08-23-76 v CITYOF 2atj;L a}:TIC .Bu.^"_,._'.CH, Mco!.:wA l': .pPaS.JfsaC� Call to Cider Fiv r?carior. c nd ele ge to Flag . Apprs val if. I::.intatezz of Aug75st 'y 1976 2.. ,C3;.eco%injtca o.. y Comes t)adewla 4. h4.3�',, 3x`'iw. o ! City Manager U ,d.:2.3 ni hod Business of ?rececx_cag ,9e :tizg Ncc `na j Re: Soft Ball T F 3. Mass. ria::a ::SPS: Z9 1f1 -3O Saa: tc3a Circle RP: Cfaild Caw? C . J'Llnzl D. z(.°ir of l .e E413 Ch:?iri 'are S. i g""S :troi ell Park S. eB.'Aid o ni:�i.g $ J.ainage PiPe V. +S."3. a .0 dresrs$' ( aph ..i iaZ;e Ms .'. ,tea r a Unit .i7,. w.7 'e..i .7 .s o f n r „�t w. . 1 4;x ��:L:�'F: �� �.r � ..���., �:`�d�a�.:..si.,r,?mac s�b.� �'.i �>��.i;{� 3;ix� .a��a� "�6.���.A."3., E . R :poB.t : omi tte w s - Nom 7. Ac;-.ion :losoluticns None S. R% con Ordinances @"i r Ordinnc Z ,n0-75-31 - 1hif get .a FirL•i; 1�vt'-.'4.ding B. Omd mace 8-76•--i5 - Water BillC'yel -azcor.d Rtading 9, M i 'ce d.a o+o`s `'e s i ?e£-'.< 10. Adjourn rn *A4TO go 114noA zt11-41:n sAcIveTasuoo xo; paquamTTdmoo sey, Aavogoopir *s.7,41 pt :m2c1214:1 .t.g14 Ac orit,.7eDaz 928A selaidoa4 eu -stiaTg sseuTsnq onoTIpA Tve,A se AT ots Aq penisTu:rng seTp7T7ovg oqltO uad(1!..? „,,sxaqse5 we A4TD atm oq. seTgdoa:l. 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Isnonv 'Avaaow NO TIVII AIID OM IV erEIR NOISSINWOO ALIO HOWSE 31INVIEIV SRI ac DNIMUki tiVILOSU ZHI JO ssultum MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1976 PAGE TWO B. and C. Mgrs. bora Assn . Earls-and June D. S%:offie . Child Carp Petitions were presented by Mrs . Earls and Mrs. Stoffle indicating approval by majority of their neighbors to operate a child care home- Mrs. Earls to keep three (3) children and Mrs . Stoffle to keep one (1) child. After a short discussion, lotion was rade by Commissioner Mhoon, seconded by Cei aiszioner :Minton and carried to approve child care for Mrs. Earls is and Mrs. Stoffle . It was pointed out by Mayor Howell that permission was granted based on the number of children requested and the approval of the proper authorities. D . Bid 0.wnin Iow .1 Park_ The following bids 'erreceived and opened: Item Ili -- installation of Electrical Equi ment - Bill Thompson E1ectrc Company $1,941.00 Cashier's Check in the amount 'o $194.10 submitted. Item 1 -- Four inch W'ell -- Southern Drillers, Inc. $8,450..00 Unit price ps:c foot c,;' casing in excess of or less than 400 feet instead of 250 feet as per last bid (add or deduct) $12.00 per foot. Item II -- dump and Motor - Southern Drillers, Inc. $1,950.00 Item III -- Installation o! Electrical Equipment Southern Drillers, Inc. $2, 31000 Cashiers check in the amount of $400.00 submitted. Commence work within 15 days -- completion date 60 daye theweafte4. Item III -- Installation of Electrical Equipment Electric Hugh Company $1,899.00 Cashier's Check in the amount of $189.90 submitted. The mayor suggested Mr. Goll study the bids and if possible report back later in the meeting. After study, it was recommended by. Mr. Goll that the well bid be awarded to Southern Drillers, Inc. , the electrical bid to lows bidder, Electric Hugh Company, and defy the punp bid to consider the project buying the puutp and installing with park personnel. Motion was made by Commissioner Jensen, seconded. by Ccmissioner Minton and carried unanimously to accept Mr. Go11 'g recommendation to award the bids. MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1976 PAGE THREE The following bids were received and opened Bipco, Inc . $5,922.40 Hardy's, Inc. 5,510.92 Sonoco Products Co. , Inc. 5, 516.42 After discussion, motion was made by Commiesioner Cook, secondee by Commissioner Mhoon and carried to award the bid to the