04-12-93 v • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, APRIL 12, 1993, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 1993, and Impasse Hearing of March 24, 1993 with Fire Personnel 2. Presentation: A. Introduction of Kelly Burton-PW Maintenance Foreman (PW Director Bob Kosoy) B. Discussion/status of Stormwater Program (Mitch Griffin, CH2M Hill) C. Fiscal Year 1992 audit (Purvis, Gray & Company) 3. Recognition of Visitors: 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding the request to re-bid wetwell re-lining project (PW Director Bob Kosoy) B. Discussion and related action concerning whether fees for Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre Workshops should be waived C. Update report on Utilization of Softball Fields-Russell Park • D. Authorization to award Pak Rat equipment (PW Dir. Bob Kosoy) E. Discussion and related action concerning the proposed Interlocal Agreement for the Town Center project (Commissioner Fletcher) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report B. Acceptance of Change Order to construction engineering contract for design of utility storage building under WTP 1&2 for $8,500 C. Adele Grage Community Center usage report D. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-5 Microfilm Reader Printer from Shell Office Systems for $9,366.25 E. Suggest rejection of all bids relative to Bid 9293-6 Backhoe Loader 4X4 and instruct staff to purchase Ford New Holland TLB from State Contract for $39,458 F. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-7 Riding Lawn Mower from Zaun Equip- ment in the amount of $9,995 G. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-9 Relocate Antenna & Repeater from Murphy Communications for $6,264 H. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-11 Demolition of house at 10 Church Road from Omni Demolition for $1,545 I. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-12 Automatic Door Openers for City Hall from Door Control, Inc. for $2,795 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution 93-13 relative to the City supporting funding for the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program 7. Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance #95-93-56 with revisions amending Chapter 18-solicitors-by regulating persons wishing to work for food 8. New Business: A. Discussion and related action relative to request to enter into a Fire-Rescue Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement with Jacksonville Beach Fire Department (Fire Chief Ron Williams) B. Discussion and related action regarding request to accept proposal from Connelly & Wicker to add parking space on Poinsettia from Seaspray Avenue to David Street (PW Director Bob Kosoy) C. Discussion and related action regarding the buying back of water and sewer bonds presently owned by Donald Zell (Finance Director Kirk Wendland) D. Action on selection of an engineering firm for the wastewater treatment plant project (PW Director Bob Kosoy) E. Update report and request to conduct public hearing April 26, 1993 regarding the proposed removal of 20 parking spaces on 19th Street and associated renovations (Commissioner Fletcher) F. Recommendation regarding bank financing proposals for the Capital Improvement Projects 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Pension report 10. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH V V CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE O O ROAD, AT 7 : 15 P. M. MONDAY, APRIL 12 , 1993 . T T E E Present: William I . Gulliford, Jr. , D D Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, Commissioners M S O E And: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I O Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 Absent. J Dazmond Watwra, III , CoPWissinnrr • (excused) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The Invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 1993 Edwards x x Fletcher x Motion: Approve minutes of the Tucker x x Gulliford regular meeting of March 22, 1993 x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the Impasse Hearing of March 24, Edwards x x 1993 with Fire Personnel Fletcher x x Tucker x Motion: Approve minutes of the Gulliford x Impasse Hearing of March 24, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2 . Presentation: A. Introduction of Kelly Burton - Public Works Maintenance Foreman Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, introduced Kelly Burton, Public Works Maintenance Foreman. Mayor Gulliford welcomed Mr. Burton as a new City employee . B. Discussion/status of Stormwater Program Mitch Griffin, Representative of CH2M Hill, presented an update concerning the status of the Stormwater Program. He indicated the weir at Fleet Landing had been repaired and was being Page 2 V V April 12 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN controlled. He explained NPDES, Part 1 , was completed in May, 1992; and Part II was due to be completed May, 1993 . He reported mapping was being prepared and would be completed in approximately two months . He felt the City had completed a lot of work to meet EPA requirements. He indicated an Interlocal Agreement would be required with the Florida Department of Transportation, and he indicated there would be no financial impact to the City at this time . A question arose regarding the cost to implement the plan and it was explained most of the requirements had been included in the Capital Improvement Plan. C. Fiscal Year 1992 audit Joe Welch, Purvis , Gray & Company, presented the 1992 Fiscal Year Audit . He indicated the City had a good year and he proceeded to highlight the audit for the Commission. Mayor Gulliford expressed his desire to have Dick Rigsbee, who recently died, recognized at a future meeting. 