A.1.10.1 The City shall undertake land annexation only when it can demonstrate an ability to provide services and facilities in a manner that maintains the level of service standards as set forth within this Plan amendment and only when such annexation contributes to the orderly growth and development of the region within which the City is situated. Policy A.1.10.2 Those areas of the City, which are designated as Development Areas, are substantially developed as of the adoption date of this Plan A-11 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN amendment with no opportunity for sprawl development as defined by Rule 9J-5.006(5) F.A.C. The City shall not, however, approve amendments to the Future Land Use Map that would convert areas designated as Conservation to Development Areas where adverse impacts to wetland and estuarine systems would result from development activities. Adverse impacts shall be presumed to result from activities, which contaminate, diminish the quantity or degrade wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Areas, or natural functions and systems associated with such areas. PolicyA.1.10.3 The City shall encourage the clustering of uses in locations where infrastructure facilities are available or where extensions and enlargements can be achieved efficiently, particularly with respect to commercial infill development along the Mayport Road corridor. PolicyA.1.10.4 The City shall actively support the appropriate redevelopment and infill development of the Mayport Road corridor. Retail and service uses that sustain neighborhoods, and encourage a more aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian friendly environment shall be encouraged. New development along Mayport Road shall be in compliance with the Commercial Corridor Development Standards as set forth within the Land Development Regulations. Policy A.1.10.5 Along the Mayport Road corridor, the continuation and proliferation of light industrial uses, automotive sales and repair businesses and other more intensive commercial business activities shall be discouraged in favor of those businesses and uses that provide neighborhood serving retail products and services that generate daily activity and interaction between residents of the surrounding neighborhoods such as banks, drugstores, restaurants, churches, child care centers, grocery stores and similar businesses and uses. Objective A.1.11 Appropriate Land Use Patterns The City shall provide for land use, development and redevelopment in an efficient manner, which supports the land use designations as set forth within the 2010-2020 Future Land Use Map; which enforces the residential densities and the limitations upon the type and intensity of uses, and which results in development appropriate to the sensitive coastal location of the City, particularly with respect to the predominantly residential character and small-town scale of the City. Policy A.1.11.1 The lands use categories, as depicted upon the 2010-2020 Future Land Use Map (FLUM), which is Map A-1 of the Future Land Use Map Series, shall permit the following uses and activities. A-12 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN a) Conservation — Conservation lands shall include those lands so designated on the FLUM. These areas are generally composed of open land, water, marsh and wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Areas. Conservation lands may be either publicly or privately owned. It is intended that the natural and open character of these areas be retained and that adverse impacts, which may result from development, shall be prohibited or minimized. Adverse impacts shall be presumed to result from activities, which contaminate or degrade wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Areas, or natural functions and systems associated with such areas. Permitted uses within the Conservation category shall be limited to the following and shall be further controlled by the Land Development Regulations. Activities intended for the conservation, re-establishment and re - nourishment, or protection of natural resources. Recreation uses and facilities that are customarily described as passive in nature including, but not limited to, fishing, hiking and biking, canoeing, kayaking, and the use of other similar small, quiet low -speed watercraft. Very low intensity outdoor or water -dependent recreational related uses (excluding commercial marinas) that are determined not to be in conflict with the intent of the Conservation category, subject to applicable Federal, State and local policies and permitting requirements. b) Commercial—The Commercial land use category is intended to provide appropriate locations for neighborhood and community businesses providing services and retail sales for the City and the closely surrounding communities. Government, civic, religious, cultural and institutional uses, may also be located within this category. Permitted uses within the Commercial category, along with uses that may be allowed by special exception, shall be limited to the fallowing and as more specifically described within the Land Development Regulations and when located within the respective Zoning District classifications, which are intended to provide a decreasing level of use intensity due to proximity to residential uses. General Commercial. These areas shall include those businesses that provide retail goods and services, which serve the routine and daily needs of residents, including banks and professional services, grocery and convenience stores, restaurants, accredited public and private schools and child