09-05-17 CARAC Meeting Minutes g '41T 11x1/.. , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ) CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE �r s 9'' Special Called Meeting Minutes Tuesday,September 5, 2017 @ 6:30 pm Adele Grage Center Present: Grant Healy,Marina Kaplan,Beverly Norman,Dawn Pope,Pam White, Timmy Johnson(Liason) Absent: Jay Wilson,Della Giovanni(Recording Secretary) 1. Call to order—Chair,Grant Healy called the meeting to order—6:30 pm 2. Minutes from July 25,2017—signed by Grant Healy,motioned made by Pam White,seconded by Dawn Pope. 3. Recognition of Visitors—Ingrid McCauley in support of the Children's First Act Theater Program,Aine Healy Richardson on behalf of Children's First Act, Tracy Gallagher,on behalf of ABET advised she would be the speaker on the organization's behalf; Mayor Elect Ellen Glasser said she is interested in what is going on, volunteering and perhaps give some ideas;Judy Hewlett with ABET Board, Susan Roche with ABET Board, Rhodie Jackson with ABET. 4. Ongoing Business: Grant a. PICKLE BALL-Grant 1. The City asked the Committee's input on Pickle Ball courts and replacing Racquet Ball court with Pickle Ball Court. a. All members in attendance visited Donner Park and Russell Park on separate occasions and found no activity of Racquetball at Russell Park and little activity of Pickle Ball at Donner Park. b. Input from players include: support of having Pickle Ball at Russell Park,a Pickle Ball player indicated he was not distracted with the current lines at Donner Park, A tennis player in another area explained they use tape on the tennis court then remove it when finished for Pickle Ball. Grant asked for clarification of what is expected of the Committee on this topic. 1. Timmy Johnson explained that the City is requesting their input of a demolition of the current Racquet Ball Courts and replace with Pickle Ball Courts at Russell Park. He went on to explain the Motion process for the topic. 2. Pam motioned for Pickle Ball courts have a presence in Atlantic Beach,Dawn seconded the motion. Pam suggested there be open input for residents at a Commission Meeting not just the opinion of the Committee. 3. Dawn asked for cost details of demolition. Grant replied that the City would cover the cost of the demolition and rebuilding of new courts. 4.Marina feels one court at Donner Park is sufficient and should leave it how it currently is. Tennis courts with white lines supersede yellow lines of Pickle Ball. She was in agreement that a demolition is a huge expense. Dawn was in agreement and suggested using the tape idea at the Racquet Ball Courts. Beverly Norman was also in agreement. She questioned that since there hasn't been a mirage of complaints why the recommendation request. 5. Grant put the motion for a vote to make recommendation to Commission after clarifying the vote. Dawn motioned to leave courts as is at this time;all were in favor,no second motion made. b. CONTRIBUTIONS—Timmy 1. Timmy reviewed that Dawn presented the package to the Commission on August 14,2017 and Grant presented the budget proposal to the Commission on August 28. The Commission approved the package and timeline. The Committee reviewed upcoming dates of the timeline for the contribution process. Since Beverly will be out of town,Grant requested she do absentee balloting. Timmy advised that all scores received will be put on a log sheet. c. JAZZ FESTIVAL-Pam 1. Musicians to be decided upon that were sent out by Timmy,who advised that Marina and Jay also submitted names and music of musicians. She requested that Timmy send the additional • _ . music to Board Members for their review and input. Though three are needed,back-ups are highly recommended in case of a cancellation. She questioned if the event is rain or shine. 2. Timmy told the Committee to select the musicians and the Recreation Department would handle sound arrangements. He also confirmed that Culhane's Irish Pub will be providing beer and wine for purchase. 3. Confirmation of date, September 15, 2018 to avoid conflict with WEB.com events. 4. Timmy mentioned that since Pam's term will be out prior to the Ja77 event,someone on the Board needs to assist and be prepared to take over the planning of the event. Pam was in agreement that she should not be coordinating it,though she could assist as a volunteer. 5. Grant strongly stated that the professionals handle the event planning. Pam indicated that UNF did not return her call/request to be included. She said the Committee needs direction to assist the Department as needed for planning. Grant suggested a professional Project Manager be assigned or hired for all of CARAC events and could give the members a list to be done and how they can help,that the Committee are volunteers to assist not plan and do the work. He wants to see the professionals create timelines and advise with direction to the Committee. Grant suggested including in the budget salary for Manager. Timmy and Marina were in agreement that it needs to be put on the agenda for next meeting to discuss. 6. Timmy reviewed the current events the department is currently working on: flag football, Arts in the Park registration,Artisans' Faire,Campout registration and planning,Fall Festival,etc. d. ARTISANS' FAIRE—Pam 1. Questioned how names are decided upon. a. Timmy explained that artists are selected by category not allowing too many of one medium; bringing multiple artists of different kinds to keep event fresh. b. Not everyone submitted gets invited 2. Ads in newspapers need to be done 3. Date confirmation—December 7th from 5-9 pm 6. New Business a. THEATER USAGE FEE—Grant 1. Committee is being asked for input from Deputy City Manager,Kevin Hogencamp,of whether there should be a fee to use the theater and if so how much and should there be a no-show fee assessed. 2. Members were given a copy of the new proposed theater contract that is on the table for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year. 3. He asked ABET for their input on the proposed contract: a. Tracy Gallagher explained they have occupied the theater for the past 25 years,year round,as a non-profit organization that is self-sufficient,which the City has supported with a$200 annual contract and the residents/community has strongly benefitted. b. ABET had a Children's Theater until the fall of 2016 c. Requesting continued residency at Adele Grage Theater for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year. With the proposed contract they would have to pay$17,520 4. Grant explained to the Committee that the difference between the old contract vs the new contract is usage fees,a deposit and cancellation/no-show fees. a. Tracy also addressed Section 7 of the contract regarding getting"bumped"for full paying reservations. b. ABET has agreed to match a contribution of$25,000 with the City to benefit ABET children's theater;will be unable to provide scholarships to underprivileged children and create diversity. c. She added that ABET's contribution for the Grant was to cover improvements to their Children's Theater and stated that the City is using their contribution to cover improvements to the theater. d. Requesting one week guarantee without interruption for technical week prior to productions;requesting a five term contract to remain same as has been for 25 years. 5. Grant asked for input from First Act. a. Aine Healy Richardson explained the organization is now a newly formed 501c3,non-profit and has been associated with the Theater under ABET since • 2010. The program was run independently by Aine with over 1000 students while at the Adele Grage Theater. b. The program continues at AGCC with approval of the Commission for them to be a resident of the community at AGCC. First Act provides scholarships for children to attend for the past three years and a program at the Jordan Center After School program. She is requesting to continue residency in the community,providing the arts to the younger generation. c. She mentioned that the new contract would cost her an additional$3500,and agreed it is a reasonable request. She would like to see that the stage and contract is adhered to and that everyone is treated equally. d. Mayor Elect,Ellen Glasser,asked how the contracts differ and how does it compare to other cities with same programs and if they use public spaces. She also questioned if the new contract is reasonable and need to make sure the City is protected from litigation. 6. Grant explained that the current fee for non-profit organizations is$25 per reserved day and can be bumped for full price reservation,per Code. a. Timmy gave examples how other programs are bumped such as yoga, CARAC, etc. He said that the Code refers to the building not for the theater separately. He is suggesting,due to increased volume requests from residents and organizations that the Code be adhered to for consistency. He added that since the theater is a City Building for City usage,the majority should be the same; fee difference vs. last year. b. Tracy interrupted by saying for 25 years,Code was not being applied. c. Grant went on with the Committee for input to the Commission to have the Recreation Department meet with the Theater organizations for negotiating terms then bring terms to the Committee for recommendation of terms. Judy interrupted and said that negotiations have been going on for a year. 7. Clarification was requested from Marina on topic of discussion,was Committee to give input on each organizations usage or both of them or in general. a. Grant again explained,the theater in general,not a particular group. Marina made a motion for usage of theater fee,Grant seconded the motion. Dawn asked if not a 501c3 organization,are they held to same Code. b. Pam agreed that the use of plays in the theater is good use,and would like to see ABET remain at AGCC. She did not understand the differences in contracts and why the contract was changing. She also wanted to know why the Committee was being asked to address the issue since the theater has been occupied for 25 years why it has to change. c. All Committee members were in favor that there should be a facility with theater usage fee. d. Dawn said that 501c3 organizations should have different guidelines. e. Timmy clarified those rentals which are not non-profit pay$100/hr.on the weekend and$50 per hour weekdays,clarifying that non-profits do have different guidelines according to Code. Six or more rentals are$25 per rental for everyone. The Commission has come to the Committee for recommendation of fee of type and how much,not based on organization. Grant added limitation of number of days and reserving vs not using rental as reserved; ie. No show fee. f. Timmy explained the deposit as a one-time deposit that is returned after contracts are terminated that covers building destruction if any. Fees collected go into the City's General Funding Account. g. The proposed contract,Timmy explained,is bringing all rentals to Code. Past contracts with ABET have been against the Code. If the Committee wants to change the Code,they can make a recommendation to the Commission. i. He has met with ABET and First Act,along with Kevin Hogencamp for fee usage of theater. Committee is being asked to recommend an amount for the fee or invoke a change of policy.After Pam questioned again why it has to be changed,Timmy clarified that ABET has always had a contract and the only tenant occupying the theater for the past 25 years. Now that there is another tenant and - • more requests to use the theater,it is no longer feasible to adhere to the existing contract,since residents are being told they cannot rent the theater or building due to ABET's regular use,along with other organizations. In order to meet the higher demand,we need to make policy for everyone that is the same to avoid legalities against the City. h. In Discussion: i. Beverly understood that increased usage volume,which has facilitated these changes,for a fee and different contracts are needed to meet further demands of other organizations to make requests of the theater as well. She was in agreement that decision of fees should be determined before additional organizations request rental under current circumstances,out of Code. ii. Tracy with ABET interrupted by saying that rehearsals are needed and increased usage is required for rehearsals;that it is crowded in the back room and is crowded when others are renting the other side of the building when they are occupying the building. iii. Dawn questioned Tracy if there were other options for rehearsing elsewhere so not to occupy the building so frequently. 1. Tracy explained that the stage is required for readings as well as rehearsals. iv. Pam asked for clarification of fees charged to ABET that in the past they have paid no fees other than$200 a year. She then questioned ABET where their revenue goes since they only pay$200 annually. 1. Tracy answered: Royalties,music,band, etc. Ticket prices in past year have generated$6000 net,which is used to generate new sets. Awarded Grant money only allows for building improvements. The Cultural Council grants them money that helps with a portion for productions. v. Pam asked if ABET pays or assists in maintenance/upkeep on the theater or does the City. 1. Timmy answered that the City pays for all maintenance, cleaning and repairs to the theater. i. Grant again went over with the Committee that they are to give input in recommending on whether the Commission should adhere to the Code regarding theater usage,if there should be a change in the fee process or keep everything the same. j. Marina agreed that consistency is important just like the Committee did with Contributions as an example. She added that the theater with ABET has been a wonderful contribution to the City and questioned"grandfathering them in". Willing to discuss contract with a fair fee schedule. k. Visitors broke into loud conversation of what is considered being fair for one should be for all,no exceptions. One shouted out that it is a community facility,for public use not just for single organizations to use. 1. Marina motioned to change the contracts with a reasonable fair fee for use of theater. Dawn seconded the motion. Marina also asked if there were other theaters available. Tracy argued that a usage fee is too expensive for them. Dawn made mention of flat fee vs.usage fee. m. Timmy added that the theater has received a Grant for theater improvements, ABET agreed to a matching fund amount,contingent on coming to an agreement on the new contract. He included that there should be a fee for everyone to use the City Theater/Building is what should be considered not who,since the usages are different for everyone. n. Grant asked for a vote for amount of usage fee,no response from Committee. o. Judy with ABET interrupted about an additional fee for using an off duty Police Officer since they haven't had one for the past 25 years was added to the new contract. p. Grant indicated that using an officer is in the Code. He also added that there needs to be a penalty for reserving the facility and not showing up to use it. He also felt everyone should be treated the same,that it is about the theater in general not who is being contracted. q. Ellen spoke up and added that the Committee needs to be careful not to end up with no one in the theater,then asked ABAA usage of fields and how that is handled. She recommended the City Attorney be involved since it is an extreme change to the contract to ABET. Perhaps make an extension of 30 days to current contract until decision is made. r. Grant reiterated that the Commission makes the decision,the Committee only makes recommendations. s. Timmy reminded the Committee that the Code is written to be followed,it does not address a cancellation fee. i. Marina suggested$20 no show fee t. Grant asked to put it on next agenda for further discussion. u. Timmy said he would get input from the new City Manager,Joe Gerrity. v. Dawn suggested the Committee look at the scheduling and overlapping issues. w. Timmy reminded the Committee they also need to allow for public usage as well as theatrical usage. 8. Grant thanked Ellen for her input. She added to check with other cities at the beach to see how it is handled. a. Timmy advised that he has checked and none of them have regular tenants in City Buildings on a permanent basis. b. Judy interrupted by adding that not many theaters use community buildings. c. Timmy asked ABET if they are willing to pay a fee and if so,how much. i. ABET will discuss with the Board at next meeting. d. Timmy will send ABET financial statements to Board Members for their review,along with submitted schedules for the past year. e. Timmy suggested leaving 5-10 business days open to the public for usage since requests are received regularly for entire building,including the theater, since the public is being turned away for private events. If building does not get booked,then allow theater usage by contracted organizations. 9. It was determined that quorum would not be met for the September 26 meeting. October 3rd suggested for Special Called Meeting. 10. Grant asked Ellen to look into how Committees are relating,since this Committee does not reach size limit to have regular meetings. 7. MEETING TIME CHANGE-Grant a. Marina made a motion to change meeting times to 6:30 pm from now on to meet quorum; Pam seconded the motion. 8. Upcoming Events-Grant a. Songwriters Concert date change-September 14 due to storm,Acoustic Night September 24 9. Next Meeting-proposed October 3,2017 @ 6:30 pm in Theater a. Theater Usage Fee&Review of current theater usage schedules b. Jazz Festival Musicians c. Pickle Ball d. Event Planning; responsibilities 10. Ad'•u ment-with no /her business, Dawn motioned for adjournment,Marina seconded the motion ad.g rn • ng. e meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:50 p.m. LI'AA Gra •aly,Chairperson I