3. Recognition of Visitors: Janet Brown, 1662 Park Terrace E . , presented a request on behalf of herself and Pat Kelleringham to raise money to purchase a defibrillator for the City' s Fire Department . It was explained where early CPR and defibrillation were implemented dramatic results were achieved in heart attack victims . It was decided to place an announcement in the City' s Newsletter indicating the need for a defibrillator and advising citizens money could be contributed toward the purchase of same . The possibility of placing an insert in the City' s utility bills was discussed. Kim Leinbach, City Manager, was instructed to designate Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager, to meet with Janet Brown and Pat Ketteringham, along with Fire Chief Williams , to coordinate efforts to raise money. The Commission indicated their desire to have a report concerning this at the meeting of April 26, 1993 . Bob Weiss, 253 Seminole Road, announced there would be a meeting to discuss Ocean County Wednesday, April 14 , 1993 , 7 : 00 p. m. , at the Jacksonville Beach Community Center, 14 , North Second Street , Jacksonville Beach, Florida. 4 . Old Business: Page 3 April 12, 1993 V V NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y N A- Diacussion and lelaled action regarding the request to re-bid wetwell re-lining project Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, presented a request to re-bid lining of wetwells and formally reject bids received October 29 , 1992 . He explained on October 29, 1992 bids were received for the relining of the wet wells at sewage pumping stations "A" through "F" ( 6 ) . Only two bids were received. Of the two bids, only one met specifications as called for in the bid. He explained this situation, too few bidders, was not due to a proprietary specification being written. Motion: Re-bid lining of wetwells Edwards x x and formally reject bids received Fletcher x x October 29, 1992 Tucker x Gulliford x Commissioner Fletcher inquired if the lining of the wetwells were in severe condition, to which Mr. Kosoy replied the lining had deteriorated. City Attorney Alan Jensen advised it would be legally proper to reject all bids . The question was called and the vote resulted in all ayes . The motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action concerning whether fees for Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater Workshops should be waived Commissioner Tucker explained this matter was brought up so that concise rules could be established for everyone, and she added it was not the intent to single out Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) . A discussion ensued concerning whether ABET was a non-profit organization. It was decided to have a workshop prior to the next Commission meeting of April 26, 1993 . The Workshop will be held at 5 : 30 p. m. , and the City Manager was instructed to inform the Recreation & Advisory Board and all interested parties of the workshop. The purpose of the workshop will be to establish clear cut, defined rules for use of the Community Center. C. Update report on Utilization of Softball Fields-Russell Park Kim Leinbach, City Manager, reported the parties involved in utilization of the softball fields at Russell Park (girls who utilized the facilities to Page 4 v V April 12 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN play softball and boys who utilized the facilities to play Little League Baseball ) had met but were still at odds . Alan Jensen explained the City can not condone discrimination, and if discrimination was proven, the City might have to consider suspending activity of the softball fields . He recommended the parties settle their differences . Commissioner Fletcher felt Alan Jensen should meet with Michael V. Mattson, the attorney representing the girls, but it was explained Mr. Jensen had written a letter to Mr. Mattson and was still waiting for a reply. It was decided to wait for a response from Mr. Mattson. Mayor Gulliford felt the City should make sure the claim of discrimination was factual . D. Authorization to award Pak Rat equipment Bob Kosoy reported Jim Hardee and Jacksonville Mack Sales agreed to offer the City a two week demonstration of the Pak-Rat to show that it could perform as specified, and staff found the demonstrations were quite useful . He reported the vehicle and packer performed beyond the expectations of staff . Mr. Kosoy asked for authorization to purchase two Pak-Rats for $30 , 000 each. Edwards x x Motion: Approve purchase of two Fletcher x Pak-Rats from Jim Hardee Equipment Tucker x x Company, Inc. @ $30,000 each Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. E. Discussion and related action concerning the proposed Interlocal Agreement for the Town Center project Commissioner Fletcher presented a proposed "Interlocal Agreement for Creating Town Center between Third Street and the Atlantic Ocean. " He advised the proposed agreement was between Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, The Sea Turtle Inn, and the Sea Horse Motel . Alan Jensen agreed to review the proposed Interlocal Agreement and this will appear on the April 26 , 1993 Agenda. 5 . Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report Page 5 April 12 , 1993 v V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN B. Acceptance of Change Order to construction engineering contract for design of utility storage building under WTP 1&2 for $8,500 C. Adele Grage Community Center usage report D. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-5 Microfilm Reader Printer from Shell Office Systems for $9 ,366 . 25 E. Suggest rejection of all bids relative to Bid 9293-6 Backhoe Loader 4x4 and instruct staff to purchase Ford New Holland TLB from State Contract for $39,458 F. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-7 Riding Lawn Mower from Zaun Equipment in the amount of $9 ,995 G. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-9 Relocate Antenna & Repeater from Murphy Communications for $6, 264 H. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-11 Demolition of house at 10 Church Road from Omni Demolition for $1 , 545 I. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-12 Automatic Door Openers for City Hall from Door Control, Inc. for $2,795 Commissioner Fletcher requested Consent Agenda Item F be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda, and Mayor Gulliford requested Consent Agenda Items B, E , G, and I be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Motion: Approve passage of Consent Edwards x Agenda with the exception of Items Fletcher x x B, E, G, F, and I Tucker x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. B. Acceptance of Change Order to construction engineering contract for design of utility storage building under WTP 1&2 for $8, 500 Mayor Gulliford felt the City should solicit for competitive prices . Bob Kosoy explained this was design work and it was not competitive . He added staff solicited bids from Connelly & Wicker and Jim Lucas . Connelly & Wicker indicated they could do the work for the same price as Smith & Gillespie, $8 , 500 , but staff felt utilizing Smith & Gillespie would be advantageous because they were familiar with what the City desired. Douglas Layton, Smith and Gillespie, explained the proposal included furnishing two plan views of the new metal building as well as water, sewer, and drainage of the site. Page 6 v V April 12 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y Motion: Approve proposed change Edwards x order to construction engineering Fletcher contract for design of utility Tucker x storage building under WTP 1&2 for Gulliford $8, 500 A discussion ensued concerning the amount of money it would cost to build the storage building ( $70 , 000 ) . It was explained the building would be used to store collection and distribution materials . Kim Leinbach indicated he felt the cost was high and he was concerned. Mr. Kosoy indicated Commission action would only authorize the design of the building. Edwards x x Substitute Motion: Defer action on Fletcher x proposed change order to Tucker x x Construction Engineering Contract Gulliford x for design of utility storage building under WTP 1&2 for $8, 500. Refer matter to the City Manager for his recommendation at the meeting of April 26, 1993 No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. E. Suggest rejection of all bids relative to Bid 9293-6 Backhoe Loader 4x4 and instruct staff to purchase Ford New Holland TLB from State Contract for $39 ,458 Mayor Gulliford felt the City' s purchasing procedures were inadequate. He requested a resolution be prepared amending the purchasing policy to require that in the purchase of commodities at least two brands and acceptable models were specified on all invitations to bid. A discussion ensued regarding staff ' s recommendation to purchase the Ford New Holland model , and the Mayor felt no local support would be available . It was felt the specifications should be rewritten and the Backhoe Loader 4x4 rebid. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Rewrite specifications and Tucker x x rebid Backhoe Loader 4x4 (Bid 9293-6) Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Page 7 April 12 , 1993 v V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N F. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-7 Riding Lawn Mower from Zaun Equipment in the amount of $9,995 A discussion ensued concerning the need for a riding lawn mower, to which Bob Kosoy explained the existing riding lawn mower was in poor condition. The possibility of contracting out cutting the city' s grass was discussed, but it was explained all streets had to be maintained and it would be very expensive to contract the work. It was felt back up material was not provided to the Commission regarding this bid, and it was decided to defer this until the next meeting. Staff was asked to provide back up material . Motion: Defer action on purchase of Edwards x Riding Mower until April 26, 1993 Fletcher x x (Bid 9293-7 ) Tucker x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Gulliford suggested staff contact the State of Florida to obtain samples of bid specifications. G. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-9 Relocate Antenna & Repeater from Murphy Communications for $6,264 Police Chief Thompson explained staff recommended accepting the second low bid from Murphy Communications in the amount of $6 , 264 because Murphy had considerable experience in the historical complexities of the public safety communications . Motion: Accept the bid from Murphy Fletcx x Communications in the amount of Tlekche er x Tucker x x $6,264 (Bid 9293-9 - Relocate Gulliford Antenna and Repeater at Public x Safety Building) No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. I. Approve purchase of Bid 9293-12 Automatic Door Openers for City Hall from Door Control, Inc. for $2,795 It was explained although there appeared to be only one source to provide and install hydraulic handicap door operators at City Hall, staff wanted Page 8 V V April 12, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN to provide an opportunity for this to be bid by other vendors . Motion: Award bid to furnish and Edwards x x install two (2) hydraulic handicap Fletcher x door operators at City Hall to Door Tucker x x Control, Inc. in the amount of Gulliford x $2,795.00 (Bid 9293-12) No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6 . Resolutions: A. Resolution #93-13 : A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SUPPORTING FUNDING FOR THE FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #93-13 . Motion: Approve passage of Edwards x x Resolution #93-13 Fletcher x x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 7 . Ordinances: A. Ordinance #95-93-56 - First Reading Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance #95-93-56 . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ADOPTING VARIOUS RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATED TO CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS, REQUIRING A PERMIT THEREFORE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion: Approve passage of Edwards x x Ordinance #95-93-56 on its first Fletcher x reading and set public hearing for Tucker x x April 26, 1993 Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 8. New Business: A. Discussion and related action relative to request to enter into Fire-Rescue Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement with Jacksonville Beach Fire Department Page 9 April 12, 1993 v V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Ronald A. Williams, Fire chief, explained the agreement would be between Atlantic Beach and Jacksonville Beach for automatic mutual aid for structure fires and potentially serious emergencies. He felt the agreement would be favorable to both cities in many ways. Motion: Authorize execution of Edwards x x Fire-Rescue Automatic Mutual Aid Fletcher x x Agreement with Jacksonville Beach Tucker x Fire Department Gulliford x A discussion ensued concerning liability and it was explained each city would be responsible for its own equipment. The questions was called and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. B. Discussion and related action regarding request to accept proposal from Connelly & Wicker to add parking space on Poinsettia from Seaspray Avenue to David Street Bob Kosoy explained a survey and St. Johns River Water Management District Permit would be needed to construct a 10 ' strip of asphalt with a swale 6 ' from existing asphalt to handle drainage to the existing catch basins . He added no asphalt would be laid where children use concrete walkways to cross wet area. He explained work on Poinsettia Street was proposed to be an addendum to the Church Road East Project in order to realize savings to the City. Motion: Accept Connelly & Wicker, Edwards x x Inc. proposal for $2,725 to provide Fletcher x x parking on Poinsettia from Seaspray Tucker Avenue to David Street Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. Vote resulted in 3-1 with Commissioner Tucker voting nay. The motion carried. C. Discussion and related action regarding the buying back of water and sewer bonds presently owned by Donald Zell Kirk Wendland, Finance Director, explained Donald Zell , one of the City' s Bucanneer bondholders, had approached him about the City buying back his Water and Sewer bonds . Mr. Wendland added the Page 10 V V April 12, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN outstanding principal on Mr. Zell ' s bonds was $599 , 923 .45 and Mr. Zell was willing to sell these bonds back at par value. Overall estimated savings to the city would result in a $30, 008 . 