12-26-61 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECEMBER 26, 1961 1. Call to Order. 2. Minutes of Meeting of December 11, 1961. 3. Recognition of Visitors. 4. Communications to Commission. 1 . Selva Marina Country Club. 2. Wm. S. Smith Construction Co. 5. City Manager. 1. Invoice, Reinertson, West 2nd Sewer. 2. Building Permit, American Oil Co. , Atlantic Blvd. 3. Invoice, Norman Minchew, Tax Assessor. 6. City Clerk. 7 . Resolutions , 1. Captain Robert E. Far4s. 2. Certificate of indebtedness No. 3. 3. Certificate of Indebtedness No. 4. 4. Transfer Funds 8. Ordinances. 1. Garbage Collection Ordinance, Final Reading. 2. 1962 Budget, Final Reading. 9. Commissioners. r . . tiF •_ MINUTES OF THE T•IEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 1961 AT 7 P.M. Present: Henry G. Isaacs Preben Johansen J.B. .Claiborne Chas . R. Moore C.B. Lawrence, Jr. , Commissioners and J.F. Waggoner, • Jr. , City Manager Adele S. Grage, City. Clerk Absent: Frank Thompson, City Attorney The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs . Minutes of the meeting of December 11th, 1961 were approved as corrected upon motion of Mr. Claiborne seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried, The t=me for this meeting shown on Page '2 should be 7 P.M. ( 8 P,M. is typographical error) . A letter was presented from JIr. Robt. Sey of Selva Marina Country Club asking that procedure -be started for annexation of Country Club site into the City. It was discussed and the consensus of opinion was that the letter and file be turned over to the City Attorney, Mr. Thompson for drawing up of the necessary Ordinance to cover. A 10:,J-.=ewas lrasente.1 from the Wm. S. Smith Construction Co. for the Atlantic Gardens , Inc. asking for an additional exten- sion of 60 days to pay the 2nd quarter, 1961 utility bill for the Atlantic Gardens Apartments . The matter was discussed fol- lowing which Mr, • Lawrence moved that the City Manager write Atlantic Gardens , Inc . and advise them that if the bill is not paid within 10 days from the date' of City Manager's letter that the services will be discontinued, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. A letter was presented from Mrs. R.S. Thames relative to the condition of the streets in Donner Sub-division. It was agreed that lack of rain and the fact that the State Road Dept. has put a lot of dirt at some of the Mayport Road approaches has made the situatio:_ very bad. Mr. Claiborne suggested that shell be put in the approaches to stabalize, and the matter was dis- cussed.. Nr; Waggoner advised that he would like to confer with the StateRoad Dept, T+ was agreed that he confer with them as reeuested An invoice was presented from Joe Reinertson of Jacksonville covering the contract on the sanitary Sewer Extensions fOr Area "I" and Levy Road, in the amount of $19406 .04. Mr. Waggoner advised that the, invoice has been checked by the En- gineer, Mr. Parks € Ad approved by him for payment and necessary inspections have beer madeA Nr, waggoner recommends that the ` wJ Minutes 12-26-61, Page #2 invoice be paid. Mr: Moore 'moved that this invoice be paid in the amount of t19,406 .04, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and carried. The request from the American Oil Co. for a permit to build a service station at the corner of Sailfish Dr. E. and Atlantic Blvd. inlRoyal Palms._ was next considered' and on recommenda- tion from Committee meeting on this matter, Mr. Johansen moved that the permit be granted, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. A bill was presented from Mr. Norman Minchew in the amount of x,900;00 covering services rendered in preparation of 1961 Tax Roll. Mr. Johansen mOved that said bill be paid, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. The City Clerk advised that many of the Royal Palms owners move into the houses and stay only a few weeks, paying the utilities charges for the quarter when they move in. When they move out, after a few weeks occupancy, they are requesting a refund. It has not been our policy and we are not set up to make refunds, as the old and new owners pro-rate the charges in changing ownerships . The matter was discussed and Mr. Moore moved that we not make the refunds and that a notice be incor- porated on' our bills that the 90 day service charges are not refundable, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Isaacs presented Resolution #61-40 expressing recognition of the excellent relations between the Navy and the City during the command of Captain Robert E: Farkas. Mr. Claiborne moved that said Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried, Copy of Resolution #61-40 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. The City Clerk was directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Chief of Naval Personnel at Wash- ington, D.C. Resolution #61-41 was presented covering the payment to Inter- state Contracting Co . of $245 .80 for annual payment on Certifi- cate of Indebtedness #3 of' the City. Mr. Lawrence moved that this Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried Copy of Resolution j61-41 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Resolution #61-42 was presented - covering the payment to Inter- state Contracting Co. of $1,721,50 for the annual payment on Certificate #4 of the City. Mr. Johansen moved that this Reso- lution be passed, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution # 61-42 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Resolution #61-43 was presented covering transfer of Funds in the 1961 Budget. Mr. Johansen moved the adoption of said Reso- lution, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution #61-43 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. • Minutes 12-11-61, Page #3 Mr. Isaacs presented and read in full Ordinance #55-61-6 cover- , ing amending rates on garbage services as set up in Ordinance #55-60-5, and declared the Commission in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance . Mr. Allan Potter said he wasn' t sure that an across the board increase of 8.500 was right.- There was a general discussion as to the equality of raising the foe 500 across the board. It was brought out that the differ • - ential in service charges was considered in the original charge, and that for the time this is believed the best plan. Follow- ing discussion the Mayor declared the Public hearing closed, whereupon Mr. Johansen moved the adoption of Ordinance #55-61-1 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and carried. Mr. Isaacs presented and read in full Ordinance #20-61-5 cover- ing the Budget for the year 1962 and declared the Commission in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance Mayor Isaacs de- clared the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Claiborne moved that 86000.00 be added to Garbage Collection Account #107 and to Emergency Expense Fund Account #1050 in the 1962 Budget, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Johansen then moved that the 1962 Budget with this change be adopted and Ordinance #20-61-5 be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Al James advised that he is planning on building on his lot which is just north of 16th St. and would like to know what is the possibility of being taken into the City, and if cannot then what his charges would be for getting water service. It was advised that under the new Legislative Act there is a possi- bility that he might be taken into the City under certain con- ditions , and that he get to-gether with Mr. Wm. Morgan andThis immediate neighbors and see how they feel about the matter. Leroy Holloway of Donner Section thanked the Commission for the facilities and work which has been done on the playground in that section, and asked if possible that they provide illu- mination for same, as it is so late when the children get home from school that they don' t get much playing in before it is too dark. The request was referred to the Recreation Committee to look into the matter and see what can be done. Mr. Wm. Cowart appeared before the Commission and spoke regard- ing obstruction of traffic view at corners, children cutting across yards and doing damage to planting, etc . , and the early morning speeding on East Coast Drive. Mr. Waggoner is to look into the traffic visibility hazard at corners, and Mr. Cowart was requested to phone the Police Dept. when needed on the other two items. He was advised that the Police will look into the early morning speeders . There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. /. Attest: I g/.7P ---Commissioner Henry dole B. Grage, ity (r erk CITY OF . , . 7 .' AUa.n4k D 111 RESOLUTION NO. 61-40 WHEREAS, Captain Robert E. Farkas U.S .N. Commanding Officer, Naval Station Mayport, Florida, for the past two years, has cooperated in every way with the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and, WHEREAS, the relations between the City Government and the Navy have been exceptionally good, and, WHEREAS, the Navy, while under his command, has assisted in various recreational and civic projects; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That, Recognition of this excellent relationship between the Navy and the City during the command of Captain Robert E. Farkas be spread upon the minutes of this body, and that, A copy of this resolution be presented to Captain Farkas as a token of appreciation from the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida on December 26, 1961. Attest: r (2,16? ? 2 _ Adele S . Grage, City Cler (SEAL) cc: Chief, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, D.C. RESOLUTION NO. '' /v ,J BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL, COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, Two hundred, forty-five and 80/100 ($245 .80)Dollars be paid to the Interstate Contracting Company being that portion of the sewer service charges collected for the annual payment of principal and interest on Certificate of Indebtedness No.3 of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Passed by the City Commission on ID 1961. Attest CL Adele S . Grage, City C rk (SEAL) '• • RESOLUTION NO. 44 '7 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, Seventeen hundred, twenty-one and 50/100 ($1, 721.50) Dollars be paid to The Interstate Contracting Company being that portion of the sewer service charges collect- ed for the annual payment of principal and interest on Certificate of Indebtedness No.4 of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Passed by the City Commission on 'C�2.�„ �' 6zt, 1961. Attest Adele S. Grage, City Cl k (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 61-43 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, Four hundred twenty ($420.00) Dollars be trans- ferred from the Unallocated Fund Acct. No.1050 to Acct. No.202, All Insurance. Three hundred ($300.00) Dollars be transferred from the Unallocated Fund Acct. No.1050 to Acct. No.404 Parts & Tires. All in the 1961 Budget. Passed by the City Commission on December 26, 1961. Attest: Adele S. Grage, City Cle (SEAL)