08-23-65 v F CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA AUGUST 23RD, 1965 1. Ca].1 to order. 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes- Regular Meeting August 9, 1965. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Minutes of Advisory Planning Board Meeting 8-18-65 (a) Billboards Ordinance (b) Residence "C" Zoning recommendations. 6. Correspondence (a) Mrs. Bertha Hairston - Rezoning Lots 5 & 6,B1k.1 A.B .P. (b) Report of Beach Patrol Captain �_ (c) Jax.Bch.Chamber of Commerce Resolution- Junior College 7 . Ordinances: (a) For second reading- Ordinance Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.- 30 year franchise. (b) for first reading- Ordinance adopting 1965 Fire Preven- tion Code. 8s City Manager report on mowing lots. 9. Approve purchase of meters-approx. $735.00 from Acct.# 1501 10. Fire & Police Chief. 11. City Manager 12. Commissioners 13. Adjourn /r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 23RD, 1965 AT 8 P.M. Present: George R. Olsen Donald L. Goodling Chas. R. Moore Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: John W. Weldon, Commissioner ( out of City) Frank Thompson, (available - if needed) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Olsen. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks. Mr. Moore called for any additions or corrections in the minutes of August 9th, 1965. Mr. Moore advised that Mrs. Thelma Keith' s name was misspelled. This will be corrected. There being no further additions or corrections, Mr. Olsen declared the minutes approved with this correction. Mr. Olsen recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. Mr. P.A. Abercrombie appeared and spoke on behalf of a group present to ask that the recrea- tional park on Plaza be named in memory of our former Chief of Police Jack Russell. He spoke of Jack's work and the fact that he was a good officer, friend and citizen, and it was their un- derstanding that the equipment and name would be transferred from the park in Royal Palms Sub-division to our City Park when ready. It was suggested that a petition requesting this naming of the park would be in order. Mrs. Grage will check the re- cords and see if there was any official action previously taken on naming the park, and Mrs. Keith will be notified so that a Citizens Committee can be formed and petitions signed if needed. Mr. Olsen called for any further business from the floor and there was none. Mr. Olsen read the Advisory Planning Board minutes of August 18th, 1965 in full, said minutes contained their recommendation as to the westerly line of Residence "C" Zone, and future Residence "C" zoning. Also advised that the matter of billboards is being re- viewed by Mr. Stynchcomb and a recommendation will be made on that later. Mr. Parks moved that the report be received as infor- • Minutes 8-23-65, Page #2 mation pending further study and consideration by the Commission, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. A letter was presented from Mrs. Bertha Hairston petitioning the Commission to again consider her request to re-zone her Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Atlantic Beach Parkway from Residence "A" to Residence "C" stating that the consent of the abutting property owners filed with her petition of May 14, 1965 is incorporated and by reference made a part of this new petition. Mrs. Hairston had been called to Atlanta due to illness in family and Mr. Gordon Blalock appeared for her as attorney and friend. Also appearing on behalf of Mrs. Hairston ' s petition were Mrs. Evelyn Harvey and Mrs. Olive Mechlin. It was advised that Mrs. Hairston lives there about one half the year. Mr. Goodling moved that an Ordi- nance be drawn up to be considered at the next meeting on first reading, seconded by Mr. Parks and following more discussion the question was put and the motion carried. A letter was presented from Horace G. Marsh III, Captain of our 1965 Life Saving Patrol giving a report of the activities for the year 1965 and making recommendations for 1966. He also re- ported that the truck was being turned over to the Fire Depart- ment, but Mr. Craig advised that this was in error, as the truck will be used by the Public Works Department. Most of the Patrol personnel ended the season on the 21st, due to schools opening early, however we will have some guards on for the next two weeks. Mr. Goodling moved that the letter be received and appropriate acknowledgement made to writer with copy to Captain Varn of the Red Cross Life Saving Corps expressing our appreciation and mak- ing any comments Mr. Craig and Chief Vogel deem appropriate for improvement of operation for 1966, seconded by Mr. Parks and car- ried. A letter was presented from the Jacksonville Beaches Chamber of Commerce requesting that we pass a Resolution relative to the pro- posed Junior College being located in this area between the Beaches and Jacksonville. Resolution #65-24 was presented and read in full following which Mr. Parks moved that said Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolu- tion #65-24 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. A letter was presented from Mr. Justin Montgomery, attorney giv- ing his opinion to the Beaches Aquatic Club favoring tax eEmption on their property. Mr. Weldon left a request that the Commission grant the request for tax exemption. Mr. Olsen believes we should forward to the City Attorney - get an opinion in view of his stand- and get the matter decided. Mr. Parks moved that the mat- ter be turned over to Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Moore and car- ried. Minutes 8-23-65, Page #3 Letters were presented from the Corps of Army Engineers and the Office of Emergency Planning advising that some contractors had been ree'°r:aging the revetment rock in this area (not in Atlantic Beach) but requesting that we take action to prevent any work of this nature from taking place within Atlantic Beach. The Depart- ment heads have all been advised to see that no work of this na- ture is permitted. The question was raised as to whether we have the authority to stop such work and enforce our order, and it is believed we do, but Mrs. Grage will check with City Attor- ney. Ordinance #40-65-5 covering 30 year franchise with Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. was presented for second and final reading. Mr. Olsen read the ordinance in full then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Mr. Abercrombie stated that he felt the ordinance was in order and should be passed. As no one else appeared either for or against, Mr. Olsen declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Moore moved that the Ordinance #40-65-5 be adopted on second and final reading, sec- onded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Goodling advised that the Commission has discussed this franchise with officials of the Telephone Company. Mr. Olsen advised that Commissioner Weldon stated that he was sat- isfied that the 1% figure is customary. It was brought out that even if this ordinance is passed by the Commission it will be subject to a referendum vote of the freeholders. The telephone company plan to advertise and advise the freeholders of the elec- tion. Mr. Montgonery advised that 87% of the franchises his com- pany has in Florida are for 30 years and that it enhances the company' s financial position if they have 30 year franchises when they wish to finance plant and other expansions. Following the discussion Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion was carried. Mrs. Grage will arrange for the question to be on the October 5th ballots -- to be voted on by freeholders only. An Ordinance adopting 1965 Fire Prevention Code was presented for passage on first reading. Mr. Parks moved that the rules be waiv- ed and the Ordinance passed on first reading by title only, and the Public Hearing be set for September 13th at 8 P.M. , seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Craig presented a written report on the mowing of undeveloped lots that were not included in the Lot Cleaning Resolution, and it was read in full. Mr. Craig was commended for the work he is accomplishing following which Mr. Moore moved the report be re- ceived for information and filing, seconded by Mr.P-rks and edrried. Mr. Craig requested approval of the purchase of 18-3/4" meters and 4 new 1" meters for approximately $735.00 from Account #1501. f • Minutes 8-23-65, Page #4 These are needed for new connections and to replace meters that are beyond repair. There was a discussion of the effect our type of water makes on meters especially those with parts made of nickel alloy. We have tried those with plastic, and find they do not errode but wear. Following further discussion Mr. Good- ling moved approval of the purchase as requested, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mrs. Grage advised that funds are avail- able in this account. Chief Vogel presented reports for the Fire and Police Departments for the month of July, 1965, also copies of the Municipal Dockets for the weeks of August 16th and 23rd, 1965. These were received for information and filing. Mr. Craig reported on the progress of lot cleaning as covered by the resolution and also on the drainage work that is being accomplished in the Donner section and Royal Palms. Mr. Olsen thanked Mr. Craig and Mr. Parks for the investigation made in these areas. Mrs. Grage advised that the Board of Assessment Review has held its final meeting and turned their findings over to the Tax A-ses- sor who is making any corrections needed. We hope to have the Tax Roll added and the millage figure ready by the next meeting. Mrs. Grage also announced that the Registration Books are open for voter registering on work days during office hours. Mr. Moore asked about the sewer assessments and Mrs. Grage ad- vised we make collections along, but they are in the City Attor- ney' s hands. Mr. Parks asked about progress of garbage and trash collections at commercial establishments and this was discussed and Mr. Good- ling advised he will have a report on the charges by next meeting. Mr. Parks moved that the City Manager be commended for the manner in which the new street lights have been provided within the City, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Craig advised that Mr. Goodling helped with this, and is a part of long range program to extend lights to other areas as they become available. Mr. Abercrombie reported that the valve on his well was broken and Mr. Craig advised that he would look into the matter. Mr. Parks moved adjournment, sec•rl:ed by Mr. Moore and carried. Whereupon Mr. Olsen declared t - -eting ad; . r. -- Att sto n d bueAdele S. Grage, City C� eorge e. 01 en, Mayor-Commissioner RESOLUTION #65-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA RECOMMENDING A LOCATION FOR THE PROPOSED ADDITIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE WHEREAS, acreage has been offered free, for the construct- ion of a Junior College, about midway between the City of Jacksonville and the Beach communities of Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Mayport, Neptune Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach; such acreage being not limited as to extent, or as to exact location on Atlantic or Beach Boulevard , or in regions north, south or between those highways, and WHEREAS, this general location is within a fe.,, m'.nutes drive of the Beach Communities and Sputh Jacksonville residential area, and is adjacent to several home development projects, and therefore is most accessible to the majority of pros- pective Duval County students as well as being quite accessible to those from Nassau County via Expressway and Interstate 95 and, WHEREAS , the acreage necessary for construction of the contemplated Junior College is proposed to be available in any desired shape or total area, and the necessary utilities would be available together with a 200 foot access road right-of-way and, WHEREAS, there is at present no industry in this vicinity, population growth tends to render the area entirely residen- tial, and the area surrounding the College could readily be suitably zoned for its protection, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA,THAT, The hereinbefore described location is deemed most suitable and desirable for the construction of a Junior College, and the Board of Public Instruction of Duval County is hereby urged to approve and recommend it and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Instruction, the Department of Education of the State of Florida and to all other interested parties. Passed by the City Commission on August 23, 19(5 . Attest: C7LC.C'JC.2 (SEAL) City Clerk