02-22-93 v AMENDED AGENDA - 4B -delete 4E -add CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, FEBRUARY 22, 1993, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 8, 1993 2. Recognition of Visitors: A. Introduction of Gail Baker, Camp Counselor at Donner Park 3. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding the presentation of proposal for construction of recreation complex at Jack Russell Park (Rose Blanchard, P&R Director) B. Property for sale in vicinity of Jordan Park (George Worley, City Planner) C. Discussion and related action concerning ranking of architectural proposals for expansion of the Public Safety building (Police Chief Thompson and Fire Chief Williams) D. Discussion and related action concerning contract modification for construction phase service and resident observation for AB Water Treatment Plant 1 & 2 expansion (Bob Kosoy, PW Director) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report C. Bid #9293-4 ditch spraying and lagoons D. Request for expenditure from Beautification Capital Improvement Fund for tree planting project E. Bid for sale of brush chipper 5. Resolutions: A. Resolution #93-9 opposing the adoption of the proposed DNR rule 16B-55 opposing ocean front lighting restrictions B. Resolution #93-10 relative to budget adjustment BA-50 transfer of funds covering various items 6. Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #95-93-55 relative to amending the cost of investigation for solicitor's permit 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report on water and sewer capital improvements and financial data 8. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH V V CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE O O ROAD, AT 7 : 15 P. M. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1993 . T T PRESENT: William I . Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E D D Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and M S J. Dezmond Waters , III , Commissioners O E T C AND : Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Trudy Lopanik ( Substituting for the COMMRS. N D S 0 City Clerk who was ill ) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 8, 1993 . Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the Fletcher x regular meeting of February 8, 1993 Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 2 . Recognition of Visitors: Rose Blanchard, Parks and Recreation Director, introduced Gail Baker, Camp Counselor at Donner Park. Ms . Baker encouraged people to visit Donner Park Monday through Friday from 3 : 00 p. m. until 5 : 00 p. m. Kaysee Pigford, 1735 Seminole Road, reported the drain field supporting her septic tank had failed and that she was advised by a plumber her yard did not contain enough land to have an adequate drain field. She indicated she had rented a Port-O-Let to temporarily alleviate the problem. A discussion ensued concerning the possibility of bringing sewer to this site . It was decided to turn this matter over to the Water and Sewer Committee for study and recommendations . In the meantime, Bob Kosoy was instructed to contact the Health Department as it was felt they would provide emergency assistance to Ms . Pigford. Mr. Kosoy was instructed to furnish some type of projected estimated of per foot cost to provide sewer to Ms . Pigford, and Kirk Wendland was asked to provide a ten year amortization Page 2 February 22, 1993 v V NAME OF schedule utilizing Mr. Kosoy' s projected figures, COMMRS. MSYN by the next Commission meeting. Ms . Pigford indicated her desire to convince her neighbors to pursue the installation of sewer at the present time, before more problems were experienced. Kim Leinbach, City Manager, introduced Tim Richardson, who conducted consulting and training sessions . Mr. Leinbach explained it was his desire to have a Goal Setting meeting, and utilizing Mr. Richardson would not only provide better training and expertise, but would also enable the City Manager to work with the Mayor and Commissioners. Mr . Richardson explained it was the purpose of the meeting to come together with ideas, accomplish goals, and to work as a team. It was decided to have the meeting Saturday, all day, March 27 , 1993 , at the Community Center. 3. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding the presentation of proposal for construction of recreation complex at Jack Russell Park Gerard Vermey, Architect, presented architectural drawings for expanding the recreation complex at Jack Russell Park. He explained the design incorporated the existing concession stand into a two-story building that was 60 x 50 . The YMCA would have 1 , 088 feet designated for its use in exchange for the removal of the existing trailer in the park used by the YMCA. The ground floor would also have two smaller meeting rooms, a storage room for Little League equipment, a concession stand and restrooms which could be accessed from either inside or outside of the facility. In addition, a broadcast booth would occupy the second floor. Several changes were suggested and decided upon with reference to the building plans, and Mr. Vermey indicated he would revise the plans according to the wishes of the Commission. A discussion ensued concerning setting policy as to the organizations that would use the facility, but no policy was set at this time . A discussion ensued concerning the facade of the building and Gerard Vermey recommended having shingles similar to the City Hall on the second-story booth and half way down the first-floor walls, with stucco on the bottom half Page 3 V V February 22, 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN of the wall . He explained stucco would be more durable and less prone to abuse. After discussion, it was felt it would be prudent to follow the recommendation of the architect and use shingles along with stucco. Motion: Have the Edwards x x Fletch Architect make suggested Tuckeror x changes, develop an amended Tucker x x plan, and put out to bid Waters x Gulliford x After discussion it was decided to have a workshop so that all interested parties could meet and come to a consensus concerning the use of the building. Commissioner Edwards withdrew the motion and Commissioner Tucker withdrew the second to the motion. It was decided to have a workshop Wednesday, March 3 , 1993 , at 7 : 30 p. m. The purpose of the workshop would be for the Commission to meet with all interested parties, review the revised plans, and establish the use of the building. Mayor Gulliford introduced Sherette Simpkins, chairman of the Donner Community Development Corporation. Ms . Simpkins invited everyone to attend an open house of the Donner Community Center, 1671 Francis Avenue on March 14 , 1993 . B. Property for sale in vicinity of Jordan Park George Worley, City Planner, reported concerning property available for purchase near Jordan Park. He indicated he would have names of property owners and asking prices at the next meeting. C. Discussion and related action concerning ranking of architectural proposals for expansion of the Public Safety building David Thompson, Police Chief, presented rankings of three architectural proposals for expansion of the Public Safety Building as follows : ( 1 ) Fleet & Associations, ( 2 ) Duff & Associates, and ( 3) RAM Architecture. The Mayor explained the Commission would hear proposals, rank the firms, and enter into negotiations with the firm who was ranked first. If in the event negotiations did not proceed to everyone' s satisfactory, negotiations would pursue with the firm ranked second. It was V V Page 4 NAME OF February 22 , 1993 COMMRS. MSYN decided to conduct interviews Monday, March 8, 1993 , 5 : 30 p. m. , prior to the regular Commission meeting. D. Discussion and related action concerning contract modification for construction phase service and resident observation for Atlantic Beach Water Treatment Plant 1 & 2 Bob Kosoy presented request for approval for contract modification for Construction Phase Services and Resident Observation for Atlantic Beach Water Treatment Plant 1 & 2 Expansion. He explained the FDER Consent Order work was expected to be finished by March 24 , 1993 as directed. However, additional work requested by the City, due primarily to HRS requirements would require an additional 8-9 weeks to complete . The revised budget was $26 , 566 . 35 for Professional Services during construction, and $39, 000 for Resident Observation during construction for a revised total of $65 , 556 . 35 . The revised budget was $243 . 03 lower than the original budget due to savings realized in Resident Observation. Edwards x x Motion: Approve Contract Fletcher x x Modification for Construction Phase Tucker x Services and Resident Observation for Waters x Atlantic Beach Water Treatment Plant Gulliford x 1 and 2 Expansion. Revised budget $26,566 .35 for professional services during construction, and $39,000 for resident observation during construction for a revised total of $65, 556 .35 . No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. 4 . Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report C. Bid #9293-4 ditch spraying and lagoons D. Request for expenditure from Beautification Capital Improvement E. Bid for sale of brush chipper Commissioner Waters requested Item C be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Edwards requested Item D be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Approve passage of the Tucker x Consent Agenda with the exception of Waters x x Item C and Item D Gulliford x Page 5 February 22 , 1993 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Bid #9293-4 ditch spraying and lagoons Commissioner Waters inquired as to whether Bob Kosoy was aware of the chemicals that were used to spray ditches and lagoons, to which Mr. Kosoy replied he was aware and that he intended to ask for a daily report from the contractor. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Item C of Fletcher the Consent Agenda Tacker x x Waters x D. Request for expenditure from Beautification Gulliford x Capital Improvement Fund for tree planting project Commissioner Edwards referred to the desire of the Beautification Committee to install 12 Sycamore trees , 10-12 feet in height, on the west side of Sailfish drive, from Atlantic Boulevard, north to the parking lot entrance of Pic N' Save Drug Store . He indicated the Sycamore tree had many roots and, thus, would cause problems infiltrating the city' s sewer system. Commissioner Edwards felt the City should not be involved in the wholesale planting of trees, and that funds could be used in more useful ways . A discussion ensued concerning having businesses participate in the cost of planting trees, and the Mayor indicated he would like nearby businesses to participate . Motion: Refer the request for Edwards x expenditure in the amount of $2,490 Fletcher x from Beautification Capital Tucker x x Improvement Fund for a tree planting Waters x x project back to the Beautification Gulliford x Committee for further study. The Commission would like the Committee to explore planting of trees other than Sycamore Trees, and the Commission would like to have monetary participation of nearby store owners in the project It was suggested Jim Jarboe write a letter to store owners for the Mayor' s signature. It was suggested the Beautification Committee contact Public Works to ensure trees are not planted near city sewer lines . V V Page 6 NAME OF February 22, 1993 COMMRS. MSYN The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Resolutions: A. Resolution 93-9 : A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OPPOSING THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RULE 16B-55 Mayor Gulliford presented in full , in writing, Resolution 93-9 . Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x Resolution 93-9 Tucker x x Waters x Commissioner Waters objected to the second and Gulliford x third paragraphs in the Resolution. He added he did not object to the concept of the Resolution; however, he felt the language contained in the second and third paragraphs was not relevant and that the Resolution could be approved without the aforementioned paragraphs . Substitute Motion: Approve passage Edwards x of Resolution 93-9, as amended, by Fletcher x x deleted second and third paragraphs Tucker x contained therein Waters x x Gulliford x The question was called and resulted in a vote of 2-3 , with Commissioners Edwards and Tucker, and Mayor Gulliford voting nay. The motion failed. A discussion ensued and it was decided to delete the third paragraph only, and substitute new language indicating the State of Florida had not adequately educated the public about Sea Turtles nor had it offered sufficient assistance to local governments to provide such education. Substitute Motion: Approve passage Edwards x of Resolution 93-9, as amended, by Fletcher x x deleting third paragraph and Tucker x x substituting language indicating Waters x State of Florida had not adequately Gulliford x educated the public about Sea Turtles nor had it offered sufficient assistance to local governments to provide such education The question was called and resulted in a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Edwards voting nay. The motion carried. Page 7 V V NAME OF February 22 , 1993 COMMRS. MSYN B. Resolution 93-10: A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Gulliford presented in full , in writing, Resolution 93-10 . Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x x Resolution 93-10 Tucker x x Waters x A discussion ensued and Kim Leinbach and Kirk Gulliford x Wendland answered several questions . It was explained a budget transfer had been requested to increase any accounts which ended the year with a negative balance . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 6 . Ordinances: A. Ordinance #95-93-55 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 18 SOLICITORS, AMENDING SECTION 18-18 , FEES, TO INCREASE THE COST OF INVESTIGATION OF APPLICANT, AND AMENDING SECTION 18-19 , ISSUANCE TO REQUIRE RECEIPT OF INVESTIGATION REPORT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full , in writing, Ordinance #95-93-55 on first reading. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance Fletcher x No. 95-93-55 on its first reading and Tucker x x set public hearing for March 8, 1993 Waters x x Gulliford x A discussion ensued concerning solicitors and the Mayor asked that the City Clerk place a notice in the City Newsletter advising citizens that solicitors must be licensed by the City. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 7 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report on water and sewer capital improvements and financial data Kim Leinbach presented a Water-Wastewater Report dated February 22 , 1993 . He reported staff presented unaudited financial information and projected water and sewer revenues for the next five years, as directed by the Commission. He Page 8 V V NAME OF February 22 , 1993 COMMRS. MSYN indicated reserve funds were being used to pay for the design and construction of ongoing capital improvement projects . He added that at the current pace of expenditures, reserves available for such use would last until August, giving the City ample time to put the financing in place. Mr. Leinbach reported if the Commission desired to retain a financial advisor staff recommended utilizing Purvis & Gray to conduct a search. Mr. Leinbach proceeded to outline some concerns he had relative to the upcoming process. He indicated he was concerned regarding the burden of so many projects on staff . He added many projects were scheduled for the future, with a small staff obligated to watch projects closely. With reference to DER financing, he indicated DER had required more design information than staff had anticipated and, thus, he reported it would be necessary to move swiftly if it was desired to pursue DER financing. Lastly, he referred to the valuable contributions made by individuals to the overall process, and he indicated his only concern was how each related to the other, so that nothing would "fall through the cracks . " Mr. Leinbach recommended the City pursue the acquisition of the services of a financial advisor, immediately put out Request for Proposals to banks for at least interim financing purposes, and continue utilizing the City' s existing funds for as long as possible to minimize the City' s money cost. Edwards x Motion: Authorize solicitation of Fletcher x x Request for Proposals from banks for Tucker x x interim financing Waters x Gulliford x The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Kim Leinbach asked if agendas could be sent to the Commission on Thursday instead of Wednesday, prior to Commission meetings . He indicated sending agendas out on Wednesday, along with the preparation of the City payroll, had placed a burden on staff . The Commission agreed to have agendas sent out on Thursday. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Authorize City Manager' s Tucker x x Office to send out agenda packets waters Thursday, prior to regular City Gulliford x Commission meeting Page 9 v V February 22 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. 8. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Commissioner Fletcher announced the Department of Transportation was conducting a seminar in connection with traffic and urban design relative to bicycle paths . The seminar would be held March 30 , 1993 , 8 : 30 a. m. until 4 : 30 p. m. at the Sea Turtle . Commissioner Fletcher suggested a representative from the City attend the seminar. Commissioner Waters indicated he had noticed there were oceanfront homes in deplorable condition. Karl Gruenwald reported the Code Enforcement Inspector was looking into the problem. Commissioner Tucker announced there would be a Charter Revision Committee meeting Monday, March 1 , 1993 , 7 : 00 p. m. , at the City Hall , and the public was invited. Mayor Gulliford announced he had been advised the City had reached impasse with the International Association of Fire Fighters . Administration for the City agreed to bypass the Special Master provision of Florida State Statute 447 . 403 and present the impasse articles directly to the legislative body of the City. It was decided to hold the Impasse Hearing Wednesday, March 24, 1993, 7 : 30 p. m . Mayor Gulliford reported Reid McCormick, Mayor of Jacksonville Beach, volunteered to be a representative on the Metropolitan Planning organization, representing the three beaches cities . Mayor Gulliford reported he had received complaints from Atlantic Beach citizens concerning people holding signs on public streets indicating "I ' ll work for food. " He indicated many such incidents were "scams" and that it was his desire to protect citizens from such harassment where possible . Chief Thompson reported that while officers can arrest anyone impeding traffic on state highways like Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road, begging for money was not a crime and his department was reluctant to do anything that could be construed as , Page 10 v V February 22 , 1993 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN • - - • - ona r g o ree speech of the homeless . The Mayor would like the matter to be placed on the next agenda. He indicated it was his desire to help people that were truly in need. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10 : 30 p.m. ) 1 k� i-: 1 Ail Willis I . Gull for ) Mayor/Presiding Off - : A T T:, ( / Tru.yf Lop ik Substitu /ng for City Clerk