03-08-65 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MARCH 8, 1965 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3 . Minutes - February 22, 1965 4. Bids: (a) Sedan-type Pick-Up truck 5. Recognition of Visitors 6. Ordinance - Amending Ordinance #173- Misdemeanors 1st reading of title only 7. Awards Committee: (a) Petroleum Products - oil, grease, etc. to 12/31/65 8. Recieve Tyson & Meek Audit 1964 and approve invoice for same. 9. Building Permits: (a) Atlantic Furniture Company - Temporary ground sign already in place. 10. Correspondence: (a) Tax Assessor 11. Jacksonville Humane Society Report - January 1965 12. Police & Fire Chief 13 . City Manager Report 14. Commissioners 15. Adjourn p MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 8TH, 1965 AT, 8 P.M. Present: George R. Olsen Chas. R. Moore Donald Goodling Walter J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Olsen. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Moore. Mr. Olsen called for any corrections or additions to the minutes of February 22nd , 1965. There being none Mr. Olsen declared the minutes approved as written. Bids were next opened on the sedan-type pickup truck. Copy of Certified Proof of Publication of "Call for Bids" on this truck is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Bids were opened from the following: John Deihl Chevrolet $1, 782.98 Lynch Davidson, Ford 1, 825.00 Riverside Chevrolet 1, 954.45 Southside Dodge 2, 036.00 Southside Motors -Ford 1, 781.40 Mr. Weldon inquired as to why the local dealer did not bid, and suggested that they be given an opportunity when we send out bids, as he would hate to see anyone left out. It was discussed and brought out that they were not on the list that bids were mailed to, but that we did advertise in the paper our "call for bids" . Mr. Olsen referred the bids received to Commissioner Goodling, Mr. Hilliard and Mr. Craig as a committee to study and report back to the next meeting their recommendations. Mr. Olsen recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance #173 covering misdemeanors was presented in full in writing for consideration. It was discussed amd referred to Mr. Thompson who advised that he thought we should Minutes 3-8-65, Page #2 not amend Ordinance #173 as it is a good ordinance as it stands, but draft a separate ordinance that could stand on its own as well. The matter was discussed and referred to Mre Thompson to prepare new ordinance. Mr. Olsen then presented in full in writing an Ordinance Amanding the Personnel Ordinance as regards trAiling and experience re- quirements for Police and Fire Chief, and establishing holidays. Mr. Goodling moved that the rules be waived and the Ordinance passed on first reading by title only, seconded by Mt. Moore and discussion followed. Mr. Parks advised that the Ordinance is va- gue and needs to be firmed up some. It was also brought out that there are other parts of the personnel ordinance that need considw eration as to changing, one being the salary schedule. Mr. Olsen suggested that we withdraw the matter and consider later after more study has been given. Mr. Goodling and Mr. Moore withdrew their motion and second and the matter continued to a latter date 2nllowing further study. Councilmen Bob Gordon and Al Hoelzer of Neptune Beach appeared to see if our Commission was interested in meeting with representa- tives of Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach and Neptune Bench to discuss the possibility of having a joint utility district for electricity in this area. There was discussion following which Mr. Weldon moved that we set up a committee to meet with repre- sentatives of the other beaches for a discussion of this proposed project, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Olsen appointed Commissioners Moore and Weldon as a committee to represent this Commission in the discussions. A report was presented from the Awards Committee covering bide gn petroleum products - oil, grease, kerosene and diesel fuel. They recommended award be made to Sinclair Refining Co. on the oil and grease items as low bidder, and to the Futch Oil Co. on kerosene and diesel fuel. Mr. Goodling moved that the report of the Awards Committee be accepted and their recommendation approved and pro- per contracts entered into after review by the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Copy of report attached hereto, The 1964 audit by Tyson and Meek was presented and approval was requested for payment of their invoice in amount of $1, 200.00 covering same. Mr. Parks moved the acceptance of the audit re- port and approval of payment of invoice to cover, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Moore asked if it had been scrutinized by the City Manager and City Treasurer and found to be in order, and it was advised that it had been. There being no further discussion, Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion carried. Minutes 3-8-65 Page #3 Mr. Olsen suggested that a meeting be arranged for the Commission- ers, the City Manager and City Treasurer to get with our Auditors, Tyson and Meek and go over the various accounts and funds of the City. After discussion as to time and place the Mayor directed Mrs. Grage to arrange a meeting as convenient as possible to the Commissioners and Auditors. Mr. Craig asked approval for a permit to cover a temporary sign at the Atlantic Furniture Co, on Atlantic Blvd. until they can get a permanent sign built. It was discussed and Mr. Parks moved that a permit be approved for the temporary sign for 30 days, sec. onded by Mr. Weldon, subject to approval of City Attorney, and carried. A letter was read from Mr. Norman Minchew, Tax Assessor for 1965, advising of progress to date on the 1965 Tax Roll and suggesting that the permanent roll be set up on forms similar to those used by the County and other municipalities. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager and City Clerk look into the matter of tax roll forms, securing estimates and take necessary action to get this accomplished, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Minchew' s letter was received for information and filing. The Jacksonville Humane Society report for the month of January, 1965 was received for information and filing. Chief Vogel presented copies of the court dockets for the past tw' weeks, which were received for information and filing. Chief Vogel asked as to deputizing some citizens as auxiliary po. licemen especially in the west part of the City. The matter was discussed and opinion requested from the City Attorney. Mr.Thompson advised that we cannot deputize under the charter, but could hire as a part of the police force without pay however the City wi.11 be responsible for their actions. Chief Vogel advised that he is particularly concerned with the loading of the school bus on May- port Rd. The matter was discussed and the Commission will study the problem and try to work out a solution. Chief Vogel advised that we expect the largest influx of cars for the Greater Jacksonville Golf Tournament next week that we have ever had, and advised that the County has promised twenty officers to help with the situation. The decals and stickers for cars of Selva Marina Drive residents - and others where needed- will be ready for delivery Friday. It was advised that the Fire and Police station addition has been dried in and work can now go forward on the interior without inter- ruption by the weather. Minutes 3-8-65 Page #4 • Mr. Olsen advised that we need an account in the 1965 budget to pay the Police Matron for services rendered. It was advised that Mrs. Vogel has been acting as Police Matron for some time, and while she was a full time employee of the City the police matron service was added to her regular pay check as overtime. However now that she has resigned as full time office clerk, we have no provision for the police matron services. Mrs. Grage was directed to prepare a resolution to set up an account in the Public Safety Department and transfer funds to cover same. Mr. Craig presented his report covering the work being performed in the City, progress of the OEP work, street ends, access plans for reaching the beach, repairs to roof of refreshment stand at ball park, etc. He also advised that he has talked to the Jacksonville Beach Electric Department relative to repairing the flood lights at the ball park and they have given an approximate cost of $800.00 to cover time and materials. There was discussion as to who would be paid for the work , whether our insurance covered this damage done by Hurricane "Dora", whether an occupational license would be required , etc. Mrs. Grage stated that it was advised at the time that our insurance did not cover, but she will check on this again. Mr. Olsen advised that he understood there was an inter-city waiver as to equipment as well as labor. After further discussion Mr. Wel- don moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate with the Jacksonville Beach Electric Department to have the work done at a cost not to exceed $800.00, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Craig advised that the Lewco Corp. superintendent has reported that a section of the riser on the elevated tank is in an undesir- able condition and he has discussed the matter with Mr. Parks and Mr. Olsen. He presented a letter from Lewco and a sketch showing the proposed correction and advised that the work will cost about $50.00. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Parks moved that a change order in the amount of $50.00 on this contract be authorized and approved in line with the City Manager' s recommenda- tion, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig requested a transfer of funds from Account #1412 in the 1965 budget to Account 601 to cover overtime pay for the men who are having to cover the manual operation of the pumps while this elevated tank work is in process. Mr. Parks moved the adoption of Resolution #65-9 to cover the necessary transfer of funds to cover this overtime pay, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Copy of Re- solution #65-9 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Weldon stated that the Commission owes the City Manager a vote of thanks for the concise and comprehensive report, and the Commis- sion concurred in this. Minutes 3-8-65, Page #5 Mr. Weldon brought up the matter of a bad indentation on Sturdivant Street where the sewer line has apparently sunk. Mr. Hilliard ad- vised that a large truck parks in that area and as long as it con- tinues to park there we will have trouble. Mr. Parks asked as to the cleaning up of the Selva Marina Drive area, and Mr. Craig ad- vised that they expect to have finished by the tournament time. Mr. Parks also asked that the trash containers be checked at the Club to determine if of sufficient size to take care of their needs. Mr. Moore inquired as to the $100.00 bill from the Coca-Cola Company for drinks at the ball park, and Mr. Olsen stated he understood it had been paid. There was a discussion of contemplated easment transfers at the Community Presbyterial Church and Mr. Weldon advised that at the appropriate time the church would make formal application to the Commission on this matter. Mr. Weldon stated that several times lately he has seen in the papers that the City gets their current from Jacksonville Beach, and he would like for the record to show that this is incorrect and we get our electricity on franchise directly from the City of Jacksonville. Mr. Goodling advised that he will have a report on life guards for this coming season at the next meeting. He has been in contact with the Red Cross Life Saving Corps on this matter. The dates as set by Ordinance for closing of the beach to vehicular traffic during hours from 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. of each day are May 1st through Septem- ber 30th. Mr. Craig advised that the 7th St. and 15th St. ramps would soon be ready to handle emergency vehicles. There was discussion of condition of paving on Royal Palms Drive. Also Mr. Moore as%ed as to why a four way stop at Royal Palms Dr. and Cavalla Rd. and it was advised it was necec-ary due to heavy traffic in this area. Vile same is true of the five way stop at Seminole Rd. and Plaza. Mr. Moore asked that we mark the no parking area at the postoffice with larger block letters, as present lettering is not adequate. Mr. Weldon presented a request from the Jacksonville-Duval County Area Planning Board that this Commission pass a Resolution similar' to the one passed by the County Commission endorsing a comprehensive: planning program in urbanized area which is needed before the Feder— al Government will give any aid. The matter was referred to Mr. Thompson to prepare a Resolution to cover. There being no further business Mr. 0 sen declared the meeting ad- journed. Att)sL �oUe• /a - Adele S. Grage, City C -rk George ,. Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner CITY OF , , , Neaps& BcaI -Tk'dda March 1, 1965 REPORT OF AWARDS COMMITTEE The Committee appointed by the Mayor at a meeting of the City Commission on Monday, February 22, 1965, to consider bids received under Specifica- tion No. 1965-4, for furnishing Oils, Grease, etc. , has reviewed the several bids as received from The American Oil Co. , Futch Oil Co. , Inc. , Humble Oil and Refining Co. and Sinclair Refining Co. No other bids were received. It was found that on the fourth item of our specification, which called for price per case of 24 - 1 qt. cans, only Futch Oil Company clearly quoted such price @$8.70. The other three quoted prices which are obviously "per gallon", which quotation is harmonious with our call for bids on all other oils listed. In view of the obvious intention of the several bidders the Committee reduced their quotations to a price per quart and found prices to be: American $0.345 per qt; Futch $0.325 per qt; Humble $0.35 per qt. ; Sinclair $0.282 per qt. It was also found that Futch Oil Co. , Inc. was the only bidder on Kerosene and Diesel Fuel at a price of $0. 15 per gallon on each. The prices quoted by the several bidders were tabulated for comparison and it was found that Sinclair Refining Company was the low bidder on all items of Oil and Grease, and that firm also offers a discount of 1% for payment within 10 days of delivery. Their stipulation that drums, in which oil may be delivered, remain their property and after 90 days from date of delivery a deposit charge of $6.00 shall be paid for each drum, is deemed to be reasonable and is harmonious with usual practice. Accordingly the committee has concluded that the bid of Sinclair Refining Company, being the lowest received on each item of oil and grease described in our Specification, is most advantageous to the City and we therefore recommend acceptance of their bid on all items of Oil and Grease. Further, in view of Futch Oil Company, Inc. , being the only bidder on Diesel Fuel and Kerosene, at the price of $0. 15 per gallon; and this price being deemed to be fair, reasonable and advantageous to the City, we recommend this bid of their firm be accepted for these two items.Ves ectf 1ubmitted, 0 , 1ng (1 A. . Crai 'e7' 7 ,e/ R. H. ra Committee CITY OF , , , AUa4k Bea4 -Teo ,ida ■ RESOLUTION NO. 65-9- WHEREAS, during the repairing, cleaning, and painting of the elevated water tank it was necessary to have on duty in the water plant at all times a responsible empl3yee of the City who is fully qualified to manually control the electric pump and to operate the auxiliary gasoline-powered pump, and WHEREAS, the necessary nighttime and Sunday employment of these men was not included in the Labor appropriation in the 1965 Budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, That, Nine Hundred Five- dollars ($ 905.00 ) be and the same is hereby transferred from Account #1412 Tank Maintenance to Account #601 Labor in the 1965 Budget to cover this necessary overtime. * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on March 8, 1965. Attest: IOr ie_ --,e_ i AditLilie , Adele S. Grage, City Cl 41 (SEAL)