10-12-92 v Amended agenda Changes are in bold print CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, OCTOBER 12, 1992, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 1992 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (Carson Merry Baillie) B. Request to waive or modify impact fees for Oaks of Atlantic Beach Mobile Home Park (Ralph Sistrunk) 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning Actech proposed contract for construction of sports complex (City Manager Kim Leinbach) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Request to hold a road block by Jacksonville Beaches Lions Club B. Monthly report of the Adele Grage Community Center C. Water and Sewer Committee report D. Emergency replacement of T-6 Gorman Rupp pump at B lift station in the amount of $7,884 E. Emergency replacement of T-4 Gorman Rupp pump at E lift station in the amount of $6,674 F. Bid report #9192-20 relative to lawn maintenance G. Bid report #9192-21 relative to sanitation truck 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-29 relative to budget adjustment to reimburse OMAA for reduction in connection charges B. Resolution #92-30 relative to budget adjustment for transfer of funds associated with purchase of sanitation truck 7. Ordinances: A. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance #35-92-7 involving an encumbrance system for the City of Atlantic Beach B. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance #80-92-50 relative to cross connection control policy 8. New Business: A. Proposal for the City to purchase lots from Beaches Habitat adjoining the Public Works property (City Planner George Worley) B. Proposal to amend contract for Jim Jarboe-not to exceed $45,215 (Mayor William Gulliford) C. Centex Homes appeal regarding the Tree Board (City Planner George Worley) D. Report on status of PAVE Grant and placement of modular unit in Donner Park with Resolution #92-32 relative to budget adjustment to transfer funds associated with lease of modular center for Donner Park (City Manager Kim Leinbach) E. Appointment of representative to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (Mayor William Gulliford) F. Request approval of change order #3 replacing the old wooden aerator at #2 Water Plant in the amount of $24,099 with Resolution 92-31 relative to budget adjustment for transfer of funds (PW Director Bob Kosoy, Division Director Tim Townsend) G. Request approval of change order #1 for 6th Street, Howell Park and Russell Park sewer rehabilitation project (PW Director Bob Kosoy) 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 10. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 O O PM ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1992 T T E E PRESENT: William I . Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor D D Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and M S J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 1992 . Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of Fletcher x September 28, 1992 . Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Sonya Edwards, 230 Poinsettia Street, spoke concerning "no parking" signs on Poinsettia Street. She indicated the signs limited the parking of those who lived on the Street to a great extent, and she asked for some type of a compromise to allow residents to park. A discussion ensued concerning the possibility of the City stabilizing the ground with rock or sod and having the residents maintain it. Also, a discussion ensued relative to the possibility of asking the School Board to surrender part of their right-of-way to allow the City to widen the street, install a drainage easement, and thus allow for parking. The Mayor asked Bob Kosoy to study the matter and come up with a plan. Bob Kosoy was asked to meet with Chuck Gersbeck, 294 Poinsettia, in an effort to come up with a solution to the parking problem, and to report to the Commission at the next meeting. Ray Salman, 1633 Park Terrace East, referred to a "wish list" that had been discussed during budget preparations V V PAGE 2 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN and the desire of citizens to contribute items on the list. He specifically referred to a cable TV connector for the Fire Department. He presented a check to the Commission to enable the Fire Department to have a cable TV connection. Jimmy Hill, 320 First Street, spoke on behalf of the IAFF and indicated he was upset with the negotiation process and he felt the Union and the City would be at Impasse within the next week. He indicated the union was frustrated with the lack of action by the City Commission. 3. Appearances: A. Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (Carson Merry Baillie) Carson Merry Baillie reported on the success of the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater. She indicated some people had a problem finding the Community Center and she asked if a sign could be erected to identify the location and upcoming plays, similar to a theater in Jacksonville that advertises on a structure in front of the building. Commissioner Waters suggested placing an advertising board in the Town Center which would indicate all upcoming events in the City. The Mayor asked Ms. Baillie to bring a picture or sketch of the sign she wishes to the Commission meeting for further discussion and consideration. B. Request to waive or modify impact fees for Oaks of Atlantic Beach Mobile Home Park (Ralph Sistrunk) Ralph E. Sistrunk, 1307 Isleworth Ridge Court, Jacksonville, spoke concerning Oaks of Atlantic Beach Mobile Home Park and a mandate it received from the Environmental Protection Board to dismantle its private sewer plant and hook up to the Atlantic Beach system by October 31, 1992 . Mr. Sistrunk asked the Commission to waive more than $200, 000 in impact fees associated with the hookup to the city' s Buccaneer sewer plant. He felt waiving the fees would not set a precedent because there was no other 20-year-old mobile home park in the same predicament. He explained the trailer park had already constructed wet wells, and had one master meter which would represent a savings to the City in billing and meter reading. V V PAGE 3 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN The Mayor pointed out the City did not initiate the action, and added the City' s bond covenants would preclude the city from waiving impact fees. Commissioner Fletcher requested this matter be referred to the Water and Sewer Committee. The City Manager was directed to write to the regulatory agency requesting an extension of the October 31, 1992 deadline in light of current meetings with the City. The Water and Sewer Committee was instructed to report back to the Commission within 30 days. 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning Actech proposed contract for construction of sports complex in Russell Park City Manager Kim Lienbach presented a proposed contract with Actech Architects for construction of a sports complex, and he asked the Commission to approve the execution of agreement between Actech and the City. He introduced Gerard Vermey, Architect for the project, who was in the audience. Alan Potter asked if the intent of this agreement was a fixed fee contract, to which Mr. Vermey replied it was a fixed fee contract. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Approve execution of Agreement with Tucker x x Actech to construct sports complex Maters x Gulliford x Commissioner Fletcher suggested a committee be formed to meet with Mr. Vermey. The Mayor concurred and suggested everyone who would be involved in the sports complex, such as Little League, should have an opportunity to meet with Mr. Vermey. It was decided to schedule an open meeting, advertise it, and get all interested parties to meet in about two weeks time. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Request to hold a road block fund raiser by Jacksonville Beaches Lions Club B. Monthly report of the Adele Grage Community Center C. Water and Sewer Committee Report D. Emergency replacement of T-6 Gorman Rupp pump at B lift station in the amount of $7, 884 E. Emergency replacement of T-4 Gorman Rupp pump at E lift station in the amount of $6, 674 F. Bid report #9192-20 relative to lawn maintenance G. Bid report #9192-21 relative to sanitation truck V V PAGE 4 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN At the request of Commissioner Fletcher Consent Agenda Items D, E, F, and G, were withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Consent Fletcher x Agenda with the exception of Items D, E, Tucker x x F, and G Waters x x Gulliford x Consent Agenda Item D - Emergency replacement of T-6 Gorman Rupp pump at B lift station in the amount of $7,884 Consent Agenda Item E - Emergency replacement of T-4 Gorman Rupp pump at E lift station in the amount of $6,674 Commissioner Fletcher asked Tim Townsend, Plants Division Director, Public Works, to explain the need for the above referenced emergency replacements and he also asked to be informed of the budgetary funding concerning these expenses. With reference to Item D, Mr. Townsend explained on September 7, 1992 the pump casing for the #2 pump at "B" station ruptured and he indicated the cause of the rupture appeared to be excessive back pressure. He explained a new pump was ordered from the authorized dealer and installed. With reference to Item E, Mr. Townsend explained on August 31, 1992 the pump casing for the #1 pump at "E" station ruptured. He explained the pump was a 4" size Gorman-Rupp T sewer pump, and the cause of the rupture appeared to be the end result of electrolysis. He added earlier in the summer the pump casing for the #2 pump had ruptured and been replaced. The replacement for the #1 pump was quickly ordered and installed. It was determined funding for the above would be taken from the Renewal and Replacement account. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Items D and E of Fletcher x the Consent Agenda Tucker Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Consent Agenda Item F - bid report #9192-29 relative to lawn maintenance Commissioner Fletcher asked for an update on what had transpired since the last meeting with reference to bidding on lawn maintenance for the City. Commissioner Edwards explained in an effort to attract a more experienced and dependable contractor with a proven track record the bid requirements were tightened in several V V PAGE 5 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN areas, the strongest of which was that the successful bidder would have to be a properly licensed lawn maintenance contractor who had been in the lawn maintenance business for at least two years. It was determined the low bidder had been in business less than two years, and had only been experienced in residential and a small segment of landscaping at Regency Square. City Attorney Alan Jensen inquired whether the low bidder may have conducted business in another name prior to Jax Turf & Tree, Inc. Mayor Gulliford asked that a copy of bid specifications be available for the inspection of the Commission in the future. Edwards x x Motion: Accept recommendation of Committee to Fletcher x x accept the bid from Commercial Industrial Tucker x Landscaping of Jacksonville, in the amount of Waters x $23, 982 Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda Item G - Bid report #9192 relative to sanitation truck Bob Kosoy explained he contacted BFI to discuss their experiences with Peterbilt products and was informed they were satisfied and were changing over their fleet from Mack to Peterbilt. The Bid Committee felt comfortable in recommending the #2 bid from Palm Peterbilt GMC Trucks of Fort Lauderdale, in the amount of $104, 316 . 00. Edwards x Motion: Accept recommendation of Committee to Fletcher x x accept the bid from Palm Peterbilt GMC Trucks, Tucker x x Fort Lauderdale in the amount of $104,316.00, waters x with the condition the local Peterbilt dealer 3ulliford x will assume maintenance with a standard warranty Commissioner Fletcher indicated his desire to refrain from using bigger trucks. Mr. Kosoy explained the larger truck will relieve the fleet, but that the City would be buying two smaller trucks in the future. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 92-29 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS V V PAGE 6 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-29 . Edwards x x Motion: Approve Resolution No. 92-29 Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. B. Resolution No. 92-30 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-30. Motion: Aprove Resolution No. 92-30 Edwards x x Fletcher x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Waters x x unanimously. Gulliford x 7. Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 35-92-7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 2-315 OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE, ESTABLISHING AN ENCUMBRANCE SYSTEM, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 80-92-49, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Approve Ordinance 35-92-7 on final Flx reading Fletcher x Tucker x x Waters x x Kirk Wendland explained the encumbrance system allows for Gulliford x proper reflection of expenditures. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 80-92-50 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 22, UTILITIES, ARTICLE II, WATERWORKS SYSTEM, ADDING SECTIONS 22-42 AND 22-43 DEFINING AND REGULATING V V PAGE 7 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN CROSS CONNECTIONS AND BACKFLOW DEVICES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 80-92-50, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Edwards x x Motion: Approve Ordinance 80-92-50 on final Fletcher x reading Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 8. New Business: A. Proposal for the City to purchase lots from Beaches Habitat adjoining the Public Works property George Worley, City Planner, presented a report from Staff concerning the purchase of two vacant lots adjacent to the city' s public works yard from Beaches Habitat at a cost of $6, 500. The Mayor indicated the city would be buying the lots for less than the assessed value and, thus, he suggested the city should absorb the related closing costs. Edwards x Motion: Approve purchase of two vacant lots Fletcher adjacent to the City ' s Public Works yard from Tucker Beaches Habitat at a cost of $6, 500, with the Waters x City absorbing closing costs Gulliford A discussion ensued and it was determined the lots could be valuable to the city for future expansion. Commissioner Fletcher inquired as to where the funds would be budgeted for this purchase, to which it was suggested funds were available in the Commission Contingency Fund. Edwards x Substitute Motion: Approve purchase of two Fletcher x vacant lots adjacent to the City' s Public Tucker x x Works yard from Beaches Habitat at a cost of Waters x x $6, 500, with the City absorbing closing costs. Gulliford x Funds from the Commission Contingency Fund will be used for this purchase. V V PAGE 8 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Proposal to amend contract for Jim Jarboe - not to exceed $45, 215 Mayor Gulliford presented an amended contract for Jim Jarboe, indicating funds would not exceed $45, 215 during Mr. Jarboe' s contract with the City. Edwards x Motion: Approve amended contract for Jim Fletcher x x Jarboe - not to exceed $45, 215 Tucker x x Waters x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Centex Homes appeal regarding the Tree Board Mr. Worley introduced T. R. Hainline, 1301 Gulf Life Drive, who represented Centex Homes, Building Contractor for Selva Linkside, Phase II . Mr. Hainline explained Centex Homes was appealing a decision of the Tree Preservation Board to table a permit for the relocation of 50+ trees at a retention pond area. He explained the Tree Preservation Board tabled the permit until Centex Homes provided a tree survey for all of Selva Linkside II. He indicated the source of the problem was not the Tree Preservation Board or its members, but the ordinance itself. He indicated even if Centex decided to provide the tree survey for all of Selva Linkside II, it had no idea what to show on the survey, how it was going to be reviewed, or how the survey was going to relate to the permit that was actually before the Tree Preservation Board, which was a permit for construction of a retention pond. In essence, Mr. Hainline felt it would be impossible to provide a tree survey for all lots, since it was unknown by Centex where the homes would be located. He urged the Commission to amend the Tree Preservation Ordinance, and he asked the Commission to reverse the decision and instruct the Tree Preservation Board that only the survey of the area of construction can be required under the ordinance. Commissioner Fletcher felt the issue dealt with the internal administration of the Tree Board and that the Commission ought to have great respect for volunteer boards, such as the Tree Board, and not interfere with the internal working of the boards. He felt any decision should remain with the Tree Board. V V PAGE 9 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Gulliford felt the Tree Ordinance should not be a burden to a developer or a business, and he felt continuing to table a consideration was unfair to a developer who was attempting to utilize and develop property in a meaningful fashion. Commissioner Fletcher indicated the inability to proceed was due to Centex not providing information requested by the Tree Board. Carolyn Wood, 395 Poinsettia, Chairman of the Tree Board, explained Centex provided no information concerning a retention pond. She indicated they did not have plans, elevations, or sections of the retention pond. Mr. Hainline indicated a retention pond area was indicated on the plan, and the trees had been surveyed within that retention pond area. Ms. Wood indicated the Tree Board had a problem with the attitude of Centex wherein they were not cooperating in providing information asked by the Tree Board. Mr. Hainline stated Centex was not aware the Tree Board required information concerning the design of the retention pond until shortly before the City Commission meeting. A long discussion ensued regarding the retention pond and the information required by the Tree Board. Edwards Motion: Adopt recommendation of staff that Fletcher x the request of Centex Homes, developer of Tucker Selva Linkside Phase II, to move and remove Waters x 50+ trees of various sizes from an area Julliford planned to be a retention basis for storm water, be referred back to the Tree Conservation Board for action. It was determined the next meeting of the Tree Board would be Monday, October 19, 1992 . A discussion ensued concerning the exact property that would be developed and the proposed size of the lots. In a compromise, the Commission directed Centex, which it was determined had already provided information on trees in the proposed pond, to submit a survey of trees within 10 feet of the bond. Substitute Motion: Recognize a three-phase Edwards x x method for Centex Homes, developer of Selva Fletcher x Linkside Phase II, to do the following: (1) Tucker x present to the Tree Board a survey for the ,raters x x retention pond, with 10 feet surrounding it, Gulliford x indicating the pond and the elevation, (2) V V PAGE 10 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN present to the Tree Board the Tree Survey for Phase I within two weeks, by the next Tree Board meeting, and (3) present the tree survey for Phase II at a time agreed upon by Centex and the Tree Board. In addition: Centex to negotiate with the Tree Board to come up with tree removal standards for the Selva Linkside Phase II PUD No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. D. Report on status of PAVE Grant and placement of modular unit in Donner Park with Resolution #92-32 relative to budget adjustment to transfer funds associated with lease of modular center for Donner Park City Manager Kim Leinbach reported concerning the status of the PAVE Grant in regard to a modular unit for Donner Park. He asked for Commission approval to rent a modular unit for 12 months at a cost of $700 per month. He indicated the program would have to be evaluated carefully and he recommended proceeding for no longer than 12 months to see how the program worked at Donner Park, and if it was successful, to come back to the Commission for approval for a permanent situation. Edwards x Motion: Authorize staff to rent a 24 ' x 54 ' Fletcher x modular unit from Diamond Engineered Space at Tucker x x a monthly rental of $700 for a period not to Waters x x exceed twelve months with monies to be taken Gulliford x from the reserve account of the Convention Development Tax Fund Mr. Leinbach explained in order to complete the matter a budget adjustment had been included and funds would be taken from the reserves of the Convention Development Tax Fund. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution 92-32 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing, Resolution 92-32. V V PAGE 11 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN Edwards x x Motion: Approve Resolution No. 92-32 Fletcher x Tucker x x Chief Thompson briefly outlined the PAVE grant. Waters x Gulliford x The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. E. Appointment of representative to the Metropolitan Planning Organization Mayor Gulliford reported Nick Nicholson had indicated his desire to resign from the Metropolitan Planning Organization and he nominated Jim Lucas to serve on the Organization representing the City. Edwards x x Motion: Appoint Jim Lucas to serve on the Fletcher x Metropolitan Planning Organization Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Gene Montanye, 1731 Beach Avenue, indicated he had been asked by the Mayor to recommend someone to serve on the Parking Committee. He reported he gave Bill Ebert' s name to the City Clerk for action at the Commission meeting. Edwards x Motion: Appoint Bill Ebert to serve on the Fletcher x x Parking Committee Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried 3ulliford x unanimously. F. Request approval of change order #3 replacing the old wooden aerator at #2 Water Plant in the amount of $24, 099 with Resolution 92-31 relative to budget adjustment for transfer of funds Tim Townsend reported the #2 Water Plant at 2301 Mayport Road still had its original redwood tray aerator. This unit, as those at Water Plant #1, was to have been replaced as part of the water plants improvement project as designed by Gee & Jensen. He reported a review of the plans at the time of the bid revealed this omission. He recommended initiating a change order to J. W. Meadors Construction for the amount of $24, 099 .00 for installation of a Freedom Fiberglass aerator at the #2 Water Plant. Edwards x x Fletcher x Motion: Authorize the initiation of a change Tucker x x Waters x Gulliford x V V PAGE 12 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN order to J. W. Meadors Construction for the amount of $24, 099.00 for installation of a Freedom Fiberglass aerator at the #2 Water Plant. Commissioner Edwards asked Mr. Townsend if money would have been saved if this had been discovered some time ago to which Mr. Townsend indicated some money would have been saved. It was determined the money would come from the Water Reserves. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution 92-31 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-31 . Edwards x x Motion: Approve Resolution No. 92-31 Fletcher x Tucker x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Waters x unanimously. Gulliford x G. Request approval of change order #1 for 6th Street, Howell Park and Russell Park Sanitation Sewer rehabilitation project George Worley explained a two foot cypress tree approximately 70 feet in height had grown directly over a sanitation sewer line. T. V. tapes indicated that a clay line was settling under this tree and it was just a matter of time until the pipe would collapse under the weight of the tree. He asked Commission approval to remove the tree at a cost to the City of $2, 700 to $3,000. Commissioner Fletcher asked if the tree could be saved. A discussion ensued and it was determined it would not be practical to save the tree, as it would cost $19, 805 to move the sanitatary sewer line. Motion: Approve removal of tree in Howell Edwards x x Park which had grown over sanitatary sewer Fletcher x line at a cost of approximately $2, 700 to Tucker x x $3, 000. Funds will come from the contingency Waters x fund 410 4101 535 4900 Gulliford x A discussion ensued concerning the possibility of removing the tree and it was determined it would not be V V PAGE 13 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN practical . Commissioner Fletcher indicated his desire to look at the tree, and have the matter referred to the Water and Sewer Committee for recommendation. Motion: Defer action for two weeks and have Edwards the Water and Sewer Committee make a Fletcher x recommendation Tucker Waters Motion died for lack of a second. Gulliford The question was called and the motion carried by a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Fletcher voting nay. The Mayor asked Carolyn Woods the status of the Tree Ordinance and she advised it would be forwarded to the Commissioners before the next meeting. 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: The Mayor presented the City Manager with a certificate indicating he won the City Manager' s Blood Donor Challenge. The City Manager reported Duval County had been declared a disaster area, and residents had been notified to file claims if they had damage during recent flooding. The City Manager reported he had been contacted by the Fire and Rescue Department of the City of Jacksonville regarding their silver anniversary of service. He reported they asked the City of Atlantic Beach to recognize this event by purchasing an ad. The Commission did not desire to purchase an ad at this time. 10. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Commissioner Edwards reported the Florida League of Cities failed to recognize the City in connection with hurricane support to southern Florida. He indicated he would write a letter to the League indicating that the City assisted those cities that were damaged by the hurricane. Commissioner Fletcher reported the deadline for local legislation was Wednesday, October 28, 1992. He reminded the Commission discussions had been held to extend Atlantic Beach city limits westward to the Intracoastal Waterway in mostly undevelopable marsh north of Atlantic Boulevard. V V PAGE 14 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Ask the Duval Legislative Delegation Edwards x to sponsor a bill extending Atlantic Beach Fletcher x x city limits westward to the Intracoastal Tucker x Waterway Waters x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Fletcher asked to receive agenda packets on Wednesday instead of Friday, prior to Commission meetings. Motion: Receive agenda packets Wednesday Edwards instead of Friday Fletcher Tucker Mayor Gulliford felt this would place a burden on staff. Waters Commissioner Edwards felt items to be placed on the Gulliford agenda would come up on Thursday or Friday, and thus would not be able to be placed on the agenda. Commissioner Fletcher felt receiving the packets on Friday afternoon did not allow enough time to study the material . It was decided that the City Manager will give a report concerning providing the Commission with agenda packets on Wednesday instead of Friday at the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Fletcher withdrew the motion and Commissioner Waters withdrew the second to the motion. Commissioner Fletcher referred to the Interlocal Agreement negotiations with the City of Jacksonville. He reminded everyone October 14, 1992 would constitute 30 days since President Jones visited the City. It was reported the next in-house committee meeting would be held Tuesday, October 13, 1992, and a meeting with the City of Jacksonville negotiating team was scheduled for October 20, 1992 at 10:00 a. m. . He asked that a review of the progress of the negotiations be placed on the agenda for the next Commission meeting. The City Clerk was asked to advertise the upcoming meeting and future meetings. The Mayor reported the New Baptist Church, Lewis Street, invited him to participate Sunday, October 18, 1992, at their services at 9 :30 a. m. He indicated he would be out-of-town and invited Commissioners to attend the service. V V PAGE 15 NAME OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 12, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN The Mayor referred to upcoming vacancies on Code Enforcement, Community Development, and Pension Boards. He referred to Dr. Venn, Barbara Bonner, and Pat Pillmore and indicated they were appointed to fill unexpired terms and therefore, had not served for a full term. He felt it they desired to continue to serve, they should be reappointed. He asked that this matter be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Since the expiration date on the Code Enforcement Board had already expired it was decided to reappoint the Code Board members, subject to their acceptance. Edwards x Motion: Appoint Dr. John Venn and Barbara Fletcher x x Bonner to Code Enforcement Board, subject to Tucker x x their acceptance to serve Waters x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried ' unanimously. There being no further business th- -ting adjourned at 11 : 15 p. m. \ I AA ivarAllt illiam I . Gullifor• Mayor/Presiding Off ' i ATTES T: