01-23-78 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA January 23, 1978 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of January 9, 1978 1A. Presentation of Plaque in Commemoration of Sgt. Pike by Mayor Howell 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence A. B. H. Kimball re Water Servic, B. Ribault Garden Club C. Oceanside Christian Church D. Fla. Shore & Beach Preservation Association re Membership 4. City Manager's Report 5. Unfinished Business A. Bid Opening - Tennis Courts B. Donner Park Electrical Change Order C. E.D.A. Project - Mr. Parks and Mr. Steckla D. Beaches Council on Aging, Inc. E. P.U.D. Public Hearing - Lot 19 Block 29, Atlantic Beach S/D NE Corner East Coast and 2nd Street - Mr. Edward Ashurian F. P.U.D. Application - Lots 8 & 9 Block 34, Atlantic Beach /D NW Corner Ocean Blvd. & Ahern Street - Mr. Mike Ash (Reviewed by Planning Board 1/17/78) 6. Report of Committees 7. Action on Resolutions 8. Action on Ordinances 9. Miscellaneous Business A. Proposal to add dental benefits to Health 6 Accident insurance 10. Adjourn copies to Advisory Planning Board MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JANUARY 23, 1978, AT 8:00 P.M. V V PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner 0 O T T Alan C. Jensen E E James E. Mhoon D D Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners AND: R. C. Vogel, City Manager M S Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney O E Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk T C ABSENT: L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioner I O Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS . N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offerel by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of January 9, 1978 Jensen x x Motion: The minutes of the Regular Commission Mhoon x Meeting be approved as submitted. Van Ness x x Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Presentation of Plaque in Commemoration of Sgt. Pike A plaque, in commemoration of Sgt. Richard Pike, was presented to his widow and family by Commissioner Mhoon. The commendatory remarks by a long time personal friend, Commissioner Mhoon, brought tears to the Commission and audience. The Commissioner's comments pertained to Sgt. Pike's outstanding performance of duty and his devotion to the Pop Warner Little League, which he and Dr. Mhoon initiated in the Beaches area twenty years ago, and that he, Sgt. Pike, and Tommie Boney, Superintendent of Recreation for Jacksonville, formulated the rules which Mr. Warner later adopted nationally. It was pointed out the Little League has now grown to approximately 7,000 boys playing football annually. Correspondence A. B. H. Kimball re Water Service Mayor Howell acknowledgedreceipt of a letter from Mr. Kimball requesting approval of an application for water service for 15 units at 2337 Seminole Road. The Mayor commented that in the past the Commission had made it very clear to all applicants for service outside the City that when the new pumping station was on line, ample water service would be available, provided the developer understands payment for the water lines would be at the expense of the developer, the lines would meet the City's specifications and be deeded to the City after acceptance by the Commission, and that no developer should ever expect to receive any reimbursement for the installation of water and sewer lines from the City of Atlantic Beach. Commissioner Mhoon suggested the matter be Page Two V V Minutes Names of • January 23, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N deferred until discussion of Item 5C. Commission agreed. B. Ribault Garden Club A letter from the Ribault Garden Club, which was read by the Mayor, stated that a garden contest was being planned in the area, and requested a contribution from the City for prizes. Mr. Ball advised the Commission that even though the cause was a very worthwhile civic endeavor, taxpayers should donate voluntarily, and, as the City Attorney, he did not feel the City should, in this instance, obligate taxpayer's money. Commissioner Mhoon requested the item also be deferred until after the next item on the agenda. C. Oceanside Christian Church The Mayor read a request a waive a sewer tap fee assessed to the Church because of the unforeseen expense of land clearing. Mr. Ball asserted such action would be highly unconstitutional inasmuch as the principle of separation of powers (i.e. , Church and government) was applicable. Jensen x x Motion: Request for waiver of sewer tap fee Mhoon x be denied on recommendation by the Van Ness x x City Attorney. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D. Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association re Membership Mayor Howell advised the Commission that the annual statement, in the amount of $200.00, for membership in the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association is due. Motion: Approve for payment statement in the Jensen x x amount of $200.00, for annual member- Mhoon x x ship in the Florida Shore and Beach Van Ness x Preservation Association. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Mhoon requested that the deferred item 3-8, Ribault Garden Club, be brought before the Commission. He added that, due to Mr. Ball 's comments, he did not feel the Commission should donate to the organization, but he remarked that he would like to donate personally to both worthwhile organizations, the Ribault Garden Club and the Oceanside Christian Church. He also suggested they contact him personally. Jensen x Mhoon x x Motion: Deny request for contribution to the Van Ness x x Ribault Garden Club. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page Three V V Minutes Names of January 23, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N Unfinished Business A. Bid Opening - Tennis Courts The City Clerk was questioned as to the number of bids received and the reply was one. Jensen x Motion: The one bid received not be opened and Mhoon x x call for additional bids at the next Van Ness x x meeting. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8. Donner Park Electrical Change Order Mr. R. A. Coll presented copies of an electrical change order from Bivins Electric Company in the amount of $1,376.10, which altered power service from 3-phase to single phase (discussed at the meeting of January 9, 1978). It was suggested this change order be executed in the form of a Resolution, #78-1. Motion: Approve electrical change order from Bivins Electric Company, in the amount of $1,376.10, by passage of Resolution #78-1. Jensen x Mhoon x x Copy of Resolution #78-1 is attached Van Ness x x hereto and made a part hereof. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C. E.D.A. Project - Mr. Parks and Mr. Steckla Mr. Parks reported the new pumping station is ready for acceptance except for a few deficiencies which should be completed within the next few days, that is: 1) Painting items around the premises; 2) Remove a fence gate that was installed on a temporary basis; and 3) Install additional relays for power failure. Mayor Howell suggested that the Commission accept the contractor 's work with the condition that fina payment will be made upon receipt of a letter to Mr. Steckla from Mr. Parks stating all deficiencies have been corrected. Commissioner Jensen requested that prior to final payment, the contractors, including sub-contractors, furnish affidavits stating that no out- standing liens or obligations exist against the property. Motion: Accept completion of new pumping station on recommendation of Mr. Walter J. Parks, with the condition that final payment will be made upon receipt of a letter to Mr. Steckla from Mr. Parks stating all Jensen x deficiencies have been fully complied with, Mhoon x x and contractors have furnished affidavits Van Ness x x stating there are no outstanding liens or Howell x obligations against the property. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page Four 1 V V Minutes Names of January 23, 1978 Commrs. M S Y N ---- ---.._.. - -- .- - -- - - - --- - - - _. ._ ---- --- ---- - 1.I.. Unfinished Business - Cont 'd Mr. Parks further commented the last expansion on Seminole Road to the Ocean Garden Condominiums has not been completed, and that he was not yet prepared to recommend acceptance by the City. Mr. Parks indicated that the ground water level at Poinsettia and Sturdivant had been discussed with the contractor and as soon as an agreement has been reached, Mr. Parks will advise the Commission. Mayor Howell added he would call a special meeting if necessary. Mayor Howell queried Mr. Parks concerning the latter's position on Mr. B. H. Kimball 's application for water service (item 3-A). Commissioner Jensen suggested the item be passed over until the next Jensen x x meeting. Mhoon x x Van Ness x Motion: Pass item 3-A over until the next meeting. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D. Beaches Council on Aging, Inc. Mayor Howell expressed the opinion that until word had been received from Neptune and Jacksonville Beaches on their planned participation for the current year, the item should be filed for information. Commission agreed. E. P.U.D. Public Hearing - Lot 19, Block 29, Atlantic Beach Mr. Vogel advised the Commission that Mr. Ashurian had requested his Public Hearing be withdrawn. F. P.U.D. Application - Lots 8 & 9, Block 34 - Mr. Mike Ash Mr. Vogel mentioned that copies of the Advisory Planning Board minutes had been mailed to each of the Commissioners, and observed thLt the Board recommended approval of Mr. Ash 's revised application for six units instead of eight. Jensen x x Motion: Accept Planning Board's recommendation Mhoon x x and set a Public Hearing for February 27, Van Ness x 1978, at 8:00 P.M. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Mhoon requested that a copy of the plans and application be sent to each Commissioner before the next meeting. Commission agreed. Miscellaneous Business A. Proposal to add dental benefits to Health and Accident Insurance Page Five V V Minutes Names of January 23, 1978 Commrs . M S Y N - -414- Miscellaneous y - Miscellaneous Business - Cont 'd Commissioner Mhoon stated that he had made an extensive survey on dental insurance and he was highly opposed to adding dental insurance to the City's Health and Accident Program. Mayor Howell commented the insurance would cost $4.59 per employee, or an additional $3,000 between now and October 1978. For this reason, he was also opposed to adding the dental program. Motion: The City will not participate in the additional dental insurance offered by Pilot Life. If 100% of the employees Jensen x desire to participate using their own Mhoon x x funds, the Commission will have no Van Ness x x objection. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Van Ness expressed birthday wishes to Commissioner Jensen. Commissioner Mhoon congratulated Mr. Walter J. Parks for the designing] of the new well and commended Messrs. Steckla and Hilliard, Mayor Howell, and the City Manager, along with Mr. R. A. Coll, for doing a fine job in handling the project. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. A William . Howell, Mayor- mmissioner (SEAL) ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk RESOLUTION #78-1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, that The following budget transfers and changes to be made in the 1977-78 Budget: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE 9-101-000 - Donner Park Project $ 1,376.00 9-1000 - Parks and Equipment Capital Appropriation $ 1,376.10 TOTAL $ 1,376.10 $ 1, 376.10 * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on January 23 1978. ATTEST: i) f, Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk (SEAL) CHANGE OWNER ' ARCI1111( I ORDER (oNTRAc toRHim AIA DOCUMENT- (u tl( O1I Il R PROJECT The City of Atlantic Beach ( 1 (ANL' ( 'I•:((1 k NU"•1B1_R E-1 name addr:j8hner Park TO Cont,Icluri Flivins Electric Company, Inc. •\I<( ! Hut 1 , IT( )0.'1 NO 77-104 P.O. Box 50914 1 t r4IRA( I 1OK. Jac,sonville Beach, Florida 32250 ( ( I^,I+' \( I I)A1I . November 21, 1977 You ate d • ted to make the lulluwirtti t h,u ges n1 flit, ('untl.lt Additior2l cost 1 . Change main service from 4#4/0 to 3#500MCM $ 581.410 2. Change Panel A from 225A-304W to 400A-103W $ 187.60 3. Change wire from Panel A to Contactor from 4#3/0 to 3#250MCM $ 11. 75 4. Change Contactor from 200A-30 to 300A-10-2pole $ 392.40 5. Change wire from Contactor to Panel B from 4#3/0 to 3#250MCM Q . 11. 75 6. Change Panel B from 225A-30-4W to 400A-10-3W S(cost in #2) 7. Change main breaker from 1-3pole-225A to 1-2pole-300A $(cost in #2) 8. South circuit wiring: Change 11'-'6 wire to 12#6 wire Change 3=6 wire to 4#6 wire $ 55.20 9. 'Forty circuit wiring: Change 114'6 wire to 12#6 wire Cr nge P6 wire to 11#6 wire - Change 112' PVC to 2" PVC Change 7#6 wire to 9#6 wire - Change 1;' PVC to 11/2"PVC Change 3#6 wire to 4#6 wire $ 136. 00 Total Additional Cost by Change E-1 $ 1,376. 10 The prig nal Conhact Sum was $ 14,785.00 'ret change by previous Change Orders $ 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 14,785.00 The Contract Sum wit be (increased) OE1 X1)EX1NddXXIXrXdbi)< (X(34 by this Change Order . . $ 1, 376. 10 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 16, 161. 10 The Contract Time wiii be (increased) (d efelVeXini( t .,y ( 30 ) Days. The Date of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is April 15, 1978 P. A. Goll and Associates, Inc. Bivins rlectric Co. , Inc. The City of_ AtlanticBea.4h Ai TELT ONTR CIOR (wogR i IDLOS}a : __=ve._ `P.0,_ Box 50914 _ _ P.O. Drawer 25 Address . � Address — Flo da 32 s9 ado s( .sonville Beach, Florida Atl : i/Be.- h, Florida 32233 , 04 , , iy,= / DATE f`C �7� DAEE /- Z 6, AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHANGE ORDER,• APRIL 1970 EDITION • AIA® • m 1970 • THE ONI PAGE AMERICAN I.NST.,I.IL of ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASIIIN(.tuN, D.C. 20006