04-27-92 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, APRIL 27, 1992, 7:15 P.M. , AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 13, 1992 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Robert Weiss regarding U.S. Senate Bill 1650-Flood Insurance Erosion Act 1991 4. Old Business: A. Proposed requested usage of the Adele Grage Community Center (Carson Merry Baillie) B. Discussion and related action concerning possible land exchange with Beaches Habitat (City Planner George Worley) 5. Consent: A. Status report concerning installation of fire lanes on Cavalla Road B. Approval to use ATV on beach for sea turtle patrol May - November (Mort Hanson, Beach Sea Turtle Patrol, Inc.) C. Proclamation declaring week beginning May 1, 1992 as Youth Week 6. Committee Reports: A. Royal Palm Committee report and recommendation to retain special code enforcement service (Commissioner Waters) B. Water and Sewer Committee report (Commissioner Fletcher) 7. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-10 authorizing use of City R-O-W for Town Center project 8. New Business: A. Report and related action regarding draft contract with Jacksonville for CDBG funds (City Planner George Worley) B. Discussion and related action regarding protection of Sea Oats on the beach (Mayor Gulliford) C. Request to solicit RFP for Consultant Resident Observation (PW Director Robert Kosoy) D. Proposal to hire James Jarbo as contract employee for special projects (Mayor Gulliford) E. Report and related action concerning request to accept proposal of Connelly & Wicker regarding Levy Road Improvements (PW Director Robert Kosoy) F. Request to accept J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. proposal for engineering design for new chlorine contact facility at Buccaneer WWTP (PW Director Robert Kosoy) 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 10. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: A. Garage sale report (City Clerk Maureen King) B. Citizen of the Year report (City Clerk Maureen King) Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 O O PM ON MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1992 T T PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E D D Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and M S J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 13, 1992. Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of Fletcher x April 13, 1992. Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Beverly Gault, 742 Vecuna Street, spoke concerning a water bill she received that she felt was high. She indicated she was treated in a rude manner by city employees when she went to the City Hall to pursue this matter. She explained that the city re-checked the water meter and found there was a water leak in her house. However, she further explained that when she had the meter checked by a plumber he indicated there was no leak. The mayor asked the City Manager to address this problem and report back to the City Commission. Permission was given to Ms. Gault to defer payment of this bill until the investigation was concluded. Mayor Gulliford indicated this was not the first complaint he had received concerning the attitude of city employees. He stated city employees work for the people who live in the city and all citizens should be treated the same, in a courteous manner. Caroline Layson, Sailfish Drive, spoke concerning the Animal Control Officer and the policy that is followed to find owners of stray dogs before taking them downtown to the dog pound. The Mayor responded this action sets AB 1250 V V PAGE 2 NAME OF MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN Atlantic Beach apart from the City of Jacksonville and he and Police Chief Thompson felt it was appropriate for the Animal Control Officer to try to find a dog' s owner before taking it away. Ms. Layson complained concerning a house on the corner of Sailfish and Redfin. She indicated the house had been vandalized to a great degree. Chief Thompson responded the Police Department was familiar with this house and he indicated they had dealt with this situation as much as possible within the boundaries of the law, on many occasions. Don Ford stated the city had cut the grass and cleaned the property several times, and he added the owner had recently boarded up the house. He explained that the city must follow legal guidelines to resolve situations such as this. Ms. Layson complained concerning unsolicited newspapers being thrown in yards, and the Mayor asked the City Attorney to address this to see if there would be a method to regulate the distribution of unsolicited newspapers. Dave Siebert, 816 Cavalla, spoke concerning his desire to construct a fence behind his property, in an area designated as a fire lane. It was explained that a report regarding having "Fire Lane" signs installed at either end of the fire lane will appear as Item 5A on the agenda. R. D. Gray, Atlantic Beach Firefighter, invited the Commission to the Sea Turtle on May 20th and May 30th to view Firefighter training. 4. Appearances: Bob Weiss reported concerning Senate Bill 1650 which concerns National Flood Insurance. He indicated other beach communities had opposed this legislation and he recommended the Commission review the materials he had provided. Mr. Weiss and Maureen King, City Clerk, were asked to draft a resolution for Commission action. A copy of the resolution will be sent to senators and any other interested parties. 4. Old Business: A. Proposed requested usage of the Adele Grage Community Center John Weldon reported the Adele Grage Community Center Committee met concerning the request of Carson Merry Baillie to use the Community Center for Players By the AB 1251 PAGE THREE V V MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF 1/1 COMMRS. M S Y N Sea activities. The Committee voted to approve the request to have a Children' s Workshop from June 22 through July 31, 1992, from 9:00 a. m. until 1 :00 p. m. weekdays, adult rehearsal three times per week from 7:00 p. m. until 9:00 p. m. , and Playhouse 50, from 2:00 p. m. until 4:00 p. m. on Wednesdays. The Committee did not, however, approve the waiving of fees for the evening activities. Rose Blanchard, Parks and Recreation Director was asked to meet with Carson Merry Baillie to work out arrangements for the activities. Edwards Motion: Waive fee for evening use of Fletcher x Community Center for Players By the Sea Tucker Activities Waters x Gulliford A discussion ensued and it was felt that the Community Center should be used as much as possible by the Community. Commissioner Tucker referred to the question of charging for the use of the Tennis Courts and whether or not the City should hire someone to collect fees. It was decided to make this an agenda item for the next Commission meeting. 9 Substitute motion: Amend existing resolution Edwards x to provide that citizens of Atlantic Beach Fletcher x x wishing to use the Community Center for a non- Tucker x profit public purpose will no longer be Waters x x charged the $25 rental fee, but will still be Gulliford x required to make a $50 cleaning deposit The question was called and on roll call vote the motion carried with a 3-2 vote, with Commissioners Edwards and Tucker voting nay. The City Manager was asked to provide the Commission with a written procedure and policy, based on the preceding discussions, for implementation of the rental of the Community Center. B. Discussion and related action concerning possible land exchange with Beaches Habitat The Mayor announced on May 2, 1992, at 3:00 p. m. there would be a dedication of the new Terrell Habitat house located on Francis Avenue. George Worley reported the houses owned by the City on the east side of Francis Avenue were acquired for expansion of the sewer plant. He recommended this item 4111be referred to the Water and Sewer Committee so that they AB 1252 PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN may determine future need for the Francis Avenue lots. A discussion ensued and it was brought out that because the lots on Francis Avenue were acquired for a specific purpose, special care should be taken when swapping this land. Commissioner Waters suggested holding on to city land adjacent to the sewer plant and perhaps swapping land in another area. Chief Thompson was asked to report at the next meeting concerning another piece of property which could be swapped with Habitat. The Mayor asked the Water and Sewer Committee to look at the feasibility of swapping land between the City and Habitat. 5. Consent Agenda A. Status report concerning installation of fire lanes on Cavalla Road B. Approval to use ATV on beach for sea turtle patrol May - November C. Proclamation declaring week beginning May 1, 1992 as Youth Week At the request of Commissioner Fletcher Item A was removed from the Consent Agenda. Edwards x Motion: Approve consent Agenda, with the Fletcher x x exception of Item A Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 5A. Status report concerning installation of fire lanes on Cavalla Road George Worley reported he had coordinated with the Fire Department and the Public Works Department to have "Fire Lane" signs installed on the city owned Right-of-Way on Royal Palm Drive denoting the driveway behind the buildings as a "Fire Lane. " George Worley was asked to look into the ownership of easterly lots, for the purpose of possibly using this property for additional parking or as a playground for the children who reside in this area. 6. Committee Reports: A. Royal Palm Committee report and recommendation to retain special code enforcement service AB 1253 PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Waters reported on behalf of the Royal Palm Committee. He recommended hiring a part-time Code Enforcement Officer, pursuant to the recommendation of Don Ford, Building Official. This position would be based on $12 per hour, four hours a day for 25 weeks, not to exceed $6,000. It was suggested that Karl Grunewald be hired for this position. Edwards x Motion: Hire Karl Grunewald as a part-time Fletcher x x Code Enforcement Officer based on $12 per Tucker x hour, four hours a day for 25 weeks, not to Waters x x exceed $6,000, to concentrate on Royal Palms Gulliford x and Donner area Commissioner Fletcher questioned the funding of this position. The City Manager indicated the funds would be taken from surplus funds in the Demolition Account of the Code Enforcement Department. It was explained two buildings were scheduled to be demolished and funds were set aside for this purpose. The home owners paid for the demolition themselves, however, and the funds were not used. Thus, monies were available to fund the part-time position of Code Enforcement Officer. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Water and Sewer Committee report Commissioner Fletcher briefly outlined the Water and Sewer Committee Report and indicated he would be happy to answer questions. The report was accepted and a copy of the complete Report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Gail Bradley indicated she received incorrect information from the City Hall concerning the raise in water rates. The Mayor indicated his desire to have an explanation concerning the raise in water rates placed in the City Newsletter, as well as in the local newspaper and the Beaches Supplement of the Times Union. 7. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-10 Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing Resolution No. 92-10: Authorizing use of City Right-of-Way for Town Center project. Commissioner Fletcher asked that Resolution 92-10 be AB 1254 PAGE SIX V V MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN deferred until the next Commission meeting so that traffic information from Bob Hill, City of Jacksonville, would be available. Edwards x Motion: Defer action on Resolution 92-10 Fletcher x x until next City Commission Meeting Tucker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 8. New Business: A. Report and related action regarding draft contract with Jacksonville for CDBG funds George Worley recommended that the City Commission authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with the City of Jacksonville for the Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) program. Edwards x x Motion: Authorize Mayor to sign contract with Fletcher x the City of Jacksonville for the Community Tucker x Development Block Grant program Waters x x Gulliford x A discussion ensued relative to whether funds could be used for drainage, sidewalks, etc. The commission indicated their desire to have the right to amend the Community Development Block Grant program. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action regarding protection of Sea Oats on the beach A discussion was held concerning Sea Oats and how to protect them on the beach. The City Manager was directed to hang yellow nylon-type rope at the beach accesses to form a pathway to the beach in an attempt to keep beach- goers off the sand dunes. The Mayor referred to the RFP for a parking study, and he asked that some kind of limitation on night time parking at street ends be included in this study. C. Request to solicit RFP for Consultant Resident Observation Bob Kosoy reported concerning the need to solicit RFP' s for consultant resident observation. Mr. Kosoy explained AB 1255 • PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN many projects would become active at one time, and thus it would be necessary to augment the duties of Ernie Beadle, Assistant Public Works Director/City Inspector. Edwards x x Motion: Solicit RFP's for Consultant Resident Fletcher x Observation, as requested by Bob Kosoy, with Tucker x hourly rates in increments of 2, 4, 6, and 8 Raters x x hours �ulliford x Commissioner Fletcher urged the Commission to adopt the recommendation of Mr. Kosoy. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. D. Proposal to hire James Jarboe as contract employee for special projects Mayor Gulliford referred to the City Manager' s memorandum concerning approving the contract to hire James Jarboe on a consulting basis to assist the city with several special projects. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Approve the expenditure of $30,000 to Tucker x x contract with James Jarboe on a basis of $38 Waters x per hour Gulliford x A discussion ensued and it was determined Mr. Jarboe would be of help in negotiating the Interlocal Agreement, grant applications, and other matters. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. E. Report and related action concerning request to accept proposal of Connelly & Wicker regarding Levy Road Improvements Bob Kosoy reported the City had plans prepared two years ago for improvements to Levy Road from Mayport Road to Orchid Street. The proposal that was on the floor, he added, would be to finish the design all the way to Main Street. He added after the design is finished the city hopes to apply for matching funds from D.O.T. dwards x letcher x Motion: Accept the proposal of Connelly & sucker x x Wicker for engineering services in connection aters x x with improvements to Levy Road. The proposed , ulliford x schedule will be for surveying design and permitting in FY 91-92 at a cost of $7,400.00 AB 1256 PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. F. Request to accept J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. proposal for engineering design for new chlorine contacct facility at Buccaneer WWTP Bob Kosoy reported concerning the work that needs to be done to upgrade the Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant. He indicated J. Lucas & Associates submitted the lowest cost proposal at $9, 800.00 to prepare engineering plans and specifications. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Accept J. Lucas & Associcates, Inc. Tucker x proposal for engineering design for new Waters x x chlorine contract facility at Buccaneer Water Gulliford x Treatment Plant at a cost of $9,800.00 It was reported by the City Manager that care was taken to elicit proposals from a variety of firms, in-house, so that proposals would be received in a competitive manner. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Bob Kosoy referred to Church Road and he indicated he met with Charlie Flynn, Director of Streets and Highways, and other representatives from the City of Jacksonville. Mr. Kosoy reported the City of Jacksonville would like to put sidewalks on the north side of Church Road and also make other improvements to this area. He indicated the monetary contribution to do this work was not discussed at the meeting. Ray Salman asked the Mayor if it would be appropriate for the City to send a letter indicating its displeasure to Dick Brown, District 3 Councilman, concerning comments Mr. Brown made regarding having funds for the Wonderwood Expressway lowered. This was discussed and it was decided that any Commissioner who wishes to write Mr. Brown should do so. 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: The City Manager reported he drafted a letter to the Selva Marina property owners relative to street improvements, as the Commission requested, and he asked if the Commissioners could have a Special Meeting May 18, 1992 to meet with the Selva Marina community. This was approved by the Commission. AB 1257 PAGE NINE v v MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Maureen King reported she, Commissioner Waters, Commissioner Tucker, and Chief Thompson met to discuss garage sales. It was recommended "garage sale" and "flea market" be defined. Flea Markets would then be prohibited from being held in Atlantic Beach. Two draft ordinance were sent to the City Attorney, and should be on the agenda for the next Commission meeting. It was determined no permit would be required for garage sales at this time. Maureen King gave a report concerning the selection of a Citizen of the Year. She indicated she felt the presentation should be a very public occasion, and she gave examples of tangible benefits that could be given a Citizen of the Year. Edwards x x Motion: Approve recommendations of Maureen Fletcher x King for selection of Citizen of the Year Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Commissioner Edwards reported concerning the Florida League of Cities sponsoring a Citizenship Award Program. The purpose is to educate students as to how city and county government works. He explained there were 33 regions in the State and first place winner in each region would receive a $400 savings bond, second place winner would received a $300 savings bond, third place winner would receive a $200 savings bond, and two honorable mentions of $100 each. He indicated the statewide first prize would be $2, 500 bond, the second would be $1, 500 bond, the third would be $750 bond, and two honorable mentions of $500 each. Commissioner Fletcher reported Jim Jarboe, working with Town Center, had explored several sources of funding. One area was an Intracoastal Navigation District which had its own taxing base, and its purpose was to provide funds to communities or areas that had access to water. In order to get these monies, Commissioner Fletcher explained, it was necessary to go through the Legislature, and May 1st was the deadline to make the application for this money. The money would be used for improvements to the east end of the Town Center. Commissioner Fletcher read a proposed resolution for presentation to the Intracoastal Navigation District. The Mayor indicated the Resolution would be numbered #92- 11. AB 1258 PAGE TEN v v MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #92-11 Edwards x Fletcher x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Tucker x unanimously. Waters x x Gulliford x Commissioner Fletcher suggested having a Crime Watch program and he asked Chief Thompson to give a report concerning this. He commended Maureen King for a report that was furnished to the Commissioners concerning a City Clerk' s Conference that she attended and he indicated the information that was provided in the report assisted commissioners concerning their responsibilities. With reference to Code Enforcement, Commissioner Fletcher suggested having a joint meeting between Code Enforcement and the City Commission. This was discussed and it was felt that since this is an independent board it might not be appropriate to have a joint meeting. The Mayor agreed with Commissioner Fletcher, and he asked the City Attorney to give his recommendations concerning whether such a meeting could be held. Commissioner Tucker complimented Maureen King concerning information that was provided Commissioners. She thanked Caroline Layson for attending the meeting and bringing several items to the attention of the Commission. City Attorney Alan Jensen asked the Commission for permission to proceed with getting the necessary information to bring back a resolution for the next meeting to condemn the necessary property to complete 16th Street access. Edwards x x Motion: Grant City Attorney permission to Fletcher x x proceed with getting the necessary information Tucker x to prepare a resolution to condemn necessary Waters x property to complete 16th Street access Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Gulliford asked for the status concerning Fleet Landing improvements. Bob Kosoy stated he would have a report at the next Commission meeting. The Mayor referred to the recent code enforcement efforts in Royal Palms and stated although the City was addressing this problem, he hoped to attend to these problems in a more aggressive manner. The Mayor indicated his desire to pursue the cleaning out of the ditch located on City Hall property. Bob Kosoy AB 1259 PAGE ELEVEN v v MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN advised the consultant was spraying chemicals in an effort to kill the weeds. As soon as the problems relating to Fleet Landing are resolved the ditch would be cleaned in a more aggressive manner, he added. Mayor Gulliford offered to loan equipment to the City to clean the ditch. Mr. Kosoy thanked the Mayor for his assistance in loaning equipment to do this work. Commissioner Waters thanked Maureen King for providing the Commission with summaries of action taken by various City boards. Mayor Gulliford referred to information George Worley provided the Commission concerning amending the PUD ordinance. This matter was referred to the Community Development Board. The Commission would like a suggestion from the Board on how to amend the existing PUD Ordinance. There being no further usin the meeti g was adj •urned at 10:45 p. m. William I. Gullifo d rk Mayor/Presiding 0 f '4- ATTES T: Maureen King, clerk AB 1260