07-13-77 v • lib CITY OF • • •• Mastic Beach.- %tido • 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD-DRAWER 25 • 4 ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 • • • • • • • • July 12, 197/ • SPECIAL CALLED MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA This is to advise that the Mayor has requested a Special Meeting of the • City Commission to be held at 8:00 P.M. , Wednesday, July 13, 1977, . for the following purposes: 1) Further discussions concerning the Board of Adjustment • 2) Muck removal on Magnolia - Saltair Sec. 3 - EDA project 3) Bids on air-conditioning Police and Fire Departments Please advise me by telephone if you are unable to attend as it is very • important that we have a quorum for this meeting. • R. C. Vogel City Manager • RCV/at • • • WILLIAM S HOWELL JAMES E MHOON ALAN C 1 NEN L W. MINTON JR ROBERT B COOK • Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Comnm. Commissioner R C VOGEL OLIVER C RAH MRS ADELAWI r(:KER • CARL SJUCKI 17,. r.;,r7G' HI' . ••• - ty Manager ( it, Attr,ii,v City Cli•rk I i,.., ('lu, l ,rt { uL ., - • MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JULY 13 , 1977 AT 8: 00 P.M. V V O 0 PRESENT: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T r Alan C. Jensen E E James E . Mhoon, Commissioners D D AND: R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney MS _ Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk 0 E T C ABSENT: Robert B. Cook, Sr. I 0 Y L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners NAME OF ONEN COMMRS . N D S O • The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell . • Muck Removal on Magnolia Mayor Howell recognized Mr. Parks who stated he and Mr. Steckla had talked with Mr. Russell, EDA Atlanta Regional Office, concerning a project change order to have muck • removed from Magnolia at a cost of $3 .12 per cu. yd. Mr. Russell stated his approval and requested submission of an open-end change order. ' Commissioner Mhoon question- ed if payment would be made from City funds, and Mayor Howell stated the $1800 to $2500 would be funded with project grant monies . Motion: Authorize Mr. Parks to submit the Jensen x x appropriate change order and authorize Mhoon x x Dickerson, Inc. , to remove the muck. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bids on Air-Conditioning Police and Fire Departments Commissioner Mhoon reported that the committee recommended that N & L Air-Conditioning Company, the low bidder, be awarded the bid, inasmuch as the Huxham bid was incomplete. Motion: Award the bid of replacing air-condition- ing in the Police and Fire Departments Jensen x' x to N & L Air-Conditioning Company, in Mhoon .x x the amount of $4, 594.82, subject to the Howell x delivery of a performance bond. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Further discussions concerning the Board of Adjustment The chair recognized Mr. L. B. McDonnel, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment, who stated that the board lacks three members due to resignations and that he understood Messrs. Tinsley and Onstott would accept a re-appointment , PAGE TWO V V SPECIAL CALLED Names of JULY 13 , 1977 Commrs . MS Y N Further discussions - continued leaving one vacancy. Mr. Tinsley confirmed that he. would accept a re-appointment. Motion: Re-appoint Mr. C. T. Tinsley to Jensen x x the Board of Adjustment for the Mhoon x x expiration of term Howell . x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr . McDonnel inquired as to .the possibility of in- creasing the Board to six members, due to the fact four members have to be present for a quorum. Mayor Howell indicated that under home rule, the Commission could decrease members needed for a quorum to three or increase members to six by passing an Ordinance . Mr. Ball injected that the posture of any board could not be changed under home rule. Mr. McDonnel requested the Commission to authorize the City Manager to furnish secretarial services and the use of recording equipment for their meetings . Commission agreed. Mr . George Bull , Jr. informed the Commission the board members felt that on several occasions lately the board has been asked to act on situations that either over-stepped or were not withinthe realm of the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Bull suggested a new Ordinance be drawn up explicitly listing the responsi- bilities and areas of authorities of the Board. Several recent instances that were considered gray areas were discussed in an effc -t to determine re- sponsibilities of the Building Department and the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Bull suggested the Building Department send their recommendations on each appeal by letter to the Board. Commissioner Mhoon proposed • a sign be posted in the front yard of each appellant stating "Zoning Adjustment is being considered on this property. Phone 249-2395" . The Board members all agreed and Mayor Howell instructed Mr . Hilliard to prepare six signs . Mr. McDonnel suggested that the Commission assess the off street parking requirements on 50 ' residential lots and the Mayor responded that an official request from the. Board of Adjustment on any subject would be welcome. Mr. Bull recommended Mr. John Morris ' name to fill the vacancy left on the Board. Mayor Howell added that PAGE THREE V V • SPECIAL CALLED Names of JULY 13 , 1977 Commrs . MS Y N Further discussions - continued all candidates should be queried to determine if they are willing to file a financial disclosure statement and that a member would be appointed at the next meeting, July 25, 1977 . There being no further business, Mayor declared that the meeting be adjourned. • (SEAL) • ��- • Wi1 'ia. S . Hove Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk