11-13-61 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, -FLORIDA NOVETIBER 13T!, 1961. 1. Call to Order. 2. Minutes of meetings of November 7th. 1961. 3. Bids. 1; Ncw Police Car. 2; New Garbage Truck. 3. Street Re—surfacing. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5 . Communications to Commission. -1. Selva Marina Country Club 6 . Election Mayor Pro—tem. 7. Appointments, 8. City Manager- 1; anager1. Advisory Committee, Area Planning Board: 2. Permit; Royal Palms • Sales Office, Lot 1, B1k.53,3ee •11• 3. Permit, move duplex, Maxwell, • Lot 12,B1k.16,Doilrler, 4: Application for Artesian ti1ell, •Edward• Mier. 5 . Request to divide Lot 1, Blk.3,Donner,James U. Brandies. 6. Permit for store, 2050 George St. , Albert Campbell. 9. Resolutions . 1. Accept streets & Utilities, Royal Palms #6/' s 6 2. Lot Clearing. et-4 .41e ( -- -s 7 10. Commissioners. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY' COMMISSION HEM AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH,1961 AT 8 P.M. Present: Henry G. Isaacs Preben Johansen J.B. ".Claiborne Chas. R. Moore C.B. Lawrence, Jr. , Commissioners and J.F. Waggoner, ' Jr. , City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Frank Thompson, City Attorney The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs. Minutes of the meeting of November 7th, 1961 at' 8 P.M. were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Minutes of the meeting of November 7th, 1961 at' 8:15 P.M. were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Bids were received and opened on a police car as follows: Burwell Motor Co . $1;730;99 Thor Chevrolet 1;344.40 Brooks Motors; Inc. 1;130.00 Massey Motors , Inc . 1;498;70 Riverside Chevrolet Co. 1,174.00 Mayor Isaacs suggested that the bids be referred to a committee ' composed of Commissioners Johansen, Moore -and Isaacs to tabulate, study and with authority to purchase. Mr. Claiborne moved that this be done, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and having been duly con- sidered the Mayor put the question and the motion was carried. " The Police Chief and Lieutenant are to meet with the committee. Bids were next received and opened on the garbage truck (chassis only) as follows: Burwell Motor Co . b2;518.26 Thor Chevrolet, Inc . - 2;499.70 Riverside Chevrolet Co . 2;436.40 Gordon Thompson Chevrolet 2;525 ;60 + frt. to plant Massey Motors, Inc. 2;803.62 - Lynch-Davidson Motors ,Inc. 2,269.00 + frt. from Flint to body plant Mr. Claiborne moved that the' bids be referred to the same com- mittee with authority to buy, and the City Manager to meet with the committee, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and having been duly coli-- sideredthe Mayor put the question thereon and the motion was carried. Minutes 11-13-61, Page #2 Bids were next received and opened for a garbage truck body as follows: with alt.#1 Rowland Truck Equipment Co. $3 ;725 .00 $7;545 .00 Rivers Trailer & Equipment 3,517:00 5 ;797.00 Machinery & Supply Corp. 3,580.12 6,015 .12 A special bid was received on a demonstrator unit as follows: Gaynon Iron Works (truck & body) 9,960.50 10,429.00 Mr. Claiborne moved that the bids be referred to the same commit- tee with same instructions as on the truck, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question and the motion carried. Bids were next received and opened for• re-surfacing of certain streets as listed in the call for bids, as follows: Pot-Holes: Re-purfacing , Total Imler Paving Co. ,Inc . $ 865 .00 $4; 280.65 $50-45:65 Duval-Wright Engr:Co . 300.00 4;479:75 4;779.75 APCO Paving& Ctr.Co. • 455.00 6 ,271.65 6,726.65 Jaxon Const. Co. 1,000.00 5 ,574.80 6,574.80 Mr. Claiborne moved that the bids be referred to the same committee with authority to act, and the City Manager to meet with the com- mittee, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and having been duly considered the Mayor pact the question thereon and the motion was carried. Mayor Isaacs recognized visitors present but before calling for business from the floor advised that it is the majority opinion of the Commission that the Ordinance that was presented at the last meeting be deferred for action until a later date pending further study, and it therefore would not be considered at this meeting. He then asked for any business from the floor, but there was none. Mayor Isaacs next recognized Mr. Don Goodling who in turn intro- duced to the Commission and the audience Rev. Edwin Albright, the new pastor of the Community Presbyterian Church. A letter was read from the Selva Marina Country Club relative to the outside city service rates charged on water and sewer and re- questing and requesting that they be relieved of this charge and be billed at inside city rates . It was the consensusof opinion that the letter be taken under advisement and that Mr. Johansen and Mr. Isaacs confer with our City Attorney on this matter. The election of a Mayor Pro-tem was the next order of business. Mr. Lawrence moved that Mr. Preben Johansen be elected to net as Mayor Pro-tem, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mayor Isaacs recommended that W. Jack McClung, - Jr. be appointed as Chief of Police effective January 1, 1962. Mr. Claiborne moved Minutes 11-13-61, Page 113 that the recommendation of the Mayor be approved and that [•T. Jack McClung; Jr. be appointed Chief of Police effective January 1, 1962, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mayor Isaacs recommended that Wm. S. Howell be appointed as ' Chief of the Fire Department effective January 1, 1962. Mr. Johansen moved that the recommendation of the Mayor be approved and that Wm. S. Howell be appointed as Chief of the Fire Depart- ment as : of January 1, 1962, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mayor Isaacs appointed the following committee chairmen: J.B. Claiborne; Chairman Parks and Recreation Chas. R. Moore, ' Chairman Sanitation Preben Johansen, Chairman Intergovernment Relations C.B. Lawrence , Jr. , Chairman Finance and Taxation, and re- quested that they select their own committee members from the Commission and interested citizens . Mr. Johansen moved the confirmation of the appointments as listed, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Waggoner advised that he had attended the meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Duval County Area Planning Board. Mr. Waggoner requested approval of permit for Royal Palms Sales office to be moved to Lot 1, -Block 53, Section " H" which loca- tion is on Mayport Road. Mr. Johansen moved that the permit be approved, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Waggoner presented a request for permit to move a concrete block duplex from ' location close to the Mayport Naval Base to Lot 12, Block 16 , Donner for Ralph Maxwell. He advised that he has inspected the house and it meets our building require- ments and that the Hygema Co. says it can be moved. The matter was discussed and it was advised that this is in Business B and a duplex is allowed and that it will be necessary for them to -meet all the building code requirements as to foundation, etc. Mr. Claiborne moved that the permit be granted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and having been duly considered the Mayor put the ques- tion thereon and the motion was carried. An application was presented from Edward Mier for permit to dig an artesian well on his property, Block 174 Sec. ."H" which is located right at the meander line of the marshland. Mr. Waggo- ner advised that they have agreed to make it accessible for City to use in emergency and also put necessary connections for fire hose, and he recommends that they be given permit as it is improbable that we will be able to furnish water to this loca- tion anytime in the foreseeable future. Mr. Johansen moved that the permit be granted, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Minutes 11-13-61, Page #4 A request was received from a James U. Brandies who anticipates buying Lot 1, Block 3, Donner and would : like permission if he purchases to divide the lot into 3 lots. This division would put it under the sub-division ordinance and in some instances does not quite meet the requirements. Mr. Waggoner asked the Commissions pleasure on this matter. Mr. Johansen suggested that it be referred to ' the Commission meeting as a Committee to study and recommend, and it was so decided. Mr. Waggoner presented a re9.uest from Albert CampbellTto have a little grocery store in his house at 2050 George St. We have previously granted him a permit for another location. It was felt we should see how his neighbors feel and study the matter further and it too was referred to the Commission sit- ting as a Zoning Committee. Mr. Johansen presented Resolution #61-36 accepting certain streets in Royal Palms sub-division as to paving, water and sew- er lines, etc. and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question there- on and the motion was carried. Copy of Resolution #61-36 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mayor Isaacs presented Resolution #61-37 to-gether with a letter from the City Manager covering the clearing of certain lots . There was a discussion on lot cleaning following'which hr. Johansen moved that Resolution #61-37 be adopted, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Copy of Resolution #61-37 is attach- ed to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mayor Isaacs next asked the Commissioners if they had anything to bring up. Mr. Moore advised that he had introduced an Ordi- nance at the last meeting , which he had planned to re-intro- duce at this meeting, but that he had been voted down by a maj- ority of the Commission, that he would like• to use the word "coerced" but would settle for "voted down" , and that he was still in favor of the Ordinance. There being no further business, Mayor Isaacs declared the meeting adjourned. Henry G. ss ./ s , Mayor- Attest: / Commissioner C6Ckak- Adele S. Grage , City 01e1 RESOLUTION NO.61-36 WHEREAS, the Interstate Contracting Company, developers of Royal Palms Subdivision, have completed all of the sewer lines, water lines, storm drainage lines, curbs and gutters, and paving in Royal Palms Subdivision Unit 2A on the following: Irex Road between Triton Road and Sabalo Drive Whiting Lane between Triton Road and Sabah Drive WHEREAS, the facilities have been installed according to the approved plans and specifications and have been inspected by the City Forces, and, WHEREAS, the Interstate Contracting Company has posted a one year maintenance bond in the amount of $6, 200.00 to insure their pro- per construction. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLO- RIDA, that, The City of Atlantic Beach accept these sewer lines, water lines, storm drainage lines, curbs and gutters, and paving in the herein above described streets for maintenance and operation. * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida on November 13th, 1961. Attest: • cep ' Adele S. Grage, City Cl (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 61-37 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT The lots and plots listed below, all located within the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, do, because of excessive growth of weeds, thickets, brur'a and/or accumulated trash, consti- tute a health hazard to the citizens of the said City: ATLANTIC BEACH SUBDIVISI)N A. Block 6 Lot 5 _• , i Block 13 Lot 17 & Pi of 15 CLUB MANOR SUBDIVISION Lot 7 MANDALAY Block 53 Lot 6 All c'^ the above lots in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, in accordance with Ordinance No. 55-59-4 of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida the owners of the above listed lots are ordered to remove such weeds, thickets, brush and/or accumulated trash and that the proced- ure and provisions of Ordinance No. 55-59-4 be carried out. * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida on Nos-ember 13th, 1961. Attest: (2Gee.--&- ,„.g. (cA, Adele S. Grage, City Cler (SEAL)