01-10-77 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA January 10, 1977 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of December 28, 1976 2 . Recognition of Visitors 3 . Correspondence 4. Report of City Manager 5. Unfinished Business A. Mr. Joe Napier re Occupational License 6 . Report of Committees - None 7 . Action on Resolutions - None 8. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance #95-76-15 - Jacksonville Beaches Chamber of Commerce 9. Miscellaneous Business MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JANUARY 10, 1977 AT 8: 00 P.M. PRESENT: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner V V Robert B . Cook, Sr. 0 0 James E . Mhoon T T L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners E E D D AND: R. C . Vogel, City Manager s/I S Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney b E Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk T C I O Y ABSENT: Alan C. Jensen, Commissioner Name of ONEN Commrs . N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Commissioner, Mr. Howell . The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of Minutes Cook X Motion: That the minutes of the Regular City hoon XX Commission Meeting of December 28, 1976 i inton K X be approved, as submitted iowell X * * * * * * * * * * * Report of City Manager Mr. Vogel gave a brief summary of a meeting he attended in Orlando on matters pertaining to revenue sharing and anti- recession fiscal aid. He pointed out to the Commission thaw several items were listed in his City Manager ' s report as eligible expenditures from anti-recession funds now being received by the City. Mr. Vogel recommended expending monies for two items on the list: fire hose and construc- tion of ramps for the handicapped. After a short discussio the Commission agreed to purchase fire hose and instructed the City Manager to call for bids at the next meeting on January 24, 1977 . Cook X X Approval of Mrs . Tucker ' s compensation adjusted to equal i oon X the rate budgeted for Mrs. Stephens in October, 1976 . inton X X * * * * * * * * * * * owell X Unfinished Business - Mr. Joe Napier - Occupational License Mayor Howell recognized Mr. Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney, in response to the decision of the Commission at the meeting, of December 28, 1976, to render a report concerning discus- sion of the issues with Mr. Joe Napier, operator of Beaches Sipping and Singing Society. Mr. Ball read the legal de- scription of a bottle club and stated that in his opinion the Society was violating the laws of both the City and State in regards to closing hours . The City Attorney felt their license should be revoked entirely at this time. He t MINUTES V V JANUARY 10, 1977 Names of PAGE TWO Commrs . MS Y N further stated that when Mr. Napier obtained a State license, he should then be re-issued an occupational license to operate in accord with existing beverage laws, including compliance with the closing hours of 2 : 00 a .m. After a lengthy discussion, including numerous comments by Mr. Napier, motion was made: To allow the Beaches Sipping and Singing Cook X Society to retain their Occupational License, Mhoon X X but must comply with regulated operating hours . Minton X X Mayor Howell initiated a roll call vote. Howell X * * * * * * * * * * * * Action on Ordinance - # 95-76-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A MONETARY CONTRIBUTION, NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ANNUALLY, TO THE JACKSONVILLE BEACHES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Cook X X Motion: Said Ordinance be adopted on second Mhoon X reading, by title only. Minton X X Howell X * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no further business , Mayor Howell declares the meeting be adjourned. (SEAL) I 4, / Wills. S . 'owell Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: ST TT E S�T: /� !/La.Qi cLe* X�/ • i '_Gfei Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk CITY MANAGER'S REPORT • In order to give you a brief summary of the meeting I attended Wednesday, January 5th in Orlando concerning Revenue Sharing and Anti-recession fiscal aid: On Revenue Sharing, I am enclosing a copy of appropriations, entitlement periods and payment schedules and our share is approximately $17, 400. per quarter, which we have in the past allocated 100% to Public Safety. The new regulations effective January 1, 1977 removed practically all restrictions for spending Revenue Sharing. However, there are additional procedure re- quirements that will have to be met prior to the enactment of our 1978 budget in October. (See the enclosed figure 312-A) . On the anti-recession funds, we have received $3, 314. for the July quarter and $3, 193 . for the October quarter. These funds carry a mandatory requirement that the funds be spent or obligated within six months of receipt, specifically, ORS has ruled that the following are eligible expenditures: A. A one-time salary bonus payment to city employees B. Purchase of books and subscriptions for a library C. Replacement of fire hose D. A computer to replace a manual system of tax record maintenance and billing E. Expansion of recipient' s work force It is respectfully called to your attention that as of January 1, 1977, Mrs . Tucker is officially serving as City- Clerk, Treasurer-Comptroller and it is only fitting and proper that her compensation be adjusted to reflect the additional responsibilities involved. It is recommended that her annual salary be adjusted to equal the rate that was budgeted for Mrs. Stephens in October. Respectfully yours, R. C. Vogel Encl.