01-24-77 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA January 24, 1977 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of January 10, 1977 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence 4. Report of City Manager 5. Unfinished Business A. Bid Opening - Fire Hose B. Mr. Bob Goll re Federal Grants 6. Report of Committees - None 7. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution to approve Mutual Aid Fire Fighting Agreement 8. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance 95-76-15 Third reading - Public Hearing B. Ordinance 25-77-12 First reading - An Ordinance to amend Flood Insurance Ordinance #27-75-11. C. Condemnation consideration for property on NE corner of Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard - Victor H. Smith, Owner. 9. Miscellaneous Business 10. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JANUARY 24, 1977 AT 8: 00 P.M. PRESENT: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Robert B. Cook, Sr. V V Alan C. Jensen 0 0 James E. Mhoon T T L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners E E D D AND: R. C. Vogel, City Manager M S Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney 0 E Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk T C I 0 Y Name of ON EN Corranrs. ND SO The meeting was called to order by Mayor Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton followed by the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: That the minutes of the Regular City Commission Cook X Meeting of January 10, 1977, be approved, as Jensen X submitted. Mhoon X X Minton X X * * * * * * * * * * Howell X RECOGNITION OF VISITORS Mayor Howell recognized Mrs. Adelaide Kirkpatrick in response to a complaint she had made to the Commission on December 7th concerning blind corners. Mr. Paul Steckla, City Inspector, was asked to comment on the status and he stated a complete survey was underway concerning blind corners at intersections in Atlantic Beach. Motion: Instruct Mr. Steckla to complete the survey on Cook X blind corners and report back at the next Jensen X meeting. Mhoon X - X Minton X X * * * * * * * * * * Howell X The Chair recognized a citizen who inquired about the legality of two cars, each having for sale signs displayed, being allowed to remain at 409 Mako Drive, where they have been parked on and off the right- of-way since Thanksgiving. Motion: Instruct Mr. Steckla to investigate the matter ..00k X and report the findings at the next meeting. Jensen X moon X X Minton X X * * * * * * * * * * Howell X 1" _ MINUTES V V JANUARY 24, 1977 Names of PAGE TWO Commr s. MS Y N REPORT OF CITY MANAGER Mr. Vogel presented to the Commission a written proposal concerning the defeasance of outstanding bonded indebtedness of the water system, i. e., three Certificates of Indebtedness with the Atlantic National Bank. Motion: Instruct the City Manager to pursue the Cook X procedure to clear the water system of any Jensen X obligation and submit recommendations for Mhoon X X the Commission's decision at the next Minton X X meeting. Howell X * * * * * * * * * * UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Bid Opening - Fire Hose The following bids were received and opened: Holley-Edwards Sales, Inc. $3,619.00 Jack Cocke & Co., Inc. 2,851.00 Fire Fighters Equipment (by ft.) 3,318.00 Biscayne Fire Equipment Co., Inc. 2,728.00 Jax Rubber Products Co. , Inc. (Sub. 600 Lb.) 3,419.56 Motion: Bids to be referred to Committee Cook X Jensen X Mayor Howell appointed the City Manager and Chief of Police Mhoon X X to the committee. Minton X X Howell X * * * * * * * * * * B. Mr. Bob Goll re Federal Grants Mayor Howell recognized Mr. R. A. Goll, R. A. Goll and Associates, Inc., to present a report on federal grants. Mr. Goll stated the $1,054,000.00 EDA grant the City had applied for is still in process and that a definite confirma- tion should be received by February 7, 1977. He also stated that information he had gained indicated that 12,000 applications submitted by cities throughout the United States had been disapproved and 1,400 approved. Commissioner Minton complimented Mr. Goll for his efforts and stated that he felt the City of Atlantic Beach was most fortunate to have Goll and Associates working with the City. Mr. Goll then presented additional funding possibilities and additional funding programs: MINUTES V V JANUARY 24, 1977 Names of PAGE THREE Commrs. MS Y N -► 1. Coastal Plains - Storm Water Drainage Disposal in the amount of $50,000 with the local share being 15% to 20%. Mr. Golfs fee - $500 plus 2% of the construction costs. 2. Preapplication for grant through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant Program in the amount of $150,000 for the construction of sidewalks along the east side of Mayport Road and the south side of Plaza, and the construction of a Community Center adjacent to Donner Park. Mr. Goll's fee - Preapplication- $500; final application-not to exceed $1,000 plus 2% of the construction as approved. Final applica- tions are to be filed prior to March 15, 1977. Public Hearings are to be held on February 9 and 14, 1977 at 8:00 p. m. Motion: Instruct Goll and Associates, Inc. to proceed Cook X with both applications. Jensen X X Mhoon X X Minton X * * * * * * * * * * Howell X ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS Mayor Howell stated he had received a request from Mr. H. E. Shuford, Acting Fire Chief, U. S. Naval Station Mayport, Florida, for the City of Atlantic Beach to adopt a resolution for a mutual aid fire fighting agreement. Services would remain the same as those now being rendered. Cook X X Motion: Adopt Resolution 77-1 prescribing a mutual Jensen X fire fighting assistance agreement with Mhoon X X Naval Station, Mayport, Florida. Minton X Howell X * * * * * * * * * * Copy of said resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Action on Ordinances - #95-76-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A MONETARY CONTRIBUTION, NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ANNUALLY, `A7 THE JACKSONVIT I F BEACHES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PROVIDING AN EFFEC17VE DATE. 1 Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing and read on third and final reading by Mayor Howell. This Ordinance was posted in line with charter requirements. Mayor Howell then declared the meeting in session for a public hearing. MINUTES V V JANUARY 24, 1977 Names of PAGE FOUR Commr s. MS Y N Mrs. Adelaide Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Gregg, Mr. Steve Wilson and several others highly opposed the contribution; Judge Howell, Mr. Fred Mills, Mr. George Garcia, Mrs. Pat Hamilton and Mr. Charles Young supported the Chamber. After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Howell declared the public hearing closed. Motion: Not to pass Ordinance No. 95-76-15 and substi- Cook X X tute an alternate motion to join the Chamber Jensen X of Commerce at $1,000 for this year renewable Mhoon X X at the City Commission's option yearly. Roll Minton X Call was requested. Howell , X * * * * * * * * * * Action on Ordinance - #25-77-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE NO. 25-75-11, PERTAINING TO REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE ACT OF 1968; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, and read by title only, on first reading by Mayor Howell. Motion: Said Ordinance by adopted on first reading, Cook X by title only. Jensen X X Mhoon X Minton X X * * * * * * * * * * Howell X C. Condemnation consideration for property on NE corner of Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard - Victor Smith, Owner Mr. Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney, stated he was requested to do a title search for ownership and to investigate the matter as to the structure being a nuisance with unsanitary conditions. He suggested that the Commission may want to condemn to property. Mr. Paul Steckla recommended a thorough inspection be conducted first to establish grounds for a condemnation. Mayor Howell recommended Mr. Steckla and the City Manager make the inspection and prepare the necessary condemnation documents for passage at the next meeting of the City Commission. Commission agreed. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared that the meeting be adjourned. !='/ i// (SEAL) illi.P'S. Howell � + � � Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST- e6 Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk Resolution 77-1 Ml;'L'L\L FLRE (:1 7'1-N( .,L '1'A_ Cf: i:... :-;R:_...'ENT, made and e:-.. red into this 24th _-- �i' G January - ? oe! ween _The City of Atlantic Beach ing 01- icer, Naval Station, .ayport, ---a -- ,-•• SSETH • [;r.LREb&S, each of the parties herd:o maintains equipment and per•:c ael for • the s_iipression of fires within its own jurisdiction and areas, and ;:Hi:bEA , the parties hereto desire to augment the fire protection avaiabie in tnei: various establishments, districts, agencies and municipalities in .he • ' _vent of large fires or conflagrations, and • r.:ihi<EAS, the lands or districts of the parties hereto are adjacent or ,ontigu.' • . that mutual assistance in a fire emergency is deemed feasible, and ,•:i'. REAS, it is the policy of the Navy Department and or the. municipalities or _der districts and of their governing bodies to conclude such agreements wi.ere- _ ;er practicable, and AiHEREAS, it is mutually deemed sound, desirable, practicaale, and beneficial for the parties to this agreement to render assistance to one another in accord- ance with these terms; =HEREFGRE BE IT AGREED THAT: 1 ?•ihenever it is deemed advisable by the senior officer of a fire department -,:longing to a party to this agreement, or. by the senior officer of any such fire t ;.art...ent actually present at any fire, to request fire i:ig!:tin, ass:stcnce under the terms of this agreement, he is authorized to do so, and file scalerofficer on . of the fire department receiving the request shall fort.:witb take the follow- ing action: a. Immediately determine if apparatus and personnel can be spared in ' • response to the call. • • b. What apparatus and personnel might most effectively be dispatched. - c. The exact mission to be assigned in accordance with the- detailed plans • and procedures of operation drawn in accordance with this agreement • by the technical heads of the fire departments involved. d. Forthwith dispatch such apparatus and personnel as, in the judent of the senior officer receiving the call, should be sent, with complete • instructions as to the mission, in accordance with the ter::.s of this agreement. ?. The rendering of assistance under .the terms of this agreement shall not be mandatory, but the party receiving the request for assistance should immediately • inform the requesting service-if, for ..ny reason, assistance cannot be rendered. • • • x • 3. _. _ach party to this agreemeuL t)aives all claim:: against :_he other _:-+: _ : parties for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or occurring in consequence of the performance of this agreemenL. b. All services performed under this agreement shall be rendered without reimbursement of either party or parties. 4. The technical head of the fire department of the requesting-service shall assume full charge of the operations, but if he specifically requests a senior officer of. a fire department furnishing assistance to assume command, he shall not, by relinquishing command, be relieved of his responsibility for the operation; provided, that the apparatus, personnel, and equipment of the agency rendering assistance shall be under the immediate supervision of and shall be the immediate responsibility of the senior officer of the fire department .rendering assistance. 5. . The chief .fire. officers and personnel of the fire departments of both parties to this agreement are invited and encouraged, on a reciprocal basis, to . frequently visit each other's activities for guided familiarization tours consistent with local security requirements and, as feasible, to jointly conduct pre—fire planning inspections and drills. . . • • 6. The technical heads of the fire. departments of the parties to this. agreement are authorized and directed to meet and draft any detailed plans and procedures of operation necessary to effectively implement this agreement. Such plans and . procedures of operations shall become effective upon ratification by the signatory parties. • 7. This agreement shall become effective upon the date hereof and shall remaii. in full force and effect until cancelled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto - or by written notice by one party to the other party, gi\,.,ng ten (10) days notice of said cancellation. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement at on the day and year first above • written. • • • C. E. THOMPSON, COMANDINC OFFICER • CITY OF NEPTUNE. BEACH, FLORIDA • • - CITY OF ATLANTIC BR CH, FLORIDA 2 • • •