04-13-92 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, APRIL 13, 1992, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 23, 1992, and Special Called meeting of April 2, 1992 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Presentations: A. Town Center (Commissioner Fletcher) 4. Appearances: A. Mary Carson Bailey 5. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-9 removing the name of Harry Royal from check signing and replace it with Kirk Wendland 6. Old Business: A. Report on ownership of streets in the Selva Marina area (City r" Attorney Alan Jensen) B. Discussion and related action relating to the adoption of subdivision of Van Cleve property (City Planner George Worley) 7. Consent: A. Report on usage of the Adele Grage Community Ctr. for March B. Action by the City Commission to approve the recommendation of the City Clerk regarding clerical staff 8. Committee Reports: A. Water & Sewer Committee report (Commissioner Fletcher) B. Zoning Committee report and proposal to purchase Code of Ordinance on computer disk (Commissioner Fletcher) C. Report and recommendation by Awards Committee Chairman Commissioner Edwards on Bid #9192-8 roll-on roll-off of sludge containers D. Report and recommendation by Awards Committee Chairman Commissioner Edwards on Bid #9192-9 installation of railing and stairways at wastewater treatment plant 9. Ordinances: A. Continuation of Ordinance #55-92-26 regarding solid waste and Resolution #92-7 establishing the number of days for solid waste collection B. Continuation of Ordinance #40-92-17 regarding Continental Cablevision Franchise extension C. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance #5-92-22 raising threshold for bids from $2,500 to $5,000 for enterprise funds D. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance #45-92-10 to add a classification and set a fee for micro brewery E. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance #57-92-18 relating to rotation wrecker call list F. Reconsideration of water treatment plant bid d 10. New Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning hydraulic shares for Harry Warnock (City Attorney Alan Jensen) B. Recommendation authorizing employment of attorney for Code Enforcement Board (City Attorney Alan Jensen) C. Approval and authorization for Mayor to sign CDBG contract with Jacksonville (City Planner George Worley) D. Discussion and related action requesting authorization for repairs and rehabilitation of sewer lines and manholes in Russell and Howell Parks and request to bid (Public Works Director Robert Ko soy) 11. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Discussion and related action regarding Fire Marshall position 12. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: A. Garage sale report (City Clerk Maureen King) Adjournment .JNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY v v )MMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7: 15 O O r.d ON MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1992 T T PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E D D Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and M S J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 23, 1992 and special called meeting of April 2, 1992. Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of Fletcher x March 23, 1992. Tucker x x Waters x 3 discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Edwards x Motion: Approve minutes of the special called Fletcher x meeting of April 2, 1992. Tucker x x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 2. Recognition of visitors: City Manager Kim Leinbach introduced the City' s new Finance Director, Kirk Wendland. Mayor Gulliford introduced Brandon and Phyllis Terrell who will occupy the first Beaches Habitat home in the City of Atlantic Beach. Peggy O'Neill, President of Beaches Habitat, thanked the Commission for their help. She invited the Commission to a dedication of their first Habitat house on May 2, 1992, at 3:00 p. m. She reported Habitat has purchased two new pieces of property, and she indicated they hoped the city would construct roads to the property. She indicated Habitat would also be interested in swapping this property for city owned houses on Francis Avenue. George )rley indicated the homes on Francis Avenue could be ��novated. The Mayor would like to know the assessed V V PAGE TWO NAME OF MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 COMMRS. MSYN value of the houses and how much the City paid for them. The Mayor indicated his desire to have this as an agenda item for the next regular Commission meeting, and he asked George Worley to identify ownership and any other specific information concerning the Francis Avenue properties. Dave Siebert, 816 Cavalla, spoke concerning his desire to construct a fence behind his property. He explained he was not able to do this, however, because the property was a fire lane. He felt the fire lane had been ignored by the City. Gorge Worley explained that through codes enforcement the city was trying to keep this alley clear and that the City intended to place signs on each end of the fire lane. He explained the Fire Department needed the fire lane open so that they could get to the back of the building in the event of a fire. The Mayor asked George Worley to contact Chief Rew once again to make sure the fire lane was necessary, and to investigate if the property was designated to be a fire lane when it was sold to the owners. Chief Thompson indicated once signs are in place, the Police Department would be able to -nforce the law by ticketing or towing cars illegally arked in the fire lane. 3. Presentations: A. Town Center Commissioner Fletcher gave a presentation concerning the Town Center, and he indicated he would like the Commission to adopt a resolution to commit right-of-ways. He stated the City had approved the concept of the Town Center in prior actions. He presented a drawing of the project and explained the project starts at 3rd Street and continues all the way to the ocean. He explained the sidewalks will be made of bricks, some of which, as part of a fund raiser, will be engraved. He indicated 400 bricks have already been sold. Edwards Motion: Draft resolution to commit use of Fletcher x right-of-ways, as indicated on the plan, and Tucker as previously approved by the City Waters x Gulliford John Weldon stated he is firmly in favor of this project, but he felt the width of the sidewalks should be reviewed. It was agreed Chief Thompson would review the streets to make sure they are adequate for traffic. Commissioner Fletcher explained that this plan would not delete any parking that already exists. Its purpose, he xplained, was to make the area safer for pedestrian _raffle. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Edwards x Substitute Motion: Defer action until next Fletcher x x meeting. Address the question of traffic and Tucker x define more accurately where the right-of-way Waters x x is. Gulliford x The question was called and the motion carried with a vote of 4-1, with Commissioner Waters voting nay. Mayor Gulliford referred to the pole that comes from the roof at Ruby Beach Cafe. He indicated Bob Hill, Traffic Engineer for the City of Jacksonville, called him and voiced his concern about the potential liability regarding this and Mr. Hill indicated he had contacted Neptune Beach officials to discuss the matter. The Mayor reported they discussed the possibility of eliminating the traffic light at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and First Street. The discussion concerned either going with a four-way stop, or making Atlantic Boulevard without a stop, and 1st Street from Neptune Beach, and Ocean Boulevard from Atlantic Beach, having stop signs. This will be reviewed further. • Appearances: . Carson Merry Baillie spoke on behalf of Players By the Sea. She indicated Players would like to use the Community Center building as follows: For children, ages 8 to 12, from June 22 until July 31 - from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm weekdays; for adult rehearsal, 3 nights per week for four weeks from 7:00 pm until 9 :30 pm, for a period of four weeks, and for senior adult rehearsal, every Wednesday, from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm, during spring and fall only. Mrs. Baillie indicated Players would like to put on their plays at the Community Center. She indicated Players was a non-profit organization, and she asked the Commission to waive the fees for night use of the Center. She indicated Players would provide a free performance for Atlantic Beach residents in appreciation for the use of the Community Center. Rose Blanchard stated the Community Center was scheduled to be used for a summer camp for Atlantic Beach children from June 8 through July 21, with approximately 40 children attending the camp. She reported the City' s fire code would only allow 50 people in the Community Center at one time. :ommissioner Fletcher suggested the City Manager meet PAGE FOUR MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN with Rose Blanchard and Mrs. Baillie to try to work this out, and to investigate the fire code as to whether or not more than 50 people can use the Center at one time. Mayor Gulliford asked John Weldon, Chairman of the Adele Grage Community Center Committee to set up a meeting with his committee and discuss this matter. 5. Resolutions: A. Resolution #92-9 Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing Resolution No. 92-9: REMOVING THE NAME OF HARRY ROYAL FROM CHECK SIGNING AND REPLACING IT WITH KIRK WENDLAND. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #92-9 Fletcher x x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Waters x unanimously. Gulliford x 6. Old Business: A. Report on ownership of streets in the Selva Marina area \lan Jensen reported the streets in the Selva Marina area are owned by the development company. He suggested polling the property owners to see if they are interested in having the city assume ownership and maintenance of the streets, and possibly projecting costs that would be assessed to the property owners to bring the streets up to standard. A discussion ensued and it was suggested using gas tax money to fix the streets. The Mayor responded the city could not take public money and use it on private streets. Edwards x Motion: Instruct the City Manager to notify Fletcher x x the residents of this area via letter of the Tucker x problems regarding the streets and invite them Waters x x to meet with the City Commission in a special Gulliford x meeting in an attempt to resolve the problems associated with ownership and maintenance of these streets. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action relating to the adoption of subdivision of Van Cleve property • PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN George Worley reported Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Van Cleve own a large ocean front lot immediately south of Ocean Breeze with dimensions of 75 feet wide by 624 feet deep. They desire to subdivide the large lot into two smaller lots. An ingress/egress and utility easement was proposed through the street lot to service the ocean front lot. Edwards x Fletcher x Motion: Approve recommendation of the Tucker x x Community Development Board to approve Waters x x application to subdivide a large oceanfront Gulliford x lot owned by Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Van Cleve, and limit development to one single family residence on the oceanfront lot. During a discussion it was determined that by providing a perpetual easement the applicants would meet the City' s access requirements as provided in the Subdivision Code. On the ocean lot, only a single family structure could be built. Commissioner Fletcher inquired if a limit could be put on the size of a building that could be built on the other parcel of land on Seminole Road. The City Attorney responded that the Community Development Board did not place a condition of this nature on the )plicants. The question was called and the motion carried with a 4-1 vote, with Commissioner Fletcher voting nay. Agenda Item 9F was taken out of sequence and the Mayor indicated this item should have been listed under "old business. " He renamed 9F as 6C and acted upon it at that time. 6C. Reconsideration of water treatment plant bid Edwards Motion: Reconsider water treatment plant bid Fletcher Tucker x No second. Motion died for lack of a second. Waters Gulliford 7. Consent: A. Report on usage of the Adele Grage Community Center for March B. Action by the City Commission to approve the recommendation of the City Clerk regarding clerical staff Edwards x x Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Fletcher x x Tucker x Waters x Gulliford x • PAGE SIX MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Committee Reports: A. Water & Sewer Committee report Commissioner Fletcher briefly outlined the Water and Sewer Committee Report and indicated he would be happy to answer questions. Since there were no questions the report was accepted and a copy of the complete report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. Zoning Committee report and proposal to purchase Code of Ordinance on computer disk Commissioner Fletcher referred to the review of the zoning code that his committee is conducting. He reported the committee meets at 4:00 p. m. every Wednesday in the Conference Room of the City Hall. The committee would like to have the code on computer in the City Hall so that they can make changes more easily. The committee is requesting to purchase from the Municipal Code Corporation the computer disks of the municipal code for $2, 000. Edwards Motion: Purchase entire municipal code of the Fletcher x City of Atlantic Beach from the Municipal Code Tucker Corporation for $2,000 Waters x Gulliford A discussion ensued concerning whether this could be purchased from another source. The mayor suggested using a scanner to reduce the code to a disk or something of this sort, to save money. Edwards x Substitute Motion: Authorize the City Manager Fletcher x x to acquire the entire code on disk or to Tucker x x explore the means that would be more Waters x economical to do this, not to exceed $2,000 Gulliford x The City Manager advised he will get competitive quotes if they are available when purchasing this disk. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. C. Report and recommendation by Awards Committee Chairman Commissioner Edwards on Bid #9192-8 roll-on roll-off sludge containers ommissioner Edwards recommended that the Commission PAGE SEVEN V V MINIUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN reject the one bid received based on errors in calculations contained in that bid. Because of the poor response to this invitation to bid, the committee recommended that the project be re-bid. Edwards x x Motion: Reject the one bid the city received Fletcher Tucker x x and re-bid the job Waters x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. D. Report and recommendation by Awards Committee Chairman Commissioner Edwards on Bid #9192-9 installation of railing and stairways at wastewater treatment plant Commissioner Edwards recommended the Commission accept the low bid from Chancey Metal Products, Inc. in the amount of $38, 425.00. Edwards x x Motion: Accept the low bid from Chancey Metal Fletcher x Products, Inc. in the amount of $38,425.00 Tucker x Waters x x ..o discussion before the vote and the motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. 9. Ordinances A. Ordinance #55-92-26 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, REWRITING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 16, REFUSE AND GARBAGE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, ordinance No. 55-92-26, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and announced it was continued from the meeting of March 23, 1992, and invited comments from the audience. Following comments from the audience the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. A discussion ensued, and changes and additions were suggested. It was determined Atlantic Beach would have two days garbage pickup and two days trash pickup. Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, explained that the City plans to pick up garbage during a five day work week and utilize Saturday, if needed for overtime. he following amendments were agreed upon: Section 16-2, • PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Solid waste collection: All garbage containers shall be emptied and the contents thereof shall be disposed of at least twice each week. Dumpsters in residential districts or in the business districts shall be collected as designated by the City Manager. Section 16-6, Burial of Solid Waste, add "or disposal" to the last sentence. Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 55- Fletcher x x 92-26, as amended Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before the vote. The motion passed Gulliford x unanimously. Resolution 92-7 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution 92-7: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE NUMBER OF DAYS PER WEEK OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Edwards x x Fletcher x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 92-7 Tucker x x Waters x Mayor Gulliford asked Bob Kosoy if the City is Gulliford x eliminating Saturday work. Mr. Kosoy indicated he planned :o cut out Saturdays. If the department gets behind, he added, they would still have Saturday, if needed for overtime work. A long discussion ensued concerning the amount of trash and garbage pick ups per week. The question was called and the motion passed with a vote of 4-1 with Mayor Gulliford voting nay. B. Continuation of Public Hearing on Cable