03-11-91 v MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HELD IN ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL, 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD, AT 6:15 PM ON MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1991. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Present, in addition to the Mayor, were Commissioners Cook, Edwards, Tucker and Weldon. Also present were City Manager Leinbach, City Attorney Jensen, and City Clerk King. The meeting was held for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposed water and sewer improvement project between Fifteenth and Twentieth Street in north Atlantic Beach. Mayor Gulliford explained the need for the project and reported that the design phase had been completed. Street paving and any necessary drainage improvements would be planned in conjunction with the project. The city would assume the cost of the resurfacing and drainage and the cost of the sewer and water improvements would be assessed against the property owners. He said the city was anxious to hear the comments and opinions of the property owners regarding the project. Andy May of the engineering firm of Gee & Jenson displayed exhibits illustrating the location of the proposed water and sewer lines. He explained the project would be bounded on the west by Seminole Road, on the north by Twentieth Street, and the south by Sixteenth Street. He said some portions of water lines which had been installed by individual developers were not of an adequate size to provide fire protection and those portions would be replaced with larger pipes and additional fire hydrants would be included to provide better fire protection. Mr. May explained that water and sewer lines must be separated by at least ten feet and it was proposed to locate the sewer line in the center of the street to avoid any conflict with shrubbery etc. This would also allow the installation of fewer manholes to provide the straight line connections. The water line would be located on the west side of the street. Mr. May also provided cost estimates of $79.00 per foot for sewer, $46.00 per foot for water, for a total of $125.00 per foot, but after review of these figures it was decided they would need to be adjusted since they were based not only on the cost of water and sewer improvements, but also the cost of paving and could probably be adjusted downwards by approximately $20.00 per foot. Mr. May explained this project was different from the Section H project because the North Atlantic Beach area was almost completely developed and the contractor would have to work in such a way as to be able to keep the road open for traffic. Also very little right-of-way was available for storing materials on the site and these factors would add to the cost of the project. Mayor Gulliford explained those property owners who currently had water or sewer service would not be required to connect to the city system when it became available. However, if substantial repairs to those Page Two Minutes of Meeting of Committee of the Whole March 11, 1991 private systems became necessary, the property owners would then be required to connect to the public system. Assessments, however, would be levied to all properties, including vacant property, based on front footage, regardless of whether they connected to the public system. Robert Freeman, 1765 Beach Avenue, inquired whether assessments could be based on ERU basis. Mayor Gulliford said this could be considered but he felt the city should be consistent and the Section H project assessments had been based on a front foot basis. Mr. Freeman also inquired into the proposed stormwater management project and Mayor Gulliford explained the new stormwater discharge permit requirements and said this matter would be discussed at the regular Commission meeting to follow. Mr. Freeman also inquired into the possibility of placing electric lines underground and Mayor Gulliford said the city had attempted this, without success, over the years. Bill Permenter, explained Dewees Avenue residents were opposed to having their street paved because of potential damage to the trees. He asked what impact the sewer lines would have on the trees. Mr. May explained some palm trees may have to be relocated but he felt damage should be minimal. After a complete discussion of the matter, Mayor Gulliford asked the audience to indicate by a show of hands whether they favored or were opposed to the project. The audience was split with 27 in favor and 21 opposed to the project. It was decided to request Gee & Jenson to revise the figures based on this evening's discussions and to determine a not-to-exceed estimate for the project. Bids could then be solicited and the property owners invited to attend another public hearing at which time it could be decided whether to proceed. Mayor Gulliford assured the audience that no action would be taken without proper prior notice to the property owners. Robert Freeman indicated HRS regulations may require residents to hook up to the public sewer within one year of its becoming available and he suggested the city check into this. There being no further discussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. Maur en King, City erk v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, March 11, 1991 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 25, 1991. 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Report relative to Department of Insurance (John Dickinson, Corbin, Dickinson, Duvall, and Margulies - legal counsel) B. Loretta Haycook, Chairman of the Substance Abuse Advisory Board 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding contract modification of Beach Avenue contract with Gee & Jenson and approval of addendum #4 (Public Services Director Robert Kosoy) 5. Consent Agenda: A. Confirm appointment to the Code Enforcement Board B. Acceptance for maintenance/ownership of utilities for Cypress Cove Unit V, Phase III (Division Chief Harry McNally) 6. Committee Reports: A. Utilities Committee report (Public Services Director Robert Kosoy) 7. Resolutions: A. Approval of Resolution #88-11 for special assessments in Section H (City Attorney Alan Jensen) B. Approval of Resolution #91-8 requesting the State of Florida to continue operating and maintaining the St. Johns River Ferry C. Approval of Resolution No. 91-9 to provide additional budget for implementation of the MSN plan (Finance Director Harry Royal) 8. New Business: A. Change orders for Section H (Project Manager William Howell) B. Public hearing for Use by Exception filed by Dewey Miller for use of outdoor storage for autos (Community Development Director George Worley) C. Request position of permanent part time clerk for Public Works (Public Services Robert Kosoy) D. Request approval of change order from Eagle Tank Services to increase charges in the amount of $10,750 relative to painting the interior of the elevated storage tank (Public Services Director Robert Kosoy) E. Review draft ordinances relative to rehiring retired city employees (Public Services Director Robert Kosoy) 9. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: A. Stormwater NPDES regulations and related program B. Report and recommendation concerning possibility of purchasing lot 95, Saltair Subdivision C. Report in reference to the sidewalk project for East Coast Drive 10. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: A. City Attorney Alan Jensen re: attorney to represent City concerning Oak Harbor Utility B. Discussion and related action regarding City of Atlantic Beach vs Clemens (City Attorney Alan Jensen) Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM— MISSION HELD IN CITY HALL AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1991 V V O O PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor T T Robert B. Cook E E Glenn A. Edwards D D Adelaide R. Tucker, and John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C Maureen King, City Clerk I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 25, 1991 Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Approve minutes of regular meeting of February 25, Tucker x x 1991 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Charles Sharron, 820 West Fourteenth Street, asked when cable television cables would be removed from the streets and yards in Section H. He said they were a safety hazard and an inconvenience to property owners. The City Manager said he was aware of the situation but thought the problem had been resolved. He agreed to follow up on the matter. David Archer, 168 Pine Street, presented certificates of appreciation to the Mayor and City Commissioners to recognize the financial contribution the city had made to Atlantic/Neptune F.O.P.Lodge 107. 3. Appearances: A. Report relative to Department of Insurance by John Dickinson of the law firm of Corbin, Dickinson, Duvall & Margulies Mr. Dickinson addressed the City Commission regarding Department of Insurance regulations pertaining to the distribution of premium tax dollars levied to fund pension plans for police officers and firefighters. The Department of Insurance had indicated the Atlantic Beach pension ordinance would have to be amended or the city would not receive the tax monies for 1989. The requested amendments included that the City manager not be designated in the plan as the secretary of the Board of Trustees; that the plan be clarified to indicate that all police officers and firefighters who PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN are certified would receive pension benefits; the plan be clarified to require a full year' s actual duty to qualify for a year's service; the pay out of accrued sick leave and vacation time be included as earnings in average final compensation; the term actuary be defined to require an actuary enrolled under ERISA. Mr. Dickinson said that while these items are not specifically stated in the city's retirement ordinance, most of these conditions were currently being met by the city. After an Administrative Hearing the Department of Insurance agreed as follows: a. to back down from its position on average final compensation; b. to no longer hold the position that the City Manager could not be designated as secretary in the plan The city agreed to amend the plan as follows: a. Amend the definitions of police officer, firefighter, and actuary to comply with the requirements of the Department of Insurance; b. Amend the plan to provide that a year of credited services is only given for a year of actual service. Mr. Dickinson said the agreement would prohibit the Department of Insurance from holding monies in the future unless current state law is amended. Cook a Motion: Accept the recommendation of legal counsel and Edwards x x authorize Mr. Dickinson to contact the Department Tucker x of Insurance relative to release of monies Weldon x x Gulliford x No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. The City Manager complimented Mr. Dickinson on a job well done. B. Loretta Haycook, Chairman of the Substance Abuse Advisory Board Ms. Haycook reported that the City of Jacksonville had developed a Coalition for a Drug-free Environment which was supported by many business and governmental officials. Federal grant monies in the amount of $600,000 for this coalition were available provided all the municipalities within Duval County were involved and supported the program. The funds would be divided according to population and Atlantic Beach could expect to receive $11,000. Matching funds in the amount of 25% would need to be contributed by each municipality. Ms. Haycook said Neptune Beach planned to use its share of the funds to support various educational programs but funds could be used by each municipality to meet its individual needs. Chief Thompson reported on how grant funds previously received by the city to combat drug related activities had been used by the PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN Police Department. After considerable discussion on the matter Chief Thompson was instructed to assess where Atlantic Beach is with regards to enforcement of laws regarding drug use and report back to the City Commission. 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding contract modifications of Beach Avenue water and sewer project contract with Gee & Jenson and approval of addendum #4 At the request of Public Services Director Kosoy, action on this item was deferred until later in the evening and was taken up in conjunction with Item 6A. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Confirm appointment to the Code Enforcement board B. Acceptance for maintenance/ownership of the utilities for Cypress Cove, Unit V, Phase III At the request of the Mayor, item A was withdrawn from the consent agenda to be acted upon separately. Cook x Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda, with the Tucker x exception of Item A Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5A. Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board Mayor Gulliford recommended for appointment to the Code Enforcement Board Willie Miley. He said Mr. Miley currently serves on the Public Nuisance Board and was anxious to become more involved in the city. Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Confirm appointment of Willie Miley to the code Tucker x Enforcement Board Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Committee Reports: A. Bob Kosoy to present Utilities Committee report Mr. Kosoy reported that the five-year program of improvements developed by Gee & Jenson would require revisions to reflect costs which could be borne by the city. The committee would continue to work to develop a revised five-year program. Mr. Kosoy listed six current projects on which Gee & Jenson has provided engineering services. It was the recommendation of the PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN committee the city continue its active contracts with Gee & Jenson for these projects, with the exception of No. 2, and that all other water and wastewater contracts be terminated. The committee also recommended the termination of the contracts for Buccaneer Water/Wastewater Master plan and the agreement of April 10, 1990. Committee recommendations are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Motion: Accept the committee recommendation to continue its contracts with Gee & Jenson for the five projects listed and that other water and wastewater Cook x contracts, including the agreement dated April 10, Edwards x 1991, be terminated. Final payments of all Tucker x x terminated contracts to be determined upon receipt Weldon x x of the documentation requested by the City Manager Gulliford x in his letter of February 28, 1991 to Mr. James English In response to a question from Commissioner Cook, Mr. Kosoy explained the agreement of April 10, 1990, contained twenty-seven items in a master plan outline and would require that Gee & Jenson be used to provide engineering services for all of these projects. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 4A. Discussion and related action regarding contract modifications of Beach Avenue contract with Gee and Jenson and approval of Addendum #4 At the request of the Public Services Director, action of this item was deferred until the next meeting. 7. Resolutions: A. Resolution #88-11 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #88-11: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO ADJUST AND EQUALIZE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR SECTION H AND TO CONFIRM SUCH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AS ADJUSTED AND EQUALIZED FOLLOWING A PUBLIC HEARING; ESTABLISHING THAT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL IS ON FILE WITH THE CITY CLERK; AUTHORIZING USE OF THE AD VALOREM TAX COLLECTION METHOD FOR COLLECTION OF SUCH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOLLOWING A PUBLIC Cook x x HEARING, AND PROVIDING AN EFFI.CTIVE DATE. Edwards x Tucker x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 188-11 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution #91-8 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #91-8: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REQUESTING THE STATE OF PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN FLORIDA TO CONTINUE OPERATING AND MAINTAINING THE ST. JOHNS RIVER Cook x FERRY (AKA THE MAYPORT FERRY) Edwards x x Tucker x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #91-8 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Resolution #91-9 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #91-9: A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Cook x Weldon x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #91-9 Finance Director Royal explained the budget adjustment was to provide additional funds for implementation of the MSN pay plan. Commissioner Weldon said some errors had been made in the salary figures presented but these errors had now been corrected and the figures adjusted accordingly. Commissioner Tucker said she was concerned about some employees who had been placed at the top step of their particular grade on the new plan. This would not allow for future pay increases and she asked that the City Commission give some consideration to longevity in budget workshops for the next fiscal year. She also requested that two employees, Ellen LaVake and Carlene Matthews, be placed at an appropriate step on a higher grade to allow for some future merit increases. Commissioners Weldon and Cook agreed to make this a part of their motion and second. Cook x x Amended Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #91-9, Edwards x with the provision that the two employees indicated Tucker x by Commissioner Tucker be placed at an appropriate Weldon x x step one grade higher than currently indicated Gulliford x No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. 8. New Business: A. Change Orders for Section H Project Manager, Billy Howell presented Change Order #21 (Revised) in the reduced amount of $2,297.00. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve Section H Change Order #21 (Revised) Tucker x x Weldon x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Mr. Howell also presented Change Order #36 for redesign work on West Ninth Street to substitute curbs for swales and driveway PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN culverts, in the amount of $11,871 .94. Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Approve Section H Change Order #36 Tucker x Weldon x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Mr. Howell said he felt he would be able to present a status report at the next meeting which would determine whether there would be any surplus funds after completion of the project. B. Public Hearing on Use by Exception filed by Dewey Miller for approval of outside storage of automobiles at 157-D Levy Road Mayor Gulliford explained the requested exception and reported that the Community Development Board had recommended approval for a period of 120 days or until June 30, 1991. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one spoke for or against the matter, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Cook x Edwards x x Tucker x Motion: Grant exception to Dewey Miller for outside storage Weldon x x of automobiles at 157-D Levy Road for a period of Gulliford x 120 days or until June 30, 1991. Commissioner Cook inquired whether the problem would not be on-going after June 30, and Mr. Miller said he would probably have to request another exception. He provided pictures of his business and said he tries to run a clean and neat business which was compatible with the surrounding area. Community Development Board member, Don Wolfson, said the exception had been recommended to alleviate a situation which had arisen because of recent changes in Florida Law with respect to mechanics liens. However, he felt it was the hope of the board that by June 30, Mr. Miller would have title of the vehicles now stored and would be able to make alternative arrangements regarding the future storage of vehicles. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. C. Request position of permanent part-time clerk for Public Works Mr. Kosoy explained that the storekeeper and clerk/typist/ dispatcher had been assigned additional responsibilities in recent months. By adoption of the MSN pay plan, the storekeeper position had been upgraded to Administrative Assistant to the Public Services Director and in order for this employee to perform these duties properly, it would be necessary to add a part-time employee to help with clerical duties. PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN Cook x Edwards x Motion: Approve request for permanent part-time clerk to Tucker x x work a maximum of 20 hours per week Weldon x x Gulliford x In discussion before the vote the City Manager said he would not recommend the addition of a full-time clerk but he concurred that a part-time employee was required. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. D. Request approval of Change Order from Eagle Tank Services for additional work in the amount of $10,750 relative to painting the interior of the elevated water storage tank Bob Kosoy reported the specifications, prepared by Howie Green for the repainting of the water storage tank on Eleventh Street, called for a touch-up of the interior. The tank was over half full at the time of inspection and it appeared that a touch-up would suffice. However, when work began and the tank was emptied it became evident that the interior coating was too badly deteriorated to touch up. He explained the monies for the additional work would be taken from water plant #1, Water Plant Operations account 40-533B. Motion: Approve Change Order in the amount of $10,750 to Cook x x authorize Eagle Tank to undertake the interior Edwards x recoating of the elevated water storage tank as Tucker x requested Weldon x x Gulliford x In discussions before the vote Commissioner Tucker expressed the opinion that the tank should have been drained before the inspection was undertaken to prevent this type of problem. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. E. Review draft ordinances relative to rehiring retired city employees Bob Kosoy presented two draft ordinances and explained the purpose of one ordinance was to facilitate employment of well qualified former employees who wish to work part time, particularly in the Water and Sewer Departments at hours when full time employees would require overtime. The second ordinance was to provide a change in the language of the city's retirement ordinance to provide that retirement date is the date when the member terminates all his/her then current employment. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare both ordinances for first reading at the next regular meeting. PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMAS. MSYN 9. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: A. Stormwater NPDES regulations and related program The City Manager explained he had recently become aware the city would be required to be a co-permitee with the City of Jacksonville for stormwater management. He explained in detail a storm water flow chart outlining the schedule to be followed. He said a dedicated source of funding such as the storm water utility fee would be essential since funds were not available in the General Fund to pay for the program. He suggested the two ordinances establishing the utility and setting a fee be brought back and reconsidered by the City Commission. He reminded the Commission that CH2M Hill had been retained to provide professional assistance in developing the storm water utility and he suggested analyzing whether it was best to use that firm, or to use the City of Jacksonville, or to invite additional proposals for firms to serve in this capacity. Specific tasks could then be negotiated in conjunction with the permit requirements to design the stormwater management plan, obtain the required permits and assist in establishing the utility. Commissioner Edwards said citizens he had spoken with wanted assurance that the monies would be used for drainage improvements and the City Manager explained funds collected would be restricted to stormwater management. Alan Potter, 374 Second Street, said if the city could locate a control structure at all the cities outfalls, then the quality of all the waters upstream from such structure would be the responsibility of Atlantic Beach. This would make it easier for the city to treat and control those waters. He explained the first waters discharged after rain were always the dirtiest and recommended the city identify its stormwater outfalls as soon as possible and determine whether it would be possible to construct structures capable of treating the "first flush" at those locations. Discussion ensued relative to the control structure which had been located at the dam at Selva Marina and it was felt this was removed in conjunction with the construction of Fleet Landing. Mr. Kosoy said he felt the St. Johns River Management District had approved the removal of this structure without first consulting the city; however, Don Ford said Fleet Landing plans had been reviewed by Gee & Jenson and it was their opinion a culvert at this location was the best design and this had been approved by the city. After further discussion it was the general consensus the ordinances creating and establishing fees for the storm water utility be brought back to the City Commission for further consideration. PAGE NINE V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN B. Report and recommendation concerning the possibility of purchasing Lot 95, Saltair The City Manager reported the property owner felt the property was worth $30,000. However, it was valued at $20,000 one year ago when the city had considered possible purchase. It was, therefore, his recommendation if the city was still interested in this acquisition, an offer of more than $20,000 be made. Harry Royal confirmed that monies were available if the city wished to pursue the matter. Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Offer $20,000 for the purchase of Lot 95, Saltair Tucker x Weldon x x In discussion before the vote, Mayor Gulliford said he would rather Gulliford x spend this money to acquire additional land adjacent to property the city currently owns in Section H. Commissioner Weldon favored the acquisition of Lot 95 because of its close proximity to the new City Hall and Don Wolfson, 1725 Beach Avenue, suggested Lot 95 would be a good location for a veterans memorial. The question was called and was defeated on a 2 - 3 vote. C. Report with reference to the sidewalk project for East Coast Drive The City Manager reported he had reviewed the area between Tenth and Twelfth Streets on East Coast Drive and city crews could proceed to construct the sidewalks. 10. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney, and City Clerk A. City Attorney Alan Jensen to recommend attorney to represent the City concerning the purchase of the Oak Harbor Utility Mr. Jensen reported he had spoken with several attorneys regarding the Oak Harbor system and said Attorney Glen Cohen had agreed to work with the city in this matter. Mr. Cohen would first like to meet with several city officials to gather information about the matter. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize the City Attorney to schedule a meeting Tucker x x with Mr. Cohen Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action regarding City of Atlantic Beach vs. Clemens Mr. Jensen reported Mr. & Mrs. Clemens had indicated they would accept $12,000.00 plus attorney's fees to settle this case. Mr. Jensen reminded the Commission he had been authorized to offer $10,000 and asked how they wished him to proceed. Mr. Jensen PAGE TEN V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN suggested offering $12,000.00 to $13,000.00, inclusive of fees and costs. Cook x x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize the City Attorney to offer $12,000.00, Tucker x inclusive of fees and costs to settle the case Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Cook suggested the city in some way recognize the return of the U.S.S. Saratoga on March 28, 1991. The City Manager was directed to contact the Mayport Naval Base to ascertain how the city could participate in the homecoming. Commissioner Weldon reported legislation had been introduced to levy a 5-cent deposit on cans and bottles in the State of Florida. He wondered how this might affect the city' s recycling program. The City Manager offered to contact the contractor who collects the city's recyclables and report back. Mayor Gulliford inquired into the status of: - installation of street lights from Twentieth Street to Oceanwalk and the City Manager reported this had been referred to Lt. Christman; - efforts to have Jacksonville share in the cost of the proposed paving of Church road and Mr. Kosoy reported he had as yet been unable to contact Jim Jarboe; - Jacksonville pilot program to make compost from chipped yard trash and sludge and Mr. Kosoy said he would report on this at the next solid waste committee meeting. Mayor Gulliford also: - asked for the consensus of the City Commission regarding the city's ordinance restricting political campaign signs to four within the city. He felt the city should either enforce the ordinance or have it amended. The City Manager was directed to review this and report back to the City Commission. - announced that Ed Austin was tentatively scheduled to be at City Hall on March 21, at 3:30 PM - said he felt an architectural study should be undertaken to determine the space needs of the Police and Fire building. Brief discussion ensued relative to completion of the new City Hall and the City Manager said he expected the move to the new building would be take place the latter part of April or early May. Mayor Gulliford presented a letter and audio tape of Cindy Hensen PAGE ELEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 11, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN singing the National Anthem. He said it was available to anyone who might want to contact Ms. Hensen. There being no further business to come b fore the 'ty Co,mission the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned I ` `g/ •iii 'am I. Gullifor. Mayor/Presiding Of ATTESE S T: aen King, Cit Clerlr r j. ----:!P:4 �'� =ti`'� :., , CITY OF ,o� 1' '''" exuc rl l 'ea - �Qcvua/a • 3A F Nr 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD k- P.O.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 4 4 M 4 TELEPHONE(9041249-2395 March 8, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Services RE: WATER & SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT On March 6, 1991 Mr. Alan Potter, Commissioner Weldon, and I met to discuss the 5 year plan for Water and Sewer Improvements and the Gee & Jenson contracts in place for the implementation of the improvements. Mr. George Worley joined us for the discussion regarding the 5 year plan to assist in determining if improvements were consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. George advised that the Comprehensive Plan, in Sections III and VIII, provided a very general outline of improvements and agreed to send copies of these sections to the Committee members. The 5 year list of improvements, developed with Gee & Jenson's estimates for the Water and Sewer Rate Study, will require major revisions to reflect costs that can be borne by the City. Our committee will continue work toward developing a revised 5 year program. With regard to the Gee & Jenson water and sewer contracts with the City, the following projects are active (the first two digits of the Gee & Jenson contract indicate the year the contract was signed) : 1. 88-276 Beach Avenue Water and Sewer Extensions 2. 90-285 Buccaneer Water/Wastewater Collection Systems Master Plan 3. 90-285. 2 Oak Harbor Sewer System Evaluation and Rehabilitation • 4. 90-285. 3 Sea Gardens Lift Station (Oceanwalk & Seminole Road Flow Diversion) 5. 90-327 Phase I Buccaneer Water System (Mayport Road Bore and Jack to Interconnect AB & Buccaneer Systems) 6. 91-083 Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion (Surge Tank) Our committee hereby recommends that Gee & Jenson's other water and wastewater contracts be terminated. In addition, the, second contract listed above (90-285) should be terminated. Lastly, the agreement of April 10, 1990 should be terminated. Final payments on all terminated contracts will be determined when we receive the documentation requested by the City Manager, in his letter of February 28, 1991 to Mr. James English, P. E. Our Committee strongly desires to end the confusion of longstanding contracts which have amendments, addendums and billings within single contracts to both utilities. Furthermore, we object to references in any contracts expressing or implying exclusive use of a single engineering firm for anything other than the contracted work. We wish to continue our active contracts with Gee & Jenson and look forward to completing design work expeditiously so that we can begin construction of the needed improvements in the ensuing months. RSK/tb cc: File