02-24-75 v MOW CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA February 24, 1975 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of the Minutes of February 10, 1975 and February 20, 1975 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence: A. Chamber of Commerce Re: Beaches Festival Parade 6. Commission Consideration: A. Bid Opening - Drainage Pipe B. Rueben Bennett - New Addition to Building, Seminole Road and Atlantic Boulevard and P.U.D. for Mobile Home Block 87, Lots 4 & 5 Section "H" C. Committee report on G4oup Health, Accident and Term Life Insurance D. Ronald H. Miller Re: City Planning 7. City Clerk 8. Chief of Police 9. Director of Public Works 10. City Manager 11. Commissioners 12. Mayor 13. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1975, AT 8: 00 P. M. PRESENT: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner L. W. Minton, Jr. Robert R. Rosborough, II F. W. Fogg Robert B. Cook, Sr. , Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1975 were approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. The minutes of a special meeting February 20, 1975 were approved as written upon a motion by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Recognition of Visitors Mrs. Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, expressed appreciation for the 4-way stop sign at Sailfish and Plaza. Chamber of Commerce - Beaches Festival Parade The City Commission received a request to enter a float in the annual Beaches Festival Parade, April 6, 1975. It was moved by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the City of Atlantic Beach enter a float in the Beaches Festival Parade. The cost to be $250 .00. Bid Opening - Drainage Pipe Consolidated Pipe & Supply Company, Jacksonville, Florida 20 pieces of 20' x 12" pipe $4. 29 ft . 20 pieces of 20' x 15" pipe $5.04 ft. MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 1975 PAGE TWO Florida Steel Corporation, Tampa, Florida 20 pieces 20 ' x 12" pipe $1,491.64 20 pieces 20' x 15" pipe $1,763 .99 Armco Steel Corporation, Jacksonville, Florida 20 pieces of 20' x 12" pipe $1,480.00 20 pieces of 20' x 15" pipe $1',760.00 Bituminized Fibre Pipe Hardy ' s, Inc. , Lakeland, Florida Total Bid $5, 068.64 Sonoco Products Company, Hartsville, South Carolina Total Bid $5,121.38 No other bids were received. Commissioner Minton moved that the bids be referred to committee for study and recommendations at the next meeting, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried. Reuben Bennett - New Addition to Building, Seminole Road and Atlantic Boulevard Mr. Reuben requested permission to place a mobile home in Section H, Block 87, Lots 4 & 5 under the P .U .D. ordinance. The request was approved by the Advisory Planning Board, with one abstention, subject to certain contingencies. It was moved by Commissioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that a Public Hearing be held on March 10, 1975 to consider this request. Committee Report on Group Health, Accident and Term Life Insurance Commissioner Rosborough stated that the committee met Saturday, February 22, 1975. The committee felt that the bid should be awarded to The Travelers, Alternate I . Commissioner Rosborough stated that The Travelers was- the only company that met the speci- fications . Mayor Howell stated that the bid could not be awarded at this meeting until changes are made in the budget. MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 1975 PAGE THREE It will be necessary to have another meeting of the City Commission to go over the details of the bid. It was moved by Commissioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the committee report be accepted and studied further prior to the next meeting. Ronald Miller - City Planning Mr. Ronald Miller, Milo Smith and Associates, stated that the pur- pose of his visit was to explain some of the work program that had been submitted to the city. He stated that the financing of the work program reflects an anticipated 701 Planning Assistance Grant for two-thirds of the total projected cost. The work program will consist of a planning area base map, population and economic study, land use plan, etc. Mr. Miller presented brochures on comprehen- sive land planning in other cities in Florida. Resolution No. 75-3 Mayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 75-3 re- deeming 10 - 3 .50% Utility Bonds in the amount of $10,000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of March 1, 1974. Commissioner Fogg moved for passage of said resolution, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Copy of Resolution No. 75-3 is attached here- to and made a part hereof, Resolution No. 75-4 Mayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 75-4 re- deeming 10 - 3 .90% General Obligation Sewer Bonds in the amount of $10,000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of April 1, 1974, Commissioner Fogg moved for passage of said resolution, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Copy of. Resolution No. 75-4 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Resolution No. 75-5 Mayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 75-5 re- deeming 12 - 7% General Obligation Sewer Bonds in the amount of $12,000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of July 1, 1974. Commissioner Fogg moved for passage of said resolution, seconded by Commissioner Cook and carried. Copy of Resolution No. 75-5 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 1975 PAGE FOUR Resolution No . 75-6 Mayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 75-6 authorizing the City Manager of the City of Atlantic Beach to apply for Community Development Funds. Commissioner Fogg moved for passage of said resolution, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Copy of Resolution No. 75-6 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Resolution No. 75-2 Mayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 75-2, a Memorial and Resolution dedicated to the memory of E. Gerry Adams for his service to the City of Atlantic Beach . Commissioner Cook moved for passage of said resolution, seconded by Commissioner Rosborough and carried. Copy of Resolution No. 75-2 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. There being no further business Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. 401011 way. Wi. iam S. How Mayor-Commissi r (SEAL) ATTEST: 1.4)j&eZ:4gOe „/QZ4 Gloria June Knight City Clerk 0 , O. 75-2 MEMORIAL AND RESOLUTION E. Gerry Adams, who served on the Atlantic Beach Town Council from 1950 through 1956, died on Thursday, February 20, 1975. Mr. Adams, who was born in Jacksonville, Florida, April 22, 1903, spent virtually his entire life as a resident of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida and always gave most generously of his time and energy to the benefit of the citizens of Atlantic Beach, Florida. The Mayor- Commissioner, Commissioners, and Officials of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida acknowledge that they have lost one of their most valued and respected citizens. Mr. Adams was associated with the Atlantic Beach Hotel, which he owned for many years. He was a member of the Pi Kappa Phifraternity at the University of Florida. Mr. Adams was a member of Ribault Masonic Lodge, a charter member of the Rotary at the beaches, and founder of the Navy League. Mr. Adams is survied by his widow, Lois Adams of Atlantic Beach, Florida, four daughters, a brother, three stepchildren and five grandchildren. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF , ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor-Commissioner, the Commission, and Officers of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, do hereby express our profound . ,appreciation for the life and service of E. Gerry Adams and we hereby express to his family our most sincere sympathy. 2. That a true copy of this Resolution be made a part of the permanent records of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and that the original, duly inscribed by the Mayor-Commissioner and Officers of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, be forwarded t 1 '" widow. • `z� Ir . o - 1, Ma or-Co , esioner L. W. Minton, Jr. , Comuissioner Robs R Rosborovg3hy,- I Commissioner F. W. T mmissioner (Yjs-149 obert B. Cook, Sr., Commissioner R. C. Vogel.5 ty Manager. - C. /7„C-,e( Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Carl Stucki. Chief of 'office .41 !"(9,4147.0"/72 WILLIAM S. HOWELL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH R. C. VOGEL Mayor-Commissioner City Manager P. O. DRAWER 25 F. W. FOGG ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 OLIVER C. BALL Commissioner City Attorney (904) 249-2303 ROBERT R. ROSBOROUGH II MRS. JUNE KNIGHT Commissioner City Clerk MRS. EMMA M. STEPHENS L.W.MINTON,JR. City Treasurer-Comptroller Commissioner CARL STUCKI ROBERT B. COOK,SR. Commissioner RESOLUTION 75-3 andChiaf Fireof Department Department RICHARD HILLIARD Director of Public Works WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has redeemed 10 - 3 . 50% Utility Bonds in the amount of $10, 000. 00, said Bonds bearing maturity date of March 1, 1974, and WHEREAS , The City has redeemed Utility Revenue Bond interest coupons which have become due through September 30, 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the follow- ing numbered bonds totaling $10, 000. 00 be burned: Numbers 115 through 124 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon #37 from Bonds 115-231 Coupon #38 from Bonds 115-231 Coupon *39 from Bonds 125-191, 202-204, 210-231 The above foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission on February 24, 1975. Attest: a Gloria une Knight City Clerk (SEAL) WMIAM S. HOission WELL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH City Manager Mayot-CP. O. DRAWER 25 F. W. FOGG ATLANTIC !EACH, FLORIDA 32233 OLIVER C. BALI Commissioner City Attorney (904) 249-2303 ROBERT R. ROW/ROUGH II MRS. JUNE KNIGHT Commissioner City Clerk L.W.MINTON,JR. MRS. EMMA M.STEPHENS City Treasurer-Comptroller Commissioner ROBERT B.COOK,SR. RESOLUT ION 7 5-4 CARL STUCKI Chief of Police Commissioner and Fire Department RICHARD HILLIARD Director of Public Works WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 10 - 3 . 90% General Obligation Sewer Bonds in the amount of $10, 000. 00, said bonds bearing maturity date of April 1, 1974, and WHEREAS , the City has redeemed Sewer Bond interest coupons which have become due through September 30, 1974 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the follow- ing numbered bonds totaling $10, 000. 00 in value be burned: Numbers 81 through 90 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon #30 from Bonds 224-225 Coupon #31 from Bonds 81-300 Coupon #32 from Bonds 86-248, 250-260 The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission on February 24, 1975. Attest: 6;2/Coze..- ..)%j-120,012/ Gloria June Knight City Clerk (SEAL) WILLIAM ILLIA S.HOio HOWELL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH R.CiCyMaOGEL Mayor- P. O. DRAWER 25 F.W. FOGG ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 OLIVER C. BALL Commissioner City Attorney (904) 249-2303 ROBERT R. ROSBOROUGH II MRS. JUNE KNIGHT Commissioner City Clerk MRS. EMMA M.STEPHENS L.W.MINTON,JR. RESOLUTION 75-5 City Treasurer-Comptroller Commissioner - ROBERT B.COOK,SR. CARL STUCKI Chief of Police Commissioner and Fire Department RICHARD HILLIARD Director of Public Works WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 12 - 7%, General Obligation Sewer Bonds in the amount of $12, 000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of July 1, 1974, and WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Sewer Bond interest coupons which have become due through September 30, 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the follow- ing numbered bonds totaling $12, 000. 00 in value be burned: Numbers 21 through 32 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon #4 from Bonds 284-293 Coupon #5 from Bonds 21-500 Coupon #6 from Bonds 21-283 , 294-500 The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission on February 24, 1975. Attest: Gloria une Knight- City Clerk (SEAL) RESOLUTION 75-6 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO APPLY FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida recognized the need to insure its proper and orderly growth and to initiate actions to correct undesirable conditions; and WHEREAS, the City does not have sufficient financial resources to finance many needed improvements or to rehabilitate blighted areas; and WHEREAS, under authority granted by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the Department of Housing and Urban Development may make grants to local governments for community development activities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, authorizes the City Manager to make application to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Community Development funds. SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage AUTHENTICATED this 24th day of February eb uary , A.D. 1975. / Wiiiliam S. Howell, Mayor Of e- Gloria June, ight, qty C ;►'