02-22-65 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 22, 1965 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3 . Minutes - February 8, 1965 4. Bids: (a) Petroleum products, Oils, Grease, etc. to December 31, 1965. 5. Recognition of Visitors 6. Ordinance - Amending 25-59-1, Glass and plastic requirements - Public Hearing - 2nd and final rea('= -- - 7 . Awards Committee: (a) Repairing, cleaning and painting elevated water tank (b) Pick-up Truck (Continued from meeting of February 8th) . 8. Expenditure Approvals: (a) Funds from Account 1501: 16 Water meters for houses under construction and recently completed, approximately $475.00. (b) Funds from Account 1501: Purchase of 6 " AC water pipe for extension from Levy Rd to Kestner Rd. , approx. 600 ft; $800.00 more or less. (c) $33 . 33 from Account 202, to cover - Accident Insurance for Auxilia- Feb. 20, 1965 to February 20, 9. Resolutions: (1) To burn redeemed Sewer Bonds and Coupons #"_" 7 (2) To burn redeemed Water Bonds and couponsd`L --t6 _ y - 10. Building Permits: (a) Jackson's Minit Market, 625 Atlantic Blvd. - .__ :_i (b) Jack Carter, Inc. , Real Estate, Mayport Rd. at W. 12th St. - Sign (c) Neon Sign Co. , Modification of Illuminated Sign at Beachcomber. 11. Correspondence: (a) State Beard of Health Re "Incinerat.nrs 12. Police & Fire Chief 13 . City Manager • 14. Commissioners 15. Adjourn l MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND, 1965 AT 8 P.M. Present: George R. Olsen Chas. R. Moore Donald Goodling Walter J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Olsen. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. There being no additions or corrections to the minutes of Febru- ary 8th, 1965 the Mayor declared them approved as written. Bids were received from the following on petroleum prod' cts (ex- cept gasoline which was awarded on February 8th, 1965) : American Oil Company Futch Oil Company, Inc. Humble Oil & Refining Co. Sinclair Refining Company Mr. Moore moved that the bids be received and the bidders listed, that the bids be available for inspection by any interested parties under the supervision of Chief Vogel in the absence of Mr. Hilliard from the City, and that the bids be turned over to an Awards Com- mittee namely: Arthur J. Craig, Richard Hilliard and Commissioner Goodling, for study and report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Olsen recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. Mr. Robt. Sey asked if anything had been done on the Greater Jacksonville Golf Tournament sponsdr- ship. Mr. Olsen advised that he has already sent a check covering a sponsorship in the name of the City. Mr. Sey thanked the Com- mission for their cooperation . Mr. Ray McKenzie of 1620 Main St. presented three applications for water cut-ins. There are five property owners involved- three signed, one refused to sign and one, Mrs. Thelma Parrott, definite- ly wantc water for her 4 duplexes , but due to recent financial difficulties she cannot sign at this time but will as soon as she Minutes 2-22-65, Page #2 Mr. Weldon asked approximate cost of this extension and Mr. Craig advised hs would Estimate $800.00 for materials and in- cluding labor it would total about $1000.00. Mr. Weldon then inquired as to cost to individual owners, and it was advised their charge is based on a front foot charge of 50per front foot plus a cut-in charge determined by size of meter. There was discussion during which the question was raised as to whether all of the property owners would have to sign under the motion that was passed at the last meeting. Mr. Weldon moved that under the circumstances that approval be given to put in the 6" water line on Main Street from Levy Rd. to Kestner ad. as proposed, seconded by Mr. Goodling who asked Mr. McKenzie to come talk to the Commission more often and also asked Mr. Mc- Kenzie s support in getting the other property owners to avail themselves of the water service as soon as available. Mr. Moore stated that he has read considerable chastisement of the Commis- sion in the newspaper from this area, and can' t get too enthus- iastic. After further discussion during which the sewer and drainage problems in this area were also gone into at length, Mr. Olsen put the question on the motion and it was carried. Mr. Craig advised that if possible he would like to resurface about 1850 feet of north end of Main St. The original paving was done by the County and we will check into whether it is a County Road or not. Mr. Olsen read Ordinance #25-65-4 in full. Said Ordinance amends Ordinance #25-59-1 as regards glass and plastic requirements. Notice of Public Hearing on this Ordinance #25-65-4 was posted in line with charter requirements. The Mayor then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Mr. Craig advised that he had talked to officials of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. who felt that this is a good ordinance. As no one else appeared either for or against the ordinance, Mr. Olsen declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Goodling moved the adoption of Ordinance #25-65-4 on second and final reading, sec- onded by Mr. Moore and carried. A report was received from the Awards Committee on the Repair- ing, Cleaning and Painting of the Elevated Water Tank. The Committee recommended making the award to Lewco Corp. in the amount of $4, 956.00 as the lowest and best bid. They also re- commended that since our Call for Bids or Specifications on this job did not indicate performance bond requirement, that the con- tractor be required to submit such a bond with separate invoice to cover and that the cost thereof be paid by the City. Mr. Thompson advised that we should have performance bond and it was agreed as stated by Mr. Weldon that we do not want to take the responsibility in matters of this type and should uniformly require performance bond. Mr. Goodling moved acceptance of the Minutes 2-22-65, Page #3 Report of the Awards Committee requiring the Performance Bond and entering into proper contract with the Lewco Corp. for the work as proposed, seconded by Mr. Moore. Mr. Goodling advised that the Awards Committee met with representatives of the Lewco Corp. and they understand the work to be done. They also will furnish us with certificates of insurance covering Workmen ' s Compensation and necessaryliability; and will start work within 10 days. After more discusson , Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion carried. The City is furnishing the paint for this job. The report of the Awards Committee on the pickup truck carried for- ward from the last meeting was next considered. The report recom- mended the bid of John Deihl Chevrolet Co. for a 1965 El Camino sedan type truck at price of $1, 982.98 be accepted. It is higher priced than the other bid of Southside Motor Co. for a Ford Falcon Ranchero, but is a larger unit with larger wheel base, engine, carry- ing capacity and should have better trade-in value. Mr. Goodling moved the adoption of the Awards Committee report , seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Goodling advised that he felt if the Commission not in favor they should defeat the motion and issue new specifications clarifying as to brands and type of truck. Mr. Parks offered a substitute motion that the bids be rejected and new Call for Bids be issued, seconded by Mr Moore. The substitute motion was ac- cepted by Mr. Goodling and Mr. Weldon, whereupon the Mayor put the question and the vote was Aye: Goodling, Moore, Parks, Olsen Nay: Weldon Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the bids re- jected and new Call for Bids to be issued. Mr. Olsen then asked the Commission ' s wishes on type truck to be advertised for. Mr. Parks moved that the decision on type truck to be advertised for be left to a committee consisting of Messrs. Craig, Hilliard and Weldon, seconded by Mr. Moore. Mr. Craig asked clarification of type truck the Commission wants, and does the Com- mission generally prefer a standard type pickup truck. Mr. Parks advised he is not taking issue on type truck and will go along with Committee ' s decision on type, but his reason for offering the substitute motion in this instance was because with only two bids for consideration - and he can understand the reason for the recom- mendation by the Committee-- he doubts the wisdom of accepting the higher bid. Thinks we should have several bids before making a decision. Mr. Weldon offered a substitute motion that the committee be directed to present specifications for a standard type pickup truck. There was no second to the substitute motion. Mr. Moore advised that he would accept the substitute motion, but Mr. Parks and Mr. Goodling advised that they would go along with the decision Minutes 2-22-65, Page #4 of the Committee as to the type. Mr. Olsen then put the question on the original motion by Mr. Parks which motion also stated that the Committee would have the power to advertise for bids to be re- ceived at the next meeting, and the vote was Aye: Moore, Parks, Goodling, Olsen Nay: Weldon Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Craig requested approval of purchase of 16 meters at approximate cost of $475.00 from Account 1501, said meters to be used _dor Mouses under construction and recently completed. Mr. Parks moved approval of purchase of the 16 meters as requested, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Craig requested approval of purchase of approximately 600feet of 6" pipe at cost of approximately $800.00 from Account 1501. This pipe to be used for water line extension on Main St. Mr. Parks moved approval of this expenditure, seconded by Mr. Moore and car- ried. A bill was presented from Elmore-Naughton for $33. 