02-01-93 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 , 1993 , 6: 30 P.M. 1 . Discussion and related action regarding status of negotiations concerning the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Atlantic Beach and Duval County 2 . Discussion and related action regarding architect ' s proposal for remodeling Jack Russell Park concession stand 3 . Proclamation declaring Saturday , February 3 , 1993 as Chapel of Four Chaplains Day in the City of Atlantic Beach 4. Discussion and related action requesting acceptance of engineering service proposal for water main replacement for 3rd & 8th Streets Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH AT 6:30 PM ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1993. Present: William I . Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher, and J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners And: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk Absent: Adelaide R. Tucker, Commissioner (Medical emergency) 1. DISCUSSION AND RELATED ACTION REGARDING STATUS OF NEGOTIATIONS CONCERNING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND DUVAL COUNTY Mayor Gulliford explained the citizens of Atlantic Beach paid taxes far in excess of the services provided by the Duval County. He said the inequities had been discussed with the Hazouri administration, the Austin administration and the Jacksonville City Council. He distributed a chronology of events since Atlantic Beach submitted its proposal to Jacksonville in May 1992, as requested by Mayor Austin. He said the committee appointed to negotiate with Jacksonville had made diligent attempts to negotiate an equitable settlement with the county. He had hoped the negotiations would be carried out in good faith by both entities, however, the Atlantic Beach committee met with continued frustration due to delays, canceled meetings, etc. The Mayor said he had no reason to believe this situation would change. He felt Atlantic Beach had been honorable, fair, and patient, to no avail and the only course of action left was in the courts. Commissioner Fletcher moved to direct the City Attorney to initiate legal action against the City of Jacksonville to resolve the tax inequity that has burdened our citizens for a number of years. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Commissioner Edwards inquired whether any documentation existed relative to earlier discussions between Atlantic Beach and Jacksonville regarding renegotiating the interlocal agreement. Mayor Gulliford said he had brought up the matter repeatedly at meetings between the Jacksonville staff and the Mayors of the beach cities and Baldwin, but no minutes had been taken at those meetings. Commissioner Fletcher felt time was of the essence and urged the City Commission to approve the motion. Page Two Minutes of Special Called Meeting February 1, 1993 Commissioner Waters asked whether it would be desirable to contact an attorney who was experienced in this type of litigation and the matter was referred to the City Attorney who advised he already had a legal firm in mind which he would probably contact and report back to the City Commission. Commissioner Waters reported that at the recent citizens ' meeting regarding the proposed Beaches County, it was indicated the beaches residents paid a higher per capita tax rate than those citizens west of the Intracoastal Waterway. It was agreed Jim Jarboe and the Interlocal Negotiation Committee would check into this. Following further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Item No. 4 was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 4. DISCUSSION AND RELATED ACTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF ENGINEERING SERVICE PROPOSALS FOR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT FOR THIRD AND EIGHTH STREETS Public Works Director, Bob Kosoy, reported water mains on Third and Eighth Streets were beginning to close up and new mains and fire hydrants were needed. Connelly and Wicker had submitted a proposal to provide engineering services for this project for a total cost of $7, 800.00. and Mr. Kosoy requested that the proposal be accepted. Commissioner Fletcher moved to enter into a contract with Connelly and Wicker for engineering services for water main replacement for Third and Eighth Streets, at a cost of $7, 800.00. Commissioner Waters inquired regarding funding for the project and the City Manager advised he proposed to use restricted funds for this work. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and was unanimously approved. 2 . DISCUSSION AND RELATED ACTION REGARDING ARCHITECT ' S PROPOSAL FOR REMODELING JACK RUSSELL CONCESSION STAND Rusty Bennett, President of Atlantic Beach Little League and members of the Recreation Advisory Board were in attendance to provide input regarding this item. Architect Gerard Vermey presented preliminary drawings of a plan to remodel the existing building to add a meeting room, additional boys and girls restrooms, a press box and storage for Parks & Page Three Minutes of Special Called Meeting February 1, 1993 Recreation Department equipment. The drawings were discussed at length, along with general plans for the Russell Park sports fields. Mr. Bennett reported that Little League was pursuing the possibility of attracting tournaments to this facility and indicated they would be willing to grass the infield area and maintain same. The need for a sprinkler system was also pointed out. Mr. Bennett indicated he also proposed to remove the top metal rail from the batting cages and replace it with a small rope which he felt would be more suitable. Mr. Bennett also request that the concession stand have a service window facing onto the playing field so those who were working in the concession stand could also watch the games. Alan Potter suggested that material other than glass be used for all windows to make the building more vandal-proof. Mr. Vermey indicated these suggestions would not be a problem. Discussion ensued regarding storage and it was pointed out the new storage building was intended for Parks & Recreation Department and would need to be enlarged if storage space was to be available for Little League. Discussion ensued regarding the future of the YMCA trailer and it was felt, in order to continue the present programs, the YMCA would need more space than would be available in the new building. The Mayor felt the original intent was to eliminate the YMCA trailer and he was of the opinion the building should be built large enough to meet the city' s needs for the next several years. He indicated the city could borrow the necessary money and pledge future bed tax revenues to repay the loan. He suggested adding additional restrooms, heating and air conditioning and having two meeting rooms instead of one. He felt this would provide space which the YMCA could possibly rent from the city for their programs. He also suggested that a band shell be planned for a future phase. Mr. Bennett inquired whether the plans would include a sound system and Mr. Vermey indicated he would have the building pre-wired but that the sound system would not be included. Donald Fagan, Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board, pointed out the bleachers were in bad condition and it was agreed these should be replaced with aluminum bleachers. Mr. Vermey indicated he would have the revised plans ready for inspection by the regular Commission meeting on February 22, 1993, and Mayor Gulliford invited the Recreation Advisory Board to attend that meeting. Page Four Minutes of Special Called Meeting February 1, 1993 3. PROCLAMATION DECLARING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1993, AS CHAPEL OF FOUR CHAPLAINS DAY IN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, a Proclamation declaring Wednesday, February 3, 1993, as Chapel of Four Chaplains Day in Atlantic Beach in honor of four chaplains of different religious faiths, whose heroic action in World War II resulted in the sacrifice of their own lives so that others would live. Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the Proclamation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fletcher and carried unanimously. A workshop meeting to discuss financing of future water and sewer projects was scheduled for 7 : 15 PM on Thursday, February 4, 1993 . There being no further business to come bef City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned t 8 : 10 M. A A AI E .Iiiiiii V illiam I . G li • 1. , Jr. Mayor/Presiding • icer ATTES T: Mnaur eK Carty Cerk