lo;.Y bidder, Hardy°s. Inc. The City Manager reported that he had tried several Companies and the best offer he had received wee from Salve Marina Country Club who offered to pay $100.00. He recommended that the Com-- mission accept this offer. Motion was made by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Mhoon and carried to accept the offer from Seiva Marina Country Club to purchase the City's addresso- graph plate maker for $100.00. G. Selva carie '.snit #9 Acte Vince of Flee and r9etrictions Mr. George Bull presented a plat and covenants and restrictions for Salva Marina Unit No. S. The Mayor stated that the Commis- sion had approved the plat at a previous meeting and the signing of the mylar at this time would make it an official plat of the City of Atlantic Beach and acceptable by the Clerk of The Circuit Court of Duval County. The question of adopting tho covenants and restrictions by the City was raised by the Mayor and after, a lengthy discussion referral was made to the Attorney for an opinion. Mr. Ball advised that it would be improper for the City to attempt to enforce covenants and restrictions. He recommended that if the Commission so desired it would be appropriate to adopt an ordinance contai.xine the pertinent points of the covenants and restrictions in Ordinance form and make it applicable to e certain zone. A motion was made by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Cowl-- ta .eeioner Minton that: the plat be approved with the understanding that the Cormiesi on would have to approve all building permits prior to the enactment of the proposed. ordinance. This action is necessary to comply with the !lenreed Unit Development Ordinance. NINUTES August 23, 1976 PATO, FOUR Pct3.on on £?:din. ar :s A. Ordinance x(20-76-31 - Budget a* First R ea,.d:x.€?tT Said Ordinance was presented in Boli in writing and read by title only on first reading by Mayor 3.owel7. Upon a motion by Co:?x*-1ais 3ionor Minton, seconded by Commissioner Mhoou.,, said Ordinance was passed on first reading ng - 'title only. B. Ordinance 1,8-76-15 Water Billing Cycle - Second Reading Said Ordinance was presented in full in writing and read by title only on second reading by Mayor Howell. Uptm a motion by Cor issioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner Mhconb 7 d Ordinance was passed on second reading -- title only There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting be adjourned. V/ // 3: 3'::l.�Tk ii�. M-yor _.._.. S52 L) a • .If..k..wu�Gn�i�.s=ffi -. Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 76-9 WHEREAS, the City Commission, sitting in regular session, determined that it is expedient and necessary for the best interest of the people of the City of Atlantic Beach to waive all applicable ordinances concerning traffic on the beach, and WHEREAS, it has been requested by the U. S. Corps of Engineers that the City temporarily waive the aforementioned restriction which would allow the Corps to include an alterna- tive method of placing of sand on the beaches, and WHEREAS, in a spirit of cooperation and realizing that such restoration of the beaches is necessary for the citizens to realize and enjoy the restored beach to its full potential, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict are hereby waived for the duration of the restorati( n project so far as they may apply to the U. S. Corps of Engineers and any contractor or subcontractor relative to the renourishment program. Passed by the City Commission on the 23rd day of August, 1976. , - ' _/ 7-:', '.7-' ---- --- .ri" ,),L/761 - Will am . Howell, Mayor Attest: ;i i i . ./ , , Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk