12-27-65 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 27, 1965 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes, December 13, 1965. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Correspondence: (a) Letter, RCA Service Co. , Dec. 22, 1965. (b) Letter, Wm. Ackland - Vet. Cab Co. 6. Report of Awards Committee, Petroleum Products. 7 . Application for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to license Cut-Rate Cab Co. - Public Hearing. 8. Ordinances: (a) Amending Personnel Pay Schedule - Second Reading - Public Hearing. (b) Billboard Ordinance. (c) Budget for 1966, Second Reading - Public Hearing. 9. Approval of expenditure of funds, Account%No. 1501: purchase of one 2 " water meter. 10. Letter and report on Study of Local Government Commission. 11. Fire & Police Chief. 12. City Manager. 13. Commissioners. 14. Adjourn. a MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1965 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell John W. Weldon Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks. The minutes of the meeting of December 13, 1965 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. A letter was read from RCA Service Company advising that their technician was being transferred to Atlanta and that our con- tract would be handled by the Communications Service Company with no change in service. The letter was received for information and filing. A letter was presented from William S. Ackland, D/A Veterans Cab applying for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to operate taxicabs in Atlantic Beach. He now operates in Mayport and Jacksonville Beach. Mr. Weldon moved that a Public Hearing on this application be set for the next meet- ing, January 10, 1966, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Weldon presented the report of the Awards Committee concerning the bids on petroleum products for the year 1966. They recommended awards be made to the American Oil Company on both grades of gasoline, oils and grease as covered by Items 1, 2 and 3, and to the Atlantic Boulevard Ice and Fuel Company for kerosene and diesel oil as covered by Items 4 and 5. Copy of the report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Parks moved that the report be adopted and bids awarded accordingly, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Minutes 12/27/65 Page #2 The application of the Cut-Rate Cab Company for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to operate taxicabs in Atlantic Beach was presented. Mayor Howell declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said application. Mr. Howell read letters from Roland Blalock of Roland 's Red Barn and W. B. Dawson of Greenfield Stables requesting that certificate be granted. Mr. Howell also read letter stating the metered rates to be used. Mr. Justin Montgomery spoke on behalf of The Beaches Yellow Cab Co. as their representative, opposing issuing of the certificate and disputing the claim that ser- vice presently provided is inadequate. He stated Beaches Yellow Cab Company is a stable business carrying 11/2 million dollars insurance and that some of stockholders have made their homes in Atlantic Beach for many years. Messrs. Marion Marvin and Jack Humphries of Beaches Yellow Cab and Mr. George Christian of Beaches Cab all appeared against the application as they do not think another cab company is a "necessity". Mr. Gerald Hart represented the Cut-Rate Cab Company and emphasized that they planned to have an office in Atlantic Beach and operate metered cabs. There was further lengthy discussion during which Mr. Howell asked Cut-Rate Company how many cabs they proposed to operate. They have one but plan to buy addi- tional ones if certificate is approved. There was a lengthy discussion on mechanical maintenance of equipment - number of cabs and drivers, renewal of cabs, etc. Mr. Howell stated he thinks we need an Ordinance setting up certain guidelines in regards to awarding Certificates of Convenience and Necessity - for study and consideration at a later date - but these two applications should be considered on own merits. Mr. Parks stated that since the Commission received earlier in this meeting and voted to consider by means of Public Hearing an application from another taxicab company, he would move that any formal decision this Commission makes concerning this applicant (Cut- Rate Cab Co. ) be postponed until after the next Public Hearing scheduled for January 10th, seconded by Mr. Weldon, who pointed out that a number of people including attorneys are here tonight and would hesitate putting to unnecessary trip. There was further discussion as to number of applications that could be received, meter rates, and need or not for more cabs, etc. Following discussion Mr. Howell put the question and the motion carried. This application will be considered further January 10th. Ordinance #50-65-4 covering amendment to Personnel Ordinance salary schedule of Public Works Supply Clerk was presented and read in full following which Mr. Howell declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing, notice of which was posted in line with Charter requirements. As no one Minutes 12-27-65 Page #3 appeared either for or against said Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Parks moved the adoption of said Ordinance on .second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. An Ordinance covering regulations on billboards and signs was presented in full in writing. Mr. Howell read the title, following which Mr. Weldon moved passage of Ordinance on first reading by Title only, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Holloway inquired as to making changes in Ordinance and was advised that if brought up at next meeting and the changes materially affected the Ordinance, then a new Public Hearing would have to be scheduled. However, if he has changes now ready in writing they could be substituted now. Mr. Holloway advised does not have now. Mr. Howell then put the question and the motion carried. January 10, 1966 was set as date for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Ordinance #20-65-11 covering the Budget for 1966 was presented and read. Mr. Howell then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing - notice of Public Hearing having been posted in line with Charter requirements. As no one appeared either for or against the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Parks moved the adop- tion of Ordinance #20-65-11 subject to one change - that Account #216 bookkeeping in amount of $1800.00 be deleted therefrom and adjustment be made in the balance. Mr. Weldon suggested amending motion by adding the $1800.00 to street resurfacing account #708, Mr. Parks accepted amendment. Mr. Goodling seconded the motion as amended. The matter was discussed and agreed if decided to go into bookkeeping program could make transfer into that account. The change does not affect the basic totals. Mr. Howell then put the question and the vote was: Aye: Goodling, Parks, Beldon, Howell lay: Holloway Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and Ordinance #20-65-11 adopted on second and final reading. Approval was requested for expenditure of approximately $204.00 for a 2 " meter from Account #1501. This meter is for the service authorized previously at Church Street and Francis Avenue for Mr. and Mrs. Harvel who have paid the required cut-in charge. Mr. Parks moved authorization of this expenditure, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Minutes 12/27/65 Page #4 Mr. Goodling presented the Committee 's report on the Local Government Commission. He advised that after reviewing the facts at hand they recommend that the City extend moral and personal support and appoint a representative, but due to financial situation respectfully not contribute financial support. Mr. Howell advised this study commission was set up by Act of tate Legislature and thinks we should either completely stay out or completely go in. The matter was discussed and it was brought out that even though we may not agree with the results, it would be a good idea to participate in the study. Following further discussion Mr. Parks moved that we join in the study and participate financially in the amount of $250.00, seconded by Mr. Holloway and the vote was: Aye: Holloway, Parks, Weldon, Howell Nay: Goodling Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. The $250.00 is to be transferred from the Insurance Account #202 to Membership Account #213. Chief Vogel presented the Municipal Court dockets for information and filing. He advised Officer Hugh Craig had apprehended an offender within 18 minutes after receiving the call, and he recommended that the minutes reflect a commendation to Officer Craig. Mr. Parks moved that on recommendation of Chief Vogel that Officer Hugh Craig be commended for his diligence and alertness, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Chief Vogel reported he had been receiving numerous complaints about the dogs situation. There was a lengthy discussion of this subject but no further action taken. Mr. Craig requested that a Committee be appointed to study water and sewer charges, as there are certain classifica- tions like the new Hotel Apartment Complex which are not covered by our Ordinance. Mr. Howell appointed Commissioners Parks and Holloway, City Manager Craig and himself to serve as a committee to make this study and recommendations. Mr. Craig reported that a representative from the City of Jacksonville Electric Department came by and talked with him regarding engineering layout and possibilities of new power line service u-ndre and on Ocean Blvd. from Ahern Street to 15th Street. Mr. Weldon stated he believed it was in order to get more information and have a report at next meet- ing. Mr. Craig and Mr. Goodling will get more information + v � Minutes 12/27/65 Page #5 and make a report at next meeting. Mr. Goodling stated he appreciates the Commission's indulgence and apologized for his tardiness. Mr. Parks inquired of Chief Vogel as to progress in enforcing Ordinance concerning open "dead" storage of motor vehicles. The Chief advised it has been decreased and only "live" storage will be seen now. It was stated that cars parked in back of places west of Mayport Road belong to Shipyard workers and other personnel at Mayport Base. However, the Chief will check them out. Mr. Holloway requested that a letter be addressed to all the major Oil Companies requesting them to include beautification of their stations in their budgets annually. This would be a step forward on beautification of City. Mr. Weldon stated he had raised question at prior meeting regarding arrangements for light meters to serve new apart- ments and was informed each apartment would have separate meter - but understands now there is some change which has not been officially communicated to City Manager. Would like for City Manager to inquire as to plans of owners as to whether separate meters or one single meter. Mr. Craig advised he will so do. Mr. Weldon also inquired as to owner of vacant property across from Campbell 's as this would be a good place to start a beautification campaign. It was stated that there are plans in the making by the Sea Turtle which involve this property but nothing definite at this time. There being no further business, Mr. Howell declared the meeting adjourned. :Are- 'illi S. owell Mayor-Commissioner Attest: ace.2, • Adele S. Grage, City Clerk CITY OF , , . 7=4 0/444tic I3eadi-Uo.,ida December 27, 1965 REPORT OF AWARDS COMMITTEE The Committee appointed by the Mayor at the meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 13, 1965, to consider the bids received for furnishing petroleum products, for City use during calendar year 1966, has reviewed the bids submitted by the follow- ing firms: American Oil Company Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel Co. Futch Oil Company, Inc. Gulf Oil Corporation Sinclair Refining Company Texaco, Inc. Tomco Supply Service No other bids were received. The Committee finds that the proposal of the American Oil Company, specifying posted tankwagon price less 4.44 cents per gallon for both grades of gasoline under item No. 1 of the specifications, constitutes the lowest of the bids received for this item. Further, we find that the proposal of Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel Company, specifying prices of $0.135 per gallon for Diesel Fuel and $0. 14 per gallon for Kerosene, is the lowest of the bids received for Diesel Fuel and Kerosene under item No. 3 of the specifications. Finally, noting that four of the bidders quote low prices on some of the oils and greases under item No. 2 of the specifications, and deeming it important that all oils and greases should be furnished by one supplier, we find: (a) That most careful comparison should be made between the over- all bid of the American Oil Company and the over-all bid of Sinclair Refining Company. Thus it appears that in the approximate quantities indicated for each product the totals for year 1966 would be American $388.81, Sinclair $308.03. (b) It is apparent that Gulf Oil Company and Sinclair Refining Company, by comparison with prices bid by five other firms, were bidding on an inferior grade of oil; and therefore the prices quoted by "American" and "Sinclair ' on this particular item should be excluded from our comparative evaluation. rCITY OF , , . =c AU 4kB F REPORT OF AWARDS COMMITTEE . . . Page #2 December 27, 1965 (c) That, in view of the fact set forth in (b) above, the prospective cost of oils and greases, if furnished by American Oil Company would more nearly equal such cost if furnished by Sinclair Refining Company. And, as it is very desirable that gasoline and oils and greases be furnished by one firm, the slight disparity in over- all prospective cost of oils and greases should be set aside in favor of the advantage accruing to the City through purchase of gasoline and oils and greases from one dealer. In conclusion, the Committee recommends: 1. That the bid of the American Oil Company with respect to item No. 1 of the specifications, at posted tankwagon prices less 4.44 cents for both grades of gasoline, be accepted. 2. That the bid of the American Oil Company with respect to item No. 2 of the specifications, at quoted prices as follows: Best Grade High Det. Oil, 10, 20 or 30W @$0.62 Gal. Best Grade Non Det. Oil, 10W-30 @$1.29 Gal. Class M Good Grade Oil, 30W @$0.60 Gal. Transmission Fluid @$6.78 Case Hydraulic Oil @$0.626 Gal. 630AA Automotive Grease @$0. 225 Lb. Gear Oil @$0. 133 Lb. be accepted. 3. That the bid of Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel Co. with respect to Item No. 3 of the specifications, at the quoted prices of $0.135 per gallon for Diesel Fuel and $0. 14 per gallon for Kerosene, be accepted. Respectfully submitted, t ///%/ ` , A 4J. Craig Jahn W. Weldon Louis C. H.-loway, Jr.