03-03-82 v MINUTES OF 410,01P COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH March 3, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Robert B. Persons, Jr. Commissioner Catherine G. Van Ness Commissioner Alan Jensen Commissioner Preben Johansen Commissioner Bill Gulliford PURPOSE OF MEETING: To Discuss the Tentative Report of the Zoning Ordinance as Provided to the City Commission by the Advisory Planning Board The City Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance and discussed various procedural matters. A discussion ensued concerning the possible implications of the Mayport expansion and its impact on the City of Atlantic Beach. Commissioner Gulliford suggested that the zoning ordinance should be modernized to allow for various innovative residential housing developments. A lengthy discussion ensued as to whether or not existing PUD zone should be zoned PUD in the new zoning ordinance. There appeared to be no definite consensus as to whether the area should remain Planned Unit Development. The Committee of the Whole agreed to make two suggestions to the Advisory Planning Board concerning changes: 1) Change classification of the existing Commercial Limited zone on Atlantic Boulevard to Coiimercial General. 2) Alter the limits of the RG-3 zone between 10th and 11th Street. The zone should be reduced in size in a south direction to the north edge of the Island Club. There being no further business, the meeting of the Committee of the Whole was adjourned. 1110 AB 1274