Television Ordinance No. 40-92-17 Mayor Gulliford asked to have this Public Hearing continued until May 11, 1992. Edwards x x Motion: Defer action on Ordinance No. 40-92-17 Fletcher x and continue public hearing at the City Tucker x Commission meeting on May 11, 1992 Waters x x Gulliford x No questions before the tote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Ordinance 5-92-22 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, '1DMINISTRATION, ARTICLE VII, FINANCE, DIVISION 2, 'URCHASING, AMENDING SECTION 2-331, BIDS - WHEN REQUIRED, PAGE NINE MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN TO PROVIDE THAT FORMAL BIDS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR PURCHASES OF SUPPLIES OR SERVICES FROM ENTERPRISE FUNDS IN EXCESS OF $5,000, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing Ordinance NO. 5-92-22, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Dorothy Kerber asked why this figure was being changed to $5, 000. The Mayor responded this refers only to Enterprise Fund purchases. He added prices had increased considerably since the previous figure of $2, 500 had been established and he felt the increase to $5, 000 was reasonable in view of current prices. There being no further comments from the audience the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Edwards x Fletcher x x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance 5-92-22 Tucker x on final reading Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. Ordinance #45-92-10 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, ARTICLE III, OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX, SECTION 20-59, SCHEDULE OF FEES, TO ADD A CLASSIFICATION AND SET A FEE FOR MICRO BREWERY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing ordinance No. 45-92-10, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one spoke for or against the matter the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance 45-92-10 Fletcher x on final reading Tucker x x Waters x Commissioner Waters suggested discussing the amount of Gulliford x money charged for licensing at upcoming budget meetings. The Mayor responded it would be a good idea to review this annually at budget hearings. The question was called and the motion carried -nanimously. PAGE TEN MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN E. Ordinance No. 57-92-18 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, ESTABLISHING A ROTATING WRECKER CALL LIST, SETTING FORTH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR WRECKER SERVICES, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, ordinance No. 57-92-18, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one spoke for or against the matter the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 57- Tx 92-18 on final reading Tuuckerer cker x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion passed Gulliford x unanimously. 10. New Business: A. Discussion and related action concerning hydraulic shares for Harry Warnock 2he City Attorney explained in May of 1987 the City accepted water and sewer improvements the Warnocks had installed. An agreement was made, letters were written, but a formal utility agreement was never signed. There have been two more connections into this line and payments should be due to the Warnocks. City Attorney Alan Jensen recommended two payments be made to Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Warnock for $2, 887 each, which represents two structures tapping into the water and sewer lines that were installed by the Warnocks. Edwards x x Motion: Authorize two payments in the amount Fletcher x of $2, 887 each to be made to Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tucker x x C. Warnock which represents two tap-in' s into Waters x the water and sewer line installed by the Gulliford x Warnocks Bob Kosoy suggested copies of agreements of this nature be given to the Public Works and Finance Departments in the future. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 1. Recommendation authorizing employment of attorney for Code Enforcement Board PAGE ELEVEN V V MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN City Attorney Alan Jensen recommended giving Suzanne Green, Code Enforcement Attorney, a written agreement, annually renewable, and approving a fee of $100 per hour. Edwards x x Motion: Approve the preparation of a written Fletcher x x contract, annually renewable, for Suzanne Tucker x Green, Code Enforcement Attorney for the City, Waters x and approve payment of $100.00 per hour for Gulliford x her services The commission indicated their desire to have language incorporated into the contract that specifies the $100 per hour salary begins when Ms. Green begins work, not while she is en route. The City Attorney indicated he would incorporate this language into the contract. The question was called and the motion passed unanimously. C. Approval and authorization for Mayor to sign CDBG contract with Jacksonville eorge Worley explained that he had just received the _ontract and has not had time to thoroughly examine it. He asked that this item be deferred until the next meeting. D. Discussion and related action requesting authorization for repairs and rehabilitation of sewer lines and manholes in Russell and Howell Parks and request to bid Bob Kosoy asked for approval for a budget transfer for point repair and manhole rehabilitation of sewer lines and manholes in Russell and Howell Parks. Mr. Kosoy indicated this was urgent and he recommended a budget transfer from the Sewer Construction Plant Fund, Fund 41, Account 596, and he indicated equal amounts could be transferred from each of six funds. Edwards x x Fletcher x Motion: Proceed and solicit bids for repairs Tucker x and rehabilitation of sewer lines and manholes Waters x x in Russell and Howell Parks Gulliford x Commissioner Fletcher indicated his desire to see an itemized detail concerning this matter. mhe question was called and the motion carried nanimously. PAGE TWELVE MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 11. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Discussion and related action regarding Fire Marshall position Mayor Gulliford referred to the City Manager' s memorandum and indicated a funding source has been found to fund the position of Fire Marshall. Edwards x Motion: Authorize funding of the position of Fletcher Fire Marshall pursuant to the City Manager' s Tucker memorandum of April 6, 1992 Waters Gulliford x Amended Motion: Authorize funding of the Edwards x x position of Fire Marshall pursuant to the City Fletcher x Manager' s memorandum of April 6, 1992, at the Tucker x current rate of pay of the Fire Chief Waters x x Gulliford x Commissioner Fletcher suggested this matter be bound over to the regular budgetary cycle. He indicated he did not understand the rush to establish the position at this time. The question was called and the motion passed by a 3-2 ote with Commissioners Fletcher and Tucker voting nay. The City Manager asked Chief Thompson to give a report concerning parking sticker spaces. Chief Thompson suggested potential spaces located at the Community Center parking lot and the area around the Sea Turtle be included in the parking study, rather than haphazardly assigning parking spaces without a proper study. City Clerk Maureen King gave a report concerning garage sales as they relate to occupational licenses. She reported the Clerk' s office polled 10 cities and did not find any that gave occupation licenses to garage sales. She felt it would not be appropriate to issue occupational licenses for garage sales. She reported some cities gave permits to those who wished to have garage sales. Edwards x X Fletcher X Motion: Adopt the regulation allowing three Tucker x X garage sales per year, with a permit at no Waters X charge Gulliford X A discussion ensued and it was determined only one complaint had been received concerning garage sales for many years. Commissioner Waters indicated he has a )roblem with too much traffic from garage sales. PAGE THIRTEEN MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The City Clerk suggested including a definition of a flea market in the nuisance section of the code, and prohibiting flea markets in residential districts. The question was called and the motion carried with a 4-1 vote with Mayor Gulliford voting nay. Edwards x Fletcher x Motion: Reconsider the motion x Tucker x x No discussion before the vote and the motion carried Waters x Gulliford unanimously. x Edwards x x Regular Motion: Defer until the next meeting Fletcher x x Tucker x Waters x No discussion before the vote and the motion carried Gulliford x unanimously. City Clerk Maureen King referred to her recommendations regarding the selection of a Citizen of the year, and it was decided to defer this until the next meeting. Commissioner Edwards referred to the Florida League of ities Board of Directors who met last Saturday. He .„eferred to a bill concerning voter control of city taxes. He urged everyone to write to their representatives and ask them to vote concerning this. He indicated this bill regulated the way cities spend their money. It was decided -to prepare letters for signature of the Commissioners. A letter in the form of a petition also will be made available for citizens to sign. Commissioner Waters referred to garage sales and he, Commissioner Tucker, and Maureen King were appointed to a committee to study garage sales. Commissioner Tucker asked if there was a report concerning Fleet Landing. Bob Kosoy responded he had talked to Ken Sanders from Haskell Company and in addition to investigating the pipe on the right side of the culvert, they were looking at the cost of lowering one of the middle culverts again. They promised their design within a week, Mr. Kosoy added. Mayor Gulliford passed out comparative salary information from cities size 10, 000 through 50,000, for the information and perusal of the Commission. ;ayor Gulliford reported the City had received a letter • • PAGE FOURTEEN V V MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN from the Atlantic-Neptune FOP Lodge requesting assistance from the City to help pay the utility bills. He indicated last .year the City gave $500.00 to cover the utility costs for this building. Edwards x Motion: Give $500.00 to the Atlantic-Neptune Fletcher x Lodge, F.O.P. , to assist them in paying water, Tucker x x sewer and garbage fees for their Lodge Waters x x Building Gulliford x Commissioner Waters felt the money should come from the Police budget. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Gulliford stated the Sea Oats are being trampled on at the beach. This was discussed and the City Manager stated he would instruct all city workers to try to enforce regulations, and he also indicated he would send out a letter to all residents concerning this problem. Mayor Gulliford stated he would like the drainage ditch n the Donner Subdivision cleaned out. Mayor Gulliford reported the Mayor' s Meeting was held in the City of Atlantic Beach and it was a success. He reported the three Beach Communities and the Town of Baldwin will submit to the City of Jacksonville by June 1, 1992 their individual proposals regarding county services to be provided to each community. Mayor Gulliford referred to "Visions 2000" which he explained was an action report prepared by Plantac Corporation for the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, Beaches Development. The report recommended the consolidation of services in the Beaches Communities as a growth management tool. The Mayor indicated he was not in favor of consolidating, as recommended in the report. PAGE FIFTEEN V V MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN There being no further business t.- meeting adjou ned at 11:30 p. m. AL 'Eta/ � . "ulli Mayor/Presiding O,ATTES S T: Maureen King, City C'1Terk