05-26-75 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA May 26 , 1975 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of the Minutes of May 12, 1975 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence 6 . Commission Consideration A. Health and Accident Insurance B. P.U.D. Ahern and Sherry Drive C. 372 Ahern Street - Conversion to Business "A" D. Mini-warehouses Lots 1 and 2 Block 80 Section "H" E. 660 Mayport Road - Greenhouse 7 . City Clerk 8. Chief of Police 9. Director of Public Works 10. City Manager 11. Commissioners 12. Mayor 13. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 26, 1975, AT 8: 00 P . M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner L. W. Minton, Jr. F. W. Fogg Robert B. Cook, Sr. , Commissioner AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, City Clerk ABSENT: Robert R. Rosborough, II, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the pledge to the flag . Approval of Minutes of May 12, 1975 The minutes of the meeting of May 12, 1975 were approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Com- missioner Fogg and carried. Recognition of Visitors Several members of the audience expressed opposition to the pro- posed dog leash ordinance (Ord. No. 95-75-13) . Mayor Howell stated that the proposed ordinance was requested by the Chief of Police. Chief Stucki stated that the city has a considerable amount of dogs running loose. The proposed ordinance applies only to all areas east of the established seawall-during the months of June, July and August. He stated that the present ordinance (No. 95-67-10) states that the dog must be under voice command. The Chief of Police stated that this is impossible to enforce. Mayor Howell stated that the public hearing scheduled for June 9, 1975 is the proper time to speak for or against the ordinance. Health and Accident Insurance Mr. Vogel stated that the city was prepared to award the health and accident insurance to Metropolitan but they required additional information and a survey. He stated that the time limit is running out and the city commission needs to award the bid tonight. Mr. Vogel stated that Pilot Life is the next lowest bidder and re- commended that the bid be awarded to Pilot Life. It was moved by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried to transfer money from Account 1051 to Account 221 and award the bid to Pilot Life effective June 1, 1975 . MINUTES MAY 26, 1975 PAGE TWO P.U.D. Ahern and Sherry Drive Mayor Howell stated that the Advisory Planning Board had met and recommended approval of the plans for P.U.D. at Ahern and Sherry Drive. It was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried that a public hearing be held June 9, 1975 to consider this request. 372 Ahern Street- Conversion to Business A Mr. Vogel stated that this is a request to convert a residence, 372 Ahern, to an office with no major structual changes. If the commission approves the concept then the owners will draw up the plans. Mayor Howell stated that if they change from single family residence to Business A they cannot convert back to residential. It was moved by Commissioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried to approve the conversion at 372 from a single family residence to an office zoned Business A. Mini-Warehouses Lots 1 and 2 Block 80 Section H Mr. Vogel presented plans for mini-warehouses to be located on Lots 1 and 2 Block 80 Section H. The plans and specifications meet the Southern Standard Building Code and the Atlantic Beach Code. It was moved by Commissioner Minton, seconded by Com- missioner Fogg and carried that the plans and specifications be approved. 660 Mayport Road - Greenhouse Mr. Vogel stated that this is a request for building a greenhouse or shade house. The Southern Standard Building Code states -- "greenhouses not over 400 square feet in area, or 15 feet high shall be considered accessory structures and may be of any con- struction except that any greenhouse with wood frames shall be located not less than 5 feet from any adjoining structure or pro- perty line. " Murray McCabe, owner, requested to be permitted to extend the greenhouse to 600 square feet because of the prevailing winds and the configuration of the land and the expense. Mr. Vogel stated that 400 square feet is the maximum under the code. It was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried to allow this request for a greenhouse, with the maximum square footage of 400 square feet. The vote was: Ayes- Commissioners Minton, Fogg, Cook and Mayor Howell. Nay - Commission- er Minton.- MINUTES MAY 26, 1975 PAGE THREE Ordinance No. 95-75-13 Dog Leash Law Mayor Howell read Ordinance No. 95-75-13 amending by adding thereto Section 4-4 of the Atlantic Beach City Code entitled "Animals and Fowl" on second reading by title only. Said ordinance was pre- sented in full and in writing. Commissioner Cook moved that Ordinance No. 95-75-13 be approved on second reading by title only, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried. Public Hearing to be June 9, 1975. Chief of Police Chief Stucki reported that a problem has developed at Jack Russell Park. Groups of people are coming in and having picnics and con- suming alcoholic beverages on city property. Chief Stucki asked for instructions from the city commission on the consumption of alcoholic beverages on city property. It was moved by Commissioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the Chief of Police be instructed not to allow consumption of alcoholic beverages on city property. Director of Public Works Mr. Hilliard stated that if Mr. Parks, City Engineer, does not have concrete plans for the extra water tower, pumping station and well, then we might suggest that he get something going for another reservoir where the existing plant is. All four pumps are running four or five hours. Also, Mr. Hilliard stated that on the recent street closing of Atlantic Boulevard to Ahern and from Ahern to First Street it took 3 men four hours to clean up the paper, trash, garbage, etc. The art exhibitors parked exactly where we told them not to park. Commissioner Minton stated that if the city had an emmergency down on the beach, there would not be anyway to get a truck to the beach and back to the hospital. He stated that he was in favor of art exhibits, but not if it is a hazard to the citizens. Mayor Howell suggested that the city commission keep this in mind the next time this request appears on the agenda. • MINUTES MAY 26, 1975 PAGE FOUR City Manager Mr. Vogel stated that Mr. Parks hoped to have the plans and speci- fications for this meeting but the people were slow in getting prices to him. He wanted to present a total cost of a new well, new pumping station, ground storage and relocating the elevated tank. There being no further business Mayor Howell declare, the meeting adjourned. ' ) / / til .m ' . Howell Mayor-Commissioner (Seal) ATTEST a 7/0/ :e//> Gloria Ju e Knight City Clerk