10-14-91 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, OCTOBER 14, 1991, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 23, 1991, special called meeting of September 30, 1991 and regular election meeting of October 1, 1991. 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Old Business: A. Request for proposed change of dunes elevation at Tiffany by the Sea (Alan Jensen, City Attorney) 4. Committee Reports: A. Report and recommendation by Awards Committee Chairman Glenn Edwards relative to: 1. Bid #9091-29 replace existing windows at community center 2. Bid #9091-30 replace carpeting and flooring at community center 3. Bid #9091-31 replace existing window drapes, seat cushions, and chair cushions at community center B. Water and Sewer Committee report (Robert Kosoy, P.W. Director) C. Adele Grage Community Center report (Commissioner John Weldon) D. Report on Edgar Street drainage (Robert Kosoy, P.W. Director) 5. Resolutions: A. Presentation of a resolution passed September 23, 1991 to Kathleen Russell B. Resolution #91-33 recognizing the C&S Bank and its employees for their voluntary service in the installation of playground equipment in Donner Park C. Resolution #91-34 regarding funds for Christmas decorations at Community Center and City Hall (Finance Director, Harry Royal) 6. Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #95-91-50 relative to charitable contributions made by the City (Alan Jensen, City Attorney) 7. New Business: A. Request for easement for telephone equipment (Volt) B. Request to modify definition of "family" in City Code (Mr. Kjar, George Worley, City Planner) Page Two Agenda - October 14, 1991 New Business Continued: C. Discussion and related action regarding a request to relocate the 20th Street dune crossover (Mrs. Frances King Shaw) D. Request that certain City property be declared surplus and sold at a public auction (Purchasing Agent Joan LaVake) E. YMCA requests placement of a permanent YMCA sign at Russell Park (Don Ford, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: A. Appointments and/or reappointments to fill vacant seats on the Code Enforcement Board (3) , Community Development Board (1) and Tree Board (1) Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON V V MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1991 O O T T PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E Robert B. Cook D D Glenn A. Edwards John W. Weldon M S AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C Maureen King, City Clerk I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN ABSENT: Adelaide R. Tucker (Excused) COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 23, 1991, Special Called meeting of September 30, 1991, and regular election meeting of October 1, 1991. Cook x x Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of Regular Meeting of September 23, Weldon x 1991 Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Cook x x Motion: Approve minutes of Special Called Meeting of Edwards x x September 30, 1991 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Cook x x Motion: Approve minutes of Election Meeting of October 1, Edwards x x 1991 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Mayor Gulliford reported that Beaches Habitat had started construction of the first house in the redevelopment target area and had acquired property for two additional houses. He introduced Peggy O'Neill of Beaches Habitat who presented the city with a cardboard house and reported that for each $100,000 of Scottys cash register receipts collected, Scottys would contribute $10,000 of building materials which she estimated would be enough to build a simple house. She encouraged the city to publicize this program and collect as many receipts as possible. Joanna Marini, 1132 Linkside Drive, addressed the City Commission in connection with the proposed drainage project adjacent to Selva Linkside development. She was concerned that the project, as presently designed, would place the drainage ditch so close to the residences which she felt was a health hazard and would devalue PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN their properties. She agreed that drainage improvements were necessary but felt residents should have been notified of the proposed project and given an opportunity to provide input. Mayor Gulliford explained the city was under a DER Consent Order and had to comply with St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) regulations but would give consideration to the property owners to the extent possible. He suggested Mr. Bowers and any other interested representative of the Linkside subdivision meet with the City Manager and the consulting engineers for the project, to review the design and work out the details of the project. Bruce Bowers, P.E. , Construction Manager for Anhauser Busch, felt there were other areas which could be used for storm water retention and asked to be allowed to review the plans. Mayor Gulliford asked that Mr. Bowers be given an opportunity to review the plans. Andy May and Jim Jacques, engineers with Gee & Jenson provided diagrams and explained the project as currently designed. Mr. May explained a tree survey had been done and approved by the city's Tree Board and it was their intention to leave a much of a natural buffer as possible. Mr. Jacques said the project had been approved and permitted by the St. Johns River Water Management District and minor changes could be made to the design. However, if major changes were made it would be necessary to reapply for the permit and he pointed out that new more stringent SJRWMD rules had been adopted and repermitting would be under those rules. The City Manager pointed out that the Department of Environmental Regulation had inquired into the city's progress in complying with the Consent Order so time was of the essence. After further discussion a meeting was scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 1991 to give the residents an opportunity to meet with city staff and the consulting engineers and it was hoped the project could be worked out to the satisfaction of all concerned. William McGee, 1831 Selva Marina Drive, pointed out the deplorable condition of the Skate Road drainage ditch. He felt it was a health hazard and suggested that the weeds be sprayed or cut. He said the recently approved storm water utility required an area topographical map and felt this information may be available free from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey materials. Mayor Gulliford explained this ditch had to be cleaned by hand because there was very little easement for any type of equipment. He said Clay County had a ditch cleaning machine on the surplus equipment list and suggested City Manager Leinbach contact the other beach cities to see if they would be interested in jointly purchasing this machine if it was still available. • PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN J.P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive, made suggestions and comments, as follows: 1 . Provide a city map in the Commission Chambers 2. Include times of city meetings on City Hall sign 3. The Sanitation crews miss his garbage pick-up approximately once a week. Mr. Marchioli suggested garbage collection be reduced to three days per week and billed monthly instead of quarterly. Mayor Gulliford explained the work of the Solid Waste Committee and invited Mr. Marchioli to attend their meetings. 4. Complained of the recently installed speed bumps on Beach Avenue. Jim Burton, 948 Hibiscus Street, presented pictures illustrating the erosion of the drainage ditches on Hibiscus Street. Bob Kosoy said this work had been included in a recent change order and the contractor had not yet been paid. Mr. Kosoy was instructed to contact the contractor and have the problem corrected. Cook x x Motion: Withhold payment for this work until the problem has Edwards x x been corrected Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Kathleen Russell, 2117 Beach Avenue, inquired into the status of the the proposal to pave the north end of Beach Avenue. City Attorney Jensen reported the title binder from the title insurance company obtained by Dr. Lee's attorney, was delivered to his office in mid September. Mr. Jensen was under the impression this attorney was going to prepare the corrective deeds and other necessary documents; however, he had learned that day that this was not the case. Mr. Jensen agreed to undertake this work to get the matter completed. Bob Weiss, 253 Seminole Road, commented on the campaigning for election in the recent municipal election. He pointed out that the sign ordinance had not been observed and felt that instead of relying on signs, he suggested a forum be held in the Commission Chambers in order to give the public an opportunity to meet the candidates. Charles Sharron, 820 West 14th Street, commented on the firemen who were campaigning from a fire truck parked in front of the Community Center on election day and said this type of activity sent the wrong message to the community. Mayor Gulliford explained the firemen were on their own time and did not represent the Atlantic Beach Fire Department. He also pointed out the fire truck did not belong to Atlantic Beach and had been asked to move because it violated the city's parking ordinance. Agenda Items 5A and 5B were taken out of sequence and acted upon next. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN 5A. Presentation of a resolution passed September 23, 1991, to Kathleen Russell Mayor Gulliford presented Ms. Russell with Resolution No. 91-30 recognizing her service on the city's Community Development Board. 5B. Resolution No. 91-33 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 91-33: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECOGNIZING THE C & S BANK AND ITS EMPLOYEES FOR THEIR ASSISTANCE IN INSTALLING PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT IN DONNER PARK. Cook x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 91-33 Edwards x a Weldon x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 3. Old Business: A. Request for proposed change of dunes elevation at Tiffany by the Sea Community Development Director George Worley explained that Safa Mansouri had requested permission to reduce the dune elevation to 22.5 feet. The City Attorney stated that when the Contract Quality Development was approved, an ordinance was in place from which the determination would be made regarding how to measure the height of the buildings. The city had recently adopted a new ordinance regulating the method of measuring height and he felt that applications for building permits should be handled based upon that ordinance. Mr. Mansouri presented a diagram illustrating the height of the proposed structure if the building was built at the 30 ft. elevation and also how it would look if the dune was lowered to the requested 22.5 ft. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding building the houses at the higher elevation, resulting in a higher structure thus cutting off the breeze and view from properties further west, vis a vis the destruction caused by further excavation to lower the dune. The City Manager felt an overall plan had been approved by the City Commission and was concerned about deviating from that plan on a lot by lot basis. Discussion then ensued regarding excavating the dunes for the purpose of building the garages partially underground and Commissioners Weldon and Cook were opposed to any further destruction of the dune. The City Attorney pointed out that Mr. Mansouri was within his legal rights to build the garages underground. He felt the applications for permits should be handled administratively based on the current city ordinances, and PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN pointed out the DNR had jurisdiction only over the dunes east of the Coastal Construction Control Line. The City Manager said that unless directed to do otherwise by the City Commission, city staff would proceed under the provisions of city ordinances. 4. Committee Reports: A. Report and recommendation by Awards Committee chairman Glenn Edwards relative to: (1) Bid No. 9091-29 - Replace existing windows at the community center Commissioner Edwards reported four bids had been received to replace the windows in the Adele Grage Community Center. After review of the bids and inspection of the products it was the recommendation of the awards committee that the city accept the bid of American Window Products. Motion: Accept the bid of American Window Products to Cook x install new windows in the Adele Grage Community Edwards x x Center at a cost of $2,366.00 Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. (2) Bid No. 9091-30 - Replace carpeting and flooring at the community center Commissioner Edwards reported five bids had been received. Samples of the carpet and tiles were examined and found to meet or exceed specifications and it was the recommendation of the Awards Committee the city award the contract to Commercial Industrial Landscaping and Irrigation. Motion: Accept the bid of Commercial Industrial Landscaping Cook x and Irrigation to install carpeting and tile Edwards x x flooring in the Adele Grage Community Center at a Weldon x x cost of $3,221.02 Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. (3) Bid No. 9091-31 - Replace existing window drapes, seat cushions, and chair cushions at the community center Commissioner Edwards reported five bids had been received for the drapes and cushions and each bidder had submitted fabric samples. The samples submitted by Carpet Tree appeared to be of lesser quality than those submitted by the second low bidder and since the price difference was less than $40.00 it was the recommendation of the Awards Committee that the city accept the second low bid. Motion: Accept the bid of Economy Decorators for drapes and Cook x x cushions for the Adele Grage Community Center at a Edwards x x cost of $2,207.00 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. • • PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN Following discussion regarding the selection of colors and fabrics Mayor Gulliford requested that the fabrics which had been selected be displayed for a period of time to allow any comments from citizens. B. Water and Sewer Committee Report Public Services Director Bob Kosoy had provided the City Commission with a status report on the current water and sewer projects, which included Sea Gardens Lift Station, Buccaneer wastewater treatment plant expansion, Mayport Road bore and jack, Oak Harbor sewer system, Atlantic Beach water plants, outfall line, Assisi Lane water treatment plant, and Beach Avenue water and sewer project. Mr. Kosoy thanked Commissioner Weldon for his participation on the water and sewer committee and hoped he attend future meetings. Mayor Gulliford inquired whether any progress was being made to acquire the Crum property. Alan Potter reported Mr. Crum was interested in selling the entire piece of property and he was continuing to negotiate with Mr. Crum in this regard. The Mayor also inquired into the funding for the Beach Avenue water and sewer project. Mr. Kosoy said funding had not been provided for this project in the current fiscal year' s budget. Alan Potter expressed the opinion that while funds had not been budgeted for the entire project, several of the residents were badly in need of city water and he felt the city should plan to do at least that portion of the project. It had been agreed earlier to send a letter to the residents advising them of the estimated amount of the assessments for the project and it was agreed the letter should state separately the amounts which would be assessed for the water and the sewer. Mayor Gulliford reported he had received a letter from Stan Jones, 2051 Seminole Road, with a suggestion for a modification to the proposed drainage improvements on Seminole Road. Mr. Kosoy was directed to check into the feasibility of Mr. Jones' suggestion. Mrs. Jones complained of a drainage field in her neighborhood which she said was overflowing and may be a health hazard and the Code Enforcement Officer was directed to check into this and if necessary, put the property owner on notice. C. Adele Grage Community Center report Commissioner Weldon reported the improvements bid or completed had totalled $14,308.77, leaving a balance of $15,691 .23 in the budget. He complimented Parks and Recreation Director Blanchard on the job she had done and invited the Commissioners to visit the center to see the improvements. PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Cook noted that the committee had recommended that political meetings should not be allowed in the Community Center and inquired into the reasons for this decision. Commissioner Weldon said the community center had been misused recently and the committee felt it was more appropriate that political meetings be held in the Commission Chambers and entertainment or recreational events be held at the community center. After further discussion regarding the potential uses of the building, Mayor Gulliford requested a summary of the uses and charges for the center be prepared and placed on the agenda for approval by the City Commission at the next meeting. D. Report on Edgar Street drainage Public Works Director Bob Kosoy reported the city had received a complaint on August 26, 1991, regarding drainage problems at Fowler Manufacturing and at that time Alan Potter, Jr. , had presented a preliminary plan for drainage improvements. Connelly and Wicker had submitted proposals for engineering services in connection with drainage improvements in which Mr. Potter's design would be reviewed and one set of plans and specifications prepared for drainage improvements in the Edgar Street and Levy Road area at a cost of $3,000.00 for the design and permitting phase of the work and $2,700.00 for bid and construction phase services. Mr. Kosoy requested approval of the Connelly and Wicker proposal. Motion: Authorize the Mayor to execute the Connelly and Cook x x Wicker proposal for engineering services in Edwards x connection with drainage improvements in the Edgar Weldon x x Street/Levy Road area at a total cost of $5,700.00. Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Resolutions: Agenda items 5A and 5B had been taken up earlier in the evening. C. Resolution No. 91-34 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 91-34: A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS to provide budget for Christmas decorations at City Hall and the Adele Grage Community Center. Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 91-34 Cook x The motion died for lack of a second. PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMAS. MSYN 6. Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 95-91-50 - First reading Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-91-50: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS, BY ADDING SECTION 1-5(b) , CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS PROHIBITED, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 95-91-50 on first Cook x x reading and set for public hearing on October 28, Edwards x x 1991 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 28-91-1 - First Reading Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 28-91-1: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 57-1126, LAWS OF FLORIDA, BEING THE CHARTER OF ATLANTIC BEACH RELATING TO ELECTIONS AND TERMS OF MAYOR-COMMISSIONER AND CITY COMMISSION; REQUIRING A REFERENDUM AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Cook x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 28-91-1 on first Edwards x x reading and set for public hearing on October 28, Weldon x x 1991 Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Ordinance No. 28-91-2 - First Reading Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 28-91-2: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 57-1126, LAWS OF FLORIDA, BEING THE CHARTER OF ATLANTIC BEACH RELATING TO CITY ATTORNEY - APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATIONS; REQUIRING A REFERENDUM AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Cook x x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 28-91-2 on first Edwards x reading and set for public hearing on October 28, Tucker x 1991 Weldon x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7. New Business: A. Request for easement for telephone equipment The City Manager explained Southern Bell had requested an easement to locate cabinets to house the company's fiber optics network. City staff had recommended a location adjacent to the drainage canal and just inside the entrance to the Russell Park parking lot. A proposed Deed of Easement was presented for Commission approval. PAGE NINE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMAS. MSYN City Manager Leinbach recommended approval of the easement with three modifications as follows: (1) Location of cabinets/equipment subject to city approval to ensure traffic and pedestrian safety; (2) Specify within easement itself, in lieu of "additional considerations," relocation of Jack Russell Park sign, landscaping, and utility location; (3) If possible, write the easement so that it remains in effect as long as Southern Bell retains a valid franchise to operate within the City of Atlantic Beach, otherwise, the easement would become null and void. Cook x x Motion: Approve easement agreement subject to the Edwards x x modifications suggested by the City Manager Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Request to modify definition of "family" in the City Code City Planner George Worley, introduced Mr. Kjar who explained Care Unit would like to lease five units on Cavalla Road to use as transition homes for individuals who had been Care Unit patients. The current definition of "family" would prohibit four unrelated individuals from sharing one unit as proposed by Care Unit. Mr. Kjar explained the residents would be supervised by an on-site manager. The Mayor expressed some reservations about changing the definition of "family" and suggested Care Unit submit a written proposal to the city and suggested Mr. Worley, the City Manager, and City Attorney review the proposal and present their recommendations at the next meeting. C. Discussion and related action regarding a request to relocate the 20th Street dune crossover (Mrs. Frances King Shaw) This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of Mrs. Shaw's attorney. D. Request that certain city property be declared surplus and sold at public auction The City Manager confirmed that each of the Commissioners had received a list of the property to be declared surplus and recommended their approval of same. Cook x Motion: Declare property surplus as submitted, and approve Edwards x x for sale at public auction Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. • PAGE TEN V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN E. YMCA requesting permission to place permanent sign at Russell Park Code Enforcement Officer Don Ford said he had notified the YMCA that their banner sign in Russell park did not conform to city ordinances. YMCA had requested permission to place a permanent 3' x 3' sign in Russell Park. Cook x Motion: Grant permission to YMCA to place sign in Russell Edwards x x Park as requested Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manager Reports and/or correspondence: 9. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Commissioner Edwards announced that he would be available in City Hall on Mondays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and on Fridays from 1 :00 PM to 4:00 PM and invited constituents to come in with their suggestions or complaints or just to talk. Commissioner Cook read a prepared statement which is recorded verbatim as follows: "I would like to congratulate my opponents on their victory in the recent election. It just shows what a lot of hard work and good organization can do. And that' s what this country is all about. . . set your goal, work effectively toward it, and you have a good chance of achieving it. They did, they did, and they did. I do have some doubts as to some of the methods and practices which were in evidence and I'd like to reflect on some of them. And if you think what I'm about to say is the result of a "sour grapes" attitude then you don't know me as well as you think you do. I have lived in Atlantic Beach for over 28 years and I love our little city for what it has been and what it is. Now, for the first time, we have seen some tactics in our election process which, for Atlantic Beach, were unfortunate and inappropriate. The idea of running in tandem, or as a team, is foreign to our city's non-partisan politics. In a non-partisan election each candidate runs on his own; they don't band together, form parties, and defeat the very concept of non-partisan elections. In fact, I submit that 'non partisan' means 'no party. ' Granted, it is very effective - witness the results of the election - but I don't think it's what we should be about in Atlantic Beach. Another observation was the total disregard for my First Amendment Constitutional rights of free speech. I spent several hundred dollars and many hours of sweat equity putting together my yard PAGE ELEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN signs. We put them out very late (after 9:00 PM) , on the evening of Tuesday, September 24. Every last single sign was gone before 7:00 AM, Wednesday, September 25. Many of those signs were interspersed among those of both my opponents - and theirs were not disturbed I so it wasn't just some do-gooder cleaning up the environment; it was done with premeditation, it was done methodically, it was done very quickly and efficiently, and it was done maliciously. I was unfairly, but very effectively, silenced in this area. I must also call attention to the hundreds of their signs that were placed in the city's right-of-way and - with their knowledge - in direct violation of the law. One of my opponents even justified their violations by stating, to me, that it was just a law passed by Billy Howell and me to benefit the incumbents. Even if that were true, would it justify trivializing the law? In fact, this law was in effect even before I moved here 28 years ago. I don't mean to beat a dead horse. They have won, and for the sake of Atlantic Beach I wish them well. But government all over this country at all levels, is suffering from a credibility gap. It behooves each and every elected official to do nothing which would add further to this lack of credibility. The mere combining of their election workers into one cohesive team, a "party" if you will, (which I have named the FUNBY party) , makes me wonder how they can possibly observe the Sunshine Law. Our city has not seen such antics before. They do not portend well for Atlantic Beach." Mayor Gulliford reported he had received a letter from Jacksonville Beaches Lions Club requesting approval for a fund raising project to be held at the intersection of Royal Palms Drive, Atlantic Boulevard, and Penman Road on November 9, 1991. Motion: Grant permission to Jacksonville Beaches Lions Club Edwards X to hold fund raising project on November 9, 1991. Weldon a The City Attorney pointed out this was the day of the Florida/ Georgia football game. After brief discussion it was explained this fund raiser had been approved last year on that date. Substitute Motion: Grant approval to Jacksonville Lions Club to hold fund raiser as requested provided (1) it was Cook a approved last year notwithstanding the date of the Edwards x x game and (2) that the city is provided with proof of Weldon a z insurance prior to November 9. Gulliford x No further discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Gulliford acknowledged receipt of a letter from Parks and Recreation Director Blanchard requesting approval to reduce the //lr PAGE TWELVE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 14, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN number of members in the Recreation Advisory Board from seven members to five members. Cook x x Motion: Draft Resolution to reduce the number of members on Edwards x the Recreation Advisory Board from seven to five Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. A. Appointments and/or reappointments to fill vacant seats on the Code Enforcement Board (3), Community Development Board (1), and Tree Board (1) Mayor Gulliford offered in nomination the name of Tom Frohne to fill the vacancy on the Tree Board. Cook x Motion: Approve appointment of Tom Frohne to the Tree Edwards x x Conservation Board to fill the unexpired term of Weldon x x Dezmond Waters Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Gulliford offered in nomination the name of Mark McGowan to fill the vacancy on the Community Development Board. He said Mr. McGowan had worked hard on the Solid Waste Committee and he felt Mr. McGowan would be an excellent addition to the Community Development Board. Cook x Motion: Approve appointment of Mark McGowan to the Community Edwards x x Development Board to fill the unexpired term of Weldon x x Kathleen Russell Gulliford x After brief discussion, the motion carried unanimously. At Mayor Gulliford's request, action on appointments to the Code Enforcement Board was deferred. Code Enforcement Officer Don Ford pointed out the city did not appear to have a contract with Suzanne Bass, the Code Enforcement attorney. Mayor Gulliford expressed the opinion the city should bid out all services such as lawn maintenance, janitorial, etc. , on an annual basis. Stan Jones felt the city would get better prices if services were bid for a 3 - 5 year period with an option to extend. Commissioner Weldon asked Finance Director Harry Royal to prepare for the next meeting a list of the services to be ,id annually. There being no further business t. com• .efore the C' y Cil is-' . the Mayor declared the meeting ad,o rne. AL Iii. '4' i'l "il iam . Guiliford, A T T E S T: Mayor/Presiding Off11 Maureenity erk e ,„ \e' _ _ - . - <►�.�;;..,, , CITY OF 74e/euttce S'ead - evuda 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-4381 11. TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 404 ,; FAX(904)247-5843 October 10, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works RE: MINUTES OF WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE MEETING #8 On October 8, 1991, Commissioner John Weldon, Alan Potter, Tim Townsend, Harry E. McNally and Bob Kosoy met to assess the status of Water and Sewer projects. A brief summary follows: Sea Gardens Lift Station The contractual completion date is November 4, 1991 and it is expected work will be completed by November 15, 1991. The force main and wetwell are complete and the building foundation is being started. When completed, it is proposed that sewer and water be furnished from the City of Atlantic Beach and billings to all affected homeowners be adjusted accordingly. Since a section of the sewer line through Oceanwalk will be abandoned but not removed, it will be very difficult to flush without additional valves. We will discuss the cost of installing these valves with the Contractor, Gruhn-May. We have not received the easement, but the City Attorney advises that the Sea Gardens Condo Association should be expediting the process since the City will have to make compensation to Sea Gardens for the land where the lift station is being built. Buccaneer WWTP Expansion (Surge Tank ) The second Preconstruction Conference was held on October 8, 1991. The Contractor will be onsite this week. It is imperative that the City begin proceedings to acquire the Crum property for further expansion. Harry E. McNally would like the Contractor to provide a cost for relaying a backpitched sewer line to Regulus Drive. Mayport Road Bore & Jack Proceedings to acquire easements are continuing. Walter Lempke is supposed to provide appraisals to Alan Jensen by next week ( per 10/3/91 telephone conversation with City Attorney) . Mr. Rosen from Carteret Bank will meet with Bob Kosoy tomorrow to review easement at Mayport Trace Apartments. Oak Harbor Sewer System On August 12, 1991 the City Attorney called and Mr. Cohen was told to proceed with litigation. We need direction from Mr. Cohen on whether we can ask Gee & Jenson to complete plans for a bid package on this project while considering litigation regarding Oak Harbor. AB WTP #1 & #2 We have 95% Review Plans but no specifications. Andy May will provide by October 11, 1991. On October 11, 1991 a meeting will be held at DER in Baymeadows to discuss the Consent Order. It would be advisable to have a written point-by-point update. Outfall Line The Contractor is beginning the installation of the cross members. Probably work will be completed by end of the month. Assisi Lane WTP 2nd Hydropneumatic Tank & 2nd Ground Storage Reservoir Alan Potter has offered to update his plans of several years ago and prepare a bid package at no charge to the City. He will assist Bob Kosoy in preparing the DER permit and the City will pay for the permit fee. Beach Avenue Water and Sewer The City Manager wants a letter to go out to the residents affected by this project with a 2-3 week response time. If residents want the project by special assessment, it will be advertised. However, the City will have to transfer funds for the paving portion of the project, since this work is unbudgeted. aTTd Jo;oa.ztQ uoTsTATQ }ueTd A}tTtgil/puasun►oj 'N wty Jo}oaJtQ uotstntQ }ueTd X TTT'.fl/XTTeN3WW 'H A.zseH uopTaM iauotsstwwoj sa}}od ueTV :o0 q4/MSd .sae; uot.oauuoo o4 not}tppe ue aq pTnoA aad .uawanosdwl Te4Tde3 auj •awt4 sa4eT e '.e paptnoid aq pTnoo aotnias IaAag •.ia}aw aTaq} o4 aztn.ias „T e pue ( yoea 00 .00g$ ) sanTen a4e6 }eas }uatTtsa.i Z '(g3ea 00 '000 'Z$) }ue.ipXq T 4 TA ( }00; .zeaurT .zed 00 '0.1$) auTT .za4en „9 e .zo; 4unowe aTge4Tnba ue auokaana a6aego AlT3 a44 ;e44 pasodo.id Si 4t 'ea.ze st44 uT sauTT iar►as pue .za}eA ;o suoT4oauuoo paezegdeq am4 418ne on. 'XTaAT4euianTy