33 which is the City' s pro-rata share of accident insurance on Auxiliary Police from February 20, 1965 to February 20, 1966- the other two-thirds to be paid by Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach. Mr. Parks moved approval of this expenditure, seconded by Mr. Moore and car- ried. Mr. Olsen read Resolution #65-7 authorizing the burning of Sewer Bonds and coupons as listed - same being redeemed in 1964. Mr. Good- ling moved the adoption of said resolution, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Copy of Resolution #65-7 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Olsen read Resolution #65-8 authorizing the burning of Water Bonds and coupons redeemed in 1964 as listed. Mr. Goodling moved the adoption of said resolution, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Copy of Resolution #65-8 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Craig presented an application for a sign to be erected at Jack- son ' s Minit Market, 625 Atlantic Blvd. and advised that he had dis- cussed this sign with the Advisory Planning Board and they were not too happy with it, but that he was inclined to recommend approval. Mr. Moore moved that approval be granted to erect said sign, second- ed by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Craig presented an application for permit t._ build a sign by Minutes 2-22-65, Page #5 Jack Carter, Real Estate Agent on Mayport Rd. at W. 12th St. Mr. Carter has leased private property for this sign. Mr. Craig ad- vised that the Advisory Planning Board does not approve of signs erected some distance from the actual business location. Mr. Craig stated the sign will be on private property, not a traffic hazard and will have an arrow pointing towards Mr. Carter' s office. There was discussion following which Mr. Goodling moved approval of the permit, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Application was presented for a permit to modify an existing sign at the Beachcomber, 469 Atlantic Blvd. , by the Neon Sign Co, They would like to add the word "restaurant" to the existing sign. Mr. Craig stated that they must be approved by the State Hotel & Res- taurant Commission and get their restaurant license and if these are done he would recommend approval of modifying the sign as re- quested. There was discussion following which Mr. Goodling moved that the permit be approved subject to their meeting the require- ments of the State Hotel & Restaurant Commission and securing the necessary license, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Thompson asked as to mileage allowance on his trip to Tallahas- see where he will represent the City in the RCBS tax suit. It was agreed that we have established an 8 per mile car allowance. Mr. Parks moved that Mr. Thompson be re-imbursed for the mileage be- tween Atlantic Beach and Tallahassee, round trip, and for other necessary expenses in Tallahassee, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. from Florida State Board of Health A letter/was read relative to installation of incinerators. The letter was received for information and filing with a copy to be sent to the Advisory Planning Board. A letter was read from H. Allen Glenn , 44- 6th St. , asking a re- fund on his utility bill for 2 quarters as he only has 2 apartments that have been usable since Hurricane Dora. He requested he only be charged for 2 apartments instead of 4 on utilities until he can get the units in rental condition again, at which time he will noti- fy us. Mrs. Grage advised that his request is in line. Mr. Good- ling moved that the refund for 2 quarters in the amount of $46. 20 be approved, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Chief Vogel advised that he had met with the Advisory Planning Board and discussed the curfew situation, and believes the main ob- jection is to the word "curfew" . There was a lengthy discussion as to ages involved, time limit, and need of provision to protect the police in handling juvenile cases. A proposed ordinance is needed for study. The Chief advised that some places publish the names of the juveniles involved in crimes as well as their parents and this had caused a sharp decrease in offenses. He advised that our wave of petty larceny had decreased with the apprehension of t.- Minutes 2-2-65, Page #6 a certain group of boys. Chief Vogel reported that the addition to the Fire Station is progressing. Chief Vosjel reported that a group of men in Jacksonville Beach are planning to start a dog pound and would like to take over the operation for the City that is now being done by the Jackson- ville Humane Society. They are members of the Jacksonville Beach Police Dept. , but will operate the "Beaches Dog Pound" as individ- uals. There was discussion following which Mr. Parks moved that Chief Vogel request them to submit a proposal in writing for consideration by the Commission, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Olsen advised it should include a hold-harmless clause to the City of Atlantic Beach. The Mayor then put the question and the motion was carried. Mr. Parks commented on the interest in the curfew suggestion and that Caleb King, Jr. had written an editorial in the Florida Times Union on Juvenile problems and our City' s consideration of the problem and he does not feel we should let the matter drop or back away from it. There was lengthy discussion and it was agreed that something concrete in writing is needed for consideration with several points clairfied. Mr. Craig and Chief Vogel are to get to-gether and report back to the next meeting. Mr. Craig reported that drainage situation has been improved in north Main St. area, and there was further discussion of resurfac- ing this section and perhaps getting the County to participate. There was further discussion of other streets in the City that need resurfacing and Mr. Craig is making a study and already has a list prepared. Work on the street ends is progressing. Chief Vogel presented copies of letters of appreciation written to members of the Neptune Beach Volunteer Fire Department who gave us great assistance in a recent fire. Regarding mutual aid, Chief Vogel reported that he and Mr. Kirkland have missed connections on phone calls, but he will contact him. Mr. Moore reported the fountain at the City Hall Tennis Courts as inoperative and again r9ported the^net as worn out. Mr. Craig ad- vised he will look into both matters. Mr. Olsen advised the question has been raised about parking along Seminole Rd. in vicinity of Park Terrace East and West during the Golf Tournament. There was discussion of other areas and it was advised that there would be hundreds of "no parking" signs used in the City. Chief Vogel advised that he was going to a meeting of the traffic committee on the 23rd and he would keep these loca- tions in mind. Minutes 2-22-65, Page #7 Mr. Weldon advised he is concerned about the conditions of the streets and the resurfacing needed as a whole was dis- cussed. Mr. Craig advised that late May or early June was ideal time to do the work, if money is available, and that the budget provides $10, 000.00 for this work and he believes it will take around $12, 000. 00. Mr. Craig will study his suggested list and recommend those he feels most needing surfacing be done first. Mr. Goodling suggested that Mrs. Grage advise the Tax Assess- or that a progress report is due at next meeting on the 1S65 Tax Roll. Mr. Olsen reported that he will check with the Legislators on the status of the proposed permissive act which would permit us to use the County Registration Roll if we so desire. If it is not effective in time for this year' s election, what is the Commission ' s pleasure on having our present voter roll purged. It will be considered and a decision made later. Mr. Olsen inquired as to what was being planned for accesses to the beach. Mr. Craig advised that he is working on this and plans are in progress to provide steps or ramps over the revetment. There being no further business, Mr. Olsen declared the meet- ing adjourned. //? / tild / k George Olse - , Mayor- Commissioner Attest: Adele S. Grage, City Cler4 I ; • The Committee appointed by the Mayor at the meeting of the City Commission on Monday, January 25, to examine and make recommendations on the bids received for a sedan type pickup truck has reviewed the four bids received. We find that the bids from Riverside Chevrolet Company and from Lynch Davidson Motors, Inc. are based on a standard pickup truck which does not meet the specifications set forth in the bid form. Accordingly, it is our recommen- dation that these two bids be rejected. The two remaining bids are from John Deihl Chevrolet Company and from Southside Motor Company. The Deihl bid is based on a 1965 El Camino sedan pickup at a price of $1,982.98 which meets all the specifications of the bid form. The bid from Southside Motor Company is on a Ford Falcon Ranchero sedan delivery at a price of $1,860.00 which also meets the bid specifications. It is the recommendation of the Committee that the Commission accept the bid of John Deihl Chevrolet Company at $1,982.98. Our recommendation is based on the fact that the El Camino is a larger unit with a larger wheel base, engine and carrying capacity. In addition, it should have a better trade-in value and better wearing qualities than a lighter vehicle. We believe that acceptance of this bid will result in substantial economies to the City. • Respectfully submitted. A. J. Craig -e- .4<0/49-9jCity Manager . H. Hilliard 9 /i11.64,/\t4 \ 190)Ac 5 tor of Public Works �"� tj'� r-ilt b HESE III � � hn W. Weldon Commissioner FEB i 1.w6J YU CITY. OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY OF , , , t iftea44 Bca4v-T&ida ■ February 22, 1965 REPORT OF AWARDS COMMITTEE The Awards Committee, on bids submitted February 8, 1965, for repairing, cleaning and painting 100,000 gallon elevated water tank under Specification No. 1965-3 , reports as follows : Bids were received from following firms at prices as indicated. LEWCO Corporation $4, 956 .00 National Tank & Tower Corp. 6, 785 .00 Charles H. Sieg, Jr. 8, 075 .00 Dominion Tank & Iron Co. , Inc. 8,456 .00 Etheridge Tank Repair & Welding 8, 990.00 After a thorough review of all bids, and noting that LEWCO Corporation proposes to commence work within ten days after notice of award and to complete all work as specified within thirty days thereafter, and having ascertained that this Corporation has an excellent reputation as to Responsibility and Competence, we recommend award of this work to LEWCO Corporation in the amount of $4, 956 .00 as the lowest and best bid fully meeting the specifications . It is further recommended that the contract award should specify payment in full within thirty days after satisfactory completion of work and, as our Call For Bids and Specification No. 1965-3 thereunder do not indicate that a performance bond might be required, we also recommend that if such bond is required the contractor may submit a separate invoice specify- ing the cost thereof and the City shoul accept and pa, such additional item. Com'FeetIY21 . . fi r; ,�/) / 0( .14. r ay Donald L. Go dling Laaw„.,,'/ dd,e_el A Walter. Parks, Jr /1r, A. J. Craig (6c . 7/z, . Richard Hilliard Committee CITY OF . . . 0/424404 Beac4-Uo.ida RESOLUTION NO. 65-7 WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 5-3 9/10% General Obligation Sewer Bonds in the amount of $5 , 000 .00, said bonds bearing maturity date of April 1, 1964, and WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Sewer Bond Interest coupons which have become due thru 1964, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the following numbered bonds totaling $5, 000 .00 in value be burned: Numbers 16 thru 20 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon 11 from Bonds 91-120 Coupon 11 from Bonds 186-200 Coupon 12 from Bonds 16-35 46-93 95-9E 98-300 Coupon 13 from Bonds 21-35 46-90 121-300 * * * * * * * * * The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission on February 22, 1965. Attest: / ad_e___gt_ A Affir Adele S . Grage, City Clerf (Seal) RESOLUTION NO. 65-8 WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 7 - 34 Utility Bonds in the amount of $7 , 000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of March 1, 1964, and WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Utility Revenue Bond interest coupons which have become due thru 1964. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the following numbered bonds totaling $7, 000.00 in value be burned: Numbers 35 thru 41 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon 16 from Bonds No. 205-209, Coupon 17 from Bonds No. 192-201, 205-209, Coupon 18 from Bonds No. 35-204, 210-231 Coupon 19 from Bonds No. 42-191, 202-204 and 210-231 The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission Attest: f) � �� / Adele S. Grage, City Clerk (Seal) • T M CUMBIE, PH G., VICE PRESIDENT EUGENE G PEEK, JR . M C . PRESIDENT LEO M. WACHTEL, M q., MEMBER QUINCY OCALA JACKSONVILLE W. S. HORN, D.O., MEMBER WILLIAM O. SHUMPERT, D.D.S., MEMBER PALMETTO FORT LAUDERDALE *'. /44‘ .04 3Inrt a 'tatt i&nari of Era TELEPHONE 364-3961 �' �' WILSON T SOWDER, M D., M.P.H.. STATE HEALTH OFFICER ��s _ MALCOLM J. FORD. M.D . M P.H., DEPUTY STATE HEALTH OFFICER •�1 POST OFFICE 4� t�- ELTON S. OSBORNE. IN 0.. M.P.H.. DEPUTY STATE HEALTH OFFICER BOX 210 C0D w1 JACKSONVILLE. 32201 BUREAU OF SANITARY ENGINEERING DIVISION OF WATER SUPPLY DAVID S. LEE. M.S. IN ENG, J. B. MILLER, M.P,H, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR IN TO SIDNEY A. ■[RKOWITZ, M.S. IN ENG. DIVISION OF SPECIAL SERVICES ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CHARLES E. COOK, C.E. January 28, 1965 DIRECTOR DIVISION OF WASTE. WATER RALPH H. BAKER, JR., M.S.S.E. DIRECTOR DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL WASTI VINCENT D. PATTON, M.S.S.E. DIRECTOR MEMORANDUM N 0. 1 (1965) TO: County Health Officers, Sanitarians, and Engineers; Consulting Engineers, Architects, City Officials , Incinerator Manufacturers and Others Concerned FROM: David B. Lee, Director SUBJECT: REVIEW OF PLANS FOR INCINERATOR INSTALLATIONS To control the quality of small package incinerators, incinerator design criteria were developed and published under our Memorandum No. 4 (1962) . Subsequently, incinerator design criteria and other information were incorporated in Chapter 170C-10 Florida State Sanitary Code which became operable October 21 , 1964. We wish to call your attention to Section 170C-10.08(4) which states that "It shall be unlawful for any person(s) , firm, corporation, company, institution, municipality or community to install or alter any incinerator without first having received approval from the board." This Agency requests that each applicant for a commercial or domestic incinerator submit the following documents through the local county health department to us for review: (1) four application forms Form IE-36 (Rev 61) (2) four sets of incinerator data sheets (3 pages) (3) four sets of detailed engineering plans of the incinerator (4) four plot plans showing the location, type, and height of all buildings within a 500' radius of the incinerator installation. (5) a set of operating instructions for the incinerator (6) a letter from the owner or person in responsible charge of lthe installation indicating that he has read the incinerator 6� -2- operating instructions and understands that he may be restricted from future use of the incinerator if it is not operated in accordance with these instructions . The cooperation of all concerned is requested so that we may secure better disposal of waste materials by this method. VDP:mrn 3,000 copies 12/26/65 CJ �ericgeacies TcileatLer Robert L. Scott Editor and Publisher I DVERTISEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA FEBRUARY 9, 1965 ss: CALL FOR BIDS County of Duval SPECIFICATION NO.1965-4 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Sealed bids will be received by the City Commission of Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, until 8:00 P.M. (E. S.T.) on Monday, February State of Florida at Targe, 10-4-4T.L..$CcTT who 22, 1965, for furnishing Petroleum Products for year deposes and says that he is ti, S 4.. of the Ei 4 i 1965, for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Specifications and contract 144aT4 , a weekly newspaper printed in the English documents pertaining thereto, may be examined language and of general circulation, published in said or procured at the City Clerk'saoffice,aCity Hall, Countyand and that the attached order, notice,Atlantic Beach , Florida.oState; pub- Each bid should be addressed lication and/or advertisement of to the City Commission, ' -1a nt i c Beach, Florida, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEJ,2 H, FLORIDA r k e d "Petroleum Pro- ' and and delivered to the City Clerk's office, City Hall, prior to bid time. was published in said newspaper The City reserves the right to waive informalities inany for a period of 1 time couscc:ati:rely, bid; to reject any or all bids in whole or in part, ?innin 412165 arid ending 412v65with or without cause, and/ o g or to accept the bid that, in its judgement, will be said publication being made on the following dates: for the best interests of the City of Atlantic Beach. V BiaW.12,.1965 circ COMMISSION OF THE And deponent further says that The Beaches Leader has been OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC TEACH, FLA. continuously published as a weekly newspaper, and has been entered BY GEORGE R. OLSEN as second class mail matter at the post office at the City of Jack- iv,evOR-COMMISSIONER sonville Beach, Duval County, Florida, each for a period of more Attest: than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of Adele S.Grage the above described order, notice, publication and/or advertisement. City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this Oric.day of.. ..A.D. 196- • g(tarry Public,pbPublisher *A' TATE FLORIDA ATa r MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 10, 19G1 BONDED BY HARTFORD ACCIDENT & INDEMNITY CO. No 924 N.Third St. JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA Telephone 249-9633