05-22-61 v Ce)MMISSZOY MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH MAY 22, 1961 1. Call to Order. 2. Minutes of Meeting of May 8, 1961. 3. Recognit.ion o a Visitors. 4. Communications to Commission.. 1. East Duval County Yo gi.iito Control District 2. ` hos. E. Taylor, t3altair Lot. 5. City Manager. 1. Ed Smith 3udivis i.on 2. Stevens Southern:he.=.n Co. :;estimate No. 2 M $13, 531.15. 19• Contract with Jacksonville Humane Society. Resolution 4. First Quarter ter Budget report. 5. Fences 6. Resolutions. 1. James (Jac:'c) Russell, 2. Appointment of Acting Chief ,:E Police. Z. Plaza water lines. 7. Commissioners. p MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMITIS$ION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 22ND, 1961 AT 8 P.M. Present: Wm. S. Howell Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J.F. Wagoner, ' Jr. , City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Chas. R. Moore, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Mayor Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Mr. Howell requested a moment of silence'with heads bowed in respectful memory of J.L. "Jack" Russell, our Chief of Police, who passed away on May 15th, 1961. Mr. Johansen presented Resolution #61-12 expressing our regrets at the passing of Chief Russell and moved its adoption, seoonded. by Dr. Whitehurst and carried. Copy of Resolution. #61-12 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Minutes of the meeting of May 8th, 1961 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Hbwell teoOgnized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. Mr. Leon VanZile requested that something be done to keep the traffic from going across the corner of his lot, per- haps a curb could be put in. Mr. Waggoner advised that he plans to widen and straighten out the curve at this point and he be— lieves this will pull the traffic away". from Mr. VanZileis proper— ty. It was agreed that this be tried. A letter was presented from the East Duval County Mosquito Con— trol District enclosing a Sanitary Landfill Contract for the period of July 1, 1961 — September 30, 1961 which would make the contract conform to their new fiscal year date of October 1st. The charges are the same as the present contract, and they will present us with'.a new contract later in the summer to cover the new fiscal year. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Claiborne moved that the 3 month contract be approved with proper signatures as indicated on same, seconded by Mr. Johansen and oarried. A letter was presented advising that the Dow Estate has been settled and they are now ready to sell the City Lot 50, Saltair as they agreed. It was brought out that the owner of Lot 38, Saltair has previously agreed to accept the appraised prioe pro— viding the lot is used for park purposes. The matter was discussed following which Dr. Whitehurst moved that we purchase these two lots :.at the price agreed upon, seconded by ] r. Claiborne and car— ried. p Minutes 5-22-61, Page #2 r The question of paving Donner Road from Mayport Rd. to the Ed. Smith Sub-division as requested by interested promoters, was considered and it was the consensus of opinion that we cannot do anything at this time. If they would lite to pave at their own expense the Commission would not object. Estimate #2 was presented from the Stevens Southern Co. .in amount of $15 ,101.28 less 10% retainage, net amount $13,591.15 . It has been approved by Mr: Walter J. Parks, Engineer and verified by-Mr. Craig, Inspector. Mr. Waggoner recommends that it be paid. Dr. Whitehurst moved that:,this Estimate #2 be paid, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Waggoner presented a proposed agreement with the Jacksonville Humane Society, said agreement in line with Ordinance #95..61-4 as to agent for picking up dogs . It was the consensus of opinion that the Humane Society should not have the power to piet up dogs with tags except on orders from a specific city official. It was agreed that since the -agreement has a 30 day cancellation clause that we should try it. Following discussion Mr. Johansen pre- sented Resolution ##61,►13 designating the Jacksonville Humane So- ciety as the agent for the City and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement as amended, seconded by Mr. Clai- borne and parried. Copy of Resolution #61-13 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Waggoner presented a quarterly report on the 1961 budget. Dr. Whitehurst moved that ' it be received for study, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Waggoner advised that Hercules has erected a 61 fence in part of the rear yard of one of the new show houses and-have requested that they not have to cut it down to 41 . The matter was discussed and it was brought out that with-the new type of architecture and the trend to more outdoor living, that there appears to be some instances where higher fences in back yard areas might be accep- table and good. It was agreed that a down the line 4 foot rule on 411 fences might not be good, and that the matter needs study- ing. Dr. Whitehurst moved that this matter be taken under advise- ment for:.further study and recommendation at next meeting, seoond- ed by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Hercules is to leave this fence up.in Royal Pglms until a decision is reached at next meeting. , Dr: Whitehurst presented Resolution #61-14 naming W. ' Jack MoClung, Jr. as Acting Chief of Police and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Copy of Resolution #61-14 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. There being no further business the Mayor d-c :r' d the mee-i.ng adjourned. Attest: //7. •411 I01��k as_e_ee, Wm. S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Adele S. Grage. City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. tr / - / BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, that, WHEREAS, the untimely passing of James L. (Jack) Russell, Chief of Police of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida has taken from our midst a good friend and, WHEREAS, Chief Russell 's long years of service has made the City a safer and happier place to live, and, WHEREAS, Chief Russell ' s great love for the children of this City has instilled in said children a great respect for all policemen, and, WHEREAS, the City Officials and the Citizens of Atlantic Beach feel that we have lost one who always had the in- terest of the City and its people at heart, NOW _THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY MADE A MATTER OF RECORD, that the City expresses its sincere regret at the passing of our friend and extends deepest sympathy to his loved ones in their hour of sorrow. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be given to Mrs. Russell. * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on ) 4Uj ^ 4- 01/14- 1961. Attest: Adele S. Grage, City Cler'1 (SEAL) f. o RESOLUTION NO. ccs /` �3 WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach did pass Ordinance No. 95-61-4 providing for the im- pounding of untagged and unlicensed dogs, and WHEREAS, said ordinance provides that the City Commis- sion shall designate an agent to carry out the provi- sions of said ordinance, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that, The Jacksonville Humane Society be designated the agent of the City of Atlantic Beach to carry out the provi- sions of Ordinance No. 95-61-4, and that, The Mayor-Commissioner and City Clerk be and the same are hereby directed to execute a contract covering these services, copy of said contract attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution. * * * * * * * • Passed by the City Commission on A ;.6444961. Attest: 2de& Adele S. Grage, City C rk (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 4; 1- ti-/- WHEREAS, p /- WHEREAS, the Director of Public Safety has appointed Wilbur J. McClung as acting Chief of Police effective May 18, 1961, subject to approval of the City Commis- sion. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, that, the appointment of Wilbur J. McClung, as Acting Chief of Police, is hereby approved. * * Passed by the City Commission on /{�L 02.0.1 /14.--/ 1961. Att st: C(C6- ig Adele S. Grage, City Cle (SEAL)