94. Edwards x x Motion: Authorize the refunding of Fletcher x Donald Zell' s Water and Sewer bonds Tucker x x from existing reserve funds Gulliford x Commissioner Fletcher inquired if the City had funds for this purpose in the Bucanneer Reserves, to which Mr. Wendland replied in the affirmative, and that various other available money would be used. The question was called and the vote resulted in ayes . The motion carried. D. Action on selection of an engineering firm for the wastewater treatment plant project Edwards x x Motion: Reaffirm prior adoption and Fletcher x x readoption of Water/Sewer Capital Tucker x Improvement Plan Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Motion: Direct staff to enter Edwards x into formal negotiations with Fletcher x x Pitman, Hartenstein & Associates, Tucker x x with alacrity Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Alan Potter felt a special commission meeting should be set to hire engineers, to which Mayor Gulliford replied he had the power to call a special meeting within 24 hours notice. A discussion ensued relative to the City' s outstanding bonds and the City Manager and Finance Director were asked to contact all bond holders to determine if the bonds could be liquidated. Motion: Authorize City Manager and EDwards x x Finance Director to investigate all Fletcher x x existing bond holdings under the Tucker x water and sewer enterprise funds to Gulliford x determine if bonds could be liquidated Page 11 V V April 12 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. E. Update report and request to conduct public hearing April 26, 1993 regarding the proposed removal of 20 parking spaces on 19th Street and associated renovations Commissioner Fletcher referred to the proposed removal of 20 parking spaces on 19th Street and asked that a Public Hearing on beach access parking be held April 26, 1993 . F. Recommendation regarding bank financing proposals for the Capital Improvement Projects Kirk Wendland reported the bid opening for the City' s bank financing RFP was held on April 6, 1993 . The City received proposals from three lending institutions. Two of the institutions submitted both a fixed rate proposal and a fixed rate with reopeners proposal, while one institution submitted a fixed rate proposal only. It was staff ' s opinion the best available alternative for the City was to negotiate with Barnett Bank in order to finalize a loan agreement. He requested authorization to contact Barnett Bank in order to draft the necessary loan documents enabling the City to borrow up to $10 , 000,000 on a line of credit for 15 years, at a fixed interest rate of 5 . 35%. Motion: Authorization to contact Fletche x Barnett Bank in order to draft the Fletcher x x necessary loan documents enabling Tucker x x the City to borrow up to $10,000,000 Gulliford x on a line of credit for 15 years, at a fixed interest rate of 5.35%, subject to review by an outside financial consultant Mayor Gulliford suggested staff endeavor to find an outside financial consultant from Jacksonville. Alan Potter stated the agreement should be finanized by May 6 , 1993 . Kirk Wendland thanked Alan Potter for his assistance and hard work. The question was called and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. Page 12 v V April 1 2, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 9 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: Kim Leinbach, City Manager, reported on March 30, 1993 a special meeting was called of the Atlantic Beach Pension Board to discuss and recommend enhancements to the employee ' s pension fund. He asked the City Commission to approve changes to the pension plan as follows : General Employees - increase the formula factor from 2 . 25 to 2 . 85; general employees have agreed to increase their contribution an additional 1% to help offset said cost . Public Safety Employees - approve retirement age modification to 50 years with 20 years or more of service or any age with 25 years of service and increase the formula factor from 2 . 4 to 3 . 0; Safety Employees are willing to share one half the cost of these enhancements . It was decided this matter should be placed on the May 10 , 1993 agenda. The Commission would like to have actuarial projections . The Commission would like employees to be made aware of how much increased deductions would cost them. The Commission also asked staff to check into disability coverage . Don Ford inquired if having pension money removed from the employee ' s paycheck before taxes could be placed on the agenda for discussion, to which the Commission agreed this should also be included. 10 . Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Chief Williams, Fire Chief, reported he had received a request from FEMA to loan the City' s fire truck to Dixie County. Motion: Authorize loan of Fire Edwards x x Truck to Dixie County with the Fletcher x x stipulation the truck would be Tucker x hauled rather than driven Gulliford x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Kim Leinbach gave a report concerning the recent Goal Setting meeting and asked if the Commission would like to have another meeting with Tim Richardson, the coordinator. The Commission replied they would like to have another meeting and asked Mr. Leinbach to advised them of a date and time. Page 13 April 12 , 1993 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Edwards inquired concerning the aerator at Aquatic Drive, and Bob Kosoy replied he would look into the matter Mayor Gulliford referred to a letter he had received from Dick Brown, City Councilman, District 3 . The Mayor requested that Mr. Brown be invited to come to the next meeting and report concerning the Church Road issue . Mayor Gulliford reported concerning a recent meeting he attended of the Donner neighborhood. He reported there was poor representation from other areas of the city. He felt a CPA was needed on the Board. I 1 ^ ., 11. 111 ^ - 1.m . u ` , or• � Mayor/Presiding Offi - .; ATTES T: Maur en King, Cit Clem