07-28-75 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA July 28, 1975 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of the Minutes of July 14, 1975 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence 6. Commission Consideration A. Letizia ° s Restaurant - Request for C.O.P. Permit B. Western Natural Gas - Tank addition to existing plant in Section "H" C. Budget Transfer from Account 1051 to Account 216 $10, 000. 00 D. Approval of Planning Service Contract from Milo Smith and Associates E. Consideration of Mr. Park' s report 7 . City Clerk 8. Chief of Police 9. Director of Public Works 10 . City Manager 11. Commissioners 12. Mayor 13 . Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JULY 28, 1975, AT 8: 00 P. M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Robert R. Rosborough, II F. W. Fogg Robert B. Cook, Sr. , Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, City Clerk ABSENT: L. W. Minton, Jr. Commissioner The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Cook, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutds of the meeting of July 14, 1975 were approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried. Recognition of Visitors Mr. George Bull, Jr. , 47 - 11th Street, read the following letter to the City Commission: "I would like to take this opportunity to voice my opinion relating to the construction now taking place at the above captioned location. The following items have been observed. 1. Vehicular traffice conjestion has more than doubled. 2. Due to increased skate board traffic, there is a good possibility that the National Skate Board Championship will be held at this access next year. 3 . The intentions of Mr. Dick Hilliard, Public Works Director, have not been accomplished as previously indicated by him. a. The pavement is too hot to walk or sit on. b. Due to the increased activity, lounge seating at high tide is almost impossible . 4. Due to improper grading and construction, the foundation of Mr. Johnny E. Tucker' s concrete block privacy wall has been under- mined, thus opening the possibility for collapse. MINUTES JULY 28, 1975 PAGE TWO 5. Transient activity (non resident) has increased. a. Overnight parking, sleeping in cars, campers, vans and sleeping bags has increased and become a noise factor throughout the entire night . 6 . Litter has increased both on the access and adjacent resi- dents property. 7 . The access is aesthetically as well as ecologically distasteful. 8. The steps from the seawall to the beach have the following problems. a. The riser-tread ratio does not meet the stair require- ments as prescribed in Section 11 page 11-11 of the Southern Standard Building Code. Several weeks ago, I was informed by the Mayor that all such accesses in the City would be reworked in a similar manner as 11th Street. At a special City meeting, that same night, Mr. Maxwell Dickinson, property owner at 12th Street was told that the access adjacent to his property would not be reworked and there is no evidence that any of the other accesses are being reworked. Thus the funnel of traffic becomes the problem of the lith Street property owners. It is my request to the City of Atlantic Beach that the follow- ing be considered. 1. Do not wreak the same havoc of 11th Street on any other property owners at any other street access. 2 . Remove the asphalt paving and limerock from the new curb line East to the concrete apron adjacent to the seawall. 3 . Replace the area of removal with top soil and sod. 4. Allow adjacent property owners to mow, maintain and police this grassed area. 5. Enforce the no parking zone on the North side of the access. MINUTES JULY 28, 1975 PAGE THREE It is my understanding that approval of this waste of the tax payers money was never brought before the City Commission. Please clarify. The city seems to take every measure to utilize professional help in water, sewer, medical, insurance and other services, but seems to be of the posture that some planning, architectural and aesthetically related services need no consulting or pro- fessional guidance. In these areas, with proper advive and guidance, we have the opportunity to provide public areas that complement and upgrade our neighborhoods and provide a use indicative of our community. The 11th Street access does not accomplish this. " Mayor Howell then asked Mr. Hilliard what other street ends have been done in a similar way? Mr. Hilliard reported that work has been done on Ahern Street and 10th Street. Mayor Howell stated that there might be some problem on 11th Street about the slop of the paving which would draw skateboarders. Maybe the city should re- move the black top from a point on back. Mayor Howell stated that a questionaire has been received from the Corps of Engineers in re- gard to parking facilities. The city is going to have to take this into consideration. The city has public streets and in some areas the city is going to have to provide public parking. Mayor Howell stated that a curb has been placed on the black top to stop traffic and as far as the city commission is concerned, if everyone wants it removed, then the city will remove it. The city is in no position to go along and beautify oceanfront ends and keep them beautified. Mr. George Bull volunteered to keep the area mowed and policed. Commissioner Rosborough stated that it seemed to him that the city has a unique problem on some of the street ends in that people live on oceanfront and people have to have ingress and egress to their property . Commissioner Cook suggested that each of the commissioners look at the situation on 11th Street and discuss it at the next meeting. There were no objections from the city commission. Mr. Hilliard requested that a committee be appointed to instruct him how to proceed with the street ends. MINUTES JULY 28, 1975 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Cook stated that he thought there seemed to be a difference of opinions as to what is better. The commissioners need to look at 11th Street and decide at the next meeting how to proceed. Mayor Howell suggested that this be passed over to the next meeting and all work be stopped on street ends. Mrs. William Koenig, 780 Redfin, asked about the possibility of putting speed breakers at the Pic N Save parking lot. Mayor Howell stated that the Pic N Sav is private property and the city has no control over it. Letizia' s Restaurant - Request for C.O .P . Permit Mr. Vogel stated that Letizia ' s Restaurant requested permission to sell alcoholic beverages. Letizia ' s is located east of the cut-off line, which is Sylvan Drive. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Letizia what catagory the restaurant is under the Florida Statutes? Mr. Letizia stated that the request to sell alcoholic beverages is being made under the Florida Statutes pertaining to "restaurants" . Mayor Howell stated that the only way the city commission could re-zone the property is that if the serving of alcoholic beverages is in- cidental to the serving of food. If Letizia ' s falls into this catagory, then the city commission will give it consideration. He suggested that Mr. Letizia find out what the state requirements are in this case and if the restaurant will be able to meet the state requirements . Otherwise, it will be an exercise in futility for the city commission to proceed. Western Natural Gas - Tank Addition to Existing Plant in Sec. H Mr. Vogel presented plans to the city commission for an additional storage tank at Mayport and Levy Road. He stated that it is zoned Business B. After lengthly discussion about the size of the pro- perty, it was moved by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried to grant the tank addition to the existing plant in Section H subject to Western Natural Gas Company owning all six lots as presented in the plans . Resolution No. 75-9 Budget Transfer Mayor Howell presented Resolution No. 75-9 transferring money from Account No, 1051 to Account No. 216 . It was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that Resolution No. 75-9 be adopted. Copy of said resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof, MINUTES JULY 28, 1975 PAGE FIVE Approval of Planning Service Contract from Milo Smith & Associates Mr. Vogel stated that several months ago the city commission approves: hiring Milo Smith and Associates to draw up a master plan for the city. Approval is needed for the Mayor to sign the contracts with Milo Smith and the State of Florida. Mayor Howell explained that the plan is basically a complete use study of the entire City of Atlantic Beach. Milo Smith & Associates are experts in this field. They will recommend certain changes to be made in zoning, parks and recreation, etc. They are required to have public hearings in order to have imput from the citizens. The contract is strictly in line with the application that the City of Atlantic Beach submitted to the Federal Government. It was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried to authorize Mayor Howell to sign the contract with Milo Smith & Associates and the State of Florida. Consideration of Mr. Park's Report Mr. Parks stated that the Water Supply Facilities Report was sub- mitted several weeks ago and on the 14th of July he submitted a supplement to that report. The city commission requested that he give consideration to some of the items in the report and tonight Mr. Parks submitted a letter which explains the pricing on the new water meters. This price includes fittings, valves, and paving replacement. He recommended that another meeting be called. Mayor Howell stated that a special meeting will be called in order to discuss the report. Director of Public Works Mr. Hilliard stated that he had been notified by Mosquito Control that any of the existing ditches that they dug years ago and have maintained, that as building is done near them or around them, the ditch must have a 50 foot easement on one side of the ditch. If there is not a 50 foot working easement, Mosquito Control will not maintain the ditch. Contractors should be encourage to pipe the ditch or deed a 50 foot easement for them or it will belong to the City of Atlantic Beach and we will have to maintain them. Mr. Hilliard stated that he wanted to keep moving down the street ends taking back some of the overgrown areas. He stated that he was trying to leave a vegetation wall and just thin the areas out in order for his men to be able to maintain them. MINUTES JULY 28, 1975 PAGE SIX Commissioner Rosborough stated that during the next two weeks something should be done to the street ends. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Ros- borcugh and carried to change the previous instructions to Mr. Hilliard and allow him to continue cleaning and thining out the vegetatation on city property where it has encroached upon the street. There being no further business, Mayor H well declare• the meeting adjourned. Will ASS. Howell Mayor-Commissioner (Seal) ATTEST: Gloria June Knight City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 75-9 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY. FLORIDA, that The following budget transfers and changes to be made in the 1974-1975 Budget: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE Account No. 216 Proffessional Service & Condifjcation $10,000,00 Account Nos 1051 Emergency and Fund Balance X10,000.00 TOTAL INCREASE AND DECREASE $10,000.00 $10, 000.00 * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on July 28, 1975 ATTEST: IPYl Al, • Gloria Ju.‘ Knight, City erk