3-4-10 - General Special CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION FUND GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES March 4,2010 1. The City o Atlantic Beach General Employees' Pension Board Special Meeting was called to order at 5: 3 PM. The members in attendance were trustees: Malcolm Clemons,Bob Steinfeld, Alan Gleit, arry McNally and Jeri Benjamin. Also in attendance were Nelson Van Liere, Pension Plan Administrator; &Michael O'Shields, Investment Consultant from Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. 2. The Investment Policy for the General Employees' Pension was approved: the motion was made by Alan Gleit, seconded by Bob Steinfeld&unanimously approved. 3. The selection of the Investment Managers for the General Employees' Pension was: Investment Manager Investment Type Selected First Motion Second Motion Approved Opposed Winslow Capital Malcolm Large Cap Growth Management Alan Gleit Clemons All None Metropolitan West Large Cap Value Capital Management, LLC Alan Gleit Harry McNally All None Penn Capital Malcolm Mid Cap Management Clemons Bob Sternfeld All None Small Cap Growth Riverbridge Partners Bob Sternfeld Jeri Benjamin All None Malcolm All but Small Cap Value GW Capital Inc. Alan Gleit Clemons Jeri Jeri Malcolm International Harding Loevner Jeri Benjamin Clemons All None Malcolm Fixed Income PIMCO Total Return Clemons Harry McNally All None 4. Discussion of Investment Policy adopted above: the motion was made by Alan Gleit to amend page 3 to delete MSCI EAFE&add MSCI AC World EX US, seconded by Malcolm Clemons¢i unanimously approved;the motion was made by Alan Gleit to amend page 5 to delete interest rate swaps &add derivatives with the disclaimer the Board prefers not to have them, seconded by Harry McNally&unanimously approved. 5. No New Business. 6. Adjourn—the motion was made by Harry McNally&the meeting was adjo 1 -d at 7:04 PM 4 i Malcolm Clemons Alan Gleit , Chair Secretary