care, but not including manufacturing, A-13 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN warehousing, storage or high intensity commercial activities of a regional nature, or uses that have the potential for negative impact to surrounding properties due to excessive noise, light or extremely late hours of operation. Residential uses, not exceeding the Medium Density category shall also be permitted, when in conjunction with, or adjacent to commercial development and redevelopment, provided that such residential development shall not be permitted within the Coastal High Hazard Area. Limited Commercial. These areas shall include low intensity office, service and retail businesses that are compatible when located in close proximity to neighborhoods. These uses are intended primarily to serve the needs of the closely surrounding neighborhood. Large- scale discount super -centers or "Big -Box" retailers or similar intense commercial uses intended to serve a regional market are not permitted within the Limited Commercial category. Professional and Office. These areas shall be limited to small neighborhood scale businesses and professional offices that are compatible with, and have no measurable or noticeable adverse impacts, upon surrounding residential uses. Such uses include offices for doctors and dentists (but not clinics or hospitals), accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, land surveyors, real estate brokers, financial planners, insurance and real estate agents and the like. c) Central Business District — This area contains a well-established pattern and character of development, and permitted uses include retail, office, restaurant, and certain entertainment uses, which contribute to the commercial, civic and cultural vitality of the City as illustrated within the Atlantic Beach Town Center area. The Central Business District is an economic, cultural, historic and architectural anchor of the City. In order to sustain these qualities, new development and redevelopment within the Central Business District shall be reflective of the architectural styles and fabric of the area. Consistency and compatibility with the existing built environment shall be considered in the review and issuance of Development Permits within the Central Business District. d) Light Industrial — The Light Industrial category shall be limited to light manufacturing and production, storage, warehousing and distribution uses as further controlled by the Land Development Regulations. Light industrial uses may have outdoor storage and business related activity, but such uses shall not include processes that create negative effects to surrounding properties due to noise, heat, fumes, debris, chemicals or hazardous materials. A-14 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN e) Public and Semi -Public —These areas include uses such as accredited public and private schools, government uses, buildings, structures, utilities and public services and infrastructure, including police, fire and emergency services. t) Recreation and Open Space — These areas include public and private parks, open space, passive and active recreation areas. Note: Some park and open space lands may be more appropriately designated as Conservation, such as the public lands on the western marsh front. All beach areas that are seaward of private property lines shall be considered as Recreation. Permitted uses shall include active and passive recreation activities including bikeways and pedestrian trails, skateboard parks, ball fields, tennis courts and the like. Public safety uses, including lifeguards, fire, and police services may be located in Recreation areas. The use and development of Recreation areas shall be further controlled by the Municipal Code for the City of Atlantic Beach and the Land Development Regulations. g) Residential — Residential uses shall be permitted in those areas so designated in accordance with the applicable permitted density and as further controlled by the Land Development Regulations and the Florida Building Code. h) Electric Distribution Substations — New electric distribution substations shall be a permitted use in all land use categories within a utility's service territory except those designated as preservation, conservation, or historic preservation on the future land use map or by duly adopted ordinance. The standards as set forth in Section 163.3208, Florida Statutes shall apply. i) Public Schools — Public schools shall be a permitted use in all land use categories except for lands designated as Conservation and lands located within the Coastal High Hazard Area. Policy A.1.11.2 The Future Land Use Map and all Maps included within the 2010-2020 Comprehensive Plan Map Series are adopted herewith as part of this Plan amendment. In the event of any conflict between any Maps and the text of the Plan, the text of the Plan shall control. Policy A.1.11.3 The City's Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations, zoning or other maps, and any regulations within the City's Code of Ordinances related to the use and development of land shall be subordinate to the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map, which is part thereof. PolicyA.1.11.4 Where interpretation is required to determine exact boundaries as depicted upon the Future Land Use Map, boundaries shall be A-15 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN determined by the nearest property line, the right-of-way line of Streets, municipal boundaries, section, township and range lines, or environmental or geographic features which serve as natural boundaries, as may be appropriate. Objective A.1.12 Public Schools and School Planning Any new public schools within the City shall be located in accordance the Comprehensive Plan and with the procedures set forth within the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning, adopted pursuant to Section 163.3177, Florida Statutes, between the Duval County School Board, the City of Atlantic Beach, the City of Jacksonville, the City of Neptune Beach, the City of Jacksonville Beach and the Town of Baldwin and in accordance with Public School Facilities Element of this Plan. Policy A.1.12.1 The City shall maintain its shared use agreements with the single public school within the City (Atlantic Beach Elementary) and shall continue to encourage the shared use of public facilities. Policy A.1.12.2 The City shall coordinate with the Duval County School Board and the Navy to advocate for the retention of elementary and middle schools which serve this community, particularly Navy personnel and their families where these schools serve the particular and special needs of the military community. Objective A.1.13 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Provisions for Public Participation in the Planning Process The City shall have the authority to amend the adopted Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the process established within Chapter 163.3184, Florida Statutes and shall, establish procedures to provide for the review and amendment of the Comprehensive Plan. Policy A.1.13.1 As required by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the City shall prepare and adopt an Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) in accordance with the schedules and procedures as established by the State land planning agency. Policy A.1.13.2 The City shall provide for the public notification, review and the public participation in all amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and also in the preparation and adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. Policy A.1.13.3 The City shall not support amendments to the Future Land Use Map or A-16 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN the Plan, which would authorize development within Conservation and Environmentally Sensitive Areas that may be reasonably foreseen to have adverse impacts to such areas unless such impacts are mitigated with equal resource replacement within the City. PolicyA.1.13.4 Applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan shall be reviewed and evaluated based upon the following factors: a) consistency with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Plan; b) consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan and the Northeast Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan; c) consistency with other adopted policies and plans of the City, the County, the State or other agencies having regulatory authority over the City; d) the potential for adverse impacts to Environmentally Sensitive Areas, the natural environment or the aesthetic quality of the City, or d) the potential to cause deficiencies in adopted levels of service or to adversely impact available water supplies, public facilities, infrastructure and services. Objective A.1.14 Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation The City shall encourage the development and use of renewable energy resources in order to conserve and protect the value of land, buildings, and resources, and to promote the good health of the City's residents. Policy A.1.14.1 The City shall maintain an energy efficient land use pattern and shall continue to promote the use of transit and alternative methods of transportation that decrease reliance on the automobile. Policy A.1.14.2 The City shall continue to encourage and develop the "walk -ability and bike -ability" of the City as a means to promote the physical health of the City's residents, access to recreational and natural resources, and as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Policy A.1.14.3 The City shall develop and implement an energy management plan to minimize electric, fuel and water resources in City buildings, fleet vehicles and on public properties. Policy A.1.14.4 No action of the City shall prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting solar collectors, or other energy devices based on renewable resources from A-17 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element -GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN being installed on a building and as further set forth within Section 163.04, Florida Statutes. Policy A.1.14.5 Public buildings and facilities shall be constructed, and adapted where reasonably feasible to incorporate energy efficient designs and appropriate "green" building standards. Green Building standards that should be observed are contained in the Green Commercial Buildings Designation Standard, Version 1.0, published by the Florida Green Building Coalition, Inc. Policy A.1.14.6 The City shall continue to promote and enforce energy efficient design and construction standards as these become adopted as part of the State Building Codes. The City shall also promote commercial and residential standards that are promulgated from time to time by the Florida Green Building Coalition, Inc. Objective A.1.15 Military Compatibility and Coordination with Naval Station Mayport The Florida Legislature finds that incompatible development of land close to military installations can adversely affect the ability of such an installation to carry out its mission; that such development also threatens the public safety because of possibility of accidents occurring within the areas surrounding the military installation; that the economic vitality of a community is affected when military operations and missions must relocate because of incompatible urban encroachment; and that it is desirable for local governments to cooperate with military installations to encourage compatible land use, help prevent incompatible encroachment, and facilitate the continued presence of major military installations. The City of Atlantic Beach, as a municipality in close proximity and with strong cultural and economic ties to Naval Station Mayport, shall cooperate with the military installation, shall coordinate on land use decisions that may affect the mission of the military installation, and shall support development practices that are compatible with the land uses of the military installation. PolicyA.1.15.1 The City of Atlantic Beach shall transmit to the Commanding Officer, Naval Station Mayport, or his or her designee, information relating to proposed changes to comprehensive plans, plan amendments, and proposed changes to land development regulations, which, if approved, would affect the intensity, density, or use of land in close proximity to the military installation. At the request of the Commanding Officer, the City of Atlantic Beach shall also transmit copies of applications for development orders requesting a variance or waiver from height or lighting restrictions or noise attenuation reduction requirements within areas defined as being in a zone of influence of the military installation, A-18 2010 FAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Bernard — GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN as defined in Map A-6, Military Influence Zone, of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map Series. The Commanding Officer shall be afforded adequate opportunity to review and comment on the proposed changes prior to final action. Policy A.1.15.2 The Commanding Officer, Naval Station Mayport, or his or her designee, may provide advisory comments to the City of Atlantic Beach on the impact of such proposed changes may have on the mission of the military installation. Such advisory comments shall be based on appropriate data and analysis provided with the comments and may include: a) Whether such proposed changes will be compatible with the safety and noise standards contained in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) adopted by Naval Station Mayport for the on -premise airfield; and b) Whether the military installation's mission will be adversely affected by the proposed actions of the City of Atlantic Beach. The Commanding Officer's comments, underlying studies, and reports shall be considered by the City of Atlantic Beach in the same manner as the comments received from other reviewing agencies pursuant to 163.3184, Florida Statutes. Policy A.1.15.3 The City of Atlantic Beach shall take into consideration any comments and accompanying data and analysis provided by the Commanding Officer or his or her designee, as they relate to the strategic mission of the base, public safety, and the economic vitality associated with the base's operations, while also respecting private property rights and not being unduly restrictive on those rights. To this end, the City shall promote development strategies that discourage incompatibility and provide alternative means to preserve development rights, including the following: a) In instances where these policies result in limitations on the ability of the landowner to utilize their land pursuant to its current land use and zoning designation, the City shall support land use map amendments and rezoning to compatible uses. b) In instances where nonresidential uses that are consistent with current land use and zoning designation, but incompatible with military influence zones, are discontinued for a period of twelve consecutive months or more, the City shall not allow those nonresidential uses to be restarted under the land development regulations. A-19 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10 2010-2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN c) In instances where land within the military influence zone is proposed for development, the City shall require techniques such as Planned Unit Development or Special Planned Area zoning to cluster development away from accident potential zones. The City shall forward a copy of any comments regarding comprehensive plan amendments to the state planning agency. Policy A.1.15.4 The City of Atlantic Beach, in order to facilitate the exchange of information and foster close coordination and communication, shall maintain a representative appointed by the Commanding Officer, Naval Station Mayport, as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the City's local planning agency. The designated military representative shall be notified of all meetings and provided copies of all agenda packets. Policy A.1.15.5 The City of Atlantic Beach shall coordinate grant writing and management efforts with Naval Station Mayport, and the Commanding Officer is encouraged to provide information about any community planning assistance grants that may be available to the City through programs such as those of the Federal Office of Economic Adjustment as incentive to participate in a joint planning process that would further facilitate the compatibility of community planning and the activities and mission of Naval Station Mayport. A-20 2010 EAR Based Amendment Future Land Use Element —GOPS Adopted March 22, 2010 by Ordinance Number 31-10-09 Amended November 26, 2012 by Ordinance Number 31-12-10