11-22-93 v } ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 22, 1993, 7:15 PM AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 8, and special called meeting of November 15, 1993 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Old Business: A. Fleet & Associates with submittal of final plans for remodeling public safety building; authorization to solicit bids ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee report b. Authorize execution of Change Order documents to correct effluent problem in Buccaneer chlorine contact improvements (Change Order approved 11/8/93 ) c. Award contract for Church Road and Poinsettia Street improvements under Bid No. 9394-1 to R. & B. Contracting Co. in the total amount of $84, 452.00 5 . Action on Resolutions: a. Resolution No. 93-53 declaring a special assessment for a water line on a section of Ocean Grove Drive b. Resolution No. 93-54 declaring a special assessment for a sewer line on a section of Ocean Grove Drive 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 25-93-25 to adopt standards for low-flow plumbing devices 7. New Business: a. Discussion re appointment of two members to the Recreation Advisory Board (Rose Blanchard) b. Public hearing and action on an application for Use-by- Exception filed by Habitat for Humanity to operate a business office at 716 Ocean Boulevard ( George Worley) c. Mayor to appoint commission representative to Awards Committee; other committee appointments 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT O O 7 : 15 PM ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 , 1993 T T E E PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor D D Steve Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters , III , and M S Robert G. Weiss , Jr. Commissioners 0 E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 8 , 1993 and special called meeting of November 15, 1993 Rosenbloom x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular Waterhnessyxsss x x x meeting of November 8 , 1993 i Weiss x Fletcher x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Rosenbloom x Motion: Approve minutes of the special Shaughnessy x called meeting of November 15, 1993 Waters x x Weiss x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Fletcher x unanimously. 2 . Recognition of Visitors: Marcy Ashby, 133 Pine Street, disapproved of Fantasy Lingerie Modeling Business located within the City. She asked for an explanation of the screening that was conducted to allow a business to have an occupational license. Maureen King, City Clerk, explained the procedure that was used to allow business licensing. Ms. Ashby indicated the front door of Fantasy Lingerie was kept locked and models were clothed in undergarments . She asked that the city consider conducting a more thorough review of businesses prior to granting licenses . Alan Potter indicated a similar business moved into a building in his neighborhood but the business could not be evicted since they had done nothing illegal. David Thompson, Police Chief, indicated the Police • V V Page 2 NAME OF November 22 , 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Department was looking into the matter. An officer planned to attend a seminar regarding this type of situation and it was hoped the Police Department would learn what options were available. Kim Leinbach, City Manager, was directed to review the matter, examine all options, and report to the Commission. 3. Old Business: A. Fleet & Associates with submittal of final plans for remodeling public safety building: authorization to solicit bids Bob Fleet presented a sketch illustrating the proposed expansion of the public safety building. The estimated cost would be $141 ,000 for the building plus approximately $7 , 000 for furnishings and the plans would expand the existing building by approximately 1 ,500 square feet. The proposed expansion would add 1 , 024 square feet of bunk space for the fire department, 250 square feet for the police detectives, and 240 square feet for the )olice records division. An alternative design was )resented which Mr. Fleet explained would be less disruptive to the Fire Department and would cost $131 , 000 , and he recommended the alternative design be put out for bid. Questions were answered by Mr. Fleet, and a discussion ensued relative to whether the addition would withstand 110 mph winds. It was felt more specific information was needed relative to possible damage that might occur in the event of a hurricane . Don Ford was asked to examine the plans and indicate his opinion from a Building Department standpoint. It was decided to refer the plans to the City Manager for review. 4 . Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee report b. Authorize execution of Change Order documents to correct effluent problem in Buccaneer chlorine contact improvements (Change Order approved 11/8/93) c. Award contract for Church Road and Poinsettia Street improvements under Bid No. 9394-1 to R. & B. Contracting Co. in the total amount of $84 ,452 . 00 'Rosenbloom x x Motion: Approve passage of consent agenda hterhnessy x haters x Reiss x x Fletcher x V V Page 3 NAME OF November 22 , 1993 COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5 . Action on Resolutions: a. Resolution No . 93-53 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECLARING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 170, FOR A SEWER LINE TO SERVE THE PROPERTY OWNERS ON OCEAN GROVE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Rosenbloom x x Resolution 93-53. Shaughnessy x x Waters x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 93-53 Weiss x Fletcher x Bob Kosoy briefly outlined the project, and he indicated the City Attorney had prepared the resolution. Jim Jarboe indicated assessment rolls would be prepared and individual property owners would have an opportunity to ask any questions and present any problems they might have. _he question was called and the motion carried unanimously. b. Resolution No. 93-54 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECLARING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 170 , FOR A WATER LINE TO SERVE THE PROPERTY OWNERS ON A SECTION OF OCEAN GROVE DRIVE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, resolution 93-54 . Rosenbloom x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 93-54 Shaughnessy x x Waters x Commissioner Waters indicated some property owners had Weiss x water and sewer. Mr. Kosoy explained assessments would Fletcher x not be made where residents currently had water and sewer if the water and sewer lines met city standards. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 6. Action on Ordinances: - . Ordinance No. 25-93-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, V V Page 4 NAME OF November 22 , 1993 COMMAS. MSYN AMENDING CHAPTER 6, BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IV, PLUMBING CODE; TO ADD SECTION 6-61 TO ADOPT STANDARDS FOR LOW-FLOW PLUMBING DEVICES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 25-93-25 on first reading. Rosenbloom x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 25- Shaughnessy x waters x x 93-25 on its first reading and set public hearing for December 13 , 1993 Fletc x x Fletcher x Don Ford, Building Inspector, explained most fixtures installed today were low flow and Florida Statutes required the ordinance be passed by January 1 , 1993 The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 7 . New Business: a. Discussion re appointment of two members to the Recreation Advisory Board Aayor Fletcher nominated Gary Santora and Cindy Corey to serve on the Recreation Advisory Board. The Commission unanimously approved the Mayor' s recommendation. b. Public hearing and action on an application for Use-by-Exception filed by Habitat for Humanity to operate a business office at 716 Ocean Boulevard George Worley, City Planner, advised Habitat operated only office functions such as record keeping, telephone work and occasional staff meetings at the community center location, and that no storage of materials or contract work occurred on the premises. He reported the Community Development board heard the request and after a brief discussion unanimously recommended to the City Commission that the requested Use-by-Exception be approved. The Mayor opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. William J. Ryszykow, 535 Royal Palm Drive, noted the ^ity had requested bids for roofing the building and .nquired whether those who used the building should be required to pay for its use. Stan Jones inquired V V Page 5 NAME OF November 22, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN whether a Habitat office was an appropriate use of the Community Center since Habitat was not associated with the Recreation Department. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. In further discussion it was felt Habitat was an Atlantic Beach outreach program, was a very positive influence within the city, and that the use-by- exception should be granted. Motion: Approve recommendation from Community Rhaughx Development Board for Use-by-Exception to enable Saterhnesm essy x x Waters x x Habitat for Humanity to operate a business office at Weiss x 716 Ocean Boulevard Fletcher x The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. c. Mayor to appoint commission representative to Awards Committee; other committee appointments Mayor Fletcher nominated Commissioner Weiss to serve on the Awards Committee. Rosenbloom x Shaughnessy x x Motion: Appoint Commissioner Weiss to serve Waters x on the Awards Committee Weiss x Fletcher x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher referred to recent discussions regarding the ligation with Jacksonville and suggested that a fact finding task force be appointed to assist the City and legal counsel in the preparation of the necessary facts to support the City' s litigation. He indicated he would entertain a motion from the floor to dissolve the existing Negotiating Committee for a Fair Inter- Local Agreement. Rosenbloom x x Motion: Dissolve the existing Negotiating Shaughnessy x Committee for a Fair Inter-Local Agreement Waters x Weiss x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Fletcher x unanimously. yor Fletcher suggested a new Fact-Finding Task Force be created and he requested Ray Salman to be Chairman, V V Page 6 NAME OF November 22, 1993 COMMAS. MSYN and nominated committee members Suzanne Shaughnessy, Bill Gulliford, Bob Cook, and Theo Mitchelson. Rosenbloom x x Motion: Create a new Inter-Local Fact-Finding Shaughnessy x Task Force with the following members: Ray Waters x Salman (Chairman) , Suzanne Shaughnessy, Bill Weiss x x Gulliford, Bob Cook, and Theo Mitchelson Fletcher x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. The Mayor indicated Deputy City Manager Jim Jarboe would represent staff on the committee. He asked Mr. Salman to hold an organizational meeting and he requested that the City Attorney meet with the task force to give legal guidance. The Mayor asked City Manager Kim Leinbach to send letters to the members of the original committee thanking them for their service to the city. The Mayor appointed Commissioner Weiss to be involved with Stormwater Management and he appointed Vern Weatherford and William McGee to assist Commissioner aeiss. The Commission accepted the Mayor ' s appointments . The Mayor referred to the Safe Neighborhood Committee which was presently inactive. He felt this was an important committee and indicated he would like to reactive it. He asked the Commission and public to consider making appointments of seven citizens to would work closely with the Police Chief and City Manager to make the city a more safe place. The Mayor assigned other areas of responsibility to each commissioner as follows : he indicated Commissioner Shaughnessy would be involved in beautification and code enforcement, Commissioner Weiss would be working on the Awards Committee and Storm Water Management, and the Mayor intended to be involved with Parks and Recreation and the Water and Sewer Committee. Commissioner Rosenbloom would be active in Solid Waste and the budget process of the city, and Commissioner Waters would be working with the Community Development Corporation and Habitat. The Mayor asked the City Clerk to publish the various -Zeeting dates. 8 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: V V Page 7 NAME OF November 22, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Kim Leinbach, City Manager, reported a receptacle had been placed in City Hall for donations of clothes for Mt. Pisgah Church. He indicated he had been in contact with the office of Representative Tillie Fowler with regard to health insurance and that he would have information to report later. He indicated street sweeping was scheduled December 1 , 1993 through December 3 , 1993 . Mr. Leinbach reported because of concerns of large trucks damaging city streets signs indicating "no trucks except for local deliveries" would be installed on several streets. A discussion ensued concerning a large Publix truck which parked and unloaded merchandise outside the Publix shopping area and it was reported the truck blocked the view of drivers and was a hazard. Mr. Leinbach was asked to notify Publix of this matter. Mr. Leinbach reported the city intended to acquire additional Sensus meters and he indicated money was allocated in the Capital Improvement Plan. He ndicated the city' s purchasing procedures allowed staff to acquire this item under another agency' s bid without the necessity of going out for bid. He asked the commission if they desired to have the purchase of these items brought before the commission for approval every time a purchase was made or if it would be possible to proceed with additional purchases without commission approval. After discussion, the commission agreed that if the purchase was over $5 ,000 it would be necessary for the matter to be brought before the commission for approval. Rosenbloom x Motion: Approve purchase order in the amount Shaughnessy x of $17 ,000 to acquire additional Sensus Waters x x meters Weiss x x Fletcher x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. David Thompson, Police Chief, reported the Nuisance Control Board was originally formed for the purpose of closing businesses that were a nuisance because of drug activities. He indicated the same results could be ccomplished through the courts and he recommended issolving the Nuisance Control Board. V v Page 8 NAME OF November 22, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Rosenbloom x x Motion: Amend ordinance to abolish Nuisance Shaughnessy x x Control Board Weisss x Weiss x Fletcher x After discussion, it was explained the Board was not designed to deal with code enforcement problems or noise problems , but mostly with drug enforcement. It was felt the court system operated in a more useful manner and thus retaining the board would not be practical. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Alan Jensen, City Attorney, reported he received a request from Don Ford regarding the establishment of a Board of Adjustment, which would deal with concerns of the Building Department. Mr. Jensen reported a letter had been received regarding a complaint relative to stormwater management and a portion of fees which were paid among tenants in a commercial building. He explained the city' s )rdinance provided that if one had a complaint one could apply in writing to the City Manager for a determination and if one was not satisfied with the determination of the City Manager an appeal could be made to the Board of Adjustment. Presently, Mr . Jensen explained, the City did not have a Board of Adjustment. Don Ford explained City Ordinances granted citizens the right to appeal decisions of the Building Inspector to the Board of Adjustment. After discussion and the realization that matters to appear before a proposed Board of Adjustment would be infrequent, it was decided that the Commission would sit as a Board of Adjustment. It was decided a proposed Resolution would appear on the agenda of December 13 , 1993 that would indicate the Commission would sit as a Board of Adjustment. Commissioner Weiss referred to a pond at Aquatic Gardens and indicated wires were exposed and the pond needed cleaning. He indicated there was a garbage problem at 341 Ahern Street and Don Ford explained the property was cited and it appeared this matter would come before the Code Enforcement Board. Kim Leinbach indicated his desire to bring the matter to a conclusion. V V Page 9 NAME OF November 22, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired regarding a bump at Coral Street and Bob Kosoy explained the contractor was working on this and it would be repaired in a matter of days. Commissioner Rosenbloom reported he had received a Jacksonville City Council agenda and he noted a resolution had appeared which called for a formal study of the financial relationship, value of service agreements , and millage rate between Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, and the City of Jacksonville. A resolution also appeared calling for the study of the Jacksonville Fire Department serving Neptune Beach and the Town of Baldwin. Commissioner Rosenbloom reported he had good response relative to a proposed "camp-out" and he indicated he would like to have a working committee to move forth on the matter. He suggested a 5K or 10K run to kick off the "camp-out. " He indicated he would give a report at a January Commission meeting. Commissioner Waters noted members were appointed to boards and received no training. He felt orientation should be provided from the City Attorney or the City Manager. The Mayor asked the City Manager to initiate a procedure for training new members to boards for consideration at the meeting of December 13, 1993 . Commissioner Waters asked where the storm drain for Selva Linkside emptied, to which Bob Kosoy responded he would study the matter and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Waters referred to a ditch which ran from Plaza, under Skate, and joined several other ditches behind Publix Store, and he asked when the ditch was last cleaned. Mr. Kosoy replied the ditch had been cleaned approximately two weeks ago, and that it was cleaned from the Publix area back to Aquatic Gardens. Mr. Kosoy indicated it was difficult to gain access to the Aquatic Gardens portion because of the narrow size of the ditch. It was agreed that the ditch behind Aquatic Gardens was difficult to maintain. Jim Jarboe reported the Department of Transportion agreed to clean several ditches which should help the situation. Barbara Bonner explained the Aquatic Gardens ditch had been a constant source of problems. After discussion, it was agreed that Ms. Bonner, the Stormwater Committee • V V Page 10 NAME OF November 22 , 1993 COMMRS. MSYN and Commissioner Weiss would conduct a visual inspection of the Aquatic Gardens area and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Waters indicated the City had received an invitation to meet with Representative Arnall on December 7 , 1993 and he asked that Jim Jarboe provide information regarding problem areas so that the information could be furnished to Representative Arnall. Commissioner Waters indicated he appreciated receiving minutes of all the Boards. He commended the Code Enforcement Board. He asked for a meeting to be scheduled between the Community Development Board and +the Commission, and the City Manager was asked to schedule a meeting during December, if possible. The City Attorney and George Worley were asked to be prepared to provide instruction to everyone involved. Mayor Fletcher referred to the Federal Crime Bill that had recently been passed and he indicated his desire to be involved so that the city would be aware of the avenues to pursue to get its share of federal funds . Mayor Fletcher asked Kim Leinbach to give an update relative to beach renourishment. Mr. Leinbach reported the renourishment was conducted by Duval County and the state and federal government. Mayor Fletcher announced there would be a vacancy on the Tree Board effective after their December meeting. He asked that a Resolution be prepared for the December 13 , 1993 meeting thanking John Weldon for his work on the Tree Board. Mayor Fletcher announced Christmas Tree lighting would be December 2 , 1993 and since he would be out of town he asked Commissioner Waters to represent him during the ceremony. Mayor Fletcher asked Kim Leinbach to summarize the proposals that had been received relative to the city' s banking procedures. Mr. Leinbach reported he had received five responses to the city' s request for proposals and that he would have recommendations at the meeting of December 13, 1993 . Mayor Fletcher reported concerning the success of the Cithy' s recycling efforts. He encouraged more V V Page 11 NAME OF November 22 , 1993 COMMAS. MSYN participation of the public through staff efforts. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9 : 30 p. m. _...1111111111117/4401, ,0000 Lyman T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: Maure n King, City lerk