03-07-80 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA March 7, 1980 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of February 11, 1980 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence 4. Advisory Planning Board A. Meeting of March 4, 1980 re Jim Pastore representing Johann Enterprises 5. City Manager's Report 6. New Business A. Community Presbyterian Church re Day Care Kindergarten B. Authorization to execute contract with Department of Community Affairs on Planning Act 7. Unfinished Business 8. Report of Committees 9. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution #80-2 - Action of CATV Board 10. Action on Ordinances 11. Miscellaneous Business 12. ADJOURN . l MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH 10,1980 AT 8:00PM V V O O PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T Alan C. Jensen E E James E. Mhoon D D L. W. Minton, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners M S AND: Bill M. Davis, City Manager 0 E Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney T C Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Minton, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of February 25, 1980 Jensen x x Motion: The Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of February Mhoon x 25, 1980 be approved as submitted. Minton Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Advisory Planning Board A. Meeting of March 4, 1980 re Jim Pastore representing Johann Enterprises Commissioner Van Ness reported that the Advisory Planning Board had met on March 4, 1980 and approved the plans submitted by Jim Pastore representing Johann Enterprises. Motion: Accept the Advisory Planning Board's recommendation and Jensen x send the plans for a PUD application submitted by Jim Mhoon x Pastore representing Johann Enterprises to a Public Hear- Minton 4 x ing. Van Ness x x Public Hearing was set for April 14, 1980 Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Manager's Report Mr. Davis reported that the City had been successful in securing a garbage truck under the City of Jacksonville Bid that resulted in an approximate savings of $5,000, and the truck was ordered. He also advised that the five police cars have been delivered. New Business A. Community Presbyterian Church re Day Care Kindergarten Mr. Davis read a letter from the Community Presbyterian Church requesting a zoning variance for Community Presbyterian Church Kindergarten from church kindergarten to day-care kindergarten. The Mayor stated that only approval of the Commission was required. t PAGE TWO V V MINUTES Names of MARCH 10, 1980 Commr s. M S Y N New Business - continued Jensen x x Motion: Request be approved subject to the approval and final Mhoon x licensing of the Florida Department of Health and Minton x Rehabilitative Services. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x B. Authorization to execute contract with Department of Community Affairs on Planning Act Mayor Howell advised receipt of a request for authorization to execute the contract with the Department of Community Affairs. This is a grant award of $7,475 under the State's Local Government Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program. . Jensen x Motion: The Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign the Mhoon x x contract with the Department of Community Affairs. Minton x Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Action on Resolutions I 1 A. Resolution No.80-2 - Action on CATV Board Mayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 80-2, a Resolution authorizing the Jacksonville Beaches CATV Board to r award a non-exclusive= franchise to construct and operate a cable television system within the City to Cox Cable of Jacksonville Beaches, Inc. Jensen x Motion: Passage of said Resolution. Copy of Resolution No.80 Mhoon x is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Minton x x Van Ness x x Before the vote was taken, the Chair recognized Mr. Fred Ahern, Jr. Howell x representing Beach Telecable, Inc. . Mr. Ahern submitted a petition to the Commission that was addressed to the CATV Board of The Jacksonville Beaches for a rehearing of the matters heard at the meeting of the CATV Board held in Neptune Beach City Hall on February 28, 1980. A discussion followed on their request to throw out the Cox Cable proposal, due to the fact Cox had offered a 54 channel that is not presently in production. Mayor Howell read a telegram from Jerrold Electronics Corp. received on March 10,1980 stating that 400 MHZ (54 channel equipment) is in production today and available for delivery. The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to file the telegram for record. Mayor Howell then heartily recom- mended to the Commission that they follow the recommendation of the CATV Board and pass the Resolution. The question was put to vote and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the M. . .-c a •d the eetin_ adjourned. (�SEALL)) illi.. well 71de �1[ a R_ tT ,r pr_ r1p,le CITY OF A QhtiC Bads - %Ala 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD—DRAWER 25 ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 March 10, 1980 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT We have been successful in securing a garbage truck under City of Jacksonville Bid No. 8604-79/80 that will result in an approximate savings of $5,000, and I have so ordered the garbage truck. It comes equipped with a Loadmaster garbage section, a Caterpillar diesel engine, and Allison automatic transmission. The combination should result in an increase in mileage from 3.1 mpg to approximately 11 mpg. The five police cars have been delivered and are currently being outfitted to the standards of the Atlantic Beach Police Department. Resp fully submitt-. B' 01 City Manager BMD:jl WILLIAM S. HOWELL JAMES E. MHOON ALAN C. JENSEN L. W. MINTON, JR. CATHERINE G. VAN NESS Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner BILL M. DAVIS OLIVER C BALL MRS. ADELAIDE R. TUCKER CARL STUCKI RICHARD HILLIARD City Manager City Attorney City Clerk-Treasurer-Comptroller Chief of Police Director of Public Works and Fire Department RESOLUTION NO. 80-2 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE JACKSONVILLE BEACHES CATV BOARD TO AWARD A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY TO COX CABLE OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES, INC. WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Beaches CATV Board (hereafter "Board") was created by the Cities of Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach in an Interlocal Agreement dated March 12, 1979; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 79-3 dated February 26, 1979, and said Interlocal Agreement imposed certain obligations upon the Board with respect to conducting public hearings for the original issuance of franchises as well as negotiating and approving a franchise agreement and recommending a grantee for said franchise; and WHEREAS, the Board has conducted numerous public hearings, employed a professional consultant to assist it in the performance of its duties, utilized to the fullest extent the assistance and staff of the City Manager of Jacksonville Beach, devoted countless hours investigating and thoroughly studying the entire matter and negotiated extensively with a number of qualified applicants; and WHEREAS, by resolution adopted February 28, 1980, the Board recommended that it be authorized to enter into a cable television agreement with Cox Cable of Jacksonville Beaches, Inc. , a copy of which resolution is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Jacksonville Beaches CATV Board be and the same hereby is authorized, pursuant to said agreement and resolution, to enter into a cable television franchise agreemwnt with Cox Cable of Jacksonville Beaches, Inc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission March 10, 1980 ATTEST: / L u �iC_.2 Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk Lill 111.11 .lo ,„ t Ealing Liao Tel , , cram . lk;tern union = c-. ::: -,:.._ 1 .-•-•-• ..s, estern union .............. a .---' '.7 .., - C-. C.- ,--- -- -rt, '--) :-. 7, • -. ,_ -.-7 _,i:. '..--: -2: ,- . :I.,: --1-: •._ --• ..-..1-1 ..:_- .-t_ F- 7 -- ',..i: .77- :.:-: ..-.- -• -t• :.-; - ..,:, 7 -2 - ..;,. - - -T. 2. ...N. :•_•-•.: :I.' I -I. 4..-". i- <• ti- ,-.• r- .;L - ..... ...-. ..--.., (--. - _L., -‹-... -x --> ~ ,', ' - .T.: 3-- ......., 2.-; LT--_-• -< .-•.. - •..., ..-> --,... f'2.:-.• -1 •••-••• - . •-'., ....- C ..,. 7 2 - •-: 1.> 7-_---, .", ;-_-.,... _2..... - .._-• C--- ,-.. •••-., _ _ - .,--, i ,_, --: :T1 <• -- .'. 7 --- 7.._7", :,., ..).-• - , .••t •-• .2. ,'., _-_ _., '-. '.--; •- --• '-, 1 C) -- :./•: ....., _••.> E- 1.-* •-r: '..,-. ..:-. a L - _: .,.. ..7,_. 7 17 -, .---- _,•-, •-- ..:-.. ,ri .--1.- - -T1 - ...ri A_ ,-2, ,T., .-1- --, ...._ 7•K••• -r_ ...-. , , < - -, _12••• ...-2- . ..,.:. 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'' .-- ."....,,,,-.; ••.,,,-,-;.'.'..• • .,7. ',:. . ;•,-,'rrt'-',.1',2:::-...-,W.,;,..: ::._`:,.-::`...:-`,;.:,;,.,-,:k ,.:,,''-,7--,.,•,...., ::::,:. :- . _,,.. • .--- ...-.. - 1111 • � � r PETITION TO CATV BOARD OF THE JACKSONVILLE BEACHES FOR REHEARING COMES NOW, BEACH TELECABLE, INC. , by and through its undersigned attorneys and moves the Honorable Members of the CATV Board of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, to grant to BEACH TELECABLE, INC. , a rehearing of the matters heard at the meeting of the CATV Board held in the Council Chambers of the City of Neptune Beach, Florida, on February 28 , 1980. IN SUPPORT OF THIS MOTION your. Petitioner would show: 1 . That your Petitioner is entitled to a rehearing as herein prayed for under the provisions of Chapter 120 .57 (2) (a) (2) , (portions of the Florida Administrative Procedures Act) ; that the Florida Administrative Procedures Act is applicable to this matter because the CATV Board is an agency specifically affected and regulated by and subject to the provisions of the Florida Adminis- trative Procedures Act . 2. Your Petitioner would show that the written proposal of COX CABLE OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "Cox Cable") , dated February 26 , 1980 , which as acted upon by the CATV Board on February 28 , 1980 , was inconsistent with the provisions of Mr. Wayne Bowers ' letter of February 8 , 1980 (see Exhibit "A" attached hereto) and in that said letter of Cox Cable and its presentation at the hearing on February 26 , 1980 , exceeded the CATV Board' s expressed limitations on what proposals would be considered at its February 26 , 1980 meeting; that your Petitioner called this matter to the attention of the CATV Board by letter dated February 27 , 1980 (see Exhibit "B" attached hereto) but that noneL .c1es , the CATV Board 7roceeaed to consider the letter of Cox Cable , dated February 26 , 1980 , and the presentation made - 2 - substantive and procedural , under the Constitutions of the State of Florida and the United States of America. 3. Your Petitioner would further allege that the proposal of Cox Cable dated. February 26 , 1980 , which was acted upon favorably by the CATV Board on February 28 , 1980 , involves a substantial additional capital expenditure and outlay, going far beyond the expenditure and outlay contemplated in and by all of the said documents and proposals prepared by the CATV Board; and that the CATV Board, in violation of its own consultant 's report and standards , failed to take into consideration the said additional expenditures and capital outlay, and failed further to consider how the same might cause subscriber rates to be affected in the future, substantially higher than estimated. The problem of an over-estimation of revenue or an under-estimation of costs "should be assessed in advance , since it will effect the evaluation of that application in relation to the others whose forecasts, may be more realistic" . (Refer to Evaluation of Cable Television Franchise Applications report at page 22. ) Your Petitioner alleges that such failure to consider the significantly greater expenditures and outlays of Cox Cable was an unfair, unreasonable and arbitrary act. Your Petitioner alleges that such action constitutes an unfair, unreasonable and arbitrary action on the part of the CATV Board, that it denied your Petitioner its rights of due process , both substantive and procedural , under the Constitutions of the State of Florida and the United States of America. 4 . Your Petitioner further alleges that because of certain statements read into the record by members of the CATV Board concerning the availab::_?ity of all component units of the 400 MHz - 52 Channel capacity cable television system, that in - 3 - however, your Petitioner has information from major suppliers of cable television equipment that shipment of 400 MHz - 52 Channel capacity cable television system equipment will depend upon the availability of certain Hybrids from the Hybrid Manufacturers and that these Hybl._us are now available only in miniscule samples and that the failure, therefore , of the use thereof is indeterminate. (See "xhib.L.t "C'' attached hereto, copy of trade letter from C-Cor Elect. ) Further, your Petitioner attaches to this Petition, as Exhibit "D" , a copy of a telegram from Jerrold Electronics Corporation , which said Exhibit "D" refers generally to the availability of 400 MHz - 52 Channel capacity cable television equipment, and your Petitioner quotes from that telegram: "To summarize, we feel we are in a position to know current industry developments on a daily basis by virtue of our contact with the integrated circuit suppliers . Although we are aware that 52 Channel systems are under development by other amplifier manufacturers , we are aware of none currently in production at this time. " Your Petitioner, therefore, alleges that the CATV Board acted at its February 28 , 1980 meeting upon assumtions of fact, however innocently arrived at, which said assumptions of fact; were incorrect and untrue , material and significant assumptions of fact, and which said assumptions were materially relied upon by the CATV Board at its meeting of February 28 , 1980 ; and that, therefore , your Petitioner is entitled in equity , under the Florida Administrative Procedures Act, and under its rights to due process of law under the Constitutions of the State of Florida and of the United States of America to a rehearing in this matter and an opportunity at said rehearing to bring to the attention of this board what your Petitioner in good faith and verily believes to be the correct facts concerning the present availability of eV of :',`tt,`/,: cl ac saryu le acacia . • 904/249-2381 • ELEVEN NORTH THIRD STREET • JACKSONVILLE BEACH. FLORIDA 32250 February 8 , 1980 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED • Mr. J. T. Hendricks, Vice President Beach Telecable, Inc. 25 South 2nd- Street Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Dear Mr. Hendricks : The Jacksonville-Beaches CATV Board has requested that I contact you in writing concerning additional information and clarifica- tion of your proposal to provide cJ,ole television service in the Jacksonville Beaches area. Since you were at the Board ' s meeting of February 5, 1980, you are generally aware of the objectives of the Board in obtaining this information. The Board requests spe- cifically that you respond with a written report of no more than ten (10) pages . This report should include no written appendix, but maps or charts can be included that may be necessary to ex- plain any part of the basic written material. The Board desires your response to the questions and comments contained in this letter. The Board is not seeking new information on items not covered in this request. You may, however, include new material tf necessary to comply with a request made by the Board in these questions and comments . Also, please note any changes in your original proposal which may be required 1-.o make your initial pro- posal consistent with this addendum. The original proposal sub- mitted by you in September and this additional report will toget- her constitute your plan of service for the Jacksonville Beaches . The following questions and comments are grouped to facilitate your responses in a concise manner: I. - Programming. The Board will requ? re that any system provide the fol- lowing basic signal carriage and channel uses : All Jacksonville television stations , I • Mr. J . T . HendricKs -2- February 8 , 1980 Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network, Entertainrent and Sporrs Programming Network, Satellite Program Network , Thursday Baseball , UPI Newstime , Home Box Office , Home Box Office Take-2 , Financial News , National News , Radar Weather, Local Origination, Please confirm that your company plans to offer these basic sig- nals . In addition , the Board requires as a minimum that other pro- gramming be offered as follows : WUFT - Gainesville , Calliope , Hospital Access , Free Movie Channel . Please state whether your company will provide each of these sig- nals . The Board also will require the franchisee to provide a network fill capability to provide network programs to subscrib- ers when the local stations pre-emnt a particular network program. Please indicate or confirm whethe - you propose to provide this capability. If you do intend to provide network fill , briefly explain how this system will work and the anticipated quality of the signals which will be imported to provide this capability. 2. Access Facilities . After a specified period of studio time you propose a fee schedule for non-commercial users of production equipment and facilities . Do you feel that these charges will discourage use of the facilities and , if so , how will this be overcome in order to encourage the broadest use of the access channels? Briefly state your company ' s level of conmiitment to use of the access channels by local public groups . Wha` will be the major duties of your local origination staff? In the use of the governmental acc _ss channel , how will governmental users be treated-- spezifically, will all three (3) municipal governments be treated as a single entity or will Pach he !"Yranred sennr- Mr. J . T . Hendrick._ February 8 , 1980 usual business hours to receive complaints and provide customer service. Confirm that your company intends to establish such an office. 4 . Underground Construction. The Jacksonville Beaches Cable Television Ordinance re- quires the installation of underground lines in those sections of the Cities where existing utilities are under- ground at the time of installation of the television cables . The Board has clarified this provision to clear- ly include the requirement that the cable television com- pany. provide underground services in those areas of the Cities where overhead distribution with underground ser- vices now exist . In addition, the Board will require that the cable television lines be placed underground in the street right-of-way in those areas where the electric utility now is serving customers overhead from rear lot easements . You should also be a-aare that it is a stated policy of the Jacksonville Beach Electric Department to convert completely to underground distribution in those areas of Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach within three (3) blocks of the ocean. Please acknowledge your company' s • understanding of these clarifications to the underground construction requirements . If these procedures change your anticipated amount of underground construction or any other section of your application, summarize what these changes will be. If one o:- more Cities desire underground . construction in an area where it is not required, would your company be agreeable to honoring such a request? If so, under what conditions would you undertake this under- ground construction? 5 . Construction Schedule. During the entire franchising process , the Board has placed significant importance on the schedule for completing con- struction of the cable television system. To demonstrate the importance of the construction schedule, the Board in- tends to impose a penalty clause providing for a penalty of $750 per day for inability to meet the stated construction schedule, but in thi-. clause an inclement weather provision shall be incorporated. In your proposal , you stated that the entire Jacksonville Beaches system would be completed Wlthi n twalua (1 71 ,tmnnf-hc n���,a ..., ..,...,. ....,., ...,� .,.. a.. • Mr. J . T . Hendricks -4- February 8 , 1930 construction. The Ordinance requires that service be made available to all areas with fifty (50) or more dwelling units per street mile. What is the position of your company on extending service beyond this require- ment? 6 . Rate Guarantee. The Jacksonville Beaches Cable Television Ordinance re- quires that the initial cable television rates shall not be .increased until system construction has been completed. • Does your company propose to guarantee rates beyond this minimum time period? If = ), explain the length of time and the details of your rate guarantee. 7 . Franchise Fees . The CATV Board and the three (3) Cities will incur cer- tain regulatory costs during the first year after grant- ing a cable television franchise . These costs will not be off-set by franchise fees until late in the first year based on current construction schedules . The Board desires that the successful franchise applicant make an advance payment of franchise fees up .to $6 , 000 to cover these regulation expenses . Payments made in advance would be credited to future franchise fee payments due the Cities . State your company ' s position on providing an initial franchise fee advance. Ten (10) copies of your report should be delivered in person to the Chairman of the Board at the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 26 , 1980 , at 7 : 00 PM, in the Council Chambers of the Nep- tune Beach City Hall . You should be prepared to make a verbal pre- sentation of your report not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes at that time. Your representative should also be prepared to answer ques- tions on your report by members of the Board . The Board requires that no additional or advance information be sent prior to your pre- sentation of the report on February 26 , 1980 . Any request for clarification of this letter must be placed in writing and presented to me prior to February 19 , 1980 . On behalf of the Board, to thank you in advance for providing ths information ar'l clarf:.cation report. Your coopera- tion throughout the franchising p..ucess has been appreciated. .. J • TELECABLF CORPORATION 25 South Second Street Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 February 27 , 1980 The Honorable John H. Futch Mayor of Neptune Beach City Hall Neptune Beach, Florida 32233 The Honorable Billy Howell flavor of Atlantic Beach City Hall Atlantic Peach, Florida 32233 HAND DELIVERY The Honorable Guy R. Craig Mayor of Jacksonville Beach City Hall Jacksonville Beach , Florida 32250 Dear Mayor Futch : Beach TeleCable wishes to call to your attention the fact that Cox Cable ' s presentation at the February 26, 1980 , Jacksonville Beaches CATV Board meeting was inconsistent with the provisions of Mr. Bowers ' letter of February 8 , 1980 . Cox materially changed their original proposal on items not covered in Mr. Bowers ' request by now offering to build a 54 channel capacity system with fully activated two-way capability. Neither of these technical characteristics was included in their original bid. It should be pointed out that Beach TeleCable 's system as originally designed provided for 45 channel capacity and is a fully activated two-way stystem. Sinc:?. our orininal design anticipated the development of 45 channel amplifying equipment as stated in Section M-8 of our proposal, no change and no increase in cost need be made to our bid. A 45 channel canacity by the J • February 27 , 1980 Page Two It was our understanding of the Board 's ground rules expressed in Nr. Bowers ' letter of February 8 , 1980 , that we were to respond only to the points raised in that letter and that the Board was not seeking new information as proposals on items not covered in that letter. We write this letter solely to advise you that in our opinion, Cox went outside and beyond the bidding framework. Sincerely yours , BEACH TELFCARLE, INC. James T. F endri cks JTH/tl • , x4y' .-,` . ';',f1,--,z.,, ,,- i -.4,,f:a���� 7, 4 .' '741.3 fitau hts n •- yy t ,.. -...,,,,,,f,,,,,,z_,..„.„,7,t r '+t .s 4, ':-. .+#•-41'4 }c �'F 4' Jim Palmer's ,.. A. y.� ,. }u , i-.. Dear Operator: C-CGR has just announced the availability of 4C0 rtz equiprert. Our nears release is given below In its entirety. State Co1le ;e, PA -- Jars R. Fairer, President of _ C.COR Electronics, Inc. announced that C-CDR is accepting orders for 40 lift equipment now. C-COR's 400 MHz equlpr nt will incluude trunk aacli- Hers with an operational spacing of 22 r' and distribu- tion an ,lifiers sirlilar in configuration to C-COR's D-560 series with a bandpass of 54-400 Keir. This egt:iprient will have two-way capability and the reverse system wits have a bandpass of 5-30 MHz. Ali main line passives will have a frequency response for 5 to 400 MHz. i t Shipment of the equipment will depend upon the avail- ability of 400 kHz hybrids from the hybrid rsanufacturers. ✓' The ptrforrance of the equiprent will be a function of those hybrids. Further details concerning the C-COR 400 KHz equiprent . - will be available at the WCTA Convention in Dallas, Texas May 18 -- 21 , 1980. Our advertising agency wouldn't let me say all that I wanted to way about 400 Meter in the above radia release. rarer, since this is a letter with a , cits 1 will let gu --- albeit with zor. restr+r'nt. { There have been ;ao reports on '+00 #t t4 operation. One is the published paper i d by C-COR's Director of Engineering, Joseph P. Preschutti that appeared in the k IEEE Ttar.sact io On Cable Tetrvltlnn whtth s nu ear of vnu haus rsnuwtt0t( S - discussisn, which 1 would a,•,u enc;„er t�rrp��+`. ' ciupv ptrfcrrance. Tl;c key to .atisfactory p rforr. nce Is the drastic rcd,.rtion of cascade. Qubiirrfi from Switzer Now do we handle the loading probler.77 1. We reduce the nu-ter of amplifiers in cascade. Our present design snecifleatlorr Is thet 80t of our • subscribers will be served by no pore than E trun4: *moli- • furs, one bridyer arpiifier end two line extender ?moll- , fieri in cascade. The rtaxirvm rr:pi 1f ler ct+scede to tiny subscriber will be 12 trunk arTlI flers, one bridger and two line extenders. Although the drt.torttkn intrndkiced in each amplifier may bE somewhat gree,ter with the ad- ditionai loading, the total cumulative distortion will be no grater than that in present 25.35 cascaded a► ►11- fler systems operating with fewer charnels. With only 8 amplifiers normally end t2 amplifiers rot imam In your trunk cascade spaced at 22 d (or 21 dB rraidng rl!owancc for diplex filters) at OD MMr, trunk react, is doing to be half or less than current practice et 300 mitt. If the linear distance is half, the area covered by a given hub or entenne site exert be one-quarter. Therefore, be prepared to provide for at least four tures as rtl ry hubs es you here been providing at 300 lift. if you were stretch- ing it at 300 MHz you had better prepare for even more hubs than four tins • as many. Whet about NFC? It would be ttrprattfeel to consider 400 Writ system without IRC. However, even with HFC which tero beats the carriers there Is a phe- . norena of the 15.7 kH; side bends that are not harrnnically reiatece end cause r” a beat pin-up. The third order Intermodu1:,t c,n components of these side bands are expeeted to be at higher energy levels than conventional cross e++X+dulption distortion. This was discussed by Jeffers it the SCTE meeting in Phoenix on r. February 4, 1980. Our taanufactur€ of 400 Mr cgulpnent is, of course, dependent upon the avail- ability 0f the hybrids. At the present tir+e both TRW and Motorola are planning to supply 17 d6 gain blocks scxmetire In the future. The future Is en indeter- sat+iste heft for these manufacturers even with 30D t'9z !tens in sone configure- tions s.a we are Laking the position of promising delivery of 4i0 MM: equipment based on the delivery to us of ti ;! hybr`*,ls. Furthermore, there is ho announced pians far a 400 i;z 53 db gate bl.,ck n='rded ,'or sone bridpar erg line extender applications. We ,x111 provide a line extender in ot~r D-5D1 configuration that fit. utttires two hybrtls. However, the brh ger function that requires a 33 dP gain " ieie" am western° ` 1eiegram .. . ieiegram �Uu� uestern Wgrn tafillmmallEUeutUfairretaAMAIMIIIMONIMMENIPAIM NNW _ — • - i • -.. _ w _ G II r,,• __ _ • -. _ _ -- • J - J _ _ -- _ _ • _� t - . 7 - _ _ •r _ _ _ _ - -r l • - - - - _. .� -C ._ 1=' 2- -' .- .. _ ^ _. '- ._ ..- J • .. . .... - ..t - — _ - — - .. - - .. .. �. .. — -' .. _ - _. -' y .- _ V . 7 . 2' _; _• -- • _ = �' - - _ t J _ '• .. _ .ti. ( -.. ..a s ... .J _ ` - - '_ - _r • '� .. _ _ - 7 �. l 2 — a ., 7 - -- if fil IGII'll. %an II 10 western untun — 3n • . ................ ,.................... • . V - . • - -'. ...., . . ..":-.. - •! 7 7 . ,, . . . • --- . - .„ -- .-rr. ,:• .-.' - .i. .... .) 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