05-24-93 v AMENDED AGENDA: ADDITION OF 6D • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMNIISSION, MAY 24, 1993, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 10, 1993 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Proposal with related discussion and action concerning Jetski racing (John Meserve, Director Beaches Chamber of Commerce) 4. Old Business: A. Report on Ordinance #95-93-56 regarding solicitation (City Manager Kim Leinbach) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report B. Authorization to purchase Rubber Tire Excavator off State Contract C. Authorization to purchase dump body from State Contract 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution #93-20 noting the service of J. P. Hall with the Northeast Florida League of Cities B. Resolution #93-21 noting the service of James "Dick" Rigsby C. Resolution #93-22 authorizing the landscaping of a section of Seminole Road as part of a sewer project D. Resolution 93-23 establishing provisions regarding expenditures for water and sewer capital improvements pending availability of bond procedures 7. Ordinances: A. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance #60-93-7 amending political sign regulations 8. New Business: A. Public hearing with discussion and related action concerning the proposal to accept permit parking on 10th Street between Beach Avenue and Ocean Boulevard (Leslie Hinkle, Kay Lanier) B. Discussion and related action relative to Appeal of Variance Denial at 522 Clippership Lane (City Planner George Worley) C. Discussion and related action relative to Appeal of Variance Denial by Robert Lowther (City Planner George Worley) D. Discussion and related action relative to request for rezoning of Ashland Mini Storage (City Planner George Worley) E. Discussion and related action relative to request for rezoning of Pan Am Mini Storage complex (City Planner George Worley) F. Discussion and related action relative to Change Order #6 for an additional $7,957 for Water Treatment Plant 1 & 2 Improvements (PW Director Bob Kosoy) G. Discussion and related action relative to a committal letter with Barnett Bank for water/wastewater capital financing (Finance Director Kirk Wendland) H. Discussion and related action relative to contract for Deputy City Manager 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 10. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment REMINDER: Executive Session, May 24, 1993 at 6:15 p.m. in the conference room of City Hall. The topic will be union contracts for Public Works and Fire personnel. V V MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY O O COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 T T E E PM ON MONDAY, MAY 24, 1993 D D PRESENT: William I . Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor Glenn A. Edwards M S Lyman T. Fletcher O E Adelaide R. Tucker, and T C J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners I O Y AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager NAME OF D S N N Alan Cs Jensen, City AttornRy COMMRS. N D ' S 0 Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 10, 1993. Edwards x Motion: Approve minutes of the Fletcher x regular meeting of May 10, 1993 Tucker x x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Chief David Thompson introduced Kelly Crews, an intern from Florida State University, and he explained Ms. Crews would be serving her internship in the Atlantic Beach Police Department. Mayor Gulliford welcomed Ms. Crews to the City of Atlantic Beach. Agenda Item 3A was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. A. Proposal with related discussion and action concerning Jetski racing John Meserve, Director Beaches Chamber of Commerce, asked Andy Bunch, Chairman of the Chamber Tourism Committee, to speak concerning a proposed jetski racing event to be held in front of the Sea Turtle Inn on August 29, 1993 . Several questions arose relative to noise that would be generated from the event, liability to the city, safety of the people in the surf, and the length of the racing course. It was explained the course would be marked, the location could be specified by the City, and life guard vehicular traffic would not be blocked. The races would last from about 9 :00 a. m. until 4: 00 p. m. , and the jet skis would launch at the end of Atlantic Boulevard. V V Page 2 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMAS. MSYN Hotwater Tour, the organizer of the event, would provide safety craft in the ocean to keep private boats and swimmers away from danger. It was explained 28 classes of boats would participate, but Messrs. Meserve and Bunch were not able to advise exactly how many participants would be involved. Motion: Grant approval to hold jetski race on Edwards x August 29, 1993 in front of Sea Turtle Inn, Fletcher x x subject to satisfactory accounting of all Tucker x concerns of Commission. The City Manager was Waters x x instructed to meet with Messrs . Meserve and Gulliford x Bunch, along with Chief Thompson and Chief Williams, and any other parties who the City Manager felt should have input, and report back to the Commission at its meeting of June 14, 1993 Mr. Meserve advised he would provide the Commission with plans and all pertinent information at the June 14, 1993 meeting. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Agenda Item 6B was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. B. Resolution #93-22: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH IN MEMORY OF JAMES HENRY "DICK" RIGSBEE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #93-21 Edwards x Fletcher Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 93-21 x Tucker x x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Mayor Gulliford presented Resolution 93-21 in plaque form to Mrs. Dick Rigsbee. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Joan Bednar, 369 Ahern Street, requested an amendment to V V Page 3 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN the City' s Animal Control Ordinance to allow the pot bellied pig to be kept as a house pet. She indicated she owned a Vietnamese pot bellied pig which was a domesticated pig and not a farm animal. Two neighbors of Ms. Bednar, Sally Alderman 222 7th Street, and Joan Beckner, 369 Ahern Street, testified as to the cleanliness of the pig and they indicated they felt the ordinance should be amended to allow the animal as a pet. B. J. Lester, Animal Control Officer, reported the City of Jacksonville allowed pot bellied pigs as pets with the stipulation that the pig had to be on a leash, tested for rabies, have a city license, and be neutered. The matter was referred to the City Manager who agreed, with assistance from the City Attorney, to prepare an amended ordinance for the June 14, 1993 meeting to allow pot bellied pigs as pets . William Morgan, 1945 Beach Avenue, explained he owned property immediately north of 19th Street. He indicated the property contained a low spot which did not drain after a large rainfall . He added stormwater from 19th Street drained onto his property and large puddles accumulated after it rained. He explained he intended to build on the property in the future, but he felt at the present time his lot was acting as a stormwater retention pond. He asked the Commission to consider the matter and take steps to see that the storm water was drained in an appropriate manner. He felt it was not his responsibility to install drainage. A long discussion ensued relative to whether it was the city' s responsibility to provide drainage to a small developer. Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, felt it was the property owner' s responsibility to address the drainage problem when he developed his property. It was explained that in larger developments retention ponds were installed and the homeowners paid for the retention pond. Edwards Motion: Establish a policy whereby on an acre Fletcher or less of property the City would not hold Tucker the property owner responsibility for Waters x installing storm drains Gulliford Motion died for lack of a second. V V Page 4 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMAS. MSYN It was felt drainage should be dealt with as a city-wide problem, and that matters such as this be treated on a case by case basis. It was explained the City' s Storm Water Master Plan would be in effect within two to three years and at that time drainage would be in place. Mr. Morgan agreed that he would wait two to three years until the City' s Storm Water Drainage was in place before building on the parcel . The Commission agreed Mr. Morgan would not have to install a catch basin on the parcel . Bob Weiss thanked the Police Department and the Fire Department for their excellent work during "Dancing in the Streets" festival . He reported 1 , 050 signatures were collected on a petition to place the matter of Ocean County on the upcoming ballot. Barbara Bonner, 463 Selva Lakes Circle, inquired as to the cost of shrubbery at 11th Street Water Plant. She felt the shrubbery was excessive and that it could have been placed where it would be more visible to the public. Bob Kosoy explained the area had been heavily wooded and he had received complaints because trees and shrubs were removed. He explained the city planted shrubs and trees, using Enterprise Funds, to provide a buffer between the water plant and the adjacent residences. Mr. Kosoy explained the drainage problem would be corrected after the water plant was completed. It was explained the contractor would have to pay for any damage he incurred. Commissioner Waters asked that the weeds and underbrush be cut down. Bob Kosoy explained a chain link fence would be installed, and he was asked to keep the Commission apprised concerning the matter. 4. Old Business: A. Report on Ordinance #95-93-56 regarding solicitation Kim Leinbach, City Manager, reported the Committee appointed to study Ordinance #95-93-56 had met and recommended many changes, and the City Attorney was preparing the proposed revised ordinance. He reported it would be necessary to have the ordinance read on its first reading because substantial changes had been made, • • V V Page 5 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN and he advised it would be presented on first reading on June 14, 1993. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report B. Authorization to purchase Rubber Tire Excavator off State Contract C. Authorization to purchase dump body from State Contract Commissioner Waters requested Item A be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda, and Mayor Gulliford requested that Item B be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda Tucker x with the exception of items A and B Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. A. Water and Sewer Committee Report Commissioner Waters asked why the City was required to obtain a permit for the common beaches outfall line. Mr. Kosoy explained the DER had requested that the three beach cities obtain a permit for a joint Water Qu ality Based Effluent Limitation Study (WQBEL ) . By so doing, individual studies would not have to be undertaken by each city. The Commission accepted the Water and Sewer Committee Report #40 dated May 17, 1993 . B. Authorization to purchase Rubber Tire Excavator off State Contract Mayor Gulliford declared a conflict of interest relative to Consent Agenda Item B. He explained his Company represented the only two manufacturers of this equipment. He explained the manufacturer paid his company a fee to take care of the warranty and deliver the equipment. Commissioner Waters inquired if this equipment would clean ditches in Aquatic Gardens, to which Mr. Kosoy replied it would not and that another piece of equipment would be needed. Mr. Kosoy reported the machine would • clean the ditch on Seminole Road. • V V Page 6 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Edwards x Motion: Approve purchase of one rubber Fletcher x x tire excavator from Gradall Company for Tucker x x $120, 825 .00, State Contract Price, Waters x Contract #AP1592G1 Gulliford Mayor Gulliford declared a conflict of interest with reference to voting for purchase of one rubber tire excavator on the basis that his company represented the manufacturer. Form 8B, Memorandum of Voting Conflict is attached hereto and made a part hereof. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously with Mayor Gulliford abstaining from voting. 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution #93-20: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMENDING J. P. HALL FOR HIS SUPPORT OF THE NORTHEAST FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #93-20. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #93-20 Fletcher x Tucker x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Waters unanimously. Gulliford x B. Resolution #93-21 : A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH IN MEMORY OF JAMES HENRY "DICK" RIGSBEE (this was acted on earlier in agenda) C. Resolution #93-22 : A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO LANDSCAPE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN 17TH AND 18TH STREET ON SEMINOLE ROAD AS PART OF THE SEWER PROJECT FOR THAT AREA. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #93-22. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #93-22 Fletcher x x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Waters x Gulliford unanimously. x V V Page 7 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Resolution #93-23: A RESOLUTION OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING PROVISIONS REGARDING EXPENDITURES FOR WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PENDING AVAILABILITY OF BOND PROCEDURES Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #93-23 . Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #93-23 Fletcher x Tucker x x Kirk Wendland, Finance Director, explained it was Waters x x necessary to pass the resolution in order for the City to Gulliford x borrow money on a tax exempt basis . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Ordinances: A. Ordinance #60-93-7 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 17; SECTION 17-1, CERTAIN SIGNS EXEMPTED; PROVIDING FOR LIMITATIONS AND REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATE SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance #60-93-7, said Ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Several people spoke concerning the proposed ordinance. Some of the concerns were as follows: it was felt the ordinance infringed upon the rights of property owners because it specified where one could or could not place signs, objections were raised concerning the size of the sign allowed and it was felt a height limitation should be included; and it was felt that the Garden Club would not be happy if the ordinance was passed because many signs would be placed throughout the city. George Worley, City Planner, explained in drafting the ordinance two difficult points were the size and the number of signs . He indicated it was necessary to place some type of size limitation on signs, and he added it would be possible to reduce the size of the sign. He V V Page 8 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN indicated the ordinance was designed to keep people from putting signs right next to one another. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of ordinance #60-93-7 Fletcher x x Waters on Final Reading x 'Waters x x A discussion ensued and Commissioner Fletcher felt signs Gulliford x should be removed in 24 hours instead of 72 hours, that signs should not be allowed to be placed on the public right-of-way, that signs should be limited to one sign per candidate on each property, that a $10.00 fine should be levied against a property owner if he failed to remove a sign within 24 hours, that no sign should be placed before a candidate had qualified, and that signs should not be more than 2 ' x 2 ' . Edwards X Substitute Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x x ordinance #60-93-7 on its final reading with Tucker x x the following amendments: signs should be Waters x removed in 24 hours instead of 72 hours, signs Gulliford shall not be placed on public right-of-ways, X signs should be limited to one sign per candidate, a $10.00 fine shall be imposed against a property owner if he failed to remove a sign within 24 hours, no sign shall be placed before a candidate qualified, and signs should not be more than 2 ' x 2 ' A discussion ensued and it was felt signs should not be .higher than 4 ' . Edwards x Fletcher x Amended Substitute Motion: That signs shall Tucker X X not be higher than 4 ' Waters x x Gulliford x The question was called on the amended substitute motion and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Edwards felt an effort was being made to try to beautify the city, but he felt the proposed ordinance would allow too many signs. Commissioner Waters felt the right to place signs and V V Page 9 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN wave signs was an indication of the political freedoms enjoyed in this country and he felt this was the right of the people in a free and democratic society. The question was called on the substitute motion and the vote was 2-3 with Commissioners Edwards and Tucker and Mayor Gulliford voting nay. The motion failed. The question was called on the original motion to approve the ordinance on its final reading and the vote was 2-3, with Commissioners Edwards and Tucker and Mayor Gulliford voting nay. The motion failed. 8. New Business: A. Public hearing with discussion and related action concerning the proposal to accept permit parking on 10th Street between Beach Avenue and Ocean Boulevard Mayor Gulliford presented a petition requesting permit parking along a portion of 10th Street between Beach Avenue and Ocean Boulevard. He explained the City Clerk ' s Office had posted a Notice of Public Hearing and the topic was being presented for discussion. The Mayor opened the floor for a public hearing. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing. Edwards x x Fletcher x x Motion: Approve permit parking on 10th Street Tucker x between Beach Avenue and Ocean Boulevard Waters x Gulliford x Chief Thompson indicated the Parking Committee was in favor of the parking request, but it was felt the proposed layout was confusing. He indicated it would be more practical to have all visitor spaces together and all permitted spaces together. The Mayor asked Chief Thompson to meet with involved parties and come to an agreement on an amended parking plan. The Mayor indicated the Commission wished to be advised of the agreement that was reached. B. Discussion and related action relative to Appeal of Variance Denial at 522 Clippership Lane • V V Pagel() NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN George Worley presented an appeal of denial of the Community Development Board for a variance to place a roof over a patio located at 522 Clippership Lane. Mr. Worley explained Mr. & Mrs. Mizell applied to the Community Development Board for a Variance to permit the construction of a glass and brick room addition to the rear of their residence and that such addition would encroach the rear setback requirement by ten feet. The purpose of the addition was to house a billiards table and as a recreation room. The Board denied the application, the Mizells appealed, and the Commission denied the appeal . The Mizells redesigned the addition to include only a roof over the patio with no walls of any kind, and resubmitted the application to the Community Development Board. At the meeting the Board considered the question of substantial difference and found by a vote of 4-1 that this request was substantially different and that the application would be considered for action. It was further explained that if the addition were redefined to be an accessory building the applicant would then be in violation because of another existing free standing storage building on the lot. The Board subsequently found that this addition was not an accessory building and that no hardship existed, and the variance request was denied. Edwards Motion: Grant request for a variance to place Fletcher a roof over patio with no walls of any kind at Tucker x 522 Clippership Lane Waters Gulliford x Commissioner Waters asked if this addition could be built if it was a new structure, to which Don Ford replied a variance would be required. Commissioner Tucker indicated there were 23 names of neighbors who had no objections to the patio roof. A long discussion ensued regarding whether the variance should be granted. Mayor Gulliford felt the ordinance did not state the structure had to be detached. He explained the roof would cover the existing patio, and he suggested the permit could state the homeowner would not be allowed to enclose the structure as a heated and cooled living space. Commissioner Waters felt it was legal to build a driveway, patio, or sidewalk, but not a roofed structure. V V Pagell NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Substitute Motion: Accept recommendation of Edwards x Community Development Board to deny variance Fletcher x x to place roof over patio at 522 Clippership Tucker x Lane Waters x x Gulliford x The question was called and the vote resulted in 3-2, with Commissioner Tucker and Mayor Gulliford voting nay. The motion carried. Edwards x Motion: Reimburse Mizells for second variance Fletcher x x application fee they had paid for Community Tucker x Development Board to hear their request for Waters x x variance to place roof over patio at 522 Gulliford x Clippership Lane No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Discussion and related action relative to Appeal of Variance Denial by Robert Lowther George Worley presented an appeal of a decision of the Community Development Board denying Robert Lowther, 251 Ocean Forest Drive N. , a variance to the rear yard setback to allow construction of a room addition to within 10 feet of the rear property line. The proposed room would be heated and cooled. Mr. Worley reported the Community Development Board found no hardship except that created by the design of the builder. The house was located as far back as possible on the lot to comply with Oceanwalk setbacks. The Board determined that granting this variance would convey to the property owner a privilege generally denied to other property owners in the same zoning district, i . e. a reduced rear yard setback of only 10 feet. Robert Lowther presented a letter from a doctor indicating his wife was ill, and he explained the construction of the room addition would provide a more complete life at home for her. Edwards Motion: Accept recommendation of Community FletcherTuck x Development Board to deny variance to the rear Waterr yard setback to allow construction of a room Waters x addition to within 10 feet of the rear Gulliford property line at 251 Ocean Forest Drive N. V V Pagel2 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN Jim Lucas explained the property backed on to Hanna Park, and the request had been reviewed by the Oceanwalk architectural board and they found no problem. It was explained Mr. Lowther, when he presented his request to the Community Development Board, did not include a copy of the letter from the doctor of Mrs. Lowther indicating she was ill . A discussion ensued regarding sending the matter back to the Community Development Board to give them an opportunity to study the information that had been presented to the Commission relative to the health of Mrs. Lowther. Edwards x Motion: Defer action on appeal until June 14, Fletcher x x 1993 so that City Attorney can review whether Tucker x the matter could be returned to the Community Waters x x Development Board to consider the evidence of Gulliford x hardship presented to the Commission The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. D. Discussion and related action relative to request for rezoning of Ashland Mini Storage (this was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of Ashland Mini Storage) E. Discussion and related action relative to request for rezoning of Pan Am Mini Storage complex George Worley presented a request from Pan Am Mini Storage, 2383 Mayport Road, to rezone from CG commercial general to ILW industrial light warehousing. This would permit Pan Am to provide the service of outside storage of automobiles in conjunction with the mini storage business. The CG zoning does not permit outside storage of automobiles. Mr. Worley reported the Community Development Board unanimously concluded that, although there had been no direct complaints about Pan Am' s operation, the rezoning would open up considerable potential for heavier uses to encroach upon Mayport Road. The change of zoning from CG to ILW would allow outside storage of automobiles but would also allow bulk storage yards, heaving equipment sales and repair yards, and even V V Pagel3 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN the possibility of concrete batching plants. Mr. Worley reported because of the potential problems created by such zoning on a busy road like Mayport Road the board unanimously recommended denial of the requested rezoning. A draft ordinance was presented which would accomplish the requested rezoning. It was explained the ordinance would appear on its first reading at the meeting of June 14, 1993, and 30 days thereafter a public hearing would be held. It was explained proper notices would be sent to adjacent property owners prior to the public hearing. F. Discussion and related action to Change Order #6 for an additional $7, 957 for Water Treatment Plant 1 & 2 Improvements Bob Kosoy presented a request for approval for Change Order No. 6 Water Treatment Plant 1 & 2 Improvements in the amount of $7, 957.00 providing for various items of additional work outlined in Attachment A & B, (copies of Attachment A & B attached herewith and made a part hereto) . Edwards x Motion: Approve Change Order #6 for Water Fletcher x x Treatment Plant 1 & 2 Improvements in the Tucker x amount of $7, 957 as outlined in Attachment A & Waters x x B attached herewith Gulliford x Commissioner Edwards felt there were too many change orders which resulted in additional cost to the City, to which Mr. Kosoy replied the project was of a complex nature and that efforts would be made to do a better job in the future. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. G. Discussion and related action relative to a committal letter with Barnett Bank for water/wastewater capital financing Kirk Wendland, Finance Director, gave the Commission an update concerning the committal letter with Barnett Bank. He indicated a copy had been sent to the City Attorney for review, and they were waiting to hear from Foley Lardner concerning the matter. He indicated a special V V Pagel4 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN meeting might have to be scheduled if the committal letter was ready so that the July 1, 1993 deadline would be met. H. Discussion and related action relative to contract for Deputy City Manager Mayor Gulliford indicated he would like the contract for the Deputy City Manager to be discussed at a special called meeting to be held Wednesday, June 2, 1993, at 7: 30 p. m. 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: Kim Leinbach reported an addition to the existing Public Works building would cost approximately $3, 700 and since this amount fell under the discretion of the City Manager, work would proceed. Mr. Leinbach reported the Community Development Board would like to hold a joint meeting with the Commission at 6 :00 p. m. , Monday, June 14, 1993 ( prior to the regular Commission meeting ) . Commissioner Fletcher inquired as to the status of commercial recycling, to which Kim Leinbach replied he would report to Commissioner Fletcher concerning this matter. Commissioner Fletcher referred to a letter from Sonja Plant, City of Baldwin, regarding funds for recyclable items sold through the City of Jacksonville. Kim Leinbach indicated he would study the letter and report back to Commissioner Fletcher. Commissioner Fletcher indicated the Jacksonville Transportation Authority ( JTA) requested the City contribute either $1, 000 or an in kind contribution to advertise the summer shuttle service. Commissioner Fletcher indicated his desire to have the City advertise concerning the shuttle service. Commissioner Fletcher referred to the refunding of Gulf Breeze Notes, and he indicated his desire to pay off the notes independent from the City of Arcadia. Kirk Wendland agreed with Commissioner Fletcher, but he indicated he had pursued the matter and the conditions that were stipulated by Gulf Breeze were very complicated and cumbersome and thus many other cities were prepaying V V Page15 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN the bonds through Arcadia. He indicated he would further explore the possibility of the City prepaying the notes. Commissioner Fletcher indicated his desire to have a status report concerning the allocation of Community Development Block Grant funds. Commissioner Fletcher asked the Mayor to appoint Dezmond Waters to fill the slot vacated by Commissioner Tucker on the Zoning Committee. Mayor Gulliford appointed Commissioner Waters and Dorothy Kerber to serve on the Zoning Committee. Commissioner Fletcher suggested naming the water plant after Pappy Parks, a former city engineer and Atlantic Beach resident. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Name Water Plant after Pappy Parks Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Commissioner Waters reported the Mayor ' s Recreation Select Committee and the Recreation Advisory Board had held a joint meeting. He indicated it was reported the City of Jacksonville Beach charged $5 . 00 surcharge for Ponte Vedra Little League players. He reported the Recreation Advisory Board felt in the past they had made recommendations but there was no revenue for suggested projects . Mayor Gulliford asked Commissioner Waters to have a report concerning the Mayor ' s Recreation Select Committee by July 4, 1993 . Mayor Gulliford referred to the ditch at Simmons Road and he reported it was not flowing, to which Bob Kosoy replied work still had to be done. The Mayor requested the ditch be sprayed for mosquitoes. Mayor Gulliford reported there would be a Salute to Habitat dinner at the Sea Turtle on June 10, 1993 . The Mayor reported sidewalks had been installed on the Jacksonville side of Church Road. V V • Pagel6 NAME OF May 24, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN There being no further business the Ma •r adjourned t e meeting at 10: 57 p. m. `, il, ayor I . Gullifor• " Mayor/Presiding • % A T S T: rl'� Maureen King City Clerk