09-17-17 Public Meeting Minutes Comissioner-elect Norris MINUTES PUBLIC MEETING SEPTEMBER 7,2017, 1:00 P.M. CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Commissioner John Stinson Nancy J. Pyatte, Recording Secretary Commissioner-elect Norris Call to Order: Commissioner Stinson called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. and welcomed Commissioner-elect Norris. Commissioner Stinson explained the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the incoming elected official's goals and offer insight into their first year in office. He extended his thanks to everyone for coming in during the Hurricane Irma preparation. Commissioner Stinson began with a description of what to expect. He stated to be ready for an abundance of phone calls during the first six months. Commissioner Stinson spoke about his schedule to provide a reference. He stated that he spends up to 20 to 25 hours weekly dealing with City business — communications with citizens and/or businesses, meetings with City staff, and Public meetings. The City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, and the City Clerk are excellent resources for learning procedures and providing insight. Commissioner Stinson suggested obtaining the book, "Making It Work", which is a great resource explaining the relationship between the City Manager and the Commission. Commissioner Stinson also suggested obtaining the book "Roberts Rules of Order" and stated it is a great tool used to run public meetings. He suggested contacting the City Clerk to obtain copies of these books. Commissioner Stinson stated there will be training provided on the Florida Sunshine Laws as well as the Florida Ethics Laws. Notices will be sent when it is scheduled. He encouraged meeting with your fellow commissioners, explaining the meeting must be noticed and open to the public. This can be coordinated through the City Clerk's Office. Commissioner-elect Norris questions: Q: When a citizen presents a problem to a Commissioner what is the next step for resolution? A: Commissioner Stinson stated he notifies (emails) the City Manager, along with a copy to the department, with the citizen's information and issue. The City Manager will then contact and follow-up with the department that handles the issue. You'll be kept in the loop and can follow-up with the citizen. Q: What is the relationship between Commissioners and City staff and procedure followed for meeting with City staff? A: Commissioner Stinson encouraged meeting with department directors about projects or issues that may be coming before the Commission on an agenda for consideration. He explained that you first notify the City Manager and he will coordinate that request. 1 He suggested meeting with all the department directors between now and November to learn about what they have going on, for information gathering. Commissioner Stinson inquired if Commissioner-elect Norris had specific goals she wanted to address in her first year? Commissioner-elect Norris stated she wants to address expanding communication to include more sources, updating the City website, and identifying gaps in City staffing and training opportunities. Also she would like to have end-of-year vision meetings prior to budget planning meetings. The City website is currently being updated/remodeled and Commissioner Stinson suggested coordinating a meeting with Deputy City Manager Hogencamp about the website. Regarding City staffing, Commissioner Stinson suggested coordinating a meeting with the Human Resource Director Berry to discuss personnel topics. Commissioner Stinson suggested coordinating a meeting with Finance Director Caffey to discuss budget items and questions. He also suggested obtaining a copy of the 2017/2018 fiscal year budget. Commissioner Stinson suggested meeting with City Manager Gerrity at the beginning of your term to talk about long range planning meetings. Due to Hurricane Irma preparation Commissioner Stinson stated the September 11, 2017 Commission meeting has been postponed to September 18, 2017 at 5:05 p.m. There was a brief discussion about Emergency Planning and focusing training/practice to include other types of emergency events. Commissioner Stinson explained the process for the first meeting on November 13, 2017, after being sworn in as a Commissioner. The City Clerk, Donna Bartle, is available to administer the oath. If you want someone you know that is an officer of the courts to administer the oath that is also an option. He suggested confirming contact information is on file with the City Manager and Deputy City Manager in order to receive storm updates. Last,he also suggested confirming a City email will be ready for you. Commissioner-elect Norris thanked Commissioner Stinson for this meeting. There being no further discussion, Stinson declared the meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. Adjournment 60SA,et, Mitchell E. Reeves Mayor/Presiding Officer Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk DLB/njp 2