08-02-93 v MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, AT 7:30 PM ON AUGUST 2, 1993. Present were the Mayor and Commissioners Edwards, Tucker and Fletcher. Also present were City Manager Leinbach, Finance Director Wendland, City Attorney Jensen and City Clerk King. Commissioner Waters was out of town and was excused. Mayor Gulliford called the meeting to order and explained the procedure for adopting a municipal operating budget. Copies of the budget pages summarizing revenues and expenditures were copied and distributed to those present. The Mayor reminded the audience that two copies of the complete budget were available in city hall for public review and he requested that citizens take advantage of this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the budget. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding state revenue sharing and Kirk Wendland explained the figures presented were estimates based on past experience and estimates provided by the state. Mayor Gulliford inquired regarding reserve funds and the City Manager explained the auditors had recommended 25% of revenues be held in reserve. The projected reserve figures were short of the 25% figure but it was hoped the reserve amount could be built up in the future. Attention was drawn to the funds which were transferred from the Buccaneer district to the general fund. Mayor Gulliford indicated the Buccaneer plant was purchased in the hopes it would make a profit and Buccaneer customers were charged 125% the rate charged to Atlantic Beach customers. Kirk Wendland explained funds were transferred from Buccaneer to the general fund to cover administrative costs related to the operation of the Buccaneer plant. The Mayor, City Manager and Finance Director responded to other citizen questions regarding the use of police cars and fire trucks, garbage collection and the cost of hauling garbage and sludge to the landfill, "rolled-back rate, " salaries, the pension plan, expansion of the public safety building, and growth of the city. Discussion then ensued regarding the budget as follows: Dept. #511 - Legislative Mayor Gulliford requested further review of the figure budgeted for health insurance. He felt since some commissioners had health insurance through their businesses, the figure budgeted may be excessive. He also requested the figure budgeted for Other Current Charges ( Line 49 ) , be reduced to $5, 000.00. Page Two Minutes - Budget Workshop August 2, 1993 Dept. #512 - Executive Discussion ensued regarding the cost to implement the recommended pay plan and the City Manager felt since contract negotiations were still ongoing with some of the collective bargaining groups, it was somewhat premature to discuss salaries in detail . Following further discussion, no changes were made. Dept. #513 - Finance Discussion ensued regarding the cost of operating the finance department and the cost of monthly billing vis a vis quarterly billing. The City Manager explained the city had changed to monthly billing to better serve those citizens on low or fixed incomes for whom quarterly billing created a financial hardship. He explained payroll, purchasing and utility billing all fell within the purview of the finance department. Following further discussion, no changes were made to the finance department budget. Additional budget workshops were scheduled for Tuesday, August 10, and Tuesday, August 24, at 7:30 PM following which the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM. Maur en King, City Cler; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 2 , 1993 , 7 : 15 P. M. AGENDA 1 . Authorization to purchase Model 6252D8 IBM Band Printer 2 . Resolution 93-28 for budget transfers for Atlantic Beach Sewer funds Adjournment a � MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1993 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Present in addition to the Mayor were Commissioners Edwards and Tucker. Commissioner Waters was out of town and was excused. Commissioner Fletcher was absent. 1 . AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE MODEL 6252D8 IBM BAND PRINTER Finance Director Kirk Wendland distributed a copy of Resolution No. 93-7 which had approved a budget transfer on February 8, 1993, and indicated that the printer in question was included in that budget transfer but had not yet been purchased. He explained utility billing would shortly be transferred to the AS400 computer system and a printer would have to be dedicated to the printing of utility bills. The purchase would also include a scanner which could read the bar coding on the bills. Commissioner Tucker moved to authorize the purchase of the printer and scanner as requested. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 93-28 FOR BUDGET TRANSFER FOR ATLANTIC BEACH • SEWER FUNDS Public Works Director Bob Kosoy explained some sewer accounts were over budget, particularly, contractual services. He explained they had to use Duval Septic Tank Co. to haul sludge due to the fact the custom built Kubota tractor was out of service. He requested approval of the budget transfer in order to provide funds for the remainder of this fiscal year. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 93- 28, A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS. Commissioner Edwards moved to approve passage of Resolution No. 93- 28. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tucker and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come be 'ore the C ,ty Commiss .n, the Mayor declared the meeting adjour -. at 7: 25 PM Wi liam I . ulli 'r. • Mayor ATTEST: IIIMaureen